Pregnant belly at 8 weeks. Changes in the eighth week of pregnancy

You have known for a long time that you are expecting a child and gradually get used to the pleasant thought, and the baby takes root and grows.

Some women will see in the mirror and in the photo a small belly that was not there just a short time ago. And the changes inside are even more interesting. Almost every day there are tiny changes in the body.

What's happening to mom

Fetal development in the eighth week, however, like 7 or 9, is accompanied. will not give up until the end.

  • : It is now the size of an orange and will continue to develop. While it is located at the bottom of the pelvis, its size gradually begins to put pressure on the ligaments (hence the nagging pain). Soon she will run out of space.
  • Here, the formation of the placenta gradually occurs. Through it, the fetus will receive the necessary nutrients and elements. Closer to its development will come to an end.

  • , and you shouldn’t wait for them - almost two months have passed since conception.
  • Sometimes unpleasant contractions occur in the abdomen, as if before menstruation. Pain is possible, but not too severe.

The body is trying to adapt to the fact: the development of a living creature will take place here over the next 30 weeks.

  • Still very sleepy. Try to get more rest and sleep at least 10 hours at night. If possible, take extra sleep during the day.
  • At the eighth week, the expectant mother's breasts enlarge, become heavier, the nipples darken, and the vessels around them become more visible.

General health

The expectant mother should monitor her health during pregnancy.

  • Pain is possible, this is normal (well, of course, within reasonable limits!).

The growing uterus puts a lot of pressure on the bladder, so running to the toilet every 30 minutes is also normal. But remember: urination should not be accompanied by pain. Urine is normally light and transparent without any blood.

You should be wary if you experience unpleasant heaviness in the lower abdomen. If anything worries you, consult a doctor.

  • Mood: hormonal changes will continue to bother the expectant mother for another month, so get used to it in advance, your mood will bounce around like a ball.
  • A sharp loss of appetite or, conversely, a hyperactive appetite is possible.
  • Weakness, laziness, constant desire to lie down, inattention, poor sleep - and not only at 8 weeks.

What's happening to the baby

The fetus quickly gains weight and height, intensive development occurs externally and internally.

  • From the outside, the baby resembles a bean: the size is only 15–19 mm, and the weight is 3 grams. At week 9 it will look like a nut. will show a clear photo of the baby.
  • Many internal organs necessary for life have been formed. Now there is an active development of the nervous and respiratory systems. Neurons appear and gradually become more complex.

  • The brain becomes more complex, a division into the head and back appears. The cerebellum, the medulla oblongata, is highlighted.
  • The head makes up almost half of the total size - about a centimeter.
  • In the photo you can see some details. The ears, nose, and lips appear on the head.
  • In the eighth week, bones and joints develop: they become stronger and denser.
  • Although the legs are still small and undeveloped, fingers appear on the arms.

Gradually, motor activity awakens in the baby, although the mother has not yet begun to feel the baby’s movements. But the movements are easy to see on.

It is impossible to determine the sex, but the development of the genital organs and glands occurs intensively.

Female genital organs are formed thanks to maternal hormones. Male genitals are more difficult during pregnancy due to testosterone. It all depends on the baby’s activity.

The development of a child comes with some exciting details. For example:

  • There is pigment in the eyes, the little man has already determined the color of his eyes.
  • the fetus begins to hear the outside world and even respond to it. The mother can see his reaction on the ultrasound.

It's time to turn on the music and see if he likes it. The baby is even able to remember the mother’s voice at 8-9 weeks of pregnancy.


Quite often at this stage a miscarriage occurs. The fetus is quite weak, and the woman is not necessarily aware of its presence. , and the woman will write off what is happening as an unusual delay in menstruation.

Spontaneous abortion, or more simply put, an unexpected miscarriage, sometimes occurs for no apparent reason, so it is worth visiting the doctor as often as possible.

This scenario is unsafe for the mother - an incomplete abortion becomes a threat to the woman’s life.

In the short term, the possibility of a frozen pregnancy remains. Often, it is useless to look for the cause, but the gynecologist will certainly prescribe an examination.

The 8th obstetric week of pregnancy is the middle of the first trimester. During this period, the woman gradually begins to get used to her new position. However, this is only the beginning of a long journey.

