Preparing for matinees in the dhow. Consultation for teachers: organizing and holding matinees in kindergarten Plan for holding a matinee in kindergarten

I approve

Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 46"

A.I. Rubtsova

Order No. dated 20.


about organizing and holding holidays in


1. General provisions.

1.1. This regulation was developed for the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 46” (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) in accordance with the Law “On Education”, the Charter of the MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 46” and determines the activities of the teaching staff of the institution in preparing and holding holidays.

1.2. Organizing and holding holidays entails solving the main tasks:

Systematic interaction between teachers and the music director in the quality organization and holding of children's parties;

Creation of a methodological data bank of preschool institutions and teachers when organizing matinees;

Creating an atmosphere of joy, fun, and celebration for students;

Artistic education, the formation of children's taste, the development in children of a sense of beauty, the beautiful, the unification of people by a commonality of experiences, an emotional mood.

2.1. The holiday repertoire must be artistic and meet program requirements.

2.2. The matinee script is drawn up by the music director, discussed with the group teachers and approved by the director 1 month before the holiday.

2.3. The matinee script includes outdoor games, competitions, relay races, dances, and poetry in accordance with the age of the children. The choice and quality of performance of poems by children at a matinee must be thought through. The task of educators is to teach children to read poetry emotionally, without imitating adults.

2.4. Musical pieces are used by the music director on a grand piano, SD player, synthesizer, etc.

2.5. The matinee program is designed so that all children have the opportunity to participate.

2.6. The final moment in organizing a children's party is a treat, a surprise moment.

2.7. The matinee script must necessarily take into account compliance with safety and fire safety rules, protecting the life and health of children.

3. Responsibilities of the music director in preparing the holiday:

3.1. Drawing up a matinee script in accordance with a specific topic and age of the children;

3.2. Planning classes in which material for the holiday is gradually learned: repertoire - songs, dances, games;

3.3. Planning and conducting individual and subgroup classes to practice dances, songs, performances;

3.4. Planning work with teachers on roles at the holiday;

3.5. Selection of musical and external decoration for the holiday;

3.6. Selection of children's costumes, aesthetics of children's festive clothing.

4. Responsibilities of educators during the preparation and holding of the holiday:

4.1. Active participation in classes in preparation for the holidays: learning songs, poems, dances, theatrical performances with children;

4.2. Outside of music classes, working to consolidate the material learned in the classroom;

4.3. Assisting the music director in working on theatrical productions and participating in them;

4.4. Familiarization with the matinee script 1 month before it takes place, distribution of roles and responsibilities among each other: who will prepare the attributes, costumes, room decoration, etc.

4.5. Knowledge of the matinee script, sequence of numbers;

4.6. Participation in the decoration of the music hall for the celebration;

4.7. Organization of service personnel in dressing children for the matinee;

4.8. Organizing work with parents to equip children with costumes and festive clothes;

4.9. Organization of work with parents on the rules of their behavior at matinees and compliance with fire safety rules, safety regulations, SanPiN

4.10. Ensuring that parents from preschool age attend holidays without quantitative oversaturation.

5. Responsibilities of parents (legal representatives) for holding holidays.

5.1 Strict compliance with Federal Law No. 69 “On Fire Safety” (as amended on March 12, 2014)

5.2. Strict compliance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390 “On the fire safety regime” (as amended on April 6, 2016) clause 32 - When holding events with large numbers of people in the premises, the following is prohibited:

G) “reduce the width of the aisles between the rows and install additional chairs, chairs, etc. in the aisles;”

f) “not to allow violations of the established standards for filling the premises with people” (0.78 sq.m. floor area per person - PPB -0- 148 -87 Appendix 11, clause 6);

5.3. Comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the work schedule in preschool organizations and come to holidays in replaceable shoes.

Tatiana Demyanenko
An excursion into the methods of holding holidays and entertainment in kindergarten

In a preschool institution, a long-term plan is drawn up annually celebrations and entertainment. A long-term plan makes it possible to systematically, systematically and therefore successfully prepare for these events and at the same time solve the problems of moral and aesthetic education.

Variety of shapes and types entertainment allows you to plan them in such a way that the load on preparation and carrying out distributed evenly among the music director, teachers and among children. Must have a schedule entertainment in each age group and general for kindergarten. He will help distribute responsibilities throughout the organization. entertainment taking into account the variety of forms and types, the availability of content for children of this age group.

Udachnoe carrying out The matinee is determined primarily by a well-thought-out script. It should be moderately full of spectacles and performances.

