Outline of a lesson on the application “Flight into Space” for the senior group of a preschool educational institution. Abstract of GCD on applique for children of the senior group "Space" lesson plan on applique, modeling (senior group) on the topic Drawing craft applique on the theme of space

Cosmonautics Day is very interesting holiday, on this day all eyes are directed upward to the stars. That's why not one applique for Cosmonautics Daycannot do without stars and rockets.

Starry sky

The starry sky in the background is the main general feature of space-themed applications. You can make such a background very simply using a sheet of black cardboard, white paint and a brush . A sheet of black cardboard will be used as a backing. You will need to put stars on it.

Brush tomaking a lot of little stars won't help us. The paint should be applied in splashes. The necessary fine sprays can be easily done using a small brush with hard bristles; a toothbrush is well suited for this purpose. brush.

The brush needs to be generously smeared in white paint and rubbed over its bristles with your finger so that splashes are made. To begin with, it is better to practice splashing on rough paper to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary blots. If everything works out, then you can apply paint to the black cardboard backing.

Starry sky forapplications for Cosmonautics Day ready!


Now is the time to think about what the main image on the application will be. The center of attention is usually the rocket. The rocket either plows through space, flying past planets, or lands on one of them. Perhaps an astronaut even looks out of it and waves his hand at the local planets in greeting!

Show it all onapplications for Cosmonautics Day for childrenThere are several ways, here are two of them:

  1. It will be enough to cut out the rocket and planets from colored paper and glue everything in place on a previously prepared star backing.
  2. If you want to make it more interesting, the rocket and planets can be made a little convex. To do this, you need to cut out the parts with a margin. It is better to glue them not over the entire surface, but only along the edges, so that in the middle there is a raised area and emptiness inside. Moreover, it is advisable to bend the edges and stick this small folded area onto the substrate.

It is better to glue the rocket with a cone - so that the nose of the rocket becomes pointed, and then thickens towards the nozzle. On the nozzle side of the rocket, you can glue flames cut out of paper along the contour.

To let the rocket in applications for Cosmonautics Daywas more like the real thing, it can be covered with colorless nail polish. You just need to do this with a completely finished rocket, since you won’t be able to paint anything on top of the varnish.


The glitter will fit very harmoniously into the star theme and add brightness to the craft. They can be used to outline a finished application, highlight some elements of the rocket, or make beautiful inscription“Happy Cosmonautics Day!”

You can use either ready-made glitter gel from the creativity kit or dry small glitter. In order for the latter to stick well, they will have to be applied using clear varnish for nails: first coat of varnish on small area, and then sprinkle glitter on it and shake off the excess.


IN applications for Cosmonautics DayYou can use not only paper, but also many other materials, creating amazing masterpieces. You just need to give free rein to your imagination!

Work procedure: – take black cardboard – use white gouache and spray from a toothbrush to create a star background, cut out the parts according to the template. Here we use craft cardboard and pages from magazines. We arrange it as you like and glue on the parts. You can use double-sided tape of medium thickness, then your craft will be voluminous - using threads (we used “Iris”) we lay out the flight path of the rockets. All that remains is to choose a place for the congratulatory inscriptions.

First we make the background. It can be plain, painted, or in the form of an appliqué. You can print your favorite photo of space on a color printer for the background or cut out a suitable picture from an unnecessary magazine. We paste planets, stars, rockets and so on onto the background. Before gluing, let the child lay out the details of the applique and think about what to glue first.

Paper applique – “Rocket in space” (made on a sheet of dark blue or black cardboard).
Before cutting, you need to paint the parts in the specified colors.

“Rocket” (3-D applique).

You will need: black or blue cardboard, yellow paper, pencils, scissors, glue, colored strips.
What to do: cut out a piece from yellow paper (see step 1 in the picture). Color it, draw portholes, decorate it with stripes. Down with reverse side Glue the rockets with “fire” - colored stripes. Glue the rocket to the blue cardboard by applying two strips of glue to the edges of the rocket and slightly moving them towards each other - you will get a three-dimensional rocket!

Collective application for Cosmonautics Day “Let's take flight.”

You will need: photographs of children (you can simply print them on a color printer), a sheet of colored cardboard (blue, cyan, purple) in A1 format, colored paper, scissors, glue.

