Parent meeting in kindergarten, middle and high school “The health of the child is in our hands.” Abstract

Prevention colds- one of the difficult problems. Divided into specific and non-specific.

Under specific prevention is understood as vaccination (vaccination reduces the incidence by 2-6 times).

In October-November, 2-4 weeks before the start of the epidemic, you can get a flu vaccine, especially for children at risk (frequently ill people who are registered at a dispensary).

Not specific prevention is a set of measures aimed at preventing the spread of infection, carrying out health measures that increase the body’s resistance:


Limit your child’s stay in crowded places;

Wash your hands with soap;

Ventilate the room at least 3-4 times a day;

Carry out wet cleaning daily;

Follow your daily routine:

Night and daytime sleep by age,

Don't overtire your baby

Daily walks

Sleeping in the fresh air

Try not to overheat the baby,

Clothes should be appropriate for the weather,

Proper nutrition according to age, including natural juices, fruits, vegetables, natural phytoncides (onions, garlic). Additionally, take vitamin C. Large amounts of it are found in rose hips, currants, sauerkraut, kiwi, and citrus fruits.

If you want to raise a healthy baby, spend as much time as possible in the fresh air with him.

Important rules:

There is an opinion that in winter one hour is enough for a walk; in fact, it is better to walk with a child 3-4 times more, at least 4 hours a day.

Winter air is much healthier and fresher than summer air. It is approximately 1.5 times richer in oxygen, it contains more negative ions, which tone the body and strengthen the nervous system.

By February, vegetables and fruits lose most of their vitamins, it becomes clear that they cannot do without the help of multivitamin food supplements.

Lubricate your nasal passages with oxolinic ointment before going outside.

Use phytoncides: onion, garlic, fir and lavender oils (beads, aroma lamps, place on a plate).

Take vitamins, restoratives and antiviral drugs as prescribed by your pediatrician.

Use a mask that needs to be changed every 2 hours.

Follow the right lifestyle.

Hardening plays an important role - this is a scientifically based systematic use of natural factors of nature to increase the body's resistance to adverse factors.

For successful hardening you need:

1.Systematic use of hardening procedures at all times of the year without interruption.

2. Gradual increase in the dose of irritant action.

3. Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child.

4.All hardening procedures should be carried out against a background of positive emotions.

Violation of at least one rule leads to the absence of a positive effect from hardening.

Hardening is the most reliable and accessible method of healing, but it requires enormous self-discipline.

Natural factors are used as the main means of hardening: air, water, sunlight.

A requirement for hardening in organized teams is the creation of appropriate hygienic conditions (clean air, room ventilation, clothing hygiene, hand washing).

Special hardening procedures vary:

a) by force of influence:

Local (selection, dousing, bath);

General (wiping, air flow, dousing, bath,


b) by duration

c) by influencing factor (air, water, sun).

Hardening begins with local influences. Air hardening should precede water and sun hardening.

Air baths

This is the mildest procedure. The child receives a local air bath while wearing ordinary clothes, leaving his arms and legs naked, during physical education classes, morning exercises, and a general one - when changing linen, during daytime and night sleep.

It is considered comfortable for air baths to have an air temperature of + 17.5 to 22.5 0; air baths are not an irritant. To obtain a cooling effect from air baths, they must be carried out indoors at a temperature of 18-20 0, and at outdoors, in places protected from the wind, in the shade at temperatures above 18 0, within 19-20 0.

The duration of the first air bath is 3-5 minutes. With each subsequent procedure, the time increases by 3-5 minutes and reaches 30 minutes.

It is advisable to take air baths no earlier than 1.5 hours after meals, and finish 30 minutes before meals. They can be carried out both at rest and in motion.

Hardening begins at a temperature not lower than 22-21 0. The first aid procedure time is 20 seconds. (10 seconds each on the front and back surfaces of the body) at a distance of 6 m from the source of the air flow. Every 2 days of hardening, the time of blowing body surfaces increases by 20 seconds. and by the 24th day of hardening it is increased to 3 minutes (90 seconds each on the front and back surfaces of the body). The distance from the fans decreases by 0.5 m every 2 days, by the 24th day of hardening it remains 0.5 m. The most convenient time for hardening in the daily routine for preschoolers is before naptime.

Sun hardening

Carried out during a walk. The walk begins with light and air baths in the shade, moving on to local sunbathing. For sunbathing, children are placed in direct sunlight for 5-6 minutes, after which they are taken into the shade. The duration of general sunbathing is increased from 5 to 10 minutes; during the day, the time spent in the sun can be 40-50 minutes.

Water procedures

Hardening of the nasopharynx and oral mucosa is aimed at preventing sore throats. From 2-3 years old you need to learn to gargle at room temperature, from 4-5 years old to gargle first with a temperature of 36-37 0, followed by a decrease every 3-4 days by 1-2 0 up to 8-10 0. For rinsing use 1/3 cup of water. For weakened children, it is advisable to use herbal decoctions for rinsing (St. John's wort, chamomile, sage).

Hardening of the feet can be carried out in the form of washing, foot baths, as independent procedures, or in combination with walking barefoot on the floor, cold and hot sand, etc. Washing the feet begins at a temperature of 37-36 0, decreases during the hardening process by 1 0 every other day, bringing it to 20-18 0. The dousing time is 15-20 seconds, the room temperature is not lower than +20 0. . The hardening effect will occur if cool water is poured onto warm feet, so the procedure is carried out after a nap.

Contrast dousing of the legs can be gentle when the legs are first doused with warm water (+36+35 0), and then immediately cool (+24+25 0), after which warm dousing follows again. Gradually, the temperature of warm water rises to 40 0, and cold water decreases to 18 0. Finish the procedure by wiping with a dry towel. This hardening regimen is recommended for children who are weakened or after illness. For hardened children, conduct contrast dousing of the legs, starting with cold water (+24+25 0), then warm (+35+36 0) and then cold again with the same gradual decrease in temperature by 1 0 every 5-7 days.

Contrast foot baths can be taken in the traditional way by immersing the feet in a basin of cool water (like a contrast douse). This procedure is carried out individually for each child and is convenient for children early age. For older children, you can use the flow-group method (“Trickle”). The procedure is carried out after a day's sleep. The procedure is carried out after a day's sleep.

Hardening the feet by walking on a wet blanket (iodine-salt method).

After a nap, children walk barefoot on a ribbed board, then walk on a wet blanket (tread on it), lingering on it for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the time to 2 minutes. The initial temperature of the solution for soaking the blanket is +38+40 0. Every 2 days the temperature drops by 1 0 to 20 0.

The composition of the solution for soaking a blanket: water - 10 l, table salt - 400 g, alcohol solution of iodine 5% - 20 ml. When using sea ​​salt the solution is prepared without adding iodine.

