“Regional component to the main educational program of the preschool educational institution. Implementation of the regional component in the educational activities of preschool educational institutions through various forms of methodological work System of work on the regional component

In accordance with clause 2.6. Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education content of the educational field “Social communication development» is aimed at: - mastering the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values, development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; -formation of the foundations of safety in everyday life, society, and nature. content of the educational field " Cognitive development"involves: -the formation of primary ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland, about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the features of nature.

The use of the regional component as one of the means of socialization of preschool children assumes the following: 1. Familiarization of preschool children with their native land during the implementation of educational preschool educational programs. 2. Introduction of a regional component taking into account the principle gradual transition from what is closest to the child, personally significant (home, family) to what is less close - cultural and historical facts. 3. An activity-based approach to introducing children to the history, culture, and nature of their hometown, when children themselves choose the activities in which they would like to participate in order to reflect their feelings and ideas about what they saw and heard. 4. Interaction with parents. 5. Professional development of all participants in the educational process (educators, specialists); 6. Generalization of experience in teaching activities, study of the effectiveness of innovative activities and its results in the main areas of work with children, teachers, and parents.

Goal: to form preschoolers’ initial ideas about the features of their hometown. Objectives: - introduce children to the features and traditions of the city; - form ideas about your hometown: history, streets, professions; - introduce the names of famous fellow countrymen; - to develop knowledge about the living and inanimate nature of the city; - lay the foundations moral personality, national pride and national identity.

Effective formation of the foundations of cultural and historical heritage in children is possible if the following factors are observed: the use of local history programs and technologies; complex combination various types child's activities; creating conditions for self-realization of each child, taking into account the experience he has accumulated, especially cognitive, emotional sphere; taking into account the specifics of the organization and construction of the pedagogical process; the use of forms and methods aimed at developing emotions and feelings.

For the effective implementation of the regional component, a number of pedagogical conditions are necessary: ​​Creation of a cultural and developmental environment in the preschool educational institution Preparation of the teaching staff for the implementation of the regional component of preschool education Organization of effective interaction between the preschool educational institution and society Integration of the regional component into educational activities Organization of effective interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family.

Age-related features of the assimilation of program material by preschoolers in the educational field of “social and communicative development” (regional component) 3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years 6-7 years knows his own name, recognizes and names adults in life and in pictures, understands that other children also have their own family, parents know their last name, parents’ first name, family ties and his social role, knows how to politely address teachers by first name and patronymic; notes characteristic changes in nature; names the plants growing on the site. gives his home address and the name of the city in which he lives. knows the first and last name of the parents; their professions, briefly talks about them, names some of the city's attractions. names objects located in the kindergarten microdistrict; streets, can independently determine the route from home to kindergarten on a plan diagram and in space, is familiar with the works of local poets and artists. has a general understanding of the history of his city, symbols, traditions of his native city

Preparing the teaching staff for the implementation of the regional component of preschool education When starting work on the regional component, the teacher himself must know the cultural, historical, natural, ethnographic features of the region where he lives in order to instill in preschoolers a love and respect for folk traditions your region.

Organization of effective interaction between a preschool educational institution and society A modern preschool educational institution cannot successfully implement its activities and develop without extensive cooperation with society at the level of social partnership (museums, theaters, folklore groups, etc.)

Integration of the regional component An important role in introducing preschool children to culture native land are occupied by folk holidays and traditions, which are studied during preparation for calendar and ritual holidays: Christmas, New Year, Maslenitsa, Bird Day, etc.

THEMATIC BLOCK “CITY. ATTRACTIONS. HISTORY" Objectives Topics and forms of work To form knowledge about the native city, its cultural and historical values ​​To acquaint children with the symbols of the city, its attractions To develop cognitive interest in the history of the native land on the basis of local history material Junior and middle preschool age topic "Where we live" Topic " Where we live" "My house, my street" "Favorite kindergarten" "Streets of my hometown" "City life" Excursions starting from the 2nd half of the middle group: around the kindergarten, to the buildings, along the city street. Plot- role playing games: House Family City street Commonwealth with family Questionnaire “Do you know the sights of the city” Day open doors Stand “The History of One Photograph”

Expand children's knowledge about their hometown, its cultural and historical values. Continue to acquaint children with the symbols of the city, its attractions, and memorable places of the city. Develop cognitive interest in the history of the native land based on local history material. Senior preschool age Theme “Where we live” My hometown, region Symbols of the city Memorable places Journey into the past of the city Kaliningrad - the city of the future Excursions: The ABC of a pedestrian To the local history museum To places of military glory Role-playing games: House-family City street Construction Competitions: Drawings “Kaliningrad - the city of the future” Making models of your hometown” Collaboration with the family Questioning “Do you know your city” Open day Stand “The History of One Photo” Competition “Making a Model of the City”, co-creation of parents with children Family project “Family Traditions”

THEMATIC BLOCK “NATURE OF THE HOME TOWN” Objectives Topics and forms of work To expand, generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about the nature of the preschool site. To educate from the first years of life a socially active, creative personality capable of understanding and loving nature Junior and middle preschool age Theme “Welcome to ecology” “Trees around us” “Work in nature” “How birds in the city prepare for winter” “Feeding” birds" "Friends of the forest. What is good and what is bad" Promotions Labor walks-promotions Let's feed the birds Community with the family Competition "Birdhouses for birds"

Expand, generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about the flora and fauna of the city’s surroundings and the problems of their native land. To educate from the first years of life a humane, socially active, creative personality, capable of understanding and loving nature, treating it with care, transforming and increasing it Senior preschool age Theme “Welcome to ecology” Conversation about domestic and wild animals Doctors of the forest. Why does a person plant a forest? “Living and inanimate nature of the Kaliningrad region” “Influence inanimate nature on the life of plants and animals in the city" Competition. Promotion. Exhibition "Fantasy" /crafts from natural material/ Promotion “Second Life” waste material» Exhibition of drawings “Nature of my native city” Community with my family Questionnaire “What do I know about the nature of my native land” Competition of family traditions Hiking trips Clean-up “Greening of garden plots”

THEMATIC BLOCK “CULTURE, RECREATION, SPORTS” Objectives Topics and forms of work To introduce children to Russian folklore, masters of artistic crafts, and the work of local poets, composers, and artists. Contribute general development child based on love and interest in the culture of the city. Topic: “Introduction to folk origins, urban traditions” Junior and middle preschool age Acquaintance with folklore Wonderful Russian chest Fair Craft shop Grandmother’s tales Grandfather’s golden hands Senior preschool age Miracle - wonderful, marvelous (fairy tales, legends and folklore of the Russian people) Traditions of the Russian people Acquaintance with the work of local poets, composers, artists Cultural and sports centers of the city Sport is health Traditions of the native city

Introduce children to Russian folklore, masters of artistic crafts, and the work of local poets, composers, and artists. To promote the overall development of the child based on love, interest in the culture of the city and sports. To develop children's cultural behavior skills Excursions starting from the second half of the middle group: to art school to music school Calendar and ritual holidays Russian gatherings Kolyada - open the gates Wide Maslenitsa Easter City traditions festival of children's creativity City Day June 1 - Children's Day Community with the family: joint physical education and musical leisure time, ancient family traditions, drawing competition, co-creation between parents and children, photo exhibition " Summer holiday»

When implementing the regional component, the organization of project activities plays an important role. “Sights of Kaliningrad”, “Why was the street called that”, “Sunny Stone”, “My microdistrict” “Birds of the Kaliningrad Region” “Baltic Sea” “Animals of the Kaliningrad Region” “Red Book of the Kaliningrad Region”, etc.