What changes occur at this stage in the body of the mother and her child?

8 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photo: how does the baby develop and how does it feel?

At week 8, all the most important organs in the baby are already formed and continue to develop at a rapid pace.

Fruit size is 14-20 mm, the future baby weighs 3 grams.

Now it can be compared to a grape.

What has formed, what is happening, what does the baby look like at the 8th obstetric week?

The baby's body begins to straighten and lengthen. The arms are still longer than the legs.

Facial features become more distinct. The nose and upper lip begin to form. Muscle tissue forms in the mouth; these are the future chewing muscles and salivary glands. Taste buds appear on the tongue.

The fingers are already completely separated and sweat glands are forming on them.

Olfactory reflexes begin to develop in the nose.

Expectant mothers will be interested to know that from now on the baby’s eye color has already been determined. They still look like black dots, but there is pigment inside them.

Eyelashes and eyelids appear.

The neck has already formed enough for the baby to turn his head.

What changes occur at week 8:

  • Gastric juice is produced.
  • Convolutions appear on the cerebral hemispheres.
  • The kidneys begin to produce urine.
  • The optic nerve is born.
  • Bone and muscle tissue develops.
  • Endocrine glands appear.

8 Week of intrauterine life of the child

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

The baby is still so small that he is still hard to see on an ultrasound. In addition, it constantly moves in the amniotic fluid.

With the help of a highly sensitive ultrasound machine, the mother will be able to see her baby, whose head, torso and limbs will be visible. At week 8, you can already notice movements of the arms and legs.

Ultrasound - 8th obstetric week of pregnancy

Does the fetus have a heartbeat at 8 weeks of obstetric period?

At this stage, the child’s heart is almost formed - it has four chambers and beats at a frequency 150 - 160 beats per minute.

The heartbeat should be clearly audible during the ultrasound.

If the size of the fetus exceeds 8 mm, and no heartbeat was detected on the ultrasound, the doctor can make a diagnosis - non-developing pregnancy.

To confirm or refute this diagnosis, the woman is prescribed a repeat test a few days later.

What happens in a woman’s body at 8 weeks of pregnancy?

Changes in a woman’s body at 8 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

Hormone levels gradually increase. This entails both mood swings and unexpected changes in the skin of the face. In pregnant women, it may improve - or, on the contrary, it may become dry, flaky, and covered with acne.

Basal temperature remains virtually unchanged throughout pregnancy.

Discharge during this period should be moderate, transparent or light white.

Any changes in vaginal discharge should alert a woman.

Chest and abdomen of a woman at 8 weeks of obstetric pregnancy

If up to this point a woman has not had any changes in her breasts, then after 8 weeks they will definitely increase in size. In addition to this, heaviness will be felt and blue vein lines may appear.

Women with large breasts need to monitor their condition with special care. Due to rapid growth, stretch marks may appear on the skin.

To avoid stretch marks, you need to wear it every day and also purchase a special bra for pregnant women.

The tummy is not yet visible at this stage. But others may notice a slight weight gain. On average, by this point the woman becomes heavier by 2 kg.

Very thin women may notice a slight roundness in the lower abdomen.

What can and cannot be done for a woman at the 8th week of obstetric pregnancy?

At the 8th obstetric week, as throughout pregnancy, a woman needs to adhere to certain rules:

  • Reduce physical activity by a third. Spend more time relaxing. Since a woman spends enormous resources on ensuring that the child develops, she needs to sleep an hour or two longer than usual.
  • In the first trimester, a woman needs to be careful always and everywhere. An accidental fall or careless sudden movement can be dangerous. For this reason, you cannot skate or ski. Avoid slippery surfaces, wet floors, etc.
  • Do not lift or move heavy objects. But you need to remember that moderate and constant physical activity will help you give birth to a baby faster and easier.
  • Taking medications without consulting a doctor. The use of anesthesia during pregnancy is prohibited.
  • in small portions, giving preference to natural products. The danger of iron deficiency anemia increases every week. It can be prevented by eating as many foods as possible that contain iron and vitamin supplements prescribed by your doctor.
  • For the prevention of varicose veins It is advisable to avoid tight clothing and high heels.

