DIY rock garden at the dacha. How to make a gravel garden? DIY rock garden

The cultural traditions of Japan have always attracted Westerners with their mystery. Interest also touched the sphere landscape design. A striking example of decorating a site in an oriental style is a rock garden.

The trend originated in the middle of the second millennium, and not only has not lost its relevance in modern reality, but is also actively used in Western European design. Equip Japanese garden Making stones with your own hands is a completely doable task; this informative publication will help you verify this.

Japanese garden concept

Landscape design techniques are inexhaustible. The owner of a summer house without the inclinations of a florist will like the idea of ​​​​decorating the site with a Japanese garden. This involves installing several stones on a flat area, the space between which is filled with gravel, pebbles or sand. The perception of a chaotic arrangement of cobblestones or stones is erroneous. In fact, all elements of a Japanese garden are subordinated to a single concept.

The design of the rock garden is based on the school of Zen Buddhism, that is, a philosophy aimed at contemplating and comprehending the highest truths through concentration and meditation. Typically, compositions in a Japanese garden are formed by three stones, symbolizing the triad of Buddhist philosophy. Creating a Japanese garden according to strict principles is a thing of the past; now, when decorating a garden plot, some deviations from age-old norms and traditions are allowed.

A distinctive feature is the formation of furrows on the surface of pebbles or sand, made with special rakes. Circular stripes around the stones symbolize the waves washing the lonely islands. The origins of the Japanese garden culture come from a legend according to which the islands were inhabited by immortal beings. After futile attempts to find a heavenly place, people independently began to bring the idealistic picture to life. You can get the opportunity to immerse yourself in peaceful reflection after a hectic day if you arrange a Japanese garden in your country house with your own hands.

Principles of creating a stone garden

According to eastern canons, stone elements played a key role. Therefore, the monks purposefully searched for boulders and cobblestones of suitable shapes. After which some were installed in their original form, and figures were carved out of individual specimens.

Important! The formation of the kindergarten is subordinated certain laws, but at the same time the entire composition is as close as possible to the natural landscape.

Decorating a garden plot in the Japanese style no longer has a sacred meaning, but certain principles must still be observed. There are three main criteria by which stone elements are selected. Regarding the form:

  • No sharp corners. If there are chips, they must be smoothed out by centuries of exposure to wind or water. This helps reduce aggression and create a peaceful atmosphere. Lonely standing boulders are selected especially carefully.
  • At the dacha in the Japanese garden, inclined, flat, stepped stones, with a vertical or horizontal arrangement, are welcome.
  • Overly regular, cubic or spherical outlines should be avoided.

There are also certain rules regarding color:

  • Various shades of stones are allowed: black and white, purple and red, gray and brown.
  • The degree of gloss also matters. In some cases, the harmony of a Japanese garden in a country house is achieved by installing matte stones; for other spaces, natural gloss is relevant.
  • When selecting stones for a Japanese garden in the country, it is important to maintain the harmony of the color palette. Do not pile up specimens with contrasting shades. A slight shine and a single range of colors are the best option for a calm and serene atmosphere.
  • When designing a Japanese garden at your dacha, pay attention to the presence of inclusions on the stones. They can be interesting to play with when setting up.

The structure of the stones is the last criterion when choosing specimens for a summer cottage site. Hard and durable material is most valued by fans of oriental style, because this will guarantee the durability of the created composition.

The Japanese rock garden photo is filled with sophistication, comfort and tranquility.

Stages of arrangement

A Japanese-style rock garden has many advantages. To form the eastern corner you will not need to occupy a large plot of land. It is also not necessary to look for seedlings and then care for exotic plants. Infertile or depleted soil is not an obstacle to creating a Japanese garden. You can achieve the goal of relaxing or reconnecting with the cosmic mind only in solitude, so the garden is given the most secluded corner in the dacha.