General water procedures (dousing, wet rubbing, bathing) are carried out no earlier than 30-40 minutes after eating.

General wiping is carried out with a mitten made of soft cloth moistened with water at the appropriate temperature. First they wipe their hands, then their legs, chest, stomach and back. The direction of movement is from the periphery to the center. Each part of the body is wiped separately, and then wiped dry. The duration of the entire procedure is from 1 to 2 minutes at a room temperature of at least 20-24 0.

Dousing the entire body should be carried out at an air temperature not lower than

23 0 . Water is poured from a watering can onto the shoulders, chest and back. The duration of the procedure starts from 15 seconds. and can be increased to 35 sec. This is followed by rubbing with a dry towel.

The water temperature is reduced after 3-4 days by 2 0. Having reached the final temperature of the water, it is stored for 2 months to ensure the hardening effect. In the future, you can strengthen the current factor or increase the duration of its action.

For physically resilient, rarely ill children aged 5 - 7 years, contrasting general douches are recommended. The “heating - cooling” cycle should be repeated 3-5 or more times.

Swimming and bathing in an organized group with indoor pools is one of the most powerful water hardening methods used year-round. The hardening factors in this case are water, which has a mechanical, cooling effect, and air, which ensures the evaporation of moisture from the skin. This type of hardening is carried out under the supervision of a physical therapy instructor (or swimming instructor) and the supervision of a doctor. You can start it at 4 years of age. In this case, the air temperature in the room must be at least +25 0 and the water temperature at least +23 0. The duration of bathing is from 3 to 8 minutes, no more than once a day.

To increase the child’s body’s resistance to the effects of cooling, it is advisable to use healthy running in the open air in lightweight clothing as part of the daily routine, year-round. It is recommended to carry it out during outdoor exercise or morning exercises.


1. How often do you think your child gets sick? __________________________________________________________

2. Causes of the disease:

Insufficient physical development, raising a child in kindergarten;

Insufficient upbringing of the child in the family;


heredity, predisposition.

3. Do you know the physical indicators by which you can monitor the correct development of a child? (Yes, partially, no.)

4. What do you think people should pay attention to? special attention family and d/s, taking care of health and physical development child:

Compliance with the regime;

Rational, high-calorie nutrition;

Full sleep;

Sufficient exposure to fresh air;

Healthy, hygienic environment;

Favorable psychological atmosphere;

Availability of sports and children's playgrounds;

Physical education classes;

Hardening activities?

5. What hardening procedures are most suitable for a child:

Lightweight clothing for walking;

Lightweight group uniform (socks, short sleeves);

Pouring feet with water of contrasting temperature;

Walking barefoot;

Systematic ventilation of the group;

Walk in any weather;

Gargling with water at room temperature or below;

Washing your face, neck, arms up to the elbows with water at room temperature?

6. Do you know how to improve a child’s health? (Yes, partially, no.)

7. Do you need help from a kindergarten? (Yes, partially, no.)



Speech at a parent meeting

"Prevention of colds"

Prevention of colds- one of the difficult problems. Divided into specific and non-specific.

Under specific prevention is understood as vaccination (vaccination reduces the incidence by 2-6 times).

In October-November, 2-4 weeks before the start of the epidemic, you can get a flu vaccine, especially for children at risk (frequently ill people who are registered at a dispensary).

Not specificprevention is a set of measures aimed at preventing the spread of infection, carrying out health measures that increase the body’s resistance:


Limit your child’s stay in crowded places;

Wash your hands with soap;

Ventilate the room at least 3-4 times a day;

Carry out wet cleaning daily;

Follow your daily routine:

Night and daytime sleep by age,

Don't overtire your baby

Daily walks

Sleeping in the fresh air

Try not to overheat the baby,

Clothes should be appropriate for the weather,

Proper nutrition according to age, including natural juices, fruits, vegetables, natural phytoncides (onions, garlic). Additionally, take vitamin C. Large amounts of it are found in rose hips, currants, sauerkraut, kiwi, and citrus fruits.

If you want to raise a healthy baby, spend as much time as possible in the fresh air with him.

Important rules:

There is an opinion that in winter one hour is enough for a walk; in fact, it is better to walk with a child 3-4 times more, at least 4 hours a day.

Winter air is much healthier and fresher than summer air. It is approximately 1.5 times richer in oxygen, it contains more negative ions, which tone the body and strengthen the nervous system.

By February, vegetables and fruits lose most of their vitamins, it becomes clear that they cannot do without the help of multivitamin food supplements.

Lubricate your nasal passages with oxolinic ointment before going outside.

Use phytoncides: onion, garlic, fir and lavender oils (beads, aroma lamps, place on a plate).

Take vitamins, restoratives and antiviral drugs as prescribed by your pediatrician.

Use a mask that needs to be changed every 2 hours.

Follow the right lifestyle.

Hardening plays an important role - this is a scientifically based systematic use of natural factors to increase the body's resistance to adverse factors.

For successful hardening you need:

1.Systematic use of hardening procedures at all times of the year without interruption.

2. Gradual increase in the dose of irritant action.

3. Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child.

4.All hardening procedures should be carried out against a background of positive emotions.

Violation of at least one rule leads to the absence of a positive effect from hardening.

Hardening is the most reliable and accessible method of healing, but it requires enormous self-discipline.

Non-special hardening methods

Natural factors are used as the main means of hardening: air, water, sunlight.

A requirement for hardening in organized teams is the creation of appropriate hygienic conditions (clean air, room ventilation, clothing hygiene, hand washing).

Special hardening methods

Special hardening procedures vary:

a) by force of influence:

Local (selection, dousing, bath);

General (wiping, blowing with air flow, dousing, bath,


b) by duration

c) by influencing factor (air, water, sun).

Hardening begins with local influences. Air hardening should precede water and sun hardening.

Air baths

This is the mildest procedure. The child receives a local air bath while wearing ordinary clothes, leaving his arms and legs bare, during physical education classes, morning exercises, and a general one - when changing linen, during daytime and night sleep.

The air temperature considered comfortable for air baths is from + 17.5 to 22.5 0 air baths are not an irritant. To obtain a cooling effect from air baths, they must be carried out indoors at a temperature of 18-20 0 , and in the open air, in places protected from the wind, in the shade at temperatures above 18 0, within 19-20 0.

The duration of the first air bath is 3-5 minutes. With each subsequent procedure, the time increases by 3-5 minutes and reaches 30 minutes.

It is advisable to take air baths no earlier than 1.5 hours after meals, and finish 30 minutes before meals. They can be carried out both at rest and in motion.

