Riddles for March 8th for grandmothers. Riddles at a corporate party: adults, funny, cool

Irons dresses and shirts,
He will iron our pockets.
He is a faithful friend on the farm -
His name is...( iron)

Here's the cap on the light bulb
Separates light and darkness.
Along the edges of its openwork -
This is wonderful...( shade)

Mom's striped animal
The saucer will beg for sour cream.
And after eating it a little,
Ours will purr...( cat)

Kolobok made of soft threads -
He is disobedient and quick.
Looking for a dark corner
Nimble, like a mouse...( clew)

Sharp nose, steel ear,
There is a friend thread in the ear.
Helped me sew new clothes
To our grandmother...( needle)

Like herons, long-nosed ones,
They weave the thread into braids.
Knit a scarf and mittens
We are quick sisters...( knitting needles)

Two glasses and two bows
Worn by old grandmothers.
There are no newbies on the nose -
Hold tight....( glasses)

A close relative of the broom
Sweeps the corners of the house.
Believe me, he is not a slacker.
Every home needs...( broom)

There was once a fat man in fashion,
He earned fame among the people.
Exhaling hot steam,
I was preparing tea...( samovar)

This roller knows the deal -
The dough will roll out quickly.
A stick with a wooden handle,
Working in the kitchen... ( rolling pin)

Who's in the oven roasting in a row
Side blush for the guys?
Meat, berries, mushroom
It will bake inside...( pie)

Grandmother cooks from berries
A treat for the kids.
The kids will have something to eat -
Fragrant...( jam)

Milk and flour first
Grandma stirred.
There is so little room for yeast -
Slips over the edge...( dough)

These balls on a string
Would you like to try it on?
For all your tastes
In my mother's box...( beads)

Mom's ears sparkle,
They play with the colors of the rainbow.
Drops and crumbs turn silver
Decorations...( earrings)

Its edge is called fields -
The top is decorated all over with flowers.
Mystery headdress
Our mother has...( hat)

Name the dishes:
The handle stuck to the circle.
Damn baking for her is nonsense,
This is...( pan)

He has water in his belly
Seething from the heat.
Like an angry boss
Boils quickly...( kettle)

This is a dish for everyone
Mom will cook for lunch.
And the ladle is right there -
Will pour it into plates...( soup)

Dust will find and instantly swallow -
It brings cleanliness for us.
A long hose, like a trunk, a nose,
The rug is being cleaned... ( vacuum cleaner)

Streams run faster
The sun is shining warmer.
The sparrow is happy about the weather -
Visited us for a month...( March)

Like a snake from under the ice
Melt water rushes.
And all the fighting birds ring,
This is naughty...( stream)

Housewarming at the starling's -
He rejoices endlessly.
So that a mockingbird lives with us,
We made... ( birdhouse)

The winter icicle is crying,
A long nose hides from the sun.
Well, from the nose all day
Drip-drip-drip - it rings...( drops)

Here are the fluffy earrings
They sleep on branches near the path.
Wants to grow to the sky
Slender willow - ... ( willow)

Loose snow melts in the sun,
The breeze plays in the branches,
Louder than bird voices -
So she came to us...( spring)

Riddles for March 8 are dedicated not only to the brightest holiday of spring and its attributes, but also to the most important person in everyone’s life - mother. All riddles are simply imbued with love, warmth and tenderness, so they will undoubtedly appeal to your child.

There is no one in the world more dear to her,
Fairer and kinder.
I'll tell you straight away, friends -
Best in the world...

Yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
They will be protected from the frost
In its branches...

Borscht in a plate is the most delicious,
This is how he cooks...

This warm word warms the heart,
And without this word there is no life.
Morning, noon and evening I stubbornly insist
This word is eternal, affectionate -...

On this bright spring day
They give flowers to women.
And in kindergartens and schools there are children
Crafts for moms!

Even though my uncle is big, with a mustache,
He goes for advice to...

Dad and I go shopping for flowers
We love to give them...

When men are very fussy
And the shops are crowded for gifts,
We know for sure that spring has come
And I brought this holiday to visit!

