The occurrence of negative Rh factor is scientific. Rh factor: bloody showdowns

Most people on the planet have positive Rh factor blood. Translated into ordinary language, they are the owners of “Rhesus macaques”. That is, the ancestor is one for all.

People with negative Rh factor actually have these qualities!
It turned out that 10-15% of the population do not have this gene, therefore, they are people with a negative Rh factor.

Individuals with an Rh negative blood type often have the following characteristics:

  • High IQ
  • Blue, green or brown eyes
  • Reddish hair
  • Empathic qualities
  • Sensitivity to heat
  • Unexplained phobias
  • Well tuned feelings

So, if people with Rh negative blood did not descend from a common ancestor, then where did they come from?

Many researchers defend the point of view that such people are somehow connected with space.

People with negative and positive Rh factor blood are incompatible.

This is most clearly shown in the relationship between an Rh negative mother and Rh positive child(this happens when the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive).

Oddly enough, mothers with Rh-negative blood create antibodies that attack the red blood cells of Rh-positive children.

This condition is called Rh incompatibility and can be prevented by using Rh immunoglobulin. RH immune globulin is produced only in a small number of people, such as James Harrison, who saved the lives of about 2 million babies!

Although this happens extremely rarely, sometimes children are born with Rh incompatibility.

There have long been rumors that some people are not from this world!

The new theory raises some pretty interesting questions regarding the possibility of aliens visiting Earth. Namely, if people entered into intimate relationships with aliens, this means that extraterrestrial life is present in 10% of the planet's population.

There are also several questions to which scientists do not yet have an answer:

  1. If Rh negative blood– this is a simple mutation, why are there so few similar people on our planet?
  2. What scale of impact would be required from extraterrestrial civilizations to create such a mutation?

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American scientist and researcher Brad Steiger made an interesting assumption why people with negative Rh factor not like everyone else - they are noticeably different from ordinary people in many factors.

To be completely precise, Steiger stated that people with a negative Rh factor either came from another branch of Homo sapiens, where another line of DNA existed, or their ancestors are aliens.

The scientist explains that according to the laws of the science of genetics, we inherit from our ancestors only those properties that were inherent to them (except for mutation), and if our ancestors are primates, then their blood should be identical to human blood. But the fact is that they don't have negative rhesus-factor, but there is only a positive one for everyone.

Then where did people get negative Rh factor blood? This means they have a different ancestor, possibly aliens, says Brad Steiger.

From many archaeological artifacts, manuscripts and ancient texts of early civilizations, we have learned about strange creatures visiting the Earth.

Research by scientists has helped determine that most people with this anomaly in the blood belong to the peoples of eastern countries.

About 30% of the total number of people with a negative Rh factor are Jews, Samaritans, Ethiopian Jews and Spanish Basques (a people whose origin remains a mystery to this day). Other peoples of our planet have only 1% of people with a negative Rh factor. Scientists believe that the first people with negative Rhesus appeared on our planet about 35 thousand years ago. Where? How? Why? Researchers are still studying this genetic mystery.

How are they different from ordinary people?

1. They do not have a protein in their blood that is found in other human blood types, and it is designed to protect the body from harmful bacteria.

2. They have a lower body temperature than others.

3. They don’t like cold, and love it when it’s warm.

4. They are more stress-resistant and less emotional.

5. They often have red hair and light eyes: blue, light brown, green.

6. Have a higher IQ than people with positive Rh factor.

7. Such people cannot be cloned.

8. Psychics, healers, people with unusual abilities are often the owners of this rare blood group.

9. Pregnant women with negative Rhesus often experience rejection of their fetus by the body. He perceives it as a foreign body, as a “stranger.” Such women have to take special medications throughout their pregnancy in order to carry the child to term.

But why does the female body perceive her fetus as a “foreign body”? This riddle still remains unanswered. This is where the assumption of alien ancestors comes into play.

If your blood has Rh positive factor, this means that you, like 85% of the world's population, have the primate (monkey) gene. This factor is independent of blood groups - 1, 2 and 3.
If we turn to genetics, we will see that we can only inherit what our ancestors had, with the exception of some mutations. We can have any combinations and set of inherited characteristics.

No more, no less. Therefore, if primates and humans descended from the same descendant, then their blood would develop in the same pattern. Blood characteristics are passed down through inheritance with greater precision than any other hereditary trait.
This means that humans and monkeys with a positive Rh factor could well have had a common ancestor in the distant past. The rest of the primates on earth also have a positive Rh factor. But this excludes people with a negative Rh factor from the overall picture.
If all humanity descended from one ancestor, then their blood would be compatible. Where did the negative Rh factor come from then? If the ancestors of such people are not prehistoric people, then maybe ancient astronauts?

