Hair color black. Who suits black hair color? Black color paint

The color of a girl's hair largely determines not only her attractiveness appearance, but also mood and self-confidence. And the modern variety of colors for curls allows you to experiment and find your own image, different from the one given by nature and the genes of your parents. Blue-black hair color is rarely given to anyone from birth, so many representatives of the fair sex decide to dye it.

To look harmonious with this hair color, it is important to understand what kind of makeup you need to do and what clothes to choose. In addition, black does not suit all girls, so before changing your image, you should think and weigh possible consequences such a step. Moreover, changing the dark shade later will not be so easy. After all, every girl wants to look attractive, not funny or ridiculous.

Who suits blue-black hair color

Every girl can be a brunette, but blue-black does not look truly harmonious and beautiful on everyone. If we talk about the four color types of appearance, then only a winter girl or a summer girl can afford such an experiment.

A deep black shade of curls is suitable for the following options:

  • the skin color is dark or, conversely, very light - then dark curls will look extravagant;
  • brown or green eyes.

If an autumn girl decides to dye her hair blue-black, she may end up with a tired look that will add several years to her look. Therefore, you need to be careful with such experiments. Owners of blue or gray eyes It is also worth considering the desire to become a deep brunette, since black curls will visually make your eyes duller. As a last resort, if you really want to, you can try to get an ashy shade that will echo the color of your eyes.

Another factor to keep in mind before painting is age. The older a woman is, the less likely she is to have black hair. Especially if the curls are long enough.

In some cases, this may even have a slightly frightening appearance, which is best not to experiment with. In addition, if gray hair is visible, then against a dark background it will be visible much better than against any other. Black color does not suit everyone, so you should take into account not only your desire to become different, but also your natural abilities.

When deciding to dye your hair black for the first time, it is better to trust a professional and not take risks. Even choosing a good and suitable paint is not as easy as many girls would like.

Cheap paint will apply unevenly, and with further washing, it will quickly wash off and fade. Such savings will require even more spending to correct the situation. As a rule, price is a determining indicator of quality - the more expensive the paint, the better it is. In addition, when purchasing, it is advisable to read the composition of the product in order to understand the consequences of coloring for hair health.

When choosing paint, it is important to decide on the shade of black. Here, too, you need the advice of a professional who constantly works with such colors and can tell you what the result of the experiment will be. Black color can have different shades - reddish, red, bluish, tar or ashy. Thanks to each of them, you can become an attractive brunette, but at the same time they are different, and choosing on your own is not so easy.

Some girls prefer to dye their hair at home using basma - a natural powder, after using which you can also get blue-black curls. In addition, basma strengthens them, gives them softness and silkiness.

But this procedure also has its own characteristics and nuances:

  1. First, pure basma on the hair different colors can give greenish tint, and no girl would like to get such a result.
  2. Secondly, to avoid unexpected color, basma is mixed with henna. Two natural components dye hair well and efficiently, but it is difficult to obtain a deep black color. It will have a chestnut hue.

Thus, if you want to become a brunette, it is better to seek help from a specialist, at least for the first time. And after his consultation and the first coloring, decide for yourself how to maintain the resulting black color of your curls in the future.

How to choose makeup for black hair

Having become the owner of blue-black hair, the girl will have to reconsider her own approach to makeup. There can be two options for applying lipstick, eye shadow, mascara and other products to the face - so that the makeup is in harmony with the hair or so that it stands out sharply against its background.

Many representatives of the fair sex decide that since they have dark hair, then they need to add more dark shades to their face. Charcoal eyebrows, dark gray shadows, pronounced eyelashes - all these accents together can create an unpleasant, threatening image. Girls with dark hair are better off sticking to light shades in their makeup.

To emphasize the black color of your hair and at the same time highlight your face, you can follow these makeup rules:

  • owners of light eyes are recommended to use black eyeliner or pencil, visually increasing their size;
  • It is better to choose cool shades of shadows, this will emphasize the depth of the black hair color;
  • Golden or bronze shadows also look attractive on the eyelids of brunettes, especially if they have a slight glitter effect;
  • mascara color - only black, brown or blue eyelashes will get lost on the expressive face of a brunette;
  • To highlight your lips, you need to use bright lipsticks in red and pink shades.