Week 8 is considered the most unpleasant, since at this time most women experience a peak.

It is important to know that frequent vomiting (more than twice a day) is considered a deviation. You should definitely consult your doctor about this.

And - if possible, avoid places that provoke toxicosis.

During this period, it will be useful to purchase useful products for pregnant women:

  • Air humidifier.
  • Water filter.
  • Floor scales.
  • Rubber bath mat.
  • Special underwear for pregnant women.

Popular questions about pregnancy at 8 weeks - answered by a specialist

8 weeks of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic periods - how are they different?

Embryonic term begins on , since conception usually occurs on this day.

The difference between these two dates is approximately two weeks.

Is discharge at 8 weeks of pregnancy normal or a threat of miscarriage?

Only clear or whitish discharge is considered normal, in very rare cases - streaked with blood.

Brown discharge, combined with abdominal pain, weakness and dizziness, may mean separation of the fertilized egg from the walls of the uterus.

Bright red blood indicates that the separation process has already begun. If you ask for help in time, there is a chance that the baby will be saved.

If at 8 weeks of pregnancy you cannot hear the fetal heartbeat?

If a heartbeat is not heard on ultrasound, a repeat examination is required.

In most cases, the absence of cardiac activity means a missed pregnancy.

If at 8 weeks of pregnancy your lower abdomen feels tight?

Periodic nagging pains are often observed in pregnant women. This may be the result of a stretch in the ligaments that support the uterus.

In some cases, a nagging, dull pain radiating to the lower back may indicate increased uterine tone. This can happen after physical fatigue or a stressful situation.

If the pain is mild, you need to lie down and relax. After some time it goes away on its own.

If the pain increases, You should definitely tell your doctor about this!

Tingling or pain in the ovaries at 8 obstetric weeks - causes

Most often, women mistakenly assume that their ovaries hurt. However, during pregnancy the ovaries hardly function.

Painful sensations arise from the fact that a woman’s ligaments that support the uterus are stretched. Due to the constant enlargement of the uterus, these pains will occur periodically until childbirth.

8th week of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

Provided that fertilization was successful and no pathologies are observed, the woman can be examined at any antenatal clinic.

If the tests show unsatisfactory results, the pregnant woman will need to periodically undergo ultrasound and take hormonal medications.
Is it possible to detect a frozen pregnancy at 8 weeks - or does it rarely freeze at this time?

You can independently understand that pregnancy is fading by some signs:

  • Feeling unwell.
  • Bloody vaginal discharge.
  • Absence of the main signs of pregnancy.

At 8 weeks there is still a risk of fetal death, but in the second trimester the chances of saving the baby are much greater.

Are ARVI, influenza and other diseases dangerous at 8 weeks of pregnancy?

Severe colds that are infectious in nature can harm the baby. To avoid this, at the first signs of discomfort, a woman should consult a doctor.

Diseases such as rubella, hepatitis, and toxoplasmosis can be dangerous. As a rule, if a woman is vaccinated against these infections, then the chances of contracting them during pregnancy are minimal.

During this period, a woman needs to completely trust the doctors and remember that if any suspicious symptoms appear, it is better to consult again!

Careful and attentive attitude to your health is the key to a normal pregnancy.

Many expectant mothers are concerned about the following topic: what temperature is normal during pregnancy? It didn't appear out of nowhere. The fact is that in the vast majority of cases, the temperature in an “interesting position” can be higher than the established norm of 36.6 degrees. At 8 weeks of pregnancy this is also absolutely normal.

It will not be superfluous to know that a woman’s body temperature rises slightly even before pregnancy. In all three phases of the menstrual cycle, including the luteal phase, when the corpus luteum forms in place of the released egg, the temperature can reach 37 degrees. A slight jump already during pregnancy is explained by the natural processes occurring in a woman’s body: global hormonal changes, intensive work of all internal organs, which now work for two. Thus, a pregnant woman’s temperature can rise to 37.5 degrees.

