New Year's scenario for children fairy tale The Little Mermaid. New Year in the preparatory group

New Year V preparatory group. Scenario "New Year in the underwater kingdom"

Polyudova Elena Leonidovna, music director.
Place of work: MADO CRR Kindergarten No. 7 "Smile" Birsk.
Scenario New Year's holiday in the preparatory group on the topic: New Year in the underwater kingdom.
Description. This scenario will be useful for teachers raising preparatory children. preschool age, educators, music directors, additional teachers. education. Scenario matches age characteristics children 6 - 7 years old.
Target: Create a festive atmosphere, as well as conditions for the development of creative potential in children.
promote comprehensive development children, including artistic and aesthetic;
develop children's performing and creative skills;
bring children joy from singing songs, playing games, dancing;
teach children to be expressive and free by participating in small dramatizations;
contribute to the formation of a culture of communication between children and parents at the holiday.

Father Frost
Sea king
Snow Maiden
Old man
6 Frog Princesses
"Hello New Year"
“We came to the Christmas tree today”
"Santa Claus - red nose"
"Santa Claus hurry up"
Dance of the Kwakala and the Frog Princesses
Mermaid Dance
Dance of the Bogatyrs
"New Year's counting"
We'll go right now
Snowball fight
Collect snowballs
“What do we like in winter?”

(The presenters enter).
Leading. Time goes on and on,
The New Year is just around the corner!
It's time for us to start the holiday, friends!
Joy today is yours and mine!
Leading. May this year be good for everyone,
Ring louder, cheerful laughter.
(Children jump into the hall with bells and bells, walk around the tree, stay behind the tree. Leave the musical instruments behind it, wave from behind the tree, jump up in front of the tree and sing).
Song "Hello, Hello New Year."
1. The Christmas tree is sparkling with lights -
We are the happiest
Because they are friends with us
Songs and laughter
Santa Claus brought toys -
He is our best friend
Hares ears on the top of the head -
They jump around.

Even the wolf sings
Because the best
Bright holiday New Year
Hello, hello, New Year
We dance without worries
Because the best
Bright holiday New Year
2.In our kindergarten today
Lots of lights
Glorious New Year's holiday
Joy for children
The music is playing again
And we dance
It just doesn't get better
Christmas trees and winters!
Children read poetry:
1. A wonderful day is coming,
New Year is coming to us!
A holiday of laughter and inventions,
Fairy tale holiday for children.
2. How beautiful it is in our hall,
We called our friends,
Our people are having fun.
All: We are celebrating the New Year!
3. What kind of tree did he bring us?
Good Grandfather Freezing!
How slim and majestic
Look left, right.
4. Let the fluffy snow swirl,
The blizzard sings a song.
Around the fragrant Christmas tree
All: We are celebrating the New Year.
5. Happy New Year
Both hosts and guests
We wish you happiness and good things,
And nice clear days.
6. Hello, New Year's holiday!
So we had to meet.
We all have fun today
Hello, the Christmas tree is a dear guest.
7. Hold your hands tighter,
Stand in a wide circle,
We will sing and dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year.
Song "We came to the Christmas tree today."
1. We came to the Christmas tree today,
To celebrate the New Year.
There are so many toys on the branches,
That they cannot all be counted.
New Year! New Year!
Spin our round dance!
New Year! New Year!
Everyone dances and sings!
2. This is how all the toys sparkle,
Like a rainbow shines!
And at the top of the tree
The star burns brightly
3. The holiday is bright,
The holiday is bright!
The sky is all covered in snowflakes.
Santa Claus brings gifts
And the New Year comes!
Chorus - at the end of the repeat. words

8. She's been coming to us for a holiday all year
Green beauty of the forests.
Then I quietly dressed up,
And now her outfit is ready.
9 . We are all admiring the Christmas tree today
It gives us a delicate aroma.
And the most best holiday New Year
Comes with her to kindergarten.
10. Time is running at full speed
Under the frosty ringing of winter.
“Happy New Year!”, “Happy New Year!” -
We talk to each other.
11. Happy New Happiness! Happy New Year!
The holiday is joyful for everyone.
Let them ring under every arch
Songs, music and laughter!
12. When the sparklers are shining
When the firecrackers thunder,
Happy New Year to everyone, congratulations on new happiness,
And we will sing at the Christmas tree at the holiday.
Leading. And let’s call Santa Claus with a song, otherwise the holiday is in full swing, but he doesn’t come to us.
Song "Santa Claus - Red Nose".
1. Just before the New Year
Santa Claus called us
And he told us in confidence,
That it was completely frozen in the forest.
Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Santa Claus - red nose.
Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Santa Claus - red nose.
Hello, hello, Grandfather Frost,
Can you hear us?
Come and visit us quickly.
We are waiting for you to visit.
2. He said on the phone,
What gifts will he bring?
And toys and candies,
He'll even sing a song.
3Where, where is Santa Claus?
How long will we have to wait for you?
Come quickly
We are waiting for gifts from you.

(At the end of the song Santa Claus comes out.)
Father Frost. Hello, children and adults!
Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy!
Don’t sneeze or get sick, have good health!
It's fun to laugh at the Christmas tree and don't be afraid of Santa Claus!
Guys, didn’t the Snow Maiden come to see you? She's on her way! While you and I are playing and having fun, she will come.
(Looks at the Christmas tree).
Well, guys, it's not okay!
The Christmas tree doesn’t light up with colorful lights!
I'll tell you what I do cherished words, and you help me!
All: Come on, Christmas tree, perk up,
Come on, Christmas tree, smile!
Come on, Christmas tree, 1,2,3!
Shine with the light of joy!
(The tree does not light up).
Father Frost. Apparently they didn't eat much porridge. Or maybe the children got sick? (touches the children's forehead).
Why are you shouting so quietly? Or don't you want to help me? Come on guys, let's do it one more time!
Come on, Christmas tree, cheer up, come on, Christmas tree, smile, come on, Christmas tree, 1,2,3! Shine with the light of joy!
(Music. The tree lights up).
Father Frost. I have been living in the world for many years
And I've seen a lot.
But such a wonderful Christmas tree
I've never met.
Come on, kids, pull yourself up
Hold hands together.
Let's start it for the New Year
A cheerful round dance!
Song "Santa Claus, hurry up."
1.Each of us is very happy today,
Each of us is looking forward to:
When will that New Year's hour come,
And Santa Claus will knock at the gate.
Chorus: Santa Claus, Santa Claus hurry up,
All the guys are tired of waiting.
The kids love you very much
This is a wonderful holiday to celebrate.
2. Every child dreams today
Receive a delicious gift from you,
And we will certainly answer you
Let's promise to be obedient.
Chorus (same)
13. A wonderful holiday
Good Grandfather Frost.
Us on a sleigh from the forest
I brought a Christmas tree to the kindergarten.
14. He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!
15. In a wonderful outfit
The Christmas tree got dressed.
She should please the guys
I really wanted to.
16. There are sparkles on its branches
New toys,
The star burns brightly
On top of her head.
17. We are a cheerful round dance
Let's walk around the Christmas tree
At our green Christmas tree
Let's start a dance together.
Dance "New Year's counting".

And one, two is three, and one, two is three, (Clap their hands in front of you)
Look at how many good girls there are.
1. We will join hands.
We will start a round dance.
Let's dance, let's laugh,
And let's celebrate the New Year.
At Grandfather Frost's
Always full of troubles
But it's never too late
Let us celebrate the New Year.
And one, two is three, and one, two is three, (Clap their hands in front of you)
Look how many good boys there are. (Boys spin around on jumps, girls perform springs to the right, left
And one, two is three, and one, two is three, (Clap their hands in front of you)
(Girls spin around on jumps, boys perform springs to the right and left.)

