Why did they kill their wife? Killing a tyrant - with the gentle hands of a woman

Traditionally, a woman in society is associated with tenderness, kindness, love, homeliness and other virtues. But history knows cases when women showed themselves like real furies, mercilessly dealing with those closest to them.

1The Empress Who Planned To Kill Her Husband With The Help Of Her Lover

Valeria Messalina was the third wife of Emperor Claudius. The nymphomaniac, known throughout Rome, married Claudius in 38 AD, and bore him two children, who, according to rumors, were actually Caligula's offspring (Messalina was a frequent participant in Caligula's many banquets and orgies). After Caligula was killed, Messalina dressed as a woman of easy virtue and sold her body. In 48 AD Messalina agreed with one of her lovers (Silius) to kill Claudius, promising him that she would become his legal wife. As a result, the would-be conspirators were executed.

2. The Australian woman who killed her husband and cooked him into dinner

The first Australian woman to be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole was Katherine Knight. In previous marriages, she also attacked their husbands, but in 2000 something unimaginable happened. She stabbed her husband 37 times before skinning him and hanging it on a hook in the living room. She then dismembered the corpse and began preparing a dinner of human flesh. Luckily, police discovered the gruesome meal before the children returned home.

3The Woman Who Killed Her Two Husbands and Then Blamed Her Own Daughter

In 2005, 41-year-old Stacy Castor gave her second husband, David Castor, antifreeze and then faked his suicide. When investigators found ethylene glycol in David's blood, they suspected something was wrong and exhumed the body of Stacey's first husband, Michael Wallace, who died in 2000 from a heart attack. Chemical analysis again showed traces of ethylene glycol.

Stacey Castor blamed her own daughter Ashley for these murders, who just at that time ended up in intensive care due to an overdose of pills and alcohol. Stacey forged her daughter's suicide note, in which she allegedly confessed to killing her stepfather. The only problem was that Ashley survived and testified against her mother in court.

4. The woman who bit off her husband's reproductive organ

Ekaterina Kharitonova, 36, was sentenced to two years in prison for causing bodily harm to her 40-year-old husband Mikhail and their 33-year-old friend Lisa Dmitrieva. The tragedy occurred when Catherine returned home and found her husband with his girlfriend. She hit the homewrecker on the head with a floor lamp, and then sank her teeth into Mikhail’s genitals and bit it off. The loving couple was sent to the hospital, and the jealous wife was sent to jail.

5The Woman Who Cheated on Her Husband, Who Gave Her His Own Kidney

In 2001, Dr. Richard Batista offered his wife Danielle his kidney after two failed transplant attempts. After a successful operation, the wife thanked her husband in a very unusual way - she started doing karate and slept with her physiotherapist. Then she filed for divorce and deprived her husband of the opportunity to meet with their common children. Richard filed a lawsuit for $1.5 million, demanding compensation from his wife.

6. The woman who accidentally hung her husband during lovemaking

Tony, 46, and Crystal Border, 31, practiced bandaging and asphyxia in bed during their 10-year marriage. The couple was filming home videos for adults, so what happened in the barn was not in doubt. First, Tony put a rope around his neck, after which Crystal Border began to lift him. Tony asked to be lowered and almost immediately lost consciousness. The crystal slowly lowered him to the ground over about 15 minutes. For the next 40 minutes she checked his pulse and smoked. After this, Crystal called the police and stated that she accidentally killed her husband during love games - Tony died from suffocation while hanging.

7. The 76-year-old woman who is suspected of killing her four husbands

Betty Newman, 76, of Georgia, is currently in a North Carolina prison on charges of hiring a hitman to kill her fourth husband, Harold Gentry. After investigating the deaths of her first child and previous husbands, it turned out that each of them was insured and then died. Relatives of all the victims described Newman as “an overbearing, self-centered, greedy lady.”

8. The woman who chose her beloved crocodile over her husband

Australian Vicky Lawing divorced her husband when he asked her to give up her pet crocodile. Lowing, 52, raised the five-foot reptile for 13 years, allowing it to roam freely around the house and sleep in the same bed with her son Andrew. Victoria took in the crocodile after it was dropped off on her doorstep in 1996. As the woman stated, “Husbands can take care of themselves, but my crocodile cannot cook his own food.”

