The meaning of the saying: work feeds but laziness spoils. Proverbs about work and laziness

Olga Probenko
Summary of educational activities “Labor feeds, but laziness spoils” in the preparatory group

Summary of educational activities on the topic:

« Labor feeds, A laziness spoils» V preparatory group».


Continue to introduce children to oral folklore creativity: proverbs, sayings about labor, learn to use them in your speech;

enrich children's knowledge about professions, the importance labor; expand vocabulary and activate children's vocabulary; instill a sense of responsibility.


Antoshka doll; set of pictures topic: "Professions"; sheets of paper;

Colored pencils.

Preliminary work:

Learning proverbs and sayings about labor; conversations about professions; reading fiction about hardworking and lazy heroes

("Morozko", "Khavroshechka", "According to pike by command» etc.)

1. Tell me, guys, why is this so? They say: « Labor feeds, A laziness spoils» ?

(Children's answers).

Why are people are working? What words can you say about a person who loves and knows how to work? (Hardworking, a craftsman, a master of his craft, any work burns in his hands).

2. What other proverbs and sayings about labor you know?

*The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.

*Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

*Lazy Emelya has seven Sundays a week.

*If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

*Business is time, fun is an hour.

3. How to become a skilled craftsman? Are there easy professions that do not require knowledge and skills?

Who are they talking about?: “You sleep and sleep, and there’s no time to rest”? Can a lazy person be called a craftsman?

What fairy-tale sloths do you know?

(Children's answers).

4. The Antoshka doll comes to visit the children.


- Hello, Antoshka! Help the kids put away the toys and sweep the paths in the area.


- I don’t feel like it, do the work yourself. I'll help you eat the porridge.


- Eh, Antoshka, it’s not good to be lazy. Do you want to look at yourself from the outside?

5. Dynamic pause.

Physical education minute "Lazy".

On Monday I woke up

And on Tuesday I yawned

On Wednesday I stretched sweetly,

And on Thursday I fell asleep again.

I slept on Friday, Saturday

I didn't go to work

But then on Sunday

I slept all day without waking up.

6. Teacher:

- Antoshka, we will introduce you to different professions and you will definitely fall in love work.

Game “Describe without naming”.

Children receive illustrations topic: "Professions", come up with riddles, short stories; Antoshka is trying to guess what we are talking about.


“And as a souvenir, the guys will draw for you what items people of different professions need.”

(Children draw attributes).

- Well, Antoshka, will you continue to be lazy?

(Doll answers).

- Remember, Antoshka, good deeds and labor adorns a person.

No wonder they say: « Labor feeds, A laziness spoils» .

— What advice will you guys give to Antoshka so that he falls in love? work,

Was he neat and did everything?

Class hour “Work feeds, but laziness spoils”

TARGET: generalizing children's knowledge about proverbs and sayings.



expand the information base of students, familiarize themselves with the treasuries of universal human culture, clarify and expand the stock of specific ideas on this topic;

develop dialogical speech, summarize existing personal experience in the form of oral text;

learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

stimulate and encourage children's creative expressions;

promote the development of perception, attention, logical thinking and memory, using poems, proverbs, sayings.


instill a love for oral folk art;

to develop feelings of collectivism, mutual assistance, and a friendly attitude towards guests and each other;

improve the ability to listen carefully to adults and their comrades.

cultivate interest in search activities and cooperation.


consolidate knowledge of language norms;

promote the development of coherent speech;

develop memory, attention, logical thinking and imagination.

Preparatory work:

Children are given tasks in advance: to find proverbs and sayings about work, laziness and lazy people, and homemade books with proverbs are prepared.

Equipment:, cards with words from proverbs, proverbs on cards, a bag with objects: spoon, book, apple, stone, bee.

Progress of the event

Finger gymnastics

Educator: The Russian language is rich and powerful! Proverbs and sayings are short, simple, but apt and instructive sayings. They took shape a long time ago. In proverbs, the people passed on their cherished rules of life to their children and grandchildren and taught them wisdom. Proverbs decorate our speech, make it lively and witty, there are a lot of them, but today we will devote our club hour to proverbs about work, that’s what it’s called “Work feeds, but laziness spoils.”

So, let's begin our lesson.

1 task. Match the ending to the beginning of the proverb.

Do you want to eat rolls - ( don't sit on the stove)

Grow up quickly, ( hurry up to work)

To eat fish, ( I need to get into the water)

Children make up, read and explain the meaning of proverbs.

