Scenario of an autumn holiday in a senior preparatory group with a dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip" educational and methodological material (senior, preparatory group) on the topic. Scenario of an autumn holiday for children of the middle group dou Autumn fairy tale turnip in kindergarten

Goal: Create a festive holiday atmosphere.

Children run into the hall to the music and perform movements.


Autumn is on the doorstep -
The leaves have turned yellow
On a long journey
The birds have flown away...

1. Child:

The autumn garden has turned yellow,
The leaves are spinning and rustling...
Autumn has come to visit us,
Brought rain and wind.

2. Child:

Autumn is walking, autumn is wandering.
The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree.
There's a new rug under your feet,

3. Child:

Autumn walks along the path,
Got my feet wet in puddles.
It's raining and there's no light.
Summer is lost somewhere.

4. Child:

Autumn is coming. Autumn is wandering.
The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree.
There's a new rug under your feet,

5. Child:

A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field,
The rain is drizzling.

Host: It looks like it's going to rain?

No, it’s not raining, it’s our song starting!

Song "Autumn, autumn has come" . (Milana, Vera)

The children stand in a semicircle.
The children sat down on the chairs.
Host: Guys, do you hear someone is in a hurry to visit us?
Music sounds and Grandfather enters.

Grandfather: Hello, my friends!
I see your holiday here
I came at a good time!
What kind of holiday is here today?

Host: Hello, grandfather!
We have an autumn holiday.
Autumn is a glorious time
Kids love autumn

Let's get up in a round dance, children
Let's sing to grandpa about the garden.
Round dance "Gather the Harvest"
Grandfather: Well done my boys,

Everything grows in your garden.
Look honest people
And to my garden.
How round and strong

My turnip has grown.
The turnip has grown amazingly
In height and width.
Let me pull it! (pulls, cannot pull).

Eh, I'm already getting old
I'll call grandma (calls Grandma)
Music sounds and Grandma enters.
Grandma: Passed by the garden

I hear grandpa calling.
I think I should go in
People are having fun here.
What kind of holiday are these guys having?

Children: Autumn Festival.
Grandma: Do you know poems about autumn?

Grandma: I love poetry very much.
I'll sit here, sit here
And you read poetry for grandma and guests.
Poems about autumn.

1 child:

We've been waiting for autumn all year.
Here she is already coming!
Her baskets are full.
Fruits, vegetables - countless.

And for everyone, for all the trees,
She has gifts.

2nd child:

For the birch tree - handkerchiefs,
Those that glitter with gold.
And the mountain ash, like a daughter,
I sewed a festive outfit.

3rd child:

Oak put on a green caftan,
He's in no hurry to take it off.
And in bright maple shirts.
Loves to dress up for autumn.

4th child:

It's raining down the street, the road is wet, there are a lot of drops on the glass, and there's not much heat.

5th child:

Spun around me
The rain of leaves is mischievous.
How good he is!
Where else can you find something like this?

Without end and without beginning?
I began to dance under it,
We danced like friends -
Rain of leaves and me.

Grandma: What a fellow you are, you read poetry well!
Grandfather: Grandma, see, the turnip has grown
What sits in the ground so firmly
I can't pull alone

I need some help!
Grandma: Well, the two of us can pull it off
Let's sing a song.
“Oh, you are a strong turnip

Don't play hide and seek
Come out turnip
From the native garden.

Grandmother: How to pull, from which side
Granddaughter come out to help.
Granddaughter: I was walking in the garden
Suddenly I heard that there was

My grandparents are waiting for me.


Shared dance with my granddaughter.

Grandmother: You see, dear granddaughter
The turnip has grown big
Come to us here quickly
Help me pull the turnip!

Don't play hide and seek
Come out turnip
From the native garden.

We pull, we pull, we can’t pull it out.”
Granddaughter: Eh, it doesn’t work.
We can't cope without Zhuchka.
Bug come here to us

Help me pull the turnip!
Bug: Woof! I don't want to help
I'd rather play!
1,2, 3, 4, 5

Will you play with me?
Children: Yes.
Game "Children and the Wolf" .
Grandfather: Bug, stand up behind me

Help me pull the turnip.
Bug: Played with the kids
I had fun with the game.
Now I'll stand behind you

I’ll work hard for my granddaughter!
They sing a song: “Oh, you are a strong turnip
Don't play hide and seek
Come out turnip

From the native garden.
We pull, we pull, we can’t pull it out.”
Grandma: Not even a crumb
Let's also call the cat.

Granddaughter: I’ll go get her now
I'll see where Murka is.
Kitty kitty... (the cat comes out and fights with the Bug)
Grandma: Bug and Murka make peace

Make better friends while dancing.
Dance "Cat and Bug" .
Grandma: Little kitty, get up back,
Get together in a row.

They sing a song: “Oh, you are a strong turnip
Don't play hide and seek
Come out turnip
From the native garden.

We pull, we pull, we can’t pull it out.”
Grandma: I should click the mouse on the yard.
Cat: Call the mouse?
What a shame!

We are still on our own
Looks like he has a mustache.
The mouse is running.
Grandfather: You little mouse, grab onto the cat's tail,

The cat will grab the bug
The bug will grab hold of his granddaughter
Granddaughter, take hold of your grandmother
So, take her in your arms,

Grandma holds on to grandpa
Well, I’ll take the turnip.
Grandfather: At least with a stubborn bed
The turnip was a strong friend.