Of course, all girls are individual. And those makeup rules that work great for one will not help another to create an attractive and vibrant image. Therefore, in addition to the recommendations of specialists, you must also be guided by your own ideas and experience of caring for yourself. It is important to remember that brunettes suit everything bright and extraordinary, and not to be afraid to experiment.

What to wear for hot brunettes

The choice of clothing also largely depends on the color of the hair, so, having turned into a brunette, a girl should add a few new things to her wardrobe to highlight her individuality. The advantage of this shade of curls is that no clothing, even the lightest, can make the image dull or inconspicuous. Raven-colored hair is noticeable everywhere and makes the girl stand out from the crowd of other people.

The following colors look best on brunettes:

  1. combination of red, black and white;
  2. all shades of gray, metallic;
  3. pastel colors - mint, turquoise, coffee.

A girl with black hair can emphasize her style and add sexuality to her look with bright wardrobe items, while delicate light colors will make her softer and more feminine. Taking into account not only hair color, but also the characteristics of the figure, every girl will be able to find things that will help create a harmonious image.

As for accessories, there are practically no prohibitions for brunettes. Of the noble metals, it is better to choose silver rather than gold, and feel free to wear any jewelry that will highlight your individuality. Especially if black hair has an ashy tint.

Massive chains, earrings, bracelets in combination with hair the color of a raven wing create an almost mystical image from which it is difficult to take your eyes off.

Many beautiful ladies strive to change their natural hair color to black at any cost. However, not everyone is happy with this change. Professional stylists recommend that before carrying out such an important procedure, pay attention to the color type of appearance, namely the combination of the color of your skin, hair and eyes given by nature.

Shades of black hair color

Not everyone can try on shades of black hair. However, if you have the typical beauty of a winter or summer color type (cool hair color, light eyes), you can easily “darken” your hair and get a win-win look. Due to the fact that black tones are very rich, you can often change the tints of your hair - to suit your own mood or catwalk fashion.

Rich black color

Deep raven black is a popular tone this season. It has long been believed that those with hair the color of a raven's wing are passionate and ardent natures, carrying within themselves some unsolved mystery that gives the image additional charm and attractiveness.

Black-ashy hair color

Black-ash is a color (often called graphite), whose popularity has not faded for several years in a row. Ash “highlighting” will add volume to the hair, making the look very interesting. But remember: only the owner of light eyes (gray, blue) and white skin will look beautiful with such hair.


Blue-black – perfect couple to blue eyes. And if you are also dark-skinned, you can create an Asian look with this paint.

Black tulip

This color has burgundy or eggplant undertones. It looks voluminous and very stylish on the hair.

Black and red

The combination of black and red is unusual, and thanks to this it is very popular. The “dance” of two completely opposite shades – cold black and warm red – creates a very cute youth image, which girls call “black caramel”. It was created for you if you are a brown-eyed dark woman.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is another one fashionable color, the love for whom has not faded for many years. Also known as dark brown or dark chocolate, it suits dark skin perfectly. Best of all, it sets off the mysterious shine of dark brown eyes. By the way, it also suits fair-skinned girls.

Black coffee (Mocha)

Black coffee is the next fashionable tone in the string of “delicious” hair shades. It is deep black, with a slightly noticeable brown tint. It doesn’t matter what kind of skin you have - olive, intensely tanned or light. If you have brown eyes, this coffee color will suit you.


Ebony – silky gloss for lovers of luxury. Dark brown hair looks warm to the touch. This paint is suitable for any skin.

Purple-black hair color

Black, adorned with a purple tint, is another prominent color that is in great demand among ladies. elegant age. This paint will refresh your image, adding brightness to it. The same effect can be achieved using plum-black color. It looks interesting and stylish, although it does not look natural.

