What causes the silver chain around your neck to turn black? Why does the silver chain on my neck turn black? Why does silver turn black on a person?

Healers are sure that the blackening of silver on a person’s neck is the first sign that the owner of the jewelry needs their help. After all, the reason for this, in their opinion, is nothing more than damage. Silver, allowing negative emotions to pass through itself, takes the brunt of the blow, which causes the darkening. Moreover, the seriousness of the consequences evil eye directly depends on the degree of darkening of the item. If the process of getting rid of the evil eye is successful, your favorite jewelry will lighten by itself, without any chemical or mechanical influences.

In the East there is a completely opposite mystical version. The local sages are confident that silver can protect its owner from harm. In this case, its darkening means that the person managed to avoid trouble, the spirits protected him, leaving a mark on the jewelry. Therefore, if you notice a dark coating on your chain or earrings, be glad that you are under the protection of invisible forces.

According to a more practical version, silver turns black due to sweat. Human sweat contains sulfur, and silver contains various impurities, including copper, which oxidizes under the influence of sulfur. The metal itself is resistant to corrosion, thanks to which only a surface coating appears on products made from it - silver sulfide in the form of black crystals. The degree of darkening of the silver depends on the density of this plaque. There are a huge number of sweat glands on the neck and chest of a person, it is because of this that chains and crosses most often oxidize, acquiring dark color. This is especially true for products with a smooth surface, thanks to which they fit tightly to the skin, which ensures maximum contact. This explains the darkening of the pendant on one side, the one on which it touches the body. In addition, friction against clothing can cause mechanical damage, which can cause the silver to turn black.
Hydrogen sulfide is contained in the environment, and the higher its concentration, the faster the darkening process will occur. Increased air humidity can also cause blackening of silver items.

When purchasing silver jewelry, choose 925 grade metal, which will help reduce the risk of tarnishing. However, it should be kept in mind that it is impossible to make jewelry from pure 999 silver without impurities, because... it is very brittle and fragile.

From a medical point of view, silver can turn black due to serious health problems. For example, most often these are disorders of the kidneys, liver, hormonal imbalances provoked by the activity of the endocrine system and the thyroid gland in particular. Additionally, silver jewelry may darken in pregnant and breastfeeding women due to hormonal changes.

Silver darkening may also occur after taking medications. This is due to the fact that medications can affect the chemical composition of sweat, increasing the concentration of sulfur in it. Even simply being near sulfur-containing preparations can affect the color of the jewelry.

Silver has antiseptic properties. In a person who often wears silver jewelry, their sudden darkening may indicate a developing disease. Other causes may include stress, anxiety, heavy physical activity, and increased sweating. For this reason, before heading to the gym or sauna, it is better to leave your jewelry at home.

It is recommended to store silver in separate boxes or linen bags. It is advisable that each item be isolated from others, because mechanical damage can also cause darkening. You cannot wrap jewelry in paper or non-natural fabrics, because... they contain sulfur, which causes darkening.

Those who regularly wear silver jewelry sooner or later face the fact that the jewelry begins to darken. So why did it turn black silver chain, for example, or earrings, and how to deal with it?

Reasons why silver darkens

  • Mysticism.

Some people mistakenly associate changes in the color of silver items with the manifestation of specific diseases. People with a penchant for mysticism even assume that this signals an evil eye or damage to a person. And if the decoration darkens, it means that it took the blow.

In general, silver has long been given occult meaning– protection from various kinds of unclean spirits and creatures. Just remember the silver bullets against werewolves. The material was used to create amulets for homes and people - crosses on the neck, anchors for those traveling by sea, a month to prevent nightmares and sleep problems, bells to cleanse rooms from evil forces, etc.

Although this effect of silver has not been proven by science, this metal does play a role in maintaining health. Silver preparations have antibacterial and wound-healing effects. The latter can be easily checked by covering a small wound with an adhesive plaster containing silver ions. Intravenous preparations containing this metal are used for joint diseases and inflammation of the respiratory system. For some digestive problems, medications with silver as one of the components are taken orally.

