Dream yellow jacket. Why do you dream of a men's jacket?

Anchor points:

I dreamed about a jacket

In a dream you saw a jacket - the dream foreshadows a meeting with old friends. I dreamed that the jacket is too big for you– material well-being, small – big waste. Wearing a jacket in a dream or in reality - expect news from distant relatives. Putting a jacket on someone is like this dream about money.

What kind of jacket was it?

Women's jacket- a dream foreshadows an unexpected meeting, for a man - a change in your work schedule. If you have seen a children's jacket, there may be an addition to the family. A dirty or wrinkled jacket in a dream means the emergence of a romantic relationship. I dreamed of a bright jacket - be prepared to a quarrel in the family. A jacket that doesn't match your trousers is a sign of a good time.

Ruin the jacket

If you dreamed that you burned through your jacket, it means bad relations with the team. Getting your jacket dirty in a dream– the person close to you will turn his back to you. If you dreamed that you crushed it - in life, get ready for a noisy feast. Tearing a jacket in a dream or in reality means difficulties at work. from the jacket - nice evening with family.

Purchasing a jacket

New jacket dream - relationships with colleagues will improve. In a dream, you sewed a jacket - an improvement in your financial situation. Buying a jacket for yourself in a dream is yours management will notice you, buy for someone - relationships with people higher than you on the career ladder will improve.

If you dreamed of a man, it means that you are in for some kind of pleasure. If you see an unfamiliar man in a dream, this foreshadows the commission of some kind of adventure. Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some spicy situation with far-reaching consequences.

If the man you saw in a dream is in prison, then this promises you the implementation of plans you have long nurtured.

Seeing a male actor in a dream means an upcoming quarrel with friends or the loss of someone close to you. Resentment, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, trouble.

If the man you saw in your dream was an obstetrician, this means an imminent illness.

Seeing the man of your dreams in a dream and enjoying communicating with him means that you will have to cry a lot and worry about trifles.

If in a dream a small man tries to start a quarrel or fight with a person superior to him in strength, this means that you are wasting your time over trifles. The dream also promises an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources provide numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that actually happened later. Such facts are cited in his “Comparative Lives” by the ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (c. 45 – c. 127), the Roman historian and writer Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (c. 70 – c. 140) and many other ancient authors talk about prophetic dreams.

Plutarch’s story from his famous “Biographies” has been preserved about one prophetic dream that predicted misfortune. One night before the assassination of the Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up sobbing: she dreamed that she was holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her experiences were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the Senate meeting scheduled for that day. If he had attached importance to this warning from above given to his wife, he would have remained alive (he was stabbed twenty-three times in the Senate, in which all the senators took part) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have turned out differently.

Interpretation of dreams from

This piece of clothing represents the business sphere of life, relationships related to your image, affairs, activities and activity.

For those who do not work due to age, this detail shows a strong parental influence, especially paternal influence. This is what a jacket is most often dreamed of in various situations.

On a teenager or child

The dream book writes that you will have the opportunity to express yourself. Sometimes such a dream predicts participation in amateur performances, a competition, or an invitation to a celebration where you will have to remain constrained, within the bounds of decency.

For teenagers, a men's jacket in a dream, especially one that is not your size, predicts deteriorating health, suppression by authority and difficulties in life. The dream book interprets this symbol positively only if you wear a beautiful, even slightly theatrical model that emphasizes your advantages.

Modern books on dream interpretation indicate that you will soon be able to show your strengths and choose a role for yourself that emphasizes your strengths and hides your weaknesses.

T For creative people, the dream predicts success, but the dream book interprets a jacket overly decorated with rhinestones, embroidery and decorations as a sign of excessive pomposity, vulgarity and theatricality.

This dream means that you or the person on whom you saw the jacket is characterized by posing, theatrical behavior, insincerity and a strong desire to present yourself beautifully, hiding true feelings and relationships. However, this is not always a bad thing, as most people respond to visibility.
An overly shiny, golden jacket predicts defeat, failure of plans or failure in love. It is possible that your feelings will turn out to be fake or that the other person will perceive them as insincerity and posturing.

