New Year's party in the middle group "The Adventures of the Little Dwarf" material on the topic. Scenario of the holiday “New Year with gnomes Gnomes at the New Year’s party in kindergarten

Natalia Nikolaevna
“Visiting the Gnome” (New Year’s party, middle group)

"IN visiting the Gnome» (New Year's party, middle group)

Characters: Dwarf(reb., Moth (reb., Grandfather Frost (adult), Snegurochka (reb., Presenter)

Boys – gnomes, girls - dolls

Children are ready for matinee are in the group room.

Ved: Guys, do you like miracles? We are now going to the magical forest. A magic ball will show us the way, I suggest you take hold of the thread of the magic ball so that no one gets lost along the way. (Children take the thread and, holding it, go into the hall with the leader)

Enter the decorated festive hall

Ved: So we came to the fairy forest. Look around! How beautiful it is in a forest clearing!

The Christmas tree visited

All children today

And spends with them

Holiday New Year.

Tall, beautiful,

Green, slender -

With different lights

She glows.

Isn't she a beauty? Do you like the Christmas tree? (children answer)

We will tell poems about the Christmas tree, she will hear us and we will find ourselves in a fairy tale.

Reading poems about the Christmas tree.

1. Christmas tree, our Christmas tree,

Green needle,

She came to our kindergarten

Please the guys.

2. Ballerinas on the branches

And the balls shine

Sweets, tangerines

And the gingerbread cookies are hanging.

3. You are such a fashionista

And to everyone's surprise.

Do you love beads, tinsel

Any decorations.

4. And the tree is happy too:

So much fun all around.

Let's all guys

Let's sing about the Christmas tree.

Performance of the song “Oh, the color of the tree is green”

Ved: Let's dance merrily

Let's sing songs

So that the tree wants

IN guests will come to us again.

And now, my friends, I suggest you take your seats.

Children sit on chairs. There is a house in the corner, trees in frost, sitting on a bench Dwarf.

Quiet music is playing

Ved: In the forest at the edge

There was a small house

And he lived in this house

Fairy Gnome

(Dwarf enters the house and a light comes on)

Ved: IN New Year's Eve there was a snowstorm, the blizzard howled - Gnome hid in a warm house. He dreamed of warm summer, flowers and butterflies.

Somewhere in the forest a Moth was flying (Moth appears)

In the silence of the night he is completely alone.

I got lost in the winter forest and was chilled.

Dwarf leaves the house with a flashlight

Ved: The ray of a flashlight fell on a tree stump -

The Moth was sitting there alone. (Gnome finds Moth)

Butterfly: I live like in a fairy tale today,

Magic Tale - Night New Year's!

Dwarf petting Moth, blows on his paws; The moth comes to life

Ved: This little one was glad to meet you Dwarf,

They sang and danced together.

The trees are quiet, their branches are not waving,

A Dwarf everyone is dancing with the Moth under the moon (dance Gnome and Moth)

The music changes, Snowflakes (older children) fly into the hall groups, circling around Gnome and Moth

Ved: What kind of moths are these?

Elegant and light?

They took off and flew,

Snowflakes from a blizzard.

The Snowflakes perform a dance, and when the music ends, they fly out of the hall, followed by the Moth.

Ved: How much snow has fallen!

No one will pass now!

Santa Claus must come

Where should he go now?

Gnomes, run, take the brooms,

Rake the road!

Dance Gnomes and Gnome, performed by boys middle group

Gnomes: Oh, how cleverly, oh, how quickly

We removed the fluffy snow!

Ved: Since the road is clear,

So it’s time for Frost to appear.

Come on, let's shout together together: "Santa Claus!"

Children, Dwarf and the presenter's name is Santa Claus

To the sounds "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…" Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall

D. M: Hello, guys!

Hello my dears!

I've been coming to you for a long, long time, finally I've come to you!

Admiring the Christmas tree, walking around it

What a tree! Well, it’s amazing how everything shines so beautifully!

It's a pity that there are no lights, but the order is mine that's how it is: “Come on, Christmas tree, wake up, light up the lights!”

The lights on the Christmas tree are lit

D.M. (addresses children): Well, what are you doing, get up and start your round dance!

Children perform a song "A little white snow fell..."

Snow: You sang the song marvelously,

Very friendly and beautiful

I just have to find out

Do you want to play? (children's answers)

Well, then the circle is wider,

Begin! Three four!

Games with children

Dwarf helps the presenter and participates in games with children

D. M: Well done! And you play snowballs, and they are so funny. What else are you doing?

Ved: Santa Claus, sit down and rest from the road, you’re probably tired. And you, Snow Maiden, have a seat. And the guys have prepared a piece of music for you

Triangle game "Snow Waltz"

Ved:(addresses Frost and Snow Maiden) And the poems, would you like to listen?

Children read poetry

Just before the New Year,

Santa Claus called us

And he said in a stern tone,

That he was completely frozen there!

Does this happen in life?

What about even Santa Claus?

He's freezing from the cold,

Does your nose freeze?

Come soon to the holiday,

The long-awaited Santa Claus!

We know that you are a prankster,

We are waiting for your gifts!

Invisible winter

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist

He designs on glass.

This is maple, and this is willow,

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws,

One white paint.

White patterned star - baby,

You fly into my hand, sit for a minute.

The star spun in the air a little,

She sat down and melted on my palm.

The artist is invisible

Walking down the street:

Will rouge everyone's cheeks,

He'll pinch everyone's nose.

And at night, while I was sleeping, he

Came with a magic brush

And I drew it on the window

Sparkling leaves.

The cold weather has arrived.

