Graduation party script: "Square of Stars." methodological development (senior group) on the topic

Irina Korogodina
Scenario for school graduation “Kindergarten lights up the stars”

School graduation scenario: « Kindergarten lights up the stars»

Purpose of the holiday:

1. to form a comprehensively developed, holistic personality;

2. develop an aesthetic perception of festive events;

3. educate creativity children, moral purity and aesthetic attitude to life and performing arts.

Preliminary work: development script, learning poetry, musical material, developing a sketch for decorating the hall.


The roles are played by adults - the Presenter, Baba Yaga.

The roles are played by children - number, two, four, five - children of the preparatory group.

The presenters enter to the accompaniment of solemn music.

1Ved: Good afternoon, dear mothers, fathers, grandparents!

2ved: Today in our children's garden is a very solemn and exciting holiday!

1 ved: Holiday of separation!

2ved: Let it be unusual and memorable!

1st lesson: There is one country in the world, you can’t find another like it.

Not marked on the map, and the size is small...

2nd century: But a wonderful people lives in that glorious country.

And wherever you look, a friend is walking next to you

1 ved: So time passed quickly, no one noticed.

And now it’s impossible to return these wonderful minutes.

2 ved: At the holiday, everyone will have a chance to talk about the most important things.

And this holiday outlet for you - a moment of glory.

1ved: We revealed quite a lot of talents in kindergarten,

And the singers and musicians will amaze you!

2ved: So, attention, meet kindergarten graduates"Chamomile"!

(The presenters take turns calling the pairs graduates.)

B1- Fair and calm, always worthy of praise,

The children respect Maxim and everyone wishes him success.

Loves to help adults and couldn't be more kind.

V1-Vova is our shirt-guy, he won’t go missing anywhere.

Well, if necessary, he will lead you.

B2-Arina loves to sing, dance, read different books,

We wish to study it only at 5 and in school develop your talents.

B1-Kirill's school We see you off and wish you with all our hearts,

So that I can answer my lessons without hesitation, without difficulty,

And the teacher even gasped and said "Wow!"

B2-Eva is our laugher, a cheerful and nice girl.

Q1-Rustam has no equal in sports, we wish him victories,

B2-Liza is a dancer no matter what! And I took it with my mind and with everyone.

We'll miss you. Promise to visit us!

B1-Adele - the most musical and the friendliest,

The most responsible and the calmest.

Q2-Our Yana is smart, endowed with kindness,

We believe that only "4" And "5" There will be notebooks to fill it out.

In1-Sveta we wish you true friends, a lot of health and sunny days,

Success in your studies and only good things, may your life be full of joy.

SONG "Big Round Dance"

1. We were born to live joyfully

To play together, to be strong friends.

To give each other smiles and flowers,

May all our dreams come true in life.

Chorus:So let's have a big round dance.

Let all the people of the Earth stand with us in it,

Let only joyful laughter sound everywhere,

Let the song become clear to everyone without words.

2. We want to tumble in the green grass

And watch the clouds float in the blue.

And dive into a cool river in the summer heat,

And catch the warm mushroom rain with your hands.

3. We were born to live joyfully,

To give flowers and smiles to each other.

So that grief disappears, trouble disappears,

May the bright sun always shine.

Child: The sun shines gently in the sky, the breeze plays with the leaves,

Well, we are very sad today, "Chamomile", we say goodbye to you!

Child: We invited all our relatives here to our festive farewell concert,

To receive a mysterious ticket to the adult world today in this hall.

Child: All behind: horses, dolls, guns. We are adults no longer kids.

You can take our toys, we leave them to you from the bottom of our hearts.

Child: With love, the teachers and relatives will wave after their graduates.

Don’t be afraid for us, we are already big, and we are grateful to you for your care.

Child: And the same boys and girls with and without pigtails will come to you.

Child: Farewell ours kindergarten! With love to you,

We will also remember for a long time everything ahead of us, but only as kids.

We will never be again!

Child: The minutes keep flying, the earth is spinning,

And time cannot be turned back.

We promise to study well and visit our loved ones kindergarten!

Child: There will be many holidays us: spring and autumn, birthday, Christmas trees,

And this one is the very first outlet, will remain in the souls of children for a long time.

Leading: And here are our first presenters, welcome!

Child: Today I am simply overwhelmed with different feelings! I want to immediately cry and laugh and hug the teachers and remember your golden childhood...

Child: But I want to run away quickly!

Child: Where, if not a secret?

Child: To adulthood!

Child: Well, it will always be done in time! Let's take a trip down memory lane...

Song "Country childhood»

1. This song will be picked up, everyone will pick up the song

About a beautiful and wonderful golden country.

We live there childhood, there is noise and hubbub there

And this country kindergarten.

Chorus: You wake up in the morning, smile at the sun,

Smile at the wind - hello!

Hello my friend and comrade, Hello my kindergarten!

We came here, we hurried here from a year to seven,

We were kids - now we are grown up.

2. All the guys will meet here, meet their friends,

A sea of ​​smiles awaits them, as many undertakings.

This good fairy tale full of joy

It's a pity that it ends in the evening.

Child: They told the whole truth, or rather sang it! And they pulled our pigtails, and things got lost, as I remember...

Child: Okay, okay, it's all over! Think only about the good. And you better announce the next number!

Child: And there is no next number...

Child: Why?

Child: Because the memories continue!

Ved: "Minute of Glory" today not only for graduates, but also for our beloved parents! Want to see what they can do?

Games for parents: "Remember school»

Fun challenges for parents.

1. There are 4 apples in the basket. Divide them between four children so that each child gets an apple and one apple remains in the basket. (give one apple in the basket)

2. There were 10 pears growing on the pear tree, and two fewer pears on the willow tree. How many pears grew on the willow tree? (pears do not grow on willow)

3. 3 candles were lit in the room. Then one of them was extinguished. How many candles are left in the room? (one, because two burned out)

4. There were three glasses with berries on the table. Vova ate one glass of berries and put it on the table. How many glasses are there on the table? (3)

1. One evening they came to the bear for a pie. neighbours:

Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, "oblique", a wolf with a tricky fox.

But the bear could not divide the pie among everyone,

Help him quickly - count all the animals.

2. Grandmother baked a sweet pie, invited all her grandchildren and granddaughters,

Grandmother has many grandchildren was: I divided the pie into ten parts,

So that everyone can try grandma’s sweet pie.

A piece for Marina, a piece for Svetlana,

A piece for Danila, a piece for Maryana,

Ilyusha, Kiryusha, Alena and Masha -

To our youngest granddaughter.

And Vova just sat down at the table and ate two pieces at once.

How many grandchildren did your grandmother have?

2 "Songs about school» : "What do they teach in school» , "Twice two is four", "When we leave school yard» , “So we have become a year older”. (recognize the music)

Child: Yes, yes! Are we really going to know that much?

Leading: come on, guys, and we’ll guess riddles:

1. Two nimble piglets are so cold that they are shaking.

Count and tell me how many felt boots I should buy for them? (8)

2. They flew over the river birds: pigeon, pike, two tits,

Two swifts and five eels. How many birds, please answer quickly? (5)

3. The mother goose brought six geese to the meadow for a walk.

All the goslings are like balls. Three sons, how many daughters? (3)

Leading: Guys, now there will be riddles again! We answer "No" or "Yes", we just think at first.

IN You can sing songs at school? - V school can make some noise?

Can I run in the hallway? - write on the fence with chalk, solve equations?

Do you have to answer everything at the board? Will we get deuces?

Attend physical education?

Speak English? Late in come to school?

Leading: our children are great, school they will behave well, listen to the teacher and receive only "4" And "5"

Child: and now is the moment of glory for the dancers "Tango"!

Tango dance

1st presenter: Someone is knocking on our door, but is afraid to come in here,

I'll go and have a look, and then I'll tell you.

2nd presenter: The kids came to us for the holiday,

We brought our wishes for you.

