Templates with flowers for decorating a speech therapist's corner. Speech therapist's corner

Thinking about my profession, I came to the conclusion that A speech therapist teacher is a psychologist, an actor, a musician, and a designer. He must not only teach children to speak beautifully and correctly, but also create conditions for mastering speech. The environment should be attractive and mysterious to maintain interest in the activities. Each item must carry meaning, aesthetic pleasure and mystery in order to invite the child to dialogue.

I offer my opinion on the equipment of a speech therapy room. I think that using simple and effective means of organizing a developmental environment will help beginning speech therapists conduct classes more interesting and varied. ( The presented correctional and developmental environment of the speech therapy room of a kindergarten was created by the hands of a speech therapist).

The structure of the subject-developmental environment of a speech therapy room is determined by the goals of correctional and educational work, the originality of the spatial arrangement of the necessary objects and materials. The subject environment of the speech therapy room is built in accordance with the program that is being implemented in our educational institution.

Speech material is regularly updated as each new lexical topic is studied. Games and benefits change systematically throughout the year (depending on the time of year). This allows you to organize a developmental environment within the walls of the speech therapy room, creating comfortable conditions for classes and emotional well-being.

Equipment for a subject-spatial developmental environment in a speech therapist’s office:

Speech center.

Mirrors, before which a significant part of the work is carried out that requires the child’s visual control (articulation and facial exercises, production of sounds and their primary automation). Boxes of letters, syllables, abacus, sound rulers, symbols of sounds, syllables for tapping syllables, letter constructor, workbooks with articulation exercises and corresponding entertaining material, rosary beads for forming a measured tempo of speech and developing motor coordination, didactic games, breathing simulators.

Motor centerdevelopment. Stencils, outlines, massage balls, lacing, cut pictures, thread printing. A manual with screw-on lids “Amanita”, “Cheerful Pig” and “Hardworking Caterpillar” ( related by me). “The Hardworking Caterpillar” is braiding, flowers on buttons, a pocket with buttons, tying a bow, etc.., multifunctional covers and much more.

Center of visual perception.
While looking at the stars, clouds and sun, children enjoy doing eye exercises. Exercises help control eye movements, relieve mental fatigue, and promote the development of visual perception. I consider this guide necessary and very useful.

speech breathing presented with a card index of breathing exercises, a variety of pinwheels, “wind blowers”, a manual “Gluttonous Fruits”, soap bubbles, autumn leaves, snowflakes, bells, a Christmas tree and many light objects (according to the seasons).

Relaxation center
. It also contains soft toys, finger games, and a “Dry Pool” with different fillings. The use of the pool is multifunctional. It contributes not only to the development of speech, but also to the stabilization of the emotional state of children. Nyusha toy, which children love very much. She often plays the role of a pillow that you can cuddle and warm your soul.

Information Center
located in the locker room of the speech therapy group. Equipped with a folding folder, a stand “Advice to parents from the Wise Owl”, which contains temporary information on various types of speech disorders, entertaining exercises and other necessary recommendations from a speech therapist, and handouts.
Center for methodological support
is presented with reference and methodological literature, educational plans for the sections of speech correction and development, and manuals necessary for the correction process.

To maintain children's interest and to avoid an overabundance of visuals, the benefits replace each other at certain times of the year. For example, “Window to Nature”: in the fall – we attach colorful leaves, clouds, “rain”; in winter - snowflakes, snowman, Christmas tree; in the spring - migratory birds, a tree with swollen buds, the sun “smiling”. The “Magic Umbrella” manual for breathing development is also changing. Such an unusual calendar develops attention in children; they notice interesting and typical natural phenomena in winter, spring, summer and autumn.

The kids love my office. It feels homely and always has a friendly atmosphere. This calms the child and has a positive effect on his nervous system.

All subject content is displayed in the passport of the speech therapy office. This is a photo album with “magnetic” pages, where all the information about the purpose and equipment of the office is classified. There is a guide to the office, in which the color of the circle corresponds to different areas of correctional work. This greatly simplifies the search for the necessary educational or methodological materials.
My experience shows that as a result of using the resources of the described correctional and developmental environment of the speech therapy room, children’s interest in correctional classes increases significantly. The environment helps in overcoming general speech underdevelopment, promotes the development of spatial concepts and visual-object gnosis, develops cognitive interest, increases speech activity, and promotes children's learning of the elements of literacy; development of lexical and grammatical structure and coherent speech, mental functions.

teacher-speech therapist of MDOU “D/s combined type No. 35 “Alyonushka-1”,

Ershov, Saratov region, Russia.

Anastasia Gredyakina

Correctional subject development environment speech therapy group and speech therapy room for preschoolers.

Speech development is the most important condition for the full development of children. To correct speech deficiencies, enrich and improve speech, it is necessary to create a favorable speech environment that would serve the interests, needs and development of children.

The formation of correct speech, the development of cognitive activity, the emotional-volitional sphere in children with speech disorders is a complex and multi-component pedagogical process in structure. It has been proven that the creation of conditions for development, upbringing and training, as well as a correctional and developmental environment that is comfortable in all respects, has the maximum impact on the development of children’s communicative and speech abilities.

Material and technical equipment group and office basically meets the requirements - it is developmental and correctional in nature, creates conditions for the creative activity of each child, provides children with the opportunity for active, purposeful and varied activities.