The script action must obey the following requirements:

1. Each episode must be connected with the previous and subsequent ones.

2. Action develops on an ascending line. You can't go from emotionally powerful episodes to more weak: This leads to decreased attention.

3. Each episode must have an internal logic of construction and end before another begins.

4. The action must be brought to a climax, which reflects the idea of ​​the entire scenario.

5. Final part (final)- This is a manifestation of the activity of all participants.

A well-written script program correctly alternates between moments of action and relaxation for children. So, after the lifting ceremonial part, the children sit down and listen to poetry, after a cheerful general dance, they watch a re-enactment in which only a few children are involved; after the moving activities there should be no singing. It is necessary to ensure that children do not sit on chairs for a long time.

Long before holiday on the pedagogical council together with the head kindergarten, teachers and music director discuss the script, as well as a number of issues related to preparation and celebrating holidays: plans for educational work with children in pre- and post-holiday days, matinee program, projects for decorating group rooms, halls, vestibules, grounds, sketches of attributes and costumes for processions, dances, performances, gifts for children, a plan for a new exhibition at the exhibition for parents, a plan for cleaning the premises, distribution of responsibilities. During the discussion, amendments and changes are made to the program. When discussing the scenario at the teachers' council, it is necessary to determine the role of each teacher, his responsibilities, to appoint those responsible for changing children's clothes, for regulating lighting effects, for the precise exit of individual characters, assistance in carrying out surprise moments, etc.

Selecting musical material for holiday program, the capabilities of children should be properly taken into account.

The matinee program should not be overloaded with a large number of speeches. They turn the matinee into a kaleidoscope of successive numbers, sometimes poorly connected with the general idea holiday. Such a program creates an atmosphere of tension and leads to rapid fatigue for both performers and spectators. One should observe a sense of proportion and be guided by artistic taste.

The matinee must carried out at a good pace. Extension of speeches,

too many of them, unjustified pauses - all this tires, discourages the guys, disrupts the single line of emotional and physiological stress.

The duration of the matinee is 45-50 minutes (for seniors, 35-40 minutes (in younger groups). Doesn't have to exceed it sense: At 12-14 minutes, babies and at 25-30 minutes, older children begin to show signs of fatigue. The timing of the program shows the sufficiency of the following quantity works:

Junior group:

2 general dances;

1 game general;


2 individual poems.

Middle group:

2 songs shared

1 ensemble;

2 general dances

1 dance for girls;


4 verses individual.

3. Senior group:

songs: 1 general at the beginning of the matinee, 1 in the middle general + 1 ensemble or solo;

dancing: 1 round dance + 1 for girls + 1 for boys + 1 individual; Musical game;


6 poems. individual

4. preparatory school group:

Songs - songs - 1 total at the beginning + 1 total in the middle + 1 total at the end +1 solo or ensemble;

dances – 1-2 general + 1 for girls + 1 for boys + 1 for gifted or weak;

musical games - 2;

individual poems - 8.

Of course, if the children are capable, then you try to expand the repertoire a little. Don’t forget that every matinee also includes a fairy tale or dramatization with the participation of children. The main thing is that children, throughout holiday, "THE EYES ARE NOT DUMB." This is what you and I are all called for. calculate: repertoire, dressing.

The program of matinees in younger groups includes more spectacular moments performed by older children and adults. The children’s actions are still simple, and their independence is not very evident. They sing songs together with the teacher, at first only singing along with him. Dances and games carried out by show. As a surprise performance, a puppet theater character is often introduced who leads part of the program holiday(Parsley, Santa Claus).

The youngest preschoolers are pleased, first of all, with the attributes that are in their hands: flags, balloons, flowers. Festive They do not immediately notice the decoration of the room; they have to be specifically drawn to this and given time to examine it. Children are initially very reserved in expressing their feelings. Cheerful music and movements with colored handkerchiefs make them smile and want to move.

A variety of vivid impressions can sometimes cause inhibition in children. Their skills are still unstable, and children may forget the order of movements, formation in a familiar dance, so the teacher helps them all the time.

Older children are characterized by greater activity in perception and performance. The colorful decoration of the room, various attributes, costumes of the characters - all this attracts the attention of the children. They themselves notice the design details and admire the lighting effects.

At matinees, children of older groups act confidently in many ways independently, without the help of a teacher. play familiar games, dancing, participating in performances. They freely navigate the team, monitor the correct execution of the actions of their comrades.

The main requirement for anyone holiday- active participation of every child in it. All children must participate in performances. This is achieved primarily by the fact that some of the songs, dances, games, and round dances are performed collectively. In addition, each child must perform individually or with a small group of children. Collective performances always alternate with individual reading of poems, playing children's musical instruments. Sometimes a small group of children come together for surprise performances. They perform songs and dances of various characters, and act out small dramatizations.