But in in this case the important thing is that all mystical theories about the darkening of silver are actually just a figment of fantasy. The reasons for black deposits on metal are completely different.

  • Sweating.

Silver is a metal that, like other substances, is subject to chemical reactions. And human skin on the neck and in other places where jewelry is worn regularly secretes sweat in greater or lesser quantities, which also contains chemicals containing sulfur. And when sulfur and silver combine, silver sulfide is formed, which has a dark gray or black color. The sulfide layer is initially invisible, then it thickens and compacts, turning into a coating visible to the naked eye.

Sweating is a natural process of the human body. But if at some point the jewelry darkens especially actively throughout the body or in a certain area, this may not only be the result of increased physical activity or heat outside, but also one of the symptoms of health problems that should not be ignored.

To reduce the need for cleaning your jewelry later, you should not wear it in conditions of very high humidity - for example, when going to the beach, sauna or bathhouse. Moreover, in such conditions, your favorite jewelry is very easy to break or lose.

  • Impurities.

Silver itself is a very soft metal, therefore, in order for products made from it to retain their shape during use, pure silver is not used. Although an alloy is used, where about 5-8% are other metals that give the jewelry strength, even a fairly massive silver item can be bent or broken with manual effort. The metals for the alloy may include copper, and its property is to oxidize upon contact with air.

Sometimes a piece of jewelry pleases with its shine for a very long time, and then suddenly begins to turn black. This can happen if it was covered with a protective rhodium film, which has deteriorated over time. But when a purchased chain darkens too much and too quickly after purchase, we can conclude that it is of low quality, low silver content and a large number of impurities.

  • Other reasons.

Of the places where jewelry is worn, the largest number of sebaceous glands are located in the neck and chest. That is why most often it is chains and crosses that darken. The composition of skin secretions may change due to hormonal disruptions or changes (for example, during pregnancy). In such cases, jewelry sometimes darkens in just a few days. The color of silver is also affected by changes in the acid-base balance of the skin.

Unexpectedly strong brightening silver jewelry may indicate problems with the kidneys or liver, because in this case, nitrogen is released through sweat, which gives the silver shine.

In general, you shouldn’t make too much of a change in color in silver jewelry, much less any magical meaning, but this may still be a reason to take a closer look at the general physical condition and health.

If the jewelry was not worn, but lay in a nightstand or box, then the reason that it darkens may be dampness or contact with sulfur-containing objects or substances. Of course, silver can also change color when it comes into contact with various chemicals and some foods.

How and with what to clean?

For an elegant decoration with a large number stones and thin fragile elements should not be cleaned yourself; it is better to entrust it to a jeweler who has professional products and tools.

To make the jewelry less likely to blacken, it can be coated with a protective varnish. If the product has been cleaned, it is recommended not to wear it for at least a day. During this time, a protective oxide film will have time to form on its surface from contact with air.

Cleaning products

Jewelry stores always stock cleaning products. precious metals, including silver. And what exactly is worth cleaning by professional means or turning to a jeweler, this is blackened silver. Aggressive drugs or abrasive powders can cause the coating to peel off unevenly, ruining the entire appearance decorations. It is recommended to use only gentle cleaning methods for matte silver.

But it is not at all necessary to spend money on an expensive liquid in all other cases; it can be replaced by equally effective and much simpler home remedies.