(Children enter junior group.)

1Child: Coming soon will you go to school, please do not be lazy,

We wish you guys good studies!

2 Child: You rarely played with us, you called us kids,

Sometimes we were offended, they didn’t give us toys!

3Child: But now you are not like that, you are now quite big,

We have come to congratulate you on your promotion to first grade.

Kids performing a dance "Ladybug"

They give a chamomile with the names of professions written on its petals and leave. Graduates One by one, they tear off a petal and read the name of the profession.

Leading: And now guys, tell me who you want to become.

Child: I dream of becoming a great geneticist,

To solve the problems of old age!

And in the new century of the new millennium, give immortality to man!

All: But why?

Child: And because with childhood I want to know:

Is it true or is it a lie that parrots live for 200 years?

Child: My dream is to become an architect, to build a city without corners.

I'm making my dream come true now: At home I draw from circles.

My house is completed, there is not a corner in it, mom, a dream come true!

You will no longer be able to put me in a corner, as before, lovingly.

All: WOW!

Child: I dream of becoming the head of the central bank,

The whole world in Russian surprise:

Buy a ticket to a distant planet,

And take mom into space on a plate!

Child: I want to become a star with my talent to conquer everyone,

I will sing songs from the stage, and they will give me a reward there.

Leading: Of course, you guessed that our star Arina dreams of becoming an artist.

Arina: I will become a singer very famous to everyone.

I will sing my best songs in the capital.

I will invite you all to watch the concert,

I will send everyone a ticket for it.

Child: Maxim, do you know what I dream about? I really want to school study straight A's...

Maxim: Dreaming is not harmful. You definitely look like an excellent student! But here I am... although, who knows...

Child: Hush, it seems someone is coming here!

Scene"Ratings" (4 children) 4ka and 5ka come out.

4ka: Hello, five. How are you doing?

5ka: I miss you terribly school, for excellent students. After all, they rejoice at every five. How are you doing?

4ka: I also can’t wait for the school year, I even have dreams about I dream about school.

5ka: Which?

4ka: Do you remember Mashenka Petrova? I dream about my grandmother asking her what grades she got. Masha answered: 4 – in Russian language and mathematics. Grandma looked in the notebook, and there were two 2. Masha explained to her So: And you add two 2, you get 4.

5ka: Oh, wait, someone is coming here.

2 and Col enter the hall as they march. 2 commands:

2ka:Our motto: Lazy is our favorite, lazy is our idol. With lazy people we will conquer the whole world! Stop! One-two! Let's greet our opponents.

Number: Hello crammers! At ease! Disperse!

2ka: I suppose you’re always talking about knowledge? What is knowledge? Explain...

Number: The more you know, the more you forget,

The more you forget, the less you know,

And if you don’t know anything, there’s nothing to forget.

2ka: Smart. At least write it down! Say something else.

count: I'm walking on the carpet. You are walking along the “carpet”. We are walking along the “carpet”.

5ka: It’s also not correct, no matter who walks will still be on the carpet.

4ka: But, for example, a kitten is lying on the carpet.

Number: There's trouble with this carpet... or carpet. Generally with carpets.

2ka: Well done! My soul is immediately at ease from such deep knowledge, I even want to sing.

Song of the deuce (to the tune of the song “Our Neighbor”) 2ka and count sing.

I live and don’t get bored, because there isn’t even a day

to school lazy people forgot about me

If your studies are difficult, the subject is not going well,

I'm a better friend to you, lazybones.

PV (during the chorus, the boys join hands and perform the dance of white swans)

I will decorate your notebook and diary with love.

I don’t need your knowledge, be calm, student.

Let them put you in a corner, I have one answer:

I'm your lazy friend, it couldn't have been better and still isn't. (Dancing)

5ka: Shame on you! What do you teach children with your songs? What will they grow up to be?

2ka: Of course, they are poor students.

5ka: How unpleasant you are, get out of here.

2ka: Get out of here yourself, neaties. They also insult us, honorary members of the club of idlers.

4ka: Eh, you klutzes, no one loves you and no one is waiting for you. Because without knowledge there will be nothing good in the world. Why talk to them? Let's get out of here, Pyaterochka.

Number: Since they don’t need us, I know who will need us in school! And here she is flying! (LETTERS ARE PLACED ON THE FLOOR)

Baba Yaga in a white apron flies into the hall on a broom, (CHILDREN SIT ON CHAIRS.)

Baba Ya: Oh, I was in a hurry! Almost broke the transport. I found out that you are in going to school, and I want to go to first grade with you!

Leading: Wait, Baba Yaga, how old are you?

B.Ya.: One hundred!

Leading: How many?

B.Ya.: Well, two hundred, so what?

Leading: A bit much.

B.Ya.: By the way, it’s never too late to learn.

Leading: OK then. What can you do? Can you read and write?

B.Y.: No, of course. But I know how to shoot sparrows with a slingshot, place buttons on a chair, pull girls’ pigtails, pinch, scream, whistle. On a broom I'm driving: Drin-drin-dyn. In! As much as I can!

Leading: Yes, grandma this is completely in will not be useful to school.

B.Ya.: Here they are raising me again, but what can you do yourself?

Leading: Look, Yaga, there are letters here, you need to make words from them. Let's try it!

Baba Yaga tries to form words, but nothing works. Scatters letters with a broom.

Ved: Loser! Look how it should be done!


Yaga: Okay, okay, these aunties are capable of anything! Do you know how to do the FAQ yourself?

Ved: We can do everything! And dance, and solve riddles, and distinguish a march from a polka!

Yaga: Ha, I can dance too, but can you sing?

Ved: Of course we can, listen!

Song “Cool you got it”

1. How we managed to grow: admire, look,

We now have briefcases, and in the briefcases are primers

Let's keep going, keep going graduation valedictory

And everyone will say for starters “very cool you got it”

PV: It’s cool that you came to our ball – that’s great!

We have graduation today!

2. Here we were given warmth, care, and affection every day

We were not too lazy to go to the kindergarten as if it were a fairy tale.

The teachers forgave us every day for our pranks,

But don’t be sad, friends, we’ll meet again!

Yaga: Yes, yes!

Ved: Yes, because today we have "Minute of Glory"!

Yaga: Look, how smart they are! I want to become famous too!

Ved: Guys, announce the number of our distinguished guest!

Child: Baba Yaga performs. What's your last name, grandma?

Yaga: (kisses the broom) Metelkina!

Child: Grandma, what will you perform?

Yaga: Verses, honey!

I'm a poor old lady

I'm not afraid of anything.

I'm flying on a broomstick,

I can spin any way I want.

I have four teeth and my mouth is sewn shut.

My lips are like that - right up to my ears!

I've been on a diet for many years.

I eat fly agarics for lunch.

I can use a cat, I can use a mouse,

I can fly like a dove

I can be a rare beauty

Sing songs in a round dance. (Bows)

Yaga: And you also boasted that everyone here is very smart.

Ved: Don’t doubt it, you can check it!

Yaga: Yeah, then pay attention! First task!

1. I have a grandson Kuzya, a cat Barsik, a dog Knopa, a mouse Norushka. How many grandchildren does grandma have?

2. The thermometer shows plus 20 degrees. How many degrees will there be on two such thermometers?

3. Two girls played chess for 3 hours. How long did each girl play?

4. There are 8 benches in the park. Three were painted. How many benches are there in the park?

6. Why does a duck swim?

7. What is lighter - 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of fluff?

8. Sasha reaches schools from home 20 minutes. How long will it take to get to schools what if he goes with a friend?

Ved: Comrade Metelkina, it seems to me that it’s time for you to return to the fairy tale, Kuzenka - your grandson is bored there alone.

Yaga: Oh, Kuzenka, dear, why am I hungry, I suppose, the device is ready for takeoff! dun, dun, dun... Good studies... happy!

Ved: And then in she got ready for school. We need to raise our grandson! Well, let's continue!