Air flow hardening

Hardening begins at a temperature not lower than 22-21 0 . The first aid procedure time is 20 seconds. (10 seconds each on the front and back surfaces of the body) at a distance of 6 m from the source of the air flow. Every 2 days of hardening, the time of blowing body surfaces increases by 20 seconds. and by the 24th day of hardening it is increased to 3 minutes (90 seconds each on the front and back surfaces of the body). The distance from the fans decreases by 0.5 m every 2 days, by the 24th day of hardening it remains 0.5 m. The most convenient time for hardening in the daily routine for preschoolers is before naptime.

Sun hardening

Carried out during a walk. The walk begins with light and air baths in the shade, moving on to local sunbathing. For sunbathing, children are placed in direct sunlight for 5-6 minutes, after which they are taken into the shade. The duration of general sunbathing is increased from 5 to 10 minutes; during the day, the time spent in the sun can be 40-50 minutes.

Water procedures

Hardening of the nasopharynx and oral mucosa is aimed at preventing sore throats. From 2-3 years old you need to learn to gargle your mouth at room temperature, from 4-5 years old to gargle first with a temperature of 36-37 0 followed by a decrease every 3-4 days by 1-2 0 up to 8-10 0 . For rinsing use 1/3 cup of water. For weakened children, it is advisable to use herbal decoctions for rinsing (St. John's wort, chamomile, sage).

Hardening of the feet can be carried out in the form of washing, foot baths, as independent procedures, or in combination with walking barefoot on the floor, cold and hot sand, etc. Washing the feet begins at a temperature of 37-36 0 , is reduced during the hardening process by 1 0 every other day, bringing it to 20-18 0 . Dousing time is 15-20 seconds, room temperature is not lower than +20 0. . The hardening effect will occur if cool water is poured onto warm feet, so the procedure is carried out after a nap.

Contrast dousing of the legs can be gentle when the legs are first doused with warm water (+36+35 0 ), and then immediately cool (+24+25 0 ), followed by warm dousing again. Gradually the temperature of warm water rises to 40 0 , and when cold it drops to 18 0 . Finish the procedure by wiping with a dry towel. This hardening regimen is recommended for children who are weakened or after illness. For seasoned children, perform contrast dousing on the legs, starting with cold water (+24+25 0 ), then warm (+35+36 0 ) and then cold again with the same gradual decrease in temperature by 1 0 every 5-7 days.

Contrast foot baths can be taken in the traditional way by immersing the feet in a basin of cool water (like a contrast douse). This procedure is carried out individually for each child and is convenient for young children. For older children, you can use the flow-group method (“Trickle”). The procedure is carried out after a day's sleep. The procedure is carried out after a day's sleep.

Hardening the feet by walking on a wet blanket (iodine-salt method).

After a nap, children walk barefoot on a ribbed board, then walk on a wet blanket (tread on it), lingering on it for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the time to 2 minutes. Initial temperature of the solution for soaking the blanket +38+40 0 . Every 2 days the temperature decreases by 1 0 to 20 0 .

The composition of the solution for soaking a blanket: water - 10 l, table salt - 400 g, alcohol solution of iodine 5% - 20 ml. When using sea salt, the solution is prepared without adding iodine.

General water procedures (dousing, wet rubbing, bathing) are carried out no earlier than 30-40 minutes after eating.

General wiping is carried out with a mitten made of soft cloth moistened with water at the appropriate temperature. First they wipe their hands, then their legs, chest, stomach and back. The direction of movement is from the periphery to the center. Each part of the body is wiped separately, and then wiped dry. The duration of the entire procedure is from 1 to 2 minutes at a room temperature of at least 20-24 0 .

Dousing the entire body should be carried out at an air temperature not lower than

23 0 . Water is poured from a watering can onto the shoulders, chest and back. The duration of the procedure starts from 15 seconds. and can be increased to 35 sec. This is followed by rubbing with a dry towel.

Changing the water temperature during dousing+22 0 С

The water temperature is reduced after 3 - 4 days by 2 0 . Having reached the final temperature of the water, it is stored for 2 months to ensure the hardening effect. In the future, you can strengthen the current factor or increase the duration of its action.

For physically resilient, rarely ill children aged 5 - 7 years, contrasting general douches are recommended. The “heating - cooling” cycle should be repeated 3-5 or more times.

Swimming and bathing in an organized group with indoor pools is one of the most powerful water hardening methods used year-round. The hardening factors in this case are water, which has a mechanical, cooling effect, and air, which ensures the evaporation of moisture from the skin. This type of hardening is carried out under the supervision of a physical therapy instructor (or swimming instructor) and the supervision of a doctor. You can start it at 4 years of age. In this case, the air temperature in the room should be at least +25 0 and water at least +23 0 . The duration of bathing is from 3 to 8 minutes, no more than once a day.

Physical exercises and hardening

To increase the child’s body’s resistance to the effects of cooling, it is advisable to use healthy running in the open air in lightweight clothing as part of the daily routine, year-round. It is recommended to carry it out during outdoor exercise or morning exercises.


Improving children's health and reducing morbidity

1. How often do you think your child gets sick? __________________________________________________________

2. Causes of the disease:

Insufficient physical development, raising a child in kindergarten;

Insufficient upbringing of the child in the family;


heredity, predisposition.

3. Do you know physical indicators by which you can monitor the correct development of a child? (Yes, partially, no.)

4. What, in your opinion, should families and families pay special attention to when caring for the health and physical development of the child:

Compliance with the regime;

Rational, high-calorie nutrition;

Full sleep;

Sufficient exposure to fresh air;

Healthy, hygienic environment;

Favorable psychological atmosphere;

Availability of sports and children's playgrounds;

Physical education classes;

Hardening activities?

5. Which hardening procedures are most suitable for a child:

Lightweight clothing for walking;

Lightweight group uniform (socks, short sleeves);

Pouring feet with water of contrasting temperature;

Walking barefoot;

Systematic ventilation of the group;

Walk in any weather;

Gargling with water at room temperature or below;

Washing your face, neck, arms up to the elbows with water at room temperature?

6. Do you know how to improve a child’s health? (Yes, partially, no.)

7. Do you need help from a kindergarten? (Yes, partially, no.)

Target: to introduce parents of pupils to the main factors that contribute to strengthening and maintaining the health of preschoolers at home and in kindergarten conditions. Forming in parents the motivation for a healthy lifestyle, responsibility for their health and the health of their children, increasing the skills of parents in using health-saving technologies at home. Develop a sense of unity and cohesion.

Form of behavior: workshop.

Participants: parents, teachers, nurse, children.

Preliminary work.

