Electronic floor scales do not display weight correctly - how to fix the problem? Why do electronic scales show different weights on the floor? Why do my scales show different weights.

To eliminate the problem, you should slightly lift the board and press it firmly against the display. This manipulation is carried out using a wooden block, which is installed between the element and the body.

  • Displaying erroneous information on the monitor. Determination of inaccurate weight often occurs when the contact ends of the device become thinner. The problem can be eliminated by replacing the corresponding relay in the mechanism.

Remember, the contact ends of the equipment must fit snugly into the special supports of the electronic device.

  • Clogged floor equipment. During operation of the device, dust gradually settles on the internal structural elements. Such clogging, as a rule, renders the mechanism inoperative. To resolve this issue, clean the device regularly using a dry towel.

Remember, water getting inside the operating mechanism can cause equipment failure.

Determining inaccurate weight. Incorrect operation of scales is often the result of incorrect calibration of the electronic device. To restore precise settings, press the device button of the same name and hold it until the word “CAL” appears on the display. Typically, this process takes about 30 seconds. The display will then show the digital value of the weight with which you need to calibrate. Any object can serve as a standard. However, the exact mass must be indicated on it. The standard is then placed on the scale and the word “PASS” appears on the screen. After calibration is completed, the obtained weight value is deleted and the device is turned off.

If the device setup is unsuccessful, the display will show “FAIL”. In this case, the procedure must be repeated.

  • Mechanism malfunction. This breakdown often occurs as a result of overloading the device. That is why, before buying a device, it is important to determine the maximum permissible weighing rate, exceeding which is strictly prohibited.

Otherwise, deformation of the load-bearing elements of the frame occurs. To restore the functionality of the device, they should be straightened using a building level, caliper or a special angle.

Remember, do not touch the display while troubleshooting. This element is located under hermetic glass and accidental penetration of air under the protective surface contributes to disruption of the polarization of the crystals. As a result, the screen turns black and streaks appear on it. For this reason, you should not disassemble the hardware that secures the display.

As a rule, restoring the operation of old parts or replacing them with new ones leads to normalization of the functioning of the electronic mechanism.

Breakage of strain gauges

One of the most serious problems that occurs during long-term operation of electronic structures is the breakdown of strain gauges.

As a rule, floor scales of this type are equipped with a fixed platform and special supports, with the help of which weight is measured. Under the legs of the device there is a durable frame, which is made of a special metal alloy. Due to the presence of this element, the frame bends during the operation of the device, and after the impact ceases, it returns to its original position.

Each frame is often equipped with a small plate that serves as the main sensor unit in an electronic product.

The sensitive strip is usually imprinted into the frame and filled with a special glue (compound). Three wires are connected to it, which provide measurement of the bridge resistance.

When operating the device, the four frames bend at the corners and the excess load is redistributed. The electronic device automatically summarizes all readings and displays the result on a display using a printed circuit board.

Remember, during operation, the frame of the floor-standing device is easily destroyed when exposed to weight that exceeds the permissible parameters for this equipment. As a rule, in this case, the force elements of the frame become bent.

Straightening the frame will help eliminate such deformation. However, if there is no damage during visual inspection, then a special device, an ohmmeter, should be used to identify the malfunction. To do this, each sensor is carefully unsoldered from the board and the resistance between three electrical wires is measured. When the device is in good condition, this indicator is the same in all four corners.

If the wire breaks, the tester will show a different resistance value. If a problem is detected, carefully clean the sensitive plate from the compound.

There are cases when three wires soldered to the plate are torn off. If a problem is detected, electrical connections are restored using soldering equipment. As a rule, this procedure allows the full functioning of the weight structure to be restored. However, in some cases the device does not work due to a fault in the resistive sensor. In this case, the unsuitable mechanism should be replaced.

Remember, any mechanical damage to the sensor part often leads to failure of the entire structure.

Before purchasing a floor scale, you should carefully study the operating features and technical characteristics of the device.