Before starting work, the entire composition is carefully drawn on paper; moving unsuccessfully placed copies in the future is a labor-intensive task. Typically, 15 stones are used to arrange a garden plot in a Japanese style. The addition of coniferous vegetation or a well-groomed lawn is welcome. If possible, the Japanese garden is decorated with a stone bridge or sculpture. The shape for the site is traditionally chosen to be rectangular or square; it is desirable that there are no buildings nearby.

Arrangement of stones

Designing a Japanese garden at your dacha begins with preparing the site.

Advice! A film placed on the soil will help make caring for the relaxation area easier. This will prevent weeds from growing.

A stone composition is usually formed from an odd number of elements, most often stopping at three copies. The basic rule for placing stones is to form a triangular shape with their vertices. When arranging boulders in a Japanese garden, adhere to the following recommendations:

After the final distribution of the elements of the Japanese garden, they move on to arranging the space between the stones.

Design of patterns

The choice of material and its shade for decorating the surface between the boulders depends on the characteristics of the dacha site. The abundance of light flowers in a sunny area can unpleasantly dazzle the eyes, so it is better to give preference to dark gravel. On the contrary, shaded corners are covered with light sand or pebbles.

Lines on the surface have different symbolic meanings. Curvilinear patterns imitate stormy streams, straight furrows are a symbol of calm water, the circle around the stones is nothing more than waves washing the island.

Like the location of the stones, it is better to draw the pattern between them in advance in the plan of the Japanese garden. It is applied with a rake equipped with special attachments.


Paths are an integral element of the Japanese garden. Various materials are used for their arrangement:

  • flat stones;
  • concrete tiles;
  • less often - tree cuts or bricks.

The installation method deserves attention; there are also several rules here:

  • No sharp corners or straight lines. Winding paths around stones are ideal for a Japanese garden.
  • The material is laid at intervals; a solid mass is not recommended. Moreover, the size of the seams is different, identical intervals are avoided.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the four lines do not form a connection at one point.

If the paths in a Japanese garden are made of large stones, you can plant lawn grass between them. The elements are installed in such a way that all irregularities are buried in the soil. The outer surface must be flat, otherwise, instead of deep thoughts, you will have to monitor the safety of movement.

Stones, patterns between them and paths are key elements of a Japanese garden. If desired, it can be supplemented with a statue or a bridge, it all depends on the preferences of the owner of the dacha.

At first glance, it’s quite easy to create a rock garden yourself at your dacha or estate. But that's not true. The stone garden is ancient art, which Japanese philosophers used in their Buddhist theories. After all, his magnetism really captivates. In this case, the relaxing effect of admiring the wonderful garden is guaranteed. It's not scary if you don't have a dacha. You can even make a small stone garden in your apartment or on the balcony.

Stones for the garden are selected according to shape, color, texture; in addition, they should not lie separately, but fit organically into the landscape.

One of the many names for traditional Japanese rock gardens is karesansui, which literally translates to “mountains and dry water.” There are no plants in such a garden. There are only stones, sand or gravel, and very rarely moss.

The main elements of a rock garden

Typically, a stone garden involves a flat area, which is almost completely covered with small pebbles or sand. But the main element of the entire composition is the large and chaotically located stones. But the fact that it looks chaotic only seems at first.

In reality, the location of individual stone groups must obey certain rules. The surface of such a garden is combed with a rake, making small depressions that run along its long side and form large rings around the stones. Usually the surface is a symbol of the ocean, and the garden stones are an island. But every person is able to come up with something of their own.

The stone garden is a continuation of the architecture of the entire house and is located in complete dependence from its interior. The original purpose of such gardens was a place for meditation, relaxation and respite from daily problems. His designs were able to highlight the Japanese love for the beauty of nature, reflection, and also solitude.

The main feature of such a garden is that, no matter where a person stands, his gaze will fall on the same number of stones. The Japanese style is suitable for those who want to get rid of the lush and lush gardens of Europe. People who are inclined to think and love a secluded holiday will be able to appreciate all the advantages of such a place.