- What are all these proverbs about? ( About labor)

—What other proverbs do you know about work?

Children say proverbs.

— There are not only proverbs about work, there are also poems, let’s listen to one of them.

Poem about work

Everything I touch

Labor is needed everywhere.

In the morning as soon as I wake up,

And things are already waiting.

Everyone knows, without difficulty

You can't take the fish out of the pond.

I need to feed the birds

Water the flowers at the window,

Pet the kitten

Play with my sister.

Everyone knows, without difficulty

You can't take the fish out of the pond.

And embroider a handkerchief,

Learn a poem

And try the jam.

Everyone knows, without difficulty

You can't take the fish out of the pond.

Visual gymnastics

Educator: People respect hard workers, but condemn and ridicule lazy people.

2 task about laziness and lazy people.

- Look what happened to the proverbs - they fell apart, you need to collect them. ( Children make up proverbs and explain their meaning.)

I want to eat, but I don’t want to climb

The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do

Educator: Now let's look at a skit about laziness. (Children are playing).

- Laziness, open the door!

- Give me the poker, I’ll open it.

- Laziness! Open, the house is on fire!

- I’ll burn, but I won’t open it.

Educator: Another joke.

- Titus, go threshing!

- My stomach hurts.

- Titus, go eat some porridge.

- I'm running, running. Where's my big spoon? Don't start without me!

Children together : Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

Physical education minute

3rd competition “Assorted”

There are different objects in the magic bag, we take them out, and you remember proverbs and sayings about them.

    Book. ( Living with a book is never a problem)

    Apple ( Like father like son)

    Stone ( Water does not flow under a lying stone)

    Bee (The bee is small, and even she works)

Educator: So guys, let's summarize.

— What other proverbs do you know about work and laziness?

—What do proverbs teach us?

Educator: Remember, guys, proverbs are wise advice, a subtle thought, a good wish.

Our lesson is over.

Did the job - ( children) walk boldly.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989.

See what it means: “Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him.” in other dictionaries:

    WORK- husband. work, occupation, exercise, business; everything that requires effort, diligence and care; any strain of bodily or mental strength; everything that tires you. Man is born to work. Without labor there is no good. Labor feeds and clothes. I was too lazy to work hard. What the... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    WORK- in the concept of Holy Rus', the main thing is a godly deed, one of the forms of asceticism and moral action, leading to the salvation of the human soul. “God loves work,” “With prayer in your mouth, with work in your hands,” Russian people often repeat. “God commanded from ... Russian history

    WORK IS Idleness- He reaps without sowing, he threshes against other people’s currents. It was sown as small as a basket, and it grew a little. You can’t knead the dough with Amen; Say a prayer and add flour! God help me, don’t lie on your side! Pray to God, and work yourself! Don't sit idly by, you won't get bored! With... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    THROUGH THE SLEEVES- work; do something; treat the matter carelessly, without diligence, without trying, somehow. This means that a person, a group of people (X) works without making any effort, inattentively to their work (P). It is spoken with disapproval, with condemnation. speech... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

What does the proverb “... feeds a man, but... spoils” sound like?

This proverb lacks two completely opposite meanings: labor (work) and laziness (idleness).

The proverb itself goes like this:

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

Labor is a natural occupation of a person, which provides him with a means of subsistence.

laziness makes a person’s life boring and monotonous and you can even die from it -

In one of his reports, the Italian Minister of Welfare Maurizio Sacconi reports that, according to experts, 28 thousand Italians die from laziness every year.

With age, you become convinced that there is no wiser experience, and all of many generations are found in folk proverbs and sayings. The proverb about work, when work not only feeds, but without work you can’t even get a fish, and a lot of other similar meanings, speaks of the severity of work, but also its necessity. No matter how hard the work is, it makes a person think, at least about how to improve working conditions. And those who are lazy gradually, so to speak, become overgrown with moss. So then, over time, they even become too lazy to wash their face. Not to say that they run wild, but they become untidy due to their laziness. Therefore, laziness destroys, but labor feeds.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him - although many modern people do not agree with it.