Individual performances help shy children overcome shyness, develop self-confidence, overcome stiffness in movements. In individual performances, each child is given the opportunity to demonstrate their musical and creative abilities.

So that children do not lose interest in holiday, not worth it conduct several full-scale rehearsals, it is best to polish the matinee program by numbers, and only on the eve of the actual holiday to hold a general(technical) rehearsal - entrance, sequence of numbers, exits of child characters without playing the episodes in front of everyone. This way the children won’t have the feeling that everything has already happened.

The work of children, which occupies a worthy place in educational work kindergarten, the day before holiday takes on special significance. Teachers include in the educational work plan classes in which, together with children, they make crafts and decorations for games, dances and round dances (stars, flowers, badges, flags, ribbons, twigs, etc.). Made with your own hands, these crafts and decorations are dear to children. With great joy they play and dance with them on holiday, and then take care of them, use them in post-holiday games. Manager kindergarten checks daily the progress of preparatory work helps the team. Only such a clear organization makes it possible to timely and calmly prepare for holiday.

For good, joyful children's party Adult performances are very important. Performances by adults children's party always unexpected and surprising. If the parents perform, the children are extremely proud of them. The authority of parents in the eyes of children undoubtedly rises.

per day festive During the matinee, the precise work of the entire team is especially important; everyone must know their duties well and perform them quickly and calmly. This is important in order to create a joyful feeling in the morning and then maintain it until the very end of the day. festive every child’s mood in order to prevent children from becoming nervously overexcited due to unpreparedness, haste, and stupid fuss.

Parents are welcome guests holiday. Be sure to warn them about the need to bring replacement shoes. After the matinee, invite parents to write down their impressions in “Book of reviews and wishes”

Matinee in kindergarten- This is a kind of report from teachers to parents about the work done. Holiday in kindergarten clearly demonstrates to parents what their child has learned over the past few months of attending kindergarten. In addition, this is an opportunity for parents to get an idea of ​​what kind of relationships their child has with the team and with other children, compare their child’s skills with the skills of their peers, and, perhaps, highlight some problematic issues that should be worked on at home, evaluate behavior child in team: how sociable he is, whether he is shy, and whether he is disciplined enough.

A holiday in kindergarten is, first of all, a lot of work done by the entire team, since many employees are involved in this event kindergarten: educators, specialists, housekeepers, cooks, medical workers, administration, etc. Therefore holiday is a common cause! But everyone has their own role, their own responsibilities. And it can be very difficult to separate the responsibilities of a music director and a teacher, because successful celebration depends on the joint organized work of teachers.

Activities of the teacher on holiday matinees are very diverse. The most responsible role is the role of the presenter, his emotionality, liveliness, ability to communicate directly with children, expressive performance of poetic texts largely determine the general mood and pace of presentation holiday. The presenter must not only know the program well, but also be able to quickly respond to unexpected random changes. The leader must know children's songs, dances, and games well and, if necessary, help children perform a dance or dramatization. Teachers help decorate the hall for holidays and after their matinee they remove all the attributes.

Don't ignore the presenter's appearance. Clothes, shoes and makeup should be festive, but not provocative, therefore, deep necklines, short skirts, "spanking".

If you instruct your parents to sew or decorate a costume, prepare attributes, then make sure that they bring them in advance, and you can check them out, otherwise on holiday can happen that the elastic bands on the hats will break, the attributes will break, etc.

During holiday Do not touch children with your hands, and in order to rebuild them, you just need to tell them about it.

The outcome of the matinee largely depends on the rules of behavior of children at the matinee.

Children need to know some of the them:

Don't speak loudly (don't shout);

Walk calmly (don't run);

Remember why we are in the hall;

Feel free to show your abilities;

Take care of each other (don't offend);

Help each other (don't laugh);

Listen carefully to each other (let everyone say);

Don't be distracted by your parents.

Since 50 percent of the time in music classes is devoted to movement, children need a comfortable shoes: soft, flexible, lightweight - comfortable in every way. The most common option is Czech shoes and ballet shoes. The same shoes are also suitable for holidays.

The same can be said about everything festive costume in general. Many parents are carried away by the desire to highlight their baby: buy gorgeous long, fluffy dresses for girls, tailcoats for boys. But it’s not always convenient for children to move in them! AND "mods" will feel uncomfortable. Very expensive, frilly outfits can embarrass other children and their parents.

Results celebration needs to be discussed with children. Usually with them carried out conversation about the past matinee, ideas and impressions about it are clarified. Children's It is advisable to write down the answers and place them on a stand for parents.

