The most sensitive pregnancy test before missed period. Review of the best pregnancy tests

The question that worries all women - am I pregnant or not - can now be answered within a few days after fertilization. This became possible thanks to the advent of highly sensitive pregnancy tests.

Many people do not know which test will show before the delay, and buy several from different manufacturers at once. But in reality, you need to pay attention to the level of hCG, to which this test is sensitive. The earliest result can be obtained with test strips that have the number 10 units on them. But mostly you can see 25 on the shelves; this level of hCG will appear later.

Determining pregnancy by test before delay

Many people doubt whether it is possible to do the test before the delay and whether it will show anything? They say that in order to carry out the manipulation correctly, only morning urine is necessary, because it contains the maximum content of hCG, which is detectable. But experience shows. That it is enough not to drink for several hours and refrain from going to the toilet so that the urine becomes concentrated and shows the desired result.

If a regular test strip is used, then to develop the reagent, it must be lowered into a vessel with urine for a few seconds and, after waiting 3-5 minutes, check the result. One line indicates that the test is okay and was carried out correctly, but there is no pregnancy. If the strip remains clean, then the manipulation must be repeated with a new strip.

When we see a bright or pale pink stripe, it means there is pregnancy. Color doesn't matter much. But if instead of the second stripe a transparent ghost stripe appears, which is sometimes visible or not visible depending on the lighting or viewing angle, then most likely this is a reagent, which means the result is negative.

The test result before a missed period can also be determined using a jet test. It is convenient because it does not require a container to collect urine, and it itself is placed under the stream and shows the result in a special window.

The latest achievements of science in this area are test cassettes. They have a special window into which you drop urine using the included pipette. And after a certain time you can see the result on the screen. In addition to the treasured plus sign, even the week of pregnancy is indicated.

All these devices have equal capabilities and are equally likely to help in determining pregnancy with a test before the delay.

From what day after conception until a missed period can a test be performed?

But when will the test show pregnancy before the delay? From what day can you start doing it? As soon as the embryo strengthens in the uterus, a specific hormone begins to be produced in the woman’s body. As you know, the hCG level doubles every two days. In non-pregnant women, its norm is from 0 to 5 units.

We cannot know on what day it happened. Was ovulation on time or did it go wrong? And accordingly, you can only count based on average statistical indicators - that is, a week before the expected delay, a pregnancy test can already be carried out.

If the test result obtained before the delay is positive, this does not mean 100% pregnancy. After all, various diseases and even hormonal imbalances can give false hope. It is better to confirm the information obtained with an ultrasound examination in a couple of weeks or in the laboratory.

When the test that determines pregnancy before the delay is negative, do not despair. Perhaps the level of the pregnancy hormone is still too low, and it can be repeated in a few more days when the hCG doubles. Well, if you really can’t wait to find out if you are pregnant, then it is better to go to a laboratory where a blood test is carried out, in which the level of hCG is higher than in the urine.

Ladies whose plans include adding to their family as quickly as possible often begin taking pregnancy tests a couple of days after ovulation in the hope of a second (at least weak) line. But there are reasons why such results cannot be considered reliable. Without understanding the physiology of the onset of pregnancy and the operating principle of test systems, it will not be easy to understand when to start testing and which tests to choose in order to get accurate results.

What happens after fertilization?

In order for conception to take place, you need to wait until ovulation - only during this short period is a woman capable of fertilization. Coming out of the follicle the egg lives only 24–36 hours, and it is during this period that it can merge with the sperm. Sexual intercourse can be carried out both before and during the ovulation phase. Sperm live longer (up to 3-5 days), and therefore can “wait” until the egg leaves the follicle and becomes available for fusion.

As soon as one of the sperm penetrates the oocyte membrane, it becomes impermeable to the remaining “applicants”, and other sperm gradually die. And the “lucky” one casts off his tail, and the nuclei of the germ cells begin to merge, resulting in the formation of a new cell with its own set of DNA of 46 chromosomes, which contains all the information about what the child will be like: his gender, skin color, eyes, hair, growth and even abilities and talents.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the average value occurs frequently, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

You can definitely determine the day of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.

The new cell is called a zygote, and the process of its formation takes up to 12 hours, after which it slowly fragments over three days and at the same time moves through the tube to the uterine cavity. It is set in motion by the villi and contractions of the muscles of the fallopian tube, which literally push the cell forward.

