We work with children aged 4-5 years. Development of thinking in four- to five-year-old children

We alternate between calm and active games that help strengthen memory, imaginative thinking, develop fine motor skills, physical development, etc.

Educational toys for children aged 4 years

With four-year-old children you can play lotto, study with an interactive map or an interactive globe, look at objects through a microscope, play with construction sets, make wonderful crafts, sculpt from clay, etc. Ask your loved ones and buy educational toys yourself, and not just banal dolls/cars. Pay attention to encyclopedias with pictures, it’s time to study, delve into, and reflect.

At home there should be a special work place for the child (table and chair or desk), here he can draw, read, count, sculpt, learn a language, and make crafts.

Educational games for a 4 year old child

We offer several games that you can play at home with a child aged 4 years.
Game 1. We blindfold the baby and go with him on an exciting journey around the house. We bring the child to different objects and let them smell, feel, and the food can be licked. The child must determine what it is. The game will help develop all the baby's senses.
Game 2. We ask the child to come up with an alternative name for an ordinary thing. For example, take a ladle. What else can you call it - “supon heater”, “campo carrier?” Let your child use his imagination. Can be very funny!
Game 3. Take paints, a sheet of paper, a brush (if you don’t use finger paints). With his eyes closed, the child, with the help of his mother, wets the brush in the paint and makes several strokes on the sheet. And so on several times. Then both mother and child study the drawing together and try to understand what it looks like. The game also develops imagination.

What else can you play with a 4 year old child?

  • drawing with paints, felt-tip pens, pencils (for example, we draw a house in different ways);
  • coloring coloring books;
  • game with cubes with letters, numbers;
  • game with a set of geometric shapes;
  • board games for the little ones;
  • children's bowling;
  • treasure hunt in the room;
  • definition of wild and domestic animals.

To develop fine motor skills at 4 years old, we play like this:

  • lay out a house of sticks/matches (without sulfur);
  • drawing a picture from matches (sticks);
  • stringing buttons, pasta on a thread;
  • mixing and arranging beads (buttons) of different colors;
  • lacing games.

All activities with the child should be done in a playful way. Do not force your child to study when you want it, and not when he wants it. You need to create a light, casual and interesting emotional background. Start your activity games with some interesting phrase: “Well, baby, let's play some kind of magic game?”

Conduct regular classes at the same time. A child over 3 years old can practice for at least 15 minutes. At the same time, a more interesting activity can concentrate the baby’s attention on itself for half an hour.

Do not allow your child to throw away or misuse classroom materials, such as educational pictures. They should be folded after class. The baby should be interested in watching them. If they are lying around the apartment in free access, then for the child they will lose their importance.

Before and after the lesson, praise the baby, tell him that the lessons will help him be as smart as his dad.

How to spend useful time with a 4-year-old child?

With a 4-year-old child, you can safely go to a museum, to a children's show, to a circus, to a cat/dog exhibition, ride on a children's railway, ride a bicycle through a park/forest, go to a swimming pool, to an ice skating rink, to a movie theater to watch a cartoon, ride a boat, go on a city tour and much more.

Activities for 4-year-old children must be not only educational, but also exciting. Remember that at 4 years old the baby is not yet able to sit in one place for a long time (usually routine tests that require more than 40-50 minutes to complete are a difficult test for the child), so the presence of physical education minutes (approximate exercises can be seen below) is mandatory. What activities are recommended for a 4 year old child?

Activities with a 4-5 year old child will also be interesting for parents


It is at this age that you should start preparing your child for school. To make lessons in an educational institution easy for children to learn, it is recommended to spend time mastering the following topics:

Basic Geometry

Developers should be aimed at studying the basic geometric shapes (knowledge of a circle, rhombus, square, rectangle, oval and triangle is required) and their position in space (for example, if the figures are located in a row, then the baby should be able to say which figure is before or after selected).

Study of geometric shapes

Materials that will help for classes: drawings of geometric shapes by dots, colorful tables of geometric shapes with real-life examples (for example, a triangular piece of cake, a round button, etc.), tables with groups of geometric shapes, a game “find the extra shape.”

Numbers and numbers

The child needs to learn to count to at least ten (preferably in forward and backward directions), and also write numbers as accurately as possible. Typically, the following materials are used for home learning: copybooks, puzzles, simple examples. In order to teach a child to relate an abstract number to real objects, it is better to use children’s favorite toys (for example, cars for boys and dolls for girls), or special counting sticks from which you can add all kinds of figures.