And one, two is three, and one, two is three! (Take three steps towards the Christmas tree, then clap three times)
(Take three steps back and clap three times)
2. Let the planet spin (Holding hands, they walk in a circle)
Around its axis.
Remember this song
And bring it to everyone.
At Grandfather Frost's
Always full of troubles
And don't be serious
Let us celebrate the New Year.
And one, two is three, and one, two is three, (Clap their hands in front of you)
Look how many good boys there are. (Boys spin around on jumps, girls do springs to the right and left.)
And one, two is three, and one, two is three, (Clap their hands in front of you)
Look how many good girls there are. (Girls spin around on jumps, boys perform springs to the right and left.)
And one, two is three, and one, two is three! (Take three steps towards the Christmas tree, then clap three times)
The best holiday on earth is coming! (Take three steps back and clap three times)
And one, two is three, and one, two is three! (Take three steps towards the Christmas tree, then clap three times)
Even in Africa they celebrate the New Year! (Take three steps back and clap three times)
(Children sit down).
Father Frost. You danced well and had fun, but the Snow Maiden is still not there, although it is very difficult to get to you!
Oh, snowdrifts on the road! It was a hard journey for me!
And I wish I could sit and relax for a while!
Leading. Certainly. Grandfather Frost, sit down and relax!
Father Frost. For being so happy to meet me, for the kindness of open eyes.
I will give you a fairy tale as a reward, you will see everything now!
(Music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” sounds).
Leading: They say that on New Year's Eve miracles come true,
Anyone who really expects a miracle ends up in a fairy tale.
We all close our eyes
Let's go into the underwater world!
(They bring out the decorations of the seabed: corals, algae with shells, pebbles, seahorses, jellyfish, the throne of the Sea King).
Leading. Let's open our eyes together
We are in a fairy tale.
(The Sea King sits on the throne).
Sea King. Oh, how boring, all this beauty - a - a - a!
Everything is seething here every now and then. How tired I am of this - oh - oh! The divider got completely wet and broke. I can’t even watch my favorite cartoon about me and my daughter, The Little Mermaid! Oh, I'm bored! Where's my cell phone? We urgently need to call the sea croak. Let her figure out how to entertain me. So! The cell phone's battery is dead! Disorder in the underwater kingdom-state! (sits on the throne). We'll have to turn to magic.
The sea is agitated - once,
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is agitated - three!
The sea croaked, come!
(No one is there).
Where are you, you slacker?
Croaked. The croak is here, your Wetness!
Sea King. Why don't you respond? Well, tremble before me!!! ---- More clearly!!!
Do you love me?
Croaked. Kwack my dear mother!
Quack dear dad!
Sea King. Then dance!
Croaked. Come, frog princesses,
Help me dance.
Dance of the frog princesses and Kvakala.
Sea King. You dance well!
Croaked. Kwa-kwa-qualification!
All frog princesses: What happened, Your Wetness?
Sea King. I'm bored! The soul asks for fun!
Croaked. So this is us now! This is us in a moment!
Show ballet “Pearl”!
Dance of the Little Mermaids.
(Mermaids sit down)
Sea King. Oh good! Oh, beauty! But not enough... Let's do something else in the same spirit. Diva, I want a diva!
1 Princess frog. There is such a wonder in the world:
2 The frog princess. The sea will swell violently,
3 The frog princess. It will boil, it will howl,
4 The frog princess. It rushes onto the empty shore,
5 1 Frog Princess. Will spill in a noisy run,
And they will find themselves on the shore,
6 The frog princess. In scales, like the heat of grief,
Thirty-three heroes.
Dance of the Bogatyrs
(After the dance, dress the boy as an old man).
King of the Sea. Great! Oh, yes, we need to live beautifully! Oh, yes, we need to live freely (shows biceps) Our heroic strength, fortitude and willpower. I want more fun! I want songs!
Croaked. Your dear Wetness. (cunningly) How about we sink some boat? Maybe we’ll catch someone with nets and force you to entertain them! Fresh man - fresh ideas! Look through your telescope, can you see anyone on the surface of the sea?
King of the Sea. Oh, you're so clever! Oh, you beauty! Bright little head! We’ll sink the ship - they’ll also show us on TV in a program... Bring the pipe! Now you and I are in " Sea battle"Let's play. (Looks.) I see a fishing boat. Grandfather is throwing nets. Probably, the golden fish has come again for the fish! Eh, the old man was unlucky today!
The sea is agitated - once,
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is agitated - three!
The old man with the fishing net appears in front of me.
(The phonogram of the storm “Storm” by Vanessa Mae sounds. The grandfather from “The Tale of the Goldfish” appears. He looks confused, holding a fishing net in his hands.)
Grandfather. I don't understand anything! Sea
it was quiet, calm. I cast the net for the first time, but caught only sea mud. I threw it a second time... And then there was wind, thunderstorm, waves like this (shows). I didn’t have time to look back - I found myself at the bottom of the sea.
King of the Sea. You see, grandfather, it was we who had to deliver you to the bottom of the sea. I'm bored and sad! Green melancholy tormented me. Make me laugh, make me sweat, show me how people have fun on earth, then I will let you go with God! You will return to your old woman, and I will also give you a new trough!
Grandfather: Well, we can cheer you up! Eh! Where is my brave prowess!
Grandfather takes off his hat and throws it on the floor.
Dance "Sea".
(Before the dance, change the Snow Maiden's clothes.)
King of the Sea. Great dance! Now you will dance it to me every day!
Grandfather. But, Your Wetness...
King of the Sea. And don't argue with the king! Let my show ballet “Pearl” now dance with you! It’s decided, Grandfather, stay with me!
You'll be better off with us than with your feisty grandmother. Just remember how she fooled you: now the trough, now the tower, now the noblewoman, now the queen of the sea. And I’ll make you the main DJ!
Grandfather. Your Wetness! I would be glad to stay with you in the underwater kingdom, but the New Year is just around the corner. Who will bring New Year's gifts to my grandchildren and my grandmother? You have no Christmas tree here, no snow, no Santa Claus, no Snow Maiden!
King of the Sea.(stunned): Snow... Christmas tree... Santa Claus... What kind of grandfather is this? Come on, Kwakala, look on the Internet who is Santa Claus?
Croaked. Santa Claus is a cheerful old man. He is a very kind wizard. It brings happiness, joy and fun to all people on earth.
King of the Sea. Joy! Happiness! Fun! Magical old man! This is exactly what I need! Bring him here quickly, your grandfather!
Grandfather. How can I! I'm not a wizard. It’s up to you to try somehow! But first let me go home, otherwise your magic won’t work!
King of the Sea. Okay, so be it! Go with God.
(Grandfather leaves).
King of the Sea.(Grozno) Why are you making me bored?! It's New Year on land! People dance in a round dance with the Snow Maiden, and Father Frost brings them a cartload of gifts!
We sit alone in the water even on holidays... So we will grow old... And for the New Year we will again be left without guests - I - I!!!
Croaked. What will I tell you, King...
King of the Sea. If you say something stupid... well, speak up!
Croaked. We stole the Snow Maiden, into the sea, qua-qua, lured her, forced her to dance!
Croaked.(Leading Snow Maiden). Oh, well, dance! Dance!
Snow Maiden Oh, you sea croak, I won’t amuse you!!!
I’d rather sleep here at the bottom of the sea in eternal sleep!!! Let my eyes fall asleep, let my thoughts go to the side... It’s all the same whether it’s will or not... (The King of the Sea and Kvakala and Snow Maiden go behind the Christmas tree).
Leading. Oh, Santa Claus, I don’t like this fairy tale! What would New Year be without the Snow Maiden?!
Father Frost. And I don't like it! We urgently need to help the Snow Maiden! Who wouldn't be afraid to go down to the bottom of the sea with me?
Leading. Then, let's hold hands so as not to get lost on the way and close our eyes. Prepared for the dive.
(The lights dim a little and magical music sounds).
Leading. Guys, look, we are at seabed, in the underwater kingdom!
Leading. Aw! Is there anyone? Let's call the Snow Maiden together.
All. Snow Maiden!
(The King of the Sea comes out.)
King of the Sea. Who is stirring up the sea kingdom here? Who's making noise? Who's screaming?
Father Frost. Hello, king! Don't be angry that we came without an invitation. Need forced us.
King of the Sea. What is this need?
Leading. And here's what it is! The New Year is coming on Earth - everyone has gathered to celebrate. The guys had been preparing for so long, they were waiting for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. But the trouble is, they missed each other on the way... Didn’t the Snow Maiden come to see you?
Sea King. (Incomprehensibly). Who? Snow Maiden? Ahh! I didn't see it! What is she like? (Children talk).
King of the Sea. In a blue fur coat? No, I didn't see it!
Father Frost. Ay, yay, yay! But lying, Your Wetness, is not good, even children know!
Leading. You know, Santa Claus, the Sea King is very afraid of noise, let's shout and stir up the Sea Kingdom! (Children scream). Shout louder!!! (Children scream louder)
King of the Sea. Quiet, you! Just a little bit of muddying the waters! No way to cheer up the Sea King! It's so boring down there!!
Father Frost. If we cheer you up, will you give the Snow Maiden?
King of the Sea. What a conversation!
Leading. So why did this happen?
Start a round dance!
With Santa Claus and guests,
Dance and play, honest people!