The water turned to ice.

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

Children perform a song "Winter"

D. M: Well done boys! Learned some good poems! And your song is winter.

Ved: Santa Claus, and our kids can also transform. Girls, get up and turn into dolls!

Dance of the dolls

D. M: What pretty dolls! Guys, can you solve riddles?

(children's answers)

Guessing riddles

1. I powdered the paths,

I decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. (winter)

2. She grows upside down,

It grows not in summer, but in winter. (icicle)

3. From the sky - a star,

Place water on your palm. (snowflake)

4. All dressed up in lights,

On New Year this is the main one (Christmas tree)

Snow: Grandfather, you were preparing a surprise for the children!

D. M: Yes Yes Yes! I completely forgot (gets it) "box" out of the bag, and in it "icicles" And "snowballs")

Here, the Snowman and I prepared ice snowballs for the children ( "Raffaello") and sweet icicles (lollipops)

Ved: Grandfather Frost, what are you doing! Is this possible for our children?

D. M: You try first, and then give up! (Gives treats to all children)

(Santa Claus ties the bag and gets ready to leave) OK it's all over Now. Let's go, Snow Maiden, we still have a lot to do.

Snow: And gifts for children! You forgot?

D.M.: (looks for gifts in the bag, throws up his hands) There is nothing! What to do?

Dwarf: Don’t be upset, we have a magic ball that will lead us to gifts!

Together “1,2,3, magic ball, find gifts!”

They follow the magic ball group and find gifts

D. M: There are gifts, how not to be!

Oh, I love giving them! (gift distribution)

D. M: Be healthy everyone!

May happiness await you!

Snow: Let them be cheerful and joyful,

It will be New Year!

Ved: And now, according to the old and good tradition Let's all stand together at the Christmas tree and take a photo for memory (photoshoot)

New Year's adventures

"Visiting the Dwarves"

Script for senior group

A big gnome comes to the group of children, invites them to a holiday, and goes into the hall with them.

The gnome enters the hall, stopping at the Christmas tree, says:

There is silence in the bright hall...

It's time to start the holiday.

Happy New Year to the guys!

He will bring you a fairy tale!

Children, accompanied by music, enter the hall in a chain, examining the decoration, and when the music ends, they stop around the Christmas tree.

B.gnome: We announce the beginning of the Christmas tree

And we say hello to all the guests!

We are very glad that for the holiday

A lot of guests came to us!

  1. Hello, New Year's holiday!

So we had to meet!

We all have fun today!

Hello, Christmas tree, dear guest!

  1. Hey, Christmas tree, look! Colored threads of beads curl,

Rain, stars, serpentine! Better than a Christmas tree can not found!

3. We have been waiting for the holiday all year, like we dreamed of a Christmas tree!

And now, among our friends, we will dance in front of her!

4. Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Happy New Year's tree!

My favorite song

We'll start today!

Round dance "New Year"

VED : We continue the fun, we all know for sure:

So that we can sing loudly, we need to light the Christmas tree!

B.gnome: Move away from the tree and say everything in unison:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, light up! Light up the lights!

Children repeat, the lights don’t come on.

VED: We shouted to no avail - our tree did not wake up!

B.gnome (slyly): Someone still didn’t scream...

Apparently someone was silent!

VED: Come on, once again, more friendly! Let's shout louder, more fun!

Children repeat, the lights on the tree come on.

VED : Have fun singing and dancing today!

Children sit on chairs.

Poems about the Christmas tree, about winter – 3-4

Song "White Snowflakes"

Ved: Do you like listening to fairy tales? Do you want to see what's happening in the New Year's forest? Then let's say the magic words:“Fairy tale, fairy tale, come to us!”(Mysterious music sounds, the gnomes go behind the tree and get ready)

VED: (mysteriously ) In the fairy-tale kingdom of the gnomes,

Where the dense forest stands,

Where you won’t see familiar places,

Where the wolf won't run,

(more fun ) In the clearing in front of the house

At the snowy gates

Brothers - gnomes gathered

Celebrate the holiday - New Year!

Exit and dance of the gnomes

1 gnome: How many years have we been living in the forest?-

I didn't see anyone in it!

Neither foxes nor bunnies,

No Snow Maiden, no guys!

2nd gnome: Even on holidays

We are all alone, yes alone!

There is no one to sing, play, dance with,

This is how we grow old!

And on New Year's Day again

We will be left without guests!

B.gnome: Stop these speeches! We must understand one thing:

We are not indifferent to meeting modern people!

3 gnome: We're tired of being bored! We all ask for one thing:

We need to do something! Stop swearing, dwarf.

B.gnome: I thought a lot about this! I miss being in the forest myself!

And from you I secretly learned miracles!

Just don’t disturb me, keep quiet,

Repeat after me. Well, I guess I'll start...

(The presenter sets the gate)

B.gnome: “Whoever touches the gate,

He will fall asleep in a magical sleep!

And then, when he wakes up, he will celebrate the New Year with us!

The month turns into the sun, what you planned will come true!”

All the gnomes sit aside, the 1st gnome goes to the tree.

1 gnome (with basket):

I can probably lure the bunnies deftly!

I'll scatter carrots in the December snow!

The gnome places carrots in the direction of the gate.

B.gnome: Many hares gathered at the edge of the forest to frolic!

They flattened their ears mischievously and the fun began!

Dance of the hares

After the dance, all the hares sit down, one remains at the Christmas tree.

Hare: I never thought or even guessed that carrots grow in the snow!

Outside the gates, there’s probably a whole vegetable garden waiting for us!