But we are a friendly family
They pulled out a turnip!
Grandma: What a turnip! The whole house!
Hey, old man, let's go dance.

We invite you now
All the guys have a happy dance!
Dance of children and fairy tale heroes.
Grandfather and Grandmother: Danced with all their hearts

Eh, guys are good!
They can do everything, sing and dance.
But it's time for us!
Goodbye, kids!

Children say goodbye to the heroes of the fairy tale.

Host: Our meeting is coming to an end.
And there will be day, and there will be evening.
Autumn will prepare a fairy tale again,
And he will come to visit you in kindergarten.

Everything will be bright, everything will be new,

But somewhere in exactly a year.

Let's sing the final autumn song.

Song "Autumn" (Yulia and Sasha T.). The children stand in a semicircle.

Host: And now I invite everyone to the group for tea.

Scenario autumn holiday in the senior preparatory group

With a dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”

Children enter the hall with autumn twigs in their hands, perform a rhythmic composition to A. Chugaikina’s song “Autumn has come,” put the twigs in a vase and stop scattered at the central wall.

Presenter: The sun doesn’t want to warm the earth,
The leaves turned yellow and began to fall off.
It often rains and the birds fly away.
Guess, kids, when does this happen? (autumn)

  1. Swans are lazy

Splashing in the pond

Quiet and beautiful

Autumn in the garden!

2. The stork rinses with its wings -
Flying away, flying away...
Don't hear the cuckoos in the grove,
And the birdhouse was empty.

Song "Skvorushka says goodbye"


Yes, they flew away migratory birds. And with them summer flew away from us.
The time has come for the sorceress - autumn. She came to us and did a great job: she gave beautiful outfits to the trees, and brought a rich harvest to the gardens, orchards and fields.

Multi-colored paints worked for a long time,

Nature turned out beautiful, like in a fairy tale.

All colorful - what a beauty!

Just admire the colors.

1. Autumn has gilded everything,

Everything is golden all around:

And birch and aspen

Golden fire burns

2.You were hanging on a tree

Just this morning.

And now suddenly he flew

With a fair wind.

3 Autumn walks through the gardens,

He walks around and is surprised.

Just like in a fairy tale here and there

All colors change.

4.Thin aspen

They look into the puddles,

There are raindrops on the branches

They hang like beads.

5. Autumn walks through the gardens,

He walks around and wonders...

Just like in a fairy tale, here and there

All colors change!

6. Congratulations to everyone today

Have a wonderful holiday.

And now we will sing for you

Autumn song.

Song "Leaves are falling, falling"

Come on guys, guess my riddle:

The field is wet in the fall,

But the beets are ripe.

And in the September gardens

Lots of apples on the branches. .

What are we collecting for winter?

What do we call it? (Harvest)

Grandma, old grandfather and granddaughter,

Mouse, cat, dog Bug -

Together everyone could do it

Pull it out of the ground.



I want to surprise you -

Invite you all to a fairy tale!

The phonogram sounds: (Clucking chickens, crowing roosters, voices of other domestic animals.)

Russian folk tale"Turnip"


Only morning at the gate -

Grandma gets up earlier than everyone else

And he's busy at the stove:

Bakes rolls.

("grandmother" comes out) - child, performs an action according to the text)

Then the grandfather gets off the stove

And it starts working:

I need to go get some water

And chop some wood.

(performs movements according to the text)

Then Anyuta stood up - her granddaughter.(stretches)

Cat and Bug are friends with her.

(run up to Anyuta: “woof-woof”, “woof-woof, woof”)

They also have a girlfriend -

Little mouse, little gray mouse.

(The mouse runs in a circle,"squeaks")

(All heroes join hands, spin in a round dance, then run away to their places.)

Then the merchant comes to them;

- Russian folk song sounds in the soundtrack"Peddlers" -

Merchant - child: (with a tray - “peddler”)

Hey villagers, come out!

Buy my seeds

There are carrots, lettuce, parsley!

(approaches the “grandmother”)

Do you need seeds, old lady?

"Granny" - child:

Don't tell us fairy tales!

But sell us the turnip!

Child merchant:

Here you go, take it

Plant it right away!

(“grandmother” takes seeds, gives"grandfather" , the merchant leaves)


Grandfather took a shovel - and here

He came to the garden.

Planted a turnip in the ground,

And he asked Anyuta.

(Anyuta runs up)

"Grandfather" - child:

Water our turnips,

Protect from forty!

Anyuta - granddaughter:

I'll look after the turnip,

And I’ll water and loosen.

Anyuta waters a turnip and sings a song:


Girlfriends came here:

Anya! Go out for a walk!

Let's play like yesterday:

Run, jump and gallop.

All the guys are waiting for you

Come out, friends!

(A Russian folk round dance game is being held. “Raven” (A raven is sitting on an oak tree. He plays a trumpet). All children participate. After the game, the children sit down;"Turnip" - the girl remains in place, squats down.)


The sun is shining brightly,

The turnip keeps growing and growing.

So she grew up like this

The turnip is round and big!

Girl - Turnip sings: “The Turnip Song”,


Well, the turnip was born -

It's like the sun has fallen on us!

Everyone hurry up to the garden

A miracle awaits you in the garden!

(Grandfather and Grandmother come out and approach the “Turnip” girl)


What a turnip! Do you hear, Grandfather?

How old am I, how old am I?

