Law on conscription of girls into the army. United Russia deputy Milonov proposed new laws relating to females Girls giving birth from 20 to 23

There is no official law on the conscription of girls into the Russian army. Despite this, representatives of the fair sex try to achieve equality and they succeed.

Can girls serve in the Russian army?

Girls can serve in the Russian army, but only under certain circumstances. First of all, it is not possible to have children before completing military service. If the desire exists, you need to act clearly according to a standard and legal scheme.

In Russia, many girls are liable for military service: topographers, surveyors, communications specialists, doctors. There is no incomprehensible or outrageous situation in this, because service for the benefit of the Motherland is individual question for every person.

Women have the right to serve in the armed forces of the Russian Federation under a formalized contract if appropriate positions are available. All military positions that are available to women are defined at the legislative level. For this reason, it is recommended that you first carefully read the order of the Minister of Defense Russian Federation from 2009, and then - accept necessary solution. It is important to understand that a woman will not be accepted into the army under a contract if there are no vacancies.

If the situation develops as the woman wants, she has the direct right to submit an application in the prescribed form by contacting the military registration and enlistment office at her place of residence.

Additional documents should be attached to the application:

  • civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • a questionnaire filled out according to the established template;
  • a short autobiography based on real events. Any fictitious facts will be identified;
  • photocopies of a valid work book with mandatory certification;
  • a diploma confirming the presence of a higher or secondary specialized educational institution;
  • marriage certificate and birth certificate of children (if any). Such copies of documents must be certified by a notary.

It is important to note that only girls under 23 years of age who have not had time to give birth to children are allowed into the Russian army. If the second option is considered, military service will become available to girls under the age of twenty-seven. Such an amendment to the legislation of the Russian Federation was proposed by Vitaly Milonov, a deputy of United Russia. Based on a possible document for introduction, each girl will have to repay her debt to her state.

Vitaly Milonov is confident that girls should not run away from the opportunity to become mothers. Moreover, the absence of a husband is not a sufficient explanation. The deputy is confident that a husband can be found easily if there is a desire to start a family and have a child. Thus, military service can be a kind of alternative to a woman’s destiny to be a mother. In addition, there is a chance to find a husband by passing military service.

It is not surprising that there is talk of conscripting girls into the Russian army. Women have long strived to be equal to men. Only military service opens up equality between men and women.

The procedure for conscripting women into the Russian army

Russia still has not introduced compulsory conscription into the army. Despite this, women have the right to take advantage of suitable positions for themselves. If there are vacant vacancies, employees of the Russian authorities will inform the women about this, after which a contract will be drawn up. It is necessary to note a certain order:

  1. A woman applies to the military registration and enlistment office at her place of residence.
  2. The application is registered.
  3. Then a medical commission is conducted to confirm the possibility of military service.
  4. They can be recruited to serve in military units at the request of commanders and special instructions from district headquarters.
  5. Restrictions for admission to service: age under 20 or over 40 years old, outstanding criminal record, insufficiently good health. Even if it was possible to obtain a conclusion “fit with minor restrictions,” military service continues to be available.

Will there be an official conscription of girls into the army?

Is conscription into the army possible for girls at the legislative level? Of course, one can recall the Israeli or US army, where many girls officially serve. Will Russia follow a similar path? There is no official information, because everything remains only rumors.

Currently, girls can only serve under a contract. Most likely, this option is ideal for girls, because they can stay at home if they wish and not expose themselves to unnecessary risks. Women can devote themselves to family or career.

If a girl dreams of doing military service, she should contact the military commissariat at her place of residence. It takes 30 days to review the application. After the specified period, examinations are carried out, the results of which allow us to understand which option is best to choose. If your health allows, you can successfully serve in the army.

Video: Law on conscription of girls into the army

An important issue for a woman is the decision about the age at which pregnancy and childbirth will be successful. Listening to the gynecologist, they conclude that optimal period falls on 20–25 years. However, many strive to build a career. Dmitry Medvedev is considering a project that girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 will go to serve in the army. Despite rumors, gynecologists claim that the age is optimal for pregnancy.

