Make a bouquet of 15 soft toys. DIY bouquet of teddy bears for children

What gifts do kids enjoy the most? It is unlikely that a child will be very happy when he receives yet another gift of clothes or money; of course, toys always came first! Imagine the delight little man, who received a dozen soft toys as a gift, and even decorated in the form of a beautiful bouquet. Yes, for the sake of such happiness it is not difficult to sit through the night creating a gift. Although, in fact, you won’t need that much time to create a bouquet of plush toys with your own hands, just an hour or two, and the result will certainly exceed all your expectations.

How to make a bouquet of plush toys?

So, in order to make a bouquet of toys, we will need the following materials:

Having prepared everything you need, we will start making a bouquet of plush toys.

Bouquet of plush toys – master class

  1. First of all, we take each small toy for the bouquet and ring it with floral wire, after which we twist the wire along its length.
  2. Having ringed three toys of the same color, we will collect them into a bouquet - we put them together and twist the wire.
  3. We do the same with all the other plush materials for the toy bouquet.
  4. Now we take each “twig” of the bouquet and carefully wrap it with tape in several layers. If this is not done, the wire may tear the corrugated paper; at best, the appearance of the bouquet will simply deteriorate; at worst, the baby may get hurt. It is unlikely that he will be happy with such a surprise.
  5. Next, we will start making a frame for a bouquet of toys. Let's take corrugated paper and cut out several multi-colored tubes 60-80 centimeters wide from it.
  6. Now we fold the tubes one into the other. Having reached this point, you should remember this: corrugated paper not dense, and the lower layers can be seen through the upper ones. Therefore, when packing a bouquet, try to arrange the shades from the lightest to the darkest in the direction from the center.
  7. We’ll immediately pack our toys in the bottom layer of paper and tie them with a ribbon.
  8. We put a second layer of paper on top, a darker one, and also fix the position with tape.
  9. Now let’s start decorating a bouquet of plush toys with our own hands. To do this, first of all, tie a ribbon beautifully. Carefully straighten the top edges of the paper, bend the edges of the paper, both top and bottom, and carefully stretch it, forming waves.
  10. Next, we’ll make several - we’ll attach two of them to a ribbon that holds and decorates the bouquet, and the rest we’ll place next to the toys.
  11. Let's do a few more. Paint the flower petals with silver nail polish.
  12. And finally, we collect all the decorative elements and get a ready-made gift. If the child is not very small, you can also decorate the bouquet of toys with candies. Hurry to please your baby, and he will certainly thank you with his childish delight and sparkling eyes.

Every girl dreams of looking great on her wedding day. An important component of the bride’s image is the wedding bouquet, which attracts attention, reflects the character of the hero of the occasion, and speaks about her tastes and preferences. For original, romantic girls, a wedding bouquet made from toys is perfect, which will definitely surprise those present. This attribute will perfectly reflect the theme of the wedding in the style of childhood and the carefree nature of the future wife.

Wedding bouquet of toys - original and cute

Recently, themed weddings with a variety of styles have become extremely popular: nautical weddings, gangster events, celebrations in the style of traditions different countries. The style of the holiday is reflected in the details of the decor and images of the newlyweds, including the bride’s wedding bouquet. For an event that is designed to remind guests of the time of carefree childhood, a bouquet of soft toys created by the hands of professional designers or a beautiful bride is perfect.

This cute accessory will surely please your guests and will really surprise them. However, the hero of the occasion should remember that it will not suit every outfit and theme. If a girl chooses a chic lace fish dress, embroidered with rhinestones, and a bouquet of toys, where plush hares are adjacent to satin roses, it will look ridiculous. The same applies to the banquet hall - let the decor match the image of the bride: balloons, toys decorating the space.

Besides the obvious charm of the bouquet, it has one important feature: the accessory will not wither and be thrown away after a few days, but will for many years keep the memory of this amazing event. If the bride throws the bouquet, then the unmarried friend will be able to admire it before her wedding, and maybe even go down the aisle with it - an excellent start to a new beautiful tradition.

