Presentation about graduates at Dow graduation. Graduation in kindergarten, using ICT

Scenario for the graduation party at the preschool educational institution “Colorful Seas”

Ishchenko Zhanna Genrikhovna, music director of MBDOU No. 30 “Dolphin”, Pavlovo, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Dear friends, I bring to your attention the scenario of a graduation party at a preschool educational institution. The holiday was held in a group where out of 25 graduates there were only 8 girls. Therefore, the theme of the holiday “Colorful Seas” was not chosen by chance. According to the plot, the brave “Ivan-Captains” must help the girl find the necessary paint colors to pack her school bag. On their sea voyage, on their way they encounter the islands of “Memories”, “Uninhabited”, “Fairy Tales”, on which the captains meet with various fairy-tale characters, complete tasks and receive in return the right paint. Funny songs, lively dances and, of course, friendship help you withstand the trials along the way! The celebration is accompanied by a presentation. During the graduation ceremony, photographs of the children from when they were babies and from the past year appear on the screen.
Target: Conducting a final festive event for children in the pre-school group.
Tasks: Create a festive atmosphere and evoke an emotional uplift. Show parents that their children are ready for school through games, songs, and dances. Unleash the creative potential of every child.
Adult characters: Presenter, Correspondent, Cow, Storyteller, King, Pirate.
Children: Girl with paints, Captains, Stargazer, Vasilisa, Girlfriends, Prince of Spain, Prince of Persia, Savages, Heroes
Costumes for heroes
Lilac flowers, flowerpots – 2 pcs.
Caps for captains
Double-sided palette (one with paints, the other with three colors)
2 helium balloons (yellow and blue, decorated with stars)
2 sets of numbers from 0 to 9
Skins for savages, sticks, fire
Colored baseball caps, hoops – 8 pcs.
Papier-mâché weights, dummy barbell
bench, patchwork quilt, thought pillow
Gymnastic ribbons on sticks – 16 pcs.
Camera, microphone, wall newspaper in the shape of a ship with photographs of children in the cabins
Tablets for comic fortune telling with answers
Jewelry box

Progress of the holiday.

slide number 1
Fanfare sounds and the presenter enters the hall.
For some reason the hall became silent,
There is delight and a little sadness in the eyes.
Let everyone remember them now:
Flirty and mischievous
A little daring and stubborn
The most playful of children,
Unique, dear,
And everyone loved in their own way,
And equally relatives.
Meet them! Graduates of school No. 30 “Dolphin” - 2015!
The presenter announces each graduate by name. Children with lilacs in their hands enter the hall one by one and stand in a semicircle.
Today it is impossible to contain the excitement.
The hall today cannot accommodate all the guests gathered.
Today we see off our dear children!
1. Here he comes -
Our first graduation!
And May the wizard,
Admire for yourself
Generously showered with tender lilacs
Lilac fragrant flowers.
2. We will have many holidays:
Spring and autumn, birthdays, Christmas trees!
And this is the very first graduation,
It will remain in the souls of children for a long time.
3. Our garden is sad today...
And we are sad, just a little.
The day of farewell has come,
And a long journey awaits us!
4. Leaving here a piece of childhood,
We are leaving for first grade.
But we'll be next door to you,
And we will remember you again and again!
5. More than once we will remember how we played,
And how many things there were here!
How to draw in the evenings
And the forest, and the mother, and the stream!
6. We will remember the group and toys,
And the bedrooms are tender comfort,
How to forget friends, girlfriends,
With whom we lived here for so many years!
Exercise with lilac branches to N. Koroleva’s song “Your World”

(afterwards the girls collect lilacs, take them to the teachers, they put them in vases. The children sit on chairs, the readers go to the center of the hall.
1. And mothers look with excitement
For yesterday's preschoolers.
And dad’s gaze warms,
And my brother winks.
2. Even grandma stealthily
She brought a handkerchief to her eyes.
Will be a schoolboy from now on
Her dear grandson!
3. We ourselves are excited
Forgot all the poems.
Were just preschool children
And now – students!
4. “Preschool child, preschool child!” -
I can hear it almost from the cradle,
Only from tomorrow
Don't call me that:
I'll get up early tomorrow
And in the morning I’ll become a “school kid”!
5. Our beloved, our beautiful,
Our wonderful kindergarten!
You are on your way today happy
You're seeing off preschoolers.
6. Goodbye to our fairy tales,
Our merry round dance,
Our games, songs, dances!
Goodbye! School is waiting!
7. Our favorite kindergarten,
You will be remembered forever!
We will send you from school
From excellent students...
All: Hello!
Song “Now we are first-graders” by A. Ermolin

(for the introduction, children stand in pairs, positioned freely around the hall). After the song they go to the chairs.

slide number 2
An adult runs in to the music, covered in cameras, video cameras with a microphone and a newspaper in his hand.