Pros and cons of giving birth before age 23

The birth of a child must be planned. Gynecologists have named the age at which it is easiest to give birth. The girl carries and gives birth to healthy offspring from 20 to 25 years. The period is characterized by a minimal risk of chronic diseases of the parents, the hormonal levels are in a balanced state.

Is it normal to give birth at 20? Yes. The woman has no changes or disturbances in the hormonal sphere. Maternal instinct manifests itself. You can carry the baby without serious pathologies.

Giving birth at 20 years old is considered safe, since the woman is in good health, her body will recover quickly, and the process will be easier. Subsequently, they decide on a second and subsequent child. At this age, grandparents will provide assistance. They get an education and raise children, and then pursue a career. You can work from home.

Should you give birth at 20? A small age difference helps to find common language mother and child. The outlook on life will be similar; there is no need to be embarrassed by the age of your parents. When deciding to become pregnant, they declare independence to adult relatives and assert themselves as a separate person from the family.

A girl should give birth before she is 23, because at this age she feels confident and feels great happiness from birth and upbringing. Young mothers are optimistic, energetic, cheerful.

Cons. Not knowing your place in life, the desire to open the world. The feeling that best years ahead, you still have time to do it. This leads to children being abandoned for friends, studies, and interesting things. As the child grows up, he is reproached for the fact that his mother had to leave college and he did not live up to expectations. A woman does not become an authority because she is not fulfilled professionally.

Start adult life leads to the fact that it is impossible to be as carefree. We have to abandon plans. The lifestyle and attitude are changing. There is one more person to worry about who is dependent on adults. Friends who are not interested in discussing topics about children disappear. There is little time left for yourself.

Giving birth at 25 is considered the golden mean. At this age, the body is tuned to the processes associated with bearing a baby and feeding. No problem with age-related changes, there is a sense of responsibility. The girl has already received her education and earns money on her own.

Milonov's bill

The first birth at the age of 23 takes place without complications. A woman can have several more children. It was proposed to make amendments to Russian legislation. Deputy Vitaly Milonov sent a draft to Dmitry Medvedev for consideration, which states that if a girl does not give birth before the age of 23, she will have to serve military service. The politician believes that main goal for a woman - motherhood. If she neglects the gift, she should go to serve.

We are not talking about great love. If a woman does not give birth before 23 ordinary life, she must defend her homeland. He will meet you there true love. They are sent to the rifle, engineering, and flying troops. This means equality with men. Milonov believes that the vitality of the camp will rise.

Revealing clothing, smoking and drinking alcohol indicate that the girl is being beaten. This is not a crime, but will help reduce the number of rapes. You need to sit at home, cook dinner, wait for your husband.

Those who give birth before the age of 23 are given a quota for admission to a university. According to the politician, a woman should not be smarter than her husband. Her traits are humility, mercy, caring, helpfulness. This will help improve your husband's self-esteem. A person will strive to earn money and provide for his family, and will begin to feel like the head.

If I haven’t given birth before I turn 23, will I be drafted into the army? No. The deputy denied rumors that he was considering such a version of the bill. A woman independently chooses at what age she should have children. This issue is individual, it is decided with your husband.

The period of peace of mind and warm relationships from 20 to 25 years. This is an important stage when you can devote time to relaxation and rest. Pregnancy makes a woman beautiful. A mysterious smile and peace appear. Movements become smooth and unhurried.

Studying information and attending special courses for pregnant women allows you to give birth without ruptures and subsequently quickly restore the body. At this age, health and psychological maturity are combined. The child is raised in a complete family, and the parents help each other.

According to amendments to the main legislation proposed by the deputy, girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 will be called up to serve in the army. The next amendment says that if a woman goes out into the street in too revealing clothes, while swearing obscenely, smoking and drinking alcohol, she can be stoned, and this will not be considered an administrative (let alone a criminal) offense. The third point was that when amendments to the bill are introduced, quotas will be introduced for the number of places in universities for women. On average, applicants will be able to apply for only ¼ of the budget places upon admission.