Who is the cutest in the world?
And it will warm you with its warmth,
Loves more than himself?
This... is mine.

Here are the fluffy earrings
They sleep on branches near the path.
Wants to grow to the sky
Slender willow - ...

Beautiful day...,
When everything around sparkles.
And allow me to congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!

When you kids are bruised
What hurts most is not you, but...

Reads books before bed
And he always understands everything,
Even if I'm stubborn
I know he loves me...

May the sun shine brightly for you,
Let the birds chirp outside the window,
So that not only... -
Every day was considered your day!

The school has a complex curriculum,
But it will always help...

March 8 riddles for children

Riddles for March 8th successfully complement all the festive events associated with this day. This online section contains the best children's riddles for March 8th. For kids, they won’t be difficult either, because they talk about the person closest to them. Every riddle will bring them joy. You may be able to glean some interesting information from our information below to talk to older children.

“The child said the first word: “Mama!”... Ostrovoy’s words in the beautiful creation “Mother” are etched in the memory for a long time, because one cannot help but let this deep “heartbreaking” cry of the soul pass through one’s heart and soul. And there is nothing surprising about this. Mom is not just a word, it is not just a title or a person, it is our beginning, it is our life, an inexplicable connection and incredible deep love.

It is simply impossible to describe all the most tender feelings even about the word itself, even with an endlessly poetic stream of epithets and complex adjectives. Only mothers understand their children like no one else, only they know the most “buried in the depths of the soul” side of their child.

Growing up, we feel more and more intense affection and the need for more and more frequent communication, promising tender hugs and hours of conversations with the sweetest and dearest mothers.

Over the years, mothers acquire a different status, which involves the patter of little plopping feet and the ringing “Grandma!” Perhaps, at this moment, once very little children, now parents, begin to appreciate their mothers even more, trying on responsible roles for themselves. And all that remains is to be convinced for the hundredth time of the time that has irrevocably rushed away, the years that have flown by instantly, a life that has lived, perhaps, for half a century.

Immensely grateful children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren do not have enough 365 days a year to thank their mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers every day for life, health, love and endless care. One of these official days is the celebration of March 8, when even the busiest son or businesswoman with three children and a daughter find time for the most important women in their lives. Mothers and grandmothers all over the world accept congratulations, flowers and gifts. And most importantly - the love of your dearest and dearest people.

Riddles for March 8 very clearly and beautifully describe this holiday. Naturally, most of them reserve a place for the heroes of the occasion - beloved mothers and grandmothers. And children of all ages can easily recognize these most important women in the life of every person in the riddles of any quatrain. Undoubtedly, it will be right if all the love and care for those who gave us life will not be reduced to just one day of the year, but will permeate every moment, every word and action.

Riddles for March 8th - how can you do without them on the holiday? Without riddles about the most cordial, sweetest mother, the kindest, most understanding grandmother, beloved sister, and just a nice woman, it will be boring. Riddles are needed. A mystery is always excitement, speed, enthusiasm.

Riddles for March 8th - for you, wonderful and beautiful, smart and responsible, creative and fantastic, successful and understanding.

Riddle about shoes
This is such a mystery
I will be extremely brief.
Worn by women, girls,
Ladies, ladies, baronesses,
Queens and their servants
Cinderellas and flight attendants.
To make your feet feel wonderful,
So that they don’t feel crooked,
Choose by size
So that it’s beautiful too!
And the answer is not truffles,
It's just... shoes

Lipstick riddle
And there’s another mystery for you,
I'll start in order.
There will be sponges like flowers,
Both beautiful and fresh,
Use it wisely
Careful, don't rush.
You'll cover it little by little
Your scarlet lips,
Like? What a miracle!
Don't hide your emotions!
Every beauty is happy
Choose for yourself… lipstick

Riddle about the handbag
It contains a comb, mascara, a handkerchief,
Wallet and phone
And napkins and lipstick,
A coupon to a cosmetologist.
Lollipops, lotion and creams,
And, of course, chocolate.
It's just some kind of treasure -
Young and old will be surprised.
You don't need a big thought
Because this... bag

Riddle about perfume
This is such a mystery
And tell your answer briefly.
Wonderful smell - this is class!
It will surprise not only you!
Sharma, will add magic,
It will instantly lead you to the positive.
Delicate, apple, floral,
Mint, peach, juicy,
Pear, clove, honey,
Even super fresh ice!
At my sister's, at my daughter-in-law's
In the purse they contain... perfume!