To ensure the implementation of the regional component, it is important to create an aesthetically attractive educational and cultural environment, aimed, first of all, at ensuring the spiritual and moral development and education of children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

The effectiveness of work on the implementation of the regional component assumes that in the process of forming the foundations of local history, the child: acquires a certain system of knowledge about the connection and interdependence of humans, animals, flora and the world of people of his native land, about the peculiarities of human communication with the outside world and the impact of this interaction on himself ; masters ideas about himself, his family, his belonging to a certain nation, the elementary history of his family; determines its social role; has elementary representations about the history of his native city, its attractions; enriches vocabulary, develops memory, thinking, imagination; learns to rationally use skills in independent activities; acquires goodwill, sensitivity, and cooperation skills in the process of communicating with each other; develops independence, creativity, initiative;

Conclusion: the implementation of the regional component in a preschool institution, built in the system, will contribute to the achievement of the following targets of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education: - the child masters the attitude of a positive attitude towards the world, towards different types of work, other people and himself, has a sense of self-esteem; - distinguishes between conditional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms; -has basic knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives.

Literature: 1. Bure R.S. Social moral education preschoolers. Methodical manual/ R.S. Bure – M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, – 80 p. 2. V. Koltakov “From the history of the Lipetsk region.” - Voronezh: Central Black Earth Book Publishing House, A.S. Morgachev "Lipetsk. Pages of history.” - Lipetsk: Central Chernozem Book Publishing House, A. Berezen “Our Land of Lipetsk.” - Voronezh: Central Chernozem Book Publishing House, “The Art of the Native Land.” - Lipetsk: LIRO, Astakhov V.V., Dyukarev Yu.V., Sarychev V.S. Reserved nature of the Lipetsk region. - Lipetsk: LLC “Foto-Prof-TASS”, Shalnev B.M., Shakhov V.V. World of childhood. Native culture: a textbook-reader on local history of the Lipetsk region for preschool and primary school age. Ryazan - Lipetsk: GELION, Shalnev B.M., Shakhov V.V. Lipetsk Encyclopedia: in 3 volumes - Lipetsk, Baradulin V.A. Fundamentals of artistic craft: in 2 hours - M., Education, 2010.

Svetlana Khoverko

Preschool age is a favorable period for the potential development of higher moral and patriotic feelings. Federal state standards consider accounting regional component, as a necessary condition for the variability of preschool education. The basis for instilling civic feelings in preschoolers is the children’s accumulation of social experience of life in their Fatherland. We, preschool teachers, are entrusted with a great mission - to raise the younger generation as patriots of their Motherland, to teach them to love their country and be proud of it. And, first of all, it is necessary to give children an understanding that a great country begins with a small Motherland - from the place where you were born and live. If a child knows the history of his village, is interested in how he lives now and wants to become part of the events taking place in it, then he will grow up to be a true patriot not only of his small Motherland, but also of a large, great country called Russia.

Modern requirements for organizing the educational process in a preschool educational institution, taking into account regional features necessitate the creation by teachers of preschool educational institutions of additional educational programs that help teachers and parents carry out the moral and patriotic development of preschool children.

Spiritual and moral education in our kindergarten implemented within the educational field "cognitive development", taking into account national and cultural conditions, the multinational composition of the population and the specifics of the geographical location of the Belokataysky district, aimed at educating children in citizenship, patriotism, forming the foundations of local history, ideas about the cultural, historical, national, geographical and natural features of their native land, with the active involvement of children in various activities and involving parents in cooperation.

The leading idea in this area is the understanding that the historical, cultural, natural and ecological originality of the native village is a huge wealth that every child needs to learn how to properly manage, master it so as not to exchange it for trifles, but to preserve and increase it, embodying it in the treasure of your inner world, your personality in further creative creation.

The goal is to implement comprehensive development approach cognitive activity and integrative qualities of preschool children in the process of familiarization with nature, culture and traditions of their native land.

This involves solving the whole set of tasks: educational, developmental, educational.

1. Development of cognitive and creative activity skills in preschoolers;

2. Develop interest and a positive attitude towards studying the history of their native land. Bring children to understand that history region inextricably linked with the history of Russia.

3. To form general ideas about the uniqueness of the nature of Bashkortostan, fostering a positive emotional-value and caring attitude towards it;

4. Develop a tolerant attitude towards people of different nationalities through getting to know their culture, traditions, and customs.

5. Develop skills of hard work, respect for work, and the formation of a caring attitude towards the results of work.

Such an approach allows not only to form in the child a certain stock of ideas about his native village, but also makes it possible to feel like a citizen, a participant in the events taking place in it, to lay the foundation for the development of self-awareness of a growing person as a Russian, an individual with an active life position, feeling a sense of responsibility and pride in your village and its inhabitants.

The basis for instilling spiritual and moral principles in preschoolers is a number of principles that ensure the construction of the educational process taking into account the specific social and natural characteristics region. At the same time "immersion" children into local history material occurs gradually, from what is close, understandable to children, to distant: from family to village and further to region, country. Simultaneously "immersion" into the history of your village, to the origins of its origins. Thus, children gradually develop a holistic picture of the world around them.

The implementation of the principle of integration ensures the interpenetration of all components educational space: development and self-development, natural and social spheres, children's and adult subcultures, tasks of educational areas in accordance with the capabilities and characteristics of students;

Forms and methods of working with children, ensuring the implementation of local history content implemented in the main components educational activities.

The main form of accumulation and formalization of children's experience is the educational situation. It allows you to immerse children in material that they need to be introduced to and formulate their own social experience using complex of methods and techniques.

The most significant form of expanding children’s ideas about their native village are excursions and targeted walks. Excursion objects are memorable places and attractions, social and natural objects of the immediate environment.

An inexhaustible source of information is the local history museum. A museum is a place where children have the opportunity to touch the living history of the village, the real life of its indigenous inhabitants, feel the grandeur of the events taking place in it, and experience aesthetic pleasure from the creativity of folk craftsmen and masters of their craft.