When choosing an electronic device, you should consider the following nuances and recommendations.

    Weight measurement system. Typically, European manufacturers measure a person's weight in pounds.

Remember, the measurement system for bathroom scales must be metric.

    Case material. When choosing a device, you should give preference to models with a metal base. Products made of plastic are usually short-lived and quickly lose their original shape.

    Device stability. When purchasing floor scales, you should check for mechanisms that allow you to install the equipment on an uneven surface.

    Check the accuracy of the scales. For this purpose, it is necessary to place a packaged product on the device or compare its weight on different devices.

    Choose the right equipment location. The touch mechanism of the scale may be affected by electromagnetic radiation emanating from nearby radio equipment or other powerful devices. Therefore, to determine the exact weight, the device should be placed away from these units.

Remember, timely maintenance of electronic scales will help minimize the likelihood of breakdowns during operation of this equipment.

If a malfunction is detected, corrective measures should be taken immediately. However, if you were unable to resolve the problem yourself, you must contact a service center for help.

Regular care of good quality electronic scales will be the key to stable and uninterrupted operation of this device.


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Electronic scales show different weights for many reasons. Some of them can be fixed at home - you just need to replace a dead battery or clean clogged contacts, others require the intervention of specialists. First of all, it is important to determine what exactly caused the error.

Reasons why electronic scales show different weights

There are malfunctions in the operation of electronic devices when indicators of such less or greater weight are given that we are not talking about an acceptable error. Quite common are discrepancies in results in different parts of the room, which is a consequence of:

  • improper operation;
  • factory defect;
  • calibration failure;
  • breakdowns.

Important! When purchasing scales, it is worth weighing an object with a fixed mass several times. Working devices will always give the same value, even in different places.

Violation of weighing rules

The principle of operation of electronic scales is to convert mechanical action into an electrical signal via strain gauges– sensors that respond to the slightest changes in the position of special plates or frames (depending on the design). Data from strain gauges is processed by a microprocessor, which displays the information on the screen. This is how some models of devices from the Polaris brand and other manufacturers work.

Violation of operating rules significantly affects the results. Even when weighing is carried out at one place, the scales will “lie” if:

  • unevenly distribute body weight on one side of the platform;
  • use them near heating sources or expose them to significant temperature changes;
  • carry out the procedure on a carpet or weigh yourself on a floor that has an uneven surface;
  • place the scales next to equipment (TV, computer, microwave oven, washing machine) - the device will be influenced by magnetoelectric signals emitted by household appliances and will distort the results.

It can be difficult to achieve objective data by weighing a baby several times in a row. The difference in readings may be caused by an incorrect position - when standing on the scale, to obtain a reliable result, you should stand straight, without bending or moving. The instructions for each device describe in detail the rules of use - you just need to study it carefully before using it.

If the scales give different results in the morning and in the evening, and mostly on the higher side, this may also be due to improper operation of the device.

Advice! Food and liquids consumed during the day increase body weight. Nutritionists recommend weighing yourself at the beginning of the day, before breakfast.

Problems encountered

The relative simplicity of the design of electronic scales implies the reliability of their operation, subject to the necessary conditions specified in the instructions. However, failures also occur.

You can identify a breakdown by the following signs:

  • battery problem– when the batteries are low, the display informs about an error or does not provide any data at all when turned on;
  • disconnection of the connecting cable– a link between the electronic filling and the information screen, which will report inaccurate data;
  • relay fault, or rather the thinning of its contacts, leads to distortion of information during repeated weighing;
  • device clogged– over time, debris and dust accumulate inside the case, affecting the operation of the electronics;
  • mechanism damage– due to exceeding the permissible weight or incorrect use, the device will stop turning on;
  • incorrect calibration leads to data distortion.

Calibration failure

The design involves collecting and summing information from several strain gauges, so malfunctions in the operation of any of them will affect the final indicator. The setting eliminates measurement errors.