To build a Japanese stone garden at your dacha with your own hands, you must follow some rules:

  1. The composition should be based on stones of different sizes that have not been processed. They need to be selected according to the criteria of color, texture and shape.
  2. The number of stones should not be even or a multiple of numbers such as three or five. Very often there are only three or fifteen.
  3. The stones need to be very harmoniously placed throughout the composition. If this is done correctly, then from any place almost all the stones should be visible, except one. The Japanese believe that all stones can only be seen by people who have achieved enlightenment.
  4. In the middle of the desired composition, it would be best to place the stones in separate groups. You can arrange garden stones according to the principle of a triad, with 3 stones in each group. At the same time, it is the main triad that should harmonize as much as possible with the surrounding space, and all the others try to balance it.
  5. There is no symmetry in the arrangement of large garden stones.

The symbolism of each component in a stone garden

Large stones of all sizes are symbols of mountains or islands. Light-colored gravel, sand and small pebbles symbolize water. A stone in a vertical position is a symbol of the sky, and in a horizontal position, on the contrary, it is a symbol of the earth.

According to the rules, each of the present components must symbolize one of the four elements: earth, water, fire or air. For example, if there are no ponds on the territory where the stone garden will be built, then circles around the stones can be used to imitate it. The wonderful Japanese stone garden is elegant, but at the same time simple.

Each subsequent picture, which appears when the point of contemplation changes, can help to discern a different meaning and model a different mood.

How to make a stone garden yourself

To create a rock garden with your own hands at your dacha, you will need a sufficient number of stones, the simplest tools for gardening work and some free time. First you need to do the dirty work. After you decide where to locate the future garden, you need to completely clear the land area of ​​trash and other things. It is best that the selected area for a stone garden has a horizontal and rectangular shape.

If there are any slopes, they need to be leveled with a shovel. Then you need to start planning the site, which has already been prepared. First you need to remove the top turf or soil layer, about 10-15 cm deep.

Next, we need to strengthen the walls of the “pit” that were formed during the excavation of the soil. They can be strengthened with the help of bricks, boards, special small natural or decorative stones for gardens, which need to be laid out around the entire perimeter. Then you need to backfill and form an earthen surface in the garden. At the very bottom you need to lay a small layer of sand, but so that its thickness is no more than five to six cm. After this, the entire surface must be covered with something down to the ground level. Small crushed stone, pebbles or gravel are best suited for this.

Then you need to compact the area prepared for the garden. First, fill it with water so that the crushed stone settles: one-half of a bucket of water per square meter. m of garden. After this, you need to form the entire composition. Now it's time to install the stone composition large size, in this case it is advisable to trample them into a crushed stone base. This must be done so that the stones stand in a stable position.

Next, we proceed to decorative leveling of the entire surface. This procedure is carried out in two stages. The top layer of crushed stone, small pebbles for decorative purposes or stone chips can be combined in the form of stripes-circles that diverge from large stones and imitate small circles on the surface of the water. The rest must be leveled using a large rake on all sides of the site. There's nothing complicated about it.

How to best arrange stones in the garden

The stones are arranged in spirals - quite an interesting solution for a rock garden. This can be done in the simplest flower bed. The stones need to be laid out in the form of a serpentine, and low flowers or coniferous shrubs should be planted between them. Such a stone garden will be able to delight with its greenery even in winter.

Just recently appeared new look gardens in landscape design - a mini-garden made of stones. It has become especially common on fairly small plots of land or in the courtyards of multi-story buildings. To arrange a stone mini-garden, you can use decorative flowerpots, unnatural stones, an old and unnecessary basket and everything you can think of. In their homeland of Japan, such gardens are quite functional, but in our area they are only an element in the design. Moreover, they can be used in the design of any site.

How to design a tabletop stone garden

Tabletop stone garden is another fashion item in the home interior. To make a rock garden in an apartment, you will need a small kit, which consists of pebbles, sand, a box and several decorative stones. In your work, you can use a small wooden rake or even a fork, which in an instant can display any mood on the sand.