But such a harvest

I've never seen


Yes, our big turnip –

We'll make a lot of porridge!

We will invite all neighbors

We'll treat you to some sweet porridge

Hey neighbors, come over

Look at our harvest!


Well, the turnip is just a miracle!

Haven't seen one like this yet

And now for your turnip

Let's all dance together!

General dance

Two fly into the hall magpies - girls fly around Turnip »

1st Soroka:

While the turnip is here in the garden,

We won't starve.

We'll arrive at night

And secretly peck at it!

2nd Soroka

Until we get caught,

Let's fly away quickly now!

"fly away"


I heard that conversation

Our mouse is at the gate.

She squeaked loudly:


Hurry up, here, here!

Our turnip is in trouble!


Bug and Cat come running.

The mouse is waiting for them at Repka


We will protect the turnip,

And punish forty of those!

Everyone speaks together:

Let's stand together around the turnip

We will protect the turnip!

R Russian round dance game: "I'm sitting on a pebble"

I'm sitting on a pebble

I touch the pegs with chalk.

I play with small pegs,

I look after my garden.

So that the turnip is not stolen,

They didn’t run into the garden.

(then sit down,“hid” near the house)\

Two Magpies “arrive”

Magpies talk together:

Well, it's time for us to have lunch,

Taste the sweet turnips!

(Mouse, Cat, Bug are surrounded by Forty)

Cat :

We finally got you!

And now you can't leave!

Magpies say together:

We ask you: let us go,

We won't come again!

We tell you honestly!


Everyone ran to the noise fast :

Grandfather and Grandmother and Anyuta.

Forty thieves were reprimanded

They shook their fingers together.

And then they forgave me.

The turnip has long been ripe -

Everyone got down to business together!

You magpies, don't yawn,

Help together too!

They quickly lined up.

We took hold of each other tightly -

Here I stretched out Turnip!

(all heroes line up to bow)

Presenter: (carries a pot of porridge)

Porridge with boiled turnips,

All the neighbors were fed.

(all fairy tale heroes bow)

Any Russian folk melody sounds(phonogram)


This is where the tale ends, and well done to those who listened!

We watched the fairy tale, we sang the songs, but Autumn did not come to visit. Let's call her all together!

Children: Autumn, Autumn, we invite you to visit us!

Autumn is coming , with a basket of red apples.

Autumn :

Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello autumn to you, friends!

I dressed everything up,

The dark forest has been enriched!

It became as bright as day,

The leaves there are burning with fire!

I am generous with beauty - golden autumn!

And also rich - a miracle - in harvest

Get up in the circle quickly,

Sing a song together

Round dance song: “Aunt Autumn”,

music and lyrics by N. Orlova, magazine"Musical Director" No. 6-2011 (after the round dance the children sit down)


Autumn , we've been waiting for you,

Come play with us.

Autumn :

With great pleasure. I brought my colorful leaves for you,

let's decorate my colorful one with them"carpet" , I'll take it as a souvenir

Any “Autumn Waltz” sounds , under it children stick leaves on whatman paper.

Autumn :

How beautiful it turned out! Well done, guys!

Let's play some more? I brought vegetables and fruits, but they all got mixed up on the way. Help me sort them.

Autumn holds an attraction: “Separate vegetables from fruits”

Autumn :How well we played together! But it’s time for me to return to my forest, I still have a lot of work left. And as a farewell, I want to treat you to these wonderful magic apples. Eat for your health!


AUTUMN Everyone worked hard today

We had a lot of fun!

Our loaf is ready -

I invite everyone to the table!!!

I brought a treat

Let the fun continue.

Children :

You are generous with beauty,
Autumn is golden!
And also rich
Miracle - harvest!

Autumn! Glorious time!
Children love autumn.
Plums, pears, grapes -
Everything is ripe for the guys!

Autumn walks along the village:
Hospitable, cheerful!
Bring us melons
Blue eggplants
Fat-bellied pumpkins,
Sweet watermelons!

Early autumn is a bright time, inspiring poets to write heartfelt lines. But after gentle September comes slushy October and dank November. Nature is preparing for rest: the days are getting shorter and the sky is getting darker gray clouds. Students sit at their desks, sadly remembering the sunny days of summer. It's time to spend interesting event called " Autumn ball"or "Autumn Symphony", the decoration of which can be school skits about autumn.

"Yeralash" to help

If the school does not have a drama club, skits can be taken from finished form- from the children's "Jumble" for example. Most children do not have acting talent, but they can imitate remarkably well. This is not bad: to become a master, you first need to master the craft. Viewers will be doubly interested: they will be able to enjoy not only the funny plot, but also the transformation of their classmates. Many issues of a children's magazine perfectly show the beginning academic year and autumn chores. You can use early stories that have not been shown on television for a long time.

Autumn is the time for hiking in the forest and picking mushrooms. Do the guys know how to collect them? “Mushrooms” - a sketch about autumn. they will be happy to role-play her, and the audience, represented by parents and classmates, will laugh at the unlucky hero.


A boy in the forest collects mushrooms with exclamations: “Well, wow!”, “But here’s a whole family!” In a few minutes, the basket is completely filled with the gifts of the forest. Tired, he walks, leaning on a stick, towards the stop. Two girls his age are waiting for the bus. They look at each other slyly and talk to each other.

First girl: Wow! I picked up some toadstools.

Second girl: And why does he need them?