The most noticeable and educational part of our group is the wall,shaped like a city. She helps us a lot in our work, studying lexical topics, in mathematics, literacy classes, etc.

We have a pronunciation correction zone issued, connecting insects with the lexical topic and playing with prepositions.

I also wanted to make an information center for parents with my own hands and present it in the form of a carousel from a famous cartoon.

IN group We have a miracle tree growing, on which removable Velcro material changes depending on the time of year.

IN registration as you have already noticed, we use oracal, a colored adhesive film, it is very good for decorative registrations,very easy to use.

Our children sleep in the bedroom and see fabulous dreams, which are carried to them by little magical fairies).

Design of a speech therapy room:

Now all stands can be ordered and made on special panels, but making teaching aids with your own hands is dearer and nicer)

Publications on the topic:

“Professions in construction” lesson notes in the speech therapy group of a speech therapist teacher Summary of direct educational activities on speech development on the topic: “Professions in construction” for children with severe disabilities.

Dear colleagues and guests of my page! This year, at our preschool institution, we held a competition for teachers “For the best design.

Annual plan of a speech therapist teacher in a senior speech therapy group Activities Dates Organizational work Preparing the classroom for the new academic year Until September 1 Primary and in-depth examination.

Everything flows, everything changes. and changes have occurred in our institution. I was given a new office, I needed to do some renovations and move.

On the eve of each new year, I try to create a unique fairy-tale atmosphere in the speech therapy room. For this I am developing together.

In our kindergarten, as in many kindergartens, teachers try to decorate their groups for each season. The experts decided not to either.

Parent meeting for parents of the speech therapy group “The relationship between the work of the family and the speech therapist.” Parent meeting. Topic: “The relationship between the work of the family and the speech therapist.” Goal: forming an active position of parents, attracting their attention.

Poster presentation

Speech therapy corner of the speech group as part of the subject-development environment.

Completed by: Kamalova E.V.,


Kazan, 2014

The problem of speech in all its species diversity is relevant in preschool age. Today, there are many techniques that can be used to regulate the process of speech development in children. The most important condition for improving the speech activity of preschoolers is the creation of an emotionally favorable situation that promotes the desire to actively participate in verbal communication. At the same time, play communication between children is of particular importance. Playful communication is the necessary basis within which the formation and improvement of a child’s speech activity takes place.

The development of a preschool child is greatly influenced by the space around him, the environment in which he spends most of the time. In a preschool setting, such an environment is a group room.

The problem of organizing a subject-developmental environment takes on particular significance when working in a preschool educational institution of a compensatory type for children with special needs. Children’s activities that are not regulated by the scope of their classes (independent and under the guidance of a teacher) last the longest. During this activity, educators organize individual and subgroup correction-oriented forms of interaction with children. A subject-based developmental environment makes it possible to enrich the experience of a child’s emotional and practical interaction with peers and the teacher, and to include all children in the group in active cognitive activity. The environment stimulates the development of independence and initiative. In it, children realize their abilities.

The subject-development environment includes a correctional corner. It is a specially equipped space for playing alone or in small groups.

Its equipment includes shelving located at different levels; mirror; gaming, didactic and visual material. With their help, teachers create conditions for correcting deviations in the development of children, stimulating speech activity and verbal communication. The teachers of our preschool educational institution have improved the existing correctional corners in groups. When selecting didactic material, the following were taken into account:
- filling of the corner;
- variety of materials;
- age appropriate;
- accessibility;
- consistency;
- design aesthetics;
- leading toy (“mistress” of the correctional corner).

The content was based on thematic planning on lexical topics. The selection of gaming and didactic material is carried out on the basis of the recommendations of the speech therapist, which makes his interaction with teachers not formal, but very close and fruitful. The content is determined not by chance, but in strict accordance with the program, physiological and psychological-pedagogical features of speech formation with its general underdevelopment.

Didactic equipment corresponds to the structure of children’s speech disorders, their individual and age characteristics. Experience shows that only with this approach is effective speech correction of preschool children possible. With a random, formal selection of games, children’s perception volume turns out to be overloaded and they poorly master the lexical topic.

The material contained in the correction corner is multifunctional. The games are selected in order of increasing complexity and are aimed at correcting speech and extra-speech mental processes and functions that make up the psychological basis of speech. Game and didactic material is replaced or replenished in the correctional corner weekly, depending on the lexical topic (Appendix 1). At the same time, there is material on two topics: the one being reinforced and the one being studied.

Didactic equipment must meet the needs of the child’s current, immediate development and self-development. A subject space that is empty in content tires and encourages idleness and aggression. At the same time, you should not overload the corner with equipment, as this makes selection difficult. The more complex and varied the activity, the more necessary speech is, the greater the need for communication.

All material, within the framework of the lexical topic, selected by the group’s specialists, corresponds to the age of the children. Relying on play as the leading activity of preschoolers provides teachers with a significant positive effect in correctional work. The game creates conditions for informal communication between the child and peers and adults, and provides him with complete freedom of action. Therefore, the game material is available to him. This has a positive effect on speech development and intellectual development in general.