This saying was very relevant during the times of the USSR, where work was considered an honorable duty and when they were persecuted for parasitism, but those times have passed and morals have changed. Now, in principle, there are no laws or rules condemning lazy people and slackers from the state. People, though they are now called differently, from homeless people to gigolos, but the essence has not changed. For all categories of idle people, regardless of time, the wonderful and wise proverb remains relevant, acceptable and usable:

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him. After this proverb, you begin to think how spoiled you are, but unfortunately these thoughts leave the person too quickly, and he continues to increase the time wasted.

This proverb refers to the Russian folk proverb and sounds like this; Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him. This series of proverbs also includes the proverb; Without labor you cannot catch a fish from a pond, Labor is everything. These proverbs emphasize how important work is for a person, that work is a person’s life; they are simply not possible in roses. Let's put it this way; work is a good angel, and laziness is the devil.

There are two words missing in this proverb: work and laziness. It is labor that is the breadwinner of a person. People work to earn their livelihood. But laziness spoils and corrupts a person. Therefore, much can be achieved in life through work.

This is the wisest Russian proverb, relevant for all times, on which more than one generation of people was brought up, it is passed on to each other: Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils. But in modern life, few people use it.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him. An old Russian proverb, but always relevant.

This proverb goes like this: Labor feeds a person, but laziness, accordingly, spoils him. Or sometimes, instead of the word Labor, its synonym Work is used. The proverb has always been popular, like many others praising hard-working people and blaming lazy people. It is clear that it seemed especially relevant to rural residents, for whom work in the fields was the key to a good and satisfying winter. However, in fairness, it can be noted that according to many researchers of the history of civilization, its progress is due not so much to hard work, but rather to the efforts of man to work less, from which all significant discoveries in technology and science were created.

Although it is believed that laziness is the engine of progress, it does not always turn out that a lazy person invents something and generally achieves success. Only work and diligence can guarantee this, and even then not always. And if you are lazy, you can end up with nothing at all. And the proverb goes like this: Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him. A very true proverb.

Of course, here in the first case the word labor is missing, and in the second - laziness. The proverb will sound like this:

Of course, this is a correct proverb, because as another proverb says: Labor adorns a person and this is true, because a person is famous for his deeds, and not for his idleness, a person who knows how to work and works will never remain unfed, he will always be able to get, in a good sense This word, that is, to earn a piece of bread, such a worker is always welcome, but no one likes lazy people, and there is no reason to love such people. A lazy person is usually dissolute, does not fulfill requests, instructions and does not keep his promises, so there is little hope for such people.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him. I completely agree with this proverb, because you can’t catch fish from a pond without difficulty. I think that every person can feed themselves or become rich, the main thing is to do something for this, and not sit on your butt and wait for a miracle to happen, the food will feed itself, the money will fill your pockets. Work and you will have money. As they say, what goes around comes around. Work will help in the future, if something doesn’t work out, you still need to work, every work will be rewarded.

When I read your question, I immediately remembered this proverb: Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him. It's true, a hardworking person will never beg. He will feed not only himself, but also his family. Will achieve all the blessings of life. And those who are lazy can either live at the expense of others or will completely disappear in the literal and figurative meaning of the word.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him! this proverb has meaning, she needs to stick to it throughout life and everything will be ok

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

This proverb was popular in the 18th and 19th centuries, when only physical labor could feed a person. The rich knew this proverb, but it did not apply to them. But among the peasants, the proverb became a motto in life.

Working 16 hours a day in the fields, every peasant knew that if he was lazy for a day or two, it would immediately hit his pocket, the master would not pay, or even lose the harvest if it was his field.

From an early age, children were driven, forced to do housework, saying the proverb Labor feeds a man, laziness spoils him, so that children would not get used to loafing and idleness.

This proverb goes like this: Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils him, and here one cannot but agree. A true proverb, I, for example, have never met a person whom laziness decorated and fed, but work spoiled him.

The meaning of this proverbs that through work a person can earn his living. As they say, it’s bread and butter, and if you try hard enough, it’s bread and butter.

Many Russian proverbs glorify work. For example:

And also about laziness:

That is, if you lie on the stove, you will not be able to feed yourself and your family.

Since ancient times, labor has always been valuable. And no one liked lazy people.

This proverb is studied in the third grade of primary school. They even ask students to write an essay as they understand it.

Goal: to teach children hard work so that they work with joy and complete dedication.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him! This proverb has a meaning. So that people work more. The fact that a person must feed himself with his own hands is that laziness will not lead to anything good. You have to work and then you will have what you want.

It's not a bear, it won't go into the forest.