Graduates, Your friends who are staying at home for another year would like to congratulate you

(older group children come in with congratulations)

Child: good luck, good luck, brightest, luckiest hour!

Let clear sunshine shine for you from every book you read.

Child: you came to kindergarten for kids,

Couldn't even hold a spoon

And now, you all see for yourself, you have grown wiser and grown up!

Child:Goodbye, friends,

It's sad to part with you,

It's a pity that in We can't go to school -

We still need to gain strength.

Child: Who to play and sing with now?

Who to fight at checkers?

One more year to endure,

To register for school.

Child: Meet us in a year,

Let's grow up and get smarter,

Wait right at the gate

First graders with a briefcase.

Child: many good things await you ahead,

We wish you all a good trip!

Comic song "Seeds"

(performed by a girl and a boy of the senior group)

1. It’s not the ducks that quack, it’s not the frogs that croak, it’s Senya and I together gnawing on the seeds. Seeds, Senya brings me the seeds,

In the summer the night is short, they only ate half a bag.

(boy sings)

2. Now the sun is rising, I’m gnawing, she’s gnawing


It's time to milk the goat, but he's gnawing and I'm gnawing.

Seeds, seeds, we're wasting time,

From such a groom the heart is just a husk

3. Our guys are great, they give their sweethearts lollipops. I’m the unfortunate one who has to husk the seeds

I sweep seeds, seeds from the porch with a broom,

I see Senya at the gate carrying seeds again

4And recently Senya made me offer: “Come as a mistress to the house, we will legally gnaw”

Seeds? --- seeds

I told Senechka: “I’d rather live alone, But without a rodent husband!”

Child: Are you today with children's Say goodbye to the garden forever.

Now you need to study, going to school.

Child: Wake up early in the morning, wash yourself thoroughly,

To don't yawn at school, don’t peck your nose at the desk.

Dress neatly so that it is pleasant to look at.

Stroke the uniform yourself, check it, you’re big now.

Child: Accustom yourself to order, don’t play hide and seek with things.

Treasure each book and keep them in order.

Child: Don’t giggle in class, don’t move your chair back and forth.

Respect your teacher and don’t disturb your neighbor.

Don't be teasing, don't be arrogant, school try to help everyone.

Child: Don’t frown in vain, be brave - and you will find friends.

That's all our advice, and there is nothing wiser or simpler.

Don't forget them, my friend. Goodbye! Good luck!

(children of the older group leave)

Presenter: IN children's In the garden you learned not only to count and draw, sing and dance, most importantly you learned to make friends, listen to a poem about friendship.

Child: Friendship is a warm wind,

Friendship is a bright world

Friendship is the sun at dawn,

A joyful feast for the soul.

Friendship is only happiness

Friendship is one thing people have.

With friendship you are not afraid of bad weather,

With friendship - life in spring is full.

A friend will share pain and joy,

A friend will support and save.

With a friend, even evil weakness will melt and go away in an instant.

Believe, keep, value friendship, this is the highest ideal.

It will serve you well, because friendship is a valuable gift!

Presenter: And friendship is fun and joy! And that's why our children will now fulfill a funny song “From what?” (boys stand opposite girls)

1. What, what, what are our boys made of?

From freckles and firecrackers, from rulers and batteries

Our boys are done!

2. What, what, what are our girls made of?

From flowers and bells, from notebooks and glances

Our girls are done!

3. What, what, what are our boys made of?

From springs and pictures, from glass and blotters

Our boys are done!

4. What, what, what are our girls made of?

From handkerchiefs and balls, from riddles and marmalades

Our girls are done!

Leading: And now a waltz graduates.

Child: We will grow and mature

And we will grow stronger every day,

And in the fall to study in school

We'll definitely go.

After all, in the school has a lot of interesting things,

There, knowledge lives in books.

They will open a wonderful world,

To which teachers will lead

Ved.: Well, well, now we want the parents to take an oath. You must say YES loud and clear! Or not!

The presenters read in turns.

1. Will we always help children with their studies? - Yes!

2. To have children school is proud? - Yes!

3. Are you not afraid of leapfrog tasks? - No!

4. Are formulas to remember nonsense for you? - Yes!

5. We swear to never hit children! - Yes!

6. Just scold a little sometimes? - Yes!

7. Let's be calm, like water in a river? - Yes!

8. Will we be as wise as a star in the sky? - Yes!

Song by M. Voinov « Childhood is the first step»

1. We say goodbye to kindergarten, with my beloved his kindergarten

And on this lilac evening "Thank you" we tell him

You warmed us and cherished us, you protected and valued us,

You believed in us recklessly, you gave us your love.

PV: childhood The first step is behind, the steep staircase of life is ahead

We say goodbye to you at this hour, childhood the first step remember us.

2. Here we drew, sculpted, learned to play and make friends,

How quickly we became big and we don't forget kindergarten.

Activities, walks and songs, open hearts

How joyfully we lived together, how friendly our voices sounded.

Child: Well, that's all! It's time to say goodbye!

AND The school is waiting for yesterday's preschoolers.

But only us, girls and boys,

We swear we won't forget kindergarten!

Child: Farewell, our dear kindergarten, we must part soon.

We have grown up and soon we will study in school.

Child: To all employees kindergarten, grateful from the bottom of our hearts.

Look, our mothers, how good we have become!

Child: Thank you to the teachers for your kindness and warmth,

We were next to you and it was light on a gloomy day.

You pitied us, you loved us, you raised us like flowers,

It's a pity that we can't take you with us to first grade.

Child: We are sad, it’s very sad to leave.

We promise to visit our garden!

But the time has come to say goodbye,

We want to say thank you to everyone!

Child: It was cozy and beautiful in the group,

We went to kindergarten in the morning with joy,

We tell you all together:

Children: (in unison): THANK YOU! (blow kiss)

And bow to you to the very ground.

1. Presenter.

Not a day, not two, but for many years you went to kindergarten

You met the dawn on the road and saw off the sunset.

They loved you, took care of you, so that you grew up happy

Any question you might have could be answered here.

Here you found friends, heard for the first time,

Poems about your mother, a story about your homeland.

Well, that’s it, the hour we’ve all been waiting for has come.

We gathered for the last time in a cozy, bright room.

Song "Farewell" to music "Olympics 80"

1. The moment of farewell comes outside the lilac May window

Children's the garden says, goodbye, my dear group, goodbye.

We have completed our program, the first call will be in September

Don't worry, neither mom nor dad, there are 100 paths, 100 roads ahead.

PV: Friends part, but tenderness remains in the heart

We will cherish the songs, goodbye, until we meet again

We will never forget our dear teachers and nannies,

The kindest and most beautiful, the sweetest and dearest.

In September we will go to school how much new there will be around

We will never forget, guys, we are in kindergarten "Chamomile", second sweet home.

Ved: And now the most solemn and exciting moment is coming for our children! Participants "Moments of Glory" the first award in life is presented - Diploma "Happy ending kindergarten» . The floor is given to the manager.

The Astrologer turns to the children for help, asking them to help return the stars to the sky. For them to shine in the sky, you need to reveal your talents. After the meeting with the Astrologer, an unpleasant meeting occurs with the Blob, which the Magician helps to get rid of.


Creating a festive mood, developing a positive attitude towards school.


The hall is designed in the form of a starry sky, balloons, stars, poster, school ship (you can decorate it with balloons).

Required attributes:

  • Star map(stars are glued to a blue sheet of paper, and emptiness here and there);
  • Briefcase, school items and toys;
  • Stars;
  • Handles;
  • Gifts for children;
  • Certificates for every child.


  • Presenter
  • Blot
  • Mage

Progress of the event

Presenter: Hello, dear parents, dear guests. Today we are pleased to welcome you to our holiday dedicated to the end of the first stage of education - kindergarten. But where are the graduates? Let's clap for them to come out.

The spectators clap. Children come out to the backing track of the song “You Got It Cool” and perform a dance.