Game "We'll go right now."
(The children sit down, Kvakala brings out the enchanted Snow Maiden).
Father Frost. Granddaughter, we finally found you! What's wrong with you? Now let's go free!
Snow Maiden. What - will, what - captivity ..
Father Frost. What is this? Have you been bewitched? Oh, you are the King, well, look! Come on, music, zoom!!!
(Dance music. Dance of the Sea King).
(The king while dancing: Right foot! Where, left leg? I don’t want to dance with you!!!)
Croaked. What kind of troll-la-la is this! The legs themselves, themselves, themselves, write pretzels themselves!!!
King of the Sea. Have pity on me! Water me!
Father Frost. If you break the Snow Maiden's spell, we'll regret it!?
King of the Sea. I'll break the spell!
Father Frost. Stop, music!
King of the Sea. Kvakala, break the spell of this Snow Maiden!!!
Croaked. Wake up, qua, qua.
Smile, kwa, vka!
Croak fish in the sea,
Croak cat on the fence!
Snow Maiden.(Takes a deep breath.) Hello guys! Santa Claus, are you here too? Where are we?
Snow Maiden. So it’s time to return to land, to kindergarten, to celebrate the New Year!
Father Frost. And we give you, Sea King, a magic mirror. Looking at it, you can see our New Year's holiday with songs, dances, games in kindergarten and have the same fun in the underwater kingdom.
King of the Sea. Thank you, Santa Claus. Thanks guys. Goodbye. (The King of the Sea and Kvakala leave).
Leading. We all close our eyes
We get into the elegant hall!
(Music. The lights turn off. The decorations of the underwater kingdom are removed).
Snow Maiden. So we returned to the bright kindergarten.
The fluffy Christmas tree looks at the guys.
Father Frost. Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness
And the Snow Maiden and I
Congratulations, friends!
Congratulations, congratulations.
We wish you to be healthy!
Only joy and laughter
Only happiness and success!
And so that they sing for a whole year -
Start a round dance!

Song "Blizzard".
1. A snowstorm is sweeping along the street,

Oh, burn-burn, burn-talk,
Soon she will sweep all roads.
2. Let us harness the horses to the sleigh,

Oh, burn-burn, burn-talk,
Let's go to the forest to get firewood as soon as possible.
3. We will strike together with axes in harmony,

Oh, burn-burn, burn-talk,
Only slivers will fly through the forest.
4.And we will quietly leave the forest

Oh, burn-burn, burn-talk,
Let's start stamping our feet
5.And then slam everything with your hands at once

Oh, burn-burn, burn-talk,
Well, frost, now you are not scary for us.
6. A snowstorm is sweeping along the street,
Soon she will sweep all roads.
Oh, burn-burn, burn-talk,
Soon she will sweep all roads.
(After the round dance, the guys do not unclasp their hands.)
Leading. So he got into our circle,
Stay here.
You can't leave, Frost,
How not to break out
Until you play in the snow with us.
Father Frost. I'll be happy to play. Look how much snow the blizzard brought down for the joy and amusement of the children. (Throws out snowballs).

Snowball fight.
Father Frost. Now let's collect the snowballs in a bag.
And now I'll sit
And I'll rest a little.
This is how I dreamed all year round
Who will read poetry to me?
Show respect.
Read the poem!
(Children read poetry.
3-5 poems, for those who didn’t have words)

Father Frost. Well done, I really liked your poems.
Leading. Good Grandfather Frost
Come play with us some more.
What we like in winter
Well, guess what!

Game-song “What do we like in winter?”
Children: Good Grandfather Frost
Play with us.
What we like in winter
Well, guess what!
(They walk around the Christmas tree and make snowballs.)
Santa Claus: Yes, yes, I know
What do kids love?
I thought, here's the result:
This is a sweet pie.
2.Children: Good Grandfather Frost
Play with us.
What we like in winter
Well, guess what!
(Children run around the Christmas tree and show how they ride a sled).
Santa Claus: Yes, yes, I know
What do kids love?
I thought, here's the result:
On horses skok-skok-skok.
3.Children: Good Grandfather Frost
Play with us.
What we like in winter
Well, guess what!
(They walk around the tree, holding hands, stop at the end and rub their bellies).
Santa Claus: Yes, yes, I know
What do kids love?
I thought, here's the result:
My gift bag.
(Santa Claus approaches the Christmas tree and takes a bag. He looks into it. And it is empty).
Father Frost. Oh, trouble, trouble! The bag of gifts is empty.
Probably Kwakala replaced him in the underwater kingdom.
What to do, how to be? How can we solve the problem? (Walks back and forth, thinks).
Father Frost. I am a wizard, a sorcerer!
This room is full of my friends.
Both girls and boys, beautiful children.
Now we will cast a spell together and un-enchant our bag!
(Santa Claus takes the bag and walks around the hall with it and says):
In every small child a million loud laughs,
And screamers, laughers, and squealers, and squeakers,
And smiles, why checks, and Velcro, and jumpers,
Joy, fun, cheerful mood!
I will put all the smiles and giggles in my bag. (Approaches the children, “collects smiles”, the children give air kisses)
I’ll conjure, whisper...
(Santa Claus puts the bag on the chair, the children stand at their chairs).
Father Frost. Now let’s close our eyes and laugh: HA-HA-HA!
And let's jump: HE-HE-HE!
Let's squeal loudly!
Let's squeal loudly, loudly!
And let us repeat after me:
(The lights go out, the bag is replaced).
Leading. Whose music will sound,
He will hurry for gifts.
(Distribution of gifts. Children thank Santa Claus).
Father Frost. Well, it's time for us to say goodbye
Get ready for the journey.
Now around our Christmas tree
Let's go through it again
We'll wave goodbye to her
We look forward to visiting you next year.
Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” (With parents)

Scenario of the holiday "New Year in the underwater kingdom" for children of the preparatory group

Target: congratulate the children on the upcoming New Year.


Neptune: Yes, my dear. All hope is for you. You are my smart girl, you are my beauty! Well, just a super model in my underwater kingdom!


What happened, Your Wetness?

Neptune: I'm bored! The soul asks for fun!


(solemnly): So this is us now! This is us in a moment!

Come on, fish, run out,

Play with the seaweed

Entertain the king of the sea!

Dance “Fish and Algae”- a fantastic picture to the music of C. Saint-Saëns “Aquarium” (from the suite “Carnival of Animals”)

Neptune: Oh good! Oh, beauty! But not enough... Let's do something else in the same spirit. Diva, I want a diva!


: Your dear Wetness. (slyly) Let's sink some boat? Maybe we’ll catch someone with nets and force you to entertain them! Fresh person - fresh ideas! Look through your telescope, can you see anyone on the surface of the sea?

Neptune Oh, you're so clever! Oh, you beauty! Bright little head! We’ll sink the ship - they’ll also show us on TV in a program... Get the pipe! Now you and I will play “Sea Battle”. (Looks.) I see a small boat. I see sailors! Eh, the servicemen were unlucky today!

The sea is agitated - once,

The sea is worried - two,

The sea is agitated - three!

Sound track of the storm “Storm” by Vanessa Mae. Sailors appear on a boat.


I don't understand anything! The sea was quiet and calm. We were returning home from a long voyage! And then there was the wind, a thunderstorm, waves like this (shows). Before we knew it, we found ourselves at the bottom of the sea.

Neptune: You see, sailors, it was we who had to deliver you to the bottom of the sea. I'm bored and sad! Green melancholy tormented me. Make me laugh, make me sweat, show me how people have fun on earth, then I’ll let you go with God!

Sailor 1:

Well, we can cheer you up! Eh! Where is our brave prowess!

(Dance to O. Gazmanov’s song “Sailor”)

Neptune: Great song! Now you will sing it to me every day!

Sailor 2:

But, Your Wetness...

Neptune: And don't argue with the king! Now let my fish dance to it! It’s decided, sailors, stay with me!


Your Wetness! We would be glad to stay with you in the underwater kingdom, but the New Year is just around the corner. And you have no Christmas tree, no snow, no Santa Claus here!

Neptune(stunned): Snow... Christmas tree... Santa Claus... What kind of grandfather is this? Come on, sea scientist cat, tell me who Santa Claus is?

Marine scientist cat:

Santa Claus is a cheerful old man. He is a very kind wizard. It brings happiness, joy and fun to all people on earth.

Neptune: Joy! Happiness! Fun! Magical old man! This is exactly what I need! Bring him here quickly, your grandfather!

Scientist cat:

How can I! I'm not a wizard. It’s up to you to try somehow!

Neptune: Okay, so be it!

The sea is worried - once

The sea is worried - two

The sea is agitated - three!

Come on, my faithful servants,

Dolphins are playful!

Bring Santa Claus to the bottom of the sea!