In some children's gardens there is a good tradition of consolidating holiday impressions in a music lesson. Children come to the hall where the decorations have been left holiday, there are details of costumes, attributes for games. The teacher invites the children to remember what they liked at the matinee, exchange impressions and perform songs, poems, games, dances, and dramatizations if they wish.

The matinee is also being discussed among teachers.

Was it a successful matinee?

How the presenter coped with her responsibility role: how did you lead holiday(lively, interesting); did you see the children, their mood, did you establish contact with them; what was the leader’s speech like; What was the resourcefulness of the presenter, her understanding of the situation? (when missing or replacing a number, etc.). How and in what ways the group teachers helped the leader.

How did the music director cope with his main task - selection festive music and its performance.

How children performed poems, songs, games, dances, round dances, dramatizations.

What is the level of musical, singing and rhythmic abilities of children.

How was creativity manifested? child development.

How were the children’s well-being and mood? (speakers, listeners). What the children especially liked.

How did they react to the performances of adults?

Duration holiday. Were there any signs of overwork in children?

Musical entertainment is held 2 times a month. It is advisable entertainment in the afternoon and it is advisable to choose a specific day of the week. Mystery and a feeling of real surprise should always reign around this day.

Types and forms entertainment

Their types depend on the nature of participation in them children:

entertainment, where children act as listeners or spectators;

where children themselves are active participants and performers

Both adults and children take part.

Forms entertainment can be extremely diverse and variable, since they depend not only on the goals and objectives set, but also on the genre characteristics of the repertoire used, on its thematic focus and semantic richness.


Musical and literary compositions,

Musical and fun games

The new toy is entertainment for younger groups.

Dramatizations, dramatization games, puppet shows

Theater of toys, dolls and pictures

Dance and opera miniatures

Attractions, competitions


1. Methodology musical education in kindergarten: textbook allowance for school/N. A. Vetlugina, I. L. Dzerzhinskaya, L. N. Komisarova and others; Ed. N. A. Vetlugina - M.: Education, 1989.

2. Vetlugina N. A. Musical education in kindergarten. - M., 1981

3. Komissarova L.N., Kostina E.P. Visual aids in the musical education of preschool children. - M., 1986

4. Shchennikova V. N. The role of manuals and musical-didactic games in development creative activity of children // Artistic creativity in kindergarten. - M., 1974


There is no childhood without holidays

Everyone loves holidays, but children especially adore them. A children's holiday is an important part of a child's life, because the impressions of early childhood often remain in memory for a lifetime. Festive matinees in kindergarten are an important part of the educational process carried out in kindergarten. They actively influence the formation of the preschooler’s personality, allow him to demonstrate his skills, abilities, creative initiative, and sum up a certain result of pedagogical work. Therefore, preparation for the holiday, its holding and consolidation of the impressions received by children can be considered as parts of one single pedagogical process. Well-organized holidays have a beneficial effect on the development of mental processes: memory, attention, create an excellent situation for the development of a child’s speech, for consolidating knowledge acquired in various classes, and contribute to moral education. In kindergarten, matinees are not only an entertaining event, but a lot of difficult preparatory work.

Matinees, like any other event, have both positive and negative sides. Firstly, children bear a heavy burden, both moral and physical. Preparation takes a lot of time and effort, often children take on a completely new role for themselves. Children need support from both teachers and parents.

ATTENTION : The opinion of those parents who believe that they can not take their child to music lessons, but only bring them to a matinee, is deeply mistaken. Nothing but trouble will result for the child (due to ignorance of the material, inability to perform the simplest dance movements, ignorance of the words of songs, inability to change positions correctly and on time). The child becomes upset, confused, nervous, often cries, and interferes with other children.

Both parents and children look forward to kindergarten holidays. Children are happy that their parents will come to see them, and parents are given the opportunity to plunge into their own childhood memories. But matinees in kindergarten are held not only to please parents and students, immersing them in a festive atmosphere. There are other, more important goals and reasons.

The purpose of organizing the holiday

The main goal of the holiday in a preschool educational institution is the formation of emotions and feelings, which are the most important condition for personal development. The holiday integrates various types of art: music, literary expression, dramatization, visual arts. We explain one form of art to another; one art interacts with another, performing in a single ensemble; works of different artistic specificity mutually complement each other. Therefore, the holiday, first of all, develops aesthetic feelings in children, an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding reality; allows each child to discover new abilities and talents and develop existing skills; develops such mental processes as activity, self-confidence, ability to work in a team, cultivates moral, moral, patriotic qualities.