9The Saudi woman who left her husband because he tried to sneak glances at her face after 30 years of marriage

A man lived with his wife in Saudi Arabia for 30 years without ever seeing her face. His 50-year-old wife followed the traditions of her native village and always hid her face under a burqa. One night, the husband was overcome by curiosity, and he decided to lift his burqa to look at his beloved. This was a mistake because the awakened wife was furious and immediately demanded a divorce.

10. The woman who attacked her husband with frozen lasagna

An Atlantic Beach woman was arrested after she attacked her husband during an argument, beating him with packages of frozen food from the refrigerator. Amanda Trott hit her husband in the face several times and hit him as hard as she could on the top of the head with a frozen lasagna.

Women are the greatest mystery of creation. Continuing the topic.

22 August 2018, 10:09

The tragedy occurred in Votkinsk in February 2016. Married couple – Andrey (name changed. – Ed. note). and Alena were taking their four-year-old son to school. On the way they quarreled. A man killed his wife right in front of the boy.

Andrei and Alena were together for six years and raised a five-year-old son. She worked as a safety engineer, he as an operator at a plant. They lived peacefully - friends and acquaintances could not even think that there was discord in the couple. And only relatives knew that not everything was so smooth in family life.

- They almost broke up several times- the girl’s father recalls.

- He was very jealous of her, started fights, and sometimes beat her. He drank and dabbled in drugs. But Alenka was proud, didn’t tell anyone about it, didn’t complain... She thought that she would solve all her problems herself. She wanted to leave him, but he returned her every time... The last time the couple had a fight was a few weeks before the tragedy. The girl went to her parents for two weeks.

- On Saturday, February 27, she took Vladik to developmental courses for children. Andrey called and offered to give them a ride. He came with a bouquet and gave large roses,- says the girl’s father Stanislav.

- And again - he tried to persuade him to return, he wanted to make peace...

On the way, the couple quarreled. In a fit of anger, the man pulled out a knife and hit his wife. Alena screamed, and the boy sleeping in the back seat woke up. - Andrey beat Alena, repeating: "It's because you don't want to live with me"- Stanislav retells Vlad’s story. - Alena screamed and asked for help, asked to stop. But he didn't listen. I just asked: “Why don’t you live with me?"To which Alena replied: " Because you're drunk."

The man continued to throw punches. Alena tried to open the door and asked to be taken to the hospital, but instead the man turned on the music and jumped out of the car, locking his son inside. The boy was lucky - the car stopped not far from the cafe, and visitors heard his screams and knocking on the window and suspected something was wrong. According to Stanislav, if the car had been left even 10 meters further, Vlad would have been in danger of death from hypothermia - it was a cold winter day outside.

According to supervisory authorities, Andrei was found quickly - he was found by passers-by. It turned out that he had cut his arms and neck. He was saved. The check showed that he was drunk. A criminal case was opened against the man under the article “Murder”. The case is being heard in court today. During these months, Andrei underwent 4 examinations, three of which concluded that the man was in a state of passion at the time of the murder.

However, the father of the deceased does not agree with this conclusion.

“I am sure that Andrei was healthy and understood perfectly well what he was doing at the time of the murder,” he says, and cites excerpts from the first protocol of Andrei’s interrogation: “When we were driving along the roadway of the street. Serov, between the music school and the Oktyabr cinema, I grabbed, as far as I remember, with my left hand a knife with a plastic blue handle and I remember that I stabbed Alena in the torso from the front, from which Alena bent forward, and I stabbed her in the back. After that, Alena asked me to take her to the hospital, but I got scared and decided for myself that I would cause the same damage to myself, I decided not to go to the hospital, but to go towards the Dorozhnoe cafe,” Stanislav insists that remembering such information while in a state of passion is impossible. Due to the fact that examinations showed a state of passion, Andrei was sent home for outpatient treatment - all these months the accused was at home. The Votkinsk District Court made a decision in a criminal case against a 39-year-old man. The man was accused of murdering his wife, which occurred on February 27, 2016. Then he and his son went for a ride in a car. At some point, a quarrel arose between the spouses and the man stabbed his wife several times. All this happened in front of the child. The attacker then locked the car, leaving the son with his mother's corpse.