Of great importance for the full implementation of national - regional component has information richness in the educational space surrounding the child. Starting from middle preschool age, in groups, corners of local history are drawn up and materials are selected to familiarize children with their native village, Bashkortostan and their native country. But the mobile mini has the greatest value - museum: "Russian hut". Participating in its creation All: kindergarten staff, parents, children, which helps to strengthen integrative ties and create an adult-child community focused on achieving common goals.

In order for the acquired knowledge about their native village to become personally significant for children, an opportunity is provided to reflect their accumulated social experience: in games that introduce children to their native village.

In addition, the program provides for mandatory registration of children's research products. activities: models, homemade books, wall newspapers, exhibitions creative works, activities to improve the village, our kindergarten, and protect nature. Children take part in various events held by the district administration, festive concerts for veterans, holidays dedicated to the Day sat down. We actively cooperate with the children's library and participate in exhibitions of children's drawings.

An important aspect is interaction with the family, which is based on the understanding that parents are full participants in the educational process. The family occupies a leading place in patriotic education, because it begins the process of personality formation, nurturing love for one’s family and friends, home, kindergarten, love for one’s native village, and native nature. The family is the source and link of transmission of socio-historical experience to the child.

Therefore, the formation of an active position and conscious participation in the lives of their children by parents through the organization of common affairs, projects, events, participation in educational and entertainment activities of the group and kindergarten is brought to the fore. These are joint excursions, competitions, joint adult and children's projects to create photo collages and exhibitions. The main value of the proposed forms is the involvement of parents in the educational space and the opportunity to demonstrate by their own example the active position of a citizen of their village.

Parents provide assistance in providing the educational process with collection materials, provide assistance in organizing excursions (on foot, by bus, introduce children to the traditions of their family, their people, provide the need for motor activity children through the use of folk outdoor games, participation in institution events.

What are the results of our work? Of course, this is children’s knowledge and ideas about the history of the village, about famous fellow countrymen, about sights. But the main thing is the genuine, active interest of children in their native village, the desire to make it even better and more beautiful with their deeds and actions.

Starting work on regional component, the teacher himself must know the cultural, historical, natural, ethnographic features region where he lives, and most importantly, the teacher must be a patriot of his homeland

Cultivating love for one’s homeland, one’s village is a difficult, long-term process; it should be carried out unobtrusively and constantly, from early childhood. Another great teacher and humanist V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that “childhood memories are imprinted in the consciousness of every person for the rest of his life, vivid pictures and images perceived in childhood are forever preserved.” We wanted our students’ childhood impressions to become the sources of love for their native village and the people living in it, the sources of patriotic feelings.


Ivanova Anna Evgenievna

Senior group teacher.

« Regional component to the main one educational program preschool educational institution

Priority areas of activity of the educational institution for the implementation of the main general education program:

The regional program was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, compiled by age groups. She covers two age periods: junior and senior preschool age. The Program distributes the tasks of psychological and pedagogical work in five areas:

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Organization developed joint activities teacher and parents to instill in children a love for their native land. Comprehensive thematic planning for the year has been drawn up. Acquaintance with the native land takes place through the active interaction of children with the outside world, in an emotional and practical way, i.e. through play, object-based activities, communication, work, learning, holidays and entertainment, various types of activities of the preschooler. The selection of local history content is carried out in accordance with the goals of the child’s development, his age characteristics and interests, enrichment of the developmental environment, material about the native land, didactic games, manuals, art objects, products of children's creativity. Coordination of the topics of classes on familiarization with the village, with the topics of other classes, with children’s games, creating conditions for independent and joint work with an adult with local history material, ensuring the emotional well-being of the child.

Goals, objectives, principles of familiarization with the native land

Main goal program is the development of the child’s spiritual and moral culture, the formation of value orientations through the means of traditional folk culture of the native land.

Tasks for getting to know your native land

Educational area


Social and communicative development

To instill in children of senior preschool age a feeling of love and affection for their small homeland, their home, by demonstrating on this basis value ideals, humane feelings, moral attitudes towards the world around them and their peers.

Use knowledge about your native land in play activity. Arouse interest and respect for the culture and traditions of the Stavropol Territory, the desire to preserve national values.


To introduce children to the history of the Stavropol region, to form ideas about the traditional culture of their native land through familiarization with nature

Speech development

Develop speech, thinking, primary perception of dialect speech through familiarization with the culture of the Stavropol Territory

Artistic and aesthetic


To introduce children of primary preschool age to musiccreativity of the native land; to cultivate love in the native land through listening to music, learning songs, traditions of the Stavropol Territory

To develop practical skills in introducing children of senior preschool age to various folk arts and crafts activities.

Physical development

Develop emotional freedom, physical endurance, ingenuity, dexterity through traditional games and fun of the Stavropol Territory

Tasks to familiarize yourself with your native land in groups.

Junior preschool age .

Continue to develop interest in your “small homeland”, cultivate love for your native land.

Know the name of the village, your street, tell children about the most beautiful places native village, its attractions, introduce the history of the village, native land, culture and traditions. On holidays, observe the colorful decoration of buildings and cultivate a sense of involvement in the life of the country.

Give children basic geographical information about their “small homeland”. Introduce you to the nature of your native land.

Talk about public holidays, about the Russian army, about the soldiers who protect our Motherland.

Form the idea that our huge country is called Russia

Senior preschool age.

Expand your understanding of your native land, its past and present, its geographical location, flora and fauna.

Deepen and clarify the idea of ​​the Motherland.

To maintain children's interest in events taking place in the country and the world, to show the connection between their native land and the whole country, to cultivate a sense of pride in their country, to introduce them to the flag, coat of arms, and anthem.

Show on the map all of Russia, Stavropol Territory, Georgievsky District, village. Newly established

Operating principles:

Systematicity and continuity.

Personality-oriented humanistic nature of interaction between children and adults.

Freedom of individual personal development.

Recognition of the priority of the values ​​of the child’s inner world, reliance on the positive internal potential of the child’s development.

The principle of regionalization (taking into account the specifics of the region)

Integration of the regional component into educational areas



Methodical techniques

Cognitive development

Introduction to nature:

Conversations, computer mini-presentations, multimedia screenings of film fragments about nature, flora and fauna of the UK, with folk signs.

Collection of herbariums and collections

Experimental and experimental work

Project activities

Formation of a holistic picture of the world (familiarization with the immediate environment):

Excursion: 2nd junior groups - around the premises and territory of the kindergarten; middle group - to get acquainted with the sights of the district; senior – walking and bus excursions around the district, mini-hikes in the forestadjacent to DOW zone, school, library.