Children are united by common experiences, they are taught the basics of collectivism; works of folklore, songs and poems about the Motherland, native nature, and labor form patriotic feelings; Participation in holidays and entertainment develops discipline and a culture of behavior in preschoolers. By learning songs, poems, and dances, children learn a lot about their country, nature, and family. This broadens their horizons, develops memory, speech, imagination, and promotes mental development.

Preparing for the holiday is an excellent incentive for children in speech and music classes. Children learn songs, poems and dance movements for a reason, but in order to later demonstrate all their skills to their parents at a children’s party, and even receive gifts for this, which also occupy an important place in the child’s motivation. Thus, the teacher can always explain to the child why this or that activity is being done and why he needs to try. And when a child has a specific incentive, he will study harder.

Stages of work on organizing a holiday

Experience in organizing holidays allows us to distinguish the following stages:

1. Pre-planning. At the beginning of the school year, a meeting of the teaching staff is held to discuss the work plan for the year. Holidays are selected and dates are set.

2. Work on the script.

3. Preliminary acquaintance of children with the theme of the matinee.

4. Rehearsals

5. Working with parents.

6. Hosting a matinee

7. Summing up

8. Aftereffect of the holiday.

Preparing for the holiday

Preparation for holidays and entertainment is carried out systematically and systematically, without disturbing the general rhythm of life of the kindergarten, to meet the interests of children, and to take into account their age and individual characteristics. Planning ahead allows you to prepare for the holiday without haste. The duration of the holiday depends on its content and the age characteristics of the children taking part in it. For children of primary and secondary preschool age, the duration of the holiday is from 20 to 30 minutes, for older and pre-school children - no more than 1 hour. At the same time, it is important to carefully consider the ratio of children's and adult participation, as well as the sequence of numbers in the structure of the holiday, so that its composition does not overtire the children.

Direct preparation for the holiday begins with the distribution of speech material for children, taking into account their individual speech characteristics. For some children, due to their individual psychological characteristics, it is better to be assigned individual performances, for others, in order to avoid psychologically traumatic situations, it is better to perform together with other children (for example, singing a song), and for some, especially in the initial period of education, it may be advisable to play a role at all viewer. When distributing speech material, it is necessary to take into account the vocabulary that each specific child has mastered, as well as the state of his oral speech: sound pronunciation capabilities and voice quality. After analyzing and comprehensively studying the text of the poem between the teacher and the child, allowing one to understand the internal content and its meaning, the text is given to parents for study at home. When memorizing and checking text, special attention is paid to working on verbal stress, rhythm and intonation.

Choreographic and vocal compositions, skits, and recitations are distributed among all children. In order for the holiday to meet the interests of children, it is necessary to provide for the feasible participation of each child in it.

Preparations for the holiday begin 1.5 months before the event itself. Teachers conduct classes in their groups where children are told about the upcoming holiday, explain what kind of holiday it is and what it is dedicated to. If this holiday was already celebrated last year, then everyone remembers what happened on it. The teacher finds out what the children remember and, if necessary, fills in the gaps in the children’s memory (for example, asks the children to bring photographs from last year’s holiday and looks at them together with the children).

After the children understand what kind of holiday it is, they are explained who will be present at it (parents, teachers, children from other groups, etc.) and what the children themselves will do. At this stage, children must understand their tasks, realize their role in the process of preparing and holding the holiday, so that in the course of learning poems, staging dances, and preparing the hall, they see and understand why they are doing this. It is necessary to set a goal for the child, towards which he will move with the help of teachers.

Then the actual work begins on learning poems, songs, staging dances, decorating the hall, and making accessories for costumes. At this stage, work is also underway on the script, which includes changes and adjustments that appeared during work. Thus, the final version of the script appears immediately before the start of the holiday.

The next stage is preliminary work: reading the work on which the dramatization or theatricalization will take place, the characters' personalities and the distribution of roles are discussed. There are always children in the group who learn program material easier and faster than others. Such children can be given more complex poems or roles, as well as individual performances. It is important for the child to create motivation so that the need to realize his creative potential arises.

After the distribution of roles, individual work with children begins:

Over expressive reading of poetry;

By memorizing song lyrics, dance movements and round dances;

Above the image;

Over individual episodes.

To ensure that children’s interest in the holiday does not fade away, it is not necessary to conduct several full-scale rehearsals; it is best to polish the matinee program by numbers, and only on the eve of the holiday itself, conduct a general (technical) rehearsal - entrance, sequence of numbers, exits of child characters without playing episodes during everyone. This way the children won’t have the feeling that everything has already happened.

