Problems of education and upbringing. Problems of education in educational institutions Psychological problems of learning and development


In the modern situation of sociocultural and economic life, the problems of educating the younger generation have become particularly relevant. Attention to the problems of education has increased on the part of the state, educational authorities, and pedagogical science. But despite this, the entire society expresses dissatisfaction with the state of education of modern youth.

It is known that the social experience of past generations plays a significant role in education. For more than 70 years, Russia was a closed country; only a few of its residents spoke a foreign language well, had the opportunity to travel abroad, read various foreign literature, and communicate with foreigners. Now the situation has changed radically. For Russians, especially young ones, since “youth are the child of our turbulent times,” the world is becoming more and more open. They not only visit other countries, but study and work there. They, like a sponge, absorb new values ​​for themselves, assimilate the customs and traditions of different peoples. The accessibility of other cultures creates conditions not only for a person’s identification with other cultures, which allows him to better understand, assimilate and accept the values, traditions, customs of another culture, but also contributes to the isolation of a person from other cultures, puts him in a situation of correlation with them, the latter contributes and a better understanding of one's own national culture. But not only high-level culture becomes available, but also mass culture, which includes low-level samples. They are sometimes more desirable for modern children and youth and are easier to learn. In this regard, questions arise. Which youth will determine the path of social development in the 21st century? Who and how should solve the problems of raising children today? What ideals and principles determine or should determine the educational goals and organization of educational work with children, adolescents and youth?

These and other questions are for the family, for the education system, for public organizations, for other social institutions, for science and practice. They are discussed and decided at the federal and regional levels, at the level of municipalities, specific educational institutions and teaching staff. As a priority, the question of organizing educational work is faced by those who are destined to manage the social sphere, in particular, the education system.

Raising children, in the narrow sense of the word, is defined as the process of purposeful formation of personality, worldview, moral character, and certain character traits. At the same time, we are talking, as a rule, either about family education, or about the purposeful activities of teachers, their educational work in the conditions of institutions and organizations of various types, types and departments. Education as social relations in which some people directly or indirectly, directly or indirectly influence others for the purpose of directed formation or change of their certain personal qualities and forms of behavior (sp, Barinov).

Education, as one of the components that make up the process of socialization of children, adolescents and young people, occurs today in unusually contradictory conditions. Family education has been weakened. Negative phenomena in life have a detrimental effect on the formation of the new generation.

The problem of instilling patriotism in modern Russia is one of the most acute and complex. Today, not many people are true patriots. In the 90s of the last century, Russia experienced both important positive changes and negative phenomena that were inevitable during a period of major socio-political changes. The collapse of the USSR, economic failures, the decline of the country's authority in the world, criticism and unfriendly policies from many Western countries, local armed conflicts also do not contribute to the formation of patriotic feelings. These phenomena had a negative impact on public morality, civic consciousness, on people's attitude towards society, the state, law and work, on the attitude of man to man.

In Russian society, there has begun to be a lack of principles and rules of life consciously accepted by the majority of citizens; there is no agreement on issues of correct and constructive social behavior and the choice of life guidelines.

Therefore, the key task of modern Russian education is to ensure the spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a Russian citizen.

The new Russian comprehensive school is becoming the most important factor ensuring the sociocultural modernization of Russian society, therefore the spiritual and moral development of the individual and the education of patriotism are one of the main guidelines of modern education.

Studying at school is one of the most important stages in a person’s life. As a rule, school becomes a “second home” for a child. And it is here that such important human qualities as honesty, integrity, collectivism, respect for representatives of the older generation, courage, love for one’s people and one’s Motherland are instilled in him. No less importance is also given to respect for one’s own family, parents and family traditions, because a harmonious, loving family is a unit of a highly moral, successful and prosperous society. It is at school that the foundation is laid for social activity, which is aimed at serving the interests of the Motherland. Here children realize the importance of honest work and learn to perceive it as the main key to achieving success in life. Also, as part of spiritual and moral education, students should receive a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle and take an active position in issues that concern their health. And, of course, get the full...

My work, as a class teacher, is based on considering the issues of instilling patriotism in schoolchildren through involving students in the system of collective creative activities.

Collective activity “contributes to the formation of processes of decentralization of the child, i.e. the ability to be in the position of another person, to see the situation through his eyes,” develops the ability to empathize and sympathize. Patriotism is a feeling and an established position of loyalty to one’s country and solidarity with its people.

Patriotic feelings and love for the Motherland develop in high school students in close connection with those new formations that are inherent in this age stage: the desire for heroism, the thirst for achievement in life, the need for self-affirmation, finding one’s place in a group of peers, recognition of comrades, orientation towards the demands of the team and increased attention and self-demandingness, greater social activity.

Work on civic-patriotic education is carried out through the organization of training sessions, extracurricular and extracurricular activities. The main form of educational work remains the lesson, which in the educational system becomes an educational complex where educational influences are integrated into the holistic educational process. Therefore, to increase the educational nature of training, it is advisable to:

Strengthen the humanitarian orientation of all academic disciplines: include in traditional subjects material that helps children understand themselves, the motives of their behavior, relationships with others, and design their lives.

Use active forms and methods of educational activity, its openness, a variety of educational and methodological materials, forms and techniques of educational and extracurricular work that develop knowledge and skills that increase the social and cultural competence of the individual.

The educational system covers the entire pedagogical process, integrating educational activities, extracurricular life of children, various activities and communication, the influence of the social and subject-aesthetic environment.

The moral education of schoolchildren and youth has become a constant, acute problem against the backdrop of the intensive development of the media. The media play a special role in the process of globalization. We can say that they provide him with information. It is with the help of the media that a person not only receives information about the world, other countries, peoples, their culture, but also becomes a virtual participant in the main events taking place in a particular country. Unfortunately, the media do not always present the best examples of world culture to people. Much more often we deal with mass culture, with its worst examples, and this is especially true of domestic television. Raising a moral person against such a background is quite difficult. Another essential component of moral education is the development of humanistic value relationships of the individual to the world, to people, to himself. Thus, humanism should also be the ideology of modern education. Moral education can be based on the following values: person, family, Fatherland, Earth, peace, work, culture, knowledge (V.A. Karakovsky).