On the 4th day after conception, your baby, who has become a morula, ends up in the uterus. He remains free swimming for another 1–2 days, approximately on days 7–8 after ovulation, it manages to attach to the endometrium. It sticks and gradually sinks into the endometrial layer. This process is called implantation. It lasts about 40 hours. Then the chorionic villi connect with the blood vessels of the mother’s body, the baby, which has become a blastocyst, begins to receive nutrition from the woman’s blood, and a special hormone, hCG, begins to enter the female body. It is produced by the same chorionic villi, hence the name - human chorionic gonadotropin.

Concentrations of the substance increase gradually, doubling every two days. This hormone plays a vital role - it maintains the working state of the corpus luteum formed on the ovary after the rupture of the follicle, due to which the corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone, a hormone necessary and indispensable for the continuation of pregnancy.

If there was no conception or implantation was unsuccessful, the corpus luteum dies a couple of days before the start of the next menstruation, and menstrual bleeding begins against the background of a sharp decrease in progesterone. But during pregnancy, progesterone levels must remain high, and this is what hCG provides.

How the tests work

There are different types of pregnancy tests. But regardless of what their price is or who the manufacturer is, the principle of operation of such systems is the same. A special reagent is applied to the test area, which is sensitive to the hCG hormone. And as soon as enough of it accumulates in the urine(greater than the sensitivity threshold of the test system), the long-awaited second strip appears. Most often, such tests have the designation HCG, but there may also be the following labeling options - FSHA, GPHa, LHA.

In women outside of pregnancy, as well as in men, hCG can be detected, but in such small quantities that pregnancy tests are not recognized in principle, that is, their systems cannot detect them. Another thing is when pregnancy occurs after successful implantation - the amount of hCG first increases in the blood, and only then begins to be “caught” in the urine.

That is why the information content of tests before the delay is low. The quantitative indicators of the hormone must reach a certain level in order for the test’s sensitivity threshold to allow it to show you a second strip, and this requires a certain time.

Increase in the amount of hCG

Before a woman becomes pregnant, the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in her blood does not exceed 0–5 mU/ml. Accordingly, there is even less of it in urine. If conception does occur and implantation takes place, then for the first time the hormone concentration will exceed the above values ​​approximately 2–3 days after the embryo attaches to the endometrium of the uterus. If we assume that implantation took place on time (the average statistical value is 7 days after ovulation), then the hormone level will change as follows:

  • 7 DPO - 2–10 mU/ml;
  • 8 DPO - 3–18 mU/ml;
  • 9 DPO - 5–21 mU/ml;
  • 10 DPO - 8–26 mU/ml;
  • 11 DPO - 11–45 mU/ml;
  • 12 DPO - 17–65 mU/ml;
  • 13 DPO - 22–105 mU/ml;
  • 14 DPO - 29–170 mU/ml.

On the first day of the delay, usually the hormone level is already “solid” - from 39 to 270 mU/ml, and errors during testing are practically eliminated.

But the values ​​we have given will tell a woman little if she does not know at what amount of hCG the tests begin to “strip”, that is, we should talk about the sensitivity threshold of the test systems.


A more accurate way to determine pregnancy before a delay is a blood test for hCG, which can be done in any clinic, because the quantitative indicators of human chorionic gonadotropin initially increase only in the blood, and only then appear in the urine. A blood test 3 days after implantation may show a value from 8 to 26 mU/ml, which will clearly indicate that pregnancy has occurred, since these values ​​exceed the “non-pregnant” norm of 0–5 mU/ml.

Pregnancy tests, widely available not only in pharmacies, but also at supermarket checkouts, have different susceptibility(depending on the amount and type of reagent on the test area). The highest sensitivity systems have a sensitivity level of 10 mU/ml, and the lowest sensitivity - 30 mU/ml. Strip strips with sensitivity to the hormone in urine in amounts of 20–25 mU/ml are usually found on sale.

Do not forget that tests are created to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, where it increases later than in the blood. Above are the values ​​for the blood test. Thus, the test manufacturers are not lying at all; they say that a woman can use their products with high accuracy only 14–15 days after ovulation, that is, with the onset of the delay.

There are many cases when the test shows a second weak line earlier if, for example, a woman produces hCG at the upper limit of normal or during a multiple pregnancy. But manufacturers do not provide any guarantees regarding the information content and reliability of tests conducted before the delay. If you really can’t wait, you can do a home test (the most sensitive) 2-3 days before the delay. It is possible that the second weak stripe will already appear. But if not, this does not mean that there is no pregnancy, you just need to wait.