For your stone garden real ones are best natural stones or made by hand. To do this, you can take a pre-prepared mold as a stone frame or make it from cardboard paper, crumpled plastic bottles or polystyrene foam. It is important that frame form was very similar to the shape of a real stone. To one part of Portland cement you need to add two parts of sand. We apply the resulting solution over the entire future stone. The walls should be two cm thick. In order for the mixture to harden, it is best to cover it with a special film and leave the mold there for twenty-four hours.

For painting decorative stone you need to take one tablespoon of paint pigment and one glass of cement. The resulting mixture must be poured with a glass of water to obtain a gel-like substance. After the mold has been painted, you can sprinkle it with a little sand. To do this, we use a special coloring agent for concrete. When the paint and concrete have completely hardened, we remove the resulting stone, and the frame can be used in the future.

Thus, when creating a Japanese rock garden, you can become more familiar with the philosophy and symbolism of stone, and also make it an excellent garden decoration.

Stone. What do you associate it with? Most likely, with calmness and serenity. The inherent desire for beauty in a person can manifest itself in different ways. And the desire to make your family nest cozy and beautiful is no exception. And here we are talking not only about the house, but also about the territory near it. Nowadays, trends in landscape design are very different, and every day designers are coming up with more and more new ideas. Recently, rock gardens that came to Europe from the East, namely from Japan, have become especially popular.

Are you interested in this landscape idea? In this article you will learn how to make a rock garden with your own hands.

Land of the Rising Sun style

It is worth noting that among the Japanese, rock gardens are created exclusively by special craftsmen, however, for Europeans, most often a rock garden is a decorative element, and not part of a religious cult, so almost anyone can make it. So let's begin. You will need large naturally shaped rocks, large boulders or pebbles, crushed stone, sand and small pebbles.

The main elements of a Japanese-style garden are stones and water. But this does not mean that it is possible to arrange a pond on the site with the correct geometric shape. Why? Yes, simply because you won’t find anything like this in nature. And the style of the Land of the Rising Sun is closely related to natural harmony. Be attentive to all the little things! You can’t clutter up space, but you shouldn’t leave it soulless either. Remember, the main thing is symmetry and harmony.

Pay attention! Before arranging a Japanese garden, decide what it will be like? Winter garden can be planted with evergreens. Or you can focus on plants that grow exclusively during the warm period.

Preparatory process, site arrangement. To begin, remove the soil to a depth of about 10 centimeters. Clear the area of ​​roots and weeds. Fence the area with a rope that needs to be pulled over pegs.

Cover the bottom of the area for the rock garden with agrofibre. Now add a layer of pebbles, sand or gravel. Install a border along the edge of the stone garden. Then intuitively place large stones on the prepared surface. The main task is to create a harmonious composition. Around the stones you can draw patterns that would resemble circles of water. A Japanese rock garden may contain plants, but their number should be limited.

Pay attention! A rock garden designed in the spirit of Japan must be created in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui. It must contain elements of 4 elements: air, fire, earth and water. An imitation of a pond can be circles around large stones.

A rock garden should be thought-provoking. Perhaps this is where you can make important life decisions. Stones in the garden landscape design will help create a truly picturesque corner.

Addition of various elements

Stones are not the only elements of Japanese gardens. The landscape must be complemented by compositional structures. There is a place for paths, fences of various shapes and stone statues. All this is an original part of the garden, made in Japanese style.

Paths of a soft winding shape only emphasize the harmony of the garden. Designers skillfully disguise the originality and beauty of the material, thereby not disturbing the balance of regal grandeur and simplicity.

The fence is designed to create a calm environment and the possibility of privacy. Opaque fencing is encouraged in Japanese stone gardens.

Tsukubai was originally used to wash hands before starting the tea ceremony. These are peculiar bowls made of stone, with a standard height of about 30 cm. Now tsukubai are just an additional decorative element.

Principles of composition

The most important principle of composing a Japanese garden is the orientation of the composition around a single point of contemplation. It is selected in accordance with the time of day that you will spend in this garden. Most often, the point of contemplation is located on the north side, but other variations are possible.

The next principle to consider is the need to maintain contrast between filled and empty space. In addition, the basic concept of the garden should contain asymmetry. As for Japanese designers, they even take into account light and shade and the reflection of objects in water.