Conversations: “Where a person lives”, “The house in which we live”, “My village, my district”, “Small homeland and big homeland”, “My native street”

Familiarization with symbols: flag, coat of arms; portraits of leaders, district, Russia

Getting to know the past of your native land:

Organization of an ethnographic corner in a preschool educational institution

viewing fragments of historical films, old photographs, traveling museum exhibitions, telling stories about the historical past of the North Caucasus

Meetings with WWII veterans, excursions to monuments to fallen WWII heroes, watching fragments of films about the war, telling stories about the heroic past of the city

Spirituality and culture:

- conversations on familiarization with the traditions of the UK; with a spiritual and moral way of life

Carrying out children's folklore festivals

Celebration of all state and regional holidays, District Day, Novozavedennogo village



Conversations about champion athletes, the pride of the UK

Conversations about sports, watching sports-themed cartoons

Widespread use of Russian, folk games

Carrying out sports holidays, entertainment, relay races, competitions, mini-Olympiads

Conversations about health “Lessons of Aibolit”, “Lessons of etiquette”, “Lessons of Moidodyr”

Excursions to the district clinic, pharmacy

Project activities

Experiences and experimentation

Creating health corners in groups

Artistic creativity

- Conversation about national costume Russia, SK

Conversations about fine arts Russia, SK

Examination of reproductions of paintings, slides, postcards, booklets about the village of Novozavedenny

Design of an art gallery of Russian artists at the preschool educational institution

Artistic productive activity: folk crafts

Musical folklore (children's, ritual, household, round dance)

Musical culture: acquaintance with the works of composers

Carrying out holidays, entertainment, musical and literary quizzes, folklore holidays and celebrations

Introduction to folk musical instruments

Use of audio and video recordings of concerts and children's parties in the group; musical instruments, portraits of composers

Decoration of a music corner



- Russian, folklore: proverbs, sayings, riddles, chants, teasers, pure sayings

Russian fairy tales

Thematic exhibitions are dedicated to the works of writers and poets of the UK.

Drama games

Dramatization folk tales

Display of all types of theaters (shadow, flannel, toy puppet theater, tabletop, finger theater)

Decoration of masking corners for all age groups;

Meetings with children's theater artists and library workers

The regional component provides:

Senior group

Preparatory group


Me and my family

Target: talk with children about family members, teach them to say their names; encourage children to talk about their brothers and sisters; cultivate love and kindness towards loved ones.

My family

Target: to cultivate the child’s attachment to the family, love and caring attitude towards his family members; consolidate the ability to determine the name of family relationships between close members of her family.

Help to understand that a family is everyone who lives with the child. Know and name your close relatives.

My village

Target: to consolidate children’s understanding of the village of Novozavedennoye, in which we live, to pay attention to the history of the village, to its attractions.


My favorite kindergarten

Target: Introduce children to the purpose of kindergarten, introduce people who work in kindergarten, cultivate friendly relations between children; To help children get to know kindergarten better, love it, and understand how to behave in kindergarten;

Introduce the basics of etiquette; cultivate a friendly attitude towards others.

The village where we live

Target: give initial information about the history of the village. foster a sense of pride in your village.

Continue to introduce children to their native village, consolidate knowledge of their home address, the name of the kindergarten and group, and cultivate interest and respect for the work of adults.

The area where I live

Target: Introduce children to the area of ​​the city in which we live; with its features and attractions


My home

Target: Give children the concept of “house”, talk about its purpose, about different types of houses, about the fact that each person has his own house, where he lives with his family.

To form in children the idea that every person has a home address - the place where his home is located, to help children remember their home address;

Teach children to find their home in photographs. Encourage them to talk about their house (color, size, wood or brick);

My area

Target: introduce children to the history of their native region, its name; arouse children's interest in their area and instill a sense of joy for it. Continue to introduce children to the sights of the Georgievsky district, develop a feeling of love for their native region.


Introduce children to the riches of the UK - its mineral resources.


New Year at the gate

Target: encourage children to talk about the traditions of preparing and celebrating the New Year (Christmas tree, festive table, present). About the responsibilities of each family member; involve children in participating in the preparation of various family holidays.

Our homeland is Stavropol Territory

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the UK, about the regional center, about attractions;

To form a friendly and respectful attitude towards the peoples living next to us and with us;

Introduce children to the riches of the UK - its mineral resources.

Target: consolidate children's understanding of the city, the history of the city, its attractions, features, introduce them to the map of the village, symbols - coat of arms;

To instill interest in the historical and cultural heritage, to promote a sense of pride in the architectural monument of the city.


Where do I live

Target: To consolidate children's understanding of the village of Novozavedennoye, in which we live, to pay attention to the history of the village, to its attractions.

Introduce children to the community in which they live, teach them to name it;

Consider illustrations depicting various sights, instilling a love for their native land.

The capital of the Stavropol Territory is Stavropol

Target: Continue to form ideas about our native village, introduce children to the memorable places of the city, give knowledge about how people preserve the memory of the people who glorified our city

Rivers, lakes and mountains of the Stavropol Territory

Target: Introduce children to the rivers of the village, where they originate from, why they are called that;

Introduce children to the lakes of the UK. They are different: big and small. Give children the opportunity to learn about it, where it is, why it is called that, what it is famous for. To instill in children a caring attitude towards the riches of the republic, to protect and preserve it.

Introduce children to the mountains, their location on the map of the UK, what grows in the mountains, what animals live there, what they grow in the mountains.


Our defenders

Target: Tell children about the holiday that we celebrate in February - Defender of the Fatherland Day, give the concept of “defender”, give the idea that all dads are defenders of their children, their families, their Motherland.

Rivers and lakes of the Stavropol Territory

Target: to clarify children’s understanding of the rivers and lakes of the North Caucasus. Introduce the features of the flora and fauna of rivers and lakes. Cultivate a caring attitude towards our native nature.

Culture and traditions of the Stavropol region

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the name of the region in which they live, its nature, some historical events, and culture.

To clarify children’s knowledge about such a concept as tradition, to remember the traditions of the Russian people that they were told about, to introduce them to other traditions


I love my dear mother very much!

Target: To introduce children to the holiday of all mothers and grandmothers - March 8th, to cultivate love for their mother and a desire to help her.

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards mother and grandmother.

Nature and fauna of the UK

Target: Foster a love of nature and the fauna of the UK. To cultivate a caring attitude towards the nature of our native republic.

Introduce children to the variety of natural zones of the North Caucasus (mountains, foothills, forest, plain) where a variety of plants grow: coniferous, deciduous, herbs; many plants are listed in the Red Book as unique.

Famous fellow countrymen

Target: To consolidate knowledge about how villagers honor the memory of famous people who glorified our region, to introduce the streets, squares, monuments associated with the names famous people;

To evoke a feeling of respect and pride for famous fellow countrymen.


Nature around us

Target: Give children the concept of “nature”, examine nature in the kindergarten area (trees, flowers), teach them to see changes in weather conditions, and cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

They glorified our land

Target: To provide knowledge about the people who glorified the city of Georgievsk, about the city’s honored guests.

The capital of Russia is Moscow

Target: consolidate ideas about Russia, the main city - Moscow. Introduce the history of the country. Clarify children's understanding of state symbols.