Of course, there is no need to sound the alarm or panic if it suddenly turns out that the temperature deviates from the generally established norm. However, this fact should not be completely ignored. After all, sometimes a temperature jump can indicate an infection has entered the body. In this case, the lack of timely measures to reduce it can lead to very serious consequences:

  • underdevelopment of the baby’s nervous system;
  • damage and hypertrophy of muscle tissue;
  • defects that appear on the child’s face (cleft palate, cleft lip);
  • fading or termination of pregnancy.

A pregnant woman's temperature can rise to 37.5 degrees.

The expectant mother should remember that intensive development of the fetus continues at the 8th week of pregnancy, this is the time of formation of the child’s internal organs. Therefore, if the body begins to ache, weakness occurs, and the temperature continues to rise, overcoming the threshold of 37.5 degrees, under no circumstances is it recommended to take independent measures to reduce it. It is worth knowing about the benefits and harms of some medical procedures during pregnancy:

  • rubbing with cool water is one of the effective methods in the fight against high fever;
  • Drinking plenty of fluids will help improve the painful condition and avoid dehydration;
  • It is absolutely forbidden to steam your feet or use antipyretics without a doctor’s prescription.

The best solution is to immediately seek qualified medical help.

Discharge in the eighth obstetric week

Attentiveness and the ability to notice the slightest changes in the functioning of your body are an irreplaceable quality of a future mother. During the period of gestation, it is especially valuable, because often it is this observation that affects the successful course of pregnancy.

In the eighth obstetric week, you should especially carefully monitor the discharge.

If everything is normal, then the discharge is usually light in color.

If the discharge becomes profuse, it has acquired a brown tint mixed with mucus, pus or blood, it is best to immediately contact a gynecologist. These symptoms may indicate an infection or a threat of miscarriage.

Pain and heaviness in the abdomen

Moderate pain in the hip area and abdomen is not a cause for great concern for the expectant mother. There may be several reasons for this discomfort:

  • the effect of the uterus, which has already increased in size, on the sciatic nerve;
  • false contractions are a consequence of hormonal changes;
  • disorders in the digestive system.

If the pain intensifies and additional alarming symptoms appear, there is no need to wait long, it is better to call an ambulance at home.

The doctor will be able to accurately determine the source of pain and possible consequences.

Receive letters about the baby's development and the mother's condition once a week.

Sex at 8 weeks pregnant

Intimate life is another point that cannot but worry future parents. So, many people wonder: will sex harm the baby’s intrauterine development? Is it possible or better to wait? Doctors have different points of view, but most assure that it is possible if intimate life does not cause discomfort to the expectant mother.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications: if a woman has a multiple pregnancy or there is a threat of miscarriage, it is better not to take risks and wait out the most unpredictable period of pregnancy - the first three months.

How a woman's body changes externally

At the 8th week of pregnancy, the belly does not yet stand out much; only the expectant mother can feel the changes in size. For example, during this period it suddenly becomes uncomfortable to wear tight and narrow trousers, and you will want to put on something more spacious. The mammary glands are preparing for future breastfeeding: the breasts increase in size, the nipples swell, and the saphenous veins become pronounced. Gynecologists recommend wearing special underwear for pregnant women during this period.

Pregnancy affects the skin in different ways; it all depends on the individual hormonal characteristics of each woman. For some, this period is a time of blossoming and beauty: the skin becomes elastic and silky, hair and nails become stronger, the face looks fresh and rested. And for some, alas, the early stages of pregnancy will not be able to evoke pleasant memories. For example, the skin may deteriorate with the appearance of acne or age spots, peeling and swelling may occur.

Pregnancy is similar in size to a bean - the length is from one and a half to two centimeters, it weighs about three grams. The child becomes more and more like a person, the “tail” disappears, the head is still disproportionate to the body.

The baby is actively growing and developing. First of all, the musculoskeletal system becomes stronger, bone tissue becomes stronger. At this stage, the baby’s knee and elbow joints are barely visible, and you can see the shoulders and ankles. Facial features become more and more clearly visible, fingers and toes appear. They are still connected by a skin membrane.

An important achievement of the baby is the development of the reproductive system, and although boys have already developed testicles, and girls have ovaries, the sex of the child has not yet been determined due to a large error. Ultrasound examination is strictly limited to:

  • contours of the upper and lower jaw;
  • nose and even nostrils.