Another principle is the number of elements, it is worth considering that the number must be odd. Objects in a rock garden should be oriented according to a regular geometric heptagon.

Pay attention! Landscape designers in Japan recommend maintaining a balance of horizontal and vertical lines when creating a rock garden.

Stones located horizontally should prevail over those located vertically. The fact is that there will still be more vertical lines in a Japanese stone garden due to structures, trees and fences. Horizontal orientation will dilute the verticality of other structures.


Large numbers of plants cannot be planted in rockeries. Decorating the garden here is achieved through the natural attractiveness of the stone. Fill the space between the garden fragments with gravel that shades the stone. If you chose limestone as the main stone, then combine it with river pebbles of different colors.

Pay attention! It is very important to place fertile soil under the pebbles, because it will nourish the roots of the planted plants.

In some cases, rockeries are made in the form of architectural forms. Well, for example, they can be made in the form of steps made of large flat stone. It will be framed by creeping plants, which are more typical for mountainous areas. In cases where the area for rock gardens has a natural slope, it is better to make it terraced. This way you can combine natural objects, namely stones, plants and shrubs.

Filling the garden with bright colors

A painted stone, processed by the hands of a craftsman, can come to life before your eyes! It smoothly turns into funny fairy-tale figures, cute animals or beautiful flower bouquets. To paint, you need to purchase special acrylic paints for processing stones. In addition, paints require a solvent, synthetic brushes and a palette to create shades of color. As for the brushes, there should be several of them. It is appropriate to use both thin and thick brushes. A container, for example, made of plastic, can serve as a palette. Part of finishing the stone is to expose it with clear varnish.

For painting, you should choose stones that have a round or flat shape. Sometimes it happens that a natural unprocessed stone already resembles some kind of animal, then the colors will only display and emphasize this image of it.

Pay attention! Stone painting experts advise that before starting work, treat the stones with a primer, and then apply the background color to it. For example, if you have only dark fabrics at your disposal, then to lighten them you just need to open them with a layer of light paint.

Once the stone has dried, you can begin applying the design. Even if you are a small artist, you will be able to sketch some image you like. For example, these could be bugs, emoticons and ladybugs. Drawing a cat or puppy is also a simple matter, and if you hide it in the grass, then at first glance it can easily be confused with a real animal. First, the image can be applied to the stone with a pencil, and then painted with brushes.

Now you can start decorating your garden with painted stones. The base of the site, as in the design of a Japanese garden, can be pebbles, gravel or crushed stone. The skillful arrangement of painted stones will help you create the idea of ​​a stone garden, made in the spirit of Japanese traditions, but with a romantic modern touch. Here you can not only reflect, but also lift your spirits.

Innovative approach

A new direction in landscape design, a unique innovation, is a miniature stone garden. Such activities have gained recognition in conditions where there is a lack of land plot. Sometimes a stone with an interesting shape with indentations is used to create a mini-garden. An old trough or basket can also be used. A miniature stone garden can even be made in a portable container. It can be placed wherever you wish, even on the terrace.

The originality of the idea lies in the fact that the composition made is very similar to a rockery or other type of Japanese-style garden. To arrange a mini-garden, select lichen, super-dwarf plants and moss. The stone, of course, should also be miniature. A piece of limestone imitating natural rock looks especially attractive in a mini-garden because it has nice natural depressions and cracks.


Of course, every creation created by man must be looked after. And the rock garden is no exception. Below are important conditions care that will help you keep your creation in its original form!