To instill in children an interest in the country, a sense of love and pride for their country.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the nature of Russia, Russian national costume, Russian fairy tales, nursery rhymes. Foster love for the Motherland. Create a feeling of admiration for the beauty of nature.


This Victory Day

Target: Teacher's story about Victory Day.

Introduce monuments to heroes

Great Patriotic War


Give children knowledge about how people

honor the memory of the heroes who defended

our country during the years of the Great

Patriotic War.

The final result is “My Land”. Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the history of their native land, about the sights, instill a sense of pride in their region, and the desire to make it even more beautiful.

Quiz: “What, where, when?”

Target: identify children's knowledge about the Stavropol region and its place in the life of Russia.

Introducing a child to national cultural heritage: samples folklore, folk arts and crafts, national and cultural traditions, works of writers and poets, performing artists, athletes, famous people of the city and region;

Introducing to familiarization with and following the traditions and customs of ancestors;

Fostering a tolerant attitude towards people of other nationalities.

Maintaining a regional component with the aim of respecting one’s home, one’s native land, one’s native land..

Organization of activities of adults and children for the implementation and development of the Regional Preschool Program.

The activities of adults and children to implement and master the Program are organized on a daily basis in two main models:

Joint activities between adults and children;

Independent activities of children.

Joint activities – the solution of educational problems is carried out in the form of direct educational activities and during routine moments.

OOD implemented:

- through the organization of various types of children's activities (play, motor, cognitive - research, communicative, productive, musical - artistic, labor, reading fiction)

- through integration using various forms (problem-game situation, reading fiction (cognitive) literature, observation, outdoor play, game exercise, experimentation, project activities etc.), which are selected by teachers independently.

To ensure the integrity of the child’s ideas about his native land, it is used comprehensively a thematic approach that reflects a certain fragment of reality and sets a general contextual meaning that corresponds to the interests and age-related capabilities of children.

Conduct educational activities on familiarization with the native land with the 2nd junior group 1 time per month.

The duration of the OOD is 15 minutes. Number of GCDs per year – 10

IN middle group Conduct educational activities to familiarize yourself with your native land 1-2 times a month.

The duration of the OOD is 20 minutes. Number of GCDs per year – 10

In the senior group, educational activities on familiarization with the native land are carried out 2 times a month.

The duration of the OOD is 25 minutes. The number of lessons per year is 11 lessons.

Comprehensive thematic planning educational - educational work for the regional component in MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 8 “Solnyshko” in the village of Novozavedennoye.”

Targeted walks with children of senior preschool age to get acquainted with their native village.

Targeted walk to a nearby street.

Target: Remind the children the name of the street, what is located on it (kindergarten,shops)



School excursion

Target: Get acquainted with the school's classrooms, their purpose, the assembly and physical education halls.



Excursion to the post office

Target: introduce the work of a postman(sorts correspondence, distributes it toaddresses).



Excursion to the music school

Target: Introduce children to the music school, what children do there, what instruments they are taught to play. Listen to a piece of music performed by a child.


teachers, music school worker

Excursion “Rural House of Culture in the village of Novozavedennoye”.

Target: Introduce children to the rural cultural center, talk about the antiquities stored there, tell about the history of the cultural center. Repeat the rules of behavior in the cultural center.



Excursion to the library

Target: introduce the work of a librarian, cultivate a caring attitude towards books.


teachers, librarian

Targeted walk to the playground

Target: Draw the children's attention to the beauty of the playground, what trees, bushes, grasses grow near the playground, repeat the rules of conduct on the playground.



Targeted walk to the Kuma River,

Target: What is the name of the river, what shape is it. Talk about what the river is for and the history of its origin, repeat the rules of behavior on the water.



Targeted walk to the monuments of the Great Patriotic War

Target: Show the children the monument to the deadsoldiers during the Great Patriotic War, tell about their exploits. Why are monuments erected to them in all cities and villages?



Organization of joint activities of teachers and parents to instill in children love for their native land.


Questioning parents on the topic “What do I know about my native land.”

September, May


Organizing consultations for parents on the following topics:

- “The role of parents in instilling in children love for their native land”;

- “Where to take the baby on a day off”;

- “Sights of our region”

- “The nature of my region, the interaction of adults and children with it”;

- “History of the village of Novozavedenny”

- “Defenders of my land”








Organization and conduct of entertainment

- “Who knows his native land better”;


teachers music director

Involving parents in collecting local history material for replenishment group corner on local history (badges, postcards, photographs, figurines...)

throughout the year

teachers, parents

Drawing up safe routes for parents and children to kindergarten and back home

Preparation (together with parents) of the photo exhibition “We are residents of the UK” (photos of children and parents in the most beautiful places of the UK).





Design of the exhibition of creative works of children, teachers and parents “The Beauty of My Village”.


teachers, parents

Design of a stand for parents on topics

“My favorite village is Novozavedennoye.”



Carrying out festive events dedicated to Victory Day.


music director, teacher

Promotion of pedagogical knowledge on this issue among parents:

Visual propaganda: stands, thematic exhibitions and exposition;

Conversations, consultations;

Creation of joint projects with environmental workshops and experiments;

Involving parents in organizing the developmental environment of groups and sites, collecting equipment for experiments, literature: arranging an experimentation corner, designing new objects of the ecological trail.

Connection with other activities.









Story - conversation

about his native village:

Compiling stories from photographs of the village;

Target: secure

idea of ​​the history of origin

sat down.



Cut-out pictures “Village attractions”, “Monuments


- “What is superfluous”, animals, birds, fish, plants of the native land.

Introduction to adult labor:

People watching

providing cleaning and landscaping of the village;

Have respect for the people who create cleanliness and order in the village.


Our village;

History of the village;

The village is being built;

Our favorite places in the countryside;

The house where I live.

History of the village of Novozavedennoye.

Target: introduce to

history of origin

sat down.

Plot-role-playing games:

- “Family”, “Harvesting”, “On the farm”, “Drivers”, “Trip through the village”, “Village builders”.

Artistically - manual labor:

Manufacturing of ancient buildings,

churches made of paper and waste material.

Looking at albums, photographs,


depicting the village, its attractions, nature, flora and fauna of the native land.

Crosswords on the history of the village.


We are harvesting

Village tours

to the park, to the church, to the school, to the central flowerbed, etc.



«Where is

monument"; “Find your village on the map of the Georgievsky District, SK.”


My street.

Game - quiz:

"Village Experts"“Excursion” according to the schematic map panoramas of our village.

When working to familiarize children with their native village, it is necessary to consider the following:

Familiarizing preschoolers with their native village should naturally “be included” in the holistic educational process.

Introduction of local history material into work with children, taking into account the principle of a gradual transition from what is closer to the child, personally significant, to less close - cultural and historical facts,

Forming a personal attitude towards facts, events, phenomena in the life of the republic, creating conditions for the active involvement of children in social reality, increasing the personal significance for them of what is happening around them.

