Percentage of Rh negative people. Rh Negative People Are Special, Here's Why

The famous American paranormal researcher Brad Steiger noticed interesting feature: people who have a negative Rh factor in the blood are not quite ordinary ...
More precisely, he suggested that these people are either from a special genetic line of "Homo sapiens" or descendants of aliens.

The fact is that, according to the laws of genetics, we can only inherit those properties that our ancestors possessed, unless, of course, we are talking about mutations. And this means that if a person and a monkey are descended from the same ancestor, then their blood must be compatible. However, all primates have a positive Rh factor ... That's all for everyone!

Why do some people have a negative Rh factor? It turns out that such people are descendants of some other ancestor. Perhaps aliens?

It is also noted that the highest percentage of carriers of a negative Rh factor - 30% - among the Spanish Basques (whose origin, by the way, is still a mystery), Israeli Jews of Eastern origin, Samaritans and Ethiopian black Jews.

While in other nations the number of such people barely reaches 1%.

Most mediums, healers, people with unusual mental abilities also have a negative Rh factor.

As we know, there are only 4 blood types. All of them differ in composition, or more precisely, in the presence of various proteins in blood cells that fight bacteria in the body. Most people have these proteins and are Rh positive.

Why some people don't have these proteins is a mystery! Scientists believe that the first people on Earth with negative Rh factor appeared 35,000 years ago. How? No one knows. But the most popular theory is just about the extraterrestrial origin of the DNA of these people.
Here are some General characteristics for people with a negative Rh factor:

  • They have a higher IQ than "positive" people;
  • They usually have a lower body temperature than the rest;
  • Mentally and emotionally, these people are much more stable;
  • They often have red hair;
  • They are very sensitive to heat and do not like the cold.
  • Most often they have blue, green or light brown eyes.

Another curious phenomenon of these people is related to pregnancy.

It is known that it is impossible to clone people with a negative Rh factor.

Moreover, if a pregnant mother is Rh negative, her body's immune system will attack the fetus, perceiving it as a foreign body. That is why doctors ask such women to take special medications during pregnancy that suppress the immune system.

But why does their own body attack their own children, i.e. why does it perceive them as "strangers"? This riddle has no answer, but it definitely works in favor of the theory about the "alien" origin of such people.

By the way, archaeologists have found a huge number of ancient texts and works of art that describe strange creatures that visited the planet. So think for yourself...

Rh negative people are special. And that's why

The famous American paranormal researcher Brad Steiger noticed an interesting feature: people who have a negative Rh blood factor are not quite ordinary ...

More precisely, he suggested that these people are either from a special genetic line " Homo sapiens”, or the descendants of aliens.

The fact is that, according to the laws of genetics, we can only inherit those properties that our ancestors possessed, unless, of course, we are talking about mutations. And this means that if a person and a monkey are descended from the same ancestor, then their blood must be compatible. However, all primates have a positive Rh factor ... That's all for everyone!

Why do some people have a negative Rh factor? It turns out that such people are descendants of some other ancestor. Perhaps aliens?

It is also noted that the highest percentage of carriers of a negative Rh factor - 30% - among the Spanish Basques (whose origin, by the way, is still a mystery), Israeli Jews of Eastern origin, Samaritans and Ethiopian black Jews.

While in other nations the number of such people barely reaches 1%.

Most mediums, healers, people with unusual mental abilities also have a negative Rh factor.

As we know, there are only 4 blood types. All of them differ in composition, or more precisely, in the presence of various proteins in blood cells that fight bacteria in the body. Most people have these proteins and are Rh positive.

Why some people don't have these proteins is a mystery! Scientists believe that the first people on Earth with a negative Rh factor appeared 35,000 years ago. How? No one knows. But the most popular theory is just about the extraterrestrial origin of the DNA of these people.

Here are some common characteristics for people who are Rh negative:

  • They have higher than "positive" people, IQ;
  • They usually have more low than the rest, Body temperature;
  • Mentally and emotionally these people much more stable;
  • They often have Red hair;
  • They are very sensitive to heat and do not like the cold.
  • Most often they have blue, green or light brown eyes.
  • Another curious phenomenon of these people is related to pregnancy.

    It is known that it is impossible to clone people with a negative Rh factor.

    Moreover, if a pregnant mother is Rh negative, her body's immune system will attack the fetus, perceiving it as a foreign body. That is why doctors ask such women to take special medications during pregnancy that suppress the immune system.