(collects carrots, goes through the gate)

Oh, how long I've been galloping! Tired of the long journey!

I have no strength, I’m completely tired, oh, how I want to fall asleep!(falls asleep, sits on a chair in a special row on the side of the tree)

2 gnome (with basket):

Small squirrels are jumping, jumping from fir trees to oak trees.

They will bring me cones, and nuts, and mushrooms!

(lays out cones, nuts, mushrooms in the direction of the gate; a squirrel runs out to the tree)

B: Jump - hop, jump - hop, here's a nut, here's a fungus,

A cone full of seeds is not a lie and not a lie!

Hey, baby squirrels! Here in the forest, in such a wilderness

We will have something to play, frolic, and jump about!

Squirrel dance

(after the dance, one squirrel remains at the Christmas tree, collects everything in a basket, passes through the gate)

B : Oh, how long it took me to jump and collect nuts!

I have no strength, I’m completely tired!(falls asleep next to the hare, 3 gnomes come out to the tree)

3 gnome: I caught a lot of fish! I'll scatter it on the roads!

Let her lead the fox to the magical gate!
(lays out the fish in the direction of the gate, sits down; a fox runs out to the tree)

L: I'm not an ordinary fox! Look, what a fur coat!

I’m an expert at dancing – I can spin around all day!

But not only dance! I can still knit!

And I will knit very fashionable stockings for my daughters!

(sits on a stump near the Christmas tree, “knits”, fox cubs run up)

Game with balls

L: How many times do I walk in the forest,

I’m meeting fish for the first time!

What a miracle - we get food without difficulty!

Behind the gate - right here - you can see fish - a whole pond!!!

(collects fish, goes through the gate)

L : Oh, how long I walked, wagging my bushy tail,

And I also started knitting... Oh, how I want to sleep!..

(falls asleep next to the hare and squirrel; 4 gnomes come out to the tree)

4 gnome: I brought flowers of wondrous beauty for the Snow Maiden!

Let the flowers now grow at the gate - here and here!

(arranges flowers, leaves; Snow Maiden comes out)

Snow: Since childhood, I have always dreamed of looking at the summer forest!

Oh, flower - what a beauty! This is a miracle of miracles!

Here's another one - among the snow, among the ice floes!

Where else do they bloom? Behind the gate - right here!

(goes through the gate)

Oh, how long I've been walking! Tired of the long journey!

I have no strength, I’m completely tired! It makes me want to take a nap!

(falls asleep next to the animals)

VED (alarmed) : Well, it's time for me to intervene!

This cannot continue like this!

And how can you not help your friends?!

Who will help us in the New Year?

He is where there is laughter, fun, dancing,

We are celebrating the New Year with him,

Will he help us in our fairy tale?

And he will return everyone who has fallen asleep to us!

Children: Santa Claus!

VED: We should call Grandfather and shout together:

(chanting) Grandfather Frost! ( the children are calling, Santa Claus comes in)

Entrance of Santa Claus with a song

D.M.: There are so many people in the hall! A glorious holiday will be here!

So, they told me right that the guys were waiting for me!

I went through all the obstacles, the snow covered me,

I knew that I would be welcome here - that’s why I hurried here!

I can't be late! I will help you, friends!

I know all the secrets of the gnomes and will reveal them without difficulty,

Let the magical dream be interrupted, the gnomes will come out here to us,

Childhood will return to them again, and the beard will disappear!

(knocks with staff)

Month - turn into the sun! What is planned - come true!

(former gnomes come out from behind the curtain, without beards, the little animals with the Snow Maiden wake up)

VED: Look, this is a miracle! All the gnomes have become children!

And the animals all woke up and came with the Snow Maiden!

D.M : Hello, my granddaughter, Snow Maiden!

Snow: Hello, grandpa! Thank you for waking us up, otherwise we would have slept until the New Year in the fairy-tale kingdom of the gnomes!

D.M: Come on guys, get more fun in a circle with me

And tell me quickly: what do you like in winter?

Round dance “What do you like in winter?”

VED: And now, Grandfather Frost, sit down, relax and listen to our poems!

Poems about Santa Claus – 2-3

Santa Claus praises the guys.

D.M: I have felt boots here. I want to check if you can run in Russian felt boots? You need to put on your felt boots, run around the Christmas tree and sit on a chair!

Game "Felt boots"

Snow: And I want to play with the guys, Grandfather Frost!

Game "I'll Freeze!"

VED: Santa Claus! We want to give you a winter song!

Please listen!

Song "Oh, snowball!"

D.M: Well, you can give gifts to such good guys! But where are they?(looks around) I remembered!

I walked along the forest path, bringing gifts to you with me.

The blizzard howled, the snow swirled, I dropped the gifts!

The forest is great, I’ll go look! You will have to wait...

Santa Claus leaves, the lights turn off, and Baba Yaga noisily flies in on her broom.

B.Y: What's happened? Why? I don't understand anything!

Why fun, dance? Nothing will happen now! ( knocks with a broom)

Blizzard, dispel the holiday here! Turn off the Christmas tree quickly!(the tree goes out)

It's dark! That's good! Ha ha ha! Here's to the New Year!

And Santa Claus won't find you! Oh, how my little feet hurt from the road! Oh, and I've become old! You need to lie down and rest... Otherwise, look, they thought of a FAQ!!! Without me, Babulenka-Yagulenka, celebrate the New Year!..

(He snores and falls asleep. Santa Claus enters with a flashlight, carrying a bag on his shoulder)

D.M: Who stopped the fun?! Who put out the Christmas tree here?!(children say Santa Claus shines a flashlight on Baba Yaga, she jumps up)

Oh, she's feisty! Let's punish her! Let the children ride around the Christmas tree! You will work as a taxi driver on your own aircraft!