  1. Questioning parents on the topic of the meeting “About health - seriously. Questionnaires are filled out at home, before the meeting, and their results are used during the meeting.
  2. Making colorful invitations for parents. (The invitation indicates the full name, patronymic of the father and mother; it is given a week before the parent meeting; an announcement is posted a few days in advance. It is good if both parents are present at the parent meeting).
  3. Presentation of invitation cards to parents.
  4. Development of instructions for parents.
  5. Design of the stand “We want to be healthy” (photos of children doing physical education, playing outdoor games...".
  6. Design of an exhibition of literature and other materials on the topic
  7. Selection of musical accompaniment.
  8. Prepare a report on morbidity, attendance and compliance with nutritional standards for the first half of the year.
  9. Group decoration.
  10. Creating a presentation to accompany performances.
  11. Registration letters of thanks for parents whose children were not sick during the first half of the year, or were sick very rarely.
  12. Organizing and conducting a survey of children “Who is a healthy person?”

Event plan

I. Organizational moment- introductory remarks.

II. Work on the topic - a sketch.

III. Creating a problematic situation for parents: “Who do you think is a healthy person? Watch video.

IV. Exchange of views on hardening children at home.

V. Nurse's workshop.

VI. About the role of walks in a child’s life.

VII. Warm-up for children and parents.

VIII. Speech by a nurse.

IX. Demonstration of manipulations.

X. Presentation of letters of gratitude to parents.

Application .

XII. Summary of the meeting.

Progress of the meeting

I. Organizational moment - introductory remarks

Goal: to set up the topic of the upcoming conversation, to create a favorable emotional environment.

The teacher meets parents in the hall, explains the theme of the meeting, and introduces them to the planned events (they are described in detail in the invitation cards).

Educator: We are very pleased that you found the time and responded to our invitation. In modern society, in the 21st century, new, higher demands are placed on a person, including a child, on his knowledge and abilities. Caring for the health of children has become a priority all over the world. This is understandable, since any country needs individuals who are not only creative, harmoniously developed, active, but also healthy.

Caring for education healthy child is a priority in the work of our preschool institution. Such a child has good body resistance to harmful environmental factors and resistance to fatigue, and is socially and physiologically adapted. In preschool childhood, the foundation of the child’s health is laid, his intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which life is impossible. healthy image life.

Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in improving the health of both ourselves and children. So what can adults do to encourage children to adopt a healthy lifestyle? We will try to find out this during our meeting. Let me read you a poem.

The child is constantly sick.
The mother is in a panic, in tears: both fear and sadness.
- After all, I had him from the cradle
I always try to keep it warm.
The apartment has windows even in summer
He’s afraid to open it in case there’s a draft,
With him, either to the hospital or to the pharmacy,
The number of medications cannot be counted.
Not a boy, in a word, but suffering.
That's how, sometimes, we are from children
Growing a greenhouse creature
And not fighters - heroes.

V. Krestov “Greenhouse creation”

Educator: A healthy, strong and developed child.

How to achieve this? What are we doing for this? How to improve children's health and avoid diseases? And the children will tell us about this.

II. Work on the topic - skit

Children in sports uniforms appear in the hall and line up in a semicircle. There is a knock on the door - Bom (the second teacher) comes in with a woolen scarf around his neck and an open umbrella in his hand.

Teacher and children: Hello, Bom!

Educator: Why are you dressed like that?

Bom (sneezing)

I look sad.
My head hurts
I'm sneezing, I'm hoarse...

Educator: What is it?

DB: It's the flu.

Educator: Flu? But our children don’t get sick.

Bom: Aren't they sick?

Educator: They don't get sick. Why? Listen.

1st child: Every day in the morning we do exercises. We really like to do everything in order.

2nd child: It's fun to walk.

3rd child: Raise your hands!

4th child: Squat!

5th child: Run and jump!

Educator: Is your health okay?

Children: Thanks for exercise!

Educator: How many of you know that hardening helps and is always useful for us?

Children: Sun, air and water are our best friends!

6th child: If you love sports since childhood, you will be healthy!

Educator: Come on together, kids, let’s all shout...

Children: Physical education - hurray!

7th child: If you want to be skillful, dexterous, fast, strong, brave...

8th child: Learn to love the jump rope, reins, hoops and sticks!

9th child: Never be discouraged, you will definitely hit the target!

10th child: We have a new ball, we play for an hour. I throw - you catch it! If you drop it, pick it up!

Children play ball to the music of M. Krasev’s song “Ball”.

11th child: In order for us to grow strong, dexterous and brave, we do exercises every morning. We raise our hands to the sun; We walk together, cheerfully, squat and stand up and don’t get tired at all.

The children do the exercises and leave the group with Bom, who says that he understood everything, and now he will also do exercises.

III. Creating a problematic situation for parents: “Who do you think is a healthy person? Watch video

Educator: During our meeting I would like to speculate a little. Let's answer one seemingly very simple question: “Who is a healthy person?”

Parents' answers.

And now I invite you to watch and listen to how the children answered this question. Watch the video: “Who is a healthy person?”

“My child will be healthy if I...”

Parents' answers.

Now I would like to invite you to watch an interview in which children discuss what needs to be done to maintain their health.

Watch the video: “What should you do to be healthy?”

Educator: Well, we listened to the children’s opinions. You expressed your opinions about what needs to be done to keep your child healthy. And now I want to give the floor to the doctor - pediatrician. She will talk about the treatment of colds, their prevention and hardening.

IV. Exchange of views on hardening children at home

In the future, we will talk about hardening.

The results of the questionnaire show that parent groups are conducted various types hardening with children. (Answers to the survey questions are read out)

Educator: The conclusion is clear: if you want to see your child healthy, you must constantly, every day, devote time to hardening procedures. The “minimum” of hardening includes the mandatory use of non-overheating clothing, air and water procedures, and hygiene of clothing and shoes.

Educator: Practice shows that one of the most promising and, most importantly, simple methods for improving the health of children is massage of biologically active points. When used systematically, it gives good results.

V. Nurse's workshop

A nurse conducts a workshop with parents on getting to know biologically active zones.

Children come in.

Acupressure demonstration: (subgroup)

Answers to parents' questions.

VI. About the role of walks in a child’s life

Presenter: A.S. wrote about the beneficial effects of walking in the fresh air. Pushkin

“My friends! Take your staff
Go to the forest, wander through the valley,
And in the house at night your sleep will be deep.”

Daily walks for children can and should be an effective method of hardening a child. Since the oxygen needs of a growing body are more than 2 times higher than those of adults.

Under the influence of air baths, not only does the tone of the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems increase, but also the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood increases. It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games. Children should go for walks at least 3 times a day for at least 4 hours a day, unlimited in summer.

During walks and in groups, we play a number of games that are preventive, and some treat certain diseases.

Now the children will show them to you.

VII.Warm-up for children and parents

A second teacher appears in the hall, dressed as Doctor Aibolit. He does the warm-up together with his parent.