Child 1:

Today is a bright and warm day,
And the sun shines only for us.
Summer will fly by very quickly,
We will go to our first class with flowers!

Child 2:

We decorated our kindergarten
After all, we are celebrating graduation!
What we were waiting for will happen:
Let's leave our dear kindergarten!

Child 3:

Today we will say one last thing
We have good words for everyone!
After all, we were always expected here
Care, joy, kindness!

Pupils read poems - words of gratitude to all kindergarten staff. Then they sing a song about kindergarten and go to their places.

Presenter: Thank you guys for kind words. Today we will sum up our journey through a celestial country filled with many stars. Every star is a talent. And each of you has it. I propose today to reveal it even more fully, to show it in all its glory.

Magic music sounds and the Astrologer appears.

Hello stars! There you are! And I searched the sky for you - look (points to the star map), there are just not enough luminaries there! Because of this, the sky does not seem so bright.

Presenter: You're probably wrong. Our stars are girls and boys, not heavenly bodies.

No, dear. You are mistaken, not me. Every person on earth, revealing his talent, contributes to the emergence nova in the sky. And now it’s your stars that are missing there.

Presenter: Today we have gathered to light up our stars and show off our talents.

It will be just wonderful! Then let's begin!

Presenter: Tell me, where exactly are the stars missing? In what area of ​​the sky?

A few luminaries in the dance field are missing. Look, the stars seem to be dancing there, but here and here (points with a finger) a few are missing. That's why it's empty there.

Presenter: Exactly, not enough. Shall we fix it, guys?

Children: Yes!

Presenter: Since this is a dance area, what are we going to show?

Children: Dance!

Children perform a dance to any funny song.

You dance wonderfully. You rightfully deserve your first dance stars! Please return them to heaven.

Presenter: Couldn't you do this yourself?

Of course not. Only the owner of the star can do this. He can just as well remove her from there.

The astrologer hands the children stars, which they immediately glue to the sky.

Presenter: That's it, the dancing part of the starry sky is now completely filled with stars. But it’s still missing here (shows). Tell me, Stargazer, what is the name of this area?

This is a song district. These stars speak of talent for singing. Guys, can you help me fill in this part of the sky too?

Children sing a song, receive stars and “return” them to the sky.

Presenter: Well done, guys! Dancing and singing are our strong point! And we can also recite poems! Tell me, are stars needed in the poetic region?

Of course we do! It's great that you are so talented!

The readers perform and glue the resulting stars onto the sheet.

Almost the entire sky is already filled! There are still a few areas left and the sky will become lighter and brighter!

Presenter: Tell me, dear Astrologer, what else needs to be done to make the stars light up?

We need luminaries in the gaming region. The game is a delicate matter, you need to be able to play cheerfully, without being offended or upset.

Presenter: Our guys can do this. We play to have fun. Really, guys?

Children: Yes!

Conducted games and competitions:

  • “Who is bigger?” The essence of the game: children must name as many words as possible starting with one letter (for example, “a”). The winner - who says the last word - receives a star.
  • “Pack your briefcase.” The essence of the game: collect only school supplies in a briefcase.
  • "Who's last?" Children stand in a circle. To the music they pass each other a backpack filled with different toys. As soon as the music ends, the child who has the briefcase in his hands takes out one of the toys from it and exchanges it for a star. The game then continues until all the toys are gone.

I see that you also know how to play. Do you know how to rest?

Children: Yes!

Presenter: Of course they can!

Show us how you relax!

Guys, you just discovered another talent – ​​acting! For him, too, there is a star that can shine in the sky!

Children receive stars.

Presenter: Look how many talents our children have!

That's how it is! But every star can go out if you don’t feed it with the energy of talent. In order not to lose the gift, you need to develop it. And that's another story. Our sky has already been completely restored! The stars are there in full force. And for that I thank you guys. I wish I could go to school not to play, but to learn something new! Goodbye (leaves).

Presenter: But all talents are not equally developed in everyone! Some people dance better, while others like to sing more. Among us there are both artists and athletes. So now we will reward the most talented guys in different fields! We invite the head of the kindergarten to the stage!

The head presents the children with certificates in various categories (the most dancing, the most artistic, and so on).

Presenter: Each award found its hero. But this is not the end of our stellar story. Guys, look, the Astrologer has left, but the stars remain! I wonder what they mean?

WITH reverse side letters are written in stars, from which children form the word “school”.

Presenter: This is probably your future that the stars are talking about. Do you want to go to school?

The children answer.

Presenter: What will you need there?

Children list: pencil, notebook, textbook and other school items. Blob runs out.

Blot: Hello! I am Blob! I'm needed at school too!

Presenter: Guys, is it really necessary for every student?

Children: No!

Presenter: We don't need you, Blob! Because of you, the notebook will be dirty and sloppy! Leave!

Blot: But I won’t leave! No way! I will disturb everyone by writing beautifully and accurately! I will leave dirt even on the desks! And you won’t get away from me!

The Magician comes out.

Mage: What am I hearing here? Is someone threatening our guys? Oh, it's you, Blob! You still can't calm down! It’s okay, we’ll quickly calm you down! Guys, hold on to the magic hands that will help you cope with this disaster!

Hands out pens to children. Blob tries to approach the children, but they brush her off with their hands like swords.

Blot: Yours took it, I won’t stop you from studying well (leaves)!

Mage: Oh, this Blob. He just wants to go to school and hurt someone. You don't need to listen to her. And Laziness, Inattentiveness, and Reluctance may also appear, which will also lure you to their place. But you never give up for anything! My friends will help you the first time magical gifts, which I brought especially for you from an overseas country. They will appear now.

The magician “casts a spell” over a closed box. He opens it, and there are indeed gifts - sets for a first grader (you can choose another gift).

Presenter: Thank you, Magician, for the magical gifts. Now our guys will definitely become the best students!

Mage: Please! This is why I live, to make the world kinder and happier. And now it’s time for me to go to the other guys who are also waiting for me. Goodbye (leaves).

"Square of Stars"

Progress of the Holiday

Children and Leaders stand outside the door. Fanfare sounds.
“Voice” into a microphone behind a screen:
- Attention! Attention! The television and radio company of the kindergarten begins its work. Our microphones and cameras are installed at Happy Childhood Square. Here, in a few seconds, graduates of the “Topolek” kindergarten will pass by in a friendly formation... Now they have appeared. Meet them!

Ved 1 : Today ______________

We accompany you to school.

List the children

Presenter 1 When that day comes
We are not too lazy to go to kindergarten.
We're doubly in a hurry, we're in a hurry,
We say “hello” to each other.
And the heart beats - knock-knock-knock:
Now the guys will come running.

Presenter 2 They will hug, kiss, smile,
Timidly modest flowers will be held out.
And the songs will ring loudly in the hall,
And there will be more kindness in the world.

(“To the music of My affectionate gentle beast” they perform the opening waltz

Child 1 Today they hardly recognized us
All the guests who gathered in the hall.
Came here for the last time.
Remember us forever!

Child 2 Hello moms, dads and guests!
Hello, our dear kindergarten!
With impatience and special excitement, we
We were waiting for our big holiday.

Child 3 The holiday is very important for us today,
Graduation day is coming.
It's a pity that we are leaving kindergarten.
School is waiting for us in the fall.

Child 4 They wanted to grow up quickly
And leave the kindergarten...
To go to school quickly,
Imagine yourself as an adult.

Child 5 How many years have we been coming here?
How many tears have been shed here at times.
This is where we kicked our knees for the first time.
Here they pitied and loved us all.

Child 6 Our kindergarten, goodbye,
We are leaving for first grade.
Although the parting is sad,
Don't worry about us, you.

Child 7 We say goodbye to the garden,
Let's sing a fun song.
Never, nowhere, guys,
We won't forget about him.

Children sing the song: “We are now students.”

Children bow and go to their places.