One, two, three, come on, grandma, go!

Broom riding (2 girls, 2 boys)

Baba Yaga begs for mercy.

D.M: One, two, three, music, freeze! Okay, I forgive you. And the Christmas tree needs to be put in order.(asks the children to help him) Once, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!(lights come on)

B.Y: Santa Claus, what did you bring in the bag?

D.M: Gifts for children! Come on, show me! (looks into the bag) Oh, and gifts! ( turns away dissatisfied) I have so many gifts that you can’t take your eyes off them! Look, I’ll show you now!(takes out a bag from under the tree) Here’s a dress, almost new, that I wore in my youth, when I was a beauty! (shows a dress, everything is full of holes) Here is a self-assembled tablecloth, although it has lost a little weight, but it gives out half a portion! Or here's a frying pan to fry the guys(catches himself, waves his arms). No, no, I wanted to say something else! Now, if you clean it, you can look like in a mirror! Do you like my gifts?(No!) Once I wanted to be kind, but even then I didn’t please!

D.M: Okay, I'll help you. Tie up your bag!

One-two-three-four-five, there will be miracles again!(magical music sounds, Baba Yaga unties the bag, takes out beautiful gifts, hides them again)

B.I : My bag and my gifts!(covers it with his hands)

D.M: Baba Yaga! Shame on you for being greedy! Shouldn't I turn your gifts into trash again?

B.Y: Okay, take it! I'll be good for now!(and keep it quiet ) I’ll be patient until the New Year, and then I’ll start acting up!

D.M: Well, now, my guys, we will receive gifts!

Whose music starts here will receive gifts!

Children receive gifts from Father Frost and Snow Maiden, then the presenter invites everyone to say goodbye to the Christmas tree and return to the group.

In the clearing in front of the Christmas tree there is a fairy-tale house.

Presenter (V.).

Little fairy tale

Lives in a dense forest

A fairy tale about a Christmas tree,

About her beauty.

Little gnomes

They live in a house

A funny song

The gnomes are singing.

"Song of the Dwarfs" is performed.

IN. The gnomes rejoice

to the sun's rays,

Bright lanterns

Worn at night.

The “Lantern Dance” is performed, after which the children go behind the tree or into the house. The scenery is changing.

IN. In the castle behind the forest

The queen lives

Sits on the throne

And he looks menacingly.

The queen comes out and sits down on the throne.

IN. Page with an important gait

Brought a mirror

Queen mirror

Asks a question.


Mirror, my friend,

Give me the answer

Sit down in the corner...

Is there anyone more beautiful than me?


I am your queen,

I will give this answer:

You are beautiful, beautiful

Of course, no doubt.

But no matter how much you love,

Queen, yourself,

More beautiful, smarter

Snow White you.

Queen(stomps his feet).

Oh, the evil mirror!

Bad, bad!

I don't believe it, I don't believe it!

I'll go and check!

The Queen goes behind the Christmas tree. Snow White comes out of the house.

Snow White.

I live in a dense forest,

The gnomes' house is also my home.

And at the tree's edge

Friends squirrels are jumping.

I came under the Christmas tree

And she brought her girlfriends,

Squirrels love to play

Songs to sing and dance.

A squirrel dance or song is performed.

Snow White.

Squirrel girlfriends,

Wait at the edge.

I'll go to my father's castle,

I'll take my gift.

Snow White goes behind the tree, the squirrels run away. The scenery changes and the Queen comes out.

IN. Queen is evil

Goes to the Sorcerer

Find Snow White

Gives the order.

The evil sorcerer comes out


Far away place

In the forest you will find

Snow White there

Take me away quickly!


I'll take you there

Where no one lives!

In the thicket of the forest

Nobody will find it!

The sorcerer leads Snow White out from behind the Christmas tree.


You, Snow White,

Don't go alone.

Can you go to the castle?

You won't get there.

I know the way

I'll show you around.

I love any trouble

I'll take you away.

The sorcerer takes Snow White by the hand and leads her around the Christmas tree. Disturbing music sounds. Suddenly the Sorcerer becomes insidious.


I'm a sorcerer!

You understood?

Well, now

Stay alone!

The sorcerer runs away. Snow White sits on a tree stump and cries. Three little pigs run out.


Snow White,

What's happened?

What happened to you?

Snow White.

Evil Sorcerer

In the middle of the day

Into the thick forest

Took me away.


Let's take you for a little while

The road is familiar to us here.

We'll dance on the way,

It will be more fun to go.

The pig dance is performed.


Your path is not far now,

Don't forget to say goodbye.

Snow White.

Goodbye friends!

I see the gnomes' house

(Knocks on the house.)

Brother gnomes, come out!

Open the door wider!

The gnomes leave the house and approach the Christmas tree.

1st dwarf.

We open our doors to everyone,

We invite you to our Christmas tree!

2nd dwarf.

Snow White, come in,

Santa Claus is on his way!

3rd dwarf.

Let's sing and play together,

Celebrate the New Year together!

The gnomes invite all animals and children to a round dance.

Winner of the all-Russian competition "The most popular article of the month" DECEMBER 2017

for 2 junior and middle groups.
Musical director Stativka Lyubov Yurievna.
To the sound of cheerful music, children and adults enter the hall, go to their chairs and sit down. Children come out reciting poems.
Presenter: Hello dear guests! Happy holiday, Happy New Year! What kind of guest came to us? So elegant and slender,
1 child:
We ran into the elegant hall,
We saw a miracle tree.
We will sing songs, dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year.
2nd child:
Happy New Year to us
The Christmas tree has arrived.
And the fragrant smell of pine
I brought it to kindergarten.