Are you really late? How so! While in the government I was reporting on a meeting to overcome the economic crisis, I missed the graduation party in your kindergarten!
Don't worry, dear correspondent, our holiday is just beginning. Look at our graduates! To happy parents!
Correspondent (clicks the camera in different directions):
Well, everything is fine!
I'm a cheerful correspondent
I want to take you to school!
I'll connect my microphone,
I'll interview you!
Graduates will answer questions.
1. What do you want to become?
2. What do you wish for your friends?
3. (to the girl) Would you like to work in a kindergarten as an adult? (Yes)
4. What do you think you will remember in 10 years from the life of kindergarten? (Here's what)
slide number 3
Scene “In kindergarten”
“Teacher” - Roma, how long can you count?
“Child” - I count to the end.
“Teacher” - Count these cubes that you have in your hands.
"Child" - One, one, one! End!

“Teacher” - Mitya, why are you looking at the clock?
“Child” - I want to know what day of the week it is. Now, I see for sure - today is Friday.
“Educator” - Why is it Friday, today, by the way, is Wednesday.
“Child” - What are you talking about! Remember, if the hand is at five, it means today is Friday.
5. (to the boy) What do you like to do? - Dance! -Can you even show me? (Of course I can!)
(the boys-captains go to change into naval suits)
Girl (runs to the center of the hall):
We can dance too
And we're moving great!
The dads agreed to support us,
And it's so wonderful!
slide number 4
Dance with dads to the song “Little Daughter”. Music I. Nikolaeva

Thank you for the most interesting interview (shakes hands) And now a moment of attention! A photo for memory! Smile! I'm filming! I'll quickly print a photo and give you a surprise! Have fun! I'll stop by again! (runs away)
slide number 5
Girl: Oh, how beautiful it is in our hall today! How many bright balls! They are all so colorful - red, blue, yellow! Now I’ll take everything and... no, no, I won’t take it home, but I’ll draw it, because more than anything in the world I love to draw!

The girl runs up to the easel, puts the palette next to it, leaves the brush and runs away.
A cow enters the hall

(two adults, walks through the hall, approaches the lying paints and begins to lick them. Having licked the paints, he hums and leaves. The palette is changed to a palette with several preserved paints: blue, white, black.
A girl appears with a bucket in her hands (it contains pre-prepared “paints”), places it near the easel, picks up a palette of paints, and examines in surprise:
Girl: What happened to my paints? No yellow, green, blue, red or brown paint? What should I do now? (Crying)
Leading: Don't cry, (child's name), there are still a few colors left on your palette.
You can paint the sky and sea with blue paint.
White paint - a boat under a white sail.
And black paint is enough to paint beautiful shape for Ivanov - captains.
Girl: Ivanov - captains? Who is this?
Leading: These are the bravest, most courageous captains in the world. They swim in all rivers, seas and oceans. If necessary they will help you.
Girl: Of course you should! After all, I will soon go to school, to first grade, and my briefcase must contain my favorite paints.
Leading: Don’t worry, the captain Ivans will bring you new colors from the colorful seas.
Our ship is torn at sea,
And now, friends, you have to
Give you a test,
To test your knowledge.
Who will find the answer now?
He'll go on a sea voyage!
slide number 6
Riddles - puzzles
1. May beetles lived under the bushes by the river.
Daughter, son, father and mother. Who can count them?
2. We counted the holes in the cheese. Two plus three equals……(five)
3. I found five berries in the grass. I ate one, is there anything left?......(four)
Leading: Wonderful! Guys, would you like to take your parents on this trip? - Yes! Then they will also have to undergo a little training. Moms, come out, let's see if you're letting the team down.
(at this time the Stargazer and the Pirates go to change clothes)
Game with moms.
2 teams. Everyone has numbers in their hands. The presenter asks questions, and mothers come forward if her number is involved in the answer. Whose team will be more attentive and faster?
Questions for moms:
1. No. of our kindergarten.(30)
2. Year of release (2015)
3. At what age do children go to school (6-7 years old)
4. What grades are considered good at school (4-5)
5. Which ones are bad (1-2-3)
6. Which number is similar to infinity (8)
7. How many colors does the rainbow have (7)
8. How many heroes did it take in the fairy tale to pull out the turnip? (6)
9. In Aivazovsky’s painting, what number indicates the highest sea wave (9)
Our mothers did not let us down - they know the numbers and can count. Can I take them with me when swimming?
Children: Yes!
Then we urgently call here the brave Ivans - glorious captains! Guys, help.
All children:
Our ship is friendly with the wave,
It just begs to go on a hike.
And the cheerful departure team is looking forward to it!
slide number 7
Boy captains in caps appear to the accompaniment of cheerful music.
1st: We are Ivans - captains who have come to your aid. Did you call us?
Girl: I have absolutely no paints left, but I will need them at school...
Help me please.
1st: We will help you, but for this we will have to go on a trip around the world...
2nd: We will visit colorful seas and oceans and will definitely bring you new colors.
3rd: Show me what flowers you don't have? Clear.
4th: You have white and blue, which means that we will not go to the White Sea. Not bad! It's so cold there!
5th: It’s also good that the black paint remains, otherwise the black sea is very harsh, remember what happened the last time?
Leading: Wait, wait... Trouble may await you in any sea, and you must be prepared for anything.
We will hold the helm firmly!
And the sail will not let us down.
And our courage and dexterity
It will take us quickly to our goal!
slide number 8
The Stargazer appears.