Currently, little Vlad lives with his grandfather. According to Stanislav, the child does not understand that his mother is no longer there.

- He hardly talks about her, and if he remembers, he speaks in the present tense, - the man says.

- He doesn’t want to go to the cemetery. He doesn’t talk about his father, doesn’t even mention his name. One day we were driving in a car with my grandmother, and he said: “Grandfather, can I change my last name?” We said we had to wait until our 14th birthday. The boy met with a psychologist 5 times in 2 months. He testified on the second day, but already in the car of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as soon as he was pulled out of the car, he calmly said that “dad killed.” A week later they just gave it to us.

Journalists attended one of the court hearings at which the case was considered. The man’s lawyer read out the protocols of Andrei’s interrogations.

According to the man, Alena cheated on him. A month before the murder, the woman began visiting her friend in the evenings. After some time, the man “smelled something was wrong” and began to suspect her of infidelity. Adding fuel to the fire was the situation when 3,000 rubles were written off from Alena’s account. Alena said that she bought her husband a gift for February 23, but he ruined the surprise. The gift turned out to be an expensive leather belt. When Alena presented the gift, Andrei said that he had never worn belts. The man also states that he was threatened by friends of “Alena’s friend.”

However, the girl’s father claims that she loved Andrei and never cheated on him.

Later examinations will show that he was in a state of passion. Initially, the case under the article “murder” was considered in the Supreme Court of the republic. The court ruled to return the case to the prosecutor's office due to the fact that there were three expert opinions that contradicted each other. Then the man was sent for another examination to St. Petersburg. And there the experts said that the accused did not need treatment, and committed the crime in a state of passion. “Which limited his ability to understand the meaning of his actions and their arbitrary regulation, which was caused by a conflict situation with the victim, which was psychologically traumatic for the man,” they said in the Votkinsk district court.

After this examination, the case is again sent to the district court, where a decision is made to terminate the criminal case due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. A crime provided for in Part 1 of Art. 107 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, “murder committed in a state of passion” is considered to be of minor gravity, since the punishment is provided for up to three years in prison. - In accordance with paragraph “a” of Part 1 of Article 78 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a person is exempt from criminal liability if two years have passed since the commission of a crime of minor gravity.

This crime shocked all of America. It couldn’t have been any other way. After all, representatives of the elite and a Hollywood star became victims of frostbitten killers. The details of the massacre still cause horror. What was it like for those who saw all this with their own eyes!

On the morning of August 9, 1969, Natella Whitels was in high spirits on her way to work. She rightly believed that she was very lucky in her life. The Almighty helped her get a job as a housekeeper for a respectable family, and the couple, owners of a villa in the Los Angeles suburb of Beverly Hills, turned out to be not only nice, but also generous people. With these rosy thoughts, Whitels entered the house and a minute later jumped out with her face twisted in horror: “Oh God, they’re all dead! Help! Someone!

"Death to pigs!"

A terrible picture appeared to the eyes of the police who arrived at the scene. According to the maid, the day before, the owner of the villa, a rising Hollywood star, 26-year-old actress Sharon Tate, invited her friends to the party: the owner of a chain of beauty salons, Thomas Sebring, cinematographer Wojciech Frykowski, the daughter of a coffee magnate, Abigail Folger, and the aspiring but already popular artist Steve Parent. And now all these people are dead. Moreover, the unknown killer (or killers?) dealt with the unfortunate people in the most cruel way.

While Perent, who was sitting in his car, was “humanely” killed by four shots at point-blank range, Frykowski had his skull fractured thirteen times, stabbed 51 times and given a control shot in the back of the head. Thomas Sebring was mutilated and killed in the same manner. Abigail's death was the result of twenty stab wounds. Sharon Tate lay with her stomach torn open in a pool of blood on her bedroom floor. A loop of nylon rope was tied around her neck, and the other end, thrown over a beam, was wrapped around Sebring's neck. Two more men, who turned out to be hired by the bartender and waiter, were found dead in the back room, where, apparently, they tried to hide from the killers. And on the front door of the house there was an inscription written in blood: “Pigs!”