Words of congratulations are provided to the director of the MBOU Privolzhskaya secondary school Tarasova T.S.

Ved 2 : Guys, 4 years ago

Your mothers brought you helpless little babies to kindergarten,

Do you remember that time? Want to see what you were like?

To the music of “Top-Top”, the children of the younger group come out and stand facing the graduates.

1 child: We put on our dresses and washed our cheeks,
They became beautiful and hurried to you.

2nd child: - We are funny, funny,
You were like that too,
We'll grow up a little -
We will also come to your school.

3rd child: - We promise you guys,
What would it be like in my native garden without you?
We won't break flowers
We'll save all the toys!

Ved 1: Children perform the train dance.

After the dance, the children are given gifts, the kids leave the hall.

Ved 2: Days and months go by, the children grow and grow.
They grew big - that's how big they are!
They began to dream out loud what they would like to become in life.

Music is playing. Children stand on dots.

Scene "Dreamers"

1 child: My years are growing, I will be seventeen.
Who should I work with then? What should I do?
I will read books and strive for knowledge.
To become very smart, go abroad.
2nd child: And I will be a showman, all mustachioed and bright.
I will spin the wheel and receive gifts.
3rd child: It's good to be a showman, but it's better to be a singer.
I would go to the Basques, let them teach me!
1 child: I would become a teacher, let them teach me!
2 child : Have you thought at all? The nerves will be tormented!
4th child: I will serve as our president.
I will ban semolina and porridge throughout the country!
5 child : Mom dreams for me,
Dad, grandma, friends...
I'm just a stubborn guy...
You can't give in to them.
Everyone gives me advice vying with each other.
Despite this, I will be myself!

Ved 1: We think that when our children grow up, each of them will find their own path in life, and everything will work out for them. We told you our thoughts with “Hurray”, and now let’s dance, kids.

Children perform a dance.

Ved 2: And our guys love to sing, and now they will perform the song:


Children 1: How many dances have we learned?

Waltz, quadrille, and round dance,

Russian dance and hali-gali

We lost count of the dances.

Children 2: And today we will also dance

For the assembled guests

We will be happy to show you

How to dance for friends

Children perform a dance.

Block with animators

The game is an oath at the graduation “Affectionate Parent”.

Ved 1: Guys, what grades do you promise your parents to get at school?

Children (in chorus): “4” and “5”

Ved 1: Now the guys’ parents will also make you an oath of promise:

I swear! Whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father
Always say to the child: “Well done”!
I swear!

I swear in the child’s education “not to build”
I swear to master all sciences with him!
I swear! (all parents say together)

I swear I won’t scold him for getting bad marks.
And help him do his homework!
I swear! (all parents say together)

And if I break my oath,
Then I’ll give away my last tooth!
Then, I promise, my child,
Feed daily with boiled condensed milk!
I swear! (all parents say together)

Then I will be an ideal parent
And I will never forget my oath!
I swear! I swear! I swear!(all parents say together)

Presenter 2 Unfortunately our show is coming to an end.
Voice into microphoneAttention! Attention! The kindergarten's television and radio company continues its work. Our microphones and cameras are still located at Happy Childhood Square.
Presenter 1 And now the time has come
The one we've been waiting for
We gathered for the last time
In our cozy room
Presenter 2 The last ball has ended
At least a new day will begin
But our group is in this hall
It won't come together anymore
Child We've grown up, but it's still sad
Today we have a little
After all, our kindergarten is so good,
The road to it is easy.
Child Our graduation holiday has arrived,
We were really looking forward to it.
But I don’t have the strength to part with the garden.-
Together Thanks to everyone who raised us!
Child For you today, kindergarten
We say “thank you”
Together And all your workers
Thank you a hundred times!
Child Last day in the garden
Last goodbye
And to everyone who is in the hall here now
We'll say...
Goodbye together!
Song: “Farewell”F. Kirkorova (SNOW).
Presenter 1 The holiday is over, but there is still so much I would like to wish our graduates.

"The Stars Are Lighting Up"

Scenario for a graduation party for children in the pre-school group

Manager. Good afternoon, dear parents! Today is your children's first graduation. I congratulate you on this celebration! Good luck to you, start and finish school with honors, patience and all the best!

The children are in a hurry for the last holiday,

It’s time for them to say goodbye to their beloved garden.

That's why we're all a little sad,

We want to slow down the moments of farewell.

Well, what can you do? The children have grown up!

So let the sun shine on them everywhere!

And we solemnly open the holiday,

And we invite teachers to the hall!

(Fanfares sound, presenters and educators enter the hall)

Ved.1 Today in our bright hall

This is the last time we will see the guys.

There will be a lot of joy and a bit of sadness...

They are leaving us for first grade!

Ved. 2 But the music bursts into the hall like a whirlwind,

Why say a lot of words?

Let there be smiles faces shine,

Greetings graduates!

Children, accompanied by the song “Clouds,” enter the hall with blue and blue helium balloons. white flowers, dance, and then they fall into place.

Dance with balloons “Clouds”

Reb. 1 Hello moms, dads and guests,

Hello our dear kindergarten!

We are impatient, especially excited,

We were waiting for our big holiday!

Reb. 2 The holiday is very important for us today -

Graduation day is coming

It's a pity that we are leaving kindergarten,

School is waiting for us in the fall!

Reb. 3 Preschool childhood is a golden time,

Happy days round dance.

What a pity that they fly by.

And now school is waiting for us.

Reb. 4 How fun and friendly we lived in the kindergarten,

They played, and sang, and were strong friends,

And now school is waiting for us.

Reb. 5 We are not ordinary kids,

We are now graduates!

Fidgets, naughty girls,

They grew up very quickly!

Reb.6 Preschool childhood has rushed off somewhere,

And time keeps running forward.

Look how our guys have grown!

And now school is waiting for us!

Song “Goodbye kindergarten!”

Ved.1 Seven years ago these children were born. And with the birth of each of them, a small star appeared in the sky. And parents gave names to their children. Then they came to kindergarten. While they were small, their stars were not so noticeable. But the children grew up, learned, became kind and good, and their stars also grew up and became more noticeable. Today they say goodbye to kindergarten, it’s time for them to go to school. The guys are having a farewell ball, so their stars have gathered into another large constellation. I hope that our children, still little stars, will become such that their names will be heard by our entire planet Earth. And their parents, of course, will help them with this!

Ved.2 And today is a holiday - the final stage of revealing the talents and creative manifestations of children in our kindergarten. Each child in our group is a small bright star, which, and we really hope for it, will grow into a big, pure, kind, talented star!

And therefore our prom we called it “25 stars”. So,

2 presenters together our stars are shining!

Reb. 1 The hall is full of guests, which means -

Everyone expects a miracle from us - no other way!

Well, we are ready to surprise

To charm and delight everyone!

Reb.2 After all, there is no shortage of talent here.

Looks like it's time to start the concert!

Let the applause continue

Joy lights up your faces.

Song "We are little stars"

Ved. Do you remember 5 years ago when you went to kindergarten?

Reb. Did we really go?

They carried us in wheelchairs.

We often sat on our arms,

They didn't want to stomp their feet.

Reb. I remember crying every day

I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window.

And someone walked around with a pacifier,

And someone wore diapers.

Reb . Sometimes I ate poorly

They spoon-fed me.

And if we didn't sleep,

They rocked us on our arms.

Reb. Yes! We were all good...

Well, what should we take? After all, kids...

All this is in the past, but now

We are escorted to first class!

Ved . Oh guys. look

Look, the kids are trampling!

How blush and beautiful.

Simply wonderfully good!

Yes... someone very much

Kids remind!

They walk timidly and swaying,

And they know very little! Sit down quickly!

Potty scene

Dev.1 I'm sitting on the potty

I sit and cry.

Small 1 I'm sitting on the potty

I laugh and groan.

Dev.1 I don't want to go to your kindergarten

I want to go home to my mother.