Game 1: “Mouse and Bear”, aimed at developing deep rhythmic inhalation and exhalation, treats diseases of the nose and throat, and strengthens the muscles of the spine.

Progress of the game: The presenter shows the movements and pronounces the words, the children invite their parents, the parents perform the movements together with the children:

Mishka’s house is huge (straighten up, stand on your toes, raise your arms up, stretch, look at your hands – inhale).

The mouse has a very small one (sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, lower your head - exhale while pronouncing the sound “sh,sh,sh”).

The mouse goes to visit Mishka. He won't get to her. (You need to walk around the hall), (repeat 4-6 times).

Game 2: “Who is the loudest?” Purpose of the game: Training of nasal breathing, closing lips, treatment of nasal diseases.

Progress of the game: The leader shows the children how to play: straighten your back, close your lips, place the index finger of your left hand on the side of your nose, pressing your left nostril tightly, inhale deeply through your right nostril (mouth closed) and say (exhale) “mmm”, while patting the index finger of the right hand along the right nostril. The result is a long, chanted exhalation. The sound “mmm” should be directed into the nose, it should be sonorous. Then the right nostril is pressed.

The game is repeated several times.

Game 3: “Bee” goal of the game: formation of correct breathing (depth and rhythm) strengthening the muscles of the arms, waist, upper limbs.

Progress of the game: The presenter offers to play “bee”. The child and parents are shown that they need to sit straight, arms crossed over their chest, head down, with the words of the presenter “The bee said - “zhu, zhu, zhu”” the child and parents rhythmically squeeze the chest with both hands and say “zhzh” - while exhaling - and Together with the leader, while inhaling, he spreads his arms to the sides and, straightening his shoulders, says: “I’ll fly and buzz, I’ll bring honey to the children.” He gets up and, spreading his arms to the sides, makes a circle around the room and sits down again in his original place. The game is repeated 4-5 times. The presenter needs to ensure that the breath is through the nose and the breathing is deep.

Doctor Aibolit shares his experience and listens to parents on the topic “Folk and non-traditional remedies for the treatment of colds and their prevention. (Application)

Educator: Now the floor is given to the senior nurse. She will tell you about the nutrition of preschool children. Report accompanied by presentation: “Proper nutrition of a child in a preschool educational institution and at home is the basis of a child’s health.”

VIII. Nurse's speech

“For dad, for mom...”

“Proper nutrition of a child in preschool and at home is the basis of a child’s health.”

Speech by the senior nurse. The head nurse conducts a conversation about the nutrition of preschool children. The report is accompanied by a presentation: “Proper nutrition of a child in a preschool educational institution and at home is the basis of a child’s health.”

Gives parents a task (to cross out “harmful” products from the list).

IX. Demonstration of manipulations

A kindergarten nurse demonstrates (on a large doll) the simplest procedures that all parents should be able to perform (how to put a thermometer, mustard plaster, make a compress and rub, put drops in the nose, ears, eyes).

X. Presentation of letters of thanks to parents

Presentation of letters of gratitude to parents whose children were not sick for six months, or were sick very rarely. Formulating and making decisions at the parent meeting.

XI. Parent survey “Your opinion about the meeting.” Application

XII. Summary of the meeting.

Dear parents. Remember that the child’s health is in your hands! You need to create conditions for a healthy lifestyle for your child.

At the end of the meeting, children and parents have a joint tea party.

Approximate decision of the parent meeting:

  • create the necessary conditions to fulfill the child’s needs for motor activity V everyday life(term – permanent, responsible – teachers, parents);
  • distribute physical and mental stress evenly throughout the day (term - constantly, responsible - teachers, parents);
  • systematically take an interest in the knowledge acquired by children on the formation of a healthy lifestyle and reinforce it at home (term - permanently, responsible - parents);
  • organize a daily routine and nutrition at home close to that of a kindergarten (permanent period, responsible: parents);
  • On weekends, be sure to organize walks with your children.
  • Systematically harden the child in a family setting.

Purpose of the meeting:

  • Motivate parents to comply with measures to prevent influenza and ARVI in the family.
  • Through parents, help children realize that THEY THEMSELVES are responsible for their health, and not just the school and parents.

Meeting objectives:

  • To familiarize parents with the basic measures to prevent viral diseases in families with school-age children;
  • Initiate a discussion during which parents will share their experience of preventing influenza and ARVI in families.
  • To help parents realize personal responsibility for the health of their children.
  • Teach parents the basic rules of prevention and the ability to timely detect the onset of an illness in a child and take the first pre-medical measures.

Approximate scenario for holding a parent meeting:
Before your parents arrive, prepare and place handouts on the classroom desks - the “5 STEPS AGAINST THE FLU” reminder.

Greetings from the class teacher: Good evening, thank you all for taking the time to attend the parent-teacher conference. Today we will discuss a very important topic: influenza and ARVI in children. I believe everyone already knows from the news reports that the season of epidemics has arrived. In this regard, I want to introduce you to the basic measures to prevent influenza and ARVI in families with school-age children. But first, let me give you some brief statistics and tell you in a few words what to do if your child gets sick.


According to the World Organization, the health status of children is one of the current problems all over the world. In our country, influenza is one of the three most dangerous diseases. Surges in the number of cases are usually seasonal. As a rule, children are the first to start getting sick; of the total number of people with ARVI, they make up 45–60%.

How do schoolchildren become infected with the flu?

Your child can become infected as a result of contact with an already sick child, inhaling air with tiny droplets of saliva and sputum released by sick people when they cough and sneeze. Infection can occur through talking and touching sick children, incl. playing computer games with them, exchanging pencils, using shared utensils, etc.

Therefore, it is very important not to send your child to school before he is completely cured! Not only can he infect his classmates and teachers, he risks complications. Never allow your child to study earlier than his attending physician allows! Even if the symptoms have ceased to manifest themselves, the risk of complications remains.

How can you tell if your child has the flu?

Influenza, unlike other acute respiratory viral infections, has a sudden onset. The child may complain of headache, aches, and fatigue. His temperature rises sharply. Some children develop fever and nausea. Later, a runny nose and cough may occur. All these symptoms are familiar to all of you. When they appear, you should put the child to bed, give him a warm drink (for example, freshly brewed fruit juice or tea) and call a doctor at home. Before the doctor arrives, you do not need to give your child any medications at your own discretion! The only exception is antipyretics if the temperature exceeds 38.5C. And there is no need to object if the doctor recommends inpatient treatment for the child.

Now let's move directly to the topic of prevention, because it is better to prevent the flu than to treat it.

Question: Please tell me how much time does your child spend on the computer?