Compiling gaming and didactic material in the correctional corner on lexical topics already presupposes systematic work. But its location can also be included in the system. It is regulated by an adult in accordance with the sections of the program or the corrective tasks being solved. Children easily get used to this system. And the introduction of color markers on envelopes and drives containing games helps them in this. Small play materials are placed in plastic, transparent containers with easy-to-remove lids.

When creating a group development environment, it is very important that the environment surrounding the children is comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Beauty shapes a child. Therefore, we pay great attention to the aesthetics of the correction corner. Its design should be attractive to children and arouse their desire for independent activity. At the same time, it is necessary to teach children to maintain order in the corner and cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

It is advisable to locate the correction corner in a well-lit place and somewhat distant from the playing area. This will create more comfortable conditions for studying there. Access to the corner should be convenient so that children can approach it themselves and study. With sufficient lighting. The proximity of the play area will interfere with classes in the correctional corner and distract the child from completing tasks.

A toy occupies a special place in a child’s objective world. She is a friend, a partner in the game, an interlocutor. Puppet therapy allows you to solve such important correctional problems as overcoming uncertainty, shyness, achieving emotional stability and self-regulation. Therefore, it was decided to make a toy the key character, the owner of the corner. This toy is multifunctional. This must be an animated character. His ability to move (with the help of an adult or child), ask or answer questions, make riddles, invent interesting stories, invite friends to visit, present unexpected surprises arouses keen interest in children and encourages speech activity. The toy may have a bright, movable tongue, with the help of which it is easy to explain articulatory gymnastics exercises to children. The toy's clothing contains various elements for the development of fine motor skills (hooks, Velcro, buttons, laces, buttons, buckles, clips, zippers, ribbons, etc.). The fabric from which the clothes are made can be different, which allows children to easily learn the names of the materials, as well as characterize their properties (using tactile sensations). The color scheme helps to remember the main and shading colors. If the character has movable arms or legs, then with their help children quickly master the skills of orientation in the body diagram.

As our experience shows, recommendations for the content of the correctional corner developed by speech therapists allowed teachers to create additional conditions for creating an enriched subject-developing and supportive speech environment in the group. We had a consultation on organizing correctional corners and an exhibition-competition in which the entire teaching staff took part. In this work, the creative abilities of teachers were fully demonstrated. And summing up the results on a competitive basis revealed a high level of their skill.

Thus, the use of a correctional corner allows you to expand the environment in the group, create in children emotional responsiveness and a desire to participate in verbal communication with adults and independently, during the game, easily and naturally develop and improve their speech skills.


1. T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina. Preparing children with general speech underdevelopment for school in a special kindergarten (in two parts), M.; 1993.

2. E.D. Khudenko, T.S. Melnikova, S.N. Shakhovskaya. How to teach a child to think and speak. M.; NPF "Uniserv", 1993.

3. S. Vasilyeva, N. Sokolova. Speech therapy games for preschoolers. M.; 1999.

4. M.F. Fomicheva. Teaching children correct pronunciation. M.; 1981.

5. V.V. Kovalenko, S.V. Kovalenko. Articulatory and fingering

gymnastics M.; 2004.

6. L.S. Savina. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech in preschoolers. M.; 1999.

7. N.V. Miklyaeva, O.A. Polozova. Phonetic and speech therapy rhythms in preschool educational institutions. M.; 2004.

8. S.A. Mironova Speech development of preschool children in speech therapy classes. M.; 1991.

9. Varentsova N.S., Kolesnikova E.V. Development of phonemic hearing in preschool children. M.; 1995.

10. A.V. Krapukhin, S.N. Shakhovskaya, O.A. Ishimova. Learn to think and speak. M.; 1990.

11. L.N. Arefieva. Lexical topics on the development of speech of children 4-8 years old. M.; Sphere, 2005.

12. N.V. Novotortseva. Preparing a child for school. First steps in mastering reading.

13. O.A. Belorybkina. Speech and communication. Yaroslavl, 1998.

Appendix No. 1

Occupancy of the correctional corner in the senior group.



Fine motor skills



Drawing by cells


Game "Butterflies Flew"

Game "Blow on the Bird"

Phonemic hearing

Game "Noisy boxes"

Game "Telegram"

Sound analysis and synthesis (certificate)

Game "Chain of words"

Game "Voice - Deaf"

Game "Schemes and words"

Sound pronunciation

Game “Funny Tongue” (articulation gymnastics)

Lotto mosaic

Tongue twisters


Picture dictionary (subject pictures for the sounds S, Сь, З, Зь, Ц, Ш, Ж, Х, Ш, Ш, Л, Л, Р, Рь)

"Thematic Lotto"

Game “I Know All Professions”

Game "Family"

Game “Say it in one word”

Game “Tell about your city”

Syllable structure

Game "Long and short words"

Grammatical structure of speech

Game “Name it kindly”

Game "One - Many"

Lotto "Little Words"

Connected speech

Game "What first, what then"

Game “Create a continuation of the story”

Game “What did the artist mix up?”

Game "Sound, light, water"

Higher mental functions

Game "Find the differences" (attention)

Game "Find out what it is?" (perception)

Game “Whose silhouette?”