Learning to count using colorful numbers

Equalities and inequalities

The child needs to understand the basic principles of comparison (greater than, less than or equal to) and learn how to independently create equal sets. As in the previous case, it is better to use not boring black and white developmental tests, but favorite toys that are actively used by children (for example, you can act out a fairy tale with children in which the main characters find themselves at a holiday where there are only two tables, and you have to share the whole group into two equal parts).


The development of logic is extremely important, since the child has 2-3 years left before school (according to psychologists, 4 years is the most suitable age for a child to master the necessary logical concepts).

Task Logical series

Similar or different

The child should be able to find similarities or differences in the picture. Any pictures (preferably with a small number of elements, so as not to confuse the child), carefully corrected in a graphics editor, will serve you for 1-2 years (you just need to replace the elements in the original image) as a very good material for classes on this topic.

If you do not want to make materials yourself, you can purchase special educational books.

Find common

The child must find the general quality of a certain group of objects (dishes, blue objects, objects with a certain letter, and so on), and also calculate the extra object (for example, a wild animal from a group of domestic animals). For studying at home, a set of educational cards is usually used as materials. If you want to teach outdoor lessons, use the entire environment as examples: for example, a green spruce would be out of place in a group of yellow birches.

logical task “Find the difference”

Find the error

The child must find mistakes both in the pictures and in the spoken text (for example, “in the summer I like to sled”). As educational materials, you can use both self-made drawings (it is better to take pictures for the age of 2-3 years, since they do not contain many small details), and special educational aids.

Concentration and memory

The child should not be distracted from the task they are performing for 5-10 minutes (while the lessons do not exceed 40-50 minutes in duration), in addition, the child must remember recently read or heard information. If you want to study at home, you can use cards you made yourself (it is advisable that the images are as simple as possible. Multi-colored or black and white geometric shapes are suitable for a start): first, the baby looks at them for a while, and then lists the depicted objects from memory.

Cards for memorizing objects

For outdoor activities you will not need additional materials: at any time of the year you can use the objects around you: in winter - made snowmen, in autumn - multi-colored leaves.


At 4 years old, a child especially needs communication. That is why it is worth paying attention to performing exercises on the following topics:

Clear speech

The child needs to know at least a thousand words (if you are not sure of your child’s vocabulary, you can take tests to determine it), as well as construct simple sentences. It is convenient to engage in this topic with the help of word games (for example, riddles, charades, dances, and so on).

Speech development tasks

Compliance with grammatical norms

The baby should not be confused about prepositions, genders and numbers of objects. If you observe your child’s words “sinking”, then it is best to correct errors by using cards.

Learning and writing letters

Transition to a foreign language

If the child makes progress in his native language, you can start teaching him the basics of a foreign language (usually parents decide to learn English or German with their child). A foreign language can be studied both at home and in special groups for preschoolers.


The child’s athletic development must be present, therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to send your son or daughter to a sports section, then perform developmental exercises at home.

Sports activities at home

Remember that all children develop at different rates, so if your baby doesn’t succeed in something, don’t scold him. It’s better to offer your child interesting games with which he can develop this or that skill.

As a child approaches senior preschool age, parents think about how to unobtrusively prepare him for school, correctly laying the foundation for future successful learning. For children 4–5 years old, the best educational activities are play activities. And it is better to select them based on the age characteristics and needs of the baby.

Age characteristics of a child 4–5 years old

Now the child is truly entering the most favorable period for assimilating a wide variety of information. This is facilitated by the level of development that the preschooler has achieved physically and intellectually.

  • By this age, imagery becomes available to the child’s thinking and imagination develops. He understands what an object looks like and can identify objects by color, size, height, length, width.
  • Voluntary memory begins to develop: the baby remembers the instructions given to him and is able to learn a poem. Verbal and figurative memory is formed.
  • Increases concentration. Now the preschooler is able to hold it on one action for up to 20 minutes.
  • Motor skills also improve. Improves gross and fine motor skills, coordination, and balance.
  • In creativity, the child has access to detailing in drawings, cutting, gluing, designing according to a model and his own design.
  • The child's speech also becomes richer. The pronunciation of most sounds and diction improves. Children imitate different sounds and intonation appears. Kids show a keen interest in rhyme. The leading motive for communication among preschoolers of this age is cognitive: “why?” They strive for new knowledge that adults should provide.
  • The main form of development remains play. Now it becomes a role-playing game. Therefore, in order for developmental activities to be interesting and useful, they should be built on the basis of games.