Astrologer: Well done! Now you can really safely take you on a trip around the world, and the stars will tell you the way. It’s not for nothing that I am a real stargazer.
(gives children balloons. Each ball has stars of different colors attached)
1. This one is the guiding star
He will show you the way to the sea!
It will shine for you both day and night,
So that you can swim to your goal.
2. And if the path lies towards this star light!
The land of your dreams will meet you there.
Will fulfill all your wishes.
It's time to hit the road! Goodbye! (leaves)
1st: Our boat is small
Goes on a hike.
Across the seas and oceans,
To different islands and countries.
2nd: We'll go around the whole planet
And we won’t come without paints!
Waves await us ahead
New meetings are on the way.
The children hit the road. The sound of the sea sounds. The girl waves a handkerchief to the captains.
slide number 9
Dance "White cap"

slide number 10
A child's cry sounds.
Leading: Hey guys, it looks like we have a problem. Can you hear? It seems our ship sailed to the island of memories and took you back to the time when your mothers brought you helpless crumbs to kindergarten, do you remember? Want to see how it was?
kids(children junior groups– brothers and sisters of graduates):
1.The kids congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts today!
Go to first grade with confidence, big things lie ahead!
2.You are already quite big, you are beautiful and smart
In order to reach you, we must stand on our toes.
3. We may be small today, but we will grow up soon
And we will also follow you into first grade!
4. We envy you a little: you are almost schoolchildren.
And we sincerely wish you a good journey!
Dance “For me, for you” (dancing with brothers and sisters)
Leading: Thank you for such a wonderful congratulations. Captains, see the kids off.
(the kids leave, the graduates see them off)
slide number 11
Leading: The Island of Memories gave us pink paint – soft as the dawn.
But we must hurry,
Time doesn't wait
The captains are waiting for us
And the sea is calling!
slide number 12
The sound of the sea sounds.
slide number 13
The Pirate appears with his assistants(two children).

I am the most insidious villain
All children are scared of me
I carry a pistol and a knife,
I'm committing robbery.
I'm either poor or rich
And I'm always looking for treasure.
Answer quickly
Who am I?.. Jack Sparrow!
(after the dance the boys run away to change clothes, the adult Pirate remains)
Pirate: Where are you going? What did they forget on my pirate treasure island?
Leading: We need to collect paints to put them in our briefcase and go to school.
Pirate: What? To school? Is there nothing else you can do? It would be better if they found treasures and lived happily ever after.
Leading: And we want to find treasures, only at school.
Pirate: What kind of treasures are these at school?
Leading: Children, what treasures could there be in school?
Children: Knowledge!
Pirate: Nonsense! Now I will give you such treasures, without them you will definitely be lost.
Here's a slingshot for you guys to shoot at birds,
Here's a noisy pistol to scare each other.
This stick is a lifesaver for smashing in all directions!
With this precious stone you can defeat all your enemies!
Leading: Oh guys, do you really need these things at school?
Children: No!
Leading: Better listen to what would happen if there were no schools.
slide number 14
Staging “If there were no schools” by V. Shainsky - dance of the savages
(before the dance, place a fire in the middle)

(After the dance the savages leave to change clothes)
Pirate: Yes, you're right. It's just too late for me to go to school.
Leading: Don't worry. We will give you a book - it will tell you a lot of interesting things.
Pirate: Thank you. And then I’ll give you some paint. Brown, like the color of the skins of wild animals on my island. (Gives the presenter a jar of brown gouache)
slide number 15
Pirate: Happy sailing. Be careful, the sea is not calm, look how the waves are playing! (leaves)
Leading: Indeed, the wind picked up and the excitement rose.
slide number 16
Exercise with ribbons to the song “Wave” gr. "Barbariki".
Leading: Look, it seems we have sailed to a fairytale island.
slide number 17
(the tower is decorated - a house, a bench, a throne). The Storyteller appears.

Storyteller: Hello children, I am glad that you came to visit me on a fabulous island. Do you like fairy tales? How many fairy tales do you know? I want to check how well you know fairy tales?
Fairytale quiz.
1. What was the name of the girl from the Karabas-Barabas theater? - Malvina.
2. What was the name of the dog who lived in the village with Uncle Fyodor? - Ball.
3. What was the name of the cow that Matroskin bought? - Murka.
4. What was the name of the cat with whom the white and gray mice were constantly fighting? - Leopold.
5. Donkey, friend Heel? - Eeyore.
6. Who rode the stove and talked to the pike? - Emelya.
7. What was the name of the house that stood in a field and sheltered many animals? - Teremok.
Storyteller: Well done! You know everything! Where did you come from, where do such smart children live?
Leading: In the kindergarten "Dolphin"
Storyteller: Tower, tower, tower, open the doors to a fairy tale!
Give us a miracle!
Oh, you, gentlemen, guests,
You are welcome here.
Eat gingerbread,
Listen to the story!
Like Father Tsar (The King comes out)
Daughter is a bright dawn,
Vasilisa is beautiful, (Princess comes out)
Golden head...
In the bright chamber she
Sitting alone all day
Reads the ABC
Soloviev thinks.