Decoding the results

To get the most accurate result (both before and after a period), the test must be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions for the test system. If you bought strip strips, you need to collect urine from the morning portion, immediately after waking up. Inkjet, cassette and digital tests should also be used on morning urine. The time of day matters, because in the evening the concentration of hormones in the urine is significantly lower, morning urine is considered more concentrated.

Do not keep the test in urine longer than indicated by the manufacturer; evaluate the results only during the time provided for this, no later. Positive tests are two clearly visible, clear lines. Negative ones are one line.

However, when conducting a test, a woman may encounter results that are incomprehensible to her.

  • The second stripe is barely visible– this can be both a true (weak positive) and a false positive test. The reason for the weak outlines of the second stripe may lie in the fact that the woman is in too much of a hurry - the hormone level is not yet so high. Repeat the test after 2 days - the strip will become brighter. A false-positive test with a second weak line may indicate hormonal disorders in a woman’s body. You need to wait for the delay, repeat the test and, if necessary, consult a doctor.
  • No stripes- the test system is expired, faulty, does not work. You need to change the product and repeat the examination itself.

The most impatient ladies can simultaneously donate blood in the clinic before the delay and try to test and recognize pregnancy at home. They may also have difficulty interpreting the results.

  • Test - negative, analysis - positive - a common situation before the delay. Perhaps the amount of hCG in the urine is still too small for the system to catch it. Use a super sensitive test or just wait a few days.
  • Test - positive, analysis - negative - there is a high probability of no pregnancy. Often we are talking about a faint stripe or a ghost stripe, which is an optical illusion in the place where the reagent is applied after drying.

Without a test and analyzes before the delay, it is very difficult to establish the fact of an “interesting position”; it is almost impossible to identify it by symptoms without a test with two strips, because there are no reliable signs at such an early stage, and most of the sensations indicated by women (breast sensitivity , frequent urination, increased appetite) is only a consequence of the effect of the hormone progesterone on the female body.

Choosing a test

Having figured out when you can do the first test, when it theoretically shows probable and desirable signs of an “interesting situation,” it’s time to talk about which tests are trustworthy. We have compiled a small rating of such systems based on women’s reviews; it includes names that will help you navigate the wide range.

It should be noted that strip strips, tablet and inkjet tests are mostly disposable. Inkjet ones are considered the most sensitive. Digital tests can be reusable.

Frautest ultrasensitive

The sensitivity is quite high - from 15 mU/ml (or mMKE/ml), it can be used a couple of days before the expected date of your period. The strip does not come with a urine collection container. Claimed accuracy is 99%. The system is very affordable and has a lot of positive reviews.

Clearblue Digital

A digital electronic test, the cost of which is quite high compared to standard and familiar strips, but the manufacturers indicate high accuracy, stating that this test is ultra-sensitive (above 99%). The advantage of the test is not only that it shows + or - in the test window, but also that he defines the period by indicating it in weeks.

If you do such a test before the delay, it will indicate if a positive result is obtained - 1-2 weeks, after the delay - 2-3 weeks, and then - 3+ weeks. According to reviews, the test showed a positive result 3-4 days before the delay began, and this cannot but impress.

Evitest Proof

A very interesting tablet test in design. These have an important advantage - urine is more evenly distributed over the sensitive test area, which ensures greater reliability of the result. Due to the design, it is impossible to touch the area with the applied reagent with your fingers, which eliminates the appearance of “ghosts”. For these two reasons alone, it can be considered one of the best for early detection of pregnancy (even before a delay occurs).

Premium Diagnostics

An affordable and fairly accurate test, when using which there is no need to think about where to collect urine - cassette system. It is almost impossible to do it incorrectly, because a thick red stripe in the control zone of the system will tell you whether the woman did everything correctly. If there is none, then the test was made with gross errors that do not allow one to count on reliable results.

Lady Test

One of the cheapest options with very miniature sizes, which allow a lady to hide the packaging anywhere: in a pocket, in a purse, in a cosmetic bag. Not very suitable for pre-delay testing because has a sensitivity of 20 mIU/ml.