You will be surprised, but according to recent scientific research, it was the computer keyboard that turned out to be the most “unsanitary” object in the house, on which pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious diseases accumulate. Equally dangerous items in the house are telephone handsets, switches and door handles. It is known that viruses remain viable on plastic and metal for up to 48 hours, and on glass – up to 10 days!

Make sure that these items in your home are wiped down regularly with some kind of disinfectant solution or detergent. Don’t forget to treat all horizontal surfaces in the room with it: floor, table, shelves, window sill. Instruct the student to do this simple work: in addition to the fact that this is one of the main measures to prevent influenza and ARVI, cleaning will teach the child order and discipline.

Question: Dear parents, share your experience: how do you persuade your child to clean the house?

Maintaining good personal hygiene is one of the good habits that should be instilled in a child so that he grows healthy person. Good habits are also the habit of doing morning exercises and the habit of walking in the fresh air at least once a day. And here we are forced to return again to the topic of computer games.

Question: Dear parents, what is the ratio of time that your child spends outside doing active games, and the time he spends at home at the computer or watching TV?

Parents' answers:...

Question: How do you think you can persuade your child to spend more time outdoors and play sports?

Parents share their experiences, the teacher summarizes their comments.

An equally important issue is the child’s nutrition. Let's not lie and admit that many parents allow their children to buy chips and Coca-Cola, eat fast food in snack bars and skip breakfast. Not every child can be persuaded to eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, but this must be done, and here you have to rely only on the child’s consciousness and parental ingenuity.

Question: Do any of the parents present here have any unusual experience or their own “author’s” method of teaching their child healthy food and regular eating?

Parents share their experiences, the teacher summarizes their comments.

Question (asked by the teacher and answered by himself): We have just reviewed the basic and accessible measures for everyone to prevent influenza and ARVI at school age. How else can you prevent the flu in a child?

Answer: The surest way to protect your child from the flu is annual vaccination. According to official data, in the autumn-winter period, vaccines help protect against influenza in 70-100% of cases. Mass vaccination is a specific prevention that doctors strongly advise everyone not to neglect. If you do not want to get vaccinated in general or are opposed to them, then consult your doctor about the emerging risk to your child’s health and methods of non-specific prevention.
It is important to remember that vaccination is contraindicated for children with immunodeficiencies. Vaccination should also not be given to those who are allergic to some components of the vaccine, or to those who have acute illnesses or high fever.

In our classroom this winter, informational materials for children on the topic of flu prevention will be posted, and special health lessons will be held. I ask you to support the efforts of our teachers and encourage your children to practice good hygiene, both at home and at school. Surveys conducted in Moscow schools showed that our schoolchildren do not consider themselves responsible for their health. And today we have seen the enormous importance of personal hygiene and hygiene of premises in the prevention of diseases; How important it is, in the event of your own illness, to protect others from infection in a timely manner by wearing a mask or going on sick leave.

The “5 STEPS AGAINST THE FLU” program has its own website (the teacher writes the website address on the board), where you can go for all the information you are interested in, read interviews with doctors, and take tests.

In conclusion, the teacher can quote Annette Kuleshova’s poem “Childhood Illness”:

Outside the window there are autumn floods,
All the glass is in the darkening river.
I have a baby with plum eyes
Crying on the crib, in the corner.

He lies there, scratching the pillow,
Then my finger will be grabbed by a fist.
Pulls his sore ears
And he will bury himself face down in his underwear.

There are wet streaks under the eyes,
My God! Yes, if I could,
I would have all the misfortunes and tears
I took it from you!

Teacher: Many of us are familiar with this condition. The desire to take on the pain of a sick child and the powerlessness of not being able to do this... But we are able to protect the child from illness by teaching him the basic rules of caring for his health. After all, a healthy child is happy child, isn't it?

At the beginning of our meeting, each parent was given teaching materials"5 STEPS AGAINST THE FLU." This is a special program for the prevention of viral diseases in children. It proposes a set of preventive measures to prevent the spread of these diseases. I suggest you use this guide immediately, because the flu season among children is in full swing.

According to WHO, 50% of a person’s health depends on their lifestyle, the remaining 50% is the environment, social status, climate and many other factors. And yet, half of the responsibility for one’s own health lies with the person himself! Therefore, today we are talking about the formation of a responsible attitude towards one’s health in every family, the formation of a healthy lifestyle that makes a person prosperous and successful.

I wish you and your children to remain healthy and happy! Remember: by caring for your own child, you are caring for the future of our country, which will be built by the younger generation!

At the end of the meeting, upon leaving the classroom, parents receive gifts from the school - preventive kits “5 STEPS AGAINST THE FLU”.

Target: promote the need for a healthy lifestyle; ensuring physical and mental well-being.

I. Meeting preparation plan

  1. Design of posters on the theme of the meeting.
  2. Preparation of invitations for each family with text.
  3. Design of an exhibition of methodological literature on the topic of parent-teacher meetings.
  4. Design of the sliding folder “Preschooler mode”.
  5. Design of the photo stand "... Physical education“This is what ensures health and brings joy.” Cratten
  6. Preparing a message for parents on the topic: “Caring for the health of the child.”
  7. Preparation of methodological recommendations for parents.
  8. Decoration of the meeting place.
  9. Preparation of a video presentation: “Hygienic and hardening procedures for children in preschool educational institutions.”
  10. 10. Preparation of questionnaires for parents.
  11. 11. Preparation of instructions for parents on a healthy lifestyle.
  12. 12. Holding a meeting of the parent committee.

II. Meeting plan

1. Introduction. Short, emotional speech , setting up the topic of the upcoming conversation. Use of a musical background (P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”).

2. Discussion. Consideration of issues and situations on the topic “Caring for the health of the child,” expressing the opinions of educators, children, and parents.

3. Musical break. Physical education is performed by all parents accompanied by music, in accordance with the theme of the meeting.

4. Wise thoughts. On each table there are cards with sayings of great people, in accordance with the theme of the meeting. To the music, the cards are passed around in a circle, so parents become familiar with the contents of each card, and the ones they like the most are read out loud.

5. Video presentation for parents “Hygienic and hardening procedures for children in preschool educational institutions.”

6. Working with reminders. Parents get acquainted with reminders on a healthy lifestyle. They draw conclusions and share their experiences.

7. Conclusion. Conclusion on the topic. Solution.

8. Parent survey. To see the positive and negative aspects held meeting.

III. Progress of the meeting

1. Introduction.

The music is quiet. The tables are arranged in a semicircle, on them are cards with the names and patronymics of the parents, methodological recommendations for parents, cards with sayings of great teachers, questionnaires, pieces of paper, pencils. On the teacher’s desk: a tape recorder, materials for holding a meeting.

2. Discussion.

Good evening, dear parents! We are glad to see you. Thank you for taking the time and coming to parent meeting.

A human child is healthy... developed...