Game "Objects and Contours"

Game "Confusion"

Game "Wings, paws and tails"

Game "Fourth wheel"


1. Card indexes:

  • breathing exercises;
  • finger games;
  • exercises to develop phonemic awareness;
  • riddles

2. Svetlova I. Home speech therapist. – M., 2002.

Work on the development and correction of speech of preschool children is one of the priority areas of the educational process in kindergarten. Therefore, creating conditions for the prevention and correction of speech disorders in children is an important principle in the design of the speech therapy zone (correction corner, speech center) of the subject-developmental environment of the group. At the same time, the environment should be not only educational, developmental, but also aesthetically designed, and most importantly, comfortable.

The role of the speech therapy corner

In the context of the educational concept of modern preschool educational institutions (DOU), classes for the correction and development of speech can be conducted in two options:

  • in a specially equipped room for classes with a speech therapist;
  • in each kindergarten group.

In the first case, all equipment for work is located in the specialist’s office. The location of basic materials for group work is due to the fact that in kindergarten the speech therapist does not have an office or the teacher himself is engaged in correctional work. A speech therapy corner is part of a subject-development environment for games individually or in a group, aimed at correcting existing speech disorders and stimulating the speech activity of children. The role of the speech therapy center is to:

Goals and objectives of creating the center

The content of the speech therapy corner is based on lexical topics, considered in accordance with calendar and thematic planning. In addition, the correction center materials must be related to:

  • the program according to which the preschool educational institution and a specific group operates (for example, if a kindergarten has speech therapy groups, then the subject-development zone will not only be larger in terms of space occupied, but also more diverse in content);
  • physiological and psychological-pedagogical features of speech development at a specific age (for example, in the junior and middle groups, the work takes into account the order of mastering sounds - a, o, e, p, m, b c 1.5–2 years, i, s , y, f, v, t, d, n, k, g, x, j at 2–4 years).

Thus, the goals of creating a speech corner in a preschool educational institution are:

  • fine motor skills training for the full and timely development of coherent, conscious speech with the help of special simulators (laces, tops, etc.);
  • stimulation of the speech apparatus to pronounce consonant sounds that differ in the location of the obstacle that the air flow encounters (especially the anterior lingual palatal sounds w, zh, r, h and anterior lingual dental sounds l, z, s);
  • mastering the skill of correct inhalation and exhalation during the speech act with the help of breathing exercises (important for pronouncing consonants that require a certain direction of air flow to the place of the obstacle);

    Developing proper breathing is one of the main directions of speech development

  • development of logical thinking, attention, ability to find cause-and-effect relationships;
  • practicing sound pronunciation (when learning pure tongue twisters and tongue twisters);
  • development of phonemic hearing (children understand the meanings of words from poems, fairy tales, perceived by ear);
  • mastering the principles of the grammatical structure of language in games (for example, the formation of diminutive forms of nouns using the suffixes -chka-, -onk-, etc., as well as the study of syntactic norms, in particular, the rules for constructing sentences).

This is interesting. The acoustic realization of consonant sounds is possible due to the fact that when they are pronounced, the vocal tract narrows, causing complete or partial blockage of the air flow. Changing the direction of the latter makes it possible to produce different consonant sounds. To pronounce vowels, there is no significant narrowing of the vocal tract.

At the same time, for each age, the goals set are implemented within the framework of solving specific tasks, which are cumulative in nature, that is, they are supplemented and enriched from year to year.

Work on speech development is built consistently from year to year

Table: tasks for creating a speech corner for different ages

First youngestOvercoming speech negativism (when children strive to show, rather than say, a word or phenomenon) in paired and group games.
An exercise in matching an object with an image in a picture.
Clarification and enrichment of the dictionary.
Cultivating attention to addressed speech.
Second youngestEnrichment and activation of the vocabulary on program lexical topics (by filling the speech therapy area with suitable pictures).
Development of dialogic speech (in play situations when interacting with dolls and toys).
Development of speech breathing and the ability to coordinate speech with movement (thanks to a selection of breathing exercises).
Development of auditory and visual attention during the game.
Development of fine and gross motor skills of children when working with simulators.
AverageActivation and enrichment of passive and active vocabulary.
Mastering the norms of word formation of forms of nouns and adjectives.
Work on the ability to control the strength and duration of exhalation.
Fine and gross motor skills training.
Development of spatial concepts.
Senior, preparatoryPracticing and consolidating lexical material, lexical and grammatical categories.
Formation of phonemic perception and hearing (distinguishing between soft and hard sounds, for example).
Development of articulatory motor skills.
Consolidating the skills of correct sound pronunciation of given sounds in isolation, in syllables, words, in sentences, in coherent speech (by involving children in role-playing games).
Activation of vocabulary, generalizing concepts and lexical and grammatical categories.
Development of coherent speech.

Design of a speech therapy corner

In order for a correctional center to fully function, it must be organized in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES).

This is interesting. A toy for a speech corner should be selected according to certain parameters. First of all, it should have a movable tongue, using an example of which it will be possible to show children the position of the organs of articulation. The character's clothes should have Velcro, buttons, snaps, so that when dressing and undressing the character, kids practice fine motor skills. In addition, the outfit should be made from fabrics of different colors and textures - this will help children learn to characterize materials by properties and shades. And to quickly master the skill of orientation in the body diagram, it will come in handy if the toy has movable arms and legs.