Frautest Double Control

Quite reliable, like all representatives of this brand, with the difference that the packaging contains not one, but two strips, so that you can dispel doubts and confirm the result in doubtful cases. Sensitivity is 20 mIU/ml, and therefore from the first day of the delay it is almost ideal, but before that it may not detect traces of hCG and give a negative result.

Judging by the reviews, this test often shows a fuzzy second line, and therefore there are questions about it.


Domestic test with high sensitivity - from 12 mIU/ml, which allows you to use it before the delay 1-2 days. It is affordable, has no obvious shortcomings, and has long established itself as a fairly reliable system.

"Rest assured"

Despite its fairly high accuracy, such a test is not suitable for the earliest self-diagnosis. It has a sensitivity threshold of 25 mIU/ml, and therefore the result will be accurate only after a delay. But the system has a low price, and if a woman is in no hurry to find out about her “interesting situation,” then it is quite possible to get by with such a product.

"Biocard HCG"

Domestic cassette test with two diagnostic windows. In one they drop urine using a special pipette, in the other - after five minutes they contemplate the result. The stated sensitivity is 20 mIU/ml, which does not allow us to believe that the system will show a reliable result before the delay.

When choosing a test system, you should not focus on the price category; quite often the most inexpensive tests turn out to be the most accurate. Therefore, evaluate not the manufacturer and the price tag, but the degree of sensitivity threshold. This information is indicated on the packaging. Also don't forget to look best before date(such products also have their own expiration date!). It is not recommended to use expired tests.

You should not buy the test by hand or at the grocery store checkout; it is possible that they were stored there incorrectly. It's better to buy it at a pharmacy. If you immediately buy a solid supply of disposable strips, store them at home in a dry place where there is no high humidity and direct sunlight. Do not open packages until ready to use.

Ultrasensitive tests are not always the most accurate. Experts tend to believe that tests with a hCG sensitivity threshold of 20–30 mIU/ml or 20–30 mIU/ml are significantly more accurate than their more sensitive “brothers.” Digital and inkjet systems are considered the most accurate today.

When performing tests, remember:

  • in the evening (on the eve of testing) you should not drink a lot of liquid so that the morning portion of urine is as rich and concentrated as possible;
  • the container in which you plan to collect urine must be prepared in advance, it must be dry and clean, you can wash it with soda and dry it;
  • Before determining the result, the strip should be laid out on a dry horizontal surface.

Important! If a weakly positive result is repeated day after day (even after a delay, the strip does not become brighter), you should consult a doctor, since a reduced hCG level may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. If the test is negative and there is no menstruation at the appointed time, you should also visit a doctor - endocrine disorders cannot be ruled out.

Can ovulation systems be used?

Some women are confident that with the help of an ovulation test it is possible to determine pregnancy, even before the delay. It should be noted that the ovulation systems are indeed similar in principle of operation, but they have a reagent that is sensitive to another hormone - luteinizing hormone, the surge of which in the middle of the cycle leads to the rupture of the mature follicle.

A weak second line may appear on the ovulation system before the delay, since hCG and LH have a similar molecular structure, but such a test cannot even be considered a false positive - it is simply erroneous. Pregnancy needs to be diagnosed with special tests that are designed for this purpose.

For the convenience of women, many manufacturers of ovulation tests add two strips to determine the concentration of LH in urine to 5 strips for determining the concentration of LH in the urine. Such kits are very convenient for those who are planning a pregnancy and tracking ovulation, and then want to find out as soon as possible whether they succeeded in conceiving a baby or not. The markings will help you avoid mixing up the strips in the set. On ovulation tests it is LG, on pregnancy strips it is HCG.

To learn when you can take a pregnancy test, watch the following video.

Women have always wanted to know as early as possible that they are pregnant. In this you and I are no different from our predecessors. But unlike them, we have the opportunity to determine such an important point really at the very early stages. If once a woman could learn about the development of a new life in her womb only several weeks or even months after conception, today this period is only a few days.

Moreover, any of us can conduct a pregnancy test before a missed period at home - it’s easy, simple, fast, affordable and very convenient. However, the result obtained is not always true - this should be recognized.

Is it possible to do a test before your period is missed, and will it show pregnancy before your period? Let's find out.

Pregnancy test before delay at home

A relatively young pharmaceutical product for determining pregnancy has gained such wide popularity and has turned out to be so in demand that manufacturers are constantly working to improve it. Today there are simple test strips on sale and more modern devices - inkjet and cassette. The variety of forms allows diagnostics to be carried out in any place convenient for the woman, and high sensitivity in some cases makes it possible to test without waiting for a missed period.