Folk recipes

  1. Since Soviet times, tooth powder has been used to clean silver. It is poured onto a damp brush or rag and the product is thoroughly rubbed. No less effective is any toothpaste. And due to its non-crumbly structure, cleaning will be much more convenient.
  2. To remove dark deposits, the product can be dipped in ammonia for a while, then rubbed with a cloth or sponge and rinsed with water. For a better effect, the liquid can be preheated and, after lowering the product, shake it a little. Instead of ammonia, citric acid carefully dissolved in water is also used. But this option is not recommended if the product is decorated with stones. Most of them, especially pearls, amber and coral, are very sensitive to strong chemicals. Alternatively, instead of ammonia, you can dissolve a few teaspoons of soda or salt in water.
  3. If desired, for a stronger effect, salt, soda and ammonia can be used all at once, mixing them thoroughly. However, such a composition will turn out to be quite aggressive.
  4. You can clean silver by finely cutting or rubbing a little toilet or laundry soap into water and adding a few drops of ammonia. The mixture must be heated to a high temperature, but not brought to a boil. Wet a brush or hard brush in the liquid and gently rub the jewelry. And in areas near stones it is better to use cotton swab so as not to damage or break them.
  5. Regular soap or dishwashing detergent will help remove a small layer of blackness, but will not add shine to the product.
  6. A well-known method for cleaning silver jewelry since ancient times is ash. For greater effect, you can mix it with soapy water and add a little ammonia.
  7. An interesting folk remedy is ordinary potatoes. It should be finely rubbed or chopped, and the decoration should be left in the resulting pulp for 15-20 minutes, after which it should be rubbed until shiny with a soft cloth. The main thing is to rinse the jewelry thoroughly in water afterwards. If this is not done, then when starch dries, it forms a whitish coating on the surface, especially in recesses and in contact with stones.

In general, a dark coating on jewelry is not a reason to be upset that it has lost its attractive appearance and stop wearing it. Bringing your favorite jewelry back clean is easy thanks to the abundance of different cleaning products.

One of sure signs damage or the evil eye is a darkened ring, bracelet or silver chain made of silver. When a person is poisoned by someone else’s negativity, the delicate metal is the first to take the blow of evil energy onto itself, which manifests itself in the form of blackening and dark spots on the skin. Therefore, the correct answer to the question of why silver on the human body turns black will be given by a personal consultation with a psychic and a complete health diagnosis.

Silver oxidation

It is not for nothing that the strongest amulets for health and active talismans for good luck in business are made from silver, because unlike gold, silver does not take away, but rather absorbs, a person’s energy.

Oxidation of silver is the first “bell” that not all is well with a person’s physical and mental health. If someone from the outside unexpectedly asks you a question why a silver chain, cross or bracelet has turned black, then you need to quickly check your health: first of all, the liver, kidneys, as well as hormonal balance and metabolism.

In all magical practices, it is silver objects that are a mandatory attribute of powerful rituals on the Full Moon and New Moon, since they are able to “remember” a spell or conspiracy cast over them.

What causes silver on the human body to turn black?

If a person’s energy field is strong and durable, he will not think about why the silver on a person’s body turns black, since he will not encounter this problem. But when the aura is weakened by damage, the evil eye or a curse, the negative begins to be released along with sweat into the environment and the first marker will be a blackened silver cross or ring.

The antibacterial properties of silver have been known since ancient times, so it is actively used in medicine and esoteric practices. A folk sign says that if the ring that you constantly wear has darkened, then this indicates a crown of celibacy.

If the earrings turn black, this indicates a strong evil eye.

We have to wonder why the silver cross turns black, then these changes are not at all good.

Why does a silver chain turn black?

The scientific explanation for this phenomenon comes down to the fact that you were sold or given a low-quality product that contains alloys of cheap metals. This explanation of the fact why a silver chain turns black does not always work. Indeed, black spots on silver are left by hydrogen sulfide, but, as is known, this substance does not appear just like that.

If you have been subjected to an energy attack, after the blackened silver, more obvious signs of damage, the evil eye or a curse will appear over time. First it is insomnia, tormenting nightmares, and then - serious problems in your personal life and destructive events in business and at work. In such cases, even regular cleaning of silver jewelry does not help, but a health diagnosis by a clairvoyant can reveal damage, the evil eye or a curse.