Taking these features into account, we can conclude that classes with children at this stage should look like an integral system.

To correctly draw up a lesson plan with a 5-year-old child at home, consider the following nuances.

  • In kindergarten, the baby already has daily classes in various areas, including physical education. Therefore, it is important to clarify the program of these classes so that you can complement it at home, and not duplicate or contradict it.
  • You can only study at home on weekends or in the evening. Taking this into account, do not leave active activities and too active fun games until late in the evening.
  • After kindergarten, you will have little time left, so plan no more than 2 activities per day.
  • If your child does not attend kindergarten, you will have to develop his curriculum yourself based on his skills, abilities, and interests.
  • Developmental play tasks for children 4–5 years old should include all aspects of their activity (logic, attention, thinking, memory, speech, movement). Classes should be distributed evenly throughout the week.

Developing speech

If a child has problems with pronunciation, speech classes should include articulation exercises for each complex sound. You may need the help of a professional speech therapist.

In general, good speech development tools for a preschooler at this time would be:

  • poems, songs learned by heart;
  • discussion of plot pictures or works read;
  • solving riddles;
  • listening to audio stories;
  • discussion of everything that happened to the child during the day;
  • familiarization with sounds and letters;
  • determining the first letter in a word, dividing the word into syllables.

Speech skills can be developed with simple game exercises. You can ask your child:

  • “What happens...?” (long, red, hot, sharp, etc.);
  • “What will happen if...?” (the ball will fall into the water, a black cloud will appear in the sky, I will eat the snow);
  • “What can you do...?” (with an apple, a book, a ball, cookies, scissors...);
  • “Where what?” (what items are in the bedroom, hallway, kitchen; in which room is there a TV, bed, frying pan, hanger...);
  • "Who is this?" (for example: long-eared, gray, coward - who is this?).

Games to develop logical thinking

At this age, the child should already be able to generalize and differentiate objects according to a certain characteristic, work according to a model, and build simple reasoning to solve any problems.

In order to stimulate a preschooler to think logically, you can offer him a variety of games. These can be either store-bought toys (sorters, puzzles, construction sets, children's lotto) or completely household ones.

For example, your child will have to use their logical skills in the following tasks.

  • He is asked to generalize objects according to some characteristic (name everything round in the room, everything yellow, everything soft).
  • Determine how two pictures or toys are similar and how they are different.
  • Choose identical objects from a variety of objects (balls, bunnies, cubes, etc.).
  • Assemble a building from a construction set according to a model.
  • Find an extra item from several and explain why it is extra.
  • Find paired objects (both real and on cards or pictures). The child will have to determine the sign by which to look for a pair (for a plate - a spoon, for a hat - a scarf, for a chicken - an egg).
  • Find a way out of the drawn maze (they are often found in children's educational books or magazines). Variations of such “confusions” can be different: help a cat catch a mouse, meet a dog with a puppy, find a key for Pinocchio, etc.

Memory is not only visual

A person remembers not only what he sees, but also what he hears or does. Little Man is no exception. Therefore, memory development must be comprehensive and affect all these aspects.

  • Visual memory is developed by games for memorizing a drawing or picture with their subsequent description, describing from memory the location of objects in a room, on a shelf, on a table. You can ask the child to remember what he wore for a walk yesterday, what his mother was wearing. Or draw a grid of several cells on paper, place small objects in each, and then, after giving the child time to memorize, turn it away and swap several objects. Let him try to restore the original arrangement.
  • Auditory memory is trained by memorizing poems, nursery rhymes, songs, as well as retelling fairy tales or impressions of significant events, and following oral instructions from an adult. For example, buy several items in an impromptu store and not forget anything. Or place items, setting the table, in a certain sequence.
  • Motor memory can be trained by all kinds of games in which children repeat movements after adults in a certain order. Sometimes an adult can “make a mistake,” while the child needs to do everything correctly and not get lost.

When going to the store or for a walk, plan your route in advance and ask your child to comment on where to go next. This is also auditory memory training.

Attention - attention

In order for a child to grow up attentive, be able to concentrate and quickly respond to any changes, it is important to train his attention. You can start as early as 4 years of age. At the same time, it is also not necessary to purchase expensive manuals: the suitable “equipment” is always at hand.

For example, you can play these games.