But since we are talking about humanistic values, it is necessary to pay more attention to the fundamental value of humanism - the value of man. For a child, it manifests itself in two forms: as the value of another person and as the value of one’s own.

I would like to note, no matter how well the classroom hours on patriotic education are conducted, no matter how much the school does, the strongest foundation for a worldview is laid in the family. Parents can also do a lot to develop a sense of patriotism in their children. Go with them on a tour of interesting historical places in the country, tell them about the exploits of their great-grandparents during the war, show photos from the family archive. Some parents may invite their child to watch an interesting documentary about historical events, others will show how much joy can be gained by sharing clothes or other things with orphans and disabled children. All these small steps towards the formation of a great personality are of great importance. Patriotic education of children should take place both at school and outside its walls, in the family circle. Only in this case will the child be able to realize its significance and adopt the most important moral, cultural and civic values....

Problems in modern education in training and upbringing require close attention and solutions in the near future, since we are talking about the future of Russia, the value guidelines of our society, and, by and large, about the national security of the country.



Problems in modern education in training and upbringing

Vakhrusheva Veronika Evgenievna

GAPOU Mamadysh Polytechnic College

Master of Industrial Training,

teacher of special disciplines

specialty: Chef, pastry chef

Problems in modern education in training and upbringing require close attention and solutions in the near future, since we are talking about the future of Russia, the value guidelines of our society, and, by and large, about the national security of the country.

Education, schoolchild, student, problem, teachers, human development index, education, methods, motivation, society, youth.

Education has always faced multiple challenges along the way. This process of forming and educating society is not easy and requires a lot of effort and dedication. At each stage, difficulties arise that must be overcome. It is not easy to create a healthy education system. In modern education there is a lot that was not once there, and yet, it is difficult to say that this system is ideal.

First of all, they are trying to introduce new concepts, methods, etc. into education; they are often borrowed from the West and do not quite suit our education system. Mixing elements of different learning systems leads to internal conflict and lack of effectiveness in learning. Another problem is that all innovations in education are not tested, but are immediately implemented in practice, and immediately on a large scale. This often leads to undesirable consequences.

One big disadvantage of education is that education requires a lot of money, which means that the chances of everyone being able to study are reduced because they do not have enough money to do so. A complex curriculum is another drawback of modern education. Despite the fact that modern children are more advanced, they still have a rather difficult time learning complex material, which sometimes turns out to be difficult for the parents themselves.

The system for assessing knowledge through testing and quizzes also presents difficulties. Despite modern methods of testing and assessing knowledge, the results are not objective. It is wrong to demand good results when passing exams, while there is no clear and serious control over the learning process itself.

A lot can be said about the problem in modern education, and it is even difficult to understand who is to blame. Perhaps we ourselves are to blame because conditions are created for us to learn and gain knowledge, but we do not value it accordingly. Probably, we simply lack motivation because we do not see the final practical application of our knowledge.

Today, there are a huge number of methods, programs and methods that allow you to work with all categories of children, using the latest developments in the technological sector, original exercises, authentic, modern and interesting audio and video materials, as well as interactive learning tools. But the main reason for the constant monotony of life of an ordinary schoolchild is the reluctance to implement them.
In fact, what should an ordinary teacher, who recently graduated from the university and came to school, do if his bold undertakings, in most cases, meet fierce resistance from the “old”, still Soviet-trained, team of teachers? So we have to be sophisticated, introducing tasks of our own design into the curriculum, approved “from above” and suppressed by years of practice of these same teachers, in order to at least slightly diversify the learning process for children.
The casket opens simply: the connection between the hardened thinking of the team and the reluctance to change something is the fear of risks. Yes, risks are always problems that need to be solved using modern methods, because children change and those methods that worked well in the 1980s are no longer effective or completely useless in 2017. Children’s consciousness, environment, moral values, and upbringing stereotypes have changed. in the family and public opinion, while the education system, like a sleepy turtle, tries to understand the changes happening around, but, due to its own helplessness, either goes the wrong way or lags even further behind.
In connection with the above contradictions, which currently exist in the existing education model, the following problems arise that require close attention and solutions in the near future:

1) The problem of stagnation is the lack of novelty in the learning process.

2) The problem of knowledge obsolescence, which consists in the insufficient speed of updating existing information in the process of its transmission from teacher to student, using traditional teaching tools.

3) The problem of a shortage of young specialists, which consists of insufficient staffing of schools with graduates of pedagogical universities due to low wages and the impossibility of self-realization.

4) The problem of student disinterest, which consists in the lack of motivation for learning among schoolchildren and students, caused by the invariability of the methodology for conducting each lesson.

Over the past 10 years, issues of training and education have not left the pages of newspapers and magazines. One discussion follows another. The assertions that the existing education system cannot satisfy the increased demands of production, science and the entire increasingly complex social life have become banal. Almost everyone agrees with this. Discrepancies arise later, when a discussion begins of the question of what the essence of these inconsistencies, or “gaps,” is, what their most characteristic manifestations are, and what needs to be done to eliminate them. The problem of the development of education undoubtedly deserves the closest attention, since, in essence, we are talking about the future of Russia, the value guidelines of our society, and, by and large, about the national security of the country, the roots of which lie in the upbringing, civic development of the younger generation, the formation he is ready for worthy service to the Fatherland. It would be logical to consider two problems separately. The first is the problem of educating society, the second is the problem of forming the same society in modern Russia. In these problems, the object of research will be society itself, and the subject of research will be the system of education and upbringing.