To conduct testing, all you need is the test itself and the woman’s urine: the jet is placed directly under the stream during urination, and a few drops of urine are applied to the cassette. If a regular strip is used, then you will also need a container to collect urine: the strip is immersed in it to the indicated mark - and after a few minutes the result is assessed.

Obstetricians advise testing no earlier than 2 or 3 days after the delay. The fact is that the test contains a reagent that reacts with hCG. If there is hCG in a woman’s urine, the result will be positive. And this hormone appears only if pregnancy develops.

When can you take a pregnancy test before a missed period?

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that can normally be present in a very small amount in the body of any person, since it is produced by the adrenal glands. But with the onset of pregnancy, the concentration of this hormone begins to actively increase: the membranes of the fertilized egg, which in the future will form the placenta, intensively produce hCG.

In the early stages, the level of the hCG hormone during pregnancy doubles every second day. First it appears in the blood, and then in the urine of the pregnant woman. When the concentration of hCG in the urine reaches 10 mIU/ml or more, a modern ultrasensitive test will be able to detect it, that is, show a second stripe or plus. The indicated level of hCG in urine during pregnancy reaches approximately 7-10 days after fertilization. That is, theoretically, a few days before the expected menstruation, a test with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml can show a positive result.

Meanwhile, it should be understood that the timing when a pregnancy test can show pregnancy depends on many factors:

  • the menstrual cycle of each individual woman;
  • dates of implantation of the fertilized egg;
  • physiological factors that can affect the test result, etc.

In addition, biochemical pregnancy often occurs: when conception has taken place, but for some reason the pregnancy does not begin to develop. In this case, a woman may get a positive result, but then her period begins...

Will the test show pregnancy before the delay?

Reviews indicate that in many cases modern pregnancy tests can show a positive result even before the start of the expected period. There are many messages on forums in which women write that the test showed the truth 2, 3, 4 and even 5 days before the delay. They simply felt that they were pregnant, or they had very strong suspicions that conception had taken place in this cycle. Many of them experienced sensations similar to menstruation: irritability, drowsiness, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and chest pain began.

So, in many cases, a modern ultra-sensitive test is able to determine whether conception has taken place even before a missed period. But you should definitely take into account several nuances:

  • For early diagnosis, you should buy a test with very high sensitivity, that is, 10 mIU/ml. This could be a Sezam cassette, an ultra-sensitive Ultra strip. However, most women who managed to get such an early, true result used conventional test strips: BB-test, Evitest, Frautest and the like.
  • It is best to take a pregnancy test before a delay in the morning - with the first portion of urine. Otherwise, you should wait a few hours without drinking or emptying your bladder.
  • In absolutely every case of such home “diagnosis”, the result obtained cannot be regarded as 100% reliable. In this regard, it is necessary to repeat the test after a delay, and if its result also turns out to be positive, go to an appointment with a gynecologist. The final word in diagnosis always remains with the doctor.

If the pregnancy test is negative, but there are no periods, then you should consult a gynecologist for advice, because there may be reasons for this, in particular inflammatory processes in the reproductive or genitourinary system.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

If your period is late and you suspect you are pregnant, then the easiest and fastest way to check your guesses at home is to conduct a test. Modern tests are quite accurate, completely accessible and very easy to use.

But what if the expected start of menstruation is still far away, and doubts about the likely occurrence of pregnancy are already creeping in? Will it be correct if carried out before the onset of a missed period?

When does the test show pregnancy?

Modern tests for determining pregnancy are highly reliable and sensitive. Regardless of the quality and manufacturer, they all work on the same principle. The test contains a special substance that reacts to the presence of the hormone gonadotropin in a woman’s urine. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is secreted by the chorion (forming placenta), that is, in the absence of pregnancy, it is practically absent in the blood (with the exception of certain factors: illness, taking hormonal medications.

Gonadotropin begins to be released immediately after the embryo is implanted into the wall of the uterus, which occurs no earlier than 7-10 days after fertilization. But at this time its level is just beginning to rise. Every two days, the concentration of gonadotropin doubles and after a certain time reaches a level where the test is able to “see” it. This moment determines the timing of the expedient conduct of the test. It is for this reason that doctors, pharmacists and everyone who is familiar with the principle of operation of tests recommend testing no earlier than on the third day of a missed period. It is believed that the previously performed procedure is not reliable due to the too low hCG content. But if you really can’t stand it, pharmacies sell highly sensitive tests (usually these) that recognize gonadotropin in low concentrations and allow their use even before the start of your expected period. How does this work?