Here are a few quotes from Milonov regarding political innovations:

Regarding military service: “A woman’s destiny is motherhood. If she deliberately neglects the gift that was given to her by nature and the Lord, then why shouldn’t she go to serve? And the fact that she “has not yet met great love” is an excuse in favor of the poor. A woman either wants to have children or she doesn’t. And if he wants, then finding a spouse is not a difficult matter, but if he doesn’t want to, then maybe he’ll meet someone in the army. And so - at least he will protect the Motherland. There is probably no point in sending women to the infantry and special forces of the Airborne Forces, but there is a place for them in the rifle, engineering, and flying troops. Otherwise, many so-called feminists like to shout about equal rights. Here you go, equal rights. It couldn’t be more equal.”

Regarding stoning: “This will reduce the number of rapes and generally raise the overall vitality! Appearance is not the area in which you need to express yourself. It would be better if the woman helped her mother or prepared a delicious dinner. Or, at least, reads a good book, not necessarily a spiritual one. My wife, for example, always dresses very modestly. And before marriage, she dressed just as modestly. If she dressed provocatively, I would never pay attention to her. The external should not cloud the internal.”

Regarding the reduction of places in universities: “A woman should not be smarter than her husband. She should be submissive, thrifty, caring and helpful, and not lower male self-esteem with her subsequently unnecessary knowledge, the site reports. A man should feel that he is the head of the family, then he will want to take care of this family.”

Vsevolod Chaplin and Andrey Kuraev fully supported the initiative of their colleague from St. Petersburg and sent a letter to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev asking him to give the bill a go.

When reading these materials, one gets the feeling that Russia is returning to ancient times, when the people themselves “judged” and “arranged.”

One can only imagine what will happen in our country if all these amendments to legislation come into force.

If you didn’t give birth until you were 23, go serve your Fatherland. Deputy Vitaly Milonov, already known for his initiatives far beyond the city, allegedly wants to force Russian women to swallow the dust of army roads, salute and learn the soldier’s bearing. One of them, the ban on the promotion of homosexuality, has already resulted in a law that has caused a lot of noise not only in the Northern capital, but throughout the world. This time, the people's representative proposes to kill two birds with one stone - to increase the birth rate and to replenish the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland.

A woman’s destiny is motherhood,” one of the Internet resources quotes the thoughtful reflections of the parliamentarian. - If she deliberately neglects the gift that was given to her by nature and the Lord, then why shouldn’t she go to serve? And the fact that she “has not yet met great love” is an excuse in favor of the poor. A woman either wants to have children or she doesn’t. And if he wants, then finding a spouse is a simple matter, but if he doesn’t want to, then maybe he’ll meet someone in the army. And so, at least he will protect the Motherland,” sums up the author of the bill.

For some reason, the deputy does not advise sending girls to the infantry, suggesting that young ladies will realize their talents with much greater benefit in the rifle, engineering and flying troops.

Otherwise, many so-called feminists like to shout about equal rights. Here you go, equal rights. It can’t be more equal,” the author rejoices.

How did Vitaly Valentinovich determine what his destiny is as a woman, and why Russian women should give birth before the age of 23? Komsomolskaya Pravda addressed this question to the parliamentarian himself. However, as it turned out, Milonov had nothing to do with the idea. The people's representative called the information about a compulsory women's army a lie.

Complete stupidity. Given the traditional attitude towards women, such proposals are unacceptable. The authors should be prosecuted for libel, but under the Criminal Code,” the deputy commented.

Apparently, the soldiers will have to repay their debt to the Motherland in the harsh solitude of men.


Women were officially allowed to serve in the active army during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. True, this only concerned nurses. In Tsarist Russia, the weaker sex was not accepted for military service. Millions of our compatriots wanted to fight the enemy during the Great Patriotic War, about 800 thousand went to fight at the front. The girls not only cared for the wounded in hospitals, but also fired sniper rifles, cleared mines, and piloted combat aircraft.

Most women serve in the Israeli army today. Moreover, they defend their homeland on an equal basis with men. Representatives of the fair sex are also present in the Russian army. Today there are approximately 47 thousand women in the service of the fatherland, of which about two thousand are in officer positions.

A recent amendment put forward for consideration by the State Duma from the famous nationalist and moralist, deputy of the United Russia faction and the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Vitaly Milonov, led to increasing panic in the ranks of the fair sex.

