Where did the negative blood group come from? People with negative Rh factor are special

Royal blood. Blood, as the main substance of life, given to us by the Creator, has a single nature. Despite all individual differences, it is connected with the universal human Soul, therefore, in the energy-informational sense, all people on Earth are brothers and sisters. Historically, there is only one exception - this is the second group, or group A. It is known that initially humanity had only one blood group - the first. Its owners were also representatives of the earliest civilizations - the Incas and Egyptians. However, when scientists examined the DNA of the mummies of Egyptian pharaohs, it turned out that they all had a second blood type. The same picture was observed in the Inca Empire - the gene pool of the royal dynasty was sharply different from the general gene pool of its subjects. Group A is generally a rather strange phenomenon; its very existence fits poorly into the history of human evolution. This is recognized by many scientists: for example, A. Moran, a leading geneticist of our time, claims that gene A has nothing in common with the Cro-Magnon ancestors of humans and is introduced from the outside. The Incas, Aztecs and other Central American tribes knew that their ancestors came from the land of Atztlan - Plato's mysterious Atlantis. Many modern researchers believe that there were 4 directions of Atlantean emigration: the first wave of settlers settled in Greece; the second - on the territory of Ancient Egypt; the third is the northwestern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, modern Spain, Portugal and France; the fourth, the most recent, settled in Mesoamerica. So gene A, preserved among the Egyptian and Inca kings, is most likely an Atlantean heritage. A short excursion into the wilds of modern genetics. Official science does not have a firm opinion on the origin of human blood groups. Our primitive ancestors had a common blood group, first, or group 0. About 100 thousand years ago, in parallel with gene 0, gene A appeared - the second blood group. The third (group B) appeared 3,000 - 3,500 years ago. The fourth (AB0) - approximately in the middle of the second millennium AD. There are several assumptions regarding the causes of gene 0 mutation: the impact of various infections on the human body; changes in the composition of food - the human diet has changed dramatically four times throughout history. However, none of these theories has yet received reliable confirmation. “Star Seed” It turns out that people with blood type 2 can consider themselves descendants of the ancient Atlanteans? There is a clearer sign of this genetic line - Rh negative-factor. Among all mammals, it is found only in humans, and even then very rarely. 85% of the world's population is Rh positive - the same as all other primates. The conclusion inevitably suggests itself: those with a negative Rh factor are not the heirs of prehistoric people. If all people belonged to the same biological species, there would be no Rh conflicts, since Rh conflict is an attempt to destroy a foreign substance. Rhesus negative people, as well as Atlanteans, are the descendants of ancient astronauts who once colonized the Earth. The ancient Jews called them nephillim - “glorious people”, or “giants”. Those same giants who, according to biblical legend, were born from angels and daughters of men... Most of them fell into temptation and forgot their mission - to help people cleanse their genetic structures, awaken the desire for spiritual evolution. The descendants of the biblical giants (they are also called “star seed”) are still prone to regression and fall, although by nature they are given much more than ordinary people. These creatures are the link that connects the Earth with other worlds. All children of the “star seed” are divided into two categories. The first is the so-called Chosen Ones. They may not have negative Rh factor. In the process of evolution and promiscuity, the blood of ancient astronauts was diluted with earthly genes. The second is Rh negative. The space gene is not lost, it works. It may not appear at all for some time, and then become activated. Insight sets in, a clear understanding of one’s mission on Earth comes, paranormal abilities appear, and the opportunity to establish a direct connection with the cosmos. Many of them had greatly diluted genes due to the promiscuous connections of their ancestors with people who were far from blameless. Plato also spoke about people - the descendants of the gods and about the dissolution of the divine gene, which ultimately led Atlantis to the fall. When this gene is activated, its owner experiences severe stress: The soul is undergoing a fundamental transformation, and not everyone is able to withstand it. Many people, especially women, break down. The consciousness that you are an alien in this world can destroy a person’s inner world. It is important that souls with cosmic initiation become Teachers, and not spiritual invalids who need to be saved. Rh-negatives are brothers and sisters of earthlings, but brothers not in the home, but in the Universe. Modern science knows four blood groups: 0 (the most common - 45% of the world's population are its carriers), A (35%), B (13%) and AB0 (7%). Group A (the second group) has three varieties, so in essence we can talk about not four, but six blood groups. In everyday medical practice, only four groups are taken into account. Rh factor is a specific antigen. People who do not have this antigen (“Rh-negative type”) should not receive transfusions. Rh positive blood- this can cause a severe immune reaction, anaphylactic shock. A child conceived by an Rh positive