Education is a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of the individual, society, and state. Education can also be defined as the purposeful cognitive activity of people to acquire knowledge, skills, or improve them. In the broadest sense of the word, education is the process or product of “…forming the mind, character or physical abilities of an individual. In a technical sense, education is the process by which a society, through schools, colleges, universities and other institutions, purposefully transmits its cultural heritage - accumulated knowledge, values ​​and skills - from one generation to another." In the ordinary understanding, education, among other things, implies and is mainly limited to the teaching of students by a teacher. It may consist of teaching reading, writing, mathematics, history and other sciences. Teachers in subspecialties such as astrophysics, law or zoology may teach only that subject, usually at universities and other institutions of higher education. There is also teaching of vocational skills such as driving. In addition to education in special institutions, there is also self-education, for example, through the Internet, reading, visiting museums or personal experience. It is considered necessary to add that the right to education is one of the fundamental and inalienable constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation. Education in the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international law. Law of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education” states: “Education is understood as a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of an individual, society, and state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels established by the state (educational qualifications) " All this confirms that the field of education is a priority. Also, the right to education is currently confirmed by national and international legal instruments, for example, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, adopted by the UN in 1966.

The main task of education, along with socialization, professionalization and self-realization, is the development of a person’s national self-awareness. Having considered the definition of the word education, identifying its main task, we can move on to one of the sides of the problem. Namely, to the question of what are the problems of education in modern Russia?

To begin with, it makes sense to cite such an indicator as the Human Development Index (HDI), which is determined through three integrative indicators: life expectancy, level of knowledge (consisting of two blocks: literacy level and the aggregate indicator of school enrollment of children) and “decent standard of living” (determined by capitation income adjusted on a purchasing power parity basis). According to this index, in 1998 Russia ranked 62nd among 174 states. This is exactly the same place it had separately on the “literacy level” scale, being inferior not only to all developed countries, but, by the way, to Cuba and Belarus (56th and 57th place, respectively), as well as a number of Asian, Latin American and African countries. It is noteworthy that in 1995 it ranked 57th. And in 1990, the Soviet Union, in its worst years, ranked 33rd on this same indicator. Thus, in eight years, almost 30 states managed to bypass post-reform Russia. This information shows how bad things are with education in Russia.

Education is the purposeful formation of a personality in order to prepare it for participation in social and cultural life in accordance with sociocultural normative models. According to the definition of Academician I.P. Pavlov, education is a mechanism for ensuring the preservation of the historical memory of the population.

It is perhaps difficult to find parents who would not want to raise a good child. Most people in the process of raising children rely on their life experience, on how they were raised at one time. Meanwhile, there is a lot of evidence that previous methods of education fail and do not bring the expected results. Sometimes the effect of their use is exactly the opposite. What are the reasons for this phenomenon? The changes taking place in the modern world require new, extraordinary approaches to the problem of education, the search for alternative modern methods of raising children.

The methods of raising children, which are still used by the vast majority of parents, were formed in the family over centuries in the conditions of feudal society, and then in the conditions of bourgeois or socialist democracies, the basis of which was authoritarian power. These are authoritarian methods of raising children. The main principle of such methods is the requirement of unquestioning submission of children to the will of their parents. The arsenal of educational measures here includes such methods of influencing a child as orders, reprimands, shouts, threats, ridicule, punishment, including physical ones. The child is considered as a kind of negative, hostile subject who constantly strives to do something wrong, who constantly needs to be pulled back and directed. The motivational mechanisms of children's actions using such methods are based on fear.

Democratic methods of raising children are new, modern methods that were born under the influence of democratic changes taking place in the world around us. The basis of such modern methods of raising children is the rejection of coercion, the subordination of children’s actions to the wishes of their parents and the conflict-free reorientation of them from bad behavior to good. The use of these methods involves studying the child’s perception of certain facts or events in life and providing him with unobtrusive assistance in correctly assessing them. The child is not seen as good or bad, but as a living person who tends to make mistakes. It is the actions that are evaluated, not the person himself. Actions that take into account the interests of all parties involved in the conflict receive a positive assessment. Relationships in the family are built not on children’s fear of imminent punishment, but on the principles of mutual understanding, trust, mutual respect, and unconditional love. The motivation for children’s actions in this case is an internal urge to action and the choice of the right course of action based on their own ideas about what is good and what is bad.

A positive result of educational influence is not considered to be unconditional compliance with parental orders, but the correct choice of the necessary action in specific life circumstances and its conscious implementation. These methods help develop a child’s sense of self-confidence, courage in decision-making, initiative, responsibility, honesty, democracy, and friendliness. Growing up in a family where relationships are based on respect and love, such children enter the adult world open, sincere, and capable of giving love to other people.

In modern conditions of social development, the direction of education is determined by the unity of goals and content. Consequently, by highlighting such areas in education as: mental, labor, moral, aesthetic and ideological-political, we will receive a holistic educational system. In children, memory, attention, and imagination are involuntary in nature and are, as it were, woven into their cognitive activity; therefore, the activity must have a certain logic, but instead of intense cognitive activity, we offer the child passive activity - at the computer or TV, thereby developing a “clip-type mentality” that is harmful to the child. thinking".

An important direction of the educational process is ideological and political education, which involves the formation in the child of the foundations of citizenship, a responsible attitude towards the family, one’s people and the Fatherland. Nowadays you can quite often hear the following phrase from children: I’ll study and leave this “terrible” country! Why have we so polluted the brains of our own children that they are already at this age ready to give up everything and start living in another country? The history of one’s own people, settlement, family is nothing compared to material well-being; it is material well-being created by someone, and not by oneself, that comes to the fore when formulating such a desire for a child. We weaned him from working, but we taught him and continue to do it successfully - to consume.

The essence of moral education lies in the formation of a child’s system of relationships towards society, other people, and himself. Probably, to the above educational areas that have traditionally been used in solving educational problems, it is necessary to add others. Now in modern society new directions of educational work are being formed, such as economic and legal, they require our attention and detailed development. It’s time to get rid of right-wing and economic nihilism and from an early age to form in children the qualities that determine social behavior in conditions of legal and economic protection of the individual.