(The sound of birds singing)
Vasilisa: Like the nightingales sing,
They invite me to take a walk,
I would wear wings
And she flew off onto a branch.
Vasilisa is a beauty,
Go out for half an hour.
We'll go to the green garden,
We'll start a round dance.
Vasilisa: You, girlfriends, don't shout,
Don't wake up Father.
He sleeps lightly in the early hours,
Wait... I'm right there.
Runs up to her friends They dance to the music “There was a birch tree in the field”:

1. Lead by hand in a round dance
2. Spin around in place one at a time
3. They go through the “gates” one by one.
4. Whispering, laughing loudly

Tsar(wakes up):
What else is this -
The daughter has escaped from her chambers!
I searched the whole palace,
I see my daughter walking,
He's starting round dances.
Vasilisa: I'm bored, father, I'm feeling bored
I ran to my friends
I'm already big -
Stop babysitting!
Tsar: Oh, you really are big
What a beauty!
Everything is in place - mind and becoming,
It's time to get married.
Vasilisa: Married?! Father, I don’t want to! Don't give me away! (crying)
Tsar: I can't bear to listen to you,
Stop crying, dear daughter.
Tears are harmful to girls,
Are you the king's daughter or not?
Vasilisa: Tsarskaya!
Tsar: Must think about the throne -
This is your share!
Storyteller: The news flies everywhere
The royal messengers are coming,
Summon the kings
Princes, shahs and kings.
The roosters crowed
They're coming, the grooms are coming!
Boys' dance "Bibika" gr. "Wizards of the Court" (multi-colored baseball caps, hoops)
Tsar: Well, no! We don’t need our own suitors, give us overseas ones!
Storyteller: The Prince of Spain has arrived.
To the accompaniment of Spanish music, the Prince rides on a horse, his girlfriends carry behind him a fan and a bag of fruit.
Spanish prince(approaches Vasilisa, sits down on his knee in front of her, holds out a fan):
Allow me, senorita, to give you a fan,
Invite you to Spain on holiday with the Tsar.
You will eat pomegranates and oranges there,
I ask you, Vasilisa, do me the honor. (gives fruit)
Oh, senorita, you are beautiful! (kisses her hand)
Do you agree to become queen?
Vasilisa closes his eyes, spreads his arms to the sides and connects his index fingers:
Yes or no, yes or no... No!
Spanish Prince: Why not?
Vasilisa: Because I don’t like oranges and pomegranates,
I value apples the most!
The prince sighs, rides off on his horse, and the girlfriends run away.
Storyteller: The Persian Prince has arrived!
The Persian Prince comes in importantly, carrying a box of beads in his hands. His girlfriends run behind him on tiptoes, carry an oriental rug, and spread it out. The prince sits down on the carpet cross-legged and places the box on it in front of him.
Persian Prince: Oh ruby ​​of my heart
Oh, wonderful Vasilis!
Wink at me with your right eye -
I will fulfill your whim.
Do you want pearls and corals?
Do you want velvet and brocade?
Wink at me with your left eye
I'll make you rich.
Vasilisa winks first with her left and then with her right eye. The prince approaches Vasilisa, sits down on one knee in front of her, and gives her a box of jewelry.
Persian Prince: Oh Vasilisa, you are beautiful,
Go to Persia, do you agree?
Vasilisa: Groom, of course, you are rich,
But I don't need your gold.
Brocade is no good for me either -
I'm used to dressing up in chintz!
The prince sighs and leaves, blowing her kisses.
Tsar (grumbles, collecting gifts - a carpet, a box):
Look what the character is,
Scattered the suitors!
What should I do with you?
So picky?
Vasilisa: I don’t know, father!
Tsar: Or maybe I should look among my own people, what do you think?
Vasilisa: Don't know…
Dance of boys - heroes with fake weights and dumbbells
to the music "Heroic Strength"