Rh+ man and an Rh negative Rh- woman is likely to inherit Rh positive Rh+. However, positive antigens of the fetus can enter into a Rh conflict with the mother's antibodies, as a result of which the child is usually born dead. Scientists believe that Rh conflict serves as a form of natural selection aimed at reducing the number of carriers of the gene responsible for the negative Rh factor. An Rh-positive child born to an Rh-negative mother will still be a carrier of latent Rh-, and therefore will be able to pass it on to offspring. Currently, about 14% of the world's population are Rh- carriers. In some ethnic groups this percentage is significantly higher. Among the Basques, Palestinians and black Jews of Ethiopia, the Rh- rate reaches 30%. Many paleo-ufologists consider the territories where these peoples traditionally live to be the landing sites of ancient astronauts who once visited Earth. Help me figure it out. Gorbachev, Medvedev, and Putin are carriers of Rh-negative blood. Then what do we have: 1) that the entire Royal Family of England and France and other countries, all the ruling presidents of the United States were Rh-negative - this is no longer a secret to anyone; Moreover, the royal family sacredly honors the purity of negative Rhesus. 3) it has been admitted that domestic presidents, since the time of perestroika, have been elected (not by the people, of course) from among carriers of Rh-negative blood. Is this good or bad for the inhabitants of the Earth? Who are all these people at the top of power, and why do they not have a developed sense of responsibility for the planet? Where is the scale, and most importantly, the environmental friendliness of their thinking? Well, the Queen of England - at least she promotes the breeding of bees, at least she helps nature. What good things have our presidents created for their country and the planet as a whole? It is known that it was destroyed by them. And everything that was created under the Soviet Union was destroyed, including education and science, agriculture and industry, the army and navy. Everything that could be preserved, developed, improved, transformed, ennobled and multiplied was destroyed; everything that was not destroyed was sold! An interesting fact is that scientists still do not know the origin of the negative Rh factor. But there are a number of interesting features: 1) people with negative Rh have low blood pressure and body temperature. (Strange resemblance to reptiles......coincidental, of course). 2) People with Rh negative are very sensitive to the sun, their skin is paler than normal, they burn quickly in the sun, and are often red-haired. 3) Most of all, the second blood group is Rh negative among the Masons, the royal family and other shadow elite. Scientists claim that it was this group that the pharaohs had, while all other people had the first group. It was this group that belonged to Miriam, the daughter of an Egyptian priest, who was given as a wife to Moses. The body of a woman with Rh negative rejects her own fetus if it is from a Rh positive partner. Thus began the selection of Jews. No other creature on the planet has such a reaction. ....Except....artificially bred mules. An interesting fact is that women with the second group of Rh negative most often have the strongest psychic abilities and know how to influence people. In the Sumerian and Akkadian chronicles they are called Nephilim (later this is what they began to call half-angels - half-humans, and our Sumerian ancestors wrote that it was the abomination of the Nephilim that caused the flood. The first selectively bred male Rhesusniks were huge, with an elongated skull, and women of normal height, often with gray eyes and the ability to influence consciousness, control a crowd, and come into contact with the underworld. (but it’s not people who live underground...). The flood was an attempt to destroy the abomination of the Nephilim, but all the giant men died. According to Akkadian texts, women were hidden in the depths of the earth by their creators. Centuries have passed since then, and the black priesthood is still trying to return the link that was lost in the flood, selecting negative Rhesus and especially the second group of Rhesus negative - “royal blood” - the blood of the rulers. They are trying to introduce these people into all haplogroups in order to select obedient slaves, because all other groups (except the second) with Rh negative are people inclined to obedience, easy to control and loyal. It may not be as simple as it seems at first glance! Maybe, while we are thinking about how to revive the Aryan race, the black elite made a move ahead of the curve long ago by introducing their selected animals to us in order to quietly turn them into slaves. This is such a small thing, the Rh factor. ...Only not a single scientist or laboratory has yet figured out where it came from. Why then is he held in such esteem in royal houses? Or do they already know where he comes from? The easiest way to destroy any nation is from within, through posterity. It depends on the knowledge, experience and understanding of a person at a given moment. There is verbosity, sophistry and demagoguery, but there is truth and it does not change with quantity questions asked, because he is able to simply answer them without going into the jungle of empty disputes. But on the other hand, everyone has the right to decide what to believe and what to do. The truth remains the truth no matter what people believe and does not need the services of lies. The most dangerous lie is the one that is mixed with the truth and presented as the undeniable truth. G. Sidorov is not God. The author of this poetic creation is not a prophet.