Wonderful, beautiful,
Marvelous, beautiful.
You are so sweet
You are so different.
And today is a holiday,
Nice, warm, bright,
We present to you
From the heart... present.

Joyful rays are pouring again,
They promise us spring and warmth,
Tell me, what kind of holiday is this?
Give the eighth?
Answer: International Women's Day

Tell me who it is
The best in life?
It's not difficult
Well, of course... Mother.

Who gets up early
Yes, right from dawn,
And makes breakfast?
I answer -... Mother.

Who is this beautiful
Lady with a handbag?
I recognized her
This is my... Mother.

Who bakes on Saturday
Delicious pancakes?
I answer boldly,
Well of course... grandmother.


In which month do ladies gossip the least?
Answer: In February.

What is sweetest and bitterest?
Answer: The human word.

What lady doesn't look in the mirror?
Answer: Sleeping.

In which fields does grass not grow?
Answer: On the brim of a lady's hat.

When does food taste good?
Answer: At lunch.

On March 8th, as a rule, traditional holiday tea parties take place. The tea ceremony brings people together and unites them. No matter how serious and solemn the official part of the event may be, during tea drinking people relax, jokes and laughter are heard.

Riddles for tea party

Take it - it's black,
If you pour it, it’s dark,
If you drink it, it’s delicious,
The soul is not sad.
Answer: tea

I'm white as snow
In everyone's honor
And you like me
Yes, harm to teeth.
Answer: sugar

What do you pour into a frying pan?
Yes, they bend it four times?
Answer: Crap

I'll put it on, steam it,
I'll take it out and fix it.
I'll tear this one off
I'll put a new one
Answer: making pancakes

To make your holiday fun, use corporate party riddles as one of the items in your entertainment program.

It is always interesting to guess them, because riddles for a party can be very different: logical, funny, amusing, cool, with a trick, for adults, etc.

Riddles for corporate parties for adults can amuse guests and diversify the event program.

However, when compiling a list of riddles, do not get carried away and remember that this is just fun entertainment, and not a game of the “What? Where? When?"

We offer the most riddles with answers for corporate events. Choose the ones you like that suit the theme of your holiday!

Logic riddles questions for corporate events

What rocks are not in the sea? (Dry)

Under which tree does the hare sit when it rains? (Under the wet)

Where does the water stand? (In a glass)

Which wheel does not spin when making a right turn? (Spare)

What will happen to the ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (Getting wet)

One corner of the square table was sawed off. How many angles does he have now? (Five)

What disease does no one get sick on land? (Nautical)

Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Which are worth)

What can't you eat for breakfast? (Lunch and dinner)

How far into the forest can a hare run? (Until the middle of the forest, since further on he will already be getting out of the depths.)

What happened “tomorrow” and what will happen “yesterday”? (Present day)

How can seven children, three of their parents and a large dog not get wet under one umbrella? (They won't get wet if the weather is good)

Funny riddles for a festive corporate party

What notes can be used to measure distance? (Mi-La-Mi)

How do day and night end? (Soft sign)

Which plant knows everything? (Horseradish)

It's coming to an end faster than the holidays, what is it? (Vacation pay)

What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Out of empty)

The three letter word that every man is afraid of? (More)

What should you do when you see a green man? (Cross the street)

“There are two bolts in the puddle.” This sentence encrypts a Georgian surname. Which? (Rusted)

What is it: blue, big, with horns and stuffed with hares? (Trolleybus)

Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald)\

What can you get off a naked secretary? (Naked boss)

What is it: the hard is inserted into the soft, and the balls dangle nearby? (Earrings)

You are in an airplane seat, a car is driving in front of you, and a horse is galloping behind you. Where are you? (Ride the carousel)

What is it: green, bald and jumping? (Soldier at the disco)

Riddles for corporate events with a trick

There were four birch trees, on each birch there were four large branches, on each large branch there were four small branches, on each small branch there were four apples. How many apples are there in total?