The dark piquancy of the situation was that Sharon Tate, who was nine months pregnant, was the wife of the famous director Roman Polanski, who received the main prize at the San Francisco Film Festival for the film “Two in the Closet”, and in 1968 directed a scandalous thriller about the birth of his son Devil "Rosemary's Baby" He himself miraculously escaped death, since at the time of the events described he was in Europe.

Nevertheless, it was he who was suspected in the first place. Then, since marijuana was found in the house, the police put forward another version: they say that the bohemians smoked weed and, under the influence of dope, cut each other down. Amazingly, law enforcement officers did not pay attention to the murder, also in the villa, of the owner of the supermarket chain Lino La Bianchi and his wife, committed a day later. After all, on the wall of the house where the tragedy occurred, the murderers, having stabbed the owner and strangled his wife with an electric wire, also left a similar mark in the form of an inscription in the blood of the victims: “Death to pigs! We will come again!”

Devil's Viceroy

It is unknown how long the investigation would have languished if chance had not helped. A girl, a certain Susan Atkins, was detained for complicity in the theft of a car. And so, placed in prison, she, apparently in order to show her “toughness,” told her fellow inmates that it was she and her friends who committed the massacre in the villas with a break of a day. Since there was also an informant among the listeners, the revelations immediately became known to the police. And the detectives rushed to Atkins' home - a dilapidated ranch in a place called Death Valley, where a hippie commune was located, led by a certain Charles Manson.

The leader of the commune immediately interested the detectives. 35-year-old Charles Manson (his surname means “son of man”) spent half of his life in prison for various crimes - from robbery and theft to fraud and pimping. And in 1967, after serving another term, he came to Los Angeles and, having met hippies, decided to create his own teaching. Moreover, it is quite strange, since the newly-minted “guru” claimed that he is both the son of God and the deputy of the Devil, which allows him to simultaneously control both good and evil.

It must be said that Manson could hypnotically influence people, so the number of his followers (the vast majority were girls who, upon joining the sect, had to undergo a ritual of collective rape) gradually grew. In practice, Manson's philosophy boiled down to drug use and strange rituals. One of his former fans described it this way: “They killed the dog, then brought two girls. They were stripped naked and doused with dog blood. They simply held the corpse of a dog, from which blood was gushing, over their heads. Then they smeared the girls with blood, where it had not yet reached. Then they all performed sexual acts with the girls, and in between they drank dog blood. It was all disgusting. . ."

However, there was also a certain ideological component to this obscurantism. They say that the day is not far when on Earth, during the outbreak of race wars, black Americans will rise up and massacre whites. Here the “son of man” will appear with his army, and the victorious blacks will recognize the white messenger of Christ as their ruler.

The detectives managed to get Manson's fans talking. And this is the picture they “painted” of the crime. At dawn on August 9, a car stops at Sharon Tate's villa, driven by Manson's right-hand man Charles Watson, and in the cabin are three girls - former church choir singer Susan Atkins, former secretary Patricia Crankvist and unemployed Linda Kasabian. All the inhabitants of the villa were asleep, with the exception of Perent, who was sitting in his Mercedes and warming up the engine, getting ready to go home. Watson,
pressing the latch of the back door with the blade of a knife, he waved his hand to his accomplices: “Forward!”, and he himself, rushing to the car, shot the artist.

Subsequently, during interrogations, Atkins described the murder of Sharon Tate as follows: “When I stabbed her the first time and she screamed, everything turned upside down in me. I hit her again and stabbed her with the knife until she finally fell silent. It was like sexual satisfaction, especially when you see blood and then taste it.”

Why Sharon Tate and her guests were chosen as victims remains a mystery to the investigation. Investigators believe that in this way Manson tried to distract the police from the investigation of another murder committed on July 25 of the same year by cult adherent Robert Beausoleil and the same Susan Atkins. Then the son of the famous actress Harry Hinman, who inherited a large sum of money from his mother, became the victims of the bandits. But he refused to give them to the racketeers even under torture, for which he paid with his life. The killers, leaving the house, wrote on the wall in the victim’s blood: “Pig!”