Bouquet of soft toys and sweets

As children, little girls love more than just the soft toys that fill their rooms. Another girlish joy that remains relevant for many years is a variety of delicious sweets. If the bride has a real sweet tooth, you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of adding another element to the stylish bouquet of toys – sweets. Candy bouquets are popular on their own, but will also make a wonderful decorative element for a cute wedding centerpiece with plush toys.

This unique type of decoration not only looks appetizing, but also has another important function - for example, if the hero of the occasion gets nervous before the ceremony, you can pick a candy from the bouquet: chocolate is known to calm and bring joy. Candies can be not only chocolate: such types of treats as lollipops, grilled vegetables, and oriental sweets are suitable. The good thing about candy is that it deteriorates slowly, so you can admire the bouquet in its original form for a long time.

Bride's bouquet of teddy bears

Teddy bears are the favorite types of toys for most girls, this is not strange - after all, they are cute, soft and touching. It’s not for nothing that men give their companions huge teddy bears, which are so nice to hug at night, but bears for a holiday bouquet should be small. There are several options for creating this original accessory:

  • With a couple of bears. A bouquet created with the help of two teddy bears dressed as the bride and groom will reflect the wedding theme. This accessory will highlight the couple's connection. You can also put little bears in pink and blue clothes there to hint at the newlyweds’ imminent desire to expand their family. A bouquet with two bears can easily be complemented with a variety of details, illustrating that your couple is special: a suitcase if you are planning a trip, a small house when you are moving.

  • With lots of little teddy bears. This cute wedding accessory is perfect for the bride who wants to show her guests how important their presence is in her life. To enhance the effect, a girl can place two larger bears in the center of the bouquet, symbolizing her and her husband surrounded by loved ones on such an important day. If you carefully decorate such a bouquet, you can decorate the bears with the distinctive features of the most important wedding guests - dad's mustache, mom's pink hat, etc.

Video master class: how to make a bouquet of toys

If the bride is a real needlewoman, it is not necessary to order a bouquet from professionals. Armed good video With the master class presented below, a girl can create a funny, cute composition on her own. See how to create beautiful bouquet with teddy bears:

DIY wedding bouquet from toys: step-by-step instructions with photos

The master class with photos presented below will help you create a unique bouquet. What you will need for an original, attention-grabbing holiday attribute:

  • Several soft toys of the same size.
  • Floral wire. The length varies depending on the number of toys in wedding bouquet. IN in this case– 2.5 meters.
  • Corrugated paper in matching shades (2 rolls).
  • Satin or paper ribbon (2.5 meters).
  • Decorative elements: stars, feathers, hearts, satin roses etc.
  • Transparent adhesive moment.
  • Wrapping paper or a thick bag.
  • Scotch.
  • Scissors.
  • Stapler.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a wedding bouquet:

  1. Place the toys tightly on the wire. To do this, wrap the selected soft toys with wire in the middle of the belly, bend and twist so that the short end is at least 10 centimeters. When you are done with the fastening, connect all the toys as in the picture, twisting the free end of the wire:

  1. Next, you need to wrap the wire with wrapping paper or a bag to hide its unaesthetic appearance and prevent the danger of tearing the corrugated paper. The top needs to be secured tightly with tape.

  1. After creating the base of the bouquet, you should proceed to the main decor. Cut the required amount (60-80 centimeters) of corrugated paper in two colors. Fold the edges of the sheets together separately and fasten with a stapler. When both pieces of corrugation are fastened, fold one into the other so that the outer roll is at a level of 7-10 centimeters above the inner one.

Useful advice: when placing corrugated paper one on top of the other, be careful, because the lighter one always shows through, it looks ugly. For the outer circle, use a darker shade.

  1. In the resulting fastened rolls you need to put the base of the bouquet with toys, and then tie it tightly satin ribbon and carefully straighten the edges - the wedding accessory is almost ready.

  1. To further decorate the corrugated paper, you must first gently fold the edges of the lighter sheet about two centimeters inward, and then, using light finger movements, pinch the edges at intervals of 2-4 centimeters, creating “waves.” The same steps must be done with dark shade, creating a fluffy underskirt.

  1. The final chord remains: decorating the bouquet with sparkles, flowers, rhinestones, beads, feathers. Choose decorative details according to your imagination and the overall style of the wedding. After the final decoration, the cute wedding accessory is ready!