Video: example of working with a toy in a speech therapy corner


Table: typical content of a speech corner

Pictures to illustrate articulation games, sets of tasks for articulation in pictures or tables.For articulation gymnasticsWhile completing tasks, children look at pictures that represent all the movements step by step.
Tops, lacing of different shapes and sizes, mosaics, puzzles, dry pool, templates for shading, tracing, pencils, felt-tip pens.For training fine motor skillsIn younger groups, children enjoy lacing (for example, connecting four fragments of a ship or car with a lace); in older groups, children work with shading to prepare their hands for writing.
Balloons, pipes, soap bubbles, pinwheels.To form correct breathingChildren aged 1.5–3 years really like to blow soap bubbles; pupils in the middle group work with pipes and turntables. In older groups, children inflate balloons and also continue their acquaintance with pipes.
Dominoes, cut-out picture puzzles, games like “The Fourth Wheel”, “Recognize by the Contour”, etc.For the development of perseverance, attention, logical, figurative and concrete-subject and visually effective thinking.Cut pieces of puzzle pictures are used in working with children of any age. The only difference is that in the younger groups it is a compilation of pictures from four parts, in the middle - from six, and in the senior - from 10-12.
Audio recordings of children's songs, poems, games with pairs of cards (the picture shows a plot with missing parts of two sizes, shapes that the child puts on top after completing the task): a squirrel with mushrooms, a Christmas tree with toys, etc.To train phonemic hearing.To practice the sounds “ry” and “r”, the game “Squirrel” is played: the teacher names the reserves that the squirrel has made, and the children, hearing a soft sound, put a small mushroom on the picture, and when they hear a hard sound, put a large one.
Albums with tasks for automating sounds by V.V. Kovalenko, games L.A. Komarova, fun “Speech therapy lotto”, “Pick up and name”, “Steam locomotive”, etc.To practice sound pronunciation“Speech Therapy Lotto” contains 12 cards with cut pictures, which the child assembles into a whole image. Names the resulting pictures and highlights the sound being practiced. In older groups, children determine the position of the sound in a word and make a sentence with this word.
Pictures corresponding to the topics being studied, games “One - Many”, “Pick a Pair”, etc.To enrich the vocabularyGame “Pick a Pair”: when studying domestic animals in the second younger group, children are asked to find pairs of pictures depicting a male (female).
Games “Whose Tail?”, “One - Many”, collections of games by E.M. Karpova, E.V. Solovyova.To learn grammatical rules of speechGame “Whose Tail”: children match pictures of tails to animals placed on a flannelgraph. After composing the image, they name whose tail it is (fox, hare, etc.).
Games “Guess the description”, “When it happens”, “Professions”.To train the skill of constructing coherent statementsThe game “Guess by Description” is played according to the lotto principle: children have pictures, the teacher describes the plot, and the children show. In older groups, children take turns describing the pictures and guessing.
Games “Match the word to the diagram”, “Make a sentence according to the diagram”, “Add the word”, puzzles and crosswordsTo enrich active and passive vocabulary, broaden your horizons and master the norms of constructing sentences.Game “Make a sentence according to the scheme”: children have a set of cards and symbols of prepositions (a symbol indicating the location is glued to the caps of plastic bottles), they need to put together sentences from the available materials and pronounce it.

Photo gallery: practical application of some materials

In the game “Whose Tail” children not only train fine motor skills, logical and figurative thinking, but also learn to form the form of possessive adjectives. An exercise in sorting cards by size depending on the sound they hear helps to practice phonemic awareness. Compiling sentences according to a pattern promotes the development of coherent speech.

Tools and ideas for decoration

The basis for organizing a speech therapy corner in a group is a table on which a mirror is placed. Further packaging is based around these elements.

What you can do with your own hands

The subject-development environment in kindergarten is designed not only with purchased materials, but also with objects created by the hands of the teacher and parents. To a greater extent, this is done so that children, seeing the results of manual labor, treat it with respect. If we consider the speech therapy corner from the point of view of the possibilities of designing on our own, then in this sense the most optimal would be to create a stand. To do this, you will need a sheet of plywood of the required size and shape, onto which the fabric is stretched through a foam rubber pad. The structure is secured with a construction stapler. Thanks to the soft surface, materials on the topic can be attached with pins or buttons, and the stand will not lose its presentation due to frequent changes in visibility.

Small stands can be made for specific types of work, for example, with finger games, breathing exercises

What to call

The name of each zone of the subject-development environment should be understandable to children and, which is very important, easy for them to pronounce. Of course, you can take the path of least resistance and name the center “Speech Therapy Corner” or “Speech Corner”, but it makes sense to find more original options:

  • “Toy library with a tongue”;
  • “We speak correctly”;
  • "Zvukarik";
  • "Talker";
  • "Logolandia";
  • "LOGOcountry".

Video: video tour of the speech center in the middle group

Photo gallery: design sketches for a speech therapy corner

Materials from the speech therapy corner can be placed on shelves by placing a rack above the table. A mirror is hung so that children, sitting on a chair, can see their entire face. In the speech therapy corner in the junior and middle groups, there is a permanent character who helps and shows children exercises and games. If the space there are few in the group, then the corner can be centered around a mirror hanging on the wall

Working in a speech center

Judging from the list of materials, we can conclude that the main type of activity in the speech corner is play, which is completely justified, since this is the main type of activity for children aged 1.5–7 years. However, in addition to didactic fun, the speech center, using available visual aids, conducts:

As well as artistic and creative types of work as an element of practical activity.