(dolphins run out and read poetry), run after D.M.

(Father Frost appears with the Snow Maiden with a team of dolphins).

Father Frost: Happy New Year!

Happy new happiness!

I wish everyone to be healthy!

Many years to come, good health to you!

(Looks around in confusion and continues.)

Both big and little ones.

Oh, where did I end up?

Yes, I'm probably lost!

And what region am I in?

I don't recognize anything!

Santa Claus is surprised and depressed. Neptune examines Santa Claus from top to bottom. He touches it with his finger and abruptly withdraws his hand. Santa Claus does not move from his place, watching Neptune with one eye.

Neptune: Well, great Santa Claus!

Father Frost: Hello Neptune! Since when did you start inviting me to visit?

Neptune: Yes, don't be offended! Rumor has it that you are very funny. You bring joy and happiness to people! They say you have a Christmas tree, winter, snow. Show me, will you? To gray hair I lived, but I don’t know what it is! For example, “New Year”, what do you eat it with?

Father Frost: Well, Neptune, although I’m in a hurry, on New Year’s Eve, you know, there’s a lot to do, but I feel sorry for you too! How is it possible to live without the main holiday of the year for so many years! It will be, Neptune, a New Year holiday for you! There will be snow, and a Christmas tree, and most importantly - guests and fun.

I have lived a lot in the world,

I saw a lot of things

Only to the bottom of the sea,

That's right, I got it for the first time!

Let's start the holiday

Let's light the Christmas tree!

(He turns around, wants to light the tree, sees that there is no tree)

What is it, where is the Christmas tree?

Where are the prickly needles?

Neptune: Spiky needles, as many as you like!

(The sea urchin comes out)

Father Frost: There aren’t even toys on your Christmas tree!

Neptune: This can be fixed! (hangs toys on the hedgehog)

He knocks with his staff, music sounds, Santa Claus and Neptune remove the screen. The general light turns on.

Father Frost: The arrow moves forward -

Soon it will be New Year.

At the Neptune Gate

Get ready, my people!

Let's sing songs,

Let's dance merrily!

Christmas tree even under water

It will shine for us again.

He knocks with his staff, the tree lights up, the children stand in a circle

1 child: Our Christmas tree in the whole world

All the more magnificent and all the more beautiful!

Look how many stars there are on it! Arina

To make the tree more cheerful,

Feel free to join the round dance!

A cheerful ringing song

Song about the Christmas tree

Father Frost: Well, Neptune, we’ve sorted out the Christmas tree, now listen about the New Year.

1 child: What is New Year?

A time of joyful worries,

Time for good news, Christina

Time for fabulous guests!

2nd child: At this time of magic

Every single one of them believes.

Making your dreams come true

Everyone believes: both me and you!

3rd child: They believe in a Christmas tree up to the sky,

Unprecedented miracles await, Masha

And also, for sure,

They are waiting with a bag of gifts!

Penya "New Year"

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost, Neptune,

And we won’t let you out of the circle!

Game "We Won't Let You Out"

Neptune: Now I understand what a Christmas tree and New Year are. But I just don’t understand what “winter”, “snow”, “frost” means?

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, sit down and Neptune next to you. Now the guys will explain everything.

Children recite poems about winter, about snow. (Yun, Polina, Eva, Roma, Nazar, Lisa)

Father Frost: And now the guys will also sing you a song so that everything becomes completely clear.

Children perform the round dance song “GRANDFATHER Frost”

Snow Maiden:

We gathered today to celebrate the New Year holiday

Let the lights of the New Year tree sparkle.

We will clap our hands smartly

Let's dance the polka together!

Neptune: Well, we had a lot of fun,

This is what New Year means!

What's at the bottom of the sea power

People are dancing in circles!

There is one surprise for you:

So, a trifle, a whim,

Just don't be scared

And don’t be afraid of a gift!

(Dance of mermaids with dolphins)

Father Frost: And here is my earthly gift:

They swim not in summer, but in winter

White fluffs, light snowflakes! (Snowflake verse)

Neptune: I had a question - why am I so cold?

Father Frost: Let's play and warm up! And you, Neptune, play with the guys, you’ll also get hot.

Snow Maiden:

Attention, attention,

Let's have a competition.

Let's try our strength, we'll find out now,

Whose team is faster?

The game “Skiing” with the involvement of Neptune.

Neptune: Great! Now, let's go to mine sea ​​game Let's play.

Game “The sea is agitated”

Game with parents “Braids for the Snow Maiden”

Neptune: How fun it is to be with you! But I will not remain in debt, I will show you my magic.

Trick with colored water

Father Frost: Well, Neptune, is everything clear and clear to you about winter, snow, New Year? And, most importantly!

Neptune: Main? So that's not all?!

Father Frost: Let me untie my bag! I saved gifts for everyone. (looks around in bewilderment, looking for the bag) Where is my bag? Neptune, it’s all you, unexpectedly brought me here, and I left the bag with gifts at home! What should we do now?


Santa Claus, we have countless treasures in our underwater kingdom - there are corals, pearls, and various stones. Let's give them to the children.

Father Frost:

No, that's not it at all. Children are waiting for sweets! What do you have a lot of here? So! Most of all you have water. Now we make gifts from water!

Santa Claus brings out a barrel of gifts, topped with a jar of water and a jar of artificial snow.

Father Frost: Water, cold water,

Water from the blue sea,

Become, water, you become frost,

Cool down even more -

Turn into cold snow.

And now, water,

It's time to turn into gifts!

Santa Claus dips his fingers into a jar of water, splashes it on the tree, children, guests, then scatters artificial snow, showing that the water has frozen and turned into snow. And finally, he takes out several gifts from the barrel, the rest of the gifts are under the tree.

Neptune: Goodbye, goodbye

My dear friend, Santa Claus!

You fulfilled your promise -

Happiness, brought me joy!

Goodbye, friends!

Father Frost: Yes, it’s time for me to say goodbye. And in parting, I have some wishes for you:

Let the Christmas tree sparkle with elegant lights,

Let your songs and laughter sound non-stop!

And may this whole year be joyful,

You are all very nice people!

Goodbye, see you next year.

Poems for holiday characters

I am a dolphin, I live at sea.

I never argue with anyone.

I'm just flying on the waves,

With whom I want and how I want.

We are funny dolphins

We live in the depths of the sea.

We love to ride the waves.

We love to swim in the water.

Sea urchins have spines

The body is surrounded everywhere.

The sea urchin is prickly

Everyone at sea knows about this.

The hedgehog's needles are long,

Without the number of notches in them,

The enemy will receive any resistance,

The sea urchin is only seemingly quiet.

Spins and laughs

Blizzard on New Year's Eve.

The snow wants to fall

But the wind doesn’t give.

And the trees have fun,

And every bush,

Snowflakes are like little jokes,

They dance on the fly.

A flock rushes after each other,

Cutting the waves with your body,

First tails, then backs again,

Whoever is ahead, dolphins are swimming


We celebrated the New Year.

And coral, like a Christmas tree,

They dressed up together.

Just no toys

In the sea underwater.

And they had to branch

Holiday scenario
"New Year in the underwater kingdom"
for older preschoolers.

Musical director
Taratorina N.Yu.

Children enter the hall to the music and perform a dance.
Happy New Year to everyone!
Let him enter your home with happiness!
And all the good things we dream about,
It will happen, it will come true, it will come!

Sparkles like golden rain
Our cozy, bright room,
The Christmas tree invites you to visit:
The time for celebration has come.
Our Christmas tree is covered in toys
And the balls hang on it.
Our tree Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys.
We will stand near the Christmas tree
Let's start a round dance,
Happy New Year to everyone,
Let's sing the song together!

Children sing the song “Where does the New Year come from?” A.Pinegina

She's been coming to us for a holiday all year
Green beauty of the forests.
Then I quietly dressed up in this room,
And now her outfit is ready.
We are all admiring the Christmas tree today,
She gives us a delicate aroma,
And the best New Year's holiday
He comes with her to kindergarten.

When the sparklers are shining
When the firecrackers thunder,
Happy New Year to everyone, Happy New Happiness,
And we all sing together at the Christmas tree!

Children perform the song “Carnival at the Christmas Tree” by Z. Root

The children sit down to the music.
Look at our Christmas tree:
The tree is very good!
To become even more elegant,
It's time to light the lights.
Let's clap our hands together,
Let's say loudly: one, two, three,
Our Christmas tree, burn!

The children say the tree “doesn’t light up.”

Speak very quietly
Come on, moms, help!
Let's say loudly, with full force:
Become beautiful, Christmas tree!