Option. It's not a wolf, it won't run into the forest.

There is no need to rush into work; There will still be time, there are more important things to do. This is usually said by someone who is in no hurry to complete something and puts it off.

Time for business, time for fun.

The main time should be devoted to business, work, and only leisure time should be reserved for fun and fun.

It's a bad start.

Option. It's a great misfortune to start.

Similar in meaning. A good start is half the battle.

It is always very difficult to start a business, even if you know that it is necessary. That’s why it’s so important to start, and on time, it will go easier and success will be guaranteed. The word “dashing” here means decisive, brave, daring.

The end is the crown of the matter.

Options. The end is the crown of the whole thing.

The end crowns the matter.

It’s not a wonder to start, but it’s a wonder to finish.

Finished the job, go for a walk safely.

This is what they say with satisfaction when a big difficult task is successfully completed and you can rest. A crown is a headdress, a crown, which is crowned during a solemn ceremony.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Similar in meaning. Without bowing to the ground, you won’t raise fungus.

Any business requires effort; To get a result you need to work hard, otherwise you won’t get anything done.

More action - less words.

It is better to do more than to promise too much. If you have work, there is no time to talk much.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

This proverb can encourage someone who is taking on a difficult task with no end in sight. It seems that this work is impossible to cope with, but once you start it, you understand that it is still possible to overcome difficulties.

Proverbs of the peoples of the world

He who works hard lives long (Ossetian).

Sleep is sweet for a fool, work is dear to a wise man (Estonian).

A person is recognized not by his speeches, but by his deeds (Chuvash).

The wolf did not catch a single sheep lying down (German).

Don't be afraid to hesitate, be afraid to stop (Chinese).

Don't sit in your own sleigh.

This proverb is a warning that it is better not to do something you don’t know. Also, don’t try to occupy a place that is not intended for you.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.

If you take on several things at once (usually very profitable ones), then most likely you will not be able to do any of them well or complete them. It's better to focus on doing one thing at a time.

He who does not work does not eat.

Similar in meaning. If you don't work hard, you won't get bread. They won’t force you to work, and they won’t tell you to eat.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

Used as a call to work addressed to a lazy, careless person or as an explanation for why he did not receive anything. The proverb is known to many peoples.

I picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.

This proverb is a call to complete the work started when a person, faced with difficulties, is ready to give up in front of them. They also say this if someone cannot refuse their obligations, despite the fact that problems have arisen. A tug is a part of a horse's harness that needs to be pulled tightly. “Dyuzh” means “hefty”, that is, very strong.

Those who are lucky are driven.

As a rule, the one who meekly performs any work is the one who gets the most responsibility. After all, driving someone who doesn’t want to carry cargo is much more difficult.

See the tree in its fruits, and the man in his deeds.

A person should be judged by his actions, by the results of his deeds; his appearance and words can be deceiving.

It is not the gods who burn the pots.

Option. It is not holy pots that are made.

This is what they say when they want to encourage a person who is starting a new business and doubts that he will cope with it.

To burn pots means to expose them to fire in order to give them hardness and strength.

The drones have a holiday on weekdays too.

Similar in meaning. Lazy Emelya has seven Sundays a week.

Idlers never work, and therefore every day is like a holiday for them (in ancient times, peasants did not work only on Sundays and holidays). In this saying, a lazy person is called a drone because in a bee colony, drones are non-working bees.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

Similar in meaning. Laziness makes a person sick, but work makes a person healthy.

Everything on earth was created by human labor, and man himself improves himself by working. From idleness and laziness, he loses his skills and abilities, all his senses become dull.

Don’t put off today’s work until tomorrow.

Similar in meaning. If you put it off for a day, it will last for ten.

You should always try to get the job done as quickly as possible; If you put it off, the implementation may take a very long time. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll finish.

Without messing things up, you won't be a master.

Everything comes with experience, so to become a master you will have to work hard, and on this thorny path there will be mistakes, there is nothing to worry about. The main thing is to recognize them and learn to do them correctly.

Eats for an ox, but works for a mosquito

This is how they speak disparagingly of someone who shirks work, of a quitter.

An earned loaf is better than a stolen loaf.

Similar in meaning. Better a stale crust obtained through honest labor than a rich pie that was stolen.

You need to earn a living by honest work. You may not have much, but you will sleep peacefully. Goods obtained through illegitimate means do not bring happiness.