Table: games and exercises in the speech therapy center

First junior groupSecond youngestMiddle groupSeniorPreparatory group
Didactic games“Doll Katya is getting dressed and getting ready for kindergarten”
The teacher shows the children how the Katya doll “dresses” and “puts on her shoes.” As the game progresses, he names items of clothing, attracting the children's attention to details, and asks what color these items are.
"Who Got Away"
The teacher displays pictures of family members in front of the children. Alternately removing one, the children determine who is missing.
“What did the artist mix up?” The teacher invites the children to look at the picture and say what the artist did wrong (in the fall, children do not wear T-shirts and shorts, there are no strawberries, etc.).A retelling of the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”."Restore Order"
The guys receive a set of pictures with a plot. Their task is to arrange the images in the correct order and describe what is happening.
Role-playing gamesChildren imitate the actions of adults: washing dishes, ironing clothes.Games “Being a Doctor”, “Being a Teacher”.Games “Mothers and Daughters”, “Big Wash” (after listening to A. Kardashova’s story “Big Wash”).A dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” as the teacher reads it, a game “Barbershop” with the distribution of roles: hairdressers - ladies' master, men's hairdresser, cashier, cleaning lady, clients.Games “Shop”, “School”, “Clinic” with independent distribution of roles.
Articulation exercises and tongue twisters. They are carried out in front of a mirror.Whoop, whoop, whoop, Mom is making soup.
If only there was smoke coming from the chimney.
Description of the exercise: smile, show closed teeth. Hold your lips in this position until the count of five, then return your lips to their original position. Repeat 3-4 times.
Frogs will like this:
Pull your lips straight towards your ears.
I'll pull and stop
And I won’t get tired at all.
The mouth is wide open. Push the narrow tongue forward and move it deep into the mouth.
Description of the exercise: open your mouth as wide as possible, hold it in this position until the count of five, then close your mouth. Repeat 3-4 times.
We open our mouth wider,
We play hippos:
Let's open our mouth wide,
Like a hungry hippo.
You can't close it
I count to five.
And then we'll shut our mouths
A hippopotamus is resting.
Va-va-va, wa-va-va - here is the tall grass.
You-you-you, you-you-you - even over your head.
Ve-ve-ve, ve-ve-ve - cornflowers are visible in the grass.
Woo-woo-woo, woo-woo-woo - cornflowers bouquet to Narva.
Finger gamesThis finger wants to sleep, Alternating bending of the fingers of the right hand
This finger went to the bed with the left hand, starting with the little finger.
This finger took a nap
This finger has already fallen asleep.
- Hush, little finger, don’t make noise, “Addressing” the thumb.
Except for the big one
fingers, all the rest are clamped into a fist.
Fingers stood up, hurray! Sharply unclench your fingers, spreading them apart.
It's time to go to kindergarten! Clenching and unclenching the fist of the right hand.
This finger is a grandfather. The fingers of the right (then left) hand are clenched into a fist.
This finger is a grandmother, alternately extending the fingers first with the right one,
then the left hand, starting with the thumb.
This finger is daddy
This finger is mom.
But this finger is me.
That's my whole family. Clenching and unclenching fingers.
There are a lot of beds in the garden, (They clench and unclench their fingers.)
There are turnips and lettuce here, (Bend your fingers one by one.)
There are beets and peas here,
Are potatoes bad?
Our green garden (Clap their hands.)
It will feed us for a whole year.
A playful squirrel is jumping (“running” with its fingers on the table),
Tears pine cones from pine branches (they clench their fists alternately on their right and left hands).
He squeezes deftly with his paws (they clench their fists on their right and left hands at the same time)
And he takes it to his closet (“they run” their fingers across the table).
Ay, water, water, water! We will always be clean (they rub their palms rhythmically, imitating washing their hands)! Splash - to the right, splash - to the left! Our body became wet (the fingers are clenched into a fist, then the fingers are straightened with force, as if shaking off the water)! Using a fluffy towel, dry your hands very quickly (vigorous movements imitate alternately wiping your hands with a towel).
Breathing exercisesUsually carried out with the second youngest.
"Leaf Fall"
Children blow with different strengths on leaves cut out of colored paper and hung on strings. Along the way, you can name which trees they fell from.
We stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulders. As you inhale, fold your hands like a hatchet and lift them up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, we lower our outstretched arms down while exhaling, tilt our body, allowing our hands to “cut through” the space between our legs. We say "bang".
Shaking your head left and right, we take strong breaths. The shoulders remain motionless, and the ears stretch towards the shoulders. Make sure that when you tilt your head, your torso does not turn.
Turn your head left and right at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each turn, we inhale through our nose: short, noisy (“like a hedgehog”), with tension in the muscles of the entire nasopharynx (the nostrils move and seem to connect, the neck tenses). Exhale softly, voluntarily, through half-open lips.

Practical activities

Creative tasks help children better understand didactic material, practice their speech skills and abilities, and also show their creativity.