An indicator of his manner of presenting himself or his wealth. An expensive, modern, branded jacket made of good fabric can be seen as a sign of good financial status, power and prestige. A shabby and old thing in a dream means troubles, poverty and limited opportunities, as well as old age and illness.

A fashionable but inexpensive jacket is usually dreamed of as a sign of good work, an activity that will bring a stable income. The dream book also indicates that you will always have bread and butter thanks to your business skills.
If you dream in which you wear or see on another person a shiny jacket, appropriate on stage and not in life, it shows the person’s desire to impress, as well as posing and insincerity.

T The modern dream book also indicates that you may be very worried about the opinions of others and try to please them. However, an absurd, old, funny model shows a comical situation in which you will find yourself very soon or an acquaintance in whom you saw him will find himself in it.

Why does a woman dream of a jacket? Your focus will be on business rather than personal life, business or activities. Sometimes such a dream predicts for a woman that she will take on a male role.

Why do you dream of a military jacket? Get ready to meet an interesting person. Perhaps the meeting will become fateful and lead to marriage. For a woman, such a plot may suggest that her chosen one will be a military man.

There is no need to rush things - let everything go as planned from above. Try not to rush headlong into the whirlpool of feelings with the first people you meet in order to avoid regrets in the future. It’s worth taking a short break and listening to the voice of your heart.

Blue jacket according to the dream book

According to the Oracle dream book, a blue jacket symbolizes the desire to bring to life old ideas and projects that you have been working on for a long time. You will successfully complete tasks with maximum effort and perseverance.

Confidence in your own capabilities, determination and strong will will help you achieve success. Concentrate on the main thing, do not waste precious energy on trifles. Do not neglect the help of loved ones and the support of friends.

I dreamed about a denim jacket

A dream in which a denim jacket appears is a symbol of standing firmly on your feet, stability in all areas of life, and mental balance. The coming days will save you from serious shocks.

Take advantage of a calm part of your life’s path to fill yourself with energy, restore your health, and establish closer contact with loved ones. Traveling will be beneficial for you, especially to distant countries.

I dreamed of a long jacket

As a rule, a long jacket is a dream of respect for your person from the people around you and public recognition. Perhaps you provide help to those in need or your professional activities bring great benefits. Also, what you see predicts stability in money.

You are on the right path, especially when you experience positive emotions. If your companions are irritability and dissatisfaction, try to find out the reason, sort out your feelings and thoughts.

Yellow jacket in a dream

A bright yellow jacket seen in a dream foreshadows success in business and large profits. Additional sources of income may appear. In addition, a dream predicts a pleasant pastime.

Try to avoid pointless spending and unnecessary purchases. Prudence in handling money will lead to a stable financial situation. But do not forget about a sense of proportion - stinginess can interfere with the implementation of plans.

Why do you dream about a woman's jacket?

A woman’s jacket, seen in a dream by a representative of the fairer sex, advises showing greater gentleness in communication and actions. Having a domineering character, you strive to control everything around you, and the manifestation of femininity seems to you to be weak.

Try to be more flexible in your relationships with people around you, especially your loved ones. Be guided not only by cold calculations, but also by the advice of your heart.

Dreaming of a green jacket

The meaning of a dream during which you saw a green jacket is extremely favorable. This is especially true if you are thinking about starting your own business or already own one.

Any undertaking will lead to brilliant results and significant income growth. True, to achieve success you will have to spend a lot of effort, but the result will be worth it.

Mobilize all your knowledge, skills, and accumulated experience. Act decisively and fully concentrate on the goal. Go forward towards your dream, without turning anywhere and without stopping halfway.

I dreamed of a beautiful jacket

A dream about a beautiful, stylish jacket that fits your figure predicts an acquaintance with an extraordinary person. This amazing person will make your life completely unpredictable, bright and exciting.

There is a high probability that the sympathy between you will develop into a love relationship. Get ready for an unforgettable romantic adventure full of happiness and pleasure.