Will a pregnancy test show before a missed period?

If conception has taken place and the woman is pregnant, the level of the hCG hormone in her blood begins to actively increase and by the first day of the expected menstrual cycle it usually already exceeds 100 mIU/ml. The concentration of gonadotropin in the urine, which is used as a test fluid when a pharmacy pregnancy test is performed, is at a level half as high as in the blood, that is, by the expected day of the onset of menstruation it is about 50 mIU/ml. Modern highly sensitive tests are able to identify gonadotropin at a concentration of 10-20 mIU/ml. Therefore, they can be carried out much earlier than the delay occurs. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the sensitivity of the test - this information is indicated in the instructions or directly on the packaging.

However, it should be understood that the reliability of a test carried out in advance will not be high enough; more precisely, the probability of obtaining false results when testing before a missed period is quite high.

Therefore, whenever a pregnancy test is carried out - before a missed period or after - for maximum accuracy of its results, it is necessary to repeat the procedure a few days later (or even better, do it more than once). And be sure to undergo an examination by a gynecologist if your period does not come. Often the cause of delayed menstruation can be gynecological or infectious diseases of the reproductive system.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

I don’t understand women who do the test BEFORE the delay. Why is this? I always do it only with a delay of more than a week, because I understand that everyone has failures. We're not robots! I think that only mothers are capable of doing tests before the delay, and an intelligent, adequate woman will wait with patience.

From Guest

Girls, I took a test 10 days before the monsters, showed // stripes) the tests were the simplest and cheapest)))

From Guest

Hello everyone...)) for the first child the test was negative at 4.5 months...

Not all women want children, but almost all want to know about a possible pregnancy right away. Nowadays, the main tool for determining pregnancy can be considered a home test. If you ask a practicing gynecologist, he will tell you that most of those who came for an appointment about a possible pregnancy have already received a positive test result.

The very first sign of pregnancy is a delay in the onset of menstruation. As a rule, the test is carried out only after menstruation has not occurred. However, some are in a hurry to find out about their situation almost immediately after conception. And the question immediately arises: will the test before a missed period show the correct result? To answer the question in detail, you should know that this instrument analyzes the presence of a specific hormone in a woman’s urine - human chorionic gonadotropin.

Pregnancy test before delay

It is absolutely known that the mentioned hormone begins to be produced in a woman almost immediately after conception, however, its concentration is initially low. In a non-pregnant woman, human chorionic gonadotropin may be present in the body in small quantities - up to 15 IU/l. In a pregnant woman, it is produced in much larger volumes. In the first week - an average of 150 IU/l, in the second and third - 2000 IU/l.

Therefore, it becomes clear that there is a high probability that before the delay, the test will show pregnancy, if any. The study can be carried out at the end of the first week after conception. However, it is worth remembering that the earlier the test is carried out, the greater the likelihood of error. Sometimes two stripes appear on the dough sheet, but one of them is slightly pronounced. In this case, it is impossible to broadcast with confidence that the test is positive. This picture can be observed in several cases. For example, the concentration of the hCG hormone is still low. Therefore, it is advisable to repeat the test after one or two days.

Delayed menstruation a week – test negative

If there is already a delay, the test will be carried out as correctly as possible. However, in this case, inaccuracies are possible. Let us remind you that the reliability of the test reaches a full 97%. Therefore, there is a chance that your result fell into the remaining 3%.

Usually, when menstruation does not return within a week, the saturation of the pregnant woman’s blood with the hormone is already quite high. But there are also exceptions. In addition, various pathologies are possible. For example, a decrease in the level of the hCG hormone may indicate an ectopic pregnancy or the possibility of miscarriage.

If your period is delayed for a month, the test is negative, then in addition to the reasons listed above, the woman may have malfunctions in the functioning of the body as a whole. For example, disruption of the ovaries, which do not produce the hormone correctly. Thus, a delay in menstruation may well be due to reasons not related to a possible pregnancy. Therefore, it is very important, if your regular menstruation is delayed, to consult a gynecologist, regardless of what the test showed.