As a rule, new devices are calibrated by the manufacturer, even if self-setting buttons are provided. The accuracy of the scale readings may be impaired if you stand on it several times in a row or move it.

There are 3 options to solve this problem.

  1. Auto-calibration is a self-tuning feature available in new models.
  2. The external method is the use of a control weight with a fixed mass.
  3. Built-in calibration - in this case, the reference weight value is already inside the device.

The prerequisite for adjustment is minor deviations in data at different times of the day. Methods for calibrating the device are described in the instructions for each specific model and do not require special knowledge.

How to make the scale show correctly

First you need to determine whether the device is actually reporting information incorrectly. To do this, it is recommended to weigh yourself 5 times in a row, recording the results. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​will be the error permissible for home floor scales. If it exceeds 50–300 g, then the device is faulty. However, this procedure will be objective only if the problems described above (malfunctions, manufacturing defects, calibration violations) are excluded.

It happens that devices that have not been used for a long time glitch when turned on or at certain parameters. If the display shows LO, the battery needs to be replaced. When the error cannot be resolved by rebooting (turning the scale off and on) or by thoroughly but carefully cleaning the internal elements, specialist intervention is required.

Advice! On the Internet you can find many tips and video tutorials for DIY repairs. It is worth remembering that even repeating the actions on the video requires certain knowledge and skills. Otherwise, the device may be permanently damaged.

Manufacturers try to minimize the error of readings due to careless use of scales. Data from multiple sensors around the entire perimeter is processed, producing an average value, even if the load is shifted.

To obtain an objective result you need stand on the floor platform correctly:

  • do not move towards its borders;
  • stand upright, avoiding bending;
  • weigh yourself with a minimum amount of clothing, barefoot;
  • place your feet parallel to each other;
  • Do not stick to walls or furnishings.

To weigh yourself, you need to choose a certain time, preferably in the morning, before breakfast. The scales must be located on a horizontal (without slopes) solid surface.

Advice! Electromagnetic radiation from household appliances affects the sensitive sensors of the scales, so they need to be located at a distance of at least 80 cm. If the device has not been used for a long time, it is advisable to calibrate it for accuracy using one of the three methods mentioned above.

To ensure that the scales always display correctly, it is enough to provide them with proper care and use them in accordance with the recommendations given.

The most reliable electronic scales

Picooc Mini WH scales on Yandex Market

Scales Tanita BC-730 RD on Yandex Market

Picooc S3 Lite scales on Yandex Market

If the question of calibrating jewelry scales is raised, then a need has arisen. In other words, there is no longer any trust in the measurement results of your mini scales, which used to be so accurate. Let's look at the reasons why this happens and when it is worth carrying out this basically simple procedure.

When to calibrate


As we said, we take out a set of standard weights. We have one. Some of the milligram plates are lost, but the main calibration weights (100,200,500 g) are available. We use small ones to check accuracy after the procedure.

Let's look at calibration using the MH-500 as an example.

  1. Press and hold the UNIT key in this state.
  2. We wait until the numbers appear on the screen: 500.0. This is a calibration weight; the device itself “tells” what value of weight to use.
  3. Press the same button again.
  4. We watch the letters CAL flash, and then 500.0 again.
  5. Considering the above, still half a kilogram, we place the weight exactly in the center and carefully.
  6. The device will turn off, then the power will turn on again/
  7. The message “PASS” will appear, shutdown again and the process is completed.

What's the point?

From a technical point of view, the force of pressure and the weight of the weight are compared. In uncalibrated scales, there is “confusion and vacillation” ➢ even if you set the exact weight of 200 or 500 grams on the plane, the sensor “does not know” about this, no one “taught” it. The same result will be inaccurate. And the analogy we gave makes sense.

☝ Calibration is “training” or adjustment based on a reference weight.

Is one weight enough for calibration?