(After the dance, the king, together with Vasilisa, examines the suitors)
Tsar: Well, at least this one, why not the groom?
1st: I don't need palaces and chambers
And it's too early to get married.
2nd: Must be before getting married
Go to school to study!
The boys leave to change clothes, and the Girlfriends approach the Tsar.
1st: Father Tsar, don’t be sad.
There will still be suitors
2nd: Be happy for us
After all, now we are students.
There is no one smarter than us in the world,
We can give any answer!
Tsar: Since you are so smart, advise the Tsar what I should do with Vasilisa.
Girlfriends: Let Vasilisa go to school with us.
Tsar: Well then!
I'm letting you go, children -
Head to first class!
Vasilisa and her friends rejoice, shout “Hurray!!!” and run away.
Tsar: I'm going to go get my daughter ready for school. (Leaves)
Leading: And we would be glad to go to school, but we haven’t found all the paints yet.
Storyteller: It’s not a problem, which ones are you missing? Don't forget that everything is possible on my fabulous island.
The storyteller holds her hand, the palette is filled with all colors.
slide number 18
Leading: Thank you.
It's time to end the fairy tale.
See you soon, friends, say!
The storyteller leaves.
slide number 19
Leading: And it's time for us to return. After all, we got all the paints. And now you can safely collect your briefcase.
The sound of the sea and children's laughter sounds.
Leading: It seems that familiar shores have already appeared.
slide number 20
The windows are lit until late in the evening,
Parents prepare their children for school.
What worries them at a late hour?
Well, let's take a look at the apartment now!
Scene (family).
Dad: My daughter will soon go to school, to first grade.
I wonder how she will behave there?
Mother: I remember the first time my daughter was in kindergarten without us
I was sad and bored, I even cried...
Dad: First time for all babies
It's hard in kindergarten without us.
Girl(approaches parents):
Mommy, don't be afraid! Dad, calm down!
I'll go to school with confidence, we were taught here in the garden
Don't be timid and don't be shy,
And try to help your friends.
And in all your affairs be no worse than others!
Song "Button" (girl soloist sings)
Correspondent: You're back! How glad I am to welcome such a friendly team again to our native shores!
Leading: Why do we love our cheerful kindergarten so much?
Because it's wonderful there
Very, very interesting.
And, of course, everyone knows
There are no more friendly guys!
V. Bredis "Friend".
We really need a friend in our lives,
Life is more fun for us with a friend.
Next to him in any cold
We are getting warmer.
A good friend will console us,
Will calm you down in difficult times,
Will amuse you with a good joke,
He can make us laugh.
Friendship sincere and honest
We all need to cherish
Because, as you know,
We can't live without friends!
L. Chadova “My friend”.
My best friend Maxim will go with me to first grade.
We sit next to him in a group at lunch.
We are bosom friends, we have known each other for a hundred years,
We are never apart, neither in the garden nor at home.
They brought us to the nursery together - we were kids,
And we didn’t know how to hold a spoon correctly ourselves.
We will sit next to each other at a desk in September, as if in a garden.
I won’t let my friend down in anything at school!
Correspondent: I have a surprise ready, but first I need to interview your parents. Just don't worry, I will help you. After my question, you will take the note and read it.
The child will soon go to school,
School life is coming for you.
It will bring you new worries and troubles,
It will force you to rebuild your whole life.
And now we’ll tell our fortunes in front of everyone here,
Today we will find out what will happen to families...
1.Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?
2. Who is responsible for keeping track of the first-grader’s uniform?
3. Who will get up at 6 am?
4. Who will eat breakfast first?
5. Who will have to collect the briefcase?
6. Who will read the primer every day?
7. Who will cry, left without strength?
8. Who is to blame if child 2 gets it?
9. Who will attend the meetings?
10. Who should take a first-grader to school? (uncle, aunt, mom, dad, neighbor, the whole family, cat Murzik, grandfather, grandmother...)
Correspondent: Well, we can say that the responsibilities are distributed. And now comes my promised surprise. (Comic wall newspaper with photographs of children on a ship)
1. With tender sadness, “Goodbye!”
Let's tell the group we are dear.
We never parted with her,
Only on the weekend!
2. The builders were here
Doctors and tailors.
In our bedroom hundreds of times
We rested during a quiet time.
3. They set the table for dinner,
Studying etiquette
And they drew in albums
House, trees and sunrise!
4. And more than once during leisure hours,
Sitting quietly on the carpet,
We visited with the book
In a good fairyland.
5. Other children in September
A new one will come to the group,
Well, we'll close the doors:
Great things await us!
6. Farewell to everyone who loved us,
Taught me to play, write,
Sculpt, and dance and sing,
Helped me become smarter!
7. We will not forget your hands, their gentle warmth.
We learned the word “friend” here.
And “happiness” and “good”!
8. Thanks to everyone who taught us,
Who fed us and who treated us,
And to those who simply loved us!
All: Bow to you and thank you!
Song by A. Ermolov “Children's Sal”
Leading: And now the most solemn moment of our holiday. You will be awarded the very first diplomas of a kindergarten graduate in your life.
Congratulations to the manager.
We would like to wish you, dear guys,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you,
Walk the stairs of life boldly!
The children are leaving along the school road,
But a part of us remains in them!
From the kindergarten, from the school threshold
We accompany them to school: Good morning!
Presentation of graduate diplomas and gifts to children.
slides No. 21 - 23
A word of thanks from the parents.
slide number 24
They give flowers to employees.
Leading: And now we invite all parents to take dove balls and line up on the ladder of wishes along which we have walked for so many years to our favorite group.
Parents stand on the steps, holding balloons. Then everyone lines up near the flowerbed of the central entrance, mothers behind the children, make a wish and at the same time release balloons into the sky.
Launching “Desire” balloons into the sky.

Graduation celebration preparatory group 20 Musical director – Popova N.A. Teachers: Nedopekina A.V. Kaysina M.M year

Blots from notebooks Always angry. Sluts are waiting, How best friends! Blots from notebooks Always angry. They wait for sluts like best friends! Magic multi-colored paints will help us get rid of blots. Blue and yellow are pleasant colors, There will never be black blots again! Blue and yellow are pleasant colors, There will never be black blots again!