Such are the works, such are the fruits.

Similar in meaning. What you earned is what you got.

The result of work depends on the efforts made. Often the failures and problems that plague a person are the result of his behavior.

If you work until you sweat, you'll be happy to eat.

To achieve success and wealth, you need to work hard.

People honor those who love work.

A working person always enjoys honor and respect. Therefore, you need to start working, help your parents from childhood, try to learn more about professions, then when you grow up, you can choose your favorite business.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled.

All pleasures come at a price. Therefore, you need to remember that after pleasant moments in life there come times when troubles and even troubles can await you.

Patience and work will grind everything down.

To achieve results, you must not only put in a lot of work, but also be able to endure. You can't give up. Overcoming all difficulties, you need to persistently pursue your goal.

Small fry. We associate this expression with a plow - a farmer’s tool that “finely plows.” But the word “plow”, “bipod” had another, long-vanished meaning: this was the name of a certain area of ​​land from which taxes were calculated and collected in old Rus'. The poorer the farmer was, the smaller his share in the plow. Therefore, wealthier neighbors spoke disparagingly of such a plowman as “small fry.” Later, this expression began to be used ironically to refer generally to insignificant people who do not have any influence or weight in society.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989.

See what it means: “Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him.” in other dictionaries:

    Husband. work, occupation, exercise, business; everything that requires effort, diligence and care; any strain of bodily or mental strength; everything that tires you. Man is born to work. Without labor there is no good. Labor feeds and clothes. I was too lazy to work hard. What the... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    In the concept of Holy Rus', the main thing is a godly deed, one of the forms of asceticism and moral action, leading to the salvation of the human soul. “God loves work,” “With prayer in your mouth, with work in your hands,” Russian people often repeat. “God commanded from ... Russian history

    He reaps without sowing, he threshes against other people's currents. It was sown as small as a basket, and it grew a little. You can’t knead the dough with Amen; Say a prayer and add flour! God help me, don’t lie on your side! Pray to God, and work yourself! Don't sit idly by, you won't get bored! WITH … V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    THROUGH THE SLEEVES- work; do something; treat the matter carelessly, without diligence, without trying, somehow. This means that a person, a group of people (X) works without making any effort, inattentively to their work (P). It is spoken with disapproval, with condemnation. speech... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • Tricks. Fairy tales. Riddles. Sayings. Tongue twisters, Folk art. Our unique “Tricks” program will help you spend unforgettable hours of play with your child with benefit and fun. It will teach you the correct sayings and proverbs about the Motherland and friendship, work and study.…

Olga Prikhodina
Lesson “Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.”

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

Target: help students understand the importance of work.

If there was a desire, the work would go well. Don't sit idly by - you won't get bored.

The teacher can invite children to remember how they help adults (helping their parents, participating in cleaning the apartment, taking care of their clothes, books, things), etc. It is important to help children feel the joy of the fact that they can do something and do it themselves.

As a literary illustration of the topic, we use fairy tales known to children, which tell about hardworking and lazy heroes (different versions of the fairy tale “Morozko”, etc.). When analyzing the fairy tale, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the hard work and politeness of one sister and the reluctance to work and rudeness of the other. Other works that will be proposed by children are also analyzed. (Give the children a task to make them think).

In a conversation with children, the teacher emphasizes that the attitude towards lazy people is always negative (they are not liked, and together with the children he searches and formulates an answer to the question why this happens. Children come to the conclusion that the lazy person also wants to eat, drink, get dressed, but does not like to get all this with his own labor. This means that others work for him. The teacher asks the pupils to remember who in their family does the housework and what kind of work. Then the teacher finds out what responsibilities the children have in the family, how and with what they facilitate the household work of their parents. .

The main result of the lesson is to help children realize that all the benefits that surround us at school and at home are the results of the work of many people. Preserving them and creating new benefits is everyone’s concern.

In conclusion, the teacher gives the children the task of listing on a piece of paper their permanent responsibilities, the tasks they perform at the request of their parents, and also name their least favorite and favorite type of work. At the end, children read the rules of a hard-working student and make drawings depicting different types of household work.


When the room is tidy and clean, the mood is good,

the work goes better.

You should be able to make your bed beautifully and do

this is every morning.

Your books and toys should be in place after games

and classes. If you make a mess, collect the trash, sweep the floor,

wipe off the dust.