Useful tips for creating a bouquet for beginners:

  • Many people do not know where to buy many small identical toys, and products in children's stores are expensive. There is a way out: pay attention to the key fobs, which are easy to find even in the underground passage. They are inexpensive, and keychain toys are ideal for a wedding bouquet.
  • The best corrugation is Chinese and Italian. However, the cheaper Chinese version stretches worse, unlike better quality paper made in Italy. The price difference is approximately 20 rubles.
  • You can use paper tape to tie corrugated sheets, but you should take into account its features: you won’t be able to tie a roll twice with such tape because it wrinkles easily and the paint wears off. It is preferable to use the satin version.

In this master class on creating a bouquet from toys, we will try to make such a bouquet with bunnies:

Questions that arise for those wishing to master making bouquets from toys at home, are mainly associated with ignorance:

  • method of attaching soft toys to the base;
  • what material and what shape is used for the base of the toy;
  • what materials and how best to use for draping a plush bouquet;
  • where is the best place to buy inexpensive soft toys for your future bouquet?

The master class below will give answers to these and other questions related to the topic of making bouquets from toys.

Where is the best place to buy toys for bouquets?

To make bouquets of plush toys, in principle, any soft toys, both home-made and purchased at retail outlets, will do. The most the best option, if you are going to make bouquets of toys on an ongoing basis, you will purchase soft toys at wholesale stores selling souvenirs. There is usually a large selection of similar products and the price is much lower than in the store.

To make bouquets, you can use any soft toys you like, including musical ones, Me to You toys or keychain toys:

Making a base for attaching toys in a bouquet

To make the base on which the bouquet toys will be attached, thick foam or polystyrene foam is usually used. You can also use cardboard as a base (see how to make a frame for a bouquet of toys on a cardboard base), but attaching toys to it is more difficult, and besides, the cardboard can sag under the weight of the toys.

Take a piece of foam plastic and use a knife to cut out a circle, the diameter of which will be sufficient so that all the toys that will be present in the bouquet can fit on your foam base. Leave the top of the base flat, and the bottom part can be cut slightly into a cone.

Methods for attaching soft toys in a bouquet

It's time to find out how to attach toys in a bouquet. There are different ways attaching toys to the base. The simplest and quick way- gluing soft toys to a base using a glue gun. The disadvantage of this method is obvious: if desired, toys from a bouquet made in a similar way can no longer be removed without visible damage. Manufactured in the manner described plush bouquets may be intended for adults, but for children it is better to use other methods of fastening, allowing, if necessary, to remove toys from the bouquet.

In order to make the toys removable, you can use plastic clamps or ordinary bows to secure the toys, with which the toys are tied to wooden skewers. But we will talk about these and other methods of fastening in the following lessons on making similar bouquets (don’t forget to subscribe to updates on the “Business for Women” website so you don’t miss new master classes), and in this MK we will look at the method in which soft toys are attached to the base using a special floral wire.

Take a piece of floral wire and carefully pierce the bottom of the toy all the way through. You can use simple steel wire, but bending it can be very difficult.

Do a similar procedure with each toy intended to decorate your future plush bouquet, and then bend the wire, pointing both ends down. In the future, you will just need to stick your soft toys into the base, thus seating your bunnies, bear cubs or other animals in the order you like best. Another advantage of this method of attaching toys to the base is that you can replant your little animals an almost unlimited number of times, experimenting and choosing their best location in the bouquet.

But before attaching soft toys to the base, you need to attach a handle to it, and the base itself needs to be draped.

Make a hole in the base, coat it with glue and insert a handle there.

As a drapery for the foam base, you can use any piece of textile material that needs to be wrapped around the base and secured with glue, pins or a stapler.

Draping a plush bouquet

If desired, you can additionally drape and at the same time decorate the base of the bouquet of toys with pounds, and the handle with corrugation:

Drape the handle of the plush bouquet with corrugation and begin draping the base. First we attach the pounds (see how to make pounds) on the side of the base along the entire circumference:

Then use hot glue to attach the pounds to the bottom of the base:

We finished draping the base. Now we need to make a beautiful “skirt” for our plush bouquet.