Sometimes it’s worth taking a risk and getting involved in an adventure - maybe you’ll like it. Enjoy the moment. Positive emotions and new impressions will give you a boost of energy, give you determination and inspiration.

Lacquered jacket in a dream

If you saw a patent leather jacket in a dream, this could be a warning sign. Probably betrayal on the part of a person from the inner circle. The event will leave you with a deep sense of disappointment in people for a long time.

Please exercise extra caution in the near future. Take a closer look at those around you: how sincere are the motives that guide them? You should avoid rash actions, as there is a high risk of making a mistake.

Small jacket according to the dream book

Seeing a small jacket in a dream is a sign that in the near future you will have to make a very significant and difficult choice. The decision will affect the course of your future life, so you need to approach it with all responsibility.

Don't make spontaneous decisions - weigh all the pros and cons before making serious steps. Listen to your intuition - it will help you avoid mistakes in difficult situations.

Why do you dream of a crimson jacket?

If you dream of a crimson jacket, you will experience dizzying success in business and victory over your competitors in business. Also, what is dreamed can promise the protection of influential people.

When achieving your goals, do not forget about communicating with your family and friends. Perhaps loved ones suffer from lack of attention. A joint vacation will have a beneficial effect on relationships with relatives.

Trying on a jacket in a dream

Did you happen to try on a jacket in your night dreams? According to the Oracle dream book, this is a warning signal. In the near future, you will be offered a risky but promising business that promises increased income and general recognition if successful.

Before getting involved in an adventure, it is worth weighing the pros and cons and conducting a thorough analysis of the situation. It is better not to start doing business with individuals whose competence or integrity you strongly doubt.

Seeing a man's jacket in a dream

Why do you dream about a man's jacket? This is an ambiguous symbol, in the interpretation of which the personality of the sleeping person, namely your age and gender, plays a significant role.

If a woman sees a man wearing a jacket, the vision is a warning sign. Serious financial difficulties are likely, the cause of which will be someone you know.

In the near future, try to show increased attention to detail and caution in communication. Think about your actions, control your emotions. This will help avoid negative consequences associated with careless behavior.

For a girl, such a plot means numerous experiences due to difficulties in relationships with her chosen one. The meaning of the dream is enhanced if the dreamer’s loved one is wearing the jacket.

Try to be more gentle in communicating with your chosen one, refrain from unnecessary reproaches, groundless insults, and jealousy. A heart-to-heart conversation will help bring warmth and mutual understanding back into a relationship.

A new men's jacket, seen in a man's night dreams, marks a turn in life for the better, opening up great prospects. New horizons will help you realize the most original and daring projects.

Don't miss the opportunity to achieve great success. Mobilize your forces, call on your accumulated knowledge to help. To translate large-scale plans into reality, a team of reliable and creative like-minded people will not hurt.

The article on the topic: “dream book on trying on a jacket” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

at the Women's Club!

It is impossible to imagine a modern business person without a suit. Jackets and trousers have become an integral part of our lives. A broad interpretation of this symbol is also given by dream interpreters.

A jacket appears in the dream book as a harbinger of an important meeting. And your official position will depend on how this meeting goes. The jacket was too small or too big for you - you are not in your position. If you have your own company, then you should think about the effectiveness of the existing hierarchical structure. You may dream that he suddenly became small - you are faced with a choice, weigh all the arguments before making a final decision.

Something special

When interpreting a dream, pay attention to the physical characteristics of the symbol:

  • Torn with spots - portends instability in the flow of income.
  • A new jacket means financial well-being, as well as a chance meeting.
  • Fashionable - authority in society and success with the opposite sex.
  • Seeing a wrinkled and shabby jacket in a dream means you will have to defend your interests among your colleagues. If you choose a competent argument for your opinion, you will be able to do this.

Remember whose clothes it was. A man's jacket? Such a dream advises a woman to be careful with money. For a man, it promises a promotion. Is the jacket for women? For a man, the dream foretells success with the opposite sex. For a girl to try it on herself in a dream, it means that she is too strict with herself and is trying with all her might to hide from others, although there is no reason for this.