Your clothes, jacket, shoes should always be on the same

Know how to wash your T-shirt, handkerchief, and socks.

Know how to mend a small hole, sew on a button,

do it without waiting for reminders.

If you see that your parents are tired, be there for them

especially attentive: help set the table; ask

Do you need to do anything around the house?



Labor is a type of social activity, the result of which is enshrined in material and spiritual values.

Hardworking - diligent, industrious, hard worker.

Diligence is the love of work.

Diligence is a moral quality that manifests itself in the desire to work and the inability to live without doing anything.


G. Mamlin

Seryozha is looking for a pencil.

Today there is chaos in the house:

Seryozha is looking for a pencil.

I put it in the cupboard

Who touched my pencil?

There is no order in your house! –

He told his mother sternly.

Armed with a poker

To search for Seryozha.

And to begin with he kicked

The kitten puffed in the hallway.

I looked in the closet, stood on a chair,

He lay prone on the floor,

He looked under the sofas,

He knocked a vase off the shelf

And he scratched the table.

A hurricane arose in the house.

A suitcase fell from the closet

And they flew under the ceiling

Pillows, Brema thick volume,

Notebooks and newspapers

And other items.

How did Seryozha look for a pencil?

Who suffered from his actions?

Will there be order with such behavior?

S. Baruzdin.


Our mom is at work

Big brother is at work.

How much concern do you have, -

The neighbors tell me.

I decided to get down to business.

If mom is gone for a long time,

Someone's gotta try

Prepare us lunch.

Let her not bother us -

I'll bring more firewood

And I’ll cook dinner just as well

Real chefs.

I put water in the tub

And I will wash the dishes.

All notebooks and toys

I'll put it back in place.

Mom and brother will say: “We know,

Not a boy - just a treasure.

There is an owner in this house,

Although he’s a bit short.”

Questions and tasks:

How did the boy decide to help his mother and brother?

Can his attitude towards household chores be called masterly?

Tell us how you help at home?

Vl. Lifshits


Tired, from work

Mother came in the evening

And he sees that his son

The bed is not made,

Why does the tea in the glass get cold?

That the floor is not swept,

What, lying on the sofa,

He is reading a book...

And his mother is offended

She said: “Son,

Someday you mom

Did you help in any way?”

And the son answered gloomily,

Barely looking at his mother:

You, mom, are talking about Timur

I'm sure guys

What if Gaidar lived -

Famous writer

And the brave commissar, -

Then this boy

Why does a mother greet you this way?

(Or rather, I could say):

“You probably have a conscience

I fell asleep, boy!

You managed to read the story,

But I couldn’t understand..."

What was the conversation between mother and son?

Why was the mother offended by her son?

What “important” business was your son busy with?

Who knows who Timur and his team are?

What were they doing?

What did your son not understand in the book?

B. Zakhoder

Whose basket is heavier?

Two friends went

We went mushroom hunting.

We walked and walked, Tired of walking.

We walked in one direction

And they passed equally

Yes, but not equally,

Not equally found.

In one basket - white,

And everything is just right!

In the other - one and only

Rotten fly agaric.

The second friend said:

Well, no luck.

But my basket

It's not hard to drag! –

They're going back

They are going home, the first one is skipping,

The second one crawls behind him.

The first one to skip

With loot in hand,

The second one barely trudges along,

Even though he is light.

The first said to the second, saying goodbye at the door:

An empty basket

It turns out it's harder!

Why did the guys pick mushrooms with such different results?

Why is it that an empty basket is heavier than a full one?

What does this depend on?

Are you picking mushrooms?

What successes do you have?

Folk wisdom.

Don't sit idly by - there will be no boredom.

If there was a desire, the work would go well.

1. What kind of person do we call hardworking?

2. Mark with a “+” sign those qualities that a hardworking person should have:

Ability to work.

Good mood.


The ability to force yourself to finish what you started.

3. Complete the task and analyze the results obtained: mark with “+” signs in the table during the assignment those qualities that indicate hard work, and with “-” signs the qualities that prevent you from becoming hardworking.

Numbers/qualities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Labor discipline

The ability to force yourself




Desire to help

3.1. Underline with a red pencil your regular responsibilities at home, with a green pencil the work that is done at the request of your parents, and with a yellow pencil - the work that you never do, add what you need on the free line.

I go to the store to buy bread.

I'm walking with the dog.

I clean up after the cat.