In the modern world, about 90% of the population are believers, therefore, the role of religious education is great, and you should not turn a blind eye to this phenomenon. Like any innovation, the process of modernization of society has positive and negative sides, as well as negative side effects: the destruction of traditional institutions and ways of life led society to social disorganization, chaos and anomie; The scale of deviant behavior among children, adolescents and young people has increased, and crime among young people has become the norm.

The issue of interaction and relationships between different ages has been acute at all times. The worldview, principles, views of the world and the place of man in it have always differed among representatives of different generations.

So, for example, young people are a group that is still in a state of forming values, ideals, and is mastering the traditions and customs existing in society. In a situation where society itself does not have norms, the orientation of young people in the existing system becomes doubly problematic.

Since we are talking about fundamentally new approaches to life management, this is impossible without relying on science and education, which we understand as a triad consisting of upbringing, training and personal development.

Consequently, by removing a person’s indifference towards himself, his present and future, we will be able to launch creative processes in society even in the condition of modernization of the social system, relying on the combined efforts of the state and family. To do this, it is necessary to encourage children from childhood to think freely, fantasize about scientific achievements, about possible options for the development of humanity, and to use the latest technological achievements in education only after teachers have been thoroughly trained. Everything new needs to be introduced, carefully based on the principle - do no harm. In a word, love for your Fatherland, for your people, is unthinkable without concern for its future.

The education system is one of the most important structures, controlled by the state, aimed both at the socialization of each member of society and at the socialization of natural science knowledge. Education, by presenting a person with moral and spiritual values ​​that constitute the property of public culture or that claim to be included in the treasury of culture, allows the formation of a person’s spiritual image. The content of education is formed on the basis of the achievements of human knowledge. Bringing accumulated knowledge to the consciousness of members of society ensures not only the maintenance of the achieved level of civilization of society and the functioning of production, but also the progress of society.

In a modern school, there are a number of unresolved or insufficiently resolved problems that are relevant to the professional activity of a teacher. The modern school has more than enough problems and it is impossible to cover all of them. In the struggle for the quality of education, a large role is given to the content and structure of education. Most often, both structure and content are “descended from above” by the school. It is impossible otherwise - the educational space will be disrupted. It is impossible to disagree with this.

What difficulties does a modern school face (in my opinion), what problems does it have to solve in order to improve the quality of the services it provides?

  1. Insufficient intensity and effectiveness of counter activities - teaching, i.e. low student activity in the learning process. The teacher’s task is not only to work in class himself, but to achieve equally productive work from the student. And this should not be episodic activity in some lessons and in some subjects, but the creation of an entire teaching system, a system of all methods in which the student cannot be inactive in principle.
  2. The nature of teaching is such that teachers exaggerate the role of observation and perception, using the illustrative and explanatory nature of teaching, thereby actually turning off the student’s thinking, they “forget how to think.” At school, of course, it is necessary to explain and illustrate, but all this should be subordinated to one goal: students’ understanding and assimilation of the essence of the subjects and science being studied, and not a simplified presentation and colorful description.
  3. Overload of educational subjects. We are trying to embrace the immensity and push the necessary and unnecessary in exorbitant quantities into children's heads. What is the value of the scientific nature of teaching aids for students? Their authors seem to be poorly acquainted with the peculiarities of child psychology and completely forget that they themselves were once children. Hence we have the problem of lack of creativity and search in students’ work. Memory is loaded, not thinking. As a result, knowledge is fragile, short-lived, and inapplicable in practice.
  4. Almost complete oblivion of the educational side of the educational process. With the collapse of the Pioneer and Komsomol movements in school, there is still no alternative that actually works everywhere. Previous connections with sponsoring enterprises and organizations have been completely destroyed. This means that all the previously existing “external tools” (mass media, censorship, cinema, literature, etc.) that previously existed and performed the most important function of the educational process have been violated. It seems that a good school slogan for a student “Be successful” in a modern school sounds like “The main thing is to be rich and famous” or “Take everything from life.”
  5. Abandoning the educational function, abandoning the role of “educator” in favor of the role of “teacher,” the modern school is now increasingly inclined towards transforming itself into a kind of “teaching machine.” More and more now acquiring the functions of a kind of soulless unit, combining in itself partly the functions of a copy machine, and partly a commercial production conveyor. The school is now approaching the appearance of a kind of “de-souled knowledge factory” or “copier”, like the same copier, for transferring the amount of knowledge from some people - teachers, to other people - children. And that’s why children are now often seen in school as a “soulless product” or an equally “soulless product.” They are no longer the “younger generation”, not the “growing shift” and not the “maturing part of society”, they are now simply “those” in whom you need to invest (including for money) some specific knowledge. It is not surprising that in such “official” conditions, teachers are forced to put forward, most often, mercantile, material interests and values ​​as their motivation and the motivation of their students. And not including - or even, first of all - moral and spiritual, as the school tried to do in Soviet or even in “tsarist” times. And it is not surprising that in such conditions the teacher is now increasingly moving away from the previous formula: “the teacher (read – school) is a sower of the good, the bright, the eternal.
  6. There is an urgent question about the need to individualize the learning process, about the indispensable consideration of the age and individual characteristics of students, about the appropriate differentiation of knowledge, assessments, and most importantly, programs. There is a general orientation of education towards the average, towards schoolchildren with some average academic performance, but at the same time it is equally bad for both high-achieving and lagging students. In the conditions of modern mass education, all these issues are still waiting to be resolved.
  7. The reluctance of a significant part of teachers to work in a new way, taking into account the latest achievements of pedagogy. Teachers simply cannot keep up with the rapid, innovative modern scientific advances in the field of information technology. The older age category of teachers (and this is the main backbone of any educational institution today) is “finishing” their work experience and does not consider it necessary to master modern innovations. Our children are already one step ahead of us in some technical issues. How can you not strive to at least catch up with them? Colleagues, the 21st century is outside!
  8. Lack of tools to curb aggression and disobedience of students. The democratization of public life deprived teachers of these tools, but did not give anything other than the mutual opportunity to defend infringed interests in court. But, as they say, you can’t rush to court in every case. Hence the lack of order in school.
  9. The starting point should not be the interests of the educational institution, but the interests of the child and family. We must ask parents whether they want to see their children educated selfish and ungrateful egoists? Or maybe they want to raise a practical rationalist, concerned about earthly success and career? Do they want to see their children as worthy sons of the Fatherland or are they raising a citizen of some other state? The school is designed to help the family in educating the child, in raising a good citizen for our Fatherland. On what principles should the education system be based, what should be the content of the educational process so that the child pleases his parents with kindness, obedience, hard work, and humility? What conditions must be created for a child to develop correctly, so that the spiritual life awakened in the family does not fade away in him, so that he masters the principles of science, gets to know his native and world culture, so that he is a patriot of his Motherland, ready to lay down his life for it in difficult times? ? An education system is needed that would allow the full transfer from one generation to another of knowledge, experience of constructive and creative activity, values ​​inherent in the people, and experience of spiritual life. If we try to create such a school, we will inevitably end up with a school based on Orthodox traditions. The school, based on the Orthodox tradition, is the only natural and scientific one that allows children of all nationalities and confessions to enter world culture through Russian culture, while creating conditions for the development of their national culture.
What should a modern school pay attention to?
  1. Information support and support of the learning process in modern conditions. Features of predicting the onset of learning outcomes. Everyday organizational activity of a teacher and the specifics of its manifestation. Implementation of the goals and functions of control, evaluation and incentive activities in practice.
  2. Humanization of education. Ensuring the free and comprehensive development of a person in the process of education; dissemination of the ideas of humanism in education.
  3. Establishing an optimal and harmonious combination of humanitarian, natural science, technical and other cycles of disciplines with the aim of developing a humanitarian culture in each student.
  4. Individualization and differentiation of education. Taking into account the individual characteristics of each student, creating conditions for the education and training of groups studying according to certain characteristics.
  5. Developmental and educational orientation of education. The focus of education is not on the formal accumulation of knowledge, but on the development of students’ abilities and their thinking by activating their cognitive needs and capabilities.
  6. Organization of education on a competency basis. The result of mastering the content of education for each graduate should be a set of competencies.
I wish teachers to become necessary and loved by students and colleagues. This is the key to gaining creative freedom, and without it, how can you become a school that both children and adults want to go to in the morning?