There are 4 main blood groups in people: 0 (1), A (2), B (3), AB (4), this quality is unchangeable. Not only biochemical processes, tissue properties, immunity, energy reserves, conductivity, but also personality traits and the pattern of fate are associated with it. People with the first blood group have great endurance, long-livers, leaders, obvious or hidden, initiators, devotees, athletes, fighters. They love movement and change of events. They know how to make contacts. Often choleric by temperament. They are susceptible to diseases when they do not rest for a long time or from overload. All their diseases are most often from the stomach. People with the second blood group are conscientious, stubborn, sometimes too diligent, they are often performers, work is the most important thing for them. Reliable and trusting. Their illnesses overtake them if they lose optimism, become infantile and sad. Often predisposed to diabetes, vascular diseases and rheumatism. People of the third blood group are powerful, impressionable, but know how to be delicate, they are capable, easily adaptable, individualists, demanding. Outwardly they are calm, but underneath this they hide their high vulnerability and mental imbalance. And that’s why sometimes they explode to the surprise of other people. They often suffer from psychosomatic diseases and diseases of the skeletal system. People of the fourth blood group are not very common, they are overwhelmed by passions, contradictory, doubt, throw dust, and only over the years they become ideal partners, flexible, wise, very patient. They are loyal and idealistic. Their illnesses are from unbalanced emotions. It is important for them to learn to understand and see where there is good and where there is evil, then they become harmonious and do not make serious mistakes in life. These people are more likely than others to need an adviser, psychologist or senior mentor. But then they themselves become great teachers.

85% of the world's population are Rh positive. The remaining 15% of people have Rh negative blood. Which is clearly not accidental, and may indicate factors of a different genetic branch between these two types of people. So far, not many scientists and esotericists are studying this topic, but multiple assumptions and surveys paint a picture. No evidence has yet been found that Rhesus negative blood terrestrial origin as a result of evolution.

It is known that blood type 0 (I) (negative Rh factor) is the purest blood on earth known to man, but it is unknown where the negative Rh factor came from, the factor that makes blood so pure that it can be called the purest blood in the world.

All people on earth can be transfused with 0 (I) blood group (negative Rh), but people with such blood cannot be transfused with any blood other than their own blood type.

There are certain common features, inherent in people with such blood: they cannot be cloned, IQ is above average, most of them are fair-haired with green eyes and dark-haired with brown or blue eyes, low blood pressure, acute vision or hearing, telepathic abilities, extra rib or vertebra, paranormal events, prophetic dreams, undiagnosed symptoms of illness, psycic abilities, the ability to influence electrical devices (for example, when a computer suddenly turns off or breaks down in your presence), unexplained scars and marks on their body. They see and feel people through and through, so they are never deceived by a smile or sweet words. They see bright, colorful dreams more often than other people.

Most people with developed psychic abilities have a negative Rh factor, as do good healers too. They cannot communicate with people for a long time, this tires them greatly, although people are always drawn to them. They are subconsciously confident in how to live correctly and harmoniously, because the principles of morality and morality are inscribed in them from birth.

It’s strange, but many who study the theory of ancient astronauts and other extraterrestrial phenomena also have negative Rhesus.