  • Variations on the theme “edible - inedible” (sweet - unsweetened, flies - does not fly, clothes - not clothes).
  • "What's new?" (on the table, in the picture, in the guise of dad, in mom’s clothes).
  • “Find the differences” (in two pictures).
  • “Caravan” - the mother names the animal, the child repeats it and adds his own. Mom repeats both and adds a third. You need to repeat in the order in which the animals are named. They play until someone gets lost.
  • “What has changed?” During a morning walk, mother and child try to remember everything that surrounds them, and in the evening they compare what has changed (someone hung up the laundry, old women sat on a bench, a car drove up to the next door);
  • Close your eyes and name as many different sounds as possible in the room (a clock, the noise of a refrigerator, the purring of a cat) or outside the window (cars driving, birds singing, the wind rustling).
  • Close your eyes and tell what order is on the shelf, on the table, what mom is wearing.

It is important to start with easier tasks, gradually making them more difficult, and not forgetting to praise your child for success.

Reading and writing

Your child will need these skills in school. After all, the first thing he will have to master by first grade is reading and writing.

In the fifth year, you need to plan lessons with your preschooler to prepare your hand for writing. Here you will already need the first teaching aids - children's copybooks. These are excellent “developers” for the hand, helping the child develop the necessary muscles so that the hand does not get tired while writing. In children's copybooks, the child is asked to trace simple patterns point by point and then reproduce them independently.

To reinforce the perception of the first sound in a word (the entire study of letters is based on this), you can glue cards with images of letters to different objects in the house. Let the child determine in which case the card is glued correctly and in which case it is not.

When teaching preschoolers to read, more and more mothers choose Zhukova’s primer. It consistently shows how letters “merge” into syllables and gives important recommendations to parents. In addition, Zhukova’s teaching methods meet the requirements of school curricula.

Before you start teaching your child to read, teach him to hear all the sounds in words, in different parts of the word (at the beginning, middle, end), and also to isolate syllables in words. You can find many entertaining games for this.

Only with this approach will the child learn to read and write without mistakes (children often transfer into writing what they hear or perceive incorrectly).

Learning mathematics

The first thing that comes to mind here is numeracy skills. Because it is still difficult for a child to master calculations. How to teach a preschooler to count?

A child can understand how a specific number relates to the designated number, for example, using counting sticks or cards that depict the number and various objects in the corresponding quantity.

To reinforce counting in order, you can use coloring pages that require you to connect numbered dots.

Also, the consolidation of ordinal counting is facilitated by the constant recalculation of surrounding objects: houses, benches, birds, steps on the stairs, apples in a vase.

Mathematics is also... By this age, the child should already know basic geometric shapes. Now it is important to consolidate this knowledge, as well as develop the preschooler’s thinking by playing interesting games with figures. For example, you can fold triangles into rectangles, squares, rhombuses, and other triangles. You can make rectangles from squares.

It is also interesting for children at this age to draw using geometric shapes (everyone knows that a triangle is a skirt, a circle is a sun, a triangle with a rectangle is a house). Also, the child can already compare figures by color, shape, size.

Musicality, sensory, movement

One of the main factors in the proper development of a preschooler at this age remains movement. He must move a lot. This increases his agility, endurance, coordination, develops muscles, and strengthens the skeleton. Therefore, the lesson program should have a lot of space for gymnastics, dancing, exercises, cycling, and all kinds of outdoor games. You can enroll your preschooler in some sports section.

And if physical activity is accompanied by well-chosen melodies, the child will also receive musical development. He will have an improved sense of rhythm, perception of fast and slow music, sad and cheerful.

At this age, a preschooler can be given to listen not only to children's melodies, but also to classical ones. He already has his favorite tunes, to which he begins to dance or hum.

Sensory perception is, first of all, the development of tactile sensitivity. The baby should have the opportunity to touch a variety of materials and textures: soft, hard, smooth, rough, fluffy, prickly, warm, cold. A good game is to recognize objects by touch without seeing them (for example, by taking them out of a bag).

Improving fine motor skills plays an important role. This helps improve all mental abilities: thinking, speech, memory. In addition, good fine motor skills prepare the hand for writing: the child will hold the pen correctly, the hand will strain and get tired less. Games with small objects and materials are good for this purpose: cubes, construction sets, mosaics, sand, cereals. This also includes tying shoelaces, fastening zippers, unscrewing corks, drawing, appliqué, and sculpting.

Other knowledge

The expansion of horizons is facilitated by the first ideas about geography that a child can get, for example, during walks (tell him what the horizon, wildlife, seasons, water and land, sun and earth are).