Who suits black hair color

Dying your hair black is ideal for those with dark skin or, conversely, very white skin with a porcelain tint. At the same time, your curls should have cold natural tones of a dark color, and your eyes should be green, brown or greenish-brown. Such a magnificent combination will emphasize the uniqueness of the image and, regardless of the choice of shade of black, your hair will shine with a bright natural shine. At the same time, experiments with black color are not recommended for natural blondes, owners of light brown and warm reddish shades of hair, since their appearance will lose its expressiveness. Also, since black hair color tends to emphasize facial skin problems and age-related changes on it, then you should not paint it if you have such imperfections as acne or pimples, as well as for women mature age, to which this may add several more years.

Caring for hair dyed black

Care for black-dyed hair is carried out with special care. Since black dye is not very durable, it is necessary to use special protective balms and sprays to prevent it from fading in the sun, and when washing your hair, use shampoo for colored hair. You should not straighten your curls with a straightening iron, as they will look very strict and, in addition, this contributes to their loss. It is better to give preference to light and voluminous hairstyles.

Black hair color and your style

And, of course, the most important thing is that the perfect combination of hair color, makeup and clothes gives a real piquancy to the image of a brunette. When choosing makeup, be guided by contrasting colors. Suitable for “smoky eyes” with golden or bronze eye shadow, shimmer or glitter. Eyeliner is best done with a charcoal pencil.

Lipstick in bright rich shades of red or pink looks great on your lips, which will only emphasize your tenderness and femininity. In clothing, you must follow the rule of a reasonable combination of bright and calm colors - red, white, black and yellow. This unique combination of positive cheerfulness and romantic mystery will undoubtedly give you confidence and make you the object of increased attention from the opposite sex.

Hair dyes with black tint

  • Loreal Casting Gloss (Black Cherry #360, Dark Chocolate #323, Ebony #200)

Schwarzkopf Igora (pure deep black 1-0, blue-black 1-1);

Matrix Sync (deep black and black-ash);

Garnier (deep black, blueberry, ultra black, radiant black, black agate).

The image of the fatal brunette, which is so widely replicated and popular in cinema, attracts many women. They bring it to life using coloring and matching makeup. However, many, having already found themselves in a hairdresser, do not even think about whether black hair color will suit them, whether it will emphasize the advantages of their appearance. In the article we will take a closer look at the question of who suits black hair color and how to choose makeup to match the new style.

How to choose black hair color based on appearance?

A new hair color - black, red, blond or any other - is a change not only in appearance, but partly in character and perception by other people. In order for the changes to be successful, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. First of all, when deciding to become a brunette, evaluate your appearance. Black hair will do:

Owners of white porcelain skin with blue or green cool shades of eyes.

Suitable for girls with fair skin and green eyes

porcelain skin tone and green eyes

light skin tone and light blue eyes

fair skin and green eye

Those with naturally dark skin or tanned skin with dark brown or black eyes.

harmonizes with dark skin and brown eyes

olive skin tone and brown eyes

dark skin and dark eyes

dark skin and brown eyes

The list is not long at all, but these rules should be followed. Perhaps if you don't fall into either of the options, you might want to consider darker shades of auburn or brown. Of course, experimenting in this matter is not prohibited. There are cases when black hair color is suitable for those for whom it was not recommended.

If you decide to experiment, then you need to know that black color is very difficult to wash off from your hair, much less paint it over. Therefore, take advantage of the universal advice and try on the wig in the store before dyeing it. You will immediately understand whether it is worth taking such a radical step.

Features of black hair color

Cons of dyeing it black

Having decided to become a brunette, pay attention to some features of black hair color:

  1. often the black color makes you look older and makes you look much older;
  2. highlights all skin imperfections - wrinkles, age spots, circles and swelling under the eyes;
  3. blurs the outlines of the eyes, nose, makes facial features less expressive;
  4. if the face is not naturally white, but pale, then the painful appearance will worsen;
  5. naturally blue lips will look bluer, and tired eyes will look dull;
  6. the blush on the cheeks will greatly intensify in contrast with black hair;
  7. Olive skin color may become sallow.