Why does a silver cross turn black: a folk sign

Silver has magical property protect its owner from other people’s negativity, anger, and emotional attacks. However, the power of hatred can be so great that even a silver cross cannot withstand such pressure of evil. A folk sign gives the answer to the question of why a silver cross turns black: this is a reflection of the state of a person’s energy field. It even happens that two friends exchanged silver crosses for a while, and on one of them the completely blackened cross begins to lighten, and on the second, on the contrary, it darkens.

Young parents sometimes face the problem of why their child’s silver cross turns black. Through this signal, the Higher Powers show parents that they need to fix something in their lives. Children should be born in families; if a baby is born out of wedlock, he will waste away and have health problems,

It also happens that the Higher Powers give a sign that some kind of misfortune may happen in the future, that the child’s fate will not turn out as well as we would like. The situation can be corrected if you pay attention in time to the fact that the silver cross is turning black and do not leave the problem without due attention.

Damage turns black on silver

Eat simple rules that will help you avoid problems: never take someone else’s pectoral cross and don’t give your own - this bad omen. In the same way, you should not pass on a silver cross or other jewelry from generation to generation; everyone should go their own way in life and have individual protective talismans.

Another warning: finding a silver cross on the road is a good omen, but on the condition that neither the man nor the woman picks it up, but simply looks and moves on. By putting on someone else's cross, you can voluntarily take on someone else's curses, evil eyes, as well as the bad fate of the one from whom this cross fell.

A person who is faced with the question of why silver darkens will definitely experience other symptoms of an energy strike. Symptoms of damage, evil eye or curse such as Bad mood, reluctance to live, irritability and melancholy in the heart - cannot be ignored. Darkening of silver on the body is a bad sign that requires the intervention of a healer, saying strong conspiracies for health, removing spoilage by rolling it out with an egg or pouring it with wax will also help.

Almost everyone wears silver jewelry. Every woman has a product made of this metal, and every man has a cross or a ring. Silver is credited with a lot of mystical and healing properties. It is called lunar metal. Jewelry has a mesmerizing shine and attracts the attention of others. Silver is a noble metal, but sometimes products change color.

Most owners of silver items have at least once asked the question: why does silver turn black? To a greater extent this concerns jewelry. Blackened jewelry does not look attractive, and popular beliefs cause concern. Today, there are many explanations for the formation of black deposits on precious metal, not only during wearing, but also during storage. The answers are given by chemists, doctors and superstitious people.

Sooner or later, silver jewelry darkens - this natural phenomenon. To last longer white, jewelry is protected from moisture, is not used for daily outings and is carefully cleaned. Modern method The solution to the problem will be rhodium plating or protective varnishes. A protective layer of rhodium or special silver will preserve the color and shine longer. As long as it remains intact, the product will not lose its appearance. You can apply varnish or rhodium to the surface of silver jewelry at any jewelry workshop for a reasonable price. Additionally, the jeweler will clean it with special equipment.

Popular beliefs

Superstitious people, when they see a blackened piece of jewelry on a person or the skin underneath it, recommend immediately turning to healers. According to popular belief, silver changes color on a cursed person or in the presence of damage. It is the first to suffer from “black” energy, letting it through and becoming darker. The degree of darkening determines the strength or level of negative energy from the induced damage.

A common belief is that a darkened ring on the hand of an unmarried girl promises a celibate life, a chain speaks of the evil eye, and a cross indicates a strong curse. After eliminating all the negative things, the silver item brightens, that is, all the “dark” energy goes away.

In eastern countries there is a different opinion about tarnished silver items. There I believe that silver is a reliable protector from evil spirits and troubles. If a person’s jewelry has darkened, then he has successfully avoided dangerous troubles. The fact of protection is reflected in the color of the product. It was also believed that silver was a conductor to the world of spirits. On a long journey they always took something silver and looked after it carefully. If a dark coating formed, the route was changed or the trip was abandoned. If the silver turned completely black, then the trouble was over; when it was slightly dark, the danger had not yet passed.

Beliefs also speak of the protective functions of silver against evil spirits, ghosts and werewolves. In ancient times, silver was used to make amulets: an anchor for travelers, crosses on the body, a moon over the bed against nightmares, a bell to cleanse rooms from evil forces, etc.