Making a “skirt” for a bouquet of plush toys

We will make the skirt for the plush bouquet from corrugated paper. Wrap the corrugation around any suitable-sized object (for example, a piece of foam plastic), as shown in the figure, and coat it with glue.


Often a birthday invitation loved one, anniversary or other celebration evokes mixed feelings. On the one hand, this is sincere joy, and on the other, bewilderment and anxiety about choosing a suitable original gift.

Even a person you know well can be difficult to please, and the point here is not the preferences of the hero of the occasion, but the fact that no one is immune from cases when the birthday person receives several identical gifts.

And although the choice in stores today is colossal, the only way to be guaranteed original is a gift made with your own hands. This is an opportunity to show the donor’s own skill and taste, and even to follow today’s fashion.

Master class No. 1. Bouquet of toys

Handmade has been extremely popular lately, and more and more people are mastering handicraft techniques, especially since it is not so difficult.

Materials and tools required to create a bouquet

  • Small soft toys of the same size
  • Floral foam for the base of the bouquet
  • Colored corrugated paper
  • A piece of plastic tube or stick for the handle
  • Braid or ribbon that matches the style and color
  • Decorative elements for decorating a bouquet
  • Dome-shaped candies
  • Fabric for bouquet decoration
  • Adhesive-based floral tape
  • Wire for floristry
  • Hot glue gun
  • Stapler and scissors
  • Wire cutters

It's better to start with simple crafts, so for the first bouquet you can, as in the example under consideration, take five toys of the same type, chocolates and catchy beads on wire or thin sticks.

  • If a gift is being prepared for a family with small children, it is important to provide for the possibility of quickly dismantling the entire structure so that the sweets and toys can be used for their intended purpose.
  • To make the bouquet look most harmonious and stylish, it is better to select toys or other objects of the same type and size for it. At the same time, a bouquet of toys of the same tone looks attractive. If a large toy is used in the center of the composition, then smaller elements should serve as its border.
  • All elements of the bouquet must be attached extremely securely, and there should be no voids between the toys. To close them, use small decorative beads or candies, decorated with decorative corrugated paper or gathered ribbon.

How to make a bouquet from toys

Work begins with preparing the base of the bouquet. To do this, a cone of the appropriate shape and size is cut out of the existing foam. The narrow part of the workpiece is truncated so that it is convenient to glue the handle to it. To make the fastening as strong as possible, it is reasonable to provide a recess for the tube or wooden handle. The recess is treated with hot-melt adhesive, and then the handle is pressed into it so that the remaining segment on the outside is comfortable for the palm.

Now it's time to move on to the toys. The wire is cut into 30-centimeter pieces, which are folded in half and, placing the toy in the middle, they wrap it in wire and twist the latter behind the bear or bunny. In some cases, when the shape does not allow entwining, it is easier to pierce the toy through. The free ends of the wire are connected and tightly wrapped with tape. The result is something like a flower, with a soft toy instead of a cup.

This fastening method allows you to disassemble the bouquet without compromising the quality of its elements. If the gift is intended for an adult, then the toys can simply be glued onto plastic tubes or wooden skewers of a suitable size.

You also need to make decorative flowers from sweets. To do this, the corrugated paper is cut into squares with a side of 18 - 20 cm. The candies are placed in the center with the sharp tip to the paper, the free edges are collected and wrapped, pulling tightly. The second piece of paper is used to wrap the candy in the other direction and wrap it too. A bundle of two sheets is secured with a thin tape, and then a wire is attached to the bud blank using glue and tape. The adhesive tape will also help hide the joint, turning the structure into an elegant stem with a blooming flower. By pulling out the free edges of the corrugated paper, petals are formed. The flower is ready, it remains to make a few more similar decorative elements.

You can also make interesting bouquet details from wire and beads. Pieces of wire 20 or 30 cm long are folded in half, after which large beads are strung suitable color. When they are in the center of the wire, the free ends are twisted and decorated with tape.

It's time to assemble the prepared elements into a single whole. First, the most large parts. In this case, these are toys. To ensure that the fastening is reliable and the wire does not jump out of the foam material at the most inopportune moment, it is better to pre-lubricate it with glue. After the toys comes the turn of candy flowers, and then the gaps are closed with beads on wire legs. Existing voids can be masked with help. Pre-attached skirts made of gathered ribbon, organza or decorative paper to the elements of the bouquet.