Then they had to be content with the loot in the form of the victim’s car. However, on August 7, Beausoleil, who was driving a stolen Ford, was arrested, but he told the police that Hinman had given him the car. And so, in order to save his assistant, Manson ordered a couple more similar crimes to be committed. The investigation lasted quite a long time, as the killers' lawyers tried to present their clients as insane and under the influence of Manson.

By the verdict of the California Supreme Court, all participants in the Beverly Hills massacre were found guilty and sentenced to death. However, according to the legal rules existing in the United States, the execution period was not determined and, thanks to appeals and petitions from lawyers, the execution was constantly postponed. And in 1972, the same California Supreme Court abolished the death penalty, which automatically transferred all those convicted in this case to the category of “lifers.”

However, residents of solitary confinement, including Manson, have repeatedly submitted requests for release. The last time the 80-year-old “son of man” appeared before the pardon commission was in 2014. And he stated the following: “What should I regret? Perhaps if I had killed four hundred people I would have been satisfied.”

It is clear that for such a statement Manson was again sent to solitary confinement. However, he was never bored. An 80-year-old prisoner decided to marry one of his many fans. The age difference between the newlyweds was more than half a century! However, at the last moment the bride changed her mind, and the wedding was postponed due to “unforeseen circumstances.”

Manson himself died in November 2017 in a prison hospital due to a gastrointestinal tract disease.

A woman who killed her husband or lover for money or freedom is a kind of artistic cliché, but in reality such cases are quite rare. Thus, only 15% of murders in the United States were committed by women, while 60% of wives were killed by their own husbands or partners. Often women kill their husbands out of fear for their own lives, which serves as mitigating circumstances, but there are also truly brutal murders, which we will remember in our list.

1. Evelyn Dick

In 1946, tourists in Canada discovered a headless torso, which was identified as the body of 39-year-old John Dick. Suspicion fell on his beautiful and unfaithful wife Evelyn, who was only 25 years old. During the search, police found the body of a baby in the girl's suitcase. Evelyn was found guilty of murdering her husband and sentenced to death. The lawyer managed to overturn this verdict on appeal, and all charges against the girl were dropped, since the police process was carried out with errors. But Dick still spent 12 years behind bars for killing her own child.

2. Katherine Knight

In 2001, Katherine Knight became the first Australian woman to be sentenced to life in prison without parole. She killed her lover, John Price. Price and Knight had a tense relationship. During one of the quarrels, the girl stabbed him in the chest. The guy survived, and Katherine was forbidden to approach him. But on the night of February 29, Knight broke into his house and stabbed him 37 times. She beheaded the man, and for some reason prepared parts of his body. When the police arrived at his house, they found the woman in a coma (she had taken a large dose of pills), and the headless body of her lover was in a chair.

3. Griselda Blanco

Griselda Blanco spent her entire life smuggling drugs in Colombia. More than 200 murders are associated with her name. In court, it turned out that Blanco killed three of her husbands, including Dario Sepulveda, with whom they quarreled about raising their son Mikael. Disagreeing with his parenting methods, Griselda hired a hitman to kill her ex-husband. Blanco herself also faced a sad ending: she was shot dead at the age of 69.

4. Mary Ann Cotton

Mary Ann Cotton was sentenced to death in 1873 for the murder of her 7-year-old stepson. The woman was suspected of other murders. Historians believe she was involved in at least 20 violent deaths, including those of her three husbands and her lover, her child and even her own mother. The killer's weapon was arsenic. After their death, she received good payments from the insurance policy, which was the motive for the crimes.

5. Betty Lou Beats

Betty Lou Beets from Texas is another woman who wanted insurance; she killed her two husbands for it. Before their deaths, husbands transferred their property to the woman, and then “mysteriously” fled the city. She almost got away with it, but the police found the suspicious lady's fifth husband missing. Suspicions were confirmed by the woman’s son, who told how she planned the murder. She was executed in a Texas prison in 2004.

6. Linda Calvey

The police officially gave Linda the nickname Black Widow after noticing that each of her lovers died under very different circumstances. In fact, Calvey was only convicted of murdering one of her three husbands, Ronnie Cook. She served 18 years for his murder. The rest of the young people were simply unlucky. Linda became very popular, even mafioso Ronnie Kray made her an offer that she did not want to accept.