Small 1 What are you talking about, it's great here!

There are mountains of toys here,

There are dances and poems here,

And theater and drama.

Dev.1 Still, there's not enough here

My beloved mother.

Mal.2 This aunt is a teacher.

Everything is counting us, counting us.

He thinks he will lose.

All And we are all here as one

We're all sitting on the potties!

Dev. 2 Auntie the cook cooks soup for us

And a side dish with cutlets.

It would be better if we went to the store

Dev.3 For what?

Dev.2 For cake and sweets.

Small 3 This aunt is an athlete.

She has a loud whistle.

We are very friendly with sports,

Because everyone needs sports.

Dev. 4 And that aunt is the boss here,

Everyone calls the manager.

The kindergarten only became more beautiful with her,

They do repairs here.

Small 1 (to girl 1) Why did you puff out your cheeks?

And sat down on the potty?

Play ok with me,

Just don't offend me!

Dev.1 Oh, hold on! Oh, hold on!

I'm going to fall off the potty!

So be it, we persuaded

I'm staying in the garden!

Dev.4 It will be difficult - we won’t cry,

Everything will happen by itself.

Nanny will tie our shoelaces,

Auntie - the music will sing!

Dev.3 Moms, don't worry!

We will find friends.

Every year your children

They will be better and more mature!

(get up from the potties)

Reb. Our mothers brought us to the nursery - we were babies,

And we didn’t know how to hold a spoon correctly ourselves.

Now we can show how cool we move!

We learned to dance and it's so wonderful!

Dance "Tango"

Ved. And now, welcome, clap your hands loudly!

The kids came to congratulate you guys from the bottom of their hearts!

(kids enter the hall in pairs to the music)

Ved. Oh, funny, funny!

You were like that too.

And they will grow up a little,

They will also come to your school.

1st baby . Hello, you guys -

Girls and boys!

You are already quite big

And we are still babies.

2 . We guys are kids

We have come to congratulate you.

You go to first grade

And don't forget about us!

3 . We wish you to study

Get A's.

And my favorite kindergarten

Remember more often.

4 . don't think that we are

Little kids.

We'll meet you after school,

Let's ask about marks.

5 . For the sake of such a holiday

With pleasure now

We'll dance for you!

Children's dance "Sandbox"

Ved. 1 Thank you kids for your congratulations

(kids leave to applause)

Ved. 2 How quickly time flies. Just recently you were little. We wanted you to draw, read poetry, tell fairy tales. What else did you learn in kindergarten?

Reb : Strong friendship learned

We have become one family

For each other

For each other

We always stand tall.

Reb : We have become skillful

We do everything ourselves

Became musicians

Admire it for yourself.

Dance with spoons.

(Dyudyuka appears to the music)

Dudyuk . I am Dyudyuka - Dyudyuka to everyone,

Oh, I love being mischievous.

I will teach all the children

Snitch and gossip.

I'm a friend, no matter where.

You won't get bored with me,

True, if I'm not in a good mood,

You will suffer enough.

Children go to kindergarten

They only suffer for nothing,

It's best to be naughty

They will learn from me.

I'm talking about school work

I know everything in the world.

Come to me

I'm opening a school.

Ved. What's happened? I don't understand! Who are you? Why are you here?

Dudyuk. I'm opening my own school. Admission without exams, training is free. Who wants to sign up?

Well, well, well: I see that you are getting ready for school. Yes? Will they let you in? Why! Not everyone is accepted into school. Well, oh well. If you guess my riddles, then I will help you get there: maybe. Well, do you agree? Then listen.

Day and night in tears,

There was dampness everywhere.

All the handkerchiefs are covered in tears,

Mom thinks: “What’s wrong with my daughter?

Maybe she is sick?

The doctor repeats: “Healthy!”

Guess: who is she?

Well, of course:

Children: Reva!

Dudyuk : Exactly, exactly! You guessed it. I know that all the girls are roaring. And these and these: really, boys? Oh no? Then listen to the next riddle.

A new day has begun

Birds are singing everywhere.

And dressed up children

They go to kindergarten together.

Only one is unwashed.

Uncombed, angry.

So they gasped in fear.

Who did they get?

Children : Slob.

Dudyuk. You guessed it, you guessed it!

I know, I know, all boys are slobs. Really, girls? Why not? Are your boys neat and tidy? Come on, I'll take a look. Indeed, everyone is so beautiful. Clean. Ugh, it's disgusting to watch. Well, nothing. Here's another riddle for you.

Nadyusha has 100 toys:

Dolls, bears and Parsley.

Everyone knows Nadina's troubles

Our Nadya simply:

Children: Greedy

Dudyuk absolutely right. It’s amazing how you answered in unison. It’s immediately obvious that everyone is greedy.

Ved . You're wrong, Dyudyuka. We have no greedy people, no roars, no slobs.

Dudyuk. It only seems to you. We'll check this now.

I have candy

I suggest you eat them

Just to get them

You have to do stupid things.

Well, whoever wants to, start:

Push your best friend

Say nasty things

And I will give you sweets!

Ved . The boys and I don’t need such games. Go away, Dyudyuka. We have very good and well-mannered children.

Dudyuk Are you sure about this? Let's check now

Game "Greedy" (who gets the most balls or candies in their hands)

Dudyuk . Well, what did I tell you!

Ved. No, our children are very fast and dexterous, they are friends with sports, and also smart!

Dudyuk I have a magic umbrella, with the help of it we will find out what thoughts these people have. smart heads your girls and boys. And I’ll start, perhaps, with the boys! (rubs his hands with joy).

So, come on, come on (chooses a boy)

1. Now we’ll find out, in 10 years, what kind of car he will drive? (excerpt from the song “Black Boomer” sounds)

ABOUT! Girls, what an enviable groom he will be!

2. What thoughts do this boy have? If your friend is called to the board, will you give him hints? (I don’t hear anything, I don’t see anything, I don’t know anything) Our man!

3. If you are called to the blackboard in lesson 6, what thoughts will be in your head? (Dili-dili, trali-vali, we didn’t go through this, we weren’t asked this) Our man!

4. Now let’s find out what thoughts are spinning in your girls’ heads? (After all, I’m so beautiful today) smart girl!

5. What are your secrets? (I'm a fashionista, I'm a fashionista, look at me)

And now I find out about the thoughts of moms and dads. Summer will quickly fly by, what awaits them on September 1? (Not a moment of peace, what is this)

6. (to dad) What does your child need to study better? (3 tape recorders, 3 video cameras...) Oh! how much is needed

7 Now I’ll ask (full name of the teacher) how are your children? (Everything is fine, beautiful marquise)

8. Now I’ll ask your manager if she likes the holiday? (It’s great that we are all here today)

Dudyuk. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Something is wrong here! In my opinion, there is something wrong here - there are no pranksters. I’ll go and look for them somewhere else (goes behind the curtain)

Ved . But what children dream about without a magic umbrella, they will now tell you.

1.My years are growing,

I'll be 17.

Who should I work with then? What should I do?

Strive for knowledge

To become very smart,

Travel abroad!

3. I want to become a model

Bright and fashionable.

And mommy says:

They are always hungry!

4. And I will be a showman,

All mustachioed. Bright.

I'll spin the wheel

Receive gifts!

5. Good at being a showman

It's better to be a singer.

I would go to the Basques,

Let them teach me!

6. And I want to sing like Galkin.

I can do it, I can handle it.

Maybe Alla Pugacheva

Then I'll like you!

7. Oh, don't think about her

You're wasting your time.

You are for Alla Pugacheva

Already very old!

8. I would become a teacher
Let them teach me!
Did you think about what you said?
Children will torture you!

9. My mother dreams for me,

Dad, grandma, friends.

I'm just a stubborn guy

You can't give in to them.

Everyone gives me advice vying with each other,

Despite this, I will be myself!

All in unison . We read poems to you.

Clap, try hard.