The cut of clothing also influences interpretation:

  • An elongated frock coat - you are respected in your circle, your opinion is always listened to.
  • You see a patent leather jacket in a dream - someone you know is communicating with you for mercantile reasons.
  • Military jacket - you will soon make profitable acquaintances. For a girl, such a dream may foreshadow the appearance of a lover serving in the army.
  • I dreamed of a denim jacket - a calm period is coming in life, you can take a little break.

The main thing is that the suit fits

Someone said that you have a beautiful jacket - listen to the conversations happening around you. Maybe you'll learn something interesting. If you dry-cleaned one coat and received a completely different one - you have great creative potential, you can change the lives of people around you for the better.

You liked the suit in the store, but after trying it on, you decided not to buy it - at this time, avoid taking initiative: now is the time when it is punishable. The result may not be at all as expected. You should be especially careful when expressing opinions about areas in which you are not an expert.

Trying on a jacket that fit well, but the trousers did not fit - you are fussing too much, and no one notices your professionalism behind the fuss. Behave more calmly, and your career will take off.

Let's open the dream book: buying a jacket means moving up the career ladder. Showing off in front of the mirror means you will have a good chance to solve some problems, don’t miss it. Selling a jacket - you will think about whether you have chosen the right profession. Sew it yourself - decide to change something in your life, do something non-standard, usually unusual for you. If they bought it or gave it to you, it means a change of job: you will be offered a highly paid position in another company.

To understand why you dream about a jacket, remember its color. A red jacket is included in the dream book as a symbol of love. Now there is a high probability of meeting your “other half”.

Why dream of a red jacket on another person? For a woman to see a man wearing clothes of this color means she has a passionate admirer. Seeing your ex-partner in a red robe means your feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

Why do you dream of a white jacket? This is a sign of positive changes, a harbinger of the beginning of a successful period in life. Now any undertaking will be successful, including your own business.

If you saw it on a man, think several times before you say something, otherwise someone may misinterpret your statements or use them against you. On a woman - your dream will come true; on yourself - all endeavors will be successful.

  • Dreaming of a black jacket? You will be invited to a celebration or banquet where you can meet people interesting to you.
  • If you saw a checkered jacket in a dream, you will go on a trip with friends.
  • Yellow - there will be no problems with finances.
  • Green - make a profitable purchase or make a successful deal.
  • A blue or light blue jacket - don’t stop halfway, there’s only one step left to reach your goal.
  • Raspberry - you will be able to defeat competitors using legal methods.
  • Pink - relax with your family.

Such interpretations are given by dream books when answering the question of why a jacket is dreamed of. In general, it is interpreted as a positive sign. In most cases, jackets dream of good luck in all endeavors.

And the most important advice

  • Dream Interpretation, dream about a jacket

    If in a dream your jacket is too big or small - something is wrong in your service hierarchy, check your partners.

    A torn jacket in a dream will cause a man temporary financial difficulties and difficulties in commerce.

    For a man, an elegant jacket in a dream means recognition in society, especially success with girls.

    A worn and torn jacket in places is a sign of disappointment in the object of your veneration. Tarnished - you should be on guard, your good name may be tarnished.

    A beautiful, new jacket predicts a chance meeting with a charming person.

    For a girl to see a jacket in a dream - all her difficulties are due to a man.

    If just recently a jacket fit perfectly on your figure, but today it is too tight, then you are on the verge of making a mistake, and you should once again weigh the pros and cons.

    If you see in the mirror that your jacket is very wrinkled, this promises you a problematic period when you will have to defend your rights and defend your point of view.

    If in a dream you are lavished with compliments about your new jacket, it means that you should listen to what is being said among your colleagues and adopt what is useful.

    If you took your jacket to the dry cleaner and it was transformed beyond recognition, this means that you don’t even know how capable you are of changing your life and making those around you happy.