The nuances of painting black

As a rule, those who do not have natural brightness want to “go black.” At the same time, choosing such a dark shade can aggravate the situation, and from a pleasant European appearance with light brown hair, blue eyes and light skin will result in a nondescript, sickly owner of black hair. Even makeup will not correct the imperfections; in general, disharmony will be noticeable.

Brunettes are often very attractive. But if you think about it, you can come to the conclusion that it is not only their hair color that makes them so. Nature has given them the correct skin tone that is in harmony with their hair, eye color and facial features. Shades in in this case play a decisive role - the eyes are dark or cold in color, the skin is white or dark, the eyebrows are identical in color to the hair.

To understand whether you have chosen the right hair color, it is enough to evaluate your skin color; it should look fresh, your eyes should be bright, your lips should be expressive. Defects in the form of unevenness and inflammation should not be too noticeable.

brown eyes and dark skin

suits girls with green eyes

harmonizes with fair skin

looks natural and highlights beautiful shade dark skin

with coloring in the form of blue and purple strands

with ombre coloring

Choosing black hair dye

Hair dyes are presented today in a wide variety. If we analyze the most popular black paints from well-known manufacturers, we can distinguish only 3 shades:

  1. black;
  2. blue-black;
  3. plum black.

If pure black remains that way in the sun, then blue-black becomes blue. It is ideal for those with dark skin, giving the image an Asian touch. The plum shade is created for fair-skinned girls; it has a deep eggplant-colored undertone or a reddish tint.

shade of blue-black

shade black

plum-black shade

Makeup and black hair color

The general rule of makeup developed by stylists and makeup artists is that accents are necessary for white skin and light eyes. Black hair and dark eyes do not need additional bright colors on the face.

Brunettes regardless individual characteristics Suitable for different shades of rich lipsticks that highlight the lips. You can line your eyes with a pencil or liquid eyeliner, just don’t forget to choose one thing - bright eyes or lips. Be careful about your choice foundation for the face.

light accent on the lips and smoky eyeliner

bright lipstick and neat arrows on the eyes

Smokey eyes and nude lipstick

bright accents on lips and cheekbones

Black hair care

Dyeing is stressful for hair. In any case, this is a chemical effect on the hair. It is best to choose ammonia-free, gentle paints and trust a specialist, so as not to experience the difficulties of repainting later.

It should be remembered that dyeing can cause hair loss, make it brittle and weakened. In order to support them, use special shampoos for colored hair, enriched with nutrients. Don't forget about hair masks. Careful care will not only help restore hair, but also increase color durability.

To make your hair look well-groomed, pay attention to the speed of root regrowth. They must be tinted on time.

If you are not ready to radically change the color, use gentle highlighting or coloring procedures.

Despite the cyclical nature of fashion that influences the popularity of a certain color, black hair color never loses its relevance. Of course, under the influence of fashion, the number of brunettes either increases or decreases, but women with black hair always attract attention. This color, the most common in nature, is associated with determination, self-confidence, strong-willed character and passionate temperament, so many women, trying to change their image, choose a dark color of various shades.

If you decide to become a burning brunette, keep in mind that black hair color suits some, but is simply contraindicated for others. It is quite difficult to return to the natural tone after painting it in a resin color, and it will not be possible to repaint it in a lighter shade soon.

Black fits:

  • women with dark or very light skin. It should be noted that brunettes with milky white skin look very extravagant, and the blue-black tint gives them a resemblance to Snow White;
  • owners of brown, .

For brown-eyed brown-haired women and natural blondes, the color black can give a gloomy and tired look.

For blue-eyed and gray-eyed women, stylists do not recommend dyeing their hair dark, as this will cause the eyes to lose their expressiveness (). Despite the recommendations of stylists, many light-eyed beauties who have dyed their hair a resin color are very pleased with the result. Women who belong to the summer woman and winter woman type (European face type, light eyes and cold natural shades of hair) can afford such experiments.

Photos of famous actresses and models can help determine whether black hair color suits you with light eyes. Among the famous light-eyed actresses and models who were at least sometimes brunettes, we can note:

  • Liv Tyler (natural – dark blond, eyes – blue) No. 1;
  • Emily DiDonato (eyes – blue, ) No. 2;
  • Isabelle Adjani (blue eyes, natural brunette) No. 3;
  • Vivien Leigh (eyes – gray, curls – chestnut) No. 4, etc.