(Not a single one. Apples don’t grow on birch trees!)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk)

Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)

Why are students kicked out of classes and lectures? (out the door)

When is a person in a room without a head? (When he puts it out of the window onto the street.)

Two mothers and two daughters were sitting in a cafe. They were served coffee - three cups, but each was enough. How can this be? (They were grandmother, mother, daughter - just three people)

Original riddles for a party

What is thrown away when it is necessary, and picked up when it is no longer needed? (Anchor)

What can stand and walk, hang and stand, walk and lie at the same time? (Watch)

What comb can you use to comb your hair? (Petushin)

Why do they often walk, but rarely drive? (Up the stairs)

What horse doesn't eat oats? (Chess)

What is it that is easy to pick up the earth, but difficult to throw it far? (Pooh)

Hangs on the wall and falls at the same time. What is this? (Barometer)

Six legs, two heads, and one tail. What is it? (Rider)

Who will never answer “Yes” to a question posed to him? (Sleeping man to the question: “Are you sleeping?”)

If you feed him he lives, if you give him something to drink he dies. (Fire)

They catch up with each other and hide from each other. (Sun and month)

We hope you enjoyed these holiday riddles for adults and that your corporate party will be fun!

At the festive table, especially in the first half of the evening, various table games, quizzes, chants and competitions take place wonderfully. They help you get ready for the holiday, get to know each other better and relax. It is better to choose the party program based on the occasion and tastes of the audience.

Collected here table games and competitions for March 8 from a variety of sources (thanks to the authors), which ones to choose is up to you. These are quizzes, tests, games and entertainment that are written about women and for women.

1. Table game for March 8th “Comic forecast for the evening.”

(give out numbers to everyone, it is advisable to figure out as you go which task is more suitable for a man or a woman, perhaps even make small notes on the numbers)

Presenter: I suggest you find out the forecast for tonight, and at the same time get to know each other better. As soon as you hear your number, vigorously raise your hand up, agreeing with what was said

Today, number 1 will sing the most.

Number 2 will dance the most.

Today, number 3 will shine and star the most.

But more often and louder than anyone else he will shout, “Pour more! " - number 5

Today numbers 6 and 7 will hold hands and dance and sing: “And we are penguins, but we are not cold, and we live in the north”

The 8th will pester the 9th all evening with the words: “Why do you girls, you love beautiful ones.”

And the 10th will exclaim all evening: “Where am I?”

Today is 11... I will be inviting my colleagues to relax in Haiti all evening.

And 12... will chase men with the words: “Look me in the eyes!”

-...After the party, the 13th will leave on his own...

Singing: “I’m drunk and drunk, I won’t make it home,” the 14th will leave in a car...

And the 15th... and the 16th... will hardly take away the 17th..., who will shout: “All men...”

In an hour the 18th will say that she (He) the most (th) cool (Ouch),

In 1.5 hours the 19th... will say that he is Mega Star,

And after 2 hours 20... won’t say anything.

Tomorrow the 21st invites you to improve your health...

And with the words “Does a cow give a lot of milk?” - tomorrow she will wake up in someone else’s bed 22nd

The 23rd will drink to the prosperity of all guests all evening with the words: “And I wish you happiness!”

The 24th will allow the 25th not to come to work tomorrow,

And the 26th will come to work with a jar of pickle and treat everyone.

The 27th will dance on the table, and the 28th will sit quietly... under the table and sing “a million, million, million scarlet roses”

The 29th will spend the entire evening looking at a bottle of vodka in fascination and saying: “What the hell, I’m so in love with you.”

Well, in conclusion of our acquaintance, I cannot help but say about the 30th and the following numbers, which will now stand up and loudly say: “Enough, people talk, we need to pour it, people!”