You can see the eyelids, which will soon open. The eyes begin to produce pigment responsible for light perception.

The baby’s heart has divided into four chambers, and valves are actively forming. The hole between the ventricles is already closed, but between the atria it remains. The heart produces from 150 to 170 beats per minute. At the eighth week, the baby is still in a bent state (the so-called “fetal position”), but soon the baby straightens up. The respiratory organs, bronchi and lungs are formed. Already in the eighth week, the baby tries to clench his fists, but such movements are not yet noticeable to the mother.

The development of the brain continues, and neurons form more and more complex connections along which the first paths of nerve impulses will pass. The intestines are formed, the esophagus and stomach are distinguishable. The liver begins to produce blood cells. The spinal column continues to improve. A very important organ is formed - the thymus gland, which participates in the body’s immune defense; it is the one that produces the first protective cells - lymphocytes.

Development of twins

Kopa Birth

Babies during twin pregnancy at this stage do not lag behind in development compared to a singleton pregnancy. The only significant difference is the weight of the twins. Babies weigh approximately 1 g and do not exceed one and a half centimeters in length. The babies have heads equal to the length of the body, the position of the twins is twisted. The outlines of the face become clearer, the eyes are still on the sides of the face, but the nose, ears, mouth and tongue are clearly visible. Babies continue to receive nutrition from, since the placenta has not yet formed to support their life.

Large and small joints are formed, but they are not always clearly limited. And if the hands almost resemble human ones, then the legs are more like fins. In a normally developing pregnancy, the cardiovascular system of twins is normal. Every baby has a four-chambered heart. The digestive organs are differentiated, germ cells are produced, and one fetus can be a boy, the second a girl.

The amount of amniotic fluid during a twin pregnancy is slightly greater than during a singleton pregnancy. Therefore, the size of the uterus does not correspond to the timing of pregnancy, the maternal organ is slightly larger, which is the first sign of carrying a multiple pregnancy - an ultrasound examination will finally dispel the doubt. At this stage during pregnancy with twins, the mother’s belly is not noticeable.

The umbilical cord in babies is already formed, the endometrium is gradually destroyed by the villous chorion. In the eighth week, it is very important that the placenta and umbilical cord develop correctly, since during a twin pregnancy the risk of abnormalities increases.

What's happening to mom: sensations

The eighth week of pregnancy brings tangible changes in a woman’s life. If in the first weeks the body is just being rebuilt, then at this stage the hormonal background still remains unstable, significantly different from the woman’s pre-pregnancy state. This provokes ailments and new sensations in the mother’s body, to which we now need to adapt.

Changes in the uterus. By the 8th week of pregnancy, the uterus continues to grow, but does not increase in size much, being in the area no higher than the pubic area. If sexual contact occurs at this time, the uterus is unnecessarily irritated and minor bleeding may occur from small blood vessels. This occurs due to the influence of hormonal levels on the uterus, but does not negatively affect the child.

Increased urination. This is not noticed by all women, but indeed, when the bladder is full, the urge arises, because the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, causing it to give signals for emptying.

Pain in the lower abdomen. It is quite normal if a woman feels slight stretching in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. First of all, the pain is associated with stretching of the uterus, preparing to bear the baby. Also, the cause of pulling sensations is multiple pregnancy. If the pain is periodic, disappears on its own and is not accompanied by other signs, then there is no need to worry.

Headache. During pregnancy in the 8th week it occurs due to overwork, which is provoked by hormonal instability and weakening of the mother's body. To avoid headaches, do not be nervous or expose yourself to stress. If you experience frequent headaches, you should consult a doctor - this may be a sign of an infectious disease or vascular disorders.

Discomfort in the lower back. The lumbar area becomes especially sensitive during the period when the uterus increases in size. Compression of the nerve endings spreads a dull, aching pain in the lumbar area, from which many women suffer greatly in the 8th week, and staying in one position completely intensifies these sensations. A light massage and changing body position will help you cope with such pain. If the pain is sharp, radiates to the kidneys, and urination is difficult, then there is a suspicion of a pathology of the urinary system. If lower back pain is associated with bleeding, this could be a miscarriage. In these conditions, you should immediately contact the clinic.