Boy (thinks and asks with interest): Are you local? Do you understand about mushrooms?

Both girls (almost in unison): Certainly! We are from this village, we can help.

The boy hands them a basket, and the girls, one after another, throw all the mushrooms onto the ground with the words: “Oh, toadstool!”, “And one more!” The bus is coming. The boy pours the remaining mushrooms onto the ground and jumps onto the step with the empty container. The bus is leaving. The girls pull out baskets from the bushes and begin to collect scattered mushrooms.

First girl: Wow! How lucky!

Second girl: Yeah! Another naive one!

A skit about autumn is funny if the children manage to convey the intrigue after the heroes of “Jumble”.

Fairy tales

The amazing role of fairy tales. Why?

  • This is the easiest way to experience life.
  • Through the relationships of the characters, children learn what friendship, deception, meanness, and love are.
  • There are no halftones in fairy tales: the hero is either positive or negative, which is easier to understand.
  • The total victory of good instills confidence in children.
  • Belief in the good becomes the main principle of life.
  • Through fairy tales, children learn the wisdom of centuries.

Therefore, it’s very cool if a fairy tale is a scene about autumn. Primary school- that period when it is through allegory that it is easier to convey educational points to children. For a fall event, a traditional piece can be remade for added interest.



We open the curtain.

Once. And two. And three!

New one about turnips

Look at the fairy tale.

One day in spring

Our grandfather has not forgotten

And in the garden

I planted a turnip.

Autumn has come.


All your family

Grandpa started calling.

Grandfather (grandmother):

Dear wife,

Come out and help.

The turnip was born

It's like it's inside.


What are you doing, grandpa?

Did something fall from an oak tree?

I should dig in the ground

The manicure was in the way!

I'm also now

I'm in a hurry to get a massage.

Granddaughter is on the Internet.

I'm leaving!


Grandfather bravely

He's calling his granddaughter.

And in response he hears...


The number will not work!

I still need lessons

Do it for two hours.

Sadness set in

There's a streak in life!

Well, Bug will have to

I'll call you instead.


Why do I need a turnip?

It's time for me to go for a walk!

Well, all that's left is Murka

Just ask.


And I want to sleep,

How could you forget?

Concerts at night

I love to give.

And now I need

Lie down for an hour or two!


And alone left

Our grandfather was sad.

Even about a mouse

Out of grief, he forgot.

And that rodent is small

He took it and ran.


What happened, grandpa?

Did I hear, emergency?

You and I are great

We can handle it together.

The song "Hey, let's whoop!"

We'll sing now.

(They pulled out the turnip and found a bag).



What kind of nonsense is this?

Look, a bag of gold!

This is a miracle garden!

A skit for schoolchildren about autumn will be interesting for children of any age if it has an unexpected ending. The following ending is proposed:

We are now, my little mouse,

Let's live together with you!

(Everyone is running after grandfather).

All in chorus:

Forgive us grandpa

This is all for the last time.

Let us start life again

We will help you spend it!


Grandfather forgave

Yes, only him

I took all the money...

To the orphanage!

The scene about autumn is dedicated to the theme of the harvest, so it will be relevant at any autumn event.

For middle management

Autumn is the beginning of the school year. The guys met with classmates after the holidays, so it is very important to talk about friendship at the holiday. The proposed sketch “In the Autumn Forest” has a completely unexpected ending. Costume performances are interesting for younger teenagers, so the mini-play is based on an allegory that will require dressing up. The costumes should not completely match the image; just a hint is needed, which will make the viewing more interesting. At first glance, the scene about autumn does not look funny, but rather philosophical. Here the right mood will be created by the acting, in which there is no tragedy. Some pathos in the voice and detachment will cause positive emotions and a smile. And the final scene will do the rest.

For a mini-performance you need three actors: the leader and two wolves - a wise old man and a young leader. In a mass scene, several participants act as a pack.

"In the autumn forest"

Leading: The old wolf, the leader of the pack, on a slushy autumn morning did not feel the strength to lead others on a hunt. He nominated a young leader, remaining in the thicket in anticipation of prey.

Young leader: Don't be sad, we won't return empty-handed in the morning.

Leading: Morning came, and the elder saw a flock descending from the hillock. The wolves were with prey, but with bloody muzzles and paws.

Elder: What's happened? You're all covered in blood!

Young leader: We met seven hunters, fought with them and won, wisest one.

Elder: Well... now you can replace me in everything. Tomorrow you will lead the pack again.

Leading: In the evening, the flock went hunting again, and the old man waited for the wolves in the forest. The next morning he saw one young leader descending from the hill without prey. His whole face was covered in blood.

Elder: What happened, where is the pack?

Young leader: The pack is no more, oh wisest one! We ran into people again!

Elder: And how many were there?

Young leader: Three!

Elder: How so? Yesterday there were seven hunters, but you were able to defeat them. And today there are only three, but the whole flock died! Were they armed with a gun?

Young leader: No, they had no weapons at all. Three schoolchildren collected a herbarium. But they turned out to be... friends!

This is a very unpredictable scene about autumn. The funny ending in no way detracts from the important content it conveys.

For high school

School years are a wonderful period. This is not only a time of academic success and failure, but also the experience of disagreements with teachers, finding friends and falling in love for the first time. Textbooks and notebooks, lessons and breaks, homework and school holidays, is the fabric from which school life is woven. In high school, educational and professional activities come first, but students are especially sensitive to activities that allow them to reveal their other talents and express themselves in front of the opposite sex. The autumn ball is one of the most beautiful holidays, where the queen of the ball is chosen, the guys show their dancing skills. Therefore, a skit about autumn would be appropriate, switching the participants to the musical part of the holiday.