...If we can teach a child to feel

Beauty, marvel at the wondrous creations

human hands, the beauty of nature, then

Let's raise a person with high culture

feelings, but to reveal to children the beauty of the world

possible through creativity, which

brings joy... (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Our group is called "Buratino". Compensatory speech therapy group for children with severe speech impairments. We tried to create all the conditions for our children so that they feel comfortable throughout the day. When opening the group and registering it, we took into account all the standards of the program.

Let's start our excursion, dear colleagues, from the entrance to the group. Welcome! The changing room is decorated according to the name of the group. We dressed our fairy-tale hero in an Olympic uniform. After all, the Olympics in Sochi 2014 are coming soon. The children and I are also preparing for it (we have conversations, look at illustrations, study sports).

Our stands are also designed based on the fairy tale “Pinocchio” (information stand and menu).

When we have holidays, open days, we make sure to decorate our locker room according to the theme of holidays, lexical topics, and events.

To the left of our fairy-tale hero is our sports corner.

Well, what shall we go further? Before entering the group we have a mood corner. Modern life requires from a person qualities that allow a creative and productive approach to any type of activity. This is explained by the fact that preschool age is sensitive for the development of imaginative thinking, imagination, and mental processes that form the basis of activity. We need to create conditions for psychomotor development in the speech therapy group. Therefore, almost all corners of the group are associated with the work of fine motor skills. Children find the appropriate symbol of their mood at the moment and hang it on the stem of a bright dandelion (hook). It was not by chance that we installed the mirror, since children sometimes simply do facial exercises to show their emotions and can change the symbol (the group has a card index of exercises).

Right at the entrance we have developed a corner “Hello, I’m here!” or in another way we call it “Zodiac circle”. Photos of children are attached to those rays of the sun, which zodiac sign they are. The kids really like it. They learned the entire zodiac circle. They know the signs of their family and friends, even each other. When children come to kindergarten in the morning, they turn the photo over to the front side, and when they leave in the evening, they do it all the other way around. It is possible to combine the correction of existing disorders in children with the improvement of motor skills and abilities using non-traditional methods and techniques.

Let's go further and what do we see? Wow! Pinocchio and his children found themselves in a field of miracles. What miracles happened to our children today? We know, we know, our Anya learned to say the sound “R”, so she got another gold coin. Both children and parents can always track the progress of their children. Due to the fact that every year there is an increase in the number of children with various disorders, including speech disorders, we must focus on the current, immediate and future development of children, as well as on the development of their individual abilities.

Immediately on the opposite side there is a large stand for creative works “City of Masters”. The exhibitions at the stand change very often, because in addition to NOD for visual activities, we conduct the group work “Skillful Hands”. There is also a shelf for making plasticine and other DIY projects. The principles of our work are the development of children's free activity, during which self-realization, self-expression, self-affirmation of the child's personality and individual capabilities occur.

On the opposite side of the creative stand there grows a miracle - a tree. We use it to get to know our surroundings. The seasons change according to the calendar: leaves, birds at the feeder, snow, insects, buds and much more, depending on the season and changes in nature. The children themselves help us organize our work. Observing the activities of children during the day, we ask ourselves the question, what else can we do in our work so that our students can reveal their potential?

We use wood for environmental education. Rules of behavior in nature.

Some topics in fine arts may also be suitable for our wonderful tree, for example, “Bullfinches are like apples.” Of particular importance for the development of a preschooler’s personality is his assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering the methods of practical interaction with the environment ensures the formation of the child’s worldview and his personal growth.

Oh look! What a caterpillar. Are there any pockets on her belly? These pockets are for mommies, daddies and kids. And in the pockets there are many different riddles, poems, signs about the seasons. We learn them together with moms and dads at home. Parents themselves choose what to teach today. We base our activities on both previously developed methods and our own proprietary developments, including unconventional methods. Thus, our group has created all the conditions for the comprehensive development of children.

We ask you to move on, dear guests! We have a fun corner for duty officers. Do you know why he’s funny? Yes, because our little cook always calls those on duty to set the tables with a cheerful song. Teachers turn it on at a time. The guards on duty hear the song and run to be on duty. Like this. The information in the corner changes frequently: table manners, table settings, national dishes, and more.

A little further away we have a children's library. Yes, you heard right, it’s the library. If children want to take a book home, they sign up on their library cards. Just like in a real library. There is a library card for every child, and even for adults. The library has: a card index of books (list of literature); first aid kit for books; bookmarks that the children made themselves; illuminated magnifying glass; little books for your own authorship (design); table lamp for individual reading or evening reading (we have an evening tradition in the group, reading fairy tales by candlelight. A magic chest containing objects with which we find out how the book appeared, what we used to write on? Children can do it themselves at any time try to write: on clay, papyrus, bark, stone, leather. We organize various exhibitions dedicated to writers and poets.

Next to the library we have a creative area. Here you can find everything “Whatever your heart desires.” We love to “create”. We practice a lot using unconventional techniques. Our doll Alyonushka changes her outfits, or rather national costumes. Decorative and applied arts products are changing.