    If you try on a suit you like in a dream, but the jacket does not fit you well, it means that in reality you should not take the initiative in matters whose success is not one hundred percent guaranteed.

    Buying a jacket is a favorable sign. Perhaps a promotion awaits you.

    If you dreamed that you were admiring your new jacket in front of the mirror, then fate will give you a unique chance.

    “I dreamed” - a free online dream book.

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    Why do you dream about a Jacket according to the dream book?

    In the modern world, people associate a jacket with the business sector. Therefore, a dream where this item of clothing appears is associated with professional activity and material well-being. To decipher it, it is important to remember the color of the product, style, size, condition, who was wearing it.

    A jacket seen in a dream can portend enormous success, fateful events, significant changes regarding various aspects of life. Sometimes this image is also associated with the area of ​​love relationships.

    Remember that it is very important to have like-minded people if you have large-scale, grandiose projects in your plans. Be friendly towards people, learn to inspire, then a bright victory will be guaranteed to you

    White jacket

    A dream in which you see a white jacket is an ambiguous symbol. The nuances of the dream will tell you what exactly the future has in store.

    Military jacket in a dream

    Why do you dream of a military jacket? Get ready to meet an interesting person. Perhaps the meeting will become fateful and lead to marriage. For a woman, such a plot may suggest that her chosen one will be a military man.

    There is no need to rush things - let everything go as planned from above. Try not to rush headlong into the whirlpool of feelings with the first people you meet in order to avoid regrets in the future. It’s worth taking a short break and listening to the voice of your heart.

    Blue jacket according to the dream book

    According to the Oracle dream book, a blue jacket symbolizes the desire to bring to life old ideas and projects that you have been working on for a long time. You will successfully complete tasks with maximum effort and perseverance.

    Confidence in your own capabilities, determination and strong will will help you achieve success. Concentrate on the main thing, do not waste precious energy on trifles. Do not neglect the help of loved ones and the support of friends.

    I dreamed about a denim jacket

    A dream in which a denim jacket appears is a symbol of standing firmly on your feet, stability in all areas of life, and mental balance. The coming days will save you from serious shocks.

    Take advantage of a calm part of your life’s path to fill yourself with energy, restore your health, and establish closer contact with loved ones. Traveling will be beneficial for you, especially to distant countries.

    I dreamed of a long jacket

    As a rule, a long jacket is a dream of respect for your person from the people around you and public recognition. Perhaps you provide help to those in need or your professional activities bring great benefits. Also, what you see predicts stability in money.

    You are on the right path, especially when you experience positive emotions. If your companions are irritability and dissatisfaction, try to find out the reason, sort out your feelings and thoughts.

    Yellow jacket in a dream

    A bright yellow jacket seen in a dream foreshadows success in business and large profits. Additional sources of income may appear. In addition, a dream predicts a pleasant pastime.

    Try to avoid pointless spending and unnecessary purchases. Prudence in handling money will lead to a stable financial situation. But do not forget about a sense of proportion - stinginess can interfere with the implementation of plans.

    Why do you dream about a woman's jacket?

    A woman’s jacket, seen in a dream by a representative of the fairer sex, advises showing greater gentleness in communication and actions. Having a domineering character, you strive to control everything around you, and the manifestation of femininity seems to you to be weak.

    Try to be more flexible in your relationships with people around you, especially your loved ones. Be guided not only by cold calculations, but also by the advice of your heart.

    Dreaming of a green jacket

    The meaning of a dream during which you saw a green jacket is extremely favorable. This is especially true if you are thinking about starting your own business or already own one.

    Any undertaking will lead to brilliant results and significant income growth. True, to achieve success you will have to spend a lot of effort, but the result will be worth it.

    Mobilize all your knowledge, skills, and accumulated experience. Act decisively and fully concentrate on the goal. Go forward towards your dream, without turning anywhere and without stopping halfway.

    I dreamed of a beautiful jacket

    A dream about a beautiful, stylish jacket that fits your figure predicts an acquaintance with an extraordinary person. This amazing person will make your life completely unpredictable, bright and exciting.