Mothers and children say words, the tree “does not light up”

Still quiet, still weak
Our dads need to shout out.
I’ll just say: one, two, three!
Let's shout: Christmas tree, burn!

Children and dads say words, the tree “does not light up”

We shouted to no avail
Our tree did not wake up.
So someone didn't scream
This means that someone was silent.
Come on, let's shout again
Louder, more fun:
One, two, three, the Christmas tree is on fire!

Everyone repeats the words together, the lights on the tree light up.
Have wonderful transformations
We can't count today!
For everyone who loves a miracle,
There's a place here.
They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true!
Guys! Every year we celebrate the New Year with you. It would be interesting to see how the New Year is celebrated in other countries, on other planets, or at the bottom of the sea. Would you like to?
Only once, on New Year's Eve, miracles happen. Let's try today and go on a magical journey and see: how do sea inhabitants celebrate the New Year and do they have a holiday?
You need to close your eyes tightly and make a wish, then it will definitely come true. Are you ready?
Everyone closes their eyes, the leader pronounces the words-spell
We want to try really hard
Everything will end up at the bottom of the sea!
Let a miracle happen -
It will take us to the underwater world.

Music sounds, at this time a curtain with the theme of the underwater kingdom falls behind the tree, a throne and a chest are installed in front of the tree. On the chest there is a tambourine.
King Vodokrut enters, followed by his daughter, the Sea Princess.
The king whines, sitting down in a chair, his daughter stands next to him.
It's boring, my daughter! Everything is not like with people. They are now preparing for the holiday, receiving gifts, expecting miracles. But with us everything is the same as before, just boredom.

Yes, father, AS USUAL! Points to the Christmas tree. A Christmas tree was brought to you from across the ocean. The little mermaids were dressed up with New Year's toys - they worked all night. Starfish decorated it with lights. And you say that it’s not festive here.
Yes, that’s how it is! Just a Christmas tree? It's still no fun. Boring! Where are the gifts?
The daughter opens the chest and takes out jewelry
What gifts? You have a whole chest of jewelry. Why do you need more gifts? Look how they shimmer!
He sorts through the jewelry, holds it in front of him, and admires it.
The king is strict
Well, put it back! The daughter quickly puts everything in its place, closes the chest, quietly hiding jewelry in the chest for gifts that are also there.
This is your dowry, not gifts. And I want New Year's gifts, for real! Fun!
So, maybe let the goldfish dance for you? Will they amuse you?
Claps the tambourine, shouts loudly
Come on, goldfish! Amuse my father the king of the sea.

The fish girls run out and perform a dance to the music “Goldfish”. Show group Smile.

So what, fish? All day long there are only fish, jellyfish, and sea stars. He sniffs his clothes. He already smells like fish! .I'm fed up! And yesterday they danced, and the day before, and the day before yesterday. And it doesn’t even smell like New Year!
Father! And we have prepared a special number for you. The sea robbers were delivered. Let them make you happy!
Come on, come on! Show me: what do you have there?
Daughter claps the tambourine
Look, father!

The sea robbers come out and perform a dance. During the dance, the king bounces his legs to the rhythm and fidgets with his butt in the chair.
Well, nothing, of course. Only, robbers pass through here regularly, but New Year doesn’t come! Something is missing!
Daughter! You should at least go and cut up some Olivier salad. Maybe then the New Year will come to us in the Underwater Kingdom.
Father! Which Olivier? Take care of your health, eat better seaweed salad!
The king is angry
Tired of it! He knocks the trident on the floor. Sea kale again! Cabbage in the morning, cabbage in the evening, even cabbage on holiday! When is Olivier?
Daughter closes in fear
Father, don't be angry! There will be Olivier for you! Now I will order the cooks - everything will be done!
Runs away
The king addresses the children
Here! Have you seen it? Even my own daughter doesn’t understand what my soul is asking for! Where can I get it? Boring!
Dear Vodokrut! After all, a holiday comes when people are not just waiting for it, sitting on the sofa, when they are preparing for it! They lead round dances and play games.
How is that? Games are being played! Are there round dances? What can you think of here at the bottom of the sea? What to play?
But watch and learn! And we will have maritime competitions.

Competition "Catch a Fish"
A rope is stretched and fish are hanging on it. There are two teams playing.
Each of the participants must run up to the rope, take the scissors that lie on the chairs near the rope, cut the fish, put the scissors in place, bring the fish to their team in the basin, thus passing the baton to the next participant.

Ha, I could do that too! Only you caught all the fish!
Well, why all? We still have the most beautiful goldfish. You are given the opportunity to catch her. And our guys will help you.
Game "Fish swims in water"
Children stand in a circle, raising their hands one after another. Thus, passing the fish to each other to the music, it seems that it is swimming on the waves. The water spinner runs around in a circle, catching a fish. Of course, he doesn't succeed.
At the end of the game, Vodokrut collapses into a chair, waving his hands.

Water spin
Ewww! They killed me! They drove me! They caught all my fish!
Don’t worry, king, the guys will release all the fish back into the sea, and you will be able to take part in the competition more than once!

Music sounds, Blizzard runs in
Yeah-ah-ah! I see the guys even became friends with Vodokrut the sea, but they don’t like me! Did you decide to hide from me at the bottom of the sea? It won't work! shakes his finger Now I’ll freeze you, cover you with snow, there won’t be any holiday for you.
Do you remember the snow blizzard?
He flies around the hall, makes passes near the guys, throws artificial snow at the guys and Vodokrut and “flies away”.
The water spinner freezes.
Guys! What a great fellow you are! You are not afraid of snowstorms, frosts, or blizzards! Turns to Vodokrut
Oh, and it looks like King Vodokrut was frozen by the Blizzard! He's not used to the cold! What to do? How do we defrost it?

Recorded New Year's music is playing.
Of course, how come I didn’t think of that? After all, on New Year's Eve all wishes come true! Guys, let's close our eyes and wish that the evil spell that has fallen from Vodokrut will be removed and he will return to us.
Magic music plays and everyone completes the task.
And now, let’s get into a round dance and tell Vodokrut about the real, fun Winter.

Children perform the dance “Winter Counting” by D. Sokolov

At this time, the Water Spinner comes to life.

Water spin
Oh, what was that? So I was completely pierced with cold. What a fun Winter you are telling me about. Our guest was not so cheerful.
It was a blizzard. It comes sometimes in winter, but our guys are not afraid of it because they don’t sit still in the cold. They are moving. Guys, tell Vodokrut what you do in the winter.

Children tell
Water spin
Is this what Winter fun is? How interesting! How fun. But sadly I can’t do anything!
Well, our guys will teach you now.
Get up in the circle quickly
Repeat after us!

Round dance “Christmas tree, sparkle with lights” by L. Olifiova with words about Vodokrut
The water spinner repeats the movements after the children, and when finished, rejoices and claps his hands.
Water spin
How interesting! This is what I understand - New Year! What fun! These are miracles!
Well, that's not all miracles! After all, the main guest has not yet arrived!
Water spin capriciously
How come you didn't come? Here I am - I am the most important! And miracles for me, and gifts for me, and round dances for me!
No, Your Majesty, you are wrong! New Year for everyone. And round dances for everyone, and miracles for everyone and gifts. And the main one at the holiday. Guys, tell me: who is everyone waiting for for the New Year?

Children: Santa Claus!

Water spin
What other Grandfather? What Frost? I've had enough of the frost, I don't want to freeze anymore!
With Santa Claus the New Year comes to the house, the smell of a Christmas tree and gifts, miracles and songs.
Water spin
Well, where is he - Santa Claus? Why didn't the New Year bring us?
So you need to call him. I think he doesn’t even suspect that we are visiting at the bottom of the sea. Let's all shout to Santa Claus so that he doesn't get lost.

Everyone calls Santa Claus.
Music sounds and Santa Claus enters.
Father Frost
Hello, here I am,
Hello everyone, friends,
May it bring joy to everyone
Good, glorious New Year!
Let laughter ring everywhere
Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone!
The water spinner bypasses Santa Claus
Wow! The real Santa Claus! So what are we waiting for? It's time to continue the celebration! It's time to celebrate the New Year!
Today we sang, danced,
We played different games,
I suggest showing:
How to learn from instruments
The guys and I are playing.

Children perform the “New Year's song and dance” with DMI. At this time, Santa Claus sits on a chair near the Christmas tree on the chair offered by the presenter.

Father Frost
Hey yes, musicians,
Well, we were surprised
New Year's number
You amazed me.
And now, so as not to get bored,
It's time to read poetry.