It was you who raised us,

So figure it out!

Ved. Now, perk up your ears and listen to ditties!


1. How my mother wanted me

Just send it to 1st grade.

And me in class

Not visible in the general mass.

Oh, don't give me away, mother!

2 . How my mother wanted me

Yes, send him to a gymnasium.

There is French, and German and Russian.

Oh, don't give me away, mother!

3 . How my mother wanted me
Give it to the music department.

I have no hearing

The bear stood in my ear

Oh, have pity on me, mother!

4 . How my mother wanted me

At least give it somewhere.

And while I was looking, I became a bride,

It's time to give in to marriage!

5 . How my mother wanted me
Send him to kindergarten again.

But it's time for me to go to school, the cheerful bell is ringing

Go get knowledge!

Dyudyuka appears

Dudyuk. What do I hear? What nonsense?

There is no worse word than “school”!

It's better to play with toys all day!

Do you like to play with toys? Tell me about your favorite toy!

Song "Robot Bronislav"

Dudyuk But it’s interesting, you’re going to school,

Will you take the toys with you? (No)

Well, I suggest everyone take toys

And dance with them goodbye

Dance “Farewell, toys!”

Dudyuk. School years terrible, very, very terrible!

Of course, I congratulate you and present you with gifts!

I don’t feel sorry for anything for good kids.

Here's a slingshot for you guys to shoot the birds with.

Here's a noisy pistol to scare each other.

I suggest you put this button under your chair.

This precious stone should be used to break out windows.

Wave this stick in all directions like a lifesaver.

Ved . Oh-oh-oh! What is this? Guys, do you need such gifts? (No)

Dudyuk. Not needed, so not needed. You won't get anything else

Ved. Don't be angry, the kids won't need these items at school. They will need briefcases, notebooks, pens, pencils. Look how the kids get ready for school

The game “Who can pack their backpack for school faster?”

(children stand in 2 columns. At a signal, the first participants run to the tables, pick up a backpack and unfasten it. The next one takes the necessary item and puts it in the backpack, etc. The last participants fasten their backpacks and run with them to the teams they meet with their cry: “Hurray!” This team won)

Reb. We grew up big

Let's go to first grade!

Farewell today

Let's dance the waltz for the last time!

Waltz “My affectionate and gentle beast”

Dyudyuka (touched, wipes her tears with a handkerchief) How talented your children are!

Ved. You, Dyudyuka, don’t be sad,

Look at our funny dance!

Dance "Hipsters"

Dyudyuka: You guys are so great, you play and dance so well, but when do the children go to school? In September? So I still have time, I’ll run to register for school, buy myself a briefcase, and in September I’ll go to school with you and be a good and smart girl! Goodbye!!!

Ved. 1 We have no shortage of talents,

Here we can say about each of them,

Worthy of all praise

You are great, you are a superstar!

Ved. 2 You guys are stars, shine brighter!

Friends, merge with the rays of lights!

The parents' faces shine with happiness,

And everyone will be proud of your success!


Reb.1 Last time in the festive hall

We were in the spotlight.

Well, goodbye to our beloved hall,

You often invited us here for holidays.

Reb.2 Farewell to our group and our toys...

Reb.3 the lockers in the locker room are a little sad,

It’s as if they want to go to school with us.

Reb.4 Our beloved garden, don’t be sad, don’t be sad,

And say goodbye to us kids

Reb. 5 We are in let's go to school, and for your replacement

A change of toddlers will come.

Reb. 6 We go to school and talk

“Beloved kindergarten, thank you for everything!”

Reb. 7 Bow to you and thank you very much!

For affection, care, warm welcome.

We will always remember our preschool childhood,

And tomorrow we will all go to school together!

Dance "We'll be back"

Ved. Dear friends! Over the years, wonderful teachers have been the constant inspirers and leaders of our little stars! They shared joys and sorrows with the children, taught and... simply loved their students.

We invite the head of the kindergarten, Natalya Anatolyevna, to join us here.

Deputy Head of Internal Affairs Marina Aleksandrovna.

Deputy Head of AChT Tatyana Nikolaevna

The first teachers of our graduates: Nadezhda Vasilievna, Lesya Vitalievna and Elena Sergeevna.

Physical instructor Natalya Valerievna

Musical director Natalia Alexandrovna

Ved. And now the floor for congratulations goes to the head of the kindergarten Pudovkina N.A. (diploma presentation)

Ved. The floor is given to parents.

Final words leading.

The ball is over and the candles are burning out,

Involuntary tears from the eyes...

After all, I won't meet you tomorrow morning

See you on the site, as always!

And our group will be empty,

The toys by the window will be sad.

We know that children grow up,

We know it’s time for them...

It all starts with the school bell

The road to the stars, the secrets of the ocean.

Everything will happen. Late or early

Everything is ahead of you, friends!

Olga Pavlichenko
Graduation script “Star Factory in kindergarten”

Scenario for graduation from the star factory in kindergarten

LEADING: Today, the project is completing its work « Star Factory» kindergarten.

LEADING: Meet our graduates:

(children enter the hall and stand in a checkerboard pattern)

(To the soundtrack of the song “Cool you got it”.And squat down.)

LEADING: Not in a distant state, not in a wonderful overseas kingdom,

Not near golden palaces, but among simple people

The garden is nicely located, everyone is happy to visit here.

LEADING: How can flowers, berries, and mushrooms not grow in this little garden?

There are boys in jackets and pants growing up there

And girls in dresses and skirts bloom.

LEADING: This is an unusual garden! It's full of guys!

Here children were always loved, washed and fed,

We played and taught games and walked around.

LEADING: Days and months go by, the children grow and grow...

They grew up big - like this!

And they said...

It has become cramped for us here, there is too little space.

LEADING: And the kids jumped from the garden bed

They were like flowers, berries, mushrooms

And now on holiday

LEADING: Future first-graders!

LEADING: oh, how many times in the spacious hall

We celebrated the holidays with you,

And we've been waiting for this one for so many years,

And now, the solemn moment has come!

LEADING: We are our cute babies

Today we'll see you off to school,

We wish them well and happiness,

We are opening the way to school!

LEADING: our stars- graduates, everyone is talented. But everyone is talented in their own way.

And so, the project « factory stars - sun rays" We declare open and present our graduates: (list)

Children's poems:

1- Child: Our the kindergarten is decorated in the morning

Today is a holiday outlet

And we are proud of our garden,

After all, it is like a home for us.

2- Child: We were always in a hurry here,

We loved him very much

It's a pity to say goodbye to him,

It's a pity to leave.

3- Child: Here the walls have become family,

And cribs and toys,

Teachers and nannies,

And my friends and girlfriends.

4- Child: You accepted us as kids,

Kindergarten, our home is dear,

We've become big now

And we say goodbye to you.

5- Child: Today is our last time,

Gathered in this hall

The hour of farewell has come, friends,

At least we were waiting for him!

They wanted to grow up quickly

AND leave kindergarten,

To go to school quickly,

Imagine yourself as an adult.

6- Child: And when did we have time?

So suddenly we grew up!

At school he is waiting for us with flowers

Real first class!

It's a pity we are leaving the garden.

We need to say thank you to everyone.

How many festive balloons -

There will be so many kind words

7- Child: We have grown up, but it’s still sad

Today we have a little

After all our kindergarten is so good,

The road to him is easy,

Road to childhood without worries,

The road to a wonderful world...

And friendly the children's choir will sing

About our lovely kindergarten!

Song « Children's the garden is a magical land"

Child 1: We put our toys away,

They put books and rattles.

There are dolls, bears and cars,

There are tanks, cubes, pictures.

Child 2: “The time has come for us to say goodbye”,

Everyone says, where is it?

The time that rushes restlessly

Can't even stop for a moment.

Child 3: Stop, just a moment! You are wonderful!

Give it back to us childhood, at least for a moment now,

Say goodbye to what you loved passionately.