  1. If you have plants in your rock garden, you will need to water them regularly at first. This is due to the fact that the plants should first take root well. Once they are established, you will need to reduce watering according to their individual needs.
  2. Gravel, like any stone, retains moisture, preventing the soil from drying out. Therefore, later you can stop watering for a long time. Ornamental grasses and plants growing in meadows are drought-resistant by nature and do not need much moisture.
  3. Plants that take root well in a rock garden are unpretentious. They do not need additional fertilizers. In addition, it is worth noting that with minimal moisture and high temperatures, fertilizers only do harm, because they burn the plants and do not nourish them with useful substances.
  4. The main problem with a stone garden is weeds. Once they have begun to sprout, it is impossible to get rid of them from under the gravel. In view of this, geotextiles are laid on the base, and the soil is first thoroughly cleared of weeds. In order not to spoil the garden, you will need to remove emerging weeds in a timely manner.
  5. Removing debris from a rock garden is another challenge. A wire rake and a stiff brush are suitable for this purpose. Carefully sweep away debris from the stone base. If the backfill is loose, then the debris will need to be removed manually, which takes more time. Once every few years, renew the gravel bed, using crushed stone or another stone that you originally used.

Do you have experience building a rock garden? Or maybe you know how to care for it? Then share your skills with us! We will be glad if you write your comments on the article!


Some more ideas for creating a rock garden:



The rock garden is also called a Zen garden because it is based on the philosophy of Zen Buddhism. Before you create a Japanese rock garden with your own hands, it is important to understand how this unique style landscaping and its fundamental philosophy.

To enrich your knowledge, learn more about the history of the rock garden and.

If you want to immediately start creating a Zen garden, then we suggest you step by step instructions steps on how to create a Japanese rock garden with your own hands.

What you need to create a Japanese rock garden

  • Bricks, small stones or a low wooden fence to create a garden border
  • Geotextiles
  • Pieces of rock or boulders
  • Sand or gravel
  • Wooden rake

Additional options

  • small bench
  • Small shrubs
  • Garden lanterns

DIY Japanese rock garden

Step 1

Take a look at your backyard and decide where you want to build your DIY Japanese rock garden. Determine its size and shape. Most rock gardens are rectangular or square. But you can make it round or irregular. However, it can be small in size. Even a small rock garden can give you as much peace as a larger one.

Step 2

Remove all grass from the area where you want to create your garden.

Step 3

Dig a narrow trench about 5-7 centimeters deep around the garden border.

Step 4

Cover the entire area with geotextile. This will prevent weeds from growing and the sand from drying out.

Step 5

Roll the edges of the non-woven fabric into the trench.

Step 6

Place bricks or small rocks on top of the trench to secure the fabric and also create a border for your garden. If you don't want to use bricks or stones, you can build a low wooden fence. This could be bamboo, the most common type of wood for Zen garden borders.

Step 7

Pour sand or gravel (or a mixture of both) on top of the non-woven material, at least 8-10 centimeters deep. If you live in an area where there are strong winds and prolonged rain, then gravel will the best material for your Japanese rock garden as it is not affected by wind and rain.

Step 8

Place several large boulders or rock pieces in your Zen garden, then use a wooden rake to create streams or ripples of water.

Step 9

Plant moss, small bushes, a meditation bench and garden lights. Your DIY Japanese rock garden is ready!

How to arrange rocks correctly in a Japanese garden

According to Sakuteiki, the earliest surviving guide to Japanese landscaping, before arranging rocks or boulders, one must first acquire a general "sense of place." Assess what the landscape around you looks like. It is important to keep in mind that nature itself is a consummate artist. Even though we modify nature to suit our personal preferences, we still have to be respectful of the landscape around us.

The number of stones used in a Zen garden varies depending on the intentions of each landscape designer. For example, the majestic rock garden at the Ryoan-ji Buddhist Temple contains only fifteen rocks and bushes, leaving a long stretch of empty space covered in grayish gravel. All stones have the same color and none of them have distinctive features. Many have attempted to decipher this simplified but enigmatic pattern, and there are more than a dozen well-known interpretations.

One of the most popular theories is that the garden's creator, Ryoan-ji, did not intend to replicate the abstract version of the garden pond. Most likely, the five groups of stones in this garden represent the five primordial elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Unlike the Ryoan-ji Garden, the garden located at the Daizen-In Buddhist Temple is much smaller in size, but has about a hundred stones. Each rock is carefully selected for size, shade and shape. For example, an oblong flat rock on an undulating sandy surface has the image of a ship sailing on the sea, and a small round stone next to a raised jagged rock reminds us of a turtle at the foot of a mountain.