Eric von Daniken has such blood and thirst for truth. Brad Steiger also has that blood. His book "Gods of Aquarius" also allows for this possibility.

There is an opinion that initially humanity had only one blood group - the first. In particular, its owners were also representatives of the earliest civilizations - the Incas and Egyptians. When scientists examined the DNA of the mummies of Egyptian pharaohs, it turned out that they all had a second blood type. The same picture was observed in the Inca Empire - the gene pool of the royal dynasty was sharply different from the general gene pool of its subjects. It is worth saying that official science still does not have a firm opinion on the origin of human blood groups. Indeed, our primitive ancestors had a common blood group, the first, or otherwise - group 0. However, about 100 thousand years ago, in parallel with the gene 0, gene A - the second blood group - appeared. The remaining varieties have a much later origin - the third (group B) appeared 3,000 - 3,500 years ago, and the fourth (AB0) - approximately in the middle of the second millennium AD. There are several assumptions regarding the reasons for the mutation of gene 0 - from the impact of various infections on the human body to changes in the composition of food (by the way, the human diet has changed dramatically four times throughout the history of homo sapiens). However, none of these theories has yet received reliable confirmation.

"Star seeding"

-So, it turns out that people with the second blood group can consider themselves descendants of the ancient Atlanteans?

There is a more clear sign of this genetic line - a negative Rh factor. Have you ever wondered why, among all mammals, it is found only in humans, and even then very rarely? 85% of the world's population is Rh positive - the same as all other primates. The conclusion inevitably suggests itself: those with a negative Rh factor are not the heirs of prehistoric people.

-Do you want to say that they do not belong to homo sapiens at all?

If all people belonged to the same biological species, there would be no hemolytic diseases (Rh conflicts), since Rh conflict is an attempt to destroy a foreign substance. Rhesus negative people, as well as Atlanteans, are the descendants of ancient astronauts. Even the great metaphysician Rudolf Steiner developed the theory that in prehistoric times humanity was largely guided and guided by beings of a higher order who communicated and interacted with certain people - the most capable, strong and intellectually flexible. As a result of sexual relations between these beings and earthly people, those who can be called demigods were born. These hybrid people were inspired by higher ideas and felt a universal cosmic force within them. In essence, Steiner's definition coincides with the description of those whom the ancient Jews called nephillim - “glorious people”, or “giants”.

-Those same giants who, according to biblical tradition, were born from Angels and daughters of men?

Yes, the same ones that, among other things, caused the global flood. The fact is that most of them fell into temptation and forgot their original mission - to help people cleanse their genetic structures and awaken in themselves the desire for spiritual evolution. Unfortunately, the descendants of the biblical giants (they are also called “star seed”) are still prone to regression and fall, although by nature they are given much more than ordinary people.

-What is their peculiarity?

These creatures are the link that connects the Earth with other worlds. All children of the “star seed” are divided into two categories. The first is the so-called Chosen Ones. By the way, they may not have a negative Rh factor, since in the process of evolution and promiscuous relationships the blood of ancient astronauts was diluted with earthly genes. The second category includes those who are actually Rh-negative - their cosmic gene is not lost, it works. It may not appear at all for some time, and then be activated - then insight occurs, a clear understanding of one’s mission on Earth comes, paranormal abilities appear, and the opportunity to get into direct contact with the cosmos. By the way, many of the Rh-negatives are engaged in the study of ancient civilizations - the voice of blood speaks in them, memories of their true origin.

-However, why, with all their talents, are they prone to regression, as you claim?

Firstly, many of them had greatly diluted genes due to the promiscuous connections of their ancestors with people who, let’s say, were far from flawless. Plato also spoke about people - the descendants of the gods and about the dissolution of the divine gene, which ultimately led Atlantis to the fall. Secondly, when this gene is activated, its owner experiences severe stress: the soul undergoes a fundamental transformation, and not everyone is able to withstand it - many, especially women, break down. Agree, the consciousness that you are a stranger in this world, an alien, can destroy a person’s inner world. Therefore, it is very important that souls with cosmic initiation become Teachers, and not spiritual invalids who need to be saved. You need to be aware that Rh-negatives are brothers and sisters of earthlings, but brothers not in the home, but in the Universe. And only by combining our efforts, we will be able to conduct a spiritual inventory of our planet and reach a qualitative new level development.