3rd child:
Shaked off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow.
And stands more beautiful than everyone else
In a green dress.
4th child:
Hello, dear Christmas tree!
You are our guest again.
You're all sparkling with toys
On outstretched branches.
5th child:
Oh, what a Christmas tree,
Don't take your eyes off.
You, forest beauty,
All the guys had fun.
6th child:
The festive one is spinning
Friendly round dance!
So meet me, Christmas tree,
New Year is with us!
7th child:
It will be a lot of fun
At our holiday.
And a song about the Christmas tree
We'll sing now!
Presenter: And now the children junior group They will sing the song “Yolochka”.
The song “YOLOCHKA” is performed. etc. L. Samokhvalova.
After the song, the children sit on chairs.
Entrance of the Snow Maiden.
Snow Maiden: Hello! (answer)

I came - I found your kindergarten.

I see forest animals here, playful and mischievous.

I have lived in the forest for a long time, every year I look forward to the holiday.

My snowflake sisters braided my two braids,

And the beautiful Winter dressed up in lace.

The breeze sang songs to me and told me to come here to you!

Presenter: It’s good that you came, you brought joy to the children!

Get up in a round dance with us, dance and play!

Children stand in a circle around the Christmas tree.

The round dance “WE DECORATED THE TREE IN THE GARDEN AGAIN” is performed.

Presenter: It’s a good time for the holiday, but where is Grandfather Frost? Let's call him.

Children: Grandfather Frost!

Snow Maiden: He’s been missing for a long time. Did something happen?

We need to go to the woods and find grandpa! Who will help us?
3 gnomes come out. The first gnome with a flashlight
1 gnome:

We hear, we hear, we are coming!

We are also waiting for Grandfather.

Let him come quickly

The children will be happy!

We have a flashlight

He will help us now.

Let's shine some light on the paths -

And we will meet Frost in the forest!

Let's bring him here

The kids will be happy.

Let's play with Grandfather,

And throw snowballs at him

Music sounds, the gnomes walk around the Christmas tree, Santa Claus comes out and follows the gnomes.

Santa Claus: I see, I see the path, walk more cheerfully.

Hello guys and their parents!

Thank you, brother gnomes, your flashlight was so shining,

What I saw from afar and I hurried after it.

Snow Maiden: Hello, Grandfather, did the gnomes help you?

Santa Claus: Yes! I know these gnomes. They help everyone in the forest.

The gnomes live and dance and sing together.

They have one secret, and I know it - they hide Frost from me until the summer, in their butterfly houses. I've been wanting to see them for a long time.

Snow Maiden: And you, Grandfather, won’t freeze them?

Santa Claus: What are you talking about! I won't even breathe!

Dance “Dwarves - Lilliputians” middle group

Santa Claus: What wonderful butterflies.

Our Christmas tree is fluffy and slender and green,

But for some reason it doesn’t light up with lights!

We will correct the mess and make the lights burn!

Let's say loudly: “One, two, three - come on, Christmas tree, burn!

Children repeat together with adults, the TREE lights up, children clap their hands.

1 child:

When the snowflakes are funny

Suddenly they fly to the ground from heaven

And they will hide the streets, paths,

They will cover the river, field, forest,

I will say, standing at the window:

"Look, winter has come."

2nd child:

Everyone couldn't wait for winter

To ride a sled from the mountains,

So that our skis and skates

They raced.

3 child.

Everyone is still waiting in winter,

When the New Year comes.

And there will be celebration and fun,

And Grandfather Frost will come.

Presenter: Bunnies are rushing through the forests and fields to visit us. Invites the younger group to dance.

"HARES" music. V. Onshina junior group.

On verse 3 the FOX enters

A fox came running to us - the children squatted down

A hedgehog, a mouse and an owl,” FOX comes out, walks around the circle, and stands next to him.

We also stood in a friendly circle,

They dance and sing with us.

Santa Claus: Who came, guys? - Little Fox.

Lisa: Can I come to your party?

Santa Claus: Of course, stay. And now, mischievous people, read some poems about our guest, the Christmas tree!

Children read poetry.

Snow Maiden: Hey guys, come out and dance by the Christmas tree.

Dance "POLKA" middle group.

Dwarf: (running up). Santa Claus, I know such an interesting game!

Santa Claus: Which one?

Dwarf: Well, so cheerful, funny, funny, funny! Oh, I forgot!

Santa Claus: Why are you doing this? We'll have to help you out. I know the real one fun game. Take apart the snowballs and throw them at each other!


Santa Claus first invites the snowflakes - the girls of the junior group, then the bunnies - the boys of the junior group, the butterflies - the middle group, the gnomes last, two of them then collect snowballs.

Santa Claus: Oh, how hot it became in the hall,

Oh, I'm afraid I'll completely break up!

Come on, granddaughter, my friend,

Call your friends!

Snow Maiden: You snowflakes come,

Get up in a round dance with me

Dance of snowflakes “Lace” with tinsel tassels

Game "Snowdrift"

The Snow Maiden walks around and says:

What a big snowdrift
There were snowstorms.
Only the winds whistled.
All the snowflakes have scattered!
At the last words he pulls back the covers. "Snowflakes" run away to their places. The Snow Maiden collects tinsel.

Santa Claus: How well the children sang!

Fox: I love bunnies very much, here at the holiday I want to play with them.

Snow Maiden: Well, little bunnies, don’t be scared, but play with the fox.