Farewell ours kindergarten, and remember us for a long time!

Child 4: Wait a little

Well, at least another hour...

Maybe we can go back to the past?

Shall we look at the little ones?


Remember five years ago,

How did you go to kindergarten?

Child 1: What are you talking about, we didn’t go

They carried us in wheelchairs.

We often sat on our arms,

They didn’t want to stomp their feet!

Child 2: I remember crying every day

I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window,

And Romka walked around with a pacifier,

And Dimka wore diapers.

Child 3: Sometimes I ate poorly,

Spoon fed me

The bib saved us from the porridge,

From tea, soup, yogurt.

Child 4: And if we didn’t sleep,

We were rocked on our arms,

After listening "bayushki-bayu"

We closed our eyes.


I can’t even believe it somehow

That they were like that once.

Just like these kids

That they came to visit us.

Let's say hello

Junior manufacturers,

Let the little stars

Poems will tell us!

Congratulations from the nursery group.

The kids appear to the music.

Kid 1: We came here now

Show you to first class!

Kid 2: You are already quite big,

You are beautiful and smart

So that we can reach you -

You must stand on your toes!

Educator: We want to wish you

Become excellent students.

And therefore we will give

Medals with the number five for you!

(give medals for graduates)

Kid 3: In September you will go to first grade,

Will you take the toys with you?

Child 1:

Dear, good babies,

We have no time to play with dolls, bears,

We'll go to school with our briefcases,

And we pass on the toys to you.

Child 2:

Mishka, Mishka, goodbye,

How I love you

But now in education

I give it to other guys.

Child 3:

We love cars very much

Planes, ships.

All the boys, of course,

They love pucks and balls.

Child 4:

My doll, dear,

The hour of farewell is coming.

Girls favorite dolls,

Never forget.

Child 5: Thank you all very much,

That they came to congratulate us!

We promise to try

Work so diligently

To be the best at school

It turned out to be 1st grade!

(Graduates give toys to children. The kids and the teacher leave the hall.)


With kids like these

Met at I'm with you in the garden.

And then the years passed

You've grown up a little:

They were so naughty, they shouted so much,

We celebrated the holidays together.

And now the hour has come -

See you off to first grade!

Leading: Lovely graduates, tell us what you dream about most.

Scene"Dreams of the Future"

Child 1: They are in a hurry, the years are passing.

I'll be seventeen.

Where will I work?

What will I do?

Strive for knowledge

I will be a scientist and go abroad.

Child 2: I will be a businessman.

I'll be cooler than a cloud!

I'll buy mom a fur coat

Dad's jeep is cooler.

Child 3: A businessman is good, but a model is better!

I will be at the shows. They will teach me everything.

I will be the top model, very bright and catchy

And grandma says that they are all "boards".

But I will be able to get the crown of beauty.

And with my beauty, I can conquer the whole world!

Child 4: Well, model, what’s wrong,

What cool things did you find here?

I dream of becoming an architect

Build a city without corners.

I'm making my dream come true now:

At home I draw from circles.

I will build a house without a corner,

Mother, your dream will come true!

Like you couldn’t do before, loving,

Put me in a corner.

Child 5: And I want to be simple

A good person

To keep pace merrily

Happy new century to us!

Know more, sleep less,

Protect girls at school

Be polite everywhere, always!

And never get angry!

Child 6: But I will work as our president.

I will ban eating semolina porridge throughout the country.

I will rule the entire country

Increase everyone's salary.

Child 7: I dream of becoming the head of a BANK,

The whole world is so crazy surprise:

Buy a ticket to a distant planet,

And take mom into space on a plate!

Child 8: And I will be a showman,

All mustachioed and bright.

I'll spin the wheel

Receive gifts.

Child 9: Mom dreams for me,

Dad, grandma, friends...

I'm just a stubborn guy...

You can't give in to them.

Everyone gives advice

I'm in trouble.

Despite this,

I'll remain myself!

Child 10: I’ll become a cool DJ, I’ll play music,

Namikyuyu new topic, to get all the people excited.

With Kolya Baskov we will record a super hit dance.

The whole world will hear about me, the whole country will start talking.

Child 11: Are you guys interested?

Only fame and salary.

And I have my own dream,

She has simple beauty

I will be the teacher.

Let everyone be surprised

After all, with kindergarten and school

That's where it all begins.

Child 12: I will be a teacher, and I’m happy about that.

Believe me, this is the highest reward for me!

Both the artist and the banker come to the garden as children.

And then they find themselves to conquer the whole world.


How serious you guys have become! What about your toys - cars and girlfriend dolls? Will you take them to school with you?

Here are your favorite dolls, it’s time to part with them. You gave them water and food, but this game is over. It's time to get ready for school, but let's not be sad. Well, now I propose to invite them all to the dance.

Child 1: Our dear friends, beautiful dolls,

We all really enjoy dancing with you.

DANCE WITH DOLLS music by V. Shainsky.

LEADING: You learned a lot in kindergarten: count, read, draw, sing and dance. What else have you learned in our kindergarten?

(children - to be friends)

LEADING: You were strong friends in the group,

IN loved going to kindergarten,

This friendship through the years

Carry it forever!

LEADING: We will ask questions, and you will ask questions together answer: “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

1. Let's ask now everyone: who here loves dancing and laughing?

2. Who goes to school every day in a cheerful group?

3. Answer in unison instantly: who is the main spoiler here?

4. Who is used to your routine and does exercises in the morning?

5. And one more question: Who doesn’t wash their nose?

6. How many of you keep your pens, books and notebooks in order?

7. Which of you is such a good sunbather and wears galoshes?

8. Which of you, brothers, forgets to wash?

9. And one more question: Which of you, I want to know, will clap for us now?



LEADING: Well done guys, you completed this task.



1st Child.

Our teachers are a sight to behold, top class.

We studied everything with them, we weren’t bored in class.

What we glued, sculpted, and gave everything to our parents.

They manipulated plasticine without even getting their hands dirty.

They taught us to work hard and not to be lazy in class.

It's sad to say goodbye to you, I have to get ready for school.

We say thank you... and)

And we thank you for everything.

2nd Child.

A good word is “helper”, he will help you collect toys,

He will help the guys undress and quietly put them to bed.

From dawn to dark she is in our kindergarten.

Who will bring us lunch and clean up the dishes?

Our group is not more beautiful, everything is clean and bright!

Maybe our nanny has not 2, but 10 hands?

3rd Child.

We were taught, we studied,

We weren't lazy at all.

And high fives for the answer

A speech therapist began to give us

Because in our speech

No more violations

4th Child.

To raise children

Some advice to everyone

I had to accept it.

The psychologist helped with this,

She passed on her knowledge of psychology to everyone.

5th Child.

To make the holiday fun, we need workers like these,

They will sing the song well and dance, if it’s so bad.

We performed at the holidays, almost became artists,

Thank you. for music and laughter,

Thank you. for dance - and ballet,

Because now we all have talents.

6th Child.

Thanks to those who treated us,

And taught me how to set a thermometer,

I watched our cheeks-

Aleli, like flowers!

Thank you. .

7th Child.

We tell the chefs

From the heart: "Thank you!

Go around the whole world,

There is no better porridge than yours!”

Thank you..

1st Child.

Just physical education

We love it very much

Strength, spirit, muscles

We are strengthening in the gym!

2nd Child.

To raise children correctly,

There is a lot to know.

But the main thing is to be a methodologist,

Children need to be loved.

3rd Child.

Because our home is kindergarten-

It was more beautiful year after year,

Say "Thank you" we have to

Our manager.

4th Child.

We will not forget your hands, their gentle warmth.

We learned the word here "Friend".

AND "happiness", And "good"!

Thanks to everyone who taught us,

Who fed us and who treated us,

And to those who simply loved us!

All. Bow to you and thank you!

Children stand in a semicircle, the anthem sounds « Star factories» - “Cool you got into kindergarten» performed by children.