Implementing an activity-based approach to introducing children to the history, culture, and nature of their native land, i.e. their choice of the activity in which they would like to reflect their feelings, ideas about what they saw and heard (creative play, writing stories, making crafts, composing riddles, appliqué, modeling, drawing, conducting excursions, activities to improve the garden, home , nature conservation).

Involving children to participate in rural holidays so that they have the opportunity to plunge into an atmosphere of general joy and fun.

Conscious selection of methods for introducing children to their native village, primarily increasing their cognitive and emotional activity.

Organizing work with parents so that their knowledge and love for their native village is passed on to their children.

When conducting classes to familiarize children with their native village, the teacher must remember the following:

1. Accompany the story with visual material, photographs, reproductions, diagrams, drawings.

2. Address children with questions during the story in order to activate their attention, arouse the desire to find out something on their own, try to guess something for themselves, you can ask: “Why do you think people decided to build our village in this place?” ? Where does the name of the village come from? What could it mean?

3. When telling the story to children, do not give dates: they make it difficult to comprehend the material. Use expressions like this: It was a long time ago when your grandparents were as little as you.

4. Use vocabulary accessible to children, explain the meaning of unfamiliar words, do not use special terminology, and do not overload the story with complex grammatical structures.

In the group, it is necessary to create a developmental environment that would contribute to the development of the child’s personality based on folk culture, based on local history material, which would satisfy the need for knowledge of the surrounding world (mini-museums of Russian life, objects of decorative and applied art, folklore, music) . The successful development of preschoolers when getting to know their native village will become possible only if they actively interact with the world around them in an emotional and practical way: through play, object-based activities, communication, work, learning, as well as through the use of fiction, exhibitions, viewing paintings, illustrations, excursions, hikes, holidays, entertainment. That is, through different types of activities characteristic of preschool age.

Construction of a subject-development environment in groups:

Library of educational literature;

Experimentation corner according to the age of the children;

Card index of educational games.

State symbols of the Russian Federation, photographs depicting the sights of their native village, region, toys - heroes of Russian folk tales, children's fiction, etc.

List of materials and equipment.

1. Poems about the native land;

2. Photo album “Native Land”;

3. Illustrated material: flora native land, medicinal plants,seasons,pets,migratory birds,wild animals,garden flowers,defenders of the Fatherland,

4. We introduce children to the world around them: my family, profession.

5.Russian national costume.

6. Works of oral folk art.

7. We introduce children to nature: trees,birds,insects,edible mushrooms,wild and meadow flowers,poultry,vegetables,seasons;

8. Streets of the village;

9. Long-term plan GCD for introducing children to their native land for junior and senior preschool age.

10. Lesson plan - excursions to get acquainted with the native land.

links: https://www.pdou.ru

My fatherland is Russia! M. 2005.

Information and business equipment of the preschool educational institution “Our Motherland Russia”

Soboleva L.G.

“Kavminvody in the war years, or Reader and Umnyashka Tell”

Murashkina A.I., Skachkov I.M.

Georgievsky district. Historical chronicles.

Gnilovsky V.G.

Entertaining local history. Stavropol book publishing house.

Dyakonova N., Dyakonov D.

Native Stavropol region. M. 2006.

Kozlova S.A.

Theory and methods of introducing preschoolers to social reality. M. Academy. 1998.

Kondykinskaya L.A.

Where does the Motherland begin? M. SPHERE. 2005.

Litvinova R.M.

A preschooler in the space of Stavropol and the Stavropol Territory. S. SKIPKRO. With.

Litvinova R.M.

Regional culture: artists, writers, composers.

Litvinova R.M.

Interactive forms of working with personnel.

Litvinova R.M.

Cossacks in the Stavropol region. S. 2009

Litvinova R.M.

Regional culture: artists, writers, composers. S. 2010.-250 pp. (with video application).

Regional component in the work system of a preschool teacher

In accordance with approval and entry into force on January 1, 2014. – Federal State Standard of Preschool Education, approved. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155, the form and structure of the Educational Program of the Preschool Educational Institution changes. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the main general educational program of a preschool institution consists of two parts - a mandatory part and a part that is formed for participants. Among the targeted educational program of a preschool institution, the regional component occupies an important place.Regional component- This is part of the content of basic plan subjects, including materials about the region.

National-regional component (native nature, cultural heritage - monuments of architecture, art, decorative and applied arts, artistic and craft traditions, language, rituals, folklore, folk games, etc.) inpreschool education helps children feel and recognize their belonging to their “Small Motherland”, to their home, perceiving the fullness of their immediate environment, while assimilating universal and national values ​​in spiritual, material and moral-aesthetic terms.

Preschool age– the most important period in the formation of personality, during which the prerequisites for civic qualities, an idea of ​​a person, society, and culture are formed.

The task of modernpreschool education - to lay moral foundations in children that will make them more resistant to unwanted influence, to sow and cultivate in the child’s soul the seeds of love for their home, for the history of their native land, created by the work of relatives and friends, those who are called compatriots.

It is necessary to work to develop in the child a feeling of love for the Motherland, to develop in him an emotionally positive attitude towards the places where he was born and lives; develop the ability to see and understand the beauty of life around us; a desire to learn more about the features of nature and the history of their native land. And therefore, the implementation of the regional component is the most important component of modern education.

Practice shows that local history is of great importance in instilling patriotic feelings in preschool children, in developing their intellectual and creative potential, and in broadening their horizons.

The kindergarten staff determined that it is the introduction of the regional component, that is, such a direction as “Local Studies”, that will determine the content of the variable part of the educational program of the preschool educational institution, formed by participants in the educational process. The relevance of the development and inclusion of this direction in the educational process of preschool educational institutions lies in the fact that during the period of renewal of preschool education, the role of folk culture as a source of development of the creative potential of children and adults, their moral and patriotic education is significantly increasing.

Work on the implementation of the regional component began with the enrichment of the development environment(stage 1)

At the five-minute meeting, a decision was made to collect material on the regional component. Each group drew a forfeit with a task (fossils, animals, plants, etc.). The teachers collected and organized the material in mobile folders, albums and presentations. Teachers have the opportunity to use the developments of their colleagues. All material is available in electronic form.

For working with children, the necessary fiction has been selected (fairy tales, riddles, collections of poems, magazines, books and paintings telling about the life of ancestors, scientific and journalistic literature, there are illustrations depicting plants and animals, landscapes of the Amur nature, collections of musical works.

3 slide 11

A competition was held in February"Local history corners".

Local history corners were created in each group. They contain material for working with children. The group teachers approached the creation of corners creatively. In the corners there are models with sights of the city, toys of rare wild animals of the Far East, albums, a map of the Amur region, a Cossack doll and a Cossack, heraldry, collections of seeds of cereal crops grown in our region, books about Blagoveshchensk, albums about the life of ancestors, photo albums, geographical cards, children's drawings and crafts, etc.