Special manuals for preschoolers will help deepen their knowledge. These are such “cognitive things” as, for example, encyclopedias, a globe or a magnetic map of the world, which is accompanied by pictures of plants, animals, and landmarks of different countries. This is how the baby learns about peoples, about his homeland, about continents and islands, about lakes, seas, plains, mountains, cardinal points.

By the way, geography is the main subject about which children at this age ask many questions. Sometimes simply answering them is enough to give the child all the necessary knowledge.

A child can get ideas about the history and culture of his people by looking at Vasnetsov’s paintings, listening to epics about heroes, stories about the life of princes (possibly in the form of fairy tales), drawing the nature of Russia, churches, epic and fairy-tale heroes, listening to stories from the history of his family (about grandparents, family traditions), while exploring the beauty of nature and the sights of their hometown during walks.

It is good to introduce a preschooler to the traditions and culture of our people using the example of folk holidays (Easter, Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala).

But, according to most experts, it is too early to learn foreign languages ​​at this age. Firstly, memorization will be mechanical, and secondly, for accurate language acquisition, an appropriate language environment is now needed. Thirdly, it is still difficult to properly motivate a child to learn an incomprehensible language. But the risk of ruining your pronunciation in your native language is very high. In addition, such study requires the presence of a teacher: parents are not recommended to teach their child foreign languages ​​on their own.

It is necessary to develop the skills and abilities of a preschool child in a comprehensive manner. Then he will be fully prepared for further successful development and learning at school.

Parents of five-year-old children should know what to pay attention to when preparing home activities with their children. It is important to understand that this is the age when you should start preparing for school. It is important to organize classes, but their duration should not exceed 30-35 minutes. Keep in mind that the leading activity of children of this age is play, so build all educational activities in this form. It is necessary to develop fine motor skills, it directly affects the development of speech centers. If you want a son or daughter who talks a lot and speaks well, sculpt, draw, paint, put together a mosaic with him.

Look at the lessons both in pictures and in text and choose what suits your baby best.

Games and activities for children 5 years old

For activities with children at home, parents should prepare prizes in advance, as well as the necessary supplies and attributes.

Quest find the treasure

Parents come up with and create a map with tasks in advance. Different rooms of the apartment are used as locations. Each new task gives a hint where the treasure is.
What tasks can be used:
Assemble the mosaic
Guess the riddles
Make an applique (small)
Separate the beans from the peas
Make a tower of cubes no less than 30 cm (you can indicate the height of the object in the room)
Name only wild animals
Sort the pictures by season
Be sure to reward the detective at the end, even if it is something tasty or useful, for example, a small construction set or toy.

Lesson: “Hot and cold”

A simple game allows you to develop spatial concepts, memory, thinking and attention. Hide the prize in advance in a place accessible to the child. Ask him to find the hidden thing, give the little participant hints with the words “hot” - it means close to the prize and your five-year-old child is moving in the right direction and “cold” - it means the direction for the search is chosen incorrectly.

You can play this game vice versa, let your son or daughter hide the toy and show you the way to it using similar words. The adult’s task is to find the prize, the child’s task is to correctly give directions using the words “hot” and “cold”.

Game: “What’s missing”

A game that helps develop attention. You will need a set of different items, these could be toys, pencils or any safe items. At first you can use 5-7 items, later complicate the tasks by adding more and more attributes.

The task is to find an item that is missing. Give the little participant time to remember all the objects, and after he turns away, you need to remove one object. If the child correctly guessed which item is missing, then let him hide some attribute from you in the new game.

You can supplement the lesson with tasks like: arrange the objects as they stood, name the color of the object that is missing, arrange the toys by height.

Lesson: “Hands-scales”

To understand the weight of objects, ask him to use scales. Place different objects in his hands and ask him to evaluate which one is heavier.

To complicate the task, you can blindfold the little player.

Lesson: “Making fruits and vegetables”

Invite your daughter to make a grocery set for her doll. For example, offer him originals of vegetables and fruits or pictures of them. Let him try to create vegetables and fruits according to their colors.

Make a picture from the received copies or ask them to divide the resulting works into vegetables and fruits.

Parents should remember that only developmental activities in the form of games can captivate a child and teach him to perform the most difficult tasks. Help and be sure to praise the child, then he will learn to accept even failures adequately and will not lose the desire to try again and again. What didn't work out the first time.

Video “Developmental activities for 5-year-old children”

Theme of the lesson: “Journey to the city of games.”

Target: formation of motive and motivation to achieve success in children 4-5 years old

Educational: consolidate the ordinal series of numbers, neighbors of numbers, teach children games for attention, observation, and logic.