Children read poetry.
Water spin
Guys! You told me so much about winter today! ABOUT winter fun. About some sleds and skis that you ride in winter. How do you ride?
Father Frost
Oh, Water Spin! You don’t know anything, and you don’t see anything on your seabed. Don't you even watch TV?
Water spin
But I don’t have time to look, I’m in command of a whole underwater kingdom. Either the herring will quarrel with the catfish, or the octopus will occupy someone else’s hole, or the crabs do not want to back away. While you are solving all the questions, there is no time to watch TV.
Well, I think our guys will now show Vodokrut how to sled.

The relay game "Sled" is being held.
Two teams. Each team member must guide the doll on a sled to the mark and return with it, passing the sled to the next participant. The team that rolls the toy the fastest wins.

Water spin
Yes-ah-ah! I'd like to go sledding too!
Don’t worry, Your Majesty, you also ride water slides in the summer, so you know how great it is to fly down a mountain.
Water spin
Yes, it's absolutely breathtaking. In general, I liked the New Year holiday. Only, someone else told me that they give out pod-a-arches at the festival, but I didn’t see any gifts
Father Frost
No one ever leaves the New Year holiday without a gift. And, of course, everyone will receive a gift today.
Grandfather Frost! But you can’t see the bag. Maybe you forgot it in the forest? Or lost along the way?
Water spin
Well, that’s what I knew: it wasn’t a real New Year for us. I was left without a gift
Father Frost
No! I didn't lose the bag! He knew that at the bottom of the sea he would get wet, and all the gifts would become salty from the sea water. Why do I need a bag? After all, I have a magic staff, and I’ve already noticed a chest for gifts!
Water spin
Well, well! Noticed it. He's already busy! There, the dowry for my daughter covers the chest. And I don’t believe that this can happen! You take the jewelry, and I will be left with nothing!
Santa Claus moves him away
Father Frost
Don't be greedy, Your Majesty! Nothing will happen to your dowry! We don't need anything from you. And you need to trust friends!
Water spinner with doubt in his voice
Father Frost
Come on, move away, don’t disturb me!
The water spinner moves away and looks at the actions of Santa Claus with doubt.
Father Frost
You, chest, help me,
Unlock your locks,
I don't mind the chest
Gifts for the guys!
Krible, scrabble, rabble, dui-
Conjure gifts for us!
He knocks on the chest with his staff and music sounds.
Well, Vodokrut, open the chest and take out the gifts!

The water spinner opens the chest, gasps,
Oh, yes, Santa Claus, what a wizard! It’s true: he conjured gifts! He takes out the gifts and gives them to Santa Claus, who gives them to the children.
Father Frost
Now it's time for me to hit the road,
Wait for me in the New Year!
It's time for us to say goodbye:
Goodbye, kids!
The fairy tale is over
We tried our best
Let it be, maybe
We didn't succeed in everything!
Water spin
But dancing and singing
And just fun
Good for everyone
They brought the mood!
So let the jokes and laughter never stop,
May only success await you in the New Year.
All in unison
Happy New Year!

Music is playing. Everyone takes pictures with the heroes.

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Sections: Working with preschoolers



Father Frost.


Little mermaids.

New Year's toys.

Hall decoration:

The hall is festively decorated. The Christmas tree is located in the back of the hall. Backdrop with a panorama of the sea kingdom. Throne chair for Neptune. Curtain with decorations in the form of starfish and jellyfish.

Progress of the event

To the music of T. Razetsky “Rococo Snuff Box,” children enter the hall and perform formation changes. They stand around the Christmas tree.

1 child:

She's been coming to us for a holiday all year
Green beauty of the forests.
Then I quietly dressed up,
And now her outfit is ready.

2nd child:

We are all admiring the Christmas tree today
It gives us a delicate aroma.
And the best New Year's holiday
He comes with her to kindergarten.

3rd child:

When the sparklers are shining
When the firecrackers thunder,
Happy New Year to everyone, congratulations on new happiness
And we will sing at the Christmas tree at the holiday.

4th child:

Time is running at full speed
Under the frosty ringing of winter.
“Happy New Year!”, “Happy New Year!” -
We talk to each other.

5th child:

Happy New Happiness! Happy New Year!
The holiday is joyful for everyone.
Let them ring under every arch
Songs, music and laughter!

Round dance “Christmas tree” music. T. Potapenko, lyrics. I. Chernitskaya

At the festival we will dance with all our hearts,
Let's sing our favorite songs.
Of course, let's do a little magic
And we will all end up in a fairy tale.

The curtain closes, the lights dim a little, magical music sounds

Host: Guys, look, we are on the seabed, in the underwater kingdom!

Neptune appears, lost in thought, walking back and forth.

Neptune: Boring! There's not even anything to do. The dividivik finally got wet and broke. I can’t even watch my favorite cartoon about me and my daughter, The Little Mermaid! Oh, I'm bored! Where's my cell phone? I urgently need to call my secretary to work. Let her, my beautiful, clever girl, come up with something to entertain me with. So! The cell phone's battery is dead! Disorder in the underwater kingdom-state! ( sits on the throne) We'll have to turn to magic.

The sea is agitated - once,
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is agitated - three!
Home little mermaid come to me!

Mermaid: You called, Your Wet Majesty?

Neptune: Yes, my dear. All hope is for you. You are my smart girl, you are my beauty! Well, just a super model in my underwater kingdom!

Mermaid: What happened, Your Wetness?

Neptune: I'm bored! The soul asks for fun!

Mermaid ( solemnly): So this is us now! This is us in a moment! Show ballet “Pearl”!

Dance “Little Mermaids and Fishes” - a fantastic painting to the music of C. Saint-Saens “Aquarium” (from the suite “Carnival of Animals”)

Neptune: Oh, okay! Oh, beauty! But not enough... Let's do something else in the same spirit. Diva, I want a diva!

There is such a wonder in the world:
The sea will swell violently,
It will boil, it will howl,
It rushes onto the empty shore,
Will spill in a noisy run,
And they will find themselves on the shore,
In scales, like the heat of grief,
Thirty-three heroes.

Dance of the “Bogatyrs” to the song by A. Pakhmutova “Heroic Strength”

Neptune: Great! Oh, yes, we need to live beautifully! Oh, yes, we need to live freely (shows biceps) Our heroic strength, fortitude and willpower. I want more fun! I want songs!

Mermaid: Your dear Wetness. (slyly) Let's sink some boat? Maybe we’ll catch someone with nets and force you to entertain them! Fresh person - fresh ideas! Look into your shameful chimney, can you see anyone on the surface of the sea?

Neptune: Oh, you're smart! Oh, you beauty! Bright little head! We’ll sink the ship - they’ll also show us on TV in a program... Get the pipe! Now you and I will play “Sea Battle”. ( Looks.) I see a fishing boat. Grandfather is throwing nets. Probably, the golden fish has come again for the fish! Eh, the old man was unlucky today!

The sea is agitated - once,
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is agitated - three!

Sound track of the storm “Storm” by Vanessa Mae. The grandfather from “The Tale of the Goldfish” appears. He looks confused, holding a fishing net in his hands.

Grandfather: I don’t understand anything! The sea was quiet and calm. I cast the net for the first time, but caught only sea mud. I threw it a second time... And then there was wind, thunderstorm, waves like this (shows). I didn’t have time to look back - I found myself at the bottom of the sea.

Neptune: You see, grandfather, it was we who had to deliver you to the bottom of the sea. I'm bored and sad! Green melancholy tormented me. Make me laugh, make me sweat, show me how people have fun on earth, then I will let you go with God! You will return to your old woman, and I will also give you a new trough!

Grandfather: Well, we can make you laugh! Eh! Where is my brave prowess!

Grandfather takes off his hat and puts on his cap. He dances to O. Gazmanov’s song “Sailor”, children and Rusalka join him.

Neptune: Great song! Now you will sing it to me every day!

Grandfather: But, Your Wetness...

Neptune: And don't argue with the king! Let my show ballet “Pearl” now dance to it! It’s decided, Grandfather, stay with me!

Mermaid: You'll be better off with us than with your feisty grandmother. Look how beautiful and shiny we are, choose any one!

Neptune: Just remember how she fooled you: now the trough, now the tower, now the noblewoman, now the queen of the sea. And I’ll make you the main DJ!

Grandfather: Your Wetness! I would be glad to stay with you in the underwater kingdom, but the New Year is just around the corner. Who will bring my grandchildren a Christmas tree from the forest? And grandma is waiting for a New Year's gift. And you have no Christmas tree, no snow, no Santa Claus here!

Neptune ( dumbfounded): Snow... Christmas tree... Santa Claus... What kind of grandfather is this? Come on, Mermaid, go on the Internet and find out who Santa Claus is?