7. Stacey Castor

Stacy Castor was sentenced to 51 years in prison for the murder of her husband, David Castor. She also attempted to kill her own daughter because of her husband's will. Initially, the police thought that David committed suicide, but the attempt on his daughter did not fit into this version, and Stacey herself was confused in her testimony.

8. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots

The marriage of Mary Stuart and Lord Darnley could not be called happy. Soon after the birth of her first child, she began to spend all her time with her favorite musician. Maria decided that divorce would not be an option, since then their son would be declared illegitimate, so she ordered to get rid of her husband. Darnley survived the explosion that should have killed him, but was beaten and strangled when he tried to escape.

9. Chisako Kakehi

Life insurance is a popular pretext for committing crimes. Chisako also wanted to profit from the death of her husband and two other men. The woman was already 70 years old at that time, and over the past 10 years she managed to accumulate $9 million by convincing older people to become her beneficiaries in insurance policies. Investigators believe Chisako used cyanide to kill her victims after they found traces of the poison in a trash bin near her home.

10. Pamela Smart

Pamela Smart, 22, worked as a teacher at a local high school. There, in 1990, she met 15-year-old Billy Flynn. They began a secret affair, and Smart soon realized that young Billy was exactly the one she needed. And the woman decided to get rid of her husband, Greg, by hiring three killers. The girl herself denies everything, but she was still sentenced to life imprisonment.

11. Belle Gunness

Belle Gunness was born in Norway in 1859 and emigrated to the United States in the 1880s, where she began killing. She killed her two children, Lucy and Myrta, whose bodies were later found in her home. However, investigators suggest that she also killed many other members of her family, including her husband. The reason is banal - profit from insurance policies.

12. Omana Edadan

Omana Edadan is accused of murdering his lover in Sri Lanka in 1996. True, the woman is still at large, as she managed to leave the country. Before she disappeared, she confessed to police about killing her husband. She poisoned him, cut him into small pieces and hid him in a suitcase. It is surprising that after such a confession she was released on bail.

13. Jean Harris

Jean Harris was the principal of a prestigious girls' school in Virginia whenmet and began dating Dr. Herman Tarnover, an outstanding cardiologist. Despite her relationship with her doctor, Harris became depressed due to the psychotropic medications she was taking in large quantities. In 1980, she planned to commit suicide in her own home, but by coincidence, her lover ended up there. As a result, she killed not herself, but him, for which she was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

14. Bibi Zaton

Bibi hatched a planthief to take revenge on his ex-lover Tanveer Iqbal. The woman really didn’t like the way he broke up with her. Bibi even managed to persuade her ex-husband and teenage son to commit a crime. She lured him home, where the conspirators beat him severely and then stuffed him into the trunk of an abandoned car. All three were found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison.

15. Neymar Betti

Neymar Betti is the embodiment of the term “black widow”. She was married five times, and four of her husbands died under mysterious circumstances. John Neymar, her last husband, died from supposedly natural causes, but the police decided to check everything, it was all too suspicious. The case was practically put into motion, but suddenly Neymar herself died of illness in 2011, before the case was presented to the court.

Just a couple of days ago it turned out that Oscar Pistorius, who shot his wife several years ago, received an increase in his sentence. Now he will remain behind bars for 13 years. It is known that Oscar was a multiple Paralympic champion in athletics, it is quite sad to know that such a man brutally killed his wife. In this list we will remember the people who dealt with their betrothed and got away with it.