I am the Fairy of Music, friends, Of course, you recognize me. All these years, day after day, I appeared in this hall. I am the Fairy of Music, friends, Of course, you recognize me. All these years, day after day, I appeared in this hall. And if MUSIC and CHILDREN are friends, then there is nothing more beautiful in the world! And if MUSIC and CHILDREN are friends, Then there is nothing more beautiful in the world! “Song about scales”, music. G. Struve

Today, kindergarten, we say “Thank you” to you and to all your employees We thank you a hundred times! Today, kindergarten, we say “Thank you” to you And to all your employees We thank you a hundred times! Greetings from preschoolers! Farewell, beloved kindergarten! Greetings from preschoolers! Farewell, beloved kindergarten!
Congratulations on your important date, dear preschoolers! Kindergarten was your home, bright, warm and familiar! The days will fly by, and soon I will have to go to school! We are proud of you, children, And we count on you, Seeing you off around the planet On a good journey and to first grade!

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

The presentation on the topic “Farewell to kindergarten” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Social studies. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 5 slide(s).

Presentation slides

Slide 1

Graduation party in kindergarten "Cinderella goes to school."

Cheerful and joyful, but with a bit of sadness, full of amazing miracles, magical colors - prom! When saying goodbye to kindergarten, children demonstrate their successes and achievements. They express their feelings, emotions, and parents feel proud of their talented children. So that the prom remains in the memory of children for life, special attention I pay attention to the content of the holiday, selecting song, dance and other material aimed at revealing the creative potential of children.

Slide 2

Kindergarten dressed up You won’t recognize it straight away. Mom puts on her best outfit. And ironed trousers, cleanly washed hands, and excitement - they’re just seeing us off to 1st grade!

Dance "This is us children."

The kids came to visit us.

Solemn poems.

Alumni presentation.

Slide 3

Dance "Lemonade Rain".

Medley “Fly away the cloud.”

Medley Group “Ivanushka”, song “Doll”

Medley to the song “The boy wants to go to Tambov.”

Slide 4


Dima Bilan “Believe me”

Verka Serduchka “I’ll give love”

Dima Bilan “Never let you go”

Slide 5

Farewell Waltz.

Very soon the first school bell will ring for our graduates. Behind us are days filled with exciting journeys into the world of the unknown and unsolved. An amazing discovery that helped our children learn every day, step by step. the world around us and yourself in it. There is a difficult road ahead into the world of adult school life.

Tips for making a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, don’t be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. Everything comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.

"The Life of Wonderful Children"
SLIDE logo "First Educational"
Presenter 1: Our kindergarten has been sad since the morning
After all, it’s time to see our dear children off to school.
We will say a lot of good words
Well, now we’ll start the graduation parade here!
Presenter 2: Let the solemn music sound, an unusual holiday will be here.
For the last time, our senior boys will now enter the decorated hall.


Entrance – change of lanes with balloons to the music. At the end, the balls are released.
Fanfare sounds. Children stand on both sides of the hall.
The presenters introduce all graduates by name.
1st child: Our kindergarten is decorated in the morning - today is graduation day
And we are proud of our garden, because it is like a home to us.
Child 2: How many years have we been coming here, how many tears have sometimes been shed here
Here for the first time we kicked our knees, here they pitied us, they loved us all.
3rd child: We friendly family lived here, played and were strong friends,
Sometimes they were naughty, but everyone loved their own kindergarten.
4 child: Our kindergarten, goodbye, we are leaving for first grade.
Even though the parting is sad, don’t worry about us.
Child 5: As a farewell, we will sing a song for the garden together.
Never, anywhere, guys, will we forget about him.
Song "Soon to school"
The children sit down. The phonogram sounds.
Voice: “Attention! Attention! The television is on. Today a big holiday is broadcast on all channels - GRADUATES DAY!
Millions of kindergartens send their children off to school. Our kindergarten is also saying goodbye to its graduates. Today, a number of programs with the participation of these children will be presented to your attention on various TV channels.
"Children's World". Photos of children of graduates in the junior group. – slide show.
1. Presenter: We listened to an emergency news release.
And I turn on “Children's World”
You give miracles a merry feast.

He loves all the graduates.
The surprise is already ready for you.

slide logo "Children's World"

Children of the younger group come out.

1st child: Today we are seeing off the oldest among us.

Congratulations to those who have grown up on their transition to first grade!

2nd child. Just don’t get arrogant that you are now students!

Get ready for school quickly, don't forget your diaries!

3rd child. You are already quite big, you are beautiful and smart,

In order to reach you, we must stand on our toes! (Rises up on his toes)

4th child. We ask you from the bottom of our hearts to study like this at school,

So that the kindergarten is always happy with you.

5th child. Goodbye, goodbye! We ask you not to forget

And now we are very happy to dance a funny dance.

Number – congratulations: kids dance “Toys”

6th child graduate (comes out, holding a doll in her hands):
Katya, Katya, goodbye,
How I love you!
But now for education,
I'm giving it to the new mother.
You see, they bought me books,
It's time for me to go to school.
Be good, be exemplary
Can't argue with a new mom
And she probably got you
Will try to save.