According to the project, all girls who have reached the age of 23 and have not given birth to a child before this time must undergo military service in the army!

And although the new amendments to the law had not even passed the first reading, a storm began to gather among the people: especially considering the published statements about the purpose of the feminine gender in the mouth of a well-known deputy, who also turned out to be a fan of domostroy.

“A woman’s destiny is motherhood. If she deliberately neglects the gift that was given to her by nature and the Lord, then why shouldn’t she go to serve? And the fact that she “has not yet met great love” is an excuse in favor of the poor.

A woman either wants to have children or she doesn’t. And if he wants, then finding a spouse is a simple matter, but if he doesn’t want to, then maybe he’ll meet someone in the army. And so - at least he will protect the Motherland.

There is probably no point in sending women into the infantry, but there is a place for them in the rifle, engineering and flying troops. Otherwise, many so-called feminists like to shout about equal rights. Here you go, equal rights. It couldn’t be more equal.”

Such thoughts about motherhood undoubtedly exist - but not in the same interpretation! It turns out that if until the age of 23 a girl was not “concerned” with obtaining the status of a married lady and procreation, then all she can do is defend her homeland?

Or does Vitaly Milonov and his comrades intend to stimulate the birth rate in the country in such an interesting way?

“Is there something I don’t understand, or is the Russian Orthodox Church seriously trying to play on the field of Islamic fundamentalists? Offer, so to speak, a cheap Chinese knockoff of a successful brand, your own version of the Taliban, with a rollback to clothing standards, with political aggression, with indications of an external enemy, etc.? Dear Orthodox fathers, this path is not only incorrect (since it is not even a path to or from Christ, but to the side, to a different coordinate system), but it is also meaningless - after all, in terms of the degree of detachment (necessary for igniting shirnarmass) with the mullahs, you don’t care If you can’t compare, you shouldn’t even try.”

Everything would be fine, but further – more. Other “amendments and additions” regarding women in society also became known. So, in accordance with the opinion of the deputy, “If a woman goes out into the street in too revealing clothes, while still smoking and drinking alcohol, she can be stoned and this will not be considered an administrative (let alone a criminal) offense.”

According to Milonov: “This will reduce the number of rapes and generally raise the overall vitality. Appearance is not the area in which you need to express yourself. It would be better if the woman helped her mother or prepared a delicious dinner. Or, at least, reads a good book, not necessarily a spiritual one. The external should not cloud the internal.” Doesn't remind you of anything?

Like-minded people of the St. Petersburg moralist are also gathering to introduce a quota on the number of places in universities for female applicants, because (surely, the quote is taken from Domostroi) “A woman should not be smarter than her husband. She should be submissive, thrifty, caring and helpful, and not lower male self-esteem with her subsequently unnecessary knowledge. A man should feel that he is the head of the family, then he will want to take care of this family.”

Chairman of the Synodal Department for Relations between Church and Society, speaking at round table on interethnic relations in Moscow on December 17, 2010, stated: “If she wears a miniskirt, she can provoke not only a Caucasian, but also a Russian. If she is drunk at the same time, she will provoke it all the more. If at the same time she actively invites people to contact her, and then is surprised that this contact ends in rape, she is even more wrong.”

It is impossible to imagine what awaits Russia only when such “amendments” to the Legislation of the Russian Federation are submitted to the State Duma for consideration. And even more so, what will begin to happen in a society in which modern woman inevitably took on a leading role in many areas.

And what about the deputy himself and his family? How about the fact that his wife, Eva Liburkina, was a voting member of the St. Petersburg Election Commission from June 2008 to October 2011? Or will her destiny, with the adoption of the law, only be to maintain the family hearth and raise two children - son Nikolai and daughter Martha?

Of course, our women now are far from what they were a century ago. But is this exactly what men want? And is it really necessary to introduce a new law in order to return girls to home and motherhood?

It turns out that representatives of the so-called stronger, but in fact the weaker sex (we won’t point fingers!) with such statements only raise their self-esteem, and consider themselves quite competent in order to solve gender problems, which, by the way, are faced all over the world, V different countries certified psychologists and sociologists...