Invite children to fantasize about going into space. What would they see there? Stars, planets, comets. What would children use to go into space? On a shared rocket? Children cut out a rocket, paste it onto the background, cut out their faces from photographs, paste them onto the rocket, and on top of the photographs should be pasted circles cut out by adults from colored paper - these are portholes. Next, children decorate the applique with stars and images of planets. You can use glitter and markers.


Application (from Latin “attachment”) - interesting view artistic activity is a way of working with colored pieces of various materials: paper, fabrics, skin, fur, felt, colored beads, beads, woolen threads, embossed metal plates, all kinds of fabric (velvet, satin, silk)., dried leaves... This use of a variety of materials and structures in order to enhance expressive possibilities is very close to another means of representation - collage.

Application was born a long time ago. It appeared as a way to decorate clothes and shoes, household utensils and tools, and the interior of your home.

Perhaps the first impetus for the emergence appliqués the need arose to sew skins for clothing, and the first stitch told the man that they could not only connect the details of clothing, but also decorate it. Parts cut from these materials began to be attached to clothing. This is how it appeared applique .

The subject matter included animals, birds, people themselves, fantastic monsters, beautiful flowers and plants, scenes of hunting and everyday life.

Applications accessible even to children early age: creating a whole from existing parts is much easier than creating the same drawing from a mosaic. Parts appliqués You can prepare them in advance and give them to your child to create an image, but not a mosaic.

In the works appliqué use glue, scissors, colored paper (which you can make yourself using paints or markers), wrapping paper, magazines, foil, candy wrappers, foam rubber and simply unexpected materials

Cosmonautics Day

Almost half a century ago, April 12, 1961., for the first time, an orbital flight of a spacecraft with a person on board was made. The first cosmonaut to visit near-Earth space was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

From that date the countdown of the triumphal procession began aviation and astronautics, as well as the amazing successes of technology sent into space - satellites, lunar rovers, rockets, spacecraft and stations. The day of this flight became the date of a powerful breakthrough in space exploration.

Celebrating this day, you can not only remember everyone who has worked and is still working to this day for the common good of humanity, but also create models of aircraft and spacecraft, make a doll or depict it on paper in different techniques an astronaut in a spacesuit, soaring in airless space or exploring other worlds, draw the fantastic beauty of the cosmic sky and much more, allowing you to clearly demonstrate and educate the younger generation...

Group work on the topic: “Space”.

Implementation of program content in educational areas: cognitive development, social-communicative, speech development

Educational area : “Artistic and aesthetic” - applique.

Age group : second junior group.

Activity goals : expand vocabulary on the topic of space; continue to introduce children to Russian holidays, with the feat of Yu. A. Gagarin. Enrich children's ideas about space, astronauts, space equipment, and the use of space for the benefit of people; cultivate respect for people of any profession, activity, independence; learn to compose a composition of a certain content from ready-made figures, develop collective creativity skills; cultivate accuracy in work.

Equipment: blank parts (stars, a picture of an astronaut, rocket, planets, satellite, sun), glue, napkins for each child, a large sheet of paper (Whatman paper) decorated to look like a starry sky.

Preliminary work:

1. Examination of paintings, illustrations about space, about planets, about cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin.

2. Conducting a conversation on the topic “Space”.

3. Reading stories and poems about space.

4. Guessing riddles about space.

5. Design of an exhibition in a group.

6. Observation of the sky, sun, moon.

7. Work with parents - watch the starry sky with children.

8. Conducting modeling classes on the theme “Space”.

Contents organized educational activities children

    Organizational moment.

Educator. Guys, do you know what a significant day will soon be?

Educator: shows a portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin and asks: Do you know who this is? Tell us what you know about Yu. A. Gagarin.

Children: Yu.A. Gagarin was the first person to fly into space.

Educator: I suggest you make an application today on the theme “Space”.

Guys, let's go with you into space to search for planets. What do we need for this? But what will we fly into space on, will you find out by guessing the riddle?

    Conversation on issues.

This bird has no wings
But one cannot help but marvel:
As soon as the bird spreads its tail -
And rises to the stars.

Children: Rocket!

Physical education lesson "Cosmonaut's spacesuit."

Educator: Cosmonauts need a special space suit - a spacesuit. It protects the human body and allows you to breathe. You and I need to put on a spacesuit.

The astronauts have a helmet on their head (tilts and turns of the head).

The overalls should be comfortable and not hinder movement (turns and tilts of the body).