To the right of the creativity zone we have a fine motor zone. As researchers of children's speech note, hand movements have always been closely related to speech and contributed to its development. In the process of manipulating the materials, there is a natural massage of biologically active points located on the palms and fingers, which has a positive effect on the general well-being of the child. Therefore, our children use these trays with different objects to develop their fingers and hands in their free time. There are various massagers, sujo-ki, tops, tablets for tactile sensations, sorting cereals, stringing beads, working with tweezers, a pipette and much more. To ensure that children do not lose interest, benefits are changed once a week.

A significant role in this direction is played by the search and cognitive activity of preschool children, which takes place in the form of experimental actions. In their process, children transform objects in order to reveal their hidden significant connections with natural phenomena.

And we have something to watch. Now you will see for yourself. In order to improve the state of speech function and reduce the number of speech disorders, develop fine motor skills of the hands, it is necessary to create a system of correctional work with children. For such children, the process of acting with objects throughout the day is often important. In order to form in children initial concepts about the basic calendar units of time and give a correct interpretation of these measures, we have developed a nature calendar for children with severe speech impairments.

Children determine the time of year and month using an arrow. On the calendar, children determine the state of today's weather and move the arrow to the corresponding symbol. When determining the weather, children change clothes on dolls - templates also located on the calendar. All templates can be easily removed and reattached.

At the bottom of the calendar there are tree templates. In our case, it is birch. The tree can be traced in all months throughout the entire season (without leaves in winter, in spring it begins to turn green gradually, in summer with green leaves, in autumn with yellow leaves). Then we determine which week is in this month. To do this, buttons are attached under each tree for the number of weeks in this month.

On each button hangs a week (lace) on which we put a bead (day of the week). The beads are also of the appropriate color: Winter - white, spring - pale green, summer - bright green, autumn - yellow. Every day beads are added and we count which day, for example Wednesday, if there are three beads? (third). We identify weekends with red beads. At the end of each week we count the beads (how many days are in the week). The proposed manual served as a model of the calendar year, since with its help the interrelation of all measures of calendar time was clearly reflected. The children themselves took down the weeks of the calendar and added the weeks together to form a month.

The months gradually and consistently formed into a year. Children at any time could come up to determine how many days had passed since the beginning of the week, how many weeks had passed since the beginning of the month, how many months had passed since the beginning of the year, and by the empty weeks - how much was left before its end. By performing all these actions, children gradually comprehend and realize the complex quantitative relationships between individual measures of time. Working with a calendar and a calendar year model makes the learning task much easier. Children develop clear ideas about the length of the year and the standards for measuring it.

Look, dear colleagues. We use a hoop to hang pictures and illustrations on lexical topics. We also use it for speech breathing exercises: snowflakes, butterflies, flowers and more. To ensure truly comprehensive development of the child, it is necessary to maintain the unity of the subject-development environment and meaningful communication between adults and children.

We live in the far north. And we always lack warmth, sunshine, some greenery, vitamins. Children see snow for almost 9 months. We implement mini-projects throughout the year. Children are invited to prepare a mini-report. Projects are developed and implemented taking into account the program being implemented. These projects well fill the gaps in educational work with children. The children and I worked on the “Little Gardeners” project. The child encounters phenomena of the surrounding world, in particular living and inanimate nature, very early and strives to understand them.

The defense of the project consists of transmitting the collected information on the topic by the child himself, using photographs, drawings, crosswords, riddles - prepared together with parents on this topic. The child, defending his project, learns to speak in front of a group audience and answer questions from those present. Evelina defends the “My Motherland” project.

Well, the time has come to look into the quietest place. This is a children's bedroom. Here we wake up, do exercises and walk along the corrective paths that we sewed ourselves. My children and I call it the “Health Path.” How great it is to do everything yourself, with your own hands, with your parents and children. Caring for the health of the younger generation is one of the priority areas of state policy in the field of education.

And this is our pride. Our theater is the best. We host children's productions, finger theaters, tabletop theaters and other theaters. Behind the curtain we have a dressing room with a mirror, a costume room and various types of theaters. Conditions are created for the predominance of positive emotions in the organization of children's theatrical activities.

We even show the REMP theater (the poem “Once a cube went into the forest, there he found a cylinder!”). This way the children remembered geometric bodies better. After all, we don’t have classes now, but we have direct educational activities. The purpose of this theatrical performance was to generalize, systematize, and clarify ideas about geometric figures and geometric bodies.

Well, all that remains is to look at our washroom. There are fish swimming around the algae. Scheme maps (algorithms) are posted everywhere. And in the group, locker room, bedroom.

Today we need education that focuses on the child, his characteristics and abilities, and gives him the opportunity to express himself where he is successful. This is especially important when raising children with disabilities. Taking into account the importance of this problem, the work being carried out does not lose its relevance. The novelty of this work lies in understanding the priority of correctional work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands using non-traditional methods and techniques as an effective means of developing the personality of a child with severe speech impairments.

List of used literature:

1. Development program for a preschool educational institution (from the experience of the MADOU)

2.N.E. Veraksa "Project activities for preschoolers"

3.L.D. Postoeva L.A. Martynenko “Play, listen, learn!”

4.L.L. Timofeeva “Project method in kindergarten”

5.M.E. Khilko Developmental psychology

6.E.A. Lifits “Development of speech, movement and fine motor skills”

7.Own developments (from work experience)

Certificate of publication in the media Series A 0002223- 0002224 ShPI 62502666132205 date of dispatch November 16, 2013.

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

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