Almost always YES. But there are scales on sale, for example, with a limit of 600 g, which are calibrated with two weights.

And this depends on two factors: the breadth of the measurement range and the requirements for accuracy.

The wider the measurement limit and the more stringent the requirements for low error, the greater the likelihood that more than one weight will be needed. The fact is that it is difficult to ensure the same deviation over the entire range. And a 200g weight calibrates the lower sub-range, and a 500g weight calibrates the upper. This is the metrological division of labor.

When purchasing floor scales, we prioritize maximum weighing accuracy. But we often have to face a problem when electronic scales show different weights in different parts of the room. Why does this happen? The reason may be due to several factors, one of which is the low quality of the model. How to choose the right scales?

It is important to understand that not every model of electronic scales has thin thickness. To distinguish electronic models from mechanical ones, you can carry out a simple procedure.

To perform an initial check of the floor scales, you must do the following:

  1. Turn on the device.
  2. Place on the palm of one hand so as to avoid contact with the legs.
  3. Use your other hand to press the scales down slightly.
  4. If you are holding an electronic scale in your hands and not a fake one, the readings will be zero.

Selection Guide

In order to avoid problems with purchased scales in the future, you should listen to the opinions of experts who recommend paying attention to the following points when purchasing:

  1. If you come across a model with a choice of units of measurement, make sure that kilograms are present in the table.
  2. For use in the bathroom, you should buy a model with moisture protection.
  3. For comfortable use, choose floor scales with a rough surface rather than a smooth one.
  4. When choosing a material, it is better to trust metal models rather than plastic ones.
  5. Don't skimp on your purchase. Cheap models don't last long, the weight they show isn't always accurate, and you'll end up overpaying for repairs or buying a new scale.
  6. Be sure to check the accuracy of the measurements before purchasing.
  7. When working with scales on a carpet, the calculation error can be up to 10%.
  8. Do not use models not designed for your weight.
  9. Magnetic radiation from instruments located in the room can affect the quality of weighing, so make sure that the scales are located away from radio equipment.
  10. When purchasing electronic models, choose a model with 4 sensors. This information is not always indicated on the price tag, so you will have to look at the device’s passport.
  11. The more built-in functions a device has, the greater the error in their calculations. Try to choose simple and reliable models.

Don't forget that electronic scales run on batteries, which need to be changed at least once every 6 months.

During weighing, do not bend over or step from one foot to the other. Scales sensitive to any changes will show different weights. The cause of inaccurate results here will be you, not the measuring device.

Rules for care and use

Any model of electronic scales is very sensitive to various changes. Thanks to this feature, they can show the result with accuracy up to hundredths of kilograms. However, this positive aspect can turn against you if you use them incorrectly.

In order for electronic scales to show accurate results, you should follow two simple rules:

  1. It is recommended to use them only after installation on a flat surface. If your floor is uneven or sloped, the meter will give inaccurate results.
  2. When measuring body weight, it is important to stand correctly on the surface of the scale. Your feet should not hang over the surface of the device, but should be parallel to each other. And you yourself should not move or bend over.

If you shift your weight to the ball of your foot, you will weigh a couple of kilograms more. When you shift your body weight to your heel, you will lose approximately 500 grams.

For correct operation, it is important not only to choose and use the device correctly, but also to take good care of it look after. By following a few tips for maintaining your instrument, you will achieve longer life and more accurate weighing:

  1. Electronic scales are known to be extremely sensitive. Therefore, you should avoid sudden changes in temperature, large amounts of moisture, sudden lowering or shaking, exposure to dirt and direct sunlight.
  2. Do not place the scale near heating devices.
  3. It is not recommended to use chemicals to clean the device.
  4. Avoid contact of various liquids with the surface of the measuring unit.


Answering the question why your electronic scales always show different weights, we can safely talk about two factors. First: your electronic model is a mechanical fake. Second: the surface of your floor is not perfectly flat. If both of these factors are absent, and the scales still show incorrect results, you should contact a specialist; most likely your device is broken.