You can create a DIY Japanese rock garden like the one in Ryoan-ji if you want to give your landscape an airy and minimalist feel. Or you can build a garden by installing several rocks of different shapes and sizes if you prefer your rock garden to feel more artistic and expressive, like a Daizen garden. When creating a Japanese rock garden with your own hands, do not worry about the answer: right or wrong, good or bad. Whether you use fifteen or hundreds of stones, the Zen garden will still serve its main purpose - to bring you closer to nature and peace.

If you don't know where to start when designing a DIY Japanese rock garden, consider a natural landscape or landscape that has meaning for you special meaning, and give him the opportunity to become a source of inspiration. Place the largest rock elements first, examine them, and the rest will fall into place on their own.

Stones can be a good help in decorating a dacha. This method is very inexpensive - especially if you live in a region where stones can be found somewhere in nature.

If there are no stones in your area, then you can buy them from companies that sell materials for gardening and landscaping. Now fashionable small decorative gravel for backfilling has appeared on sale, and you can also find pebbles of different sizes.

In these photographs you see ideas that can be implemented in the landscape design of your summer cottage. The use of stones in garden design is all the more interesting because this material is, so to speak, reusable.

You can use the same stones in different parts of the site in different seasons. For example, in the spring, use them to protect a flower bed with primroses., snowdrops and tulips, and in summer use them to decorate compositions of container plants in tubs.

Large stones combined with a backfill of fine gravel look beautiful.

You see a beautiful landscape composition with smooth lines, which includes small gravel, large stones, as well as wood shavings and living plants.

Or like this interesting options application of pebble stone on summer cottage- a backfill of fine gravel in combination with lawn grass looks good.

Well, and, finally, everyone’s favorite alpine slide. A beautiful area of ​​alpine mountain landscape with low-growing plants and stones.

And here is a simple but effective idea - place round pebbles on a freshly seeded lawn. When the lawn sprouts, you will have such a simple but pretty composition that can decorate an unused area of ​​​​the territory.

It must be admitted that it is impossible to even imagine a modern dacha without stone. Stone is used everywhere, from landscape design to stones in the steam room.

If you want peace, then create a corner of relaxation by placing meditation stones on a gravel backfill.

Gravel can also be used as a base for a Japanese bamboo fountain.

If you are prone to extraordinary moves, make sculptural groups from metal and stone.

You can also hang flat stones in the shape of a ball on a fishing line.

Stone figurines will add special sophistication to your site.

Well, ponds on stone shores will certainly become the center of attraction.

There are a lot of ideas for ponds, lakes, streams - choose according to your taste.

Reservoirs decorated with stone always provide a comfortable temperature in your area and a certain microclimate.

You can arrange fountains among the stones.

By building paths and rivers, you will bring the reliability of stone and the tranquility of water to your dacha.

Decorative arched bridge over a pond in which carps swim.

Decorative bridge over a dry stream.

With a pump you can make real man-made waterfalls.

Stone paths with sprouted ground cover grass look very decorative.

And paths made of pebbles laid out in the form of patterns are my dream!

Imagine how nice it is to have such beauty in your garden!

Pebbles can be matched to match and formed into a pattern.

Another idea for paving with sprouted grass between stone slabs.

A beautiful stone corner in the country house - there are steps, a terrace, and a platform.

Beautiful stone retaining wall.

The idea of ​​a stone platform, border and pond.

Design idea for a country house using stones in a stream.

Waterfall idea made from flat stones.

Cute rustic alpine slide.

Wild flowerbed - rock garden.

Another idea for a rock garden in the country.

Idea for a flower bed with a flagstone border.

Rock garden made of conifers and large stones.

Stone waterfall idea.

A country well can also be decorated with pebbles.

A stream with rolling waterfalls made of stones will add liveliness to your site.

That's all for me today! I would be glad if you liked some ideas for decorating a dacha with stones. Get inspired and start creating!