This is not only an ideal and an abstract value,

but also a practical achievable standard of living.

How to achieve this?

This is what we would like to talk to you about today.

In modern society, in the 21st century, new, higher demands are placed on a person, including a child, on her knowledge and abilities.

Caring for the health of children and adults has become a priority all over the world. This is understandable, since any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy individuals.

Taking care of raising a healthy child is a priority in our work and preschool. A healthy and developed child has good body resistance to harmful environmental factors and resistance to fatigue, and is socially and physiologically adapted.

In preschool childhood, the foundation of a child’s health is laid, intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

Prolonged stay in unfavorable conditions causes overstrain of the body's adaptive capabilities and leads to exhaustion immune system. Chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, ENT organs and other diseases occur.

The increase in the number of diseases is associated not only with the socio-ecological situation, but also with the very lifestyle of the child’s family, which largely depends on family traditions and the nature of the motor mode. If the child’s physical activity is insufficient (physical inactivity), a deterioration in the development of motor function and a decrease in the child’s physical performance inevitably occur.

Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in improving the health of both ourselves and our children. “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality in infancy” (Clause 1 of Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

Unfortunately, due to the developed cultural level of our society, health is not yet in first place among human needs. Therefore, many parents cannot serve as a positive example of a healthy lifestyle for their child, as they often abuse smoking and alcohol,

They prefer watching TV shows and videos for many hours, hardening, physical education, and walks in the fresh air. Often, parents have little idea of ​​how necessary it is to introduce their child to a healthy lifestyle.

What can parents do to introduce their children to a healthy lifestyle? (parents' statements)

  • First of all, you need to actively use healing natural

environmental factors: clean water, ultraviolet rays of sunlight, clean air, phytoncidal properties of plants, since the natural forces of nature are familiar components of the environment and are necessary for the life of the body.

  • The child needs a calm, friendly psychological

Quarrels in the presence of a child in some cases contribute to the development of neurosis in him, and in others aggravate existing disorders nervous system. All this significantly reduces the protective capabilities of the child’s body. With this in mind, we should always try to be good mood. Remember, as soon as we smile, it immediately becomes easier; if we frown, sadness creeps in. They frowned - adrenaline began to be released, which contributes to a sad, anxious mood, smiled - they helped another hormone - endorphin, which ensures a confident and cheerful mood. After all, the same fact in one case can be invisible to us, but in another it can cause anger and spoil the mood. But our irritation mechanically transfers to the child.

Emotional stability and related behavior are nurtured. What is important here is the ability to correctly and rationally relate to what is seen, perceived, and heard.

So let's smile more and give joy to each other.

  • We must not only protect the child’s body from harmful influences,

but also to create conditions that help increase the child’s body’s defenses and performance. And the important thing here is properly organized daily routine, which optimally combines the period of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day, satisfies their needs for food, activity, rest, physical activity, etc. In addition, the regime disciplines children, promotes the formation of many useful skills, accustoms them to a certain rhythm.

Walking is one of the essential components of the regime. This is the most effective type of rest; it well restores the functional resources of the body, reduced during activity, and, first of all, performance. Staying in the air helps increase the body's resistance and hardens it. After an active walk, the child’s appetite and sleep always normalize. The walk should be carried out in any weather, with the exception of particularly unfavorable conditions. At the same time, clothing and shoes must be appropriate for the weather and all hygienic requirements. During a walk, children should not be allowed to remain in the same position for a long time, so it is necessary to change their type of activity and place of play. It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games. Children should go for walks at least 2 times a day for 2 hours, in summer - unlimitedly.

An equally important part of the regime is sleep. which is especially necessary for weakened children. It is important that the baby falls asleep at the same time every day (both day and night).

Thus, the child’s home routine should be a continuation of the kindergarten daily routine.

  • Nutritious food- inclusion in the diet of foods rich in

vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper), as well as protein. It is advisable to prepare all dishes for children from natural products, unrefined, without additives, spices or preservatives. Include cottage cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal in children's diets more often.

Equally important is the diet, that is, maintaining certain intervals between meals.

  • It is important for children to develop an interest in improving their own health.

body. How earlier child will get an idea of ​​the structure of the human body, learn about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, sleep, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle. If a child is forcibly forced to engage in physical education, as well as to observe the rules of hygiene, then the child quickly loses interest in this.

When a child enters school, it is important to take into account not only his intellectual development, but also the level of his physical development. And there is no need to stuff your child with knowledge before school. The principle of “do no harm” should be the basis for the upbringing and development of a child. It should be remembered that “early learning” leads to overload, has a negative impact on health, provokes neuroses and other undesirable phenomena, as a result of which interest in learning decreases.

Preparation for school in kindergarten is carried out not only in classes in mathematics and speech development, but also in physical education classes, in which children develop the attention, thinking, memory, speech, imagination, fine motor skills, and coordination of movements necessary for successful learning in school. ; and also play activity children. Play is the leading activity in preschool age. How better baby plays in role-playing games, the more successful he will be in school. The game prepares well for school. While a child’s psyche is developing, he must play. Without play, children develop a feeling of fear, lethargy and passivity. Play is a leading human need. No wonder they broadcast a lot on television now game programs for adults who didn’t play enough in childhood.

  • Walking and running are effective for improving health and normalizing weight.

which protect the human body from the occurrence of diseases. They have a pronounced training effect and help strengthen the body.

What is hardening? (parents' statements)

The point of hardening is to, over time, with the help of special procedures, increase a person’s resistance to cooling due to the fact that the body will always react with appropriate protective reactions - an increase in body production and a decrease in heat transfer. During hardening, immunity also increases due to increased production of interferon and other protective factors in the body. Therefore, it would be great if hardening was a common family affair.

How many of you carry out hardening activities at home, and what kind? (parents' statements)

And now we suggest listening to your children’s statements (the tape recording is turned on).

Without calling the child by name, the teacher asks to answer the questions: Children, why do you need to toughen up? Are you hardening yourself at home? How? Who are you doing this with? Is it every day? Do you like it? Why don't you do it?

Hardening, as noted by E.A. Arkin, it is of greater importance for a weakened child than for a healthy one. Along with traditional hardening methods (air baths, water foot baths, gargling), non-traditional ones are also widely used.

Contrast air hardening(children go from a warm room to a “cold” room).

Walking barefoot. At the same time, the arches and ligaments of the feet are strengthened, and flat feet are prevented. IN summer period provide children with the opportunity to walk barefoot on hot sand and asphalt, on small pebbles and cones, which act as strong irritants. On the contrary, warm sand, soft grass, and an indoor carpet have a calming effect. When walking barefoot, the intensity of activity of almost all muscles increases, blood circulation throughout the body is stimulated, and mental activity improves.