All animals and other living things can reproduce, interbreed, and produce offspring with other members of their species. Then why do infants develop hemolytic disease if all humans are of the same species?
Hemolytic disease is an allergic reaction that occurs when a Rh negative mother carries a Rh positive child. Her blood begins to produce antibodies that destroy the foreign body, i.e. The mother's body kills the fetus like a virus.
Why on earth would a womb kill its own offspring?
Nowhere in nature is there such a thing naturally not happening. This problem occurs only in mules - they are the product of crossing a horse and a donkey.

This example is enough to show the clear possibility of crossing similar but genetically different species.
No one tried to explain where the Rh negative blood came from. Those who understand this topic say that these people must be, if not direct descendants of a completely different ancestor, then at least a mutation of a common ancestor.

If we are a mutation, then what caused this mutation?
Why does the mutation continue to exist and give birth to new generations with such precision and does not mutate further? Why does she so aggressively reject Rh positive if her ancestors had it?
Who was this ancestor?
Difficulties in determining ethnology are mainly overcome by using data on blood groups, since they are embedded in one gene and do not depend on the environment (habitat).
I searched to no avail for evidence that the negative Rh factor is a natural occurrence on earth. Instead, I found/found evidence to the contrary.

For many years, people were looking for something completely different. Could it be that the “missing connection” is the person himself. an unknown connection between man and the stars - a hybrid man.
Could humans be the missing link between primates and extraterrestrial humans? It seems incomprehensible to me that evolutionary scientists missed this opportunity.
How can they claim that these people lack a trait that is inherent in all other earthly people, primates, cavemen, and not ask WHY?

What are other traits common to negative Rhesus that are not common to other people? Is there any other difference besides blood?
It is known that blood type 0 (I) (negative Rh factor) is the purest blood on earth known to man, but it is not known where the negative Rh factor came from, the factor that makes blood so pure that it can be called the purest blood in the world.
All people on earth can be transfused with 0 (I) blood group (negative Rh), but people with such blood cannot be transfused with anything other than their own blood type.

There are certain common features, inherent in people with such blood: they cannot be cloned, IQ is above average, most of them are red, fair-haired (blond) with green eyes and black-haired with brown and blue eyes, low blood pressure, acute vision or hearing, an extra rib or vertebra, paranormal events, prophetic dreams, empathic illnesses, psycic abilities, the ability to influence electrical devices (for example, when a computer suddenly turns off or breaks down in your presence), unexplained scars on the body.
My research has shown that most people with psychic abilities are Rh negative, and so are healers of all varieties.
It’s strange, but many who study the theory of ancient astronauts and other phenomena also have negative Rhesus.

Eric von Daniken has such blood and thirst for truth. Brad Steiger also has that blood. His book "Gods of Aquarius" also allows for this possibility.
Robert Anton Wilson, author of Illuminus, has the same blood. There are many others, too many to list here. Why are there such a huge number of people with such blood in such unusual areas?
Maybe we have a vague idea (memory) of what we are looking for? It is said that the question will not be asked until the answer is known.

My parents have a positive Rh factor, my mother has blood type 2, and my dad has 1, and I have a blood type 2 and are Rh negative. I have been interested in this question for a long time, but have not received a clear answer.
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If your blood has a positive Rh factor, this means that you, like 85% of the world's population, have the primate (monkey) gene. This factor is independent of blood groups - 1, 2 and 3.
If we turn to genetics, we will see that we can only inherit what our ancestors had, with the exception of some mutations. We can have any combinations and set of inherited characteristics.

No more no less. Therefore, if primates and humans descended from the same descendant, then their blood would develop in the same pattern. Blood characteristics are passed down through inheritance with greater precision than any other hereditary trait.
This means that humans and monkeys with a positive Rh factor could well have had a common ancestor in the distant past. The rest of the primates on earth also have a positive Rh factor. But this excludes people with a negative Rh factor from the overall picture.
If all humanity descended from one ancestor, then their blood would be compatible. Where did the negative Rh factor come from then? If the ancestors of such people are not prehistoric people, then maybe ancient astronauts?

All animals and other living things can reproduce, interbreed, and produce offspring with other members of their species. Then why do infants develop hemolytic disease if all humans are of the same species?
Hemolytic disease is an allergic reaction that occurs when a Rh negative mother carries a Rh positive child. Her blood begins to produce antibodies that destroy the foreign body, i.e. the mother’s body kills the fetus like a virus.
Why on earth would a womb kill its own offspring?
This does not happen naturally anywhere in nature. This problem occurs only in mules - they are the product of crossing a horse and a donkey.
This example is enough to see the clear possibility of crossing similar but genetically different species.
No one tried to explain where the Rh negative blood came from. Those who understand this topic say that these people must be, if not direct descendants of a completely different ancestor, then at least a mutation of a common ancestor.