  1. Vasilyeva N.V. Education today and tomorrow: ways to overcome the crisis. - M.: ZAO, Publishing House Economics, 2011.
  2. Social problems of education: methodology, theory, technology. Collection of scientific articles. Editor O.A. Panina. - Saratov. - 1999.
  3. Slobodchikov V. New education - the path to a new community // Public education 1998 No. 5.





A.F. Amend



Featured Articles

In two volumes

Chelyabinsk 2010

BBK 74.200.507

Amend, A.F. Problems of education, training and development of the younger generation[Text]: selected articles: in 2 volumes / A.F. Amend; under general ed. A.A. Salamatova, A.A. Gorchinskaya. – Chelyabinsk: Chelyab Publishing House. state ped. University, 2010. – T. 2. – 474 p.

ISBN 978-5-85716-837-0

The collection of selected articles includes the main part of articles by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.F. Amenda and his co-authors, revealing various aspects of youth education. The second volume is devoted to the problems of pedagogy and educational practice, professional teacher education, prevention of neglect and addictive behavior of children.

The collection is intended for teachers of general education institutions, university professors, graduate students and applicants, scientists and everyone interested in educational problems.

L.N. took part in the preparation of the collection. Baturina, E.V. Evplova, L.A. Ivanova, A.S. Kazantsev, E.A. Krasnova, O.E. Kuzovenko, E.P. Pozdnyakova, N.P. Ryabinina, Z.I. Tyumaseva.


R.A. Litvak, Dr. Ped. Sciences, Professor ChGAKI

G.S. Shkreben, Ph.D. history Sciences, Associate Professor ChSPU

ISBN 978-5-85716-837-0

© A.F. Amend, 2010

© Chelyabinsk State Publishing House

Pedagogical University, 2010


Section V. Pedagogy and educational practice

Priorities of Russian education in the conditions of innovative

economic development (co-author A.A. Salamatov)……………………………………………………...8

Formation of cognitive interest of high school students in the classroom

foreign language (co-author N.K. Tambovtseva)…………………………………...15

On the issue of scientific understanding of fashion (co-author N.V. Cherusheva)……………….21

Education today and tomorrow……………………………………………………..33

Current problems of education in the 21st century (co-author A.A. Salamatov)……...38

Preschool educational system: problems and solutions

(co-author M.V. Zhukova, E.V. Frolova)……………………………………………………………64

Criteria for professional competence of engineering and teaching staff

workers (co-author O.I. Artemova)…………………………………………………………….87

On the history of the development of new information technologies

in foreign language teaching (co-author A.V. Grebenshchikova)………………….92

Forms of educational work in secondary school……………………………..99

From modern conceptual foundations of education to deep ones

educational technologies (co-author Z.I. Tyumaseva)………………………...101

Artificial language development environment as a means of activation

subject activities of young children in English classes

language: theoretical aspect (co-author A.V. Spiridonova)………………………133

The state of health of children and youth and measures to preserve it

(co-author M.V. Zhukova, E.V. Frolova)……………………………………………………………..140

Environmental education for schoolchildren and students

(co-author A.A. Salamatov)………………………………………………………..159

Section VI. Professional teacher education

Practical aspects of future quality management

teachers at Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University

(co-author V.V. Latyushin, G.S. Shkreben)………………………………………….166

Institute for the Development of Education and Upbringing of the Younger Generation:

experience in comprehensive solutions to educational problems

(co-author E.V. Yakovlev)………………………………………………………………………………...182

Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University: preparation

teaching staff for the Southern Urals (co-author V.V. Latyushin)…………..192

Chelyabinsk Pedagogical School is 60 years old………………………………………………………..218

Formation of a holistic view among future teachers

on the problem of studying pedagogical conflicts in Russian schools

(co-author V.V. Bazelyuk)………………………………………………………………………………...222

The main activities of the Institute for Educational Development and

education of the younger generation at ChSPU (co-author N.P. Shityakova)….229

To assess the effectiveness of advanced training of teaching staff

(co-author R.S. Dimukhametov)……………………………………………………..238

System of principles of a holistic pedagogical process

conflictological training of the future teacher

(co-author V.V. Bazelyuk)………………………………………………………………………………...248

Advanced training of teaching staff: problems, searches,

solutions (co-authored by R.S. Dimukhametov, L.I. Dudina)……………………………...259

Formation of professional and communicative competence

future translators (co-author N.V. Komissarova)……………………………..316

Some features of preparing students for family life

pedagogical university……………………………………………………………...323

Preparing the creative personality of a teacher……………………………………326

Patriotic and civic education of Chelyabinsk students

State Pedagogical University……………………………355

Section VII. Prevention of neglect and addictive behavior of children

Some aspects of the problem of preventing addictive behavior

in preschool age (co-authors M.V. Zhukova, E.V. Frolova)………………….359

The problem of drug addiction prevention among young people

(co-author M.V. Zhukova, E.V. Frolova)…………………………………………..372

Psychological and pedagogical aspects of solving the problem of prevention

drug addiction among young people (co-authors M.V. Zhukova, E.V. Frolova)……….388

Overcoming neglect, homelessness and crime

minors (co-author A.A. Salamatov)………………………………….400

Psychological and pedagogical aspect of drug addiction prevention

(co-author M.V. Zhukova, E.V. Frolova)……………………………………………………………..435


Recently, for Russia, the problems of education have acquired particular significance in connection with the deep socio-economic, political, and general cultural transformations taking place in our society, which determine no less profound reforms in education, not only affecting its structure, content and organization, but also leading to changing his values, goals and objectives. That is why Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University pays special attention to current problems of education of the younger generation.

One of the centers for the conceptual, theoretical and methodological development of current problems in youth education at the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University is the scientific school under the leadership of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Alexander Filippovich Amend.

Doctors and candidates of sciences, graduate students and applicants, university professors and teachers, heads of educational institutions, special correspondents, as well as students of various faculties of the Pedagogical University take part in the work of the scientific school, with the help of whom large-scale research on educational problems is carried out. In the work of the scientific school, strong ties have been established with departments and other departments of ChSPU involved in the development of these problems, as well as the Institute of General Secondary Education of the Russian Academy of Education, Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, Ural State Pedagogical University, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Moscow State Regional University, etc.

The presented collection of popular science articles includes the works of A.F. Amenda and his co-authors, revealing various aspects of youth education.

The second volume is devoted to the problems of pedagogy and educational practice, professional teacher education, prevention of neglect and addictive behavior of children.

The fifth section reveals the priorities of Russian education in the context of innovative economic development, forms of educational work in secondary schools, models of development of the preschool educational system, various problems of educational practice, etc.

The sixth section presents practical aspects of managing the quality of training of a future teacher at a pedagogical university, problems of advanced training of teaching staff, patriotic and civic education of students, features of preparing students of a pedagogical university for family life, etc.

The seventh section is devoted to the problems of preventing addictive behavior in preschool age, preventing drug addiction among young people, overcoming neglect, homelessness and juvenile delinquency.

The broad themes of the works of the scientific school of A.F. Amenda shows how many large-scale and ambiguous problems determined by social transformations have befallen the modern Russian pedagogical community. These problems have not lost their relevance and still require deep theoretical understanding.

A.A. Salamatov, Head of the Department of Economics and Management of the Professional Pedagogical Institute of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

A.A. Gorchinskaya, Psychologist of the Temporary Detention Center for Juvenile Offenders, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

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Psychological problems of learning and development




The subject of educational psychology is the study of the psychological laws of training and education, both from the side of the student, the person being educated, and from the side of the one who organizes this training and education (i.e., from the side of the teacher, educator).

Education and training are different but interconnected aspects of a single pedagogical activity. In reality, they are always implemented jointly, so it is almost impossible to determine learning from upbringing (both processes and results). When raising a child, we always teach him something, while teaching him, we educate him at the same time. But these processes in educational psychology are considered separately, because they are different in their goals, content, methods, and leading types of activity that implements them. Education is carried out mainly through interpersonal communication between people and has the goal of developing worldview, morality, motivation and character of the individual, the formation of personality traits and human actions. Education (implemented through various types of substantive theoretical and practical activities) is focused on the intellectual and cognitive development of the child. The methods of training and education are also different. Teaching methods are based on man's perception and understanding of the objective world, material culture, and educational methods are based on man's perception and understanding of man, human morality and spiritual culture.

The object of educational psychology is the activity processes of transfer and assimilation of social experience in a person. Developing a socio-historical approach to the study of the human psyche, A.N. Leontyev wrote that humans, unlike animals, have not two types of experience, but three. The first is innate experience, it has the same mechanisms as in animals, but is very limited in scope and does not function on its own, but as a prerequisite for acquiring other types of experience. The second is individual experience, building on innate experience. A fundamentally new type of experience, on the basis of which the specifically human psyche develops, is its third type - social experience. It differs from the above types of experience both in its content and in the method of acquisition by the individual. It is educational psychology that is called upon to study the laws underlying this process - the process of an individual acquiring social experience.