If you have creative high school students, you can write the script yourself. The main thing is to have a team of those who will feel confident on stage and will be able to dilute the anxiety of participants in various competitions by adding positive mood. An example would be a scenario called “Autumn Syndrome.” This universal scene, which can be shown to both parents and younger children.

Skits about autumn for high school students: “Autumn Syndrome”

Participants: two doctors and a patient - a high school student.

First doctor: How are you?

Second doctor: The student was admitted here alone, diagnosed with “Autumn Syndrome.” I just can't figure it out...

First: I understand...Is your body aching?

Second: No... this one has the blues.

First: I quickly cured one of these. I turned on Malakhov’s program right in the ward, and after the second one he began asking to go home. He says: better autumn slush than a brain explosion.

Second: The method is not bad, but my patient, I suspect, won’t even look at the screen.

First: Well, then the universal remedy is castor oil...

Second: I tried it. It helps, but not for long.

First: What about sweets?

Second: He fed me chocolates.

First: Well, where is he? ( The orderlies take out a patient who is muttering poetry about autumn...) Listen, maybe he should have some Rastishki?

(The scene about autumn will be funny if the patient manages to play apathy).

Second: If only you mix mustard in there.

Patient: And it doesn’t matter to me: with or without mustard...

First: Did you give him toys?

Patient: I haven't played since the tenth grade...

Second: Maybe try Rammstein? A strong remedy. ( Music is playing. The patient gets scared and hides behind a chair).

First: ABOUT! At least he reacts. He needs music. Just have fun. ( Cheerful music sounds. Everyone starts dancing).

Second: This is the medicine he should be prescribed. For every day!

If you need a short sketch about autumn

There are situations when you need a very small miniature on the theme of autumn (KVN, humor evening). It should be fun and original, so more important than the content are those ideas that can make you want to improvise. We can offer:

  • The creative process of writing an autumn poem... A. S. Pushkin.
  • An unexpected meeting in the autumn forest with talking leaves, animals, trees.
  • I will meet with an alien who needs to explain what autumn is.
  • Writing from life.
  • School scenes in September days.

Roll call in a class where half the students are missing is a scene about autumn. The funny situation is based on the fact that high school students will not get involved in the educational process.

Teacher: Ivanov?

Answer from class: And he was exempted from exams, why should he go to school?

Teacher: Petrov?

Answer from class: And he had a headache, so he went to the first aid station. And Sidorov, Popov, Gorokhov, Nikolaev and Vertushkin took him there.

Events are very important, and funny skits will help overcome that slight blues that everyone experiences on cloudy days.

Scenario for an autumn holiday for children 6-7 years old “WELCOMES YOU BY THE AUTUMN TV STUDIO”

Target: Activate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. To develop interest in natural phenomena and objects, to encourage children to convey expressively characteristic features various characters, their emotional experiences and moods.
Preliminary work: learning poems, songs, conversations about animals, about people’s work in the fall, looking at illustrations, reading works of art about plants and animals.
Characters: Presenter (teacher), Zucchini, turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse, boletus mushroom, hare, bear, hedgehog, squirrel, fox (children).
Attributes:; masks of animals, vegetables, mushrooms, umbrellas for dancing, mushrooms for playing, carrots and pine cones, a tree with apples, a basket with mushrooms, a house.
Scenery: Festive hall decorated in autumn, Beds with carrots, Vegetable garden with turnips, Autumn trees, leaves, stump.
Presenter: And again the autumn leaf covers the earth,
And again Queen Autumn decorates our garden.
We all celebrate the holiday here
And we invite the guys to the hall.
1.Music. The children come in and take their places.
1 child: There is one country in the world,
Can't find another one like this
Not marked on the map
After all, the size is small.
2child: But he lives in that glorious country
Wonderful people
And wherever you look,
A friend is walking next to you.
3child: This is a riddle, such a riddle,
You can’t guess right away
Tell us the answer,
Where can we look for that country?
4child: You say he lives there,
Wonderful people
Having fun and playing
All day and all year round!
5 child: Where is it? What is this?
Why, this is
All children: Kindergarten!
Presenter: Autumn holiday dropped by
to kindergarten,
To please both adults and children.
2.Song: “Autumn Reflection.” (L.A. Starchenko)
1 buy
Autumn has come to us, summer has already passed.
We will ask her “you extend the warmth”
The leaves are flying around, rustling underfoot
The rain sees the children off to kindergarten
Autumn gave us a colorful rainbow,
I covered the whole road with a carpet of leaves,
And the rain won’t stop knocking outside the window
And we really want to walk outside.
2 buys
The mushrooms are hidden, there are no berries in sight.
We can only collect leaves.
And we’ll bring our colorful bouquet to the kindergarten,
We'll get caught in the rain, maybe we'll grow up.
Child: How beautiful everything is all around
Golden autumn day
Yellow leaves are flying
They rustle underfoot.

Child.Summer flew by quickly,
The wind rustled
Autumn is looking out our window,
Frequent rain knocks.