Game with Fox

1-4: nibble carrots
5-8: jumping
9-26: repeat 1-8. When the music ends, put the carrot on the floor
1. walking near the carrots
2. They spin around, at the end they sit down near the carrot and close their eyes.

A FOX comes out, collects carrots, puts the carrots tied on a rope and runs behind the tree. Children get up, see one carrot, and approach it. The fox pulls the rope, the hares walk.

The Fox runs out and catches up with the children.

Santa Claus: Oh, Fox, you are a mischief!

Lisa: Yes, I was joking, I was joking...

Santa Claus: Well, promise that you won’t hurt the bunnies, otherwise we’ll drive you away from the holiday.

Lisa: No, I won’t, I’ll just play.

Santa Claus: Well, okay. Together, hold hands,

Get into the circle quickly.

Let the round dance spin.

Hello, hello, New Year!


Snow Maiden: Grandfather! All the guys made us laugh today and new Year gifts deserve it.

Santa Claus: I love children very much. And I give gifts to those I love. Where's my bag of gifts?

Santa Claus leaves and returns with a bag without a bottom - inside there is a hare - Artem.

Here they are, the gifts!..he takes off the bag, and there is a hare.

Santa Claus: How did you get here?

Hare: I wanted to go to the Christmas tree, that’s why I sat here.

Santa Claus: Oh, you naughty girl, where are the gifts?

Hare: And gifts for the guys

There, behind the Christmas tree they lie,

Santa Claus: Well, let's go get it!

They carry gifts and distribute them to children.

Snow Maiden: The hour is coming, the hour of parting, let the Christmas tree live in memory.

Let's say goodbye to each other! See you again, new year!

Santa Claus: I wish you to grow up and not be bored, and not to upset moms and dads too much.

Well, next year I will come to visit you!

They say goodbye and leave the hall to the music.

New Year's holiday for children of primary and secondary groups.

Hall decoration

The hall is festively decorated, with an elegant Christmas tree in the center. At the foot of the round dance there are large Stuffed Toys: bears, hares, squirrels, dogs, cats and large dolls. For Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, two real or fake stumps (large and small) were supplied.


Adults: Presenter, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Wolf.

Middle group children: girls-Snowflakes, girls-Beads, boys-Gnomes.

Children of the younger group: Animals - Bear cubs, Squirrels, Bunnies, Fox cubs.

To the music of M. Glinka from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, the children of the middle group run one after another into the hall, with the end of the music they stand around the Christmas tree, raising their clasped hands up, making a “collar”. To the same music, children of the younger group run under them, hold hands and form a circle.

Leading: New Year is already around the corner. May it be kind, peaceful and happy for everyone!

I wish you health, joy, cheerful, festive mood!

Under muted sounding music M. Glinka children come closer to the Christmas tree and look at the toys with which it is decorated. They are met by the Presenter and the Snow Maiden.


With songs and laughter

Everyone ran into the hall

And everyone saw the forest guest.

Tall, beautiful, green, slender,

It glows with different lights.

Isn't she a beauty?

Children(in chorus): We all like the Christmas tree!

1st child of the middle group:

We all feel very good

Have fun today

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday.

2nd child of the middle group:

We have been waiting for this day for a long time,

Haven't seen each other for a whole year.

Sing, ring under the tree,

New Year's round dance!

3rd child of the middle group:

How fun, how fun

How joyful it is all around!

We greeted the Christmas tree with a song,

We sing a song to her.

How elegant you are

With a silver star!

How huge you are

How fun it is to be with you!

Children, standing around the Christmas tree in two circles, sing the song “The Fairy Tale Never Ends” (words by V. Stepanov, music by G. Levkodimov).

Children of both groups:

On a green Christmas tree

The lanterns are swinging.

Friends from fairy tales

They meet at the holiday.


Pinocchio, Chippolino,

Aibolit, Thumbelina.

I invited everyone to the holiday,

The Christmas tree invited.

We have fun with friends

Dancing at the Christmas tree.

Poems and songs are heard,

No one around frowns.


Until next year

Let the fairy tale never end.

May all your wishes

And all dreams come true.


5th child of the middle group

Let's dance merrily

Let's sing songs

So that the tree wants

Come visit us again.

Children of the middle group perform “Dance around the Christmas tree” (music by Zh. Ozolin).

Description of movements

Children stand around the Christmas tree, holding hands, turning their heads to the right.

Introduction. The children are listening.

Measures 1-8. They move in leaps to the right.

Beat 9. Make two claps in front of you, sliding the palm of one hand over the palm of the other (as if hitting cymbals).

Beat 10. Do three stomps.

Bars 11-12. They spin around and run lightly to the right.

Bars 13-16. Repeat the movements of measures 9-12.

Bars 17-18. Take four soft steps towards the tree, gradually raising your arms up.

Bars 19-20. They run back (creating a rhythmic pattern - two eighths and a quarter), gradually lowering their arms.

Bars 21-24. Repeat the movements of the 17th-20th measures.

Bars 25-26. Take four steps forward, gradually raising your arms up.

Bars 27-28. Make three ringing claps above your head.

Bars 29-32. They spin around and jump in place and wave their arms above their heads.

After the dance, the children sit on chairs.

Snow Maiden: How many guys gathered! Hello!

Children: Hello, Snow Maiden!

Children sing the song “The Snow Maiden” (words by V. Stepanov, music by G. Levkodimov).

- Who do you want? Snow Maiden,

White made the outfit?

- Made me a white dress

Winter snowfall.

Made me a dress

Sewed me a white dress

Winter snowfall.

- Who do you want, Snow Maiden?