Working with family (stage 2)

An important condition for the effective implementation of local history education for preschoolers is, in our opinion,close relationship with the families of the pupils.It is necessary that the process of instilling love for one’s small homeland be two-way, which is why work with parents is carried out in a preschool institution. We are deeply convinced that the family is a source that gives strength for the spiritual development of a child, helping him adapt to society and find himself in life. For a child to successfully enter the world of social relations it is necessary integrate efforts of the kindergarten and family in this direction and significantly increase the role of the family as a conductor of socialization.

In our kindergarten, various forms of cooperation with families are implemented: surveys, parent meetings, consultations, design of stand information, joint celebrations, release of booklets, leaflets, exhibitions of folk and applied arts, joint events, etc. Parents, in turn,help collect exhibits for corners, provide photographic materials, participate in folk festivals, sew folk costumes, design the development environmentare active participants in competitions and exhibitions held in kindergarten.

There are whitewashed pillars with green caps on them. (Birches.)

12 slide

July 2 was like a holiday« I love Russian birch"for all age groups.

The dear, dear birch tree has long been considered a symbol of Russia, a symbol of the Motherland. For the holiday, parents sewed costumes for their children, taught them poems, created crafts and drew pictures, and organized photo sessions for the “Family Photos with a Birch Tree” competition. At the holiday, children played Russian folk games, sang songs, danced in circles, walked in birch groves and cast a spell on Russian birch trees, enchanted by Baba Yaga, answering questions about Russian birch trees. Competitions were held: for boys “Birch Tree Cavalier”, for girls “Birch Tree Costume”. We introduced the children to a Russian folk ritual and performed it by tying colored ribbons and making wishes for happiness and good luck. The holiday was successful, the children were active, had fun, a charge of energy and vivacity. A lot of parents were present at the celebration and were active helpers. All participants received prizes, diplomas and certificates. Photos remained as a keepsake.

He's like a big cat

Graceful and smart

But he doesn’t like different games

Striped menacing...tiger

Slide 13

July 29 is International Tiger Day. On this day, with the participation of the education department of the city of Blagoveshchensk, a holiday was organized for all kindergarten children"Tiger Day". The striped symbol of Primorye is also called the tiger. Children gained knowledge about the life of a tiger. Parents and children drew pictures, made crafts, and sewed costumes. The kindergarten teachers organized a flash mob, a fashion show, and an exhibition of drawings and crafts. The creative team prepared a presentation based on the results of the holiday.

14 slide - 16

From January 25 to February 1, 2016, the COMPETITION “FATHER'S HOUSE – AMUR LAND” was held in the kindergarten.

A regulation was developed for the competition, all conditions were spelled out (dates, venue, format, composition of the jury). The competition lasted 1 week, parents, children and teachers took part in it. Parents and children made crafts, the drawings of which reflected characteristic features Amur land (lotuses, eastern cosmodrome. Raichikhinsky section, city attractions, etc.). An exhibition of works was organized. The results were summed up and awarded on February 2. All participants received certificates, and the winners received diplomas.

17 slide 18


Having accumulated material, we gradually approached

continuous educational activities(stage 3)

From April 4 to April 8, a week of pedagogical excellence took placeintroduction of the regional component into continuous educational activities.

All groups had classes:

“My Family” - junior group

“Wild animals of the Amur Region” - middle group

“Magic Lotus” - middle group

“Medicinal plants of the Amur region” - senior group

“My Motherland” - Preparatory group

I’ll tell you about some in a little more detail.

A strong stone, not granite. In winter it burns in stoves... Warming every corner, This is a black stone.. (coal)

Slide 19

"Coal mining in the Amur region"

(middle group)

Target 1. Introduce children to the properties of coal. 2. Strengthen the ability to examine objects using intact analyzers, name their properties and features. 3. Develop sensory sensations.

4. Cultivate interest in experimental activities, in the phenomena of inanimate nature. 5. Give an idea of ​​how coal is mined in the Amur region and how it is used by humans. 6. Introduce coal deposits in the Amur region

7. Foster love for your native land.

Preliminary work:A conversation about the profession of a miner, about his work, looking at illustrations on the topic, a conversation on the topic “Minerals”, reading fiction - the fairy tale about “Coal”

The children went to the “children's science laboratory” where they conducted experiments with coal. The children learned that coal is strong, but not as strong as marble, that when struck it crumbles, that is, it is crumbly and fragile. We examined the coal with a magnifying glass and concluded that it was porous, like wood. Having dropped it into the water, it sinks to the bottom and bubbles appear and it comes out. The children concluded that coal was heavy and had many holes because air was escaping. The children saw that the water was becoming cloudy and used a stick to check that it did not dissolve. To introduce children to the coal deposit, teachers used a presentation.

Z the fire burned out,

But it doesn’t warm or burn,

He floats on the water

Beauty makes us happy!

Answer: Lotus

20 slide 21

« DIY paper lotuses"

(senior group)


  • Introduce children to one of the seven wonders of the Amur region - the lotus.
  • Teach children to create expressive applique images of flowers.
  • Improve the technique of volumetric appliqué.
  • Improve your ability to use scissors.
  • Develop creativity children, fine motor skills, color perception, composition skills.
  • To cultivate artistic taste and interest in making crafts with your own hands.
  • Cultivate interest in understanding nature and reflecting ideas in visual arts.

To introduce the children to the lotus, the teacher used a presentation. The children learned that lotus - one of the oldest flowers on earth, that it is one of the seven wonders of the Amur region. The children were breeders and developed different varieties of lotus for which they used different colors paper. We learned to design a flower out of paper.

A fragrant bush grows on a hummock,
Not brightly, but blooms luxuriantly in summer.
He gave the name to rhododendron,
And he himself became a stranger to the residents.

22 slide


(senior group)


introduce children to the Red Book, to the protected plants of the Amur Region, included in the regional Red Book.

Development of cognitive interest in the nature of the Amur region, thinking ability, logical and creative thinking.

fostering a caring attitude towards nature, broadening one’s horizons.

At this lesson, children were introduced to the Red Book of the Amur Region. The teacher introduced the children to a shrub listed in the Red Book. We invited the children to create their own red book in the group with the first page with a drawing of the Ledum bush. The teacher used unconventional technology drawing, blowing pot of paint using a tube, and painting flowers on a bush cotton swabs- with a poke, green leaves with your finger.

Slide 23

"The Life and Life of Our Ancestors"

(preparatory group)

  1. Form an initial idea of ​​your country.
  2. Introduce children to the history of their native land, to the life of our Ancestors.
  3. Develop children's historical memory and cognitive abilities.
  4. Develop coherent speech, take an active part in the conversation, showing interest in historical facts.
  5. Activation of the dictionary: tribes, peasants, settlers, agriculture, Amur residents, tools, household items.
  6. To cultivate a feeling of love and pride for one’s people and native land.