When decorating a room for a holiday, you need to remember some basic rules. The design should:

Respond to the content of the holiday, be artistic and understandable for children;

Develop artistic and aesthetic taste;

Create a joyful mood for all participants, arouse interest in upcoming events;

The issue of making theatrical costumes for the characters is also important. A suit for both adults and children should be comfortable, not interfere with free movement, and match the height and size of the person wearing it. The “adult artist” and the “child artist” must look impeccable.

The matinee should be carried out at a good pace. Prolonged performances, too many of them, unjustified pauses - all this tires, discourages students, and disrupts the unified line of emotional and physiological stress.

This can be avoided, first of all, by the active participation of adults at the holiday. When discussing the script, it is necessary to determine the role of each teacher, his responsibilities, to appoint those responsible for changing children's clothes, for regulating lighting effects, for the precise exit of individual characters, assistance in carrying out surprise moments, etc.

Let's get ready for a holiday

Since 50 percent of the time in music classes is devoted to movement, children need comfortable shoes: soft, flexible, lightweight - comfortable in every way. The most common option is Czech shoes and ballet shoes. The same shoes are also suitable for holidays.

The same can be said about the entire festive costume in general. Many parents are carried away by the desire to make their child stand out: they buy magnificent long, fluffy dresses for girls, tailcoats for boys. But it’s not always convenient for children to move in them! And “fashionistas” will feel uncomfortable. Very expensive, frilly outfits can embarrass other children and their parents.

The teacher and music director warn parents and children in advance what the holiday will be like and what costumes should be prepared. So that later there will be no confusion as to why the “Spider-Man” or “Batman” costume, which was bought for the New Year’s performance, cannot be used at a matinee, the plot of which is “The Snow Queen” or “Cinderella at the Ball”


The outcome of the matinee largely depends on the rules of behavior of children at the matinee.

Children need to know some of them:

Do not speak loudly (do not shout);
- walk calmly (do not run);
- remember why we are in the hall;
- boldly show your abilities;
- take care of each other (do not offend);
- help each other (don’t laugh);
- listen carefully to each other (let everyone speak);

Don't be distracted by your parents.

A holiday in a kindergarten is, first of all, a lot of work done by the entire team, since many kindergarten employees are involved in this event: teachers, specialists, housekeepers, cooks, medical workers, administration, etc. Therefore, the holiday is a common cause! But everyone has their own role, their own responsibilities. And it can be very difficult to separate the responsibilities of the music director and the teacher, because the successful holding of the holiday depends on the joint organized work of teachers. It is very important that parents do not talk during the matinee, do not reprimand their child (the teacher will do this, if necessary), turn off cell phones, the calls of which are distracting, do not walk around the hall filming and photographing children, and do not come to the matinee performances. with small children who may cry and be capricious, thereby distracting the children and presenters.

Summing up

When that long-awaited day comes, when the transformed and decorated hall is full of spectators and children wait with bated breath for the action to begin... the holiday begins... passes... and ends, but the work on the holiday does not end. As we have already noted, children’s and adults’ memories long retain the bright, joyful, vivid impressions that the holiday is rich in. And the task of teachers at this stage is to “link” to these memories those skills, abilities and knowledge that children received at the holiday and in the process of its preparation. To do this, conversations are held in which children remember what they liked, with the help of the teacher, the most important and important things in the holiday are highlighted, and unclear points are explained.

During music lessons, children repeat their favorite dances and actions of individual characters. Some performances are repeated several times, changing performers.

The effectiveness of pedagogical work largely depends on a thorough analysis of the quality of the holiday, which evaluates:

Children’s activities during the holiday, their well-being, emotional state, degree of activity and interest, quality of performances

The activities of the music director and teachers, their professionalism in drawing up a script, the ability to distribute roles taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, the degree and nature of interaction with each other and children; the quality of the musical repertoire used, its accessibility, artistry and compliance with the theme of the holiday; quality of performance of the musical repertoire;

Organizational aspects of the holiday, coordination of the work of the entire team in preparation for the holiday;

Festive decoration of the hall.

A kindergarten matinee is a kind of report from teachers to parents about the work done. The holiday in kindergarten clearly demonstrates to parents what their child has learned over the past few months of attending kindergarten. In addition, this is an opportunity for parents to get an idea of ​​what kind of relationships their child has with the team and with other children, compare their child’s skills with the skills of their peers, and, perhaps, highlight some problematic issues that should be worked on at home, evaluate behavior child in a group: how sociable he is, whether he is shy, and whether he is disciplined enough.