    But why does their own body attack their own children, i.e. why does it perceive them as “ strangers"? This riddle has no answer, but it definitely works in favor of the “ alien the origin of such people.

    By the way, archaeologists have found a huge number of ancient texts and works of art that describe strange creatures that visited the planet. So think for yourself...

    First, a little about what is Rhesus conflict. Presence or absence
    Rh factor in human erythrocytes determines their belonging to
    Rh-positive (Rh+) or Rh-negative (Rh-) group. Determined that
    86% of people of Caucasian (white) race have Rh-positive, and 14% -
    Rh negative.

    This situation is not so rare. If you are a girl with a negative
    Rh, then with a probability of approximately 63% you will have an Rh conflict. Cause
    her - the incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus according to the so-called Rh factor.
    Rh factor (in other words - Rh antigen or Rh antigen) is
    a substance found on the surface of red blood cells (erythrocytes).
    The meaning of the Rh antigen is that it serves as an identification mark for the immune
    system, a kind of "identity card". The threat of Rh-conflict with
    pregnancy exists only if the woman is Rh-negative, and her
    husband (father of the unborn child) - Rh-positive.

    It should be noted that the first pregnancy of an Rh-negative woman with an Rh (+) fetus
    most of the time it ends well. In subsequent similar pregnancies
    the risk of conflict increases (even if there was an abortion or miscarriage). Why is this
    happens, it will become clear after explaining the mechanism of the Rhesus conflict.

    The essence of the Rh conflict is as follows: during pregnancy, red blood cells
    The fetus passes through the placenta into the mother's blood. Rh antigen located on
    fetal erythrocytes plays the role of "wrong identity card" for
    immune system mother. Fetal cells are recognized as foreign and are subjected to
    destruction with the help of special proteins - antibodies. Because fetal erythrocytes
    continue to enter the maternal circulation, the production of
    destructive antibodies. Antibodies "seek" the source of "foreign" cells, i.e.
    fetus. The placenta gets in their way. And if the antibodies manage to break through her barrier,
    then they begin to destroy the erythrocytes of the fetus already in its own vessels. At
    this produces a large amount of a substance called bilirubin. Bilirubin
    can damage the fetal brain, turning the skin yellow (jaundice).
    Because the fetus's red blood cells are continuously being destroyed, its liver and spleen
    try to accelerate the production of new red blood cells, while increasing in
    sizes. In the end, they don't make it either. There is strong oxygen
    starvation and a new round of severe disorders in the body of the fetus is launched. In the most
    in severe cases, this ends in congenital dropsy of the fetus, which can
    lead to his death (and even the death of his mother). In milder cases
    Rhesus conflict manifests itself after birth with jaundice or anemia in the newborn.
    All these conditions are united by the medical term "hemolytic disease".
    fetus and newborn." The treatment of this disease is complex, complex, sometimes
    The baby needs a blood transfusion.

    During the first pregnancy, the immune system of the expectant mother meets with "strangers"
    (Rh+ fetal erythrocytes) for the first time. Therefore, not so many antibodies are produced:
    about as much as is needed to destroy the incoming fetal erythrocytes.
    The rate of formation of antibodies is also not too high (this is the first meeting!). But
    after childbirth, "memory cells" remain in the woman's body, which, when
    subsequent pregnancies will be able to "organize" a fast and powerful production
    antibodies against the Rh factor. Therefore, the response of the female immune system to
    fetal Rh antigen during the second and third pregnancy is much faster,
    than the first one. Accordingly, the risk of damage to the fetus is much higher. At
    "positive" mother Rh-conflict with the fetus does not happen under any
    circumstances, and the father's rhesus this case it does not matter.

    So, finally I decided to write about the study of the distribution of the Rh factor
    among the population and its changes over time.

    There are people with negative Rh positive, negative are determined
    unequivocally (-), and positive ones are of two types - homozygous (++) and
    heterozygous (+-) (the presence of Rh is the dominant property).

    The first thing I decided to do was to calculate - and how many among the Rhesus
    positive people- homozygous (++) and how many heterozygous (+ -). And
    it turns out that this can be calculated knowing only how many percent of the population
    are Rh negative (-)!