The children made a journey into the distant past of our native land. They took a time machine to the museum. We got acquainted with the life and way of life of our ancestors. Teachers used a presentation to introduce children to the life of their ancestors. There was productive activity. In Delhi, utensils called “Clay Pots” were made from clay. The children received a large amount of knowledge on this topic.

Pedagogical Council

24 slide


  1. To instill interest among teachers in non-traditional forms of conducting pedagogical councils.
  2. To create a positive emotional attitude for teachers to work on local history.

The questions for the game were related to the Amur region. The questions were in different forms: video question, quick poll and naturally there was a musical break. Based on the results of the game, the “Expert of the Amur Region” was chosen. All game participants received certificates.

CONCLUSION: The specificity of organizing work on designing a regional component in the content of the work of our preschool educational institution was that in this process Slide 2

Childhood is an everyday discovery of the world, so we must make sure that it becomes, first of all, a knowledge of man and the Fatherland, their beauty and greatness. V. A. Sukhomlinsky. “Education should be aimed at instilling respect for the child’s parents, his cultural identity, language, and the national values ​​of the country in which the child lives” Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 29

Local history corners groups Senior group

Junior group

Preparatory group

Senior group

Junior group

Senior group

Middle group

Middle group

Competition “I love Russian birch”

Tiger Day

Competition "Father's House - Amur Land"

Awards ceremony for participants in the competition “Father’s Home – Amur Land”

Continuous educational activity topic “Coal mining in the Amur region” middle group

Continuous educational activity topic “Do-it-yourself paper lotuses” for the senior group

Continuous educational activities topic “Ledum” with the eldest group

Continuous educational activity topic “Life and life of our ancestors” preparatory group

Objectives: To instill interest among teachers in non-traditional forms of conducting pedagogical councils. To create a positive emotional attitude for teachers to work on local history. Pedagogical advice topic: “LOVE AND KNOW YOUR NATIVE LAND” in the form of the game “What? Where? When?"

Preschool age is a favorable time for the formation of moral and patriotic feelings. Modern ones that were introduced into the domestic system preschool education, involve allocating a certain amount of time to the variable part.

The regional component of the educational program of preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at developing civic feelings in the younger generation and accumulating social experience. The work of teachers preschool institutions teachers of secondary schools continue.

The importance of the regional component in preschool education

When developing lesson plans, an activity-based approach is taken into account, promoting the active involvement of preschoolers in independent activities.

Projects and personal research related to family traditions, cultural objects of the village (city), contribute to the building of individual educational trajectories, which fully complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation.

Implementation factors

The regional component in the educational program according to the Federal State Educational Standard involves the use of certain educational technologies and local history programs:

  • combination different types activities of preschoolers;
  • creating conditions for the full self-realization of each child, taking into account his social experience, characteristics of the emotional and cognitive sphere;
  • the use of methods and techniques to develop feelings and emotions.

Areas of activity

The regional component in the educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard in kindergartens involves the study of customs and traditions, the nature of the native land, the development of tolerance, and social adaptation of the younger generation.

Depending on the characteristics of the region, the program includes special sections, when studying which children begin to be proud of their region. For example, programs have been developed for preschoolers in the Arkhangelsk region, the main aspect of which teachers focus on the uniqueness of northern nature.

During the classes, children will learn about the history of the emergence of the Pomeranian region, the sights of the region, and outstanding people of the Arkhangelsk region. Particular attention is paid to introducing children to the climatic and natural features of the region. In classes, preschoolers will learn about the national parks operating in the Arkhangelsk region, the flora and fauna of the Pomeranian land.

Particular attention is paid national holidays, traditions, national Pomeranian costumes. Employees of local history museums, national parks, and libraries are invited to conduct classes on the regional component. As a result of social partnership, kindergarten teachers manage to fully fulfill the social order - to form a harmoniously developed personality who loves their land and respects the customs and traditions of their ancestors.

Initial training

Currently, there is a regional component in the educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard. Primary school continues large-scale work related to the social adaptation of the younger generation of Russians. Each region uses its own educational programs that involve the implementation of the requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

What does the regional component mean in the educational program according to the Federal State Educational Standard? The school has the right to independently determine areas of activity, for example, to specialize in studying the history of the native land, to give preference to the flora and fauna of the region.

If an educational institution has military-patriotic classes, you can choose a course on the history of the cadet movement as a regional component.

The capital pays a special place in introducing schoolchildren to the culture of their native land. What is the regional component of the educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard devoted to here? Moscow is a role model for Russian regions, since from the first grade children develop a clear understanding of the history and culture of the capital, interesting people who contributed to the development of the main city of the country.

The experience of Moscow teachers is successfully transferred to other regions. For example, in Vologda schools, children study the cultural heritage of Vologda, and Arkhangelsk children study the Pomeranian capital.

Middle management

The new ones involve allocating a certain number of hours in each academic discipline in grades 5-9. For example, the regional component in the educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard in English involves a story about the historical and cultural values ​​of the city (village, hamlet) in foreign language.

During classes, children not only replenish their vocabulary with new in foreign words, but also learn interesting information about their hometown. Among the tasks offered by the teacher English language, there may be descriptions of cultural or historical places of the city in a foreign language, videos about traditions and rituals. The regional component, supplemented by project or research activities, will allow the younger generation of Russians to develop a sense of pride in their country and gain the opportunity for self-realization and self-development.

High school

How to correctly use the regional component in the educational program according to the Federal State Educational Standard? Biology, chemistry, geography, physics are subjects that are difficult to imagine without a local component.

When selecting material for the regional component in each academic discipline, the teacher, first of all, focuses on the characteristics of the region. For example, when studying mammals in a biology course special attention given to those animals that are common in the area. It is within the framework of the regional component that it would be appropriate to get acquainted with the plants and animals of your locality and surrounding area, which are considered endangered and included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

In chemistry lessons, special attention is paid to those industries that operate in the city, region, and republic. For example, when studying a school course in inorganic chemistry, Vologda schoolchildren can not only theoretically consider methods for producing and processing metals, but also organize an excursion to the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant.

In every Russian region there is an industrial enterprise that will help a chemistry teacher not only form a theoretical basis in the subject, but also get an idea of ​​the possible application of knowledge, that is, contribute to the self-realization of schoolchildren and their choice of a future profession.


The developers of the new generation of federal educational standards paid special attention to the development of individual educational and developmental trajectories for each child of preschool and school age.

Allocating study time to the regional component in various academic disciplines contributes to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, patriotic education, as well as respect for the cultural traditions of their region.

It is not necessary to allocate separate lessons to the regional component. For example, during a regular chemistry lesson, the teacher talks in detail about how a specific enterprise in his native region uses chemical reactions discussed during the lesson. This approach to the use of the regional component allows for a rational distribution of study time at the middle and senior levels.