Chest pain. There is nothing unusual in the fact that under the influence of hormones, a pulling sensation occurs in the chest - this is how the mammary glands prepare to feed the baby. In particularly sensitive women, these signs appear as early as the 8th week. There is a feeling of heaviness in the chest, enlargement of the mammary glands, and a tingling sensation. Usually the discomfort is quite tolerable and after the hormonal levels normalize, the chest pain subsides a little.

During this period, the fetus is actively developing and this, naturally, entails continued changes in the female body. In addition to the fact that the expectant mother is changing physically, changes are also taking place at the psychological level. Now your tummy is not visible yet, but you and those around you notice that you often stroke your tummy. This suggests that you have already fully realized the fact of bearing your beloved child, and, stroking your belly, as if telling him and yourself: “Everything will be fine!” With these movements, you subconsciously give instructions to yourself and the child that he is in comfort and coziness, which is very important for both of you during this period.

What happens in the female body?

The main feeling that continues to torment a pregnant woman is toxicosis. Yes, this period is difficult and difficult for the expectant mother, but after the end of the third trimester, toxicosis will end.

Due to the fact that the body continues to rebuild: hormones change and under pressure from the fetus, the uterus grows, another new sensation may appear - heaviness in the lower abdomen. If this heaviness doesn't bother you often, don't worry, it's normal.

You may feel heaviness in your legs; this occurs due to the fact that during pregnancy, additional blood flow appears, blood circulation in the body increases in order to provide your and your baby’s internal organs with all the necessary nutrients. Over time, the heaviness in your legs may increase as you gradually gain weight.

Now your belly is starting to grow. Yes, it is barely noticeable, but you will no longer be able to fit into your favorite jeans. It is at the 8th week of pregnancy that you will begin to notice that you do not always fit into your things. It's time to change your wardrobe to looser clothes.

Also during this period, the breasts continue to prepare for future feeding, they ache and have noticeably increased in size, the nipples become darker. You may already notice that your bra is squeezing your breasts. It's time to change your underwear to a larger size. Or purchase special maternity shirts.

Aching pain may appear in the lumbar region, which radiates to the buttocks and thighs. This symptom is caused by pinching of the sciatic nerve. Pinching occurs due to the fact that the uterus, as it grows, begins to put pressure on the sciatic nerve. To reduce pain, lie on the opposite side, that is, on the side that does not hurt, thereby reducing the pressure of the uterus on the nerve, thereby relieving the pain.

What needs to be done this week?

First of all, consult a gynecologist, register with the antenatal clinic if you have not done so previously. After all, now you need to be examined and a specialist should monitor your pregnancy so that it proceeds without problems and incidents.

From the beginning of the 8th week, you need to start undergoing examinations with doctors, such as a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a dentist, an ENT specialist. In order to promptly identify any problems in the body that may affect the development of the child, and cure them in a timely manner.

If you have thyroid disease, be sure to consult a doctor in the eighth week, because this is the period when the baby’s own thyroid gland begins to function. Your illness may cause your child to have problems with her function, which can lead to serious problems. So it is imperative to contact an endocrinologist who will prescribe the necessary medications.

If your blood has a negative Rh factor, and your dad has a positive one, you need to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe medications for prevention, in order to avoid the risk of death and damage to the fetus.

At 8 weeks there should be no bleeding from the genital tract; if you have even the slightest signs, be sure to consult a doctor, this may mean the onset of a miscarriage.

It's time to change your shoes and stop wearing heels. And not because you may begin to develop varicose veins. It’s just that every time you stand on heels, the position of the uterus changes at this time, which negatively affects the baby’s condition. So it’s time to buy light ballet shoes, they will make you and your baby more comfortable. Of course, you can walk in stiletto heels, but now less often and try to keep the heel no higher than 4 cm.

You can have an intimate life if you have no deviations from the norm of fetal development. Contraindications may include bleeding, multiple pregnancies, pain in the lower abdomen, and if you are at risk when carrying a fetus.

And of course, remember about nutrition - more vitamins, fruits and vegetables. And of course, eat what you really want now. Don't forget that healthy food is the key to your baby's health.