A matinee in kindergarten can be a good educational moment for parents in the family. Every child is looking forward to a holiday, and if his behavior is “lame,” then it is easy to motivate the child by the fact that the matinee is coming up and he must behave appropriately, otherwise there will be no holiday. It’s no secret that children change their behavior significantly if you say that Santa Claus is watching them and, in accordance with how they behave, he will give gifts.

Show responsibility and a creative approach to organizing the matinee, be patient with your helpers, and the holiday in kindergarten will be a great success! It has been noted that well-organized holidays have a beneficial effect on the development of mental processes: memory, attention; create an excellent situation for the development of the child’s speech, for consolidating the knowledge acquired in various classes; contribute to his moral education.

At all stages of preparation and holding of holidays, close interaction between the teacher, educators, and music director is necessary.

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There is no childhood without holidays!

Everyone loves holidays, but children especially adore them. If for adults a holiday is a pleasant opportunity to relax, then for children matinees are far from relaxing.

A children's holiday is an important part of a child's life. Early childhood experiences often remain in memory for a lifetime. Holidays in kindergarten are an important part of the educational process. They actively influence the formation of the preschooler’s personality, allow him to demonstrate his skills, abilities, creative initiative, and sum up a certain result of pedagogical work. Well-organized holidays have a beneficial effect on the development of mental processes: memory, attention, create an excellent situation for the development of a child’s speech, for consolidating knowledge acquired in various classes, and contribute to moral education. In kindergarten, matinees are not only an entertaining event, but a lot of difficult preparatory work.

Most of them are thematic in nature: all poems, songs, games are subordinated, as a rule, to one theme.

Goals of organizing the holiday:

  • realizing the potential of each child (discovering new abilities and talents, developing existing skills);
  • development of such mental processes in children as activity, self-confidence, ability to work in a team.
  • education of moral, ethical, patriotic qualities.

Stages of work on organizing the holiday:

  1. Working on the script
  2. Preliminary acquaintance of children with the matinee
  3. Rehearsals
  4. Holding a matinee
  5. Summing up

Working on the script.

Work on the holiday begins with the script. The teacher can work according to a ready-made script proposed by the music director, or he can actively and creatively participate in drawing up the script, selecting works for dramatizations, performances, poems, roll calls and even musical works for this script. A creative teacher uses the script in his own way, deeply comprehends, analyzes, passes it “through himself,” using his experience, supplementing with clarifications, his own developments and improvisations. In most cases, scenarios are developed by preschool teachers in close collaboration with a music worker and speech therapist. The music director selects the musical and choreographic parts for the script, while the teacher is responsible for carefully selecting the speech material.

Preliminary work.

The next stage is preliminary work: reading the work on which the dramatization or theatricalization will take place, the characters’ personalities are discussed. It is important for the child to create motivation so that the need to realize his creative potential arises.

Then the teacher tests children for various roles and distributes roles. It is necessary not to overload children, not to impose one’s opinion, to provide all children with the opportunity to try themselves in different roles, without distributing them among the most capable. Competitions for the best performance of a particular role are of great importance. When drawing up a script, an experienced teacher can discern in advance a particular character in the child. There are always children in the group who learn program material easier and faster than others. Such children can be given more complex poems or roles, as well as individual performances.

After the distribution of roles, individual work with children begins:

Over expressive reading of poetry

On learning song lyrics

Above the image

Over individual episodes

Speech activity is improved through reading poems, singing songs, theatrical activities (playing skits, fairy tales), promotes the development of imagination, creativity, and enrichment of vocabulary.

The structure of a holiday or matinee necessarily includes various surprise moments and games. In order to maintain children's attention, it is important to give them the opportunity to play and relax. Constantly changing activities helps keep children interested.

To ensure that children's interest in the holiday does not fade away, it is not necessary to conduct several full-scale rehearsals; it is best to polish the matinee program by numbers, and only on the eve of the holiday itself hold a dress rehearsal. This way the children won’t have the feeling that everything has already happened.

Working with parents.

Perhaps nothing brings parents and children closer together than traditional joint holidays and matinees. The serious faces of the parents change, they temporarily return to childhood. Laughter can be heard in the hall, and everyone is happy - children, parents, employees.

Communication between parents and the teacher in the process of preparing for the matinee occurs regularly:

Asks for help in sewing and making suits;

Parents offer their ideas for costumes and attributes;

Actively participate in decorating the group and hall for the holidays;

Parents can control what share of participation the child takes in the matinee, check whether the child has learned the verse or song well enough;

Participation of parents in competitions and games directly at the matinee.