Mermaid: Santa Claus is a cheerful old man. He is a very kind wizard. It brings happiness, joy and fun to all people on earth.

Neptune: Joy! Happiness! Fun! Magical old man! This is exactly what I need! Bring him here quickly, your grandfather!

Grandfather: How can I! I'm not a wizard. It’s up to you to try somehow! But first let me go home, otherwise your magic won’t work!

Neptune: Okay, so be it! Go with God.

Grandfather leaves. Neptune casts a spell

The sea is worried - once
The sea is worried - two
The sea is agitated - three!

Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost:

Happy New Year!
Happy new happiness!
I wish everyone to be healthy!
Many years to come, good health to you!

(He looks around in confusion and continues.)

Both big and little ones.
Oh, where did I end up?
Yes, I'm probably lost!
And what region am I in?
I don't recognize anything!

Santa Claus is surprised and depressed. Neptune examines Santa Claus from top to bottom. He touches it with his finger and abruptly withdraws his hand. Santa Claus does not move from his place, watching Neptune with one eye.

Neptune: Well, great Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: Hello Neptune! Since when did you start inviting me to visit?

Neptune: Yes, don't be offended! Rumor has it that you are very funny. You bring joy and happiness to people! They say you have a Christmas tree, winter, snow. Show me, will you? I lived to see gray hair, but I don’t know what it is! For example, “New Year”, what do you eat it with?

Santa Claus: Well, Neptune, although I’m in a hurry, on New Year’s Eve, you know, there’s a lot to do, but I feel sorry for you too! How is it possible to live without the main holiday of the year for so many years! It will be, Neptune, a New Year holiday for you! There will be snow, and a Christmas tree, and most importantly - guests and fun.

He knocks with his staff, music sounds, Santa Claus and Neptune part the curtain. The general light turns on.

Father Frost:

The arrow moves forward -
Soon it will be New Year.
At the Neptune Gate
Get ready, my people!
Let's sing songs,
Let's dance merrily!
Christmas tree even under water
It will shine for us again.

He knocks with his staff, the tree lights up, and the children stand in a circle.

1 child:

Our Christmas tree in the whole world
All the more magnificent and all the more beautiful!
Look how many stars there are on it!
To make the tree more cheerful,
Feel free to join the round dance!
A cheerful ringing song
Let's welcome the new year!

Round dance “New Year” words by R. Antonova, music by A. Pereskopov

Santa Claus: Well, Neptune, we've sorted out the Christmas tree, now listen about the New Year.

1 child:

What is New Year?
A time of joyful worries,
Time for good news
Time for fabulous guests!

2nd child:

At this time of magic
Every single one of them believes.
Making your dreams come true
Everyone believes: both me and you!

3rd child:

They believe in a Christmas tree up to the sky,
Unprecedented miracles await
And also, for sure,
They are waiting with a bag of gifts!

Neptune: Now I understand what a Christmas tree is. But I just don’t understand what “winter”, “snow”, “frost” means?

Santa Claus: Sit down, Neptune, next to me. Now the guys will explain everything to you.

Children recite poems about winter and snow.

Santa Claus: And now the guys will also sing you a song about winter-winter, so that everything becomes completely clear to you.

Children perform the song “It’s good that it’s snowing” music and lyrics by V. Ostrovsky

Neptune: What is that hanging on your Christmas tree?

Santa Claus: So these are toys! They decorate the Christmas trees with branches and dance like children.

Dance “New Year's toys” to the song of A. Khoralov

Neptune: I have a question - why am I so cold?

Santa Claus: Let's play and warm up! And you, Neptune, play with the guys, you’ll also get hot. Guys, do you like to ride downhill on ice slides? Let's now check who is the best and fastest.

The game “Ice Skating” with the involvement of Neptune.

Neptune: Great! Now, let's play my sea game.

Game “The sea is agitated”

Neptune: How fun it is to be with you! But I will not remain in debt, I will show you my magic.

Trick with colored water

Santa Claus: Well, Neptune, is everything clear and clear to you about winter, snow, New Year? And, most importantly!

Neptune: The main thing? So that's not all?!

Santa Claus: Let me untie my bag! I saved gifts for everyone. ( looks around in bewilderment, looking for the bag) Where is my bag? Neptune, it’s all you, unexpectedly brought me here, and I left the bag with gifts at home! What should we do now?

Neptune: Santa Claus, we have countless treasures in our underwater kingdom - there are corals, pearls, and various stones. Let's give them to the children.

Santa Claus: No, that's not it at all. Children are waiting for sweets! What do you have a lot of here? So! Most of all you have water. Now we make gifts from water!

Santa Claus brings out a barrel of gifts, with a jar of water and a jar of artificial snow on top.

Father Frost:

Water, cold water,
Tap water,
Water from the blue sea,
Become, water, you become frost,
Cool down even more -
Turn into cold snow.
And now, water,
It's time to turn into gifts!

Santa Claus dips his fingers into a jar of water, splashes it on the tree, children, guests, then scatters artificial snow, showing that the water has frozen and turned into snow. And finally, he takes out several gifts from the barrel, the rest of the gifts are under the tree.

Goodbye, goodbye
My dear friend, Santa Claus!
You fulfilled your promise -
Happiness, brought me joy!
Goodbye, friends!

Santa Claus: Yes, it’s time for me to say goodbye. And in parting, I have some wishes for you:

Let the Christmas tree sparkle with elegant lights,
Let your songs and laughter sound non-stop!
And may this whole year be joyful,
You are all very nice people!
Goodbye, see you next year.

Santa Claus leaves, the children receive gifts.

New Year's party in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Scenario

"New Year's adventures in the underwater kingdom" Scenario New Year's party for the preparatory group of kindergarten.

The script for the New Year's party was developed for children in the preparatory group of the kindergarten and is intended for music directors, kindergarten teachers, as well as parents.

Target: To create a joyful mood in children and adults, to develop the creative and artistic abilities of children, to instill a culture of behavior at public events.

1. Bring joy.
2. Consolidate the skills and abilities acquired in music classes.
3. Develop children's social and communication skills.

The roles of Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Toad, Sea King, Emelya, Pechka are performed by adults.

Celebration progress:

Children enter the hall to the music.
1 child. We have been waiting for this holiday, when will it come -
Our glorious, our elegant, cheerful New Year!

2nd child. The New Year is knocking on the door with a song, a fairy tale, and goodness.
Everyone now believes in miracles, every home is waiting for gifts.

3 child. Let the children have fun from the holiday troubles,
Santa Claus will come to us with gifts and songs.

4 child. Bright, festive, elegant everything around.
Hello, Christmas tree, long-awaited dear friend!
You looked into every house today.
We'll sing our song about you today.

A round dance is being performed
"New Year's Song"

The children sit down.

Children: 1.
Next to us, believe me, there is a magical country.
Where is she? Here, in this room, is the one that is not immediately visible.
2. Here the fox and the hare are friends, the gnomes dance in a circle,
Here the mermaid circles in the sea, here everyone rejoices and sings.
3. Here no one knows grief, happy laughter reigns here.
We will go to this region soon and invite everyone with us.
4. Here fairy tales walk around the world,
Harnessing the night into a carriage,
All you have to do is close your eyelashes...
Children. And we will all dream of a fairy tale...

Presenter: Do you like fairy tales and transformations? Then listen carefully:
In one kingdom, in a sea state, there lived a sea king.
(The curtain falls, servants come out, carry the king’s throne, the king enters and the toad sits down.)

King: Oh, I’m bored, oh, I’m sad...
Toad: So why are you depressed? If you want, I’ll cheer you up, just give me your harp – Samoguda – quickly.
Tsar: Yes, you can’t even play on them, they are thickets of mud.
He gives the harp to Toad, who blows the flour off of it and begins to strum.
Toad: Kalinka, Kalinka, my Kalinka,
King: Sardine, sardine, my sardine. (covers his head with his hands and screams) I'm tired of everything!
Toad: What, don’t like it? Well, then, beautiful girls, cheer up our wetness.

Mermaid dance.

King: Mermaids, tired of witches,
Eyes would not look at them.
They walk around here and flicker around,
I'm not amused at all.
Toad: Or maybe catch some fish?

Game "WATER"

Toad: I will give these children a task - to build a network for the game,
Hurry up and stand in a circle to watch the fish! (one group builds a circle)
(to another group) Well, my friends, I turn you into fish!
Swim, dive, don't get caught in the net!!!
(play 2 times, then change roles)

Tsar: (Stomp, shout) Go away, everyone, you're tired of it! I want something new.

Toad: Now we’ll arrange everything, your wetness.