Fetal development

The size of the fruit is like a grape – 14-20 mm, and weighs 3 grams. This small organism already has a new status, now it is called a fetus. During this period, the placenta continues to develop, and blood circulation between the uterus and placenta improves. From the 8th week of pregnancy, the baby began to look even more like a man. You can already clearly see the arms, legs, head, face. The fingers and toes are clearly visible on the arms and legs. They no longer have membranes on their hands. Joints have appeared, legs and arms are already bending.

The face stands out more and more, acquiring a human outline; the upper and lower lips are now distinguishable. The jaws are clearly visible, the forehead is developing. Eyelashes have appeared on the eyes, and the ears are already beginning to appear.

Your baby's internal organs also continue to form. The brain has already formed. The nervous system is improving, and therefore the baby begins to move actively, but the mother does not feel it yet, since he is still very small. The heart has already become four-chambered.

Last week, the genital tubercle formed, and now the genital organs are beginning to develop from it, boys have testicles, and girls have ovaries. But it is still impossible to determine the sex of the child using ultrasound.

The respiratory system also improves, the chest develops, and the lungs form. The stomach and intestines take their final shape and occupy the right place in the child’s body, and the first intestinal loop is also formed. The baby’s body has already begun to straighten, the skeleton is improving, and the skull bone is forming.

So, all the internal organs of the child are formed, now they will only improve, and the baby will grow and gain weight at this time.

This is what a fetus looks like in a female body

Superstitions worth debunking

About three weeks ago you found out you were pregnant. And now you have already gotten used to the idea that you will have a baby. Now you are looking forward to the changes in yourself and waiting for the birth of your baby. During this period, a woman often becomes superstitious. So, some superstitions can be dispelled.

  • They say that you should not dye your hair during pregnancy. No – it’s possible. After all, during this period it is very important for a woman to be beautiful. The chemical composition in the paint cannot in any way affect the development of the child. Manicures and pedicures can also be done. Take care of yourself, love yourself, this will give you positive emotions, which is so necessary for a good mood during the period of bearing a baby.
  • You can't cut your hair during pregnancy. The fact that you cut your hair will certainly not affect the baby. The only thing that can affect is your emotional state. After all, if you strongly believe that you should not cut your hair, then when you cut your hair, your body will experience a lot of stress and, naturally, your depressed state can harm the child.

During this period, many women can become superstitious and believe in all signs. Try to treat them lightly. After all, they are not, in fact, facts.

Popular questions and answers:

Is it possible to have sex at 8 weeks pregnant?

Many women are worried about the threat of miscarriage due to sex, and women who have already had a miscarriage are especially acutely afraid. In fact, it has now been proven that rough sex cannot cause miscarriage during a normal pregnancy.

Can toxicosis not appear at 8 weeks of pregnancy?

It is quite normal when there is no toxicosis at all. A healthy woman may either experience toxicosis or not know what it is throughout pregnancy.

Bleeding at the 8th obstetric week of pregnancy. Is it possible to save a child?

You can save a pregnancy, depending on the etiology of the bleeding. In any case, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination and go to the hospital “for safekeeping”. If the placenta and fetus are intact, doctors will do everything possible to save the embryo.

What level of hCG at 8 weeks is considered normal?

It is better to ask the laboratory assistant or doctor of the clinic where you took the test about the normal level of hCG. In most clinics it is believed that at the 8th obstetric week this value should be in the range of 50,000 - 200,000 mU/ml.

I'm 8 weeks pregnant and have a cold with fever. What can pregnant women take for fever?

A healthy, non-pregnant woman should have a body temperature within 36.6 0C. Pregnant women have other regulatory indications. In the first trimester of pregnancy, a body temperature of up to 37.4 ºC is considered normal.

If your body temperature rises to 38 ºС or more, you need to consult a doctor for treatment. In emergency situations (late time of day, weekends or holidays), you can use water-vinegar rubs or take 0.5-1 tablet of paracetamol (with an interval of 4 hours and no more than 4 times a day).


Photo of an embryo on ultrasound

Now you may still be whiny or irritable, so rest and sleep more. Monitor your condition, put less psychological stress on yourself. After all, your psychological health is the physical health of your baby.