    So, briefly, a few obvious provisions used in the calculations.
    Rhesus negative women are the same (in percentage) as Rhesus
    negative men (this will be clear below). Also the same amount (in
    percent) the number of homozygous for Rh men and women. That is
    Rhesus distribution is the same among men and women. It's getting over
    understandable if we assume the obvious - from any pair (a combination of any Rhesus and
    groups) a man + a woman with the same probability can be born a boy or
    girl (average).

    From a pair of homozygous (++) and (++) children will be obtained (++).

    From a pair of homozygous and heterozygous (++) and (+-) it will turn out with a probability of 50%
    homozygous (++) and 50% heterozygous (+-).

    From a pair of heterozygous (+-) and (+-) will be obtained with a probability of 25% homozygous
    (++), with a probability of 50% heterozygous (+-), and with a probability of 25% (-).

    From a pair (+-) and (-) will be obtained with a probability of 50% (+-) and with a probability of 50% (-).

    From the pair (-) and (-) always only (-).

    From a pair (++) and (-) always only (+-).

    Denote by letters: A, B, C, respectively, the number of homozygous (A) (++),
    heterozygous (B) (+-) and Rh negative (C) (-) population. These are shares, and
    sum A+B+C=1.

    (Remember - we consider the distribution in women and men to be the same, and it is on

    So, now we believe that pairs are also formed by chance. So by chance
    Let's choose an individual of the first sex.

    A randomly selected individual of the first sex turned out to be of type (++), the probability
    this A and she chooses her mate.

    With probability A, this will also be an individual (++) and their children will only be of type (++).

    The total contribution of A*C type (+-).

    Now a randomly selected individual of the first sex turned out to be of type (+ -), the probability
    this B.

    The total contribution is A*B*(1/2) of type (++) and the same amount (+-).

    The total contribution is B*B*(1/4) of type (++) and the same amount (-), and B*B*(1/2) of type (+-).

    The total contribution of C*B*(1/2) of type (+-) and C*B*(1/2) of type (-).

    And the last randomly selected individual turned out to be of type (-), negative Rh,
    the probability of this C.

    If its pair is (++) with probability A.

    The total contribution of A*C type (+-).

    If her pair is (+-) with probability B.

    The total contribution C*B*(1/2) of type (+-) and the same amount (-).

    If its pair is (-) with probability C.

    The total contribution of C*C type (-).

    (The first gender and the second gender are male and female, if reversed, then
    nothing will change, the formulas will be the same.)

    Now let's see what Rhesus a random couple will have when they get a baby


    And when the child (+-)!?

    A*B*(1/2)+A*C+A*B*(1/2)+B*B*(1/2)+C*B*(1/2)+A*C+C* B*(1/2)

    And finally, when (—)!?


    Let's shorten the expressions.

    (++) with probability A*A+A*B+B*B*(1/4)
    (+-) with probability A*B+2*A*C+C*B+B*B*(1/2)
    (—) with probability C*C+C*B+B*B*(1/4)

    This is Rh balance! In fact, the first expression is equal to A, the second
    is equal to B, the third is equal to C (only in the next generation). Now considering that
    blood of different rhesus are in balance and will not change from the previous generation
    equate the values.

    Got the system:


    Note that the sum of all equations (right-hand sides) is also equal to one.

    A*A+A*B+B*B*(1/4)+A*B+2*A*C+C*B+B*B*(1/2)+C*C+C*B+ B*B*(1/4)=

    So it should be, because we went through ALL combinations of pairs.


    C - known, you can also recognize A and B. This is the so-called instant
    condition. Solving the system, we get (at first it is easy to find B from the third equation):


    (where sqrt(x) is the square root of x)

    If Rh negative population is 14% (C=0.14) then homozygous (++) 39.17%
    (A=0.3917), and heterozygous (+-) 46.83% (B=0.4683).

    As you can see, the instantaneous state is a combination of three numbers depending only on
    The first one is unambiguous, that is, it is not any set of numbers. Please notice this. To
    I will return to this in the story. (A little later I found out that in
    a simpler and different formulation of this fact is known as the Hardy-Weinberg law.
    But I have a more detailed and have the opportunity to trace the evolution of the state,
    besides, Mathematics is cool, you can deduce this only theoretically)

    And now to the question if both parents have a positive Rh, but it is not known
    belonging (++) or (+-) what is the probability that the child will have
    positive Rh and the likelihood that he will be homozygous / heterozygous?

    Now this problem is easy to solve. A person has a positive Rh (this is ++ or
    +-), with probability A+B.