    There is a high probability that the sympathy between you will develop into a love relationship. Get ready for an unforgettable romantic adventure full of happiness and pleasure.

    Sometimes it’s worth taking a risk and getting involved in an adventure - maybe you’ll like it. Enjoy the moment. Positive emotions and new impressions will give you a boost of energy, give you determination and inspiration.

    Red jacket

    A dream in which a red jacket appears in the plot speaks of the imminent onset of extremely important events related to the love sphere.

    Lacquered jacket in a dream

    If you saw a patent leather jacket in a dream, this could be a warning sign. Probably betrayal on the part of a person from the inner circle. The event will leave you with a deep sense of disappointment in people for a long time.

    Please exercise extra caution in the near future. Take a closer look at those around you: how sincere are the motives that guide them? You should avoid rash actions, as there is a high risk of making a mistake.

    Small jacket according to the dream book

    Seeing a small jacket in a dream is a sign that in the near future you will have to make a very significant and difficult choice. The decision will affect the course of your future life, so you need to approach it with all responsibility.

    Don't make spontaneous decisions - weigh all the pros and cons before making serious steps. Listen to your intuition - it will help you avoid mistakes in difficult situations.

    Why do you dream of a crimson jacket?

    If you dream of a crimson jacket, you will experience dizzying success in business and victory over your competitors in business. Also, what is dreamed can promise the protection of influential people.

    When achieving your goals, do not forget about communicating with your family and friends. Perhaps loved ones suffer from lack of attention. A joint vacation will have a beneficial effect on relationships with relatives.

    Trying on a jacket in a dream

    Did you happen to try on a jacket in your night dreams? According to the Oracle dream book, this is a warning signal. In the near future, you will be offered a risky but promising business that promises increased income and general recognition if successful.

    Before getting involved in an adventure, it is worth weighing the pros and cons and conducting a thorough analysis of the situation. It is better not to start doing business with individuals whose competence or integrity you strongly doubt.

    Seeing a man's jacket in a dream

    Why do you dream about a man's jacket? This is an ambiguous symbol, in the interpretation of which the personality of the sleeping person, namely your age and gender, plays a significant role.

    If a woman sees a man wearing a jacket, the vision is a warning sign. Serious financial difficulties are likely, the cause of which will be someone you know.

    In the near future, try to show increased attention to detail and caution in communication. Think about your actions, control your emotions. This will help avoid negative consequences associated with careless behavior.

    For a girl, such a plot means numerous experiences due to difficulties in relationships with her chosen one. The meaning of the dream is enhanced if the dreamer’s loved one is wearing the jacket.

    Try to be more gentle in communicating with your chosen one, refrain from unnecessary reproaches, groundless insults, and jealousy. A heart-to-heart conversation will help bring warmth and mutual understanding back into a relationship.

    A new men's jacket, seen in a man's night dreams, marks a turn in life for the better, opening up great prospects. New horizons will help you realize the most original and daring projects.

    Don't miss the opportunity to achieve great success. Mobilize your forces, call on your accumulated knowledge to help. To translate large-scale plans into reality, a team of reliable and creative like-minded people will not hurt.

    I dreamed of a new jacket

    A new jacket, according to the dream book, speaks of your tendency to focus on your own interests at work and not take into account your colleagues. The interpretation is especially true if in a dream the new thing is praised by colleagues or superiors.

    You can achieve a lot alone, but teamwork can be much more effective. Try to be more attentive to the ideas of others, refrain from unconstructive criticism.

    Buy a jacket according to the dream book

    A dream about buying a jacket symbolizes favorable changes in material terms. This could be a new job, a highly paid public post, the emergence of a source of additional funds, or receiving a bonus.

    Working hard, achieving goals, do not neglect proper and timely rest. This will help you avoid chronic fatigue, you will always be full of strength and energy, ready for new victories.