The child gives the doll to the kids.

2 Presenter: Well, the toys were given to the children,
And we, friends, don’t need to be sad anymore

Toys for reliable preschoolers.
They say to you, smiling:
Kids: Thank you! Goodbye! (Leave to the music)

SLIDE - Photos from children's activities.

Presenter: I’m turning on the STS channel.

Next up is the program “Mental Progress”.
We will now find out who is the smartest, most attentive and witty.

2 boys come out:

1m: Hello old man! How are you living? Which school will you go to?

2m: In a simple way, like in a microdistrict. And you?

1m: And I, brother, to the innovation room!

2m: Which one? I found a word...
Well, say it again?

1m: Again? No, hardly!

2m: Well, explain it!

1m: Well, in general, this is cool.
There's business class, a computer,
And some other jokes!

2m: Wow! What a school!
It would be great to go to something like this!

1st: I just wish I could pass the competition!

2m: And if you don’t pass, then what?

1m: Don’t croak, brother, my parents will have a heart attack!

2m: That’s how far behind life we ​​are!

Boy 3 runs up: You haven’t lost anything,
Yesterday I heard from my mother,

That the school has different programs and new ones...
Well, what about

According to our child psychology.
Every school has a super class!

2m: It can’t be, this is class!

3 m: Modernization is underway everywhere,
Innovations are used.

Conditions for a developed person
Created in the 21st century school!

3m: Well, you bent it, this can’t be!

2m: If you don’t want to, you don’t have to believe it.
You can ask the teacher and check everything yourself!

1m: Okay, it’s still early for school,
Let's dance better!

The dance is new
The whole world is ready to dance,

Changes are in fashion these days!
GENTLEMEN are dancing for you!

Dance "Gentlemen" - dance with hats on chairs.

SLIDE logo “Culture”.

2. Presenter: The “Culture” channel in front of you wishes everyone to study perfectly.

You are greeted with verses from the pages of a poetic notebook.
SLIDE logo “Yamal Region”.
The poem is read by Polina Pikas, winner of the “Reciters' Competition” - 1st place.

Shapoklyak enters to the music.
SLIDE logo "Multimania"

Shapoklyak: Oh, how many people are here!
What kind of holiday are you having here?

1. Presenter: Dear Shapoklyak, we are celebrating the graduation of children from school.

Shapoklyak: A holiday is good, it’s very good! So there will be gifts.
I really love sweets and all sorts of nasty things.

2. Presenter: What are you saying, Shapoklyak, what nasty things are you talking about? Better congratulate our guys.

Shapoklyak: Well, of course, I congratulate you.
And I give gifts to everyone.

For these good kids,
I don't feel sorry for anything.

Here's a slingshot for you guys
To shoot birds.

Here's a noisy pistol for you,
To scare each other.

I suggest this button
Place it on your chair.

This precious stone
We need to break out the windows.

This stick is a lifesaver,
Wave in all directions.

1. Presenter: Oh, oh, oh, what is this? Guys, will these gifts come in handy at school?

Shapoklyak: School, school......What to do there? Why is it needed? And what do they teach there?

SLIDE logo “Fun. Ru"

Shapoklyak: That's it, it's decided. I am opening the “School of Harmful Sciences”.
Admission without exams, training is free.
Who wants to sign up?

2. Presenter: What sciences will the guys study there?

Shapoklyak: I will teach you how to smear glue on benches, quarrel with each other, tell lies,
blaming someone else, being talkative, fighting, talking rudely.....

1. Presenter: Enough, enough, Shapoklyak. Guys, do you agree to enroll in such a school?....
Do you hear, the children do not agree. They have already enrolled in a good, real school.

Shapoklyak: Just think, you're going to school.

2. Presenter: What - what?

Shapoklyak: I say, you’re going to school. It’s my tongue that’s braided, and now here it is
scratched her head.

1. Presenter: Guys, did you understand anything? Shapoklyak mixed everything up. What did she want to say?
“You’re getting ready for school”, …… “the braided tongue is coming out”,……. “What’s wrong with you”?.....

Shapoklyak: Oh - oh - oh. Don’t you confuse letters in words yourself?

2. Presenter: No, our children know how to speak correctly. Let's prove it to Shapoklyak.

The letters decided to play pranks and ran away. And before it was possible from them

make up a few words. Try to find these words.

Game "Find the words"

Shapoklyak: I have strength, I don’t need intelligence.

1. Presenter: And our children are endowed with both strength and intelligence.

Shapoklyak: But no one will defeat me.

2. Presenter: We'll see about that later.

Game "Strongmen" (tug of war)

1. Presenter: You see, Shapoklyak, our children are smart, strong, and dexterous.

Shapoklyak: Just think, I gave in on purpose, otherwise you’ll start bawling. Well stay
with my mind and strength, but I have no use for it. And in general I have no time here with you
bother, I have more important things to do.
SLIDE logo of the RTR channel

Presenter: And now the RTR TV channel is waiting for us.
A groovy dance is friendly here,

SLIDE logo “Dancing with the Stars”

Have you guessed it? What's on air The program “Dancing with the Star!”