Presenter. Oh guys, it's autumn rain
There was a knock on our window.
Both girls and boys
He sent them home.
3. SONG "RAIN" (M. Parukhaladze)
Drip, drip, knock, knock, knock there was a knock on the glass
It was the rain that woke up all the kids in the morning.
2 buys
Drip, drip, dong, dong, dong, the drops began to ring.
If you go out for a walk, don't forget to take an umbrella.
3 buy
Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, the rain has a cheerful disposition
Tomorrow morning, we will go for a walk again in the rain.

Girl 1. Colored umbrellas all around
Opened up in the rain.
Someone's boots started up
Run from the rain.

Girl 2..In vain mother gasped
It's raining, so be it.
I'm not made of sugar at all
I'm not afraid to melt.

Presenter And now we ask everyone to take a look
To the studio of the "Autumn" channel.
And now we find out
What's in store for us in autumn?
5. Musical intro "C" good morning» (Zucchini COMES OUT)
Presenter.IN live- vegetable garden. Our correspondent Zucchini is in touch. Vegetable garden, can you hear us? How are you?

Zucchini. I walked around the entire garden
I didn't find anyone.
Everyone left me.
Where is all my family?
Cucumbers and tomatoes
Salted in jars,
And cabbage and carrots
The cellar was closed.
The earth will rest
In vegetable gardens and fields.

Presenter. Did anything interesting happen in your garden?
Zucchini. It was in September, autumn had arrived.
Grandfather goes to the garden to see what is growing there?
Fairy tale "TURNIP ON A NEW WAY"
Turnip. Respected among the people
I'm growing in the garden.
That's how big I am!
How good am I!
Sweet and strong -
I'm called a turnip.
To you with such a beauty
There's no way to cope. (sits on the garden bed)
7.Musicrus. adv. "Mistress" comes out Grandfather.
Grandfather. Oh, I'm tired today. Where is all my family?
My granddaughter, like all children, got lost on the Internet.
The bug and the cat, the trouble is, they ran away in all directions.
The mouse was digging around here and where did it go?
Grandfather. What a miracle! This is how big the turnip has grown.
Grandfather. No, you won’t vomit, that’s a shame! You need to call your grandmother for help.
Grandma, hey, run here, help me pull the turnip.
Music exit grandma
Grandma. Grandfather, I don’t have time today, your garden will wait.
In the program about health, Komarovsky talks. (leaves)

Grandfather. Granddaughter, run here, help me pull the turnip!
Music granddaughter's exit
Granddaughter. No, grandpa, it's almost evening. I have a meeting on the site.
I’ll run to the computer and help you tomorrow.
(granddaughter leaves)
Grandfather. Hey, Barbos, run here, help me pull the turnip.
Music output of the watchdog

Barbos. I really want to help. I just can’t do it right now.
I'm afraid I'll be late for the dog show today. (leaves)
Grandfather. Kitty, run here and help me pull the turnip.
Music the cat's way out
Cat. Grandpa, I have no time for turnips. I rarely rest these days.
I'm filming an advertisement, now you can handle it yourself. (leaves)
Grandfather. Well, are you, little mouse, still gnawing on a book for breakfast?
It's not tasty after all.
Mouse. Grandfather, chewing books is harmful.
The book, pay attention, is about healthy eating.
Grandfather. The turnip has grown big. I don’t know what to do with her.
Mouse. Turnip! This is wonderful! There are a lot of vitamins in turnips.
They will be enough for a year for you and the whole family.
Mouse. Let's wait a little longer. Here comes a dog with a cat.
Cat. Oh, how tired I am!
Dog. There is no strength left.
Cat. How hard the work of models is.
Dog. Snacks and fast food will not bring you any good.
Granddaughter. Something is dazzled in my eyes, my head hurts badly.
There’s no strength at all, it’s like...
Grandfather. The computer has knocked you down.
Grandma. They said on TV: eat more vegetables.
Well, why are you standing here?
Let's pull the turnip quickly!

Grandfather. They stood up one after another!
Together we took the turnip!
We pull, we pull, we pulled out the turnip.
Grandma. The turnip is just a sight for sore eyes.
People are surprised by everything.
Presenter. Thank you sir zucchini. It's late autumn outside. Both people and animals are preparing for winter, making supplies and thanking Autumn every day for her gifts. We turn on the forest. Our correspondent Grib Borovik is in touch. Les, can you hear me? How are you?
14. Sounds of the forest.
Mushroom. The fields have long been mown,
And the earth will sleep until spring.
But he doesn't sleep autumn forest:
It's full of miracles!
Leading: So the forest animals are preparing their winter supplies. And the Bear walks through the forest, smiling.
14 sounds of the forest.
A Hare appears with a basket near the house, collecting carrots from the garden bed.
I planted carrots
Raised her for rabbits.
Hares love it in the evening
Nibble carrots at the table.
The Bear enters to the music.
Bear. Hello, Kosoy, what are you doing?
Hare. Hello, grandfather Misha!
I'm picking carrots
So as not to starve in winter.
I have a lot of carrots
I can give you some!
How quickly the summer flew by
It's time for me to get down to business.
I, Hare, will help you,
I'll pick my own carrots!
Hare. I don’t mind, I have a lot of it!
The bear pulls the carrots and soon gets tired of it. He throws carrots into the garden bed.
I'm bored of carrying carrots
I'll go for a walk in the forest!
Goodbye, Kosoy!
Hare. Goodbye, grandfather!
(The bear went into the forest.
The hare leaves with a basket of carrots.)