    Torn jacket in a dream

    Did you dream about a torn jacket? For a man, such a plot promises unforeseen difficulties in business, unplanned obstacles on the way to achieving his plans. Significant problems in the financial sector are likely.

    Although the difficult period will last quite a long time, do not be discouraged and maintain a fighting spirit. Believe in the best, persistently go towards your goal - and your efforts will definitely be rewarded.

    Dreaming of a black jacket

    A black jacket seen in a dream warns of intrigues weaving behind your back. Pay attention to the owner of the clothing. Probably this particular person is a secret ill-wisher.

    According to the dream book, looking at a black jacket worn by an acquaintance means the possibility of betrayal. Monitor your companion more closely to avoid becoming a victim of deception.

    Take a closer look at the people around you and their behavior. Perhaps one of them is insincere towards you. But don’t be rude - it’s easy to destroy a friendship, but it will be difficult to restore it in the future.

    Your personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of your life you will find success in the new year.

    Did you dream about a Jacket, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

    Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a Jacket in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed that I was standing on an open-air stage in a dark-colored jacket (most likely it was black) and it fit me perfectly, a little later I buttoned the jacket.

    An example of a blue jacket that a guy liked

    Today I dreamed of me in a beige men's suit

    Hello! I dreamed about a jacket, I bought it. Dark gray in color, beautiful, but it is too big. In the dream I was not embarrassed by its size, I am happy with the purchase of white.

    I tried on a dark colored jacket and it looked good on me

    The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You will want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

    The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 collections of dreams and more than 450,000 dream interpretations. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

    Dream Interpretation

    Tried on a jacket

    Dream Interpretation Trying on a jacket I dreamed about why I dreamed about trying on a jacket in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see Trying on a jacket in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Jacket according to the dream book

    Interpreting why a jacket is dreamed of, the dream book identifies this item of clothing primarily with the business sphere and events in personal life. The appearance of the product and the plot in the dream will help you know what to expect in these areas.

    Miller's dream book does not give a clear answer as to why the jacket is dreamed of. In the psychoanalyst’s interpretation, the symbol means that now the dreamer is not a toy in the hands of fortune, but the cause of what is happening around him. A deliberately expensive frock coat in a dream indicates a high probability of taking the right steps.

    If you dreamed of clothes that did not fit, the sleeper does not adequately assess his capabilities. A tight jacket means that timidity prevents you from achieving success. If you happen to see something baggy and awkward, an attempt to grab an excessively large piece threatens to be unsuccessful.

    The Charm of Authority

    The Wanderer's Dream Book offers many explanations of why a man's jacket is dreamed of. Seeing him in a dream happens both to powerful, authoritarian natures, and to those who are trying to develop similar qualities.

    Sometimes a man's jacket portends an acquaintance with an omnivorous person. If a lady dreams of a purely masculine element of her wardrobe, she will have to activate the masculine principle in herself in order to defend her interests.

    Business lady

    In dream books there are explanations of why a woman’s jacket is dreamed of. If a young specialist dreams of this item, management will be favorable to him. When a girl has to see on herself the feminine attribute of severity and restraint, Tsvetkov’s prediction says that it would not hurt for her to use charm more often.

    A female element of a uniform in a dream indicates a desire to take control of any situation. The Dream Interpreter of Yogis reminds us that intuition is no less a formidable weapon than cold calculation.

    In scarlet colors

    In dream books there are various interpretations of what a red jacket means in a dream. If you happen to see yourself in it, the Old Interpretation of the dream reminds you of your hidden capabilities.

    Seeing an extravagant stranger dressed in a red tuxedo happens shortly before a tempting offer. The Birthday predictor claims that it can be accepted without much thought.

    When a girl dreamed that one of her acquaintances was wearing a red blazer, in real life it wouldn’t hurt to take a closer look at this person: it seems that he has been in love with the dreamer for a long time. If you dreamed about your ex wearing such attire, a revival of feelings and a resumption of relationships is possible.