Did you sing songs in winter?

- Sang songs to me tenderly

Forest breeze.

Sang me songs.

Sang songs to me tenderly

Forest breeze.

- Who do you want, Snow Maiden?

Gave beads from stars?

— Gave me bright beads

Santa Claus.

Gave me beads

Gave me bright beads

Santa Claus.

- You tell me, Snow Maiden,

What do you wish for us?

- I wish you joy

To all my friends!

I wish you joy

To all my friends.

At this time, the Snowflake girls of the middle group run up to the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden:

Are you already here, my friends?

I overheard near the blizzard,

What will come to us today

New Year.

I learned from the birch tree

What does Santa Claus have?

There are many different sweets

And gifts for children.

Home Snowflake:

Let's fly to kindergarten,

We'll find out from the guys there,

Who is waiting for what gifts?

From Frost to New Year.

The lights on the tree go out. The snowflakes scatter and ask the children in a whisper what gift they would like to receive from Santa Claus. Then they run up to the Snow Maiden.

1st snowflake: The guys told me: the sled is for me,

2nd snowflake: And I’ll have the shoulder blades.

3rd snowflake: Ski for me.

4th snowflake: And I have skates.

5th snowflake: Christmas tree, beads, lights.

6th snowflake: Vova is expecting a bear as a gift.

7th snowflake: Sasha - a brand new book.

8th snowflake: All the guys say:

Let's go to kindergarten today

Santa Claus will come to us,

Will bring a cartload of gifts!

Snow Maiden:

The arrow moves forward

New Year is coming soon!

Fly quickly to grandpa,

Tell us what you found out

Invite us to our Christmas tree.

Snowflakes run away.

Leading: So that Santa Claus quickly finds his way to our kindergarten, let's call him, children. Children: Santa Claus, awww!

Father Frost: Hey, I'm coming!

Hello Hello!

Happy New Year,

I wish you all good health,

Last year I was with you,

I haven't forgotten anyone.

Here are Marina, Valya, Kolya,

Here are Valerik, Katya, Olya...

Did you recognize me?

I'm still the same gray-haired man.

But just like young -

I'm ready to dance

Right now.

Quickly, everyone stand in a circle.

Start your round dance.

Children of both groups stand in two circles around the Christmas tree.

Father Frost: Why don’t the lights on the Christmas tree light up?

He takes his magic stick, knocks it twice and says: “Beautiful Christmas tree, smile!” The lights on the tree flash twice. Then he knocks three more times and says: “Beautiful Christmas tree, light up!” The Christmas tree flashes with colorful lights.

The guys perform the round dance “The New Year is Coming to Us” (words by Z. Petrova, music by V. Gerchik).

It's good that every year

New Year is coming to us.

Lights up our Christmas tree

And starts a round dance.


If dancing isn't enough,

The dance has a twist.

We'll dance all over again

And then vice versa.

Come on, make the circle wider, wider.

Come out boldly, friend!

Clap your hands more cheerfully,

Don't spare your hands today!


We dance under the Christmas tree

We can do it for three whole hours.

And we won’t get tired at all -

What miracles!


Description of movements

The guys stand around the tree in two circles. In the outer circle are children from the middle group.

Introduction. The children are listening.

Measures 1-5. Everyone sings and walks around the tree: one circle goes to the right, the other goes to the left.

Bars 6-13. They stop and clap their hands.

Bars 14-25. They walk towards the tree with small springy steps, gradually narrowing the circle, then

turn their backs to the tree and walk away from it, expanding the circle. With the end of the verse they turn to the tree again.

After each verse of the song, the children dance for 26-34 bars. The dance movements of the children in the middle and junior groups are different.

Children in the middle group perform the following movements:

Beat 26. Lightly touch the toe to the floor 2 times.

Beat 27. Make three stomps (right, left, right foot).

Bars 28-29. They repeat the movements with the left leg and at the end turn their backs to the tree.

Bars 30-34. Repeat the movements of bars 26-29.

Children of the younger group perform lighter movements: “springing”, squats, twirling.

The children do not let Santa Claus out of the circle and ask him to dance. Santa Claus is dancing. The children take their seats. The Snow Maiden hides behind the Christmas tree and throws snowballs at Santa Claus. Father Frost finds the Snow Maiden and invites her to dance for the children too.

Then Santa Claus takes out a magic box, which helps him find out which of the children will read poems (in the box, the names of the children and the titles of the poems are written on a piece of paper).

Children in the middle group read poetry.

1st child:

Christmas tree! Christmas tree!

How many lights!

How many balls?

Fish and flags!

2nd child:

Who's at the Christmas tree

Did you light the star?

The guys got up

Everyone is in a circle.

3rd child:

They stood up and sang:

There are snowstorms outside the window,

There are snowstorms outside the window,

And we have fun,

4th child:

Dances, round dance.

Hello New Year!

5th child:

Suddenly - a knock

At the door.

Father Frost,

Come in quickly!

All children:

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,

What did you bring to the guys?

Father Frost:

The slides are steep,

Dashing sleighs,

Dances, round dance,

And the Christmas tree, and the Christmas tree

For the New Year.

6th child:

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,

What else did you bring us?

Father Frost:

Snow and blizzards,

Laughter and fun

Skis and skates.

Please, please

Play snowballs.

Santa Claus plays with children with snowballs (they can be made from cotton wool or foam rubber or played with imaginary ones), invites Snow Maiden to call Snowflakes and dance with him. To “Waltz” (Appendix 21, music by A. Glazunov), the Snow Maiden and Snowflakes with silver threads gathered in a bundle perform a waltz improvisation.