For the formation and development of each psychological and behavioral property of an individual, there is a specific period when it is most reasonable to begin and actively conduct the education and upbringing of children. It is called the sensitive period for the development of this property. The process of individual development of each child occurs in certain conditions, surrounded by specific objects of material and spiritual culture, people and relationships between them. All this taken together constitutes the conditions for the psychological development of the child. Their individual characteristics, the use and transformation into appropriate abilities of certain inclinations present from birth, the qualitative originality and combination of psychological and behavioral properties acquired in the process of development depend on them.

The same children, whose driving forces of development are the same, in different conditions, are likely to develop psychologically and behaviorally differently. This concerns the speed of their development and level of achievement. The more favorable the conditions for a child's development, the more he can achieve in the same period of time.

Another theoretical concept associated with psychological development is developmental factors. This is a set of methods and means of teaching, the organization and content of training, the level of pedagogical preparedness of teachers. Development factors can promote or hinder it, accelerate or, conversely, slow down the child’s development process.

A special role in understanding the laws of age-related development of children is played by the concepts of the leading type of activity and the leading type of communication. The concept of age is also associated with ideas about the psychological development of children. In psychology, there are two ideas about age: physical age and psychological age. The first characterizes the life of a child in the years that have passed since his birth, and the second indicates the level of psychological development achieved by that time. An analysis of the age and cognitive characteristics of children shows that at each age, the education of children has its own characteristics and, of necessity, must be structured differently, taking into account these characteristics. The task of educational psychology is to develop scientifically based recommendations for taking into account the age characteristics of children when determining the goals, content and methods of teaching with the expectation of ensuring the fastest possible progress of children of different ages in psychological development.

There are two different points of view on the process of child development as a whole. According to one of them, this process is continuous, according to the other, it is discrete. The first assumes that development proceeds without stopping, without accelerating or slowing down, therefore there are no clear boundaries separating one stage of development from another. According to the second point of view, development proceeds unevenly, sometimes accelerating, sometimes slowing down, and this gives grounds for identifying stages or stages in development that are qualitatively different from each other.

There are two different approaches to representing the periodization of development. One of them is based on an understanding of the development process as one that develops spontaneously, under the influence of many random factors and circumstances in the lives of children, and the other seems to be normative or the way development should ideally be with full consideration of all factors influencing it, with correct organization of education and upbringing of children.

One of the most important issues in the psychological theory of educational activity, as well as the processes of learning, teaching and learning discussed in it, is to determine the extent to which all this taken together influences the psychological and behavioral development of a person. Historically, there have been different points of view on this issue:

· Development is completely determined by learning, practically does not depend on existing inclinations, nor on the maturation of the organism;

· Development is completely independent of learning and is determined mainly only by inclinations, the natural maturation of the organism and its capabilities;

· Development depends on learning, but, in addition to it, is also determined by the natural maturation of the organism.

Rubinstein wrote about the close connection between development and learning. He rejected the idea that a child first develops and then is educated and educated. He believed that a child develops by learning and learns by developing.

Human development is influenced by two main factors: biological (heredity, constitution, inclinations) and social environment. The basis of mental development is a qualitative change in the social situation or activity of the subject. Each stage of human development is characterized by its own logic of development; a change in logic occurs when moving from stage to stage; learning leads to development.

Vygotsky first defined the stages of mental development:

· level of actual development - the level at which the child is currently located, which involves performing certain activities independently without the help of adults;

· zone of proximal development - the ability to independently perform actions with the help of adults.

In the process of development, Vygotsky distinguishes: assimilation, appropriation, reproduction. Vygotsky's students developed two systems of developmental education. It is based on the theory of the zone of proximal development + the theory that learning is an internally necessary and universal moment of development, only learning that looks ahead is good.

Zankov wanted to set up a system of primary education that would achieve much higher development of younger schoolchildren than when taught according to the canons of traditional methods. This system was supposed to be built on the basis of the following interrelated principles:

· learning at a high level of difficulty (but not any difficulty, but only difficulty in understanding the interdependence of phenomena and internal connections);

· the leading role of theoretical knowledge, i.e. not at the level of ideas, but at the level of concepts;

· study the material at a fast pace;

· students' awareness of the learning process itself (the teacher must warn students about difficulties);

· systematic work on the development of all students.

Zankov assumed that his system of developmental education works along 3 main lines of the general psychological development of the child:

· observation (the basis of thinking);

· thinking;

· practical action.

Davydov, in his work “Problems of Developmental Education,” proceeded from the fact that traditional primary education cultivated in primary schoolchildren the foundations of empirical consciousness and thinking, or visual-figurative and concrete thinking. The school of Elkonin and Davydov placed the main emphasis on the development of theoretical (abstract) thinking. At the same time, the authors recognized that empirical generalizations and ideas arising from them play a large role in the life of a child. Empirical consciousness and thinking developed based on comparison and formal generalization. They allow you to organize the surrounding objective world and navigate in it. The basis of theoretical consciousness and thinking is a meaningful generalization. A person, analyzing a certain developmental system of objects, can discover its universal foundations (the principle of solving mathematical problems). Theoretical thinking consists of creating meaningful generalizations of a particular system, and then building this system, choosing the possibilities of its universal basis.

By self-control, Davydov understood the comparison or correlation of educational actions with a model given from the outside. Typically, a control system is formed spontaneously, imitatively, through trial and error. The most popular control is based on the final result. Another function of self-control is promising, i.e. plans to compare activities and their capabilities to carry them out. Step-by-step, current control involves the correction of activities in the process of its implementation. Self-esteem involves evaluating one’s activities at various stages of functioning and has a regulatory function. Retrospective (what has been achieved) and prognostic (can I cope with the task?) are associated with correlation with existing experience and are based on reflection, i.e. the ability to highlight, analyze and relate to the situation.