The teacher and parents prepare the bulk of the costumes necessary for performing at the festival. If you do not find out in advance whose parents will not be able to attend the matinee and help the children change clothes, then you can find yourself in a very unpleasant situation when most of the children get confused in their costumes and lose some parts of them.

The matinee is also held with the participation of parents: videos and photo albums are created. In the guest book, parents can write down their impressions and wishes. At the end of the year, at the graduation party, the children who played the most interesting roles in the matinees are awarded diplomas.

If a child is a born actor, he still needs parental attention and thunderous applause.

Holding a holiday.

As a rule, all children's matinees in preschool institutions are very similar to each other. They take place in the assembly hall, which is decorated in accordance with a specific holiday. They have a basis (it could be a fairy tale or a journey) and a program (poetry reading, various performances, songs, dance numbers, awards, tea drinking, etc.) but, despite the similarities, all holidays are different, different children from year to year years, and you need to prepare for them in different ways.

Summing up.

The preparation of the matinee can be judged by the children’s conversations after the matinee, by their drawings, by how long the children remember the characters of the performance, certain songs.

It has become a tradition to consolidate holiday impressions in music classes and art classes. After the matinee, you can discuss with your children what you liked and didn’t like. Many children, as early as 3-4 years old, see flaws in their performance and note the bad behavior of others. The main thing is that the discussion of the New Year's party is conducted in a joyful manner and the child retains the feeling of the holiday.


A holiday in kindergarten is joy, fun, celebration, which is shared by both adults and children. The upbringing and development of a child is not possible without the participation of parents. Parents are the dearest and closest people. Children see the eyes of their parents at the matinee, they sing and dance for them.

Years will pass, the children will forget the songs that were played at the holiday, but in their memory they will forever retain the warmth of communication and the joy of empathy. It is at the matinee that parents can discern small talents in their son or daughter that they will want to develop further. Parents have the opportunity not only to evaluate talents, but also to pay attention to problematic issues in the child’s development and begin working with them in a timely manner. It is at the matinee and in preparation for the matinee that the parent team comes together. The help of parents in preparing for the matinee is very important and valuable, because they should not only be “spectators”, “observers”, they should become active participants in the educational process.

List of used literature.

1. Vetlugina N.A. Methods of musical education of children. M.: Education, 1989.

2. Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in children's creativity. M.: Education, 1991.

3. Krasilnikova O.A. Teach and educate with creativity. St. Petersburg, 1998.

4. Lebedeva O.A. General school holidays and their role in the development of children // Rehabilitation. Education. Development. St. Petersburg, 1998.

5. Zaporozhets A.V., Lisina M.I. Development of communication in preschoolers. M.: Education, 1974.

About organizing matinees.

The organization of the holiday and preparation for it should meet the interests of children and take into account their age and individual characteristics. Planning ahead allows you to prepare for the holiday without haste. New holiday musical material is included in music classes approximately 1.5-2 months before the holiday. In order for the holiday to meet the interests of children, it is necessary to provide for the feasible participation of each child in it.

The duration of the holiday depends on its content and the age characteristics of the children taking part in it. For children of primary and secondary preschool age, the duration of the holiday is from 20 to 30 minutes, for older and pre-school children - no more than 1 hour. At the same time, it is important to carefully consider the ratio of children's and adult participation, as well as the sequence of numbers in the structure of the holiday, so that its composition does not overtire the children.

When preparing for the holiday, you should take seriously the choice of a host. In addition to a good knowledge of the holiday script and its musical and literary repertoire, the host must have pronounced personal qualities: artistry, goodwill, resourcefulness, initiative.

The effectiveness of pedagogical work largely depends on a thorough analysis of the quality of the holiday, which evaluates:

Children’s activities during the holiday, their well-being, emotional state, degree of activity and interest, quality of performances

The activities of the music director and teachers, their professionalism in drawing up a script, the ability to distribute roles taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, the degree and nature of interaction with each other and children; the quality of the musical repertoire used, its accessibility, artistry and compliance with the theme of the holiday; quality of performance of the musical repertoire;

Organizational aspects of the holiday, coordination of the work of the entire team in preparation for the holiday;

Festive decoration of the hall.

When decorating a room for a holiday, you need to remember some basic rules. The design should:

correspond to the content of the holiday, be artistic and understandable for children;

develop artistic and aesthetic taste;

create a joyful mood for all participants, arouse interest in upcoming events;

When creating a script, you must ensure:

a bright and solemn start to the holiday;

development of the holiday plot, which reflects its main idea (children's performances, games, songs, dances, poetry readings, etc.), developing in the direction of increasing emotional uplift;

climax, in which gifts are presented, etc.

Your Knyazeva Natalya Alekseevna