Although black hair color looks very impressive, it can visually make the face thinner and tired, emphasize skin imperfections (acne, irritation, wrinkles, etc.) and gray hair, so it is not recommended for older women (with the exception of natural brunettes) who have freckles and women with skin problems.

Palette of black shades of paint

Shades of black hair color from almost all well-known hair dye manufacturers are represented by black, blue-black and plum-black.

  • Blue-black hair color is a deep black color that in the sun takes on a light blue tint and a beautiful shine. The ideal color for women with dark skin - it gives an Asian type of appearance.
  • Black tulip hair color is a dark color with a slight reddish or eggplant tint, which suits women with (contrasting and bright appearance, cool natural tone).

In order to get a rich color, curls sometimes need to be bleached, so it’s better to dye your hair in a salon, where good hairdresser can, if necessary, mix several tones, which will give the curls a natural look.

If you like to experiment, then there are a large number of ombre and ombre options.

The influence of black hair color on character

Modern research by psychologists confirms the long-established opinion that the color of hair affects a person’s character and, accordingly, his lifestyle. It is believed that owners of dark curls are people who confidently move towards their goal, are calculating and rather tough. Women have masculine traits in their character, but this does not prevent them from being mysterious and enigmatic.

Brunettes are prone to loneliness, prefer to communicate with a limited circle of close friends, and, as a rule, choose men with a gentle character as husbands.

Sociological research confirms the popular wisdom that men love blondes and marry brunettes because they consider them more reliable, and therefore more suitable for family life.

In addition, when applying for a job and making new social contacts, the stereotype about the natural narrow-mindedness of blondes is often triggered, so brunettes have clear advantages in this regard.

Makeup and style suitable for brunettes

There is no single advice for all brunettes without exception, since each woman is individual. However, there are general recommendations from stylists and makeup artists that help highlight the individual beauty of owners of resin strands. Thus, dark-skinned and dark-eyed women with black hair may not resort to bright makeup, but with fair skin and light eyes, bright makeup is necessary.

To make your eyes look expressive, it is recommended:

  • line your eyes with pencil (charcoal black is still the leading color);
  • use golden eyeshadow (eyeshadow with glitter looks great);
  • use cool shades of eye shadow (pink, blue, white, etc.).

Brunettes' lips should be bright and appetizing. Can be used:

  • bright lipsticks;
  • all shades of pink.

Almost all colors of clothing are suitable for brunettes, although the most spectacular outfits will be red, white and dark shades.

In addition, the top five popular clothing colors for brunettes include:

  • grey. Looks great with metal accessories;
  • lavender;
  • aquamarine, giving brunettes romance and femininity;
  • fuchsia color;
  • a citrus shade suitable for both romantic and eccentric black-haired beauty.

Caring for hair dyed black

It is not recommended to straighten resin-colored curls with a straightening iron, as this may cause

Black hair color is suitable only for the “winter” color type, which is characterized by a cold range. Next, we will look at the rules for selecting dark shades.

Trendy chic face
glitter evening paint
face nails

Fashion is cyclical, but despite this, black and even blue-black hair color forever remains relevant and attractive among women.

Tone characteristic

This charismatic bright tone stands out with special characteristics and leaves a certain imprint on owners of black curls. Suitable for people with white, even porcelain skin and brown and green eyes.

Black hair in combination with blue eyes looks original, but you should choose the tone carefully. This tone has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • brightness - immediately makes you stand out from the crowd;
  • allows you to quickly make changes to your appearance;
  • creates a decisive, confident, mysterious and even bitchy image;
  • imparts intelligence, rigor, efficiency;
  • creating the image of a fatal beauty or a vamp lady;
  • covers gray strands;
  • quickly penetrates into the structure of the strand;
  • adds volume and thickness to thinning curls.

Despite all the advantages, there are certain limitations. It's easy to dye your hair black, but if you don't like the result, you'll be faced with the question of how to get rid of the color.