    Black and white dreams

    When black and white colors in clothing predominate in a dream, most dream books mention critical situations or warn against them. The magician Longo claims that the black jacket on the sleeping person foreshadows a festive event. If one of your relatives wore it in a dream, you will have to learn about death.

    When you put on a white jacket you have to be extremely concerned about your reputation. In the Universal Interpreter, white color symbolizes future success in business and love. If a lady dreams of a gentleman in white, her cherished wish will come true.

    Checkered Dreams

    Why do you dream of a checkered jacket in the dream book of Simon Canaanite? A checkered jacket promises a marriage of convenience; the dreamer has a high probability of ending up in a “golden cage.”

    In its modern version, a small check pattern is interpreted as a call to free oneself: to change an unloved job or an oppressive environment, to break off a hateful relationship.

    Colorful clothes

    Dream books will tell you why you dream of jackets of other, sometimes unexpected colors:

    • If you dreamed that you were wearing a blue jacket, do not give up: the final push is ahead;
    • A brown jacket warns that the result may not be as expected;
    • Gray symbolizes everyday life, but at the same time stability and confidence;
    • Green hints that the problem can be solved quite easily, but not for free;
    • A crimson jacket promises the patronage of an influential person;
    • If you dreamed of pink, immediately take off your rose-colored glasses: the enemy is very dangerous;
    • If you are lucky enough to see yourself in purple decoration, the advantages are on your side;
    • A yellow suit means you've done a great job, it's time to have some fun.

    In spite of the templates

    When in a dream you have to sew a jacket with your own hands, in reality you will have to perform an unexpected act, thereby greatly surprising those around you.

    If you had to wash a jacket and didn’t recognize it after washing, the symbol calls for self-knowledge. Your hidden talents could change the lives of many people.

    Buy or get rid of?

    If you dreamed of buying a piece of clothing for the office, the Modern Dream Book promises a new source of income. In the French dream book, buying a jacket happens shortly before meeting someone, which will help radically change your real life.

    It’s interesting to know why you dream of losing your jacket. The 21st century dream book warns against a dubious act that the sleeper intends to commit. The consequences are puzzling.

    Explaining why you dream of giving away this attribute of a business person, the Health dream book fears that you have taken on overwhelming obligations. The exhausting pursuit of the unattainable can negatively affect your well-being and relationships with loved ones.

    Closer to the body

    Trying on new clothes in a dream happens during periods of doubt about the appropriateness of your work. If this is not the first time you try on this item, it may make sense to change your type of activity.

    Interpreting why you dream of putting on a new jacket, Karatov’s dream book warns that there is a lot of work ahead.

    If you dreamed of trying on a new jacket in front of a mirror and discovering that it is too small, the sorceress Medea recommends not getting involved in dubious enterprises. If it comes at the right time, take advantage of the period of stability for new achievements.

    Loff's dream book believes that wearing a jacket in a dream was lucky on the eve of great success. Don't forget to thank those who helped you reach the top.

    Trying on a denim product reflects confidence in the future.

    When you happen to dress up in an old or dirty tailcoat, the English Dream Book recommends perseverance. The level of material well-being depends on your ability to stand up for yourself.

    If you manage to tear your jacket in a dream, unexpected obstacles in business will arise. Dreamers with creative inclinations can find someone else's outfit in their closet.

    Who's the boss?

    If a young lady dreams of a man in a jacket, some acquaintances may cause trouble. For girls, a man in military uniform foreshadows a fateful meeting.

    When in a dream a young guy is dressed inappropriately for his age, beware of deception in financial matters.

    If you happen to see your deceased father dressed strictly in a dream, in reality listen to your intuition and conscience - at the moment these are the most reliable advisers.

    Everyday life and unusual situations

    If a woman happened to see herself in uniform, the Eastern Dream Book believes that the dreamer is unfairly demanding of herself, her beloved.

    When a patent leather jacket appears in a dream, a certain person is trying to benefit from communicating with you.

    By appearing in a dream, a man in a suit without a jacket urges you not to rush headlong into the pool.

    If you dreamed that your jacket was on fire, beware of surprises from the outside.