Human blood consists of plasma and formed elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, etc.). The red color of blood comes from hemoglobin contained in red blood cells. The average volume of blood in the body of an adult is about 5.2 liters (for men) and 3.9 liters (for women). In 1 cubic mm of blood contains 3.9 - 5.0 million erythrocytes, 4 - 9 thousand leukocytes, 180 - 320 thousand platelets.

Modern science knows four blood groups: 0 (the most common - 45% of the world's population are its carriers), A (35%), B (13%) and AB0 (7%). Group A (the second group) has three varieties, so in essence we can talk not about four, but about six blood groups, however, since all variants of agglutinogen A are similar in their properties, only four groups are taken into account in everyday medical practice.

AB0 people are considered universal recipients - they can be transfused with blood of any group - and those with group 0 are considered universal donors.

The Rh factor (a specific antigen contained in human red blood cells and Macacus rhesus) was discovered in 1940 by the Australian scientist K. Landsteiner and the American researcher A. Wiener. People who do not have this antigen (the so-called “Rh-negative type”) cannot be transfused with Rh-positive blood, as this can cause a severe immune reaction - anaphylactic shock.

It is estimated that in 15,000 years the number of people with Rh negative will be reduced to 1%. Currently, about 14% of the world's population are Rh- carriers, but in some ethnic groups this percentage is significantly higher - in particular, among the Basques, Palestinians and Jews of Ethiopia, the Rh- rate reaches 30%. It is interesting that many ufologists consider the territories where these peoples traditionally live to be the landing sites of ancient astronauts who once visited Earth...

The article includes an excerpt from Y. Teneneva’s book “The Journey into Yourself”


Extraterrestrial DNA...

The famous American paranormal investigator Brad Steiger noticed interesting feature: people with negative Rh factor blood are not quite ordinary...

More precisely, he suggested that these people are either from a special genetic line of “Homo sapiens” or descendants of aliens.

The fact is that, according to the laws of genetics, we can only inherit those properties that our ancestors possessed, unless, of course, we are talking about mutation. This means that if a person and a monkey descended from the same ancestor, then their blood should be compatible. However, all primates have a positive Rh factor... That’s all!

Why do some people have a negative Rh factor? It turns out that such people are descendants of some other ancestor. Perhaps aliens?

It was also noted that the highest percentage of carriers of negative Rh factor - 30% - is among the Spanish Basques (whose origin, by the way, is still a mystery), Israeli Jews of eastern origin, Samaritans and Ethiopian black Jews.

While in other nations the number of such people barely reaches 1%.

Most mediums, healers, and people with unusual psychic abilities also have a negative Rh factor.

As we know, there are only 4 blood groups. They all differ in composition, or more precisely, in the presence of various proteins in blood cells that fight bacteria in the body. Most people have these proteins and are Rh positive.

Why some people don’t have these proteins is a mystery! Scientists believe that the first people on Earth with a negative Rh factor appeared 35,000 years ago. How? Nobody knows. But the most popular theory is precisely about the extraterrestrial origin of the DNA of these people.

Here are some general characteristics for people with negative Rh factor:

They have a higher IQ than “positive” people;
They usually have a lower body temperature than others;
Mentally and emotionally these people are much more stable;
They often have red hair;
They are very sensitive to heat and do not like cold.
Most often they have blue, green or light brown eyes.
Another curious phenomenon of these people is related to pregnancy.

It is known that it is impossible to clone people with a negative Rh factor.

Moreover, if the pregnant mother is Rh negative, immune system her body will attack the fetus, perceiving it as a foreign body. That is why doctors ask such women to take special medications during pregnancy that suppress the immune system.

But why does their own body attack their own children, i.e. why does it perceive them as “strangers”? This riddle has no answer, but it certainly works in favor of the theory of the “alien” origin of such people.

By the way, archaeologists have found a huge number of ancient texts and works of art that describe strange creatures that visited the planet. So think for yourself...

Do you think this is possible? Could this theory be true? Tell us in the comments!