Dance "Tango"

SLIDE logo of the TNT channel

2. Presenter: The TNT channel continues, offering to watch “Comedy Club”.

He who laughs all year round lives a very long time,

Watch the performance of a comedian.
SLIDE logo "Comedy Club"
Child: (the boy holds a picture rolled up in his hands)

I spent half a day drawing a handsome horse,

And everyone praised me for the drawing.
First my mother said a word to me:

Wonderful, Mishenka, a little lamb has come out!

But I went to my dad with the same drawing,
And dad told me:

Great goat!
Then the little sister praised:

You did a very good job... kitten.

And my elder brother praised me,
He yawned and said:

Not a bad crocodile!

SLIDE logo of the channel "Russia"

2. Presenter: Channel “Russia” welcomes you,
The vocalist sings a song here,

Everyone knows this program
Super project “People's Artist”
SLIDE logo "People's Artist"

1. Presenter: Based on the results of audience voting, first place in the super project “People’s Artist” was awarded to the instrumental group VIA “LITTLE STARS”
The song “Ay, it will be cool!”
Children with instruments: drums, a synthesizer, 2 guitars - start, then the whole group joins in - a dance flash mob.

1. Presenter: Guys, do you watch TV series? Which?
SLIDE logo “Home Channel”

Attention! Now let’s switch to the “Home” channel

We offer you a family series to watch.


SLIDE “Tele Nanny”

(1 friend in the uniform of a flight attendant, 2 wear a hat, boa and give flowers in their hands, 3 wear glasses and give a tablet)

2 Ved. Three friends on a spring day,
Were in a nice mood.

They cooed on the bench,
And they dreamed about the future.

1 other That's when I grow up
I'll get married right away.

I will choose a husband, like dad,
To meet me at the gangway.

Oh, I forgot to say:
I'll be flying in the sky.

I want to become a flight attendant
I'll go on the plane.

2 other Don't get distracted, Arina!
What's next, remember?

1 other And then I will become a mother,
And I'll tell you straight,

What about your children, Adeline,
I won't stuff myself with porridge.

I will take them to the cinema,
Buy them popsicles.

2 other I wish I could become your daughter!
1 other You can only dream!

2 other I want to become an artist
To perform on stage.

So that flowers are always given,
They only talked about me,

So that I can be filmed,
The main roles were given.

I would get a lot of money
Whatever I want, I’d buy it all!

Why are you silent?
Are you saying anything?

3 other I will study at school,
I promise not to be lazy

Because when I grow up -
I want to become a scientist.

And study the computer
Be friends with mathematics

Own geography
To see the whole world.

Geometry and Russian,
Biology, French,

You should study at school
To be a teacher!

1 Presenter: These are our children,
Everyone wants to know the world,

Let's wish them good luck
To solve all the problems,
Come on, music, play!
Start the joke skit!

Slide logo “Mother and Child”

Joke skit “Getting ready for 1st grade” (together with parents)

A twig in the gate,
I saw him off to first grade,

Mommy Nikitka.
Mom (looking at the child):
There are shoes, there are trousers,
White shirt.
You are a handkerchief,
Put it in your pocket

I put all the notebooks down,
Books and pencils.

Oh, with remarkable strength,
Children have it (tests the briefcase for weight, bends under the weight)

Put a diary in your briefcase,
Brush and pen
Only a smart student
He'll learn everything quickly!

Listen, mom, if so,
Everything is familiar to you
Go to first grade yourself
I'll wait for the second one!

2. Presenter: He will knock again,
A twig in the gate,
I saw him off to first grade,
Mommy Nikitka.


1. Presenter: There are a lot of programs on the first channel,

Meet the finalists from “Minute of Fame”
SLIDE logo “Minute of Glory”)

Look at our children's singing and dancing abilities.

SLIDE - PHOTO FROM Prometheus and video clip of the performance


2. Presenter: We are turning on our channel.
Let's hurry to the screens.

Attention! We are starting the Program-
“Mirror of the Soul”

Music is playing. Children line up with flowers near the central wall.

1 child: Goodbye, our kindergarten!
We will remember you with love for a long time.

Everything is ahead of us, but only with kids
We will never be again!

2nd child: Our graduation holiday, we were waiting for you!

But I don’t have the strength to part with the garden.

We will not forget those we have come to know.

Who loved us and raised us. Raised!

Presenting flowers to employees.
Presenter: Farewell waltz!
Children dance the waltz.

SLIDE logo "Goodbye, kindergarten"

The children take their seats.

Word from the headmaster, presentation of diplomas, word from the parents.

A word for educators.

Children stand in a semicircle.

Child: We have grown up, now we are different children,

They will come to your garden, as we once came.

And we say to all employees: “Thank you!”

And the guys give this song to you.

Song "For what?"
Children stand up in checkerboard pattern, sing a song.

SLIDE – PHOTO “Children in kindergarten”
Video about children in kindergarten.

Lap of honor. Exit from the hall. Collect balloons and release them on the street with your parents.