Hands are protected by gloves (rotation of hands, squeezing and unclenching of hands at the top, in front, at the bottom).

Astronaut boots with very thick soles (walking in place, jumping).

On the back behind the shoulders is a backpack with important devices and air cylinders (raising and lowering the shoulders, inhaling and exhaling).

    Making a collective application.

Educator: We are boarding a starship,

Let's take off.

We fastened ourselves deftly, together,

Let's start our engine


Our propeller spun.

Miracles, miracles,

We're taking off into the skies!

- Let's turn on space music. Applique is carried out, we glue the rocket.

The sun is already glued to the sheet in advance .

Educator: what do we see in the sky?

Children: The sun.

Educator: The sun is a big star. Without the sun there would be no life on earth. Everything that happens on our planet is connected with the Sun: the change of day and night, the onset of winter and summer. Our star - the Sun - has its own family. It includes 9 planets.

Educator: Any of us can name all the planets in order:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth, the Earth has a satellite - the Moon (the child glues it). It shines brightly in the night sky.

Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

Glue the planets in order.

Educator: Have you observed the night sky? What did you see there?

Children: stars.

Educator: How many stars are there in the sky?

Children: A lot.

Educator: the universe is filled with countless stars.

Educator: shows an asterisk. In fact, the stars are very big.

Educator: Why do they seem so small to us?

Children: they are very far from us.

Children take turns gluing the stars.

Educator: Again we are rushing into the rocket,

Let's fly to our planet!

(Children approach the “rocket”, stand in a circle, music sounds)


Spun around, circled around,

We found ourselves on earth!

Well, here we are at home.


Guys, where have we been today?

What do you remember from our trip?

Where would you like to visit next time?

Below is a photo of the collaboration.

Yulia Titova

GCD Application "Space" (preparatory group)

Goals: - Continue teaching children to work with stencils, fold paper in half;

Strengthen the ability to cut exactly along the intended contours of the figure;

Activate children's vocabulary: space, astronaut, planets, stars, moon, satellite, rocket, spaceship;

To develop children's curiosity and interest in the world around them.

Material: 1/2 sheet of black cardboard (you can use a whole sheet, colored paper, scissors, PVA glue, glue brush, glue napkin, simple pencil, “Rocket”, “Cosmonaut” template blanks, felt-tip pens.

Preliminary work: Conversation "The first man in space", watching the video "He said let's go.", looking at slides about space.

GCD move

1. Conversation between the teacher and the children.

V.: - Guys, tell me what holiday our country celebrates on April 12? (children: Cosmonautics Day)

Q: Who was the first astronaut?

V.: Well done, guys, you answered all my questions correctly. The first cosmonaut was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Q: Guys, why is our cardboard black? (D: There is nothing dark in space.)

IN. : I suggest you make an application on the theme "Space"

2. Practical part. Children's work.

V.: So. Guys, you must circle the “Rocket” templates on purple paper, and “astronaut” on a white sheet, you have the stars ready and a piece of earth, blue.

V.: Guys, why is the earth made of blue paper? (d.: because from space our planet looks like a blue ball, because there is a lot of water on our planet and for this our planet is called the “blue planet”)

IN. : That's right, guys. I remind you guys, we work carefully with scissors; after cutting, put the scissors on the table, closing them.

children's work.

IN. : After you glue the “astronaut” and it has dried a little, you need to draw a face, the flag of our country.

Here's the kind of work we got.

Literature: .Korotkova E. A "Drawing, appliqué, design in kindergarten."

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

What we used for work: - a large sheet of colored cardboard; - a sheet of tear-off paper towel; -- colored paper; - brilliant.

Objectives: Teach children to use various traditional and non-traditional materials (cotton wool, threads, tea leaves, pasta, dyed semolina.

Abstract open class V preparatory group No. 4 Application “Vase with autumn leaves»Teacher: Timofeeva I. E. Programming.

The holidays are over. The groups are slowly filling up with children. While we had not yet entered into work mode, the guys and I decided to have some fun, just a little.

Integration of areas: communication, socialization, artistic creativity. Goal: development creativity children Tasks: Learn to find.

Objectives: educational - improve skills in working with colored paper - expand students' horizons; educational - instill aesthetic.

Summary of the physical education lesson “Flight into space” (preparatory group) CHDOU " Kindergarten Hummingbird" Instructor Physical education Kryuchkova Yulia Yurievna Flight into space Problems. Develop physical and strong-willed.