When the bouquet is assembled, it’s time to make a proper packaging for it. The foam base is decorated with corrugated paper. It is better to secure it with hot glue or a stapler. The bouquet is decorated with organza or decorative mesh on top of the paper. These materials are also secured so that the design both hides the internal structure of the gift and is itself quite impressive.

The finished bouquet is tied with a wide ribbon or braid that matches the style. Such a gift will be desired by both women and children. It will bring sincere joy and will probably be one of a kind.

Master class No. 2. Bouquet of shells

When bouquets of toys have already been mastered, you can experiment with other unusual objects that have nothing to do with flowers and floristry. This time you can take shells and other souvenirs for the bouquet, often brought from vacations at sea.

Materials for the bouquet

  • Shells and dried starfish;
  • Thin wire wrapped in paper;
  • Hot glue gun;
  • A piece of burlap or canvas;
  • Paper twine or twine.

The larger and heavier the shells, the thicker the wire should be. In this case, the stems will adequately withstand the weight of the elements, and the entire bouquet will be durable and hold its shape in any position.

According to the number of “flowers”, pieces of wire wrapped in paper are prepared from shells. Shells and starfish are firmly attached to one end of the wire stem using a glue gun. The glue is carefully applied to back side element to hide the gluing area as much as possible.

To make the structure strong enough, the flowers are given about half an hour until the glue dries.

Now the stems can be gathered together by wrapping the bouquet with a piece of fabric and tying it with pre-selected twine.

Master class No. 3. Bouquet of pompoms

A spectacular bouquet can also be made from items that are more related to clothing than flowers. For such a handmade gift, you will need multi-colored fluffy pompoms.

Materials and tools

  • Green felt;
  • Ribbons and braid;
  • White spray paint;
  • Multi-colored yarn;
  • Even sections of branches;
  • Scissors;
  • Hot glue gun.

DIY pompoms

Making pompoms for a bouquet is not difficult at all. The thread is wound tightly around three fingers of the palm folded together. Having made from 50 to 70 revolutions, the thread is secured, while simultaneously pulling the resulting skein. To do this, the thread is cut, leaving a free tip about 20 cm long. It is passed between the middle and index fingers and wrapped around the prepared skein. It is better to repeat this procedure several times so that the pompom does not fall apart if one thread breaks. When the free tip is securely fastened and the middle is tightly tightened, the skein is removed from the fingers. As a result, it looked like a woolen butterfly or bow; scissors will help turn it into a pompom. The thread loops are cut, carefully trimming the threads. The pompom can be fluffed and straightened again.

You will need

  • - polystyrene foam or cardboard;
  • - plastic tube or glossy paper;
  • - wrapping paper;
  • - corrugated paper;
  • - mesh for wrapping flowers;
  • - soft toys;
  • - tape for the handle;
  • - glue;
  • - thread and needle;
  • - small decorations (bows, flowers, beads).


First you need to make the base for the bouquet. It will support the entire structure and prevent it from falling apart. For the base it is best to use cardboard. But it is worth noting that cardboard is used only if the bouquet is light. Cut out the base in the shape of a circle.

For the bouquet you will need a pen. It can be made from a piece of plastic tube or from glossy paper rolled into a tube. You can also make a handle from polystyrene foam cut into the shape of a tube. Wrap the handle with ribbon to make it look aesthetically pleasing.

To connect the base and handle, you need to make a hole. It is done at the base in the center with a diameter equal to the diameter of the handle. The structure can be secured using glue. Look at where the handle connects to the base and coat this place with glue.

Now we need to make a skirt that will hold our toys in the bouquet. To do this, use either flower wrapping paper or corrugated paper. The tone of the skirt can be made either a similar color to the toys or a contrasting one. We fasten it with glue to the base.

Let's start decorating the bouquet itself. To make the structure seem full, place a net in it to decorate bouquets. It is best to make the mesh a little compressed and become embossed.

Now we start gluing the toys. For adults, you can attach them using a glue gun. But the kids will want to take out the toys. In this case, they can be basted to the net, skirt and to each other.