(Source: prazdnovik.ru)

2. Table game for March 8th “Which woman doesn’t dream?”

4. Game moment "Holiday menu"

There are many different recipes,

To feed the family.
I propose you today
Unravel my menu.

I know it's not new to you,
Vegetable or fruit,
And I’m happy to help your health
Most useful for everyone... (salad)

He is a relative close to fellow salads,
You need to eat it more often for your health.
There is no more vitamin than it, no more beetroot,
And his name is vegetable... (vinaigrette).

He's the first course. It's soup, but what kind of soup!
It is prepared by fishermen over the river.
And this is not fiction, not nonsense,
Fresh fish is ready... (ear)

Another soup, and again not simple,
It is also called “field”.
Remove from the fire and eat in the air -
Prepared with millet smoke... (kulesh).

It also applies to jellies and aspics,
It comes in chicken, goose and pork.
He is simply the “father” of all Russian dishes.
Ready with horseradish and mustard... (aspic)

There is fish, meat,
There is vegetable, chop.
There is no secret in her recipe,
Made from minced meat... (cutlet)

Now let's add a little
Vegetables, rice or potatoes.
For the stomach to have a feast,
To go with the cutlet you need to take... (garnish)

Approaching dessert already,
I will test you, experts:
What's like a jellyfish on the table?
Colored sweet... (jelly)

Another dessert, but who knows...
It is baked in the oven.
Filling - eggs and cottage cheese,
Maybe with jam... (pie)

They serve it on the “third”
Although sometimes they drink first,
Sugar, water, fruit -
And now it’s ready... (compote)

(Source: gamevil.ru)

5. Table competition for March 8 “War of the Sexes”

All guests participate in this competition, who must be conditionally divided into two teams: male and female players. The facilitator asks the teams questions one by one. In this case, the women's team is asked men's questions, and the men's team is asked women's questions. competition for March 8 can be done on any corporate holiday.

Examples of questions for women:

What is a carburetor a part of? ( Motor)

What can you hit with a “poke”? (On the ball)

Is the hood of your car located at the front or rear? (Front)

What is a shootout? (Penalty in hockey)

In which direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards yourself or away from you? (Push)

Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (In hockey)

Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)

Which company's products have a tick-shaped emblem? (Nike)

Examples of questions for men:

Why do women drip nail polish onto torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not appear on torn tights)

When threading a needle, what should be stationary: the needle or the thread? (Needle)

What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)

Why might a woman need acetone? (Remove old nail polish)

What is the name of the small bag that holds the items needed to do makeup? (Beauty bag)

Is yeast used in shortbread dough? (No)

Do I need to wash off the dye from my hair after coloring it? (Yes)

Wax, cream, mechanical devices, and laser devices can be used for this process. What is this process? (Depilation)

For each correct answer the team receives a bonus point

(Source: marryland.ru)

6. Quiz for March 8 “What was the first thing a woman did?”

(choose the correct one

1. The woman came up with a holiday …….

a) Valentine's Day;

c) Defender of the Fatherland Day;

d) Independence Day.

2. The woman was the first to spend….

A) lottery ;

b) demonstration;

c) Defender of the Fatherland Day;

d) Independence Day.

2. The woman was the first to spend….

A) lottery ;

b) demonstration;

c) beauty contest;

d) horizon line.

3. The woman introduced the tradition…..

a) cut nails;

b) wash your hands before eating;

c) take off your shoes before going to bed;

G ) drink tea at 5 o'clock morning.

4. The woman came up with

a) office glue;

b) push pins;

c) paper clips;

G) clerical" correct r».

5. The woman was first…….

a) astronomer;

b) psychic;

V) medium ;

d) a gossip

6. The woman came up with….

A) teddy bear ;

b) a rubber baby elephant;

c) tin soldier;

d) chocolate bunny.

7. The woman sent first….

a) telegram;

V) « valentine »;

d) “letter of happiness.”

8. Woman created….

a) Online store;

b) Internet cafe e;

c) virtual registry office;

d) virtual acquaintance.