Educational: develop children's emotional responsiveness and interest in games, develop attention, phonemic hearing, thinking, dexterity, and observation.

Educational: foster a sense of camaraderie and unity of action.

Equipment: Pinocchio doll, colored pencils, massage balls according to the number of children, magnetic numbers 0-5, pictures of gnomes, mushrooms, magnetic blue and green squares, toys.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizational moment.

Hello guys! (Hello!). This morning they brought me a package to the club for us, I wonder who sent it? From Fixies! (open the parcel)

Guys, how interesting, where does Simka suggest we go?(Children's answers). Shall we go? And we will go to this city on a funny little train. Then quickly stand up one after another, bend your elbows. Everyone is ready, let's go!

Fun little train

Run on the rails!

Hurry to the city of Games

Bring us here!

Updating basic knowledge.

So you and I have arrived in the city of games, let's sit on the chairs. Guys, every street in this city has an unusual name. And the first street of Fingers. What do you think they are doing on this street? (children's answers). That's right, guys, you and I will play with our fingers so that they are the most dexterous, skillful and strong and never get tired.

Finger gymnastics “Winter” - guys, what time of year are we in now? (winter). Let's welcome our winter. Are you ready?

Exercise “Rings”. I say hello everywhere, at home and on the street, I even say hello to the neighbor’s chicken.

Games with a pencil “Swing” - I’ll swing it up and down, hold on to the pencil tighter.

Exercise: pebble - leaf, well - fence.

Games with a massage ball - the hedgehogs went for a walk at their mother's, exactly five of them, five - cheerful, mischievous, five - beautiful and funny.

You guys had a great time playing with your fingers, did you like it? Let's continue our journey, and you and I will find ourselves on the "Jolly Numbers" Avenue. Look who's greeting us? (gnomes)

    How many gnomes meet us on the left side of the street? (5)

    How many gnomes meet us on the right side of the street? (4)

    Place as many blue squares on the top strip as there are gnomes. And on the bottom strip there are as many green squares as the number of mushrooms the gnomes collected.

    Which squares are there more?

    What needs to be done to make the number of blue and green squares equal? How many blue squares are there? How many green squares are there? (5)

Game "Place the numbers"

    Guys, look at the numbers in order, are there any errors in this series? (children's answers, corrections).

    Name the neighbors of the numbers 3, 2, 4.

    Which number is between 3 and 5, after 2, etc.

On this street you and I completed all the tasks. Did you like the "Merry Numbers" Avenue? And I really liked it, but it’s time for us to move on. And he invites us to relax in the Otdykha park.

Physical exercise: “Pinocchio” - Pinocchio stretched, 1 - bent, 2 - bent, spread his arms to the sides, apparently he didn’t find the key. To get the key, we need to stand on our toes.

Game “How do you live?”

And now I will ask you questions, and you will show me the answer with a movement, you cannot talk. Are you ready? We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did:

How do you live? Like this

Are you swimming? Like this

Will you wave after me? Like this

How do you run? Like this

Are you sleeping in the morning? Like this

Are you looking into the distance? Like this

How do you jump? Like this

How do you wink? Like this

How are you frowning? Like this

How are you happy? Like this

How angry are you? Like this

How are you? Like this

How do you shout? Like this

How are you silent? Like this

Great, now let's stand in a circle.

We also know how to relax.

Let's put our hands behind our backs,

Let's raise our heads higher

And let’s breathe easily.

We had a great time, but it’s time for us to move on. We'll cross the bridge into the "Bukvoezhek" clearing and get there.

Street "Bukvoezhek".

Guys, what do you think we will do on this street? (children's answers)

Great, it’s winter outside and the birds don’t have enough food, right? Now let’s try to feed our little sparrows in our clearing. But I need your help, can you help? then now you will be hungry sparrows, and I am a very tasty caterpillar, and you want to eat me, if you correctly name the first sound in the word, then you take a step towards me. (duck, cloud, cheese, tail, echo, pen, watermelon, needle, elephant, screen, bridge, robot, drawing, sun, snail, dog). What a great fellow you are!

Summary of the lesson. Our journey in the city of Games has come to an end. It's time for us to go home. Quickly stand up one after another, bend your elbows. Everyone is ready, let's go!

Fun little train

Run on the rails!

You better come back

Bring us!

We sit on the chairs. Did you enjoy the trip? Do you want to return to the city of Games again? Tell me what you liked? (each child shares his impressions)

What did we do in class today? What games did you play? Name them.

Our lesson is over, see you again!