    In this case, he is homozygous with probability A/(A+B) and heterozygous with
    probability B/(A+B). Denote p=A/(A+B), q=B/(A+B).

    The probability that the child will be homozygous (++) is: p*p+p*q+q*q*(1/4)

    The probability that the child will be heterozygous (+-) is as follows: p*q+q*q*(1/2)

    The probability that the child will be Rh negative (-) is as follows: q*q*(1/4)

    That is, if we have 14% Rh-negative population, then in a pair where both have
    parents Rh positive (but unknown ++ or +-) they will have a child
    homozygous (++) with a probability of 52.96% and heterozygous (+-) with a probability
    39.63%, it is also possible that Rh is negative 7.41% (total). Well, if
    it is known that father and mother have Rh plus, and the child is also Rh plus, then he
    homozygous (++) with a probability of 57.2%, and heterozygous with a probability of 42.8%.

    Now back to combination.

    In our population it is 39.17%, 46.83%, and 14.00% respectively.

    But what if you break the combination of these types of Rh (accidentally, or specifically because of
    catastrophe)? For example, let there be 80% homozygous, 6% heterozygous,
    negative also 14%, let's see what happens? And this is what happens -
    this combination is not balanced, and if such a population is allowed to multiply, then
    already in the next generation, rhesus will come to a new balanced combination:

    68.89% homozygous for Rh, 28.22% heterozygous for Rh and 2.89%

    (This can be calculated using the formulas new values ​​with underscores: _A=A*A+A*B+B*B*(1/4),
    _B=A*B+2*A*C+C*B+B*B*(1/2), _C=C*C+C*B+B*B*(1/4)).

    Moreover, this combination will be exactly the same in the next and in all subsequent
    generations! What is strange, it very quickly comes into balance. And calculations
    the next A, B, C on the received ones will give the same numbers A, B, C. And besides
    the system is stable - a small change in one of the numbers does not lead to the fact that all
    values ​​will float somewhere, they just keep steadily balanced
    triple of numbers.

    It turns out that if the survival rate of people with a positive Rh (homo and hetero)
    the same as people with Rh negative and pairs are formed evenly, then
    blood rhesus balance homozygous/heterozygous/negative can be maintained
    the same and unchanged for as long as you like, even for millions of years ...

    But that's it, that survival is different! More precisely, the opportunity to be born. Before
    when calculating it was considered that all women with any Rhesus can have the same
    the number of children with any Rh. But this is not true! Now let's introduce
    limitation - a woman with a negative Rh cannot have many children with
    Rh positive. A lot means as much as she and others could
    would have with other combinations of Rhesus.


    If Rh negative (-) woman will give birth to Rh positive child, then he
    must be heterozygous (+-). Such a contribution is given by the expression: A*C+B*C*(1/2).
    We reduce it a little, and normalize the resulting numbers so that their sum is
    unit. Based on the current A,B,C, we calculate the intermediate X,Y,Z, and finally _A, _B, _C
    next generation, then again and again, you can see how it will change
    the number of Rh negative individuals.



    Alpha - a number slightly less than one, this is the contribution of harm from the Rh conflict
    during pregnancy (if Alpha = 1 then there is no harm, but in fact it
    a little less than 1, and I don't know exactly how much, but the general results
    experiments are the same for any Alpha, with the condition 0

    We start calculating the next generation and so on ... (Alpha is slightly less

    We observe such a phenomenon - people with negative Rh are becoming less and less
    smaller, and their proportion decreases very gradually. Looks like we're birth control
    Rh positive - heterozygous, but it becomes less still Rh
    negative! This is due to the fact that at the first moment of the reaction of the system -
    heterozygous (+-) during reproduction partially replace homozygous (++), and their
    children are always Rh positive.

    Here are the pieces of the evolution calculations:

    (almost start)

    A = 0.392309 (homozygous ++)
    B = 0.467746 (heterozygous +-)
    C = 0.139946 (negative -)

    A = 0.431929
    B = 0.450303
    C = 0.117769

    A = 0.770161
    B = 0.214839
    C = 0.0150008 (this is one and a half percent of the Rh negative population, as in

    A = 0.863602
    B = 0.131396
    C = 0.00500148 (that's half of one percent of the Rh negative population, like
    in blacks)

    Apparently, their survival was more difficult and negative Rh died out earlier, and
    whites are on their way too.