In the learning process, we can distinguish at least content (what to teach), procedural (how to teach), motivational (how to activate students’ activities) and organizational (how to structure the activities of the teacher and students) aspects. Each of these aspects corresponds to a number of concepts. Thus, the first side corresponds to the concept of meaningful generalization, generalization of educational material, integration of educational subjects, enlargement of didactic units, etc. The procedural side - the concept of programmed, problem-based, interactive learning, etc. The motivational side - the concept of motivational support for the educational process, the formation of cognitive interests, etc. Organizational - the ideas of humanistic pedagogy, the concept of cooperation pedagogy, “immersion” in an academic subject (M.P. Shchetinin), concentrated training, etc. All these concepts, in turn, are provided by technology. For example, the following technologies correspond to the concept of problem-based learning: problem-based dialogue learning; problem-task; problem-algorithmic; problem-contextual; problem-model; problem-modular; problem-based computer training.

Teaching aids include visual aids, technical teaching aids, didactic materials, etc. Recently, the means of teaching have changed significantly. In connection with the advent of personal computers, a new type of problem-based learning process has emerged - problem-based computer learning. The emergence of a new element (computer) in the pedagogical system can largely change its functions and allows one to achieve a new pedagogical effect.

In modern pedagogy, there are general forms of education (collective, group, individual), forms of organizing the educational process (lesson, subject clubs, technical creativity, student scientific societies, excursions, etc.). The form of educational organization is “a historically established, stable and logically completed organization of the pedagogical process, which is characterized by systematicity and integrity, self-development, personal and activity-based nature, constancy of the composition of participants, and the presence of a certain mode of conduct.”

The most important task of modern education is to create conditions for the self-development of the student as a subject. Personally-oriented, developmental education and other educational systems are unanimous in this regard. The guidelines are general, but the problems are also common. One of the key ones is the problem of theoretical comprehension and practice of creating conditions for the formation of subjectivity.

Among the key subjective characteristics, activity is invariably mentioned, and the subject himself in this regard is considered as a source of activity aimed at the object. Research on human activity in Russian psychology is carried out in two directions:

· philosophical and psychological, with a predominance of hermeneutic, interpretive methods in search of fundamental patterns, construction and comparison of relevant categories and structures;

· theoretical-experimental, aimed at studying individual manifestations of activity.

The problem of studying the holistic activity of a subject in a specific educational activity was posed and solved, which is understood as a system of the most important types and manifestations of activity for this sphere, ensuring the formation, implementation and modification of both the activity itself and its subject. Such activity implies an emphasis on internal sources of determination, which allows us to speak specifically about the activity of the subject (or subjective activity).

Within the framework of the concept of holistic activity of the subject of specific activity A.A. Volochkov was assigned the following tasks:

· building a model of the system structure of a holistic learning activity;

· definition of the concept of holistic learning activity;

· creation of appropriate diagnostic tools;

· longitudinal study of structural stability, functions and styles of holistic learning activity in the structure of schoolchildren’s integral individuality.

Learning activity is a hierarchically organized systemic education that provides a certain level and nature of interaction between the subject of learning activity, his integral individuality, and the learning environment. Learning activity integrates various manifestations of activity, the most significant in educational activity - intellectual, cognitive, regulatory, etc.


During training, the student acquires knowledge and skills to perform certain types of activities, and this means progress within any one stage of his development. However, at the same time, larger new formations in a person’s mental capabilities are gradually achieved, marking the transition from one stage of development to another. The subject of educational psychology is mainly related to the student’s acquisition of knowledge and skills, and developmental psychology should investigate under what conditions and how transitions to new stages of development are made.

At the same time, the processes of these two types are closely related to each other: learning directly affects development, and the already achieved level of development, in turn, significantly changes the course of learning processes. Therefore, educational psychology also cannot ignore developmental problems, but it is limited to studying the connections between learning and development.

As a result of research by L.S. Vygotsky and J. Piaget, it has become generally accepted that in the senior preschool and primary school ages, profound changes in thinking occur - a transition is made from prelogical to its own logical forms. However, the role that training plays in this transition has been assessed differently by these researchers. According to L. S. Vygotsky, learning leads to development; according to J. Piaget, development proceeds independently of learning, which occurs with direct reliance on the already achieved level of development and in close dependence on it.

L. S. Vygotsky meant “good” education, and J. Piaget meant traditional education, which actually dominated in schools. So in a sense they were both right. In fact, the options for organizing a student’s activities can be very different, and they have different effects on development processes. It has been proven in two different ways that training organized in accordance with the laws of assimilation has a developmental effect.

However, P.Ya. Halperin, who identified the main types of learning, warned against reducing development to the acquisition of private knowledge and skills, even logical ones. He characterized such changes as only potential opportunities for mental development, but not this development itself. He considered one of the criteria for mental development to be the use of new formations in the subject’s activities.

The processes of functional and stage development are closely related to each other, but are not identical. Functional development is possible in people of different ages. It occurs when the subject masters individual mental actions and acquires the ability to perform them in new plans. Actually, age-related development lies in the formation of these plans themselves as such. For example, on the basis of the child’s external, playful activity, an internal plan for imaginary transformations of reality is formed. In other words, the process of age-related changes in the human psyche is of a much deeper, more fundamental nature; it cannot be reduced to the acquisition of individual knowledge and skills, even those that significantly expand the possibilities of one’s activities. The position about the leading role of learning remains valid even with this understanding of development: it is recognized as the cause of development. At the same time, staged development also requires such a condition as maturation, in contrast to functional development, which can occur within one period of maturation. In addition, the basis of stage development is a radical change in a person’s life position, the establishment of new relationships with people, the formation of new motives of behavior and value systems.

Thus, we can conclude that learning is not the only reason for development; there are other reasons, as well as conditions for development (maturation).


1. Gabay T.V. Educational psychology: Proc. allowance.- M.: 2003.

2. Nemov R.S. Psychology: Textbook. manual.- M.: 2002.-Book 2

3. Vygotsky L.S. Psychology. M.:, 2002.

4. Galperin P.Ya. Lectures on psychology: Proc. manual.-M.: 2002.

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