Children of the younger group read poetry.

1st child:

Snow, snow is swirling.

The whole street is white!

We gathered in a circle,

They spun like a snowball.

2nd child:

Snow was falling on the threshold.

The cat made himself a pie.

In the meantime, I sculpted and baked,

The pie flowed away like a stream.

3rd child:

Make your own pies

Not from snow - from flour.

Santa Claus draws children's attention to the beads that decorate the Christmas tree. He knocks three times on the floor with his magic stick - the beads “come to life.” Girls of the middle group perform the Beads dance to “Waltz” (music by M. Glinka).

Description of movements

9-12 girls stand in a semicircle near the Christmas tree, holding their skirts with their hands. Bracelets with bells are worn on the wrists.

Measures 1-8. They run after each other and form a circle.

Repeat bars 1-8. They form three circles and run holding hands. When the music ends they stop.

Bars 9-12. Call out the rhythmic pattern to the right.

Bars 13-16. They spin around, rotating their raised arms.

Repeating bars 9-12.

Repeat bars 13-16. While running lightly, they line up in one circle, holding their skirts with their hands.

Bars 17-24. They run in circles after each other.

Repeating bars 17-20. While running, narrow the circle, gradually raising your arms and rotating your hands.

Repeating bars 21-24. They run back, lowering their arms, and form a semicircle near the tree.

The Bead girls play with Santa Claus: he tries to “tie” the beads with a thread, the Beads scatter and run away to their places. Santa Claus invites children of the younger group to solve riddles (children of the middle group help the kids answer).

Father Frost:

Clubbed feet.

He sleeps in a den during the winter.

Guess, answer.

Children: Bear.

Father Frost:

A cunning cheat.

red head,

The fluffy tail is a beauty.

Who is this?

Children: Fox.

Father Frost:

It's not a bird on a branch,

The animal is not big.

The fur is warm, like a hot water bottle.

Children: Squirrel.

Father Frost:

He is a gray robber.

He has no faith.

All fangs click.

Children: Wolf.

Father Frost:

What a beauty

Stands, sparkling brightly,

How luxuriously decorated.

Tell me: who is she?

Children: Christmas tree.

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, why are there musical instruments under the Christmas tree?

Snow Maiden:

Here we have a forest school.

Bear cubs are brought to us.

Squirrels, happy bunnies,

Little red foxes.

Our teacher is a gray wolf,

He knows a lot about music!

Wolf ( guests):

We do not immediately and not suddenly

We develop children's hearing.

Wolf (to animals): Wow! Get ready, kids!

The wolf raises the conductor's baton, 8-10 children of the younger group in the caps of various animals take percussion instruments: drums, tambourines, triangles, rumbas, maracas, cymbals - and perform dance melodies (improvisation).

Father Frost: Thank you, friends! We had a lot of fun. I want to please you too. I prepared gifts for everyone. But who is that there behind the tree?

The lights in the hall go out. The introduction to the dance of the gnomes sounds. From behind the tree come 7 Dwarf boys (in height) of the middle group, dressed in white tights, red shirts with a white belt and a gold buckle, red caps with beards attached. They hold lanterns in their right hand, and their left hand on their belt. “Dance of the Dwarves” is performed (music by F. Cherchel).

Description of movements

Beat 1. Children walk in a circle one after another (step 1/2).

Measures 2-4. Continue moving in a circle (step 1/4).

When repeating the 1st-4th beats, the movements are the same, but at the end of the 4th beat, the children turn to face in a circle and place the lanterns on the floor in front of them.

Measures 5-6. Place your hands on your belt and perform four stomps, first to the right, then to the left (step 1/2).

Beat 7. Place your hands on your knees (elbows spread to the sides). During the first or second quarter of a beat, squat deeply (heels together, toes apart, knees spread to the sides). At the third or fourth quarter of a beat, they rise, stomp with their right foot, arms up.

Bars 8-11. Perform half squats with alternating legs on heels. At the end

On the 11th beat, they take lanterns and walk in a circle. At the end of the dance, they stand in a semicircle around the tree.

1st Dwarf: Well, guess who we are.

2nd Dwarf:

We are gnomes, we are gnomes, we are gnomes,

We are good forest gnomes.

We come to you in fairy tales and dreams.

We protect the Christmas trees in the forest

And we extract treasures from the ground.

4th Dwarf:

We are good old gnomes,

Now do you know who we are?

Father Frost:

Come on, gnomes, get ready!

Go to the dense forest!

There under the centuries-old spruce

The hidden treasure is complex.

You will divide the treasure among everyone

And bring it here quickly.

5th Dwarf:

We know, Grandfather Frost,

We saw this spruce in the forest.

Yes, I admit, we didn’t know

That there is a treasure buried under it.

6th Dwarf:

Come on, gnomes, stand up!

Everyone follow me!

7th Dwarf:

We will go right through the earth,

We'll find the mysterious treasure.

To the music, the Dwarfs leave the hall and soon return with bright colored bags on their backs.

1st Dwarf:

Grandfather Frost, look.

This is what we found in the forest.

Father Frost:

This is a treasure, this is a treasure,

It contains gifts for the kids.

Santa Claus helps the Dwarves distribute gifts and says goodbye to the children.

Father Frost:

Let the Christmas tree sparkle with elegant lights,

Let your songs and laughter sound and never stop.

And may this whole year be joyful -

You are all very nice people!

Goodbye, see you next year.

The recording sounds the melody “December” by P. Tchaikovsky (from the cycle “Seasons”). The lights go out, only the lights on the tree are on, and the children leave the hall with gifts.