9. The woman opened the lardn hygiene for……

A ) women ;

b) men;

10. Woman designed….

c) sink;

G ) "belt fidelity»

11. A woman invented…..

A) dishwasher ;

b) washing machine;

c) the justice machine;

d) time machine.

7. Competition for a corporate party at the table

"Thinking outside the box"

Leading: Let's remember what qualities help when people want to impress each other. For example, the ability to think outside the box. To develop this skill, let's practice a little. You have to guess what famous fairy tales we are talking about. For example, in “The Tale of How a Psychic Gave the President a Radar Device” we are talking about the Golden Cockerel. The golden cockerel, a gift from the magician, warned the king about the advance of enemies.

About how love turns a beast into a man. (Scarlet flower)

About the first victim of a bad investment. (Pinocchio)

About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones. (3 little pigs)

About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer. (Kolobok)

About how a large animal used child labor in the household. (Masha and the Three Bears)

About overcrowding of living space, which led to the destruction of the building. (Teremok)

8. Game at the table “Auction of compliments on March 8th”.

Playing compliments with the audience. Men say adjectives that characterize women starting with the letter “F” (LIVING, CHEERFUL, BURNING DESIRED, IRON, PEARL FEMININE, WAITING, PITYFUL BURRING, and women praise men starting with the letter “M” (FASHIONABLE, WISE, SWEET, MAGICAL YOUNG, POWERFUL. DREAMY)

Finally, the guests' imagination runs out; whoever is the last to come up with a male and female compliment receives prizes from the host.

9. Prize in riddles

The prize is taken and wrapped in paper. The contents of any riddle are glued to the wrapper. Turns around again. And again the riddle sticks. And so ten times. The players sit in a circle. The presenter gives one a prize wrapped in ten wrappers. The player removes one wrapper, sees the riddle, and reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says the riddle; if not, he reads the riddle out loud; whoever guessed it gets the right to further unwrap the prize and everything continues according to the same pattern. The winner is the one who, guessing the riddle, gets to the very end.

1) Which ditty mentions both women and the number 8? (“Eight girls, one me..”)

2) What alcoholic drink reminds you of Women's Day? (Martini)

3) Remember the films with the word woman? (“Strange woman”, “Sweet woman”, “Beloved woman of the mechanic Gavrilov”, “A woman as a gift”, “A woman for everyone”, “Women”, “A lonely woman wants to meet”...)

4) Which movies contain adjectives about women? (“The most charming and attractive”; “The only one”, “The faithful wife”)

5) Which songs mention women's names? (“Lisa, don’t leave”, “Ah, Tanya, Tanechka”, “At the samovar, me and my Masha”; “Hello, Alena”, “A stewardess named Zhanna”; “And I’m flowers for Lily”; “Natasha, Natasha , if only a miracle..")

6) Which wines are named after women? (Lydia, Isabella; Dunyasha)

7) What plants have female names? (Rose, Pansies; Daisies; Ivan and Marya)

8) What movies with female names (“Mashenka”, “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha”, “Anna Karenina”; “Valentin and Valentina”; “Nina”).

(Source: melochi-jizni.ru)

11. Table game-cry

"Exercising at the table."

The presenter explains the rules of this: when she makes a gesture with her right hand, the guests on the right shout: (no, no), When she gestures with her left hand, the guests on the left: (yes, yes). If your hands are above your head - all in unison: (we agree), hands on your sides - men in a bass voice: (hurray!)

I have a question - will we celebrate the holiday? (left - yes)

Will we be silent and bored? (right - no)

Need a drink, a snack (left - yes)

Can I offer you some tea? (right - no)

The gentlemen will dance for us (on the sides - hurray)

Ladies let men kiss (overhead - we agree)

The guests will probably all sing (left - yes)

From now on, we wish to surprise you with beauty - (left - yes)

And hide it from everyone - (right - no)

So that everyone in our hall would scream today (on the sides - hurray)

Because in fact, your holiday is knocking on the door - (left - yes)

We pour wine for everyone (on the sides - hurray and above the head - we agree)