A video of the matinee appears on the screen.

Tsar: I want the same fun, Snow Maiden, I want gifts, I want, I want, I want...
Toad: So we will arrange all this now. We will do everything, both the guests and the Snow Maiden, everything will be fine. Hey, you sea monsters, come out and bring the Snow Maiden here from the land!

The lights are turned off, the decorations of the sea kingdom are removed.
The lights turn on and the Snow Maiden comes in singing to the music. Music sounds, monsters run in and ask.

Monster1: Who are you?
Snegurochka: I'm called Snegurochka,
I am Frost's granddaughter.

Monster2: It’s you we need
A reward awaits us for you.

Dance of sea monsters.

They tie up the Snow Maiden and take her behind the tree.

Presenter: What should we do now? The Snow Maiden needs to be saved.
It sounds like “Oh, you canopy.” Emelya comes in.
Presenter: Here comes Emelya. He will help us.
Help our grief, Emelyushka.
Emelya: What happened to you?
Presenter: The Snow Maiden was stolen from us by sea monsters. Do a good deed and help us out.
Emelya: Oh well, I’m not going anywhere. Reluctance.
Presenter: And if you don’t help us, then we won’t have either the Snow Maiden, or the New Year, or gifts.
Emelya: Gifts?... I love gifts. Okay, I'll help you. Tell me where to go.
Presenter: You need to sink to the bottom of the sea, you can only rescue the Snow Maiden by cunning.
Emelya: I’ll dress up as a magician and go to the sea king’s palace.

Emelya goes behind the tree. The Sea Kingdom appears. The Snow Maiden is sitting and crying. The king is on the throne.

Snow Maiden: Let me go to the children for the holiday. After all, without me and Santa Claus, the New Year will not come on earth...
King: I want a holiday too! Come on, sea mold, decorate the Christmas tree, the guests have already gathered.
Toad: (Walks in with a Christmas tree in his hands) Everything is ready, your Wetness.
King: Call your guests, we’ll have fun.
The toad claps 3 times
Toad: Foreign guests have arrived.
the music turns on,

Dance of boys - foreigners.

Toad: Guest from the eastern seas.
Emelya comes in and shows a trick with colored water.
Emelya: I am an overseas sorcerer
Magician of the seven seas.
He takes a jar of water.
1. Woman do magic, grandfather do magic,
Three on the right - none of yours
Voditsa, voditsa, you are my wonderful friend
Become opaque, become bright red.

2. Voditsa, voditsa, you are my cold friend
Become not transparent, but like a Christmas tree green.
He shakes the jar, asks the children to blow, the water becomes colored.
3. Voditsa, voditsa, you are my winter friend,
Become not transparent, but blue as the sky.
King: This is what I like. I want more miracles!
Emelya: Look at this miracle... Come on, Maryushki, come out and amuse the Tsar! (Claps his hands 3 times and the Maryushkas come out, each holding confetti.)

Dance of Maryushek.

The Snow Maiden dances with them, at the end of the dance the girls throw confetti at the Snow Maiden and Emelya, the lights go out, and they leave.

Tsar: (Claps, discovers the loss) And where is the magician? And the Snow Maiden? Deceived!!! Return, catch up, punish everyone!
Toad: (Puts on an outfit) Well, what are you talking about, my father has gone so wild - why am I not the Snow Maiden to you? Look how good she is... (dances, sings, leads the king away)

The lights in the hall come on and the Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden: Hello, my friends,
I'm with you again.
The holiday can begin
You can sing and dance.
Tell me, children, has Grandfather Frost come yet? (children's answer)
Children: No!
Snow Maiden: Maybe he got lost?
Maybe he lost his way?
We need to call grandpa.
Presenter: Let's call together.
All: Santa Claus!
Santa Claus: (From behind the door) I'm coming, I'm coming!!!
Santa Claus comes in accompanied by music.
Santa Claus: Hello, my friends! Hello, dear guests!
I am very happy to congratulate
All the guests and all the guys.
I came to you from afar,
Oh, the road is not easy.
It's frosty there all year round,
Eternal snow and eternal ice.
Ice floes Oh! (Shows) Each one is a home.
I made my way with difficulty.
I met white bears
And I noticed penguins there.
Overcame a difficult path
But healthy, younger.
Happy holiday to everyone!
I wish everyone joy
So that you grow and become wiser,
We had fun, sang songs,
So that your laughter always rings.
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!
(To children) Bow to you at the holiday, dear pranksters!
Snow Maiden: Santa Claus! Well, what pranksters?
Santa Claus: Well, there are no pranksters.
Snow Maiden: No, not a single one.
Santa Claus: What, really not?
But now we’ll ask them. (To the children) What, do you have any pranksters at your holiday?
Children: No!
Santa Claus: What about the ugly ones?
Children: No!
Santa Claus: And the mischievous ones?
Children: No!
Santa Claus: What about the naughty girls?
Children: No!
Santa Claus: What about the good kids?
Children: Yes!
Santa Claus: And for good kids... applause...
Snow Maiden: You're making all your jokes, grandpa. But the Christmas tree doesn’t light up...
Santa Claus: We will fix this matter.
Let's make the lights shine.
Come on, Christmas tree, smile! Come on, Christmas tree, wake up!

Snow Maiden: Let's help Santa Claus and say together:
Come on, Christmas tree, one, two, three, light up with the light of joy!

(children repeat 2 times, the tree lights up)

Snow Maiden: The Christmas tree is burning nicely, it’s all sparkling with lights,
Let's have fun together, spin around the Christmas tree.

Round dance "New Year's song"

SNOW Maiden: Do you know, guys?
Who brought you a Christmas tree?
Not bunnies, not squirrels,
And, of course, Santa Claus!
Let's go around grandpa and sing a song to grandpa.

Round dance "Santa Claus"

Santa Claus: Thank you, friends,
You made me laugh.
I brought a game for you, Santa Claus will amuse everyone!

Game "Choose a costume"

Like on New Year's holiday
We made a suit today
This is the width
These are the dinners
Such a height
Such lowlands
He's handsome, he's good
Santa Claus, which one will you take?

Santa Claus: All the costumes are just brilliant
but these are the best

Calls a group of children and dances with them

Santa Claus: I’m very cheerful today and I’m friends with the guys!
I won’t freeze anyone, I won’t give anyone a cold.
And now, kids, it’s time for us to say goodbye.
Host: Once you get into our circle, stay here,
You won’t escape, Frost, no matter how hard you try.

Game "We Won't Let You Out"

Santa Claus: What brave guys are not afraid of frost.
What should I do to get you to let me out?
Presenter: And you dance!
Santa Claus: Even though I look old, I’m used to dancing.
For me this matter is very simple,
Eh, my soul is 90 years younger.
I’ll clap my mittens, I’ll stamp my felt boots,
I won’t remain in debt, I can’t do that yet.

Santa Claus dances to Russian music.

Santa Claus: I’m tired, I’ll sit and look at the kids.
Who will read me good poems about the New Year?

Children read poetry

Santa Claus: It’s time for you and me, Snegurochka, to go home.
I sang songs and danced and played around the Christmas tree.
It's time to leave - goodbye, kids!
Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, you were in a hurry, did you forget about the gifts?
Santa Claus: Well, the trouble is, the trouble is, I lost my gifts!
What should I do, what should I do?
How to return gifts?
Snow Maiden: I know, I know the answer. We need to call Emelya. Help, guys.
All: Emelya.

Emelya enters to the music.

Emelya: Who called me? Called me? What happened to you again?
Santa Claus: Today I was wandering in the forest
And dropped the gifts
We can't live without gifts
The children are waiting for gifts.
Emelya: Okay, okay, I’ll help.
I'll call the stove now.
At the behest of the pike, at my will, go and bake in the kindergarten with gifts!

To the music the oven comes out.

Stove: What do you want, citizens?
Emelya: We would like gifts for the children...
Stove: What kind of gifts?
Emelya: Guys, what kind of gifts are there?
Pechka: What kind of oranges do you like in winter?
He begins to throw away mittens, scarves, felt boots.
Emelya: Have you eaten too much henbane? Don't you see who is standing in front of you?!
Stove: Oh, father, I didn’t recognize it... Now everything will be done.
The stove gives a gift.
Emelya: Well done!
Distribution of gifts.
Presenter: Come on, guys, let’s say thank you to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for the games, for the dancing,
For the holiday at the Christmas tree, for the songs and the fairy tale.
Children: Thank you.
All heroes: Our Christmas tree stands beautifully in the hall,
Flashing lights for everyone to see.
Until our future meeting, just as happy,
Just as beautiful as this year.

Children leave the hall to the music.