Contrast shower– most effective method hardening at home.

(After a short exercise, the child gets under the shower, is doused with water at 36 - 38 degrees for 30 - 40 seconds, then the water temperature is reduced by 2 - 3 degrees, and the duration of the douche is reduced to 20 - 25 seconds. The procedure is repeated 2 times. After 1 - 1.5 weeks, the difference in water temperatures increases to 4 - 5 degrees and within 2 - 3 months it reaches 19 - 20 degrees).

Gargling with cool water with a decrease in temperature is a method of preventing nasopharyngeal disease. (Gargling begins at a water temperature of 36 - 37 degrees, decreases every 2 - 3 days by 1 degree and is brought to room temperature.)

It should be remembered that a break in hardening for two to three weeks reduces the body’s resistance to colds and is therefore highly undesirable.

It cannot be ignored individual characteristics the child, his age, his sensitivity to hardening procedures. It is not recommended to carry out hardening against the background of negative emotional states, for example, fear, resentment, anxiety. This can lead to neurotic disorders.

What conclusion can be drawn about hardening? (parents' statements)

Yes, if we want to see our child healthy, we need to carry out hardening procedures every day. The “minimum” of hardening includes air and water procedures and properly selected clothing.

You can also harden your child’s body with food.

Some plants - biostimulants and adaptogens - help increase the body's resistance. The latter adapt, adapt the body to the effects of certain harmful, physical, chemical, biological factors, including unusual environmental conditions.

Let's talk, what foods or substances help a child become more hardened? (give parents cards to answer questions)

Correct answers:

  1. Black currant and rose hips increase the body's resistance to

cooling and ARVI.

  1. The “protection” drink is carrot juice. It is recommended to drink fresh

carrot juice from 1 tablespoon to half a glass per day, but not more than 100 g, since in large quantities it can cause icteric discoloration of the skin. In addition, it causes allergies in some children.

3. Juices are cleaner organic products. They are quickly absorbed by the body (within an hour) and, therefore, almost immediately after consumption they are included in the metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the body’s recovery processes. Juices contain a lot of water, but this is truly living water - it is enriched with biologically active substances of plant cells.

All juices have a general strengthening effect, stimulate digestion and absorption of food, and also remove toxic substances from the body, including radioactive ones (carrot and apple juice). Finally, juices are also a source of vitamins, mineral salts and numerous microelements.

  • To increase the child’s body’s defenses, it is recommended

taking vitamins.

The word “vitamin” comes from the Latin vita – life. Vitamins are involved in metabolism and regulate certain biochemical and physiological processes. A lack of vitamins in food or a change in the processes of their absorption leads to metabolic disorders and ultimately to the development of hypo- and avitaminosis. To achieve a certain level of vitamin saturation, it is necessary to use preparations that include vitamin complexes in optimal ratios, especially in the winter-spring period. By the way, the use of multivitamins 1 - 2 tablets per day in normal dosages during an epidemic of influenza and influenza-like diseases reduces the incidence of illness in children by at least 2 times.

  • A blow to the health of the child is dealt harmful tendencies of parents. Not

It’s a secret that children of smoking fathers and mothers suffer from bronchopulmonary diseases more often than children of non-smokers.

  • Have serious consequences for the child's health injuries and


Please tell me what in the conditions of the home can pose a danger to the child’s life? (parents' statements)

Yes, children are very inquisitive and try to imitate us adults in everything. They can turn on electric heating devices and love to play with small objects.

Remember, the child’s health is in your hands!

At the same time, it has already been noted: in those families where adults get sick little, children, as a rule, are healthy.

3. Physical education minute.

Dear parents, we have been sitting a little too long, let's take a rest. (The teacher invites parents to play outdoor games at their request).

4. Wise thoughts.

What do our great teachers say about the development of a child’s speech? Pay attention to their statements. Read them out loud. (Parents read the statements.) (See the material in Appendix 1.3.).

5. Video presentation for parents “Hygienic and hardening procedures for children in preschool educational institutions.”

(See the folder “Hardening and hygienic procedures.”)

6. Working with reminders.

Dear parents! On your tables there are reminders on the healthy lifestyle of a child in the family. Please get to know them.

Do you agree with these tips? If yes, which one do you think is the most significant? Which of these tips have you already used in your parenting practice? How successful?

(Parents read out loud those tips that, in their opinion, are the most important and necessary.)

We give these reminders to you. Let them help you find a middle ground in improving your child’s health.

7. Conclusion.

Caring for the health of children and adults has become a priority all over the world. The more we show and tell our child about health, the better for his development.

We invite you to support the initiative of the kindergarten and introduce a healthy lifestyle into the family.

Based on the results of questionnaires, discussions, play therapy with parents and children, we offer the following: parent meeting decision:

  1. Introduce a healthy lifestyle into every family.
  2. The child’s home routine should be a continuation of the daycare routine.
  3. Systematically harden the child in a family setting.
  4. On weekends, be sure to go for a walk with your children at least 2 times a day. Let the child move more during the walk and play outdoor games. Playing games with children will improve our health and rejuvenate ourselves.
  5. Check all injury-prone areas at home and prevent child injuries.

8. Questioning parents.

Dear parents! In conclusion, to find out how well the topic and content of the parent meeting meet the requirements of parent meetings and family requirements, we invite you to fill out a questionnaire.

(Parents fill out forms.)

We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, and prosperity in your family.

Let the children make you happy!


  1. Alyamovskaya V.G. How to raise a healthy child. – M., 1993.
  2. Graevskaya N.D. Vigor and health. - M.: Medicine, 1979. - 76 p.
  3. Kudryavtsev V.T., Egorov B.B. Developmental pedagogy of health improvement (preschool age): program and methodological manual. – M.: LINKA-PRESS, 2000. – 296 p.: ill.
  4. Laizane S.Ya. Physical culture for kids. – M.: Education, 1978. - 94 p.
  5. Laptev A.P. ABC of hardening. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1986. - 96 p.
  6. Levi-Gorinevskaya E.G. Physical education of a preschool child. - M: Uchpedgiz, 1953.
  7. Praznikov V.P. Hardening of children preschool age. - L.: Medicine, 1988. - 224 p.

Application.doc (151 KB)

Appendix 1.1. Invitation for parents.

Appendix 1.2. Material for the group stand on the topic “Preschooler’s regime”.

Appendix 1.3. Statements of great teachers.

Appendix 1.4. Memo “Why and how do we sleep?”

Appendix 1.5. Letter to parents “Keep the regime.”

Appendix 1.7. Questionnaire for parents “My participation in the physical development of the child.”

Appendix 1.8. Questionnaire “Positive and Negative Aspects

of the parent meeting."

Presentation "Hygienic and hardening procedures" 10MB