IN ancient Rus' They believed that silver darkens after an evil and bad deed with serious consequences in the future. This especially applied to crosses and chains. The blackness of the action is reflected in the silver, which is ashamed to shine brightly and attract others to this person. If a person’s chain suddenly darkened for no apparent reason, then he was tested for possession. It was believed that only someone possessed could commit a bad act and hide it in confession. Such a person was not scolded, but helped. Holy and ordinary water were used for testing. Holy water was poured into six glasses, and plain water into the seventh. It was believed that if a person constantly chooses a glass of plain water, then the demon takes his hand away, to which holy water is like a burn for people. This method was used quite seriously by the police when investigating cases. According to records and eyewitness accounts, the possessed constantly chose a glass of plain water, while an ordinary person did this alternately.

It is interesting that in Western Europe it was not recommended to remove darkened items, although they lost their protective power. It was believed that a repeated attack could be successful if the decoration that took the blow was removed. They sacrificed aesthetics, but did not part with their trusty silver objects.

Scientists tend to attribute mystical theories about the darkening of jewelry to the fruits of fantasy.

Chemistry of blackening

Chemists quite simply explain the change in color of silver items - a chemical reaction. According to one version, sulfur contained in human sweat is to blame for the blackening. Silver alloys contain copper, which easily oxidizes when interacting with sulfur. Sulfur and silver sulfide is formed, which has a black or dark gray color. At first, the layer is quite thin and invisible. But over time, it thickens and spoils the appearance of the products.


For the same reason, the silver on the neck turns black. There are many sweat glands in the chest and neck area that actively produce sweat in various situations. The larger the contact area, the more actively the product begins to blacken. This easily explains the one-sided darkening of the decoration.

Additionally, there are other causes of chemical blackening:

  • High content of hydrogen sulfide in the air. This is clearly visible when moving from one area to another, where the air contains more hydrogen sulfide. Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) is found in groundwater. In some chemical reactions it turns into hydrogen sulfide, which rises from the ground.
  • High humidity. With high humidity, sweat evaporates from the surface more slowly, since the concentration of water in the air is high. There is an increase in the content of sulfur salts.
  • Constant contact with clothing causes microdamage and then blackening. The integrity of the protective oxide film is damaged.
  • The product is made of low-grade silver. The more silver there is in a product, the less it will oxidize.
  • Some detergents contain sulfur components. If you do not remove the ring while washing dishes or the chain in the shower, then the chances of the product acquiring a dark coating increase.

  • Varnishes, perfumes and lotions react well with silver.
  • Wool, ammonia, latex, chlorinated water will cause darkening of products.

To reduce the number of cleanings, it is better not to wear jewelry in hot and humid weather. In such conditions, they not only darken, but can break or get lost.

Silver itself is quite soft, which does not allow making products without admixtures of other metals. A massive product made from an alloy of 5-8% other components can easily be broken by hand. Most often, copper is added to pure silver, the main property of which is oxidation in clean air. Copper sulfite, like silver sulfide, has a dark color.

Sometimes the decoration does not darken for a long time, and then suddenly changes color. The reason may be the protective film of rhodium, which has gradually worn off. If a new product quickly darkens, then we can safely say that it is of low quality and contains a high content of impurities.

Doctors' explanation

Doctors have their own explanation for the blackening of silver. From their point of view, a change in the color of jewelry occurs due to serious health problems. These include:

  • improper functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • disrupted hormonal levels;
  • disease of the thyroid gland, endocrine system.

Jewelry may turn black during pregnancy or breastfeeding, which is also associated with hormonal changes.

There have been documented cases of silver darkening during use. medicines. Some of them lead to changes in the composition of sweat and an increase in the concentration of sulfur in it. To top it all off, the decoration changes color even in the vicinity of sulfur-containing drugs.

Pendants and chains that are in active contact with skin secretions darken the most. Their composition changes during hormonal imbalances, changes in the body, etc. In such cases, the product will darken in a few days.