17.Song. Autumn in the forest.
Autumn, autumn, autumn,
She came to us again.
Autumn, autumn, autumn
It's a wonderful time.
Parks and gardens are dressed in gold,
Autumn, autumn we waited impatiently.
2 buys
And in the forest it is wonderfully simply beautiful,
And the path stretches straight to the pond.
Berries hang on the branches of viburnum,
Honey mushroom caps are hiding behind the stump1
3 buy
A squirrel in a clearing is gnawing on cones,
A barefoot hedgehog walks through the forest.
On the hedgehog's back there are apples, rowings,
Do you really love the Hedgehog's gifts?
(The hedgehog answers)Yes, yes I love, yes, yes I love.
A Bear is wandering through the forest. A Hedgehog comes towards him, carrying apples on his back.
Bear. Hello, Hedgehog, what are you talking about?
Hedgehog. Hello, grandfather Misha!
I am a prickly gray hedgehog
I have two pairs of legs
We need to pick apples
So as not to starve in winter.
Bear. And I want apples!
Hedgehog. So go and pick some apples!
The bear approaches the apple tree and tries to reach the apples.
How can I get apples?
So as not to tear the fur coat?
They hang high
They are looking at me.
Maybe I should break a branch,
Pick apples from a branch?
What are you saying, Misha? You can't do that!
All living things are our friends!
Bear. And that's true! I don't need these apples.
The hedgehog leaves and the bear sits on a stump.
Squirrel appears with a basket of mushrooms.
Bear. Hello, Squirrel! What's in your basket?
Squirrel. Hello, grandfather Misha!
I haven't been lazy all summer,
Worked well:
Jumped between the fir trees
And I collected mushrooms.
Maybe I should pick some mushrooms?
With them New Year meet?
Squirrel. Try it, Grandpa Misha.
The bear is trying to “collect” mushrooms.
Bear. I won’t pick mushrooms, they are so small, I can’t see them! And my back hurt to bend over!
Squirrel. You can't take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
Bear. I don't need these mushrooms! Goodbye, Squirrel! (leaves)
Squirrel. Guys, do you want to collect mushrooms? (Yes)
The bear sits on a stump with his head down.
Children play collect mushrooms blindfolded.
The music appears and the fox sings along and dances to the beat of the melody.
Fox. Why are you sad, Misha? What kind of sadness is bothering you?
Bear Oh, is that you, red-haired cheat?
Are you still singing and dancing smartly?
Why are you sitting, Mishenka,
Are you looking at me askance?
Well, quickly get up,
Start singing with me!
They perform a Russian folk song. Autumn. Group "Rays".
The leaves turned yellow, the birds flew away.
In autumn, autumn, autumn, /autumn.
Puddles on the road, cold on the doorstep, /autumn/3r.
Warm boots will not get your feet wet./Autumn/3r.
Gloomy weather, Sad nature./Autumn/3r.
Fox: Well, how has your sadness gone?
Let's go, Mishenka, to collect my harvest.
Bear. What's your harvest like?
Fox. The best. All summer I raised, fed, cherished a chicken and a cockerel. She didn’t finish her food or finish her drink.
Bear. Where is the harvest?
Fox (pushing Bear to the fence near the house)
Fox: You trust me, Bear.
Try not to make noise!
Open the door to the chicken coop,
Quickly grab the chicken!
Bear; I don't need any harvest.
I’ll go to the den, I’ll lie there all winter and suck a paw.
The bear leaves. Other animals appear
Animals together. Everyone knows: “You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.”
Surprise moment. Relay game
A relay race is being held, two teams are bunnies and squirrels. Near each team there are baskets, and at the bottom of the baskets there are apples covered with autumn leaves, a surprise for the children. At a distance from the teams, there are attributes in the hoop: carrots and cones. The first child in the team wears a BUNNY hat, the other a SQUIRREL hat. On the command: ONE, TWO, THREE - START THE GAME, the children run for the corresponding attribute. At the end of the relay, the children look at what they have collected and find a surprise - apples. Children sort out the apples and sit on chairs.

Musical fairy tale "Turnip". Scenario for an autumn holiday for kindergarten. Senior group

Purpose of the holiday: develop the perception of a musical plot; promote emotional responsiveness, joy, passion.

Holiday objectives: develop children's musical abilities; instill a love for the folk repertoire; achieve confidence and activity in execution; develop children's sensitivity to transformation.

The Russian folk melody “In the garden, in the vegetable garden” sounds, children come out to it, Grandfather and Baba are in front.

Grandfather and Baba - children, perform the dance "Sudarushka", a Russian folk melody. Then all the children sing the song “Once upon a time,” music by A. Pakhmutova.

Look, people

We have a vegetable garden!


Let's get down to business,

May everything be ready by autumn!

The gardeners come out.

1st child.

Tomatoes, onions, lettuce,

We plant cucumbers in a row.

2nd child.

So that the beds are thick, -

We will plant cabbage here.

3rd child.

Here we will plant potatoes,

Eggplants and carrots.

Gardeners take children wearing vegetable caps and “plant” them on stumps in the center of the hall.

I’ll tell you one more thing, friends:

I'll plant a turnip!

They “plant” a turnip - a girl in a yellow sundress.

Around the turnip they perform the round dance-song “Turnip” (arranged by Iordansky).

1st child.

We'll put a scarecrow in the garden,

We'll make you keep order!