First on our list of killers will be American football player Orenthal Simpson. The great player retired from the sport in 1980. At that time the man was 33 years old. 14 years after finishing her career, her ex-wife and her new boyfriend were found murdered. It all happened at the house of Nicole, who was Orenthal’s ex-wife. The woman and her friend died from multiple stab wounds; Nicole’s boyfriend turned out to be waiter Ron Goldman, who previously had a fairly warm relationship with Simpson. Also near the dead was a glove in which the men were stabbed with a knife.
Suspicion immediately fell on the former football player Orenthal, law enforcement agencies arrived at his home and found a glove smeared with blood, as well as drops of blood on the car. A DNA test was carried out, the police were convinced that the blood belonged to the dead people. Simpson was arrested and charged with murder. But since the former football player had a huge amount of money, the best lawyers were bought and presented in court (even Kim Kardashian's father took part in this case). The man’s defense unanimously stated that the blood samples were spoiled by the law enforcement agencies themselves, and they accused the man due to the fact that he was black. So all the cops are just racists who blame the black man. Another argument was the size of the gloves, which did not suit Orenthal. As you already understood, the man was acquitted. Of course, a couple of years later the court’s decision was appealed and he was still found guilty, but he was never sent to prison, they were only told to pay compensation of a couple of tens of millions of dollars. Until now, the man has not paid a single cent to the families of the victims.

10 years ago, the book “If I Did It” was published; it described this murder in a “hypothetical” form. Of course, as soon as the public and the families of the victims found out about this, a strong conflict began. The rights to the book were appropriated by the family of the murdered waiter. But still, Orenthal went to jail, in the same year he kidnapped a man, and even broke into a store with a weapon and robbed him. The sentence was: “15 years in prison.” But the man was released ahead of schedule in 2017 and now walks freely around his native land.

Now let's talk about the case of 1944. The location is New York. The story is about one of the most famous writers, William Burroughs. When the man was almost 30 years old, he met the young beauty Joan Vollmer. The husband of 21-year-old Vollmer went to the front, leaving his daughter to the young mother. Because of this, the couple quickly separated, and Joan immediately after the divorce got together with the writer. Two years later, Burroughs was arrested for forging a prescription for a drug that could be used for narcotic purposes. He was released because of his connections with a psychoanalyst he knew; his guarantee helped William avoid going to jail. The couple then left for Mexico because they did not want to face jail time. They had a son, whom they named William. But happiness did not work out, since both spouses were addicted to drugs and alcohol. At that time, it turned out that Joan was often left alone, as her husband went to see men. But everything came to an end in one moment. William asked Joan to reproduce the "William Tell number." The girl put the glass on her head and began to wait. The writer took out a pistol and fired, but hit him straight in the head, which is why the girl died instantly. Burroughs was arrested that same day, but after paying bail for himself, he was released pending trial. In court, he was given a couple of years of probation and... that’s it. The writer remained free. After further events, William himself wrote: “If I had not killed my wife then, I would hardly have become a writer... Having killed Joan, I enveloped myself in the struggle of life, from which there is only one path to freedom - to write.”

This story dates back to 1982. Klaus Bülow was born in 1926 in Denmark. After graduating, he went to work for one of the richest people of that time. This man was Paul Getty, who was a rather serious personality of that time. At the same time, Klaus got married; he married Martha Crawford. Since they both worked in finance, they met there, and communication grew into a relationship. (In their circles they called the girl Sunshine)
But 35 years ago, Bülow was arrested and charged with “attempted murder.” He wanted to kill his beloved Martha, who suddenly fell into a coma. Based on a blood test, the police concluded that Klaus injected his wife with a share of insulin. Martha's children from her previous husband began to unravel everything; they suspected something was wrong in Klaus's behavior and told the prosecutor. He immediately conducted an investigation and everything secret became clear.
In the Bülow mansion, law enforcement agencies of that time found bottles of insulin, as well as a syringe with which the husband gave injections. For such an attempt, Bülow was given 30 years in prison, but it’s not that simple. The man's lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, who was an excellent law professor, was represented at the defense. Various experts in the field of pharmacology were also invited. It further turned out that his wife’s coma was not caused by insulin, but by numerous doses of alcohol and drugs, which is why Klaus is not to blame for anything. Also, one rather smart specialist said that the needle in which insulin was found disproves everything they came for. After all, traces of insulin would be on the woman’s skin, and not on the needle; they would simply be wiped off the syringe. All charges were dropped and the man remained free.
Of course, for some, the case is still a kind of documentary. They even wrote a book using this story as a basis. The book was called “The Wrong Side of Fate”, and a film was also made based on it. Various arguments were given there in favor of Bülow's guilt, but these were just guesses of screenwriters and writers. By the way, the wife, who was in a coma, never woke up and died 9 years ago.