Who is contraindicated for:

  • Owners of natural light curls should not dye;
  • does not suit light eyes and very dark complexions, however, there are types that look very extravagant in contrast;
  • skin problems: freckles, scars, rashes, wrinkles;
  • black tone adds age;
  • the presence of a yellow tint on the teeth;
  • people who are insecure and timid by nature: a discrepancy between image and personality will appear;
  • if there is a contrast with the natural color of the strands, you will have to tint it often - the border with the roots will quickly be noticeable;
  • difficult to wash off, remove and repaint;
  • It quickly loses its shine and therefore requires increased care.

Many people wonder: is it possible to get rid of black without a wash? This is almost impossible, but you can try to gradually change shades in order to move to lighter shades without disturbing the structure. The backup option is to grow your own natural color.

Also see options.

If you are thinking about coloring, remember your age and think about whether a dark tone will age you. With the exception of natural brunettes, stylists do not recommend black color in adulthood.

In the classical sense, black highlights are rarely done. Usually red, purple and red strands are made; such options look impressive, attractive and unusual. A popular option is with ashen shades.

Washing the base

You won't be able to get out of black the first time. Some masters, at the request of clients, resort to strong bleaching. But here opinions are mixed.

Firstly, the result is unpredictable, it may turn out bright carrot on the head. Secondly, the structure of the curls will be catastrophically damaged. Therefore, the masters offer professional washing; see photos before and after coloring in the gallery.

Almost every well-known brand contains gentle products to wash off unwanted or boring color from curls. This kind of washing is done in stages, and if you don’t rush the technician, a lot of time and money will be spent on this process, but your curls will suffer minimal damage.

You will be fully advised about the process and will be told what care is required. You can try to make the wash at home, but it is not recommended to use professional products, intended for use by salon professionals.

There are a lot of natural natural recipes and masks that can not only remove unnecessary shade at home, but also give an amazing caring effect.

Regular soda is considered the most powerful natural hair lightening agent:

  • take 10 tablespoons of soda powder, 200 ml of warm water and a teaspoon of fine salt;
  • dilute the mixture and apply to your curls, insulate with a plastic cap and something warm on top;
  • leave for 40 minutes (this is the maximum time);
  • then rinse with mild shampoo, apply a moisturizing conditioner for one hour;
  • rinse and let your hair dry naturally.

Cosmetic and other vegetable oils help well:

  • coconut;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • almonds;
  • flax;
  • castor oil;
  • burdock.

In addition to washing, these products restore, moisturize and nourish the structure of the hair.

If you have a natural color, without highlights, perm or traces of previous coloring, then black color can be made at home using natural basma.

Basma has restorative and strengthening properties, fights dandruff well and gives a magnificent shine.

Dyeing your hair with basma is quite simple; the color saturation depends on how long you keep the basma on your hair. True, this method is usually used at home and takes much longer than professional paints.

There is one more nuance: each color palette of professional dyes has the versatility of different shades, unlike basma.

Let's take the L'Oreal range as an example:

  • blue black;
  • natural;
  • chocolate;
  • plum;
  • ashen;
  • ebony;
  • coffee;
  • purple black.

Knowing how difficult it is to go out and get rid of black afterwards, you need to have a strong resolve to decide on this coloring style.

What you will need:

  • plastic bowl;
  • brush;
  • gloves;
  • comb;
  • dye and oxide;
  • cape to protect clothes.
Step by step instructions
  1. Prepare your hair for dyeing according to the instructions (some dyes are applied to freshly washed curls, and others to dry, stale hair).
  2. Dilute the paint with the oxide, strictly following the proportions specified in the instructions.
  3. When coloring for the first time, apply the paint slightly away from the roots.
  4. After a few minutes (given in the instructions), apply the remaining dye to the roots.
  5. Carefully comb the entire length of the curls.
  6. Follow the instructions for the time required.
  7. Wash off with shampoo and conditioner.

Perform the procedure at home without haste, consistently and strictly according to the instructions, then the result of a rich, deep tone will exceed all expectations.

Be sure to look at.