An adult Scarecrow comes out to Russian folk music.

2nd child.

In the garden, a scarecrow pulled his hat down,

He waves his sleeves and seems to be dancing!


I am a Scarecrow - I have been assigned to guard,

So that the birds don't fly,

So as not to peck vegetables.

Blue scarf on a stick,

So that they are afraid of jackdaws!

Performance of the song-game “Scarecrow”, French folk game.


I will drive everyone away from the garden,

And I’ll quickly put things in order!

It scares the children and they run away to their places.


Vegetables do not grow on their own in a garden.

Caring for them requires a lot of work!

To the music “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden,” gardeners imitate digging up vegetables, loosening, and watering.

A girl-granddaughter comes out with buckets.


I am a river driver

I'll water the garden.

And about our river

I'll sing you a song!

The song “River” by Abramov is playing. For the introduction, children play pipes and whistles.

Time goes by quickly

The garden is ripening!


Here's a tomato in the garden

He grew up very sweet.

Two cucumbers (together).

The cucumbers are already ripe -

Well done Greens!


And the potatoes, and the potatoes

He was born very large!

I'm growing in the garden

Everyone knows me,

I'm good for teeth

All of you eat me!


You will really like it

The taste of fragrant eggplant!


How delicious

Crispy cabbage leaf!


Vitamins again and again

Ripe carrots give!


All vegetables are important

And all people need it so much!

All children sing the song “There is a vegetable garden near the house,” music by E. Botyarov.

The song is performed in a round dance, the children curl a “snake” during the chorus, then unwind it.


You didn't work in vain,

It's time to play.

Take more baskets

Bend over, don't spare your back.

Who will collect the most vegetables?

Then, friends, he will rest!

The game “Who can move vegetables from the garden home faster?”

A child in a Bug costume runs out.


I'm called the dog Bug,

I have a squiggly tail

I caress my grandfather and grandmother,

I'm barking...

Zhuchka performs Popatenko's song "Zhuchka's Song".

A child comes out dressed as a Cat.


And I'm a beautiful cat

I can meow and sing a little.

These days are autumn

I sing only modern songs!

The cat sings the song “Purlyka” (Morozov’s music), all the children sing along with the chorus and the last verse.


Here the mouse ran,

She waved her tail at the cat.

A child dressed in a Mouse costume runs out.

The Mouse performs “The Mouse’s Song”, music by Portnov.


Mouse, ears pricked up

And run away from the cat,

Hide in your hole,

Otherwise the cat will eat you!

Russian folk game "Cat and Mouse".

The mouse runs away from the cat, out of breath, and then the cat grabs the mouse’s hand.


No, I'm not an easy cat

And I don’t eat mice at all,

It's better to dance with a mouse,

To make it more fun!

Dance of the cat and mouse “Pair Polka”, Czech folk melody.

1st child.

The turnip was also growing,

She became taller than her grandparents.

Turnip performs the song “I’m lying under the sun”, to the music of Gladkov.

1st child.

We planted turnips in the spring,

Everyone grew, watered,

And by autumn she

That's how much she has grown!

2nd child.

Grandfather pulls - pulls,

Can't pull it out.

Grandfather calls grandma

To run without looking back.

To pull out a turnip for us -

Hold on to me tightly!

1st child.

Grandma and grandpa are old people,

They can't handle turnips.

Grandfather and grandmother called their granddaughter.

All children.

They pull, they pull, but they cannot pull.

2nd child.

We need to call Zhuchka for help,

Help grandfather, woman and granddaughter!



The turnip was born to glory

And stuck firmly in the ground.

Nothing sweet with turnips -

Here you need a cat to help!

All children. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull!

1st child.

There's some skipping here

Mouse runs out!


As you wish, yes or no,

I'll give you one piece of advice:

All of you, friends, need

Temper yourself more

Exercise in the morning

We need to study.

Here I am, a little mouse,

But I am friendly with sports.

I'll lead you with my tail,

I'll help grandma and grandpa! (Wags his tail.)

Old people and all the kids

Must do physical exercises!

All children perform “Zverobik”.

Scarecrow. One after another they stood up again.

All. One, two - they took it! - 2 times.

2nd child.

Hold on tight to grandpa -

So they pulled out the turnip.

Everyone forms a round dance and sings:

Like on turnip’s name day

We baked a loaf

Loaf, loaf,

Whoever you want - choose!

The turnip is in the center of the circle, the Cook chooses.

Cook(with a saucepan).

For our guys

Let's make porridge from turnips,

They'll get sick of porridge

Children are stronger and more beautiful!

1st child.

In a deep bowl

Let's give porridge to the pussy!

2nd child.

And a little more porridge

Let's put it in a bowl for the dog!

Grandma and grandfather.

Eat, eat, help yourself

And get better from porridge!


Now let's pour some tea,

Let's start eating pies!

Song “Let's go through the raspberries to the garden”, music by A. Filippenko.

1st child.

The vegetables are ripe

The leaves have turned yellow

The kids are having fun -

Autumn has come to visit us!

Everyone sings the song “Motley Snowstorm”, music by Tilicheeva.

2nd child.

And to the joy of all the guys

We'll dance a merry dance!

Free dance to Russian folk music. Children pretend to be having fun.


We ate porridge, played,

They sang songs and danced.

Our fairy tale ends

Well done to everyone who listened!

Russian folk music is playing, children are drinking tea and pies.