If we are a mutation, then what caused this mutation?
Why does the mutation continue to exist and give birth to new generations with such precision and does not mutate further? Why does she so aggressively reject Rh positive if her ancestors had it?
Who was this ancestor?
Difficulties in determining ethnology are mainly overcome by using data on blood groups, since they are embedded in one gene and do not depend on the environment (habitat).
I searched to no avail for evidence that the negative Rh factor is a natural occurrence on earth. Instead, I found/found evidence to the contrary.

For many years, people were looking for something completely different. Could it be that the “missing connection” is the person himself. an unknown connection between man and the stars - a hybrid man.
Could humans be the missing link between primates and extraterrestrial humans? It seems incomprehensible to me that evolutionary scientists have missed this opportunity.
How can they claim that these people lack a trait that is inherent in all other earthly people, primates, cavemen, and not ask WHY?
What are other traits common to negative Rhesus that are not common to other people? Is there any other difference besides blood?
It is known that blood type 0 (I) (negative Rh factor) is the purest blood on earth known to man, but it is unknown where the negative Rh factor came from, the factor that makes blood so pure that it can be called the purest blood in the world.
All people on earth can be transfused with 0 (I) blood group (negative Rh), but people with such blood cannot be transfused with anything other than their blood type.

There are certain common traits that people with this blood have in common: they cannot be cloned, IQ is above average, they are mostly red, blonde hair with green eyes and black hair with brown and blue eyes, low blood pressure, acute vision or hearing, extra ribs or vertebra, paranormal cases, prophetic dreams, empathic illnesses, psycic abilities, the ability to influence electrical devices (for example, when a computer suddenly turns off or breaks down in your presence), unexplained scars on the body.
My research has shown that most people with psychic abilities are Rh negative, and so are healers of all varieties.
It’s strange, but many who study the theory of ancient astronauts and other phenomena also have negative Rhesus.
Star Blood
-So, it turns out that people with the second blood group can consider themselves descendants of the ancient Atlanteans?

There is a more clear sign of this genetic line - a negative Rh factor. Have you ever wondered why, among all mammals, it is found only in humans, and even then very rarely? 85% of the world's population is Rh positive - the same as all other primates. The conclusion inevitably arises: those with a negative Rh factor are not the heirs of prehistoric people.

Are you saying that they are not homo sapiens at all?

If all people belonged to the same biological species, there would be no hemolytic diseases (Rh conflicts), since Rh conflict is an attempt to destroy a foreign substance. Rhesus negative people, as well as Atlanteans, are the descendants of ancient astronauts who once colonized the Earth.

Even the great metaphysician Rudolf Steiner developed the theory that in prehistoric times humanity was largely guided and guided by beings of a higher order who communicated and interacted with certain people - the most capable, strong and intellectually flexible.

People of the second blood group, and with a negative Rh factor, are the descendants of the ancient Nephillims - angels who descended to Earth, according to the Book of Genesis.

As a result of sexual relations between these beings and earthly people, those who can be called demigods were born. These hybrid people were inspired by higher ideas and felt a universal cosmic force within them. In essence, Steiner's definition coincides with the description of those whom the ancient Jews called nephillim - “glorious people”, or “giants”.

Those same giants who, according to biblical tradition, were born from angels and daughters of men?

Yes, the same ones that, among other things, caused the global flood. The fact is that most of them fell into temptation and forgot their original mission - to help people cleanse their genetic structures and awaken in themselves the desire for spiritual evolution. Unfortunately, the descendants of the biblical giants (they are also called “star seed”) are still prone to regression and fall, although by nature they are given much more than ordinary people.

What is their feature?

These creatures are the link that connects the Earth with other worlds. All children of the “star seed” are divided into two categories.

The first is the so-called Chosen Ones. By the way, they may not have a negative Rh factor, since in the process of evolution and promiscuous relationships the blood of ancient astronauts was diluted with earthly genes.

The second category includes those who are Rh-negative - their cosmic gene is not lost, it works. It may not appear at all for some time, and then be activated - then insight occurs, a clear understanding of one’s mission on Earth comes, paranormal abilities appear, and the opportunity to get into direct contact with the cosmos. By the way, many of the Rh-negatives are engaged in the study of ancient civilizations created by paleo-astronauts - the voice of blood speaks in them, memories of their true origin.

However, why, with all their talents, are they prone to regression, as you claim?
Firstly, many of them had greatly diluted genes due to the promiscuous connections of their ancestors with people who, let’s say, were far from flawless. Plato also spoke about people - the descendants of the gods and about the dissolution of the divine gene, which ultimately led Atlantis to the fall.

Now everything has become clear to me, I am a demigoddess!!! I admire myself, I’m so proud of myself, that I can’t hold a candle to this occupation.