I feed the animals.

Cleaning out the bird cage.

I water the flowers.

I sweep the floor.

I wipe off the dust.

I take out the trash.

I'm tidying up my corner (putting things in order).

I make my bed.

I wash the dishes.

3.2. Underline the correct answer.

It’s hard for me to force myself to sit down to my homework, start cleaning, or start any housework.

Publications on the topic:

“We are not too lazy to help mom! March 8th is mother’s day!” March 8th is coming soon. The political connotation of this holiday is gradually being erased. But it must be said.

Physical education lesson “Vegetables. Adult labor in the fields and gardens” (multi-age group) 5–7 years old Objectives: 1. Practice balance; in high jumps over a rope, throw the ball into a basketball hoop with one and two hands confidently.

Integrated lesson (cognition and manual labor) in the preparatory school group “Doll-amulet” Goal: To develop the ability to make a rag doll-amulet “Bell” Objectives: To expand children’s ideas about folk toys.

Integrated lesson “Wasted Labor” based on the story (We made a snowman) Integration of areas: Cognitive, communicative, speech, artistic aesthetic Purpose: Teaching storytelling. Objectives: Cognitive.

Folk wisdom has always been a “textbook” for the life of Russian people. The proverb “Laziness spoils, but labor feeds” did not stand aside either. Let's take a closer look at this phrase. Perhaps it will come in handy in life in the most desperate moments, when you are despondent and depressed. In addition, if a person overcomes both laziness and work, he will be able to look at life with different eyes. It is not for nothing that the Holy Scripture says that laziness completely spoils it.

What is laziness, what is work?

Laziness is the unwillingness to work mentally or physically. For example, a student tells his parents: “I’m too lazy to write an essay!” On the other hand, let’s say the wife lies down on the sofa with the thoughts: “Too lazy to cook dinner!” What mood will her life partner be in if he comes home and finds that there is no food? In this case, laziness spoils the wife.

And work feeds a person (in the example of his wife). If a woman wants to cook a delicious meal, she will feed not only her husband, but also herself and her children. It’s the same with a student: if he writes an essay through “I don’t want”, then he will go to bed with a calm soul and in a good mood.

Thus, labor is physical or mental work leading to the final result. As a result, a person’s life changes for the better.

What will happen to a person if he is lazy?

It is very important to understand what laziness can lead to. Surely many of you have noticed that no one respects a lazy person. And he practically doesn’t love himself (although he thinks the opposite).

In addition, a lazy person’s home is unkempt, and the person himself may be sloppy. It is immediately obvious that laziness spoils a person. And work feeds those who are ready to step over the desire to take a break from all their affairs.

Character and mood of a lazy person

As a rule, laziness leads to despondency, depression and loss of meaning in life. A person spends time day after day in dreams, wastes away before our eyes and even gets sick. It is no coincidence that the proverb “Laziness spoils, but labor feeds” was coined. Indeed, it spoils a person primarily from the inside. The lazy man is not satisfied with his life; it seems to him that fate is not favorable to him.

What will happen to the hardworking?

If a lazy person started working, his life would change overnight. For example, a person constantly lies on the sofa, doing nothing. A lot of dust has accumulated in the room, the refrigerator is empty. In order for anything to change for the better, you need to get up, go to the grocery store, wash the floors, and wipe the dust. In this case, a person himself will understand that laziness spoils, a person’s work feeds, makes him happy, and gives him hope for a better and good mood.

The character and worldview of a working person

A hardworking person does not get tired of any work, both mental and physical. Having done the necessary things, he goes to bed with a clear conscience. Every day he makes plans for the day, carries them out, training his willpower. Accordingly, such a person is always in a good mood, has goals and aspirations. He has everything, everything he needs for well-being.

In addition, people always turn to him for help, everyone respects him. And also a hardworking person receives much more benefits and wealth in life than he expects.

How to overcome laziness?

You know that laziness spoils and work feeds, but you still don’t want to do anything. What should I do? It is advisable to remember moments in your life when something you did brought you joy. Usually in such cases a stimulus appears.

In general, in order to do a good deed, you need to overcome yourself and overcome laziness. It is not for nothing that in the Orthodox Church laziness is considered a sin. This is what we need to fight against. If you can’t cope on your own, you should ask God for help.

We wish you to have a love of work, a good mood, and that you achieve your goals, which are realized only through hard work and the desire to do good.