Silver darkens if the diet frequently contains mayonnaise, onions, salty foods, eggs, and salad sauces.

The color of silver changes when the acid-base balance changes. A sharp lightening may indicate problems in the liver or kidneys, as nitrogen begins to be actively released. It gives silver shine.

We can conclude that if silver jewelry darkens, it is better to undergo a full medical examination. This will help identify serious diseases at an early stage.

Doctors also talk about blackening of products during severe anxiety and stress, increased physical activity, increased sweating. Before active sports, it is better to remove all jewelry. You should not take them to a sauna or bathhouse.

Silver really helps maintain health. This white metal has antibacterial and wound-healing effects, which can be easily tested using a silver ion patch.

Silver is administered intravenously for sore joints and inflammation of the respiratory system. Medicines for the treatment of certain diseases of the digestive system also contain silver.

Cleaning silver items

In addition to the reasons for blackening, the question of cleaning methods often arises. It is better to give expensive and fragile items to a jeweler with professional tools and equipment.

To make your jewelry blacken less, you can take it to a jewelry workshop to coat it with a special varnish. Cleaned items should not be worn immediately. It is better to wait a little time so that a protective oxide film forms on the surface.

You can use specialized formulations that are sold in jewelry stores. If this is not possible, then use improvised means: a toothbrush, toothpaste and soda. Rub the solution on dark rings, chains or earrings. It is worth remembering that the reflectivity of the surface decreases, as abrasive materials increase its roughness.

Another method would be soaking in a solution of ash, ammonia and soap. The products are placed in it for half an hour.

You should not clean blackened items yourself. Abrasive powders or aggressive preparations can cause uneven peeling of the decorative coating and ruin the appearance of items.

Low-grade products are cleaned with lemon juice. Dilute it with a small amount of water and leave for 15 minutes. Next, take it out and soak it with a soft cloth.

The matte silver surface is cleaned using gentle methods. Use ammonia, which is slightly heated. Products are wiped with a sponge or cloth. Ammonia can be replaced citric acid, soda or salt. If you mix all the components at the same time, the solution will be quite aggressive.

An affordable folk remedy would be potatoes. It is finely grated, and then silver items are placed in the pulp for 20 minutes. Be sure to rinse it thoroughly afterwards, as starch forms a white coating when it dries.

Finely chopped soap, a couple of drops of ammonia and water work well with black deposits. The mixture is heated strongly, but not boiled. Dip a brush into the liquid and gently rub the jewelry. It is recommended to use a cotton swab around the stones to avoid damaging the stones.

An ordinary soap solution or dishwashing liquid will remove a small layer of plaque, but will not add shine.

Items with jewelry stones are more difficult to clean. All stones are porous substances that absorb solution. Abrasive agents will disturb the polishing layer and spoil the appearance. What to do? From folk remedies It's better to refuse. To maintain the attractiveness of jewelry, purchased products are used. This is especially important for jewelry with pearls, amber and coral. A soap solution would be a budget option, but its effectiveness in combating blackening is quite low.

Rhodium-plated jewelry is simply washed under warm running water and then polished with a special cloth. You can buy it at a jewelry store.

“White boiling” helps reduce the concentration of copper in the surface layer of silver. Use hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. But it is worth considering that pores remain from the “etched” copper. The surface will be matte. Matte silver is obtained in a similar way.

As you can see, the right method of cleaning jewelry will help keep it clean and restore its original appearance. To increase durability, silver items must be cleaned and cared for regularly. It is better not to wear them in the heat, in a sauna or bathhouse, or for water treatments.

Products should be stored in a polyester bag and washed under warm (not hot!) running water after each wear. It is recommended to keep chalk nearby to absorb toxins.

Don't be afraid of the blackened cross. The reasons can be varied and have both a scientific explanation and popular superstition. The main thing for the owner of silver jewelry is timely care and careful use. You can remove black plaque using specialized means and folk methods.