People who use pocket scales for work or everyday life are well aware of the importance of their flawless operation. Often, reputation and earnings depend on the correctness and accuracy of weighing, for example, in a jewelry workshop, and when dosing medications or gunpowder for bullets, health or even life.

Unfortunately, due to certain circumstances, any device can malfunction, what can we say about mini-scales, which are often carried in your pocket, along with coins and small debris. Due to irregular cleaning or improper storage, changes in temperature and humidity levels, such devices begin to produce a certain error, which is completely unacceptable in their operation.

Calibration of Chinese scales: how to avoid it?

Most of the devices on the market today are manufactured in China, taking into account all the latest achievements of technological progress. Consider just one liquid crystal display, as well as a whole set of functions and button combinations.

They are not subject to certification because they are not registered as a measuring instrument. But they, due to their widespread use, were nevertheless metrologically tested, as a result of which they were unofficially classified as the second level of accuracy according to the requirements DSTU EN 45501:2007. In such devices, the error is less than one discrete.

In order for devices to show accurate numbers, and for you not to frantically remember how to calibrate electronic scales, follow these simple rules:

  • work with devices at room temperature, avoiding sudden fluctuations;
  • keep the scales clean and dry;
  • use them on flat surfaces, away from vibrations and other electronic devices;
  • handle them with extreme care, do not shake or knock on the body, place the weighed items in the pallets carefully and slowly.
  • Monitor the battery charge level, change or recharge them on time.

How to calibrate electronic scales for clear and correct operation

If, however, your electronic assistant requires clarification of the settings, carry out this process according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. The step-by-step calibration process can be represented as follows:

  1. Install the device on a perfectly flat surface, without level differences.
  2. Turn on the scales - On/Off button, the reference point will appear on the display - 0.0 or 0.00.
  3. Check that the selected units of measurement are correct - depending on the need, it can be grams, ounces, or waist. The selection is made using the MODE button.
  4. Select the MODE key (can be UNIT), and hold it down for at least 3 seconds, waiting for the abbreviation CAL to appear.
  5. Use MODE again: the CAL signal will light up intermittently and then change to a number, depending on the type of scale, that is, 100, 200, 300, 500.
  6. Place the required weight on the pallet, the word “PASS” will appear on the display and the scale will automatically switch to the “Weighing” option.
  7. Remove the weight from the scale and turn it off. That's it, the Chinese scales have been calibrated.

A reasonable approach to operation and careful treatment of the scales will allow them to serve you for a long time and reliably, and correct calibration will ensure maximum accuracy of the result.

In recent years, bathroom scales have become a common fixture in almost every home. Modern women, striving to meet the ideals of beauty, carefully monitor their own weight. In addition, to weigh in accordance with the norm means to be healthy. Therefore, this device is a necessity if your loved ones suffer from serious chronic diseases: diseases of the endocrine system, disorders of the cardiovascular system, etc. Scale readings indicating weight gain are a signal to change your diet.

Manufacturers offer us a huge range of these useful devices. Which electronic floor scales are best to choose is a pressing problem. What parameters should you use when choosing?

Floor scales: mechanical or electronic?

Mechanical scales are simple in design: they do not have electronics, the weighing process is based on the compression and extension of springs. But from a mechanical point of view, such scales have a high level of error (not accurate readings). They are designed for a certain weight of people, and people with a large weight do not have the opportunity to use mechanical scales. Well, and most importantly, this type of scales is most often produced by small, unknown manufacturers, who are not possible to find if the scales break down. Therefore, we advise you not to buy into the low cost of mechanical scales, but to purchase more accurate and reliable electronic scales.

Floor electronic scales with memory

Many models of electronic scales are equipped with a special device - a memory unit, which allows you to save the readings of the device that were previously available. You can easily compare your current weight with how much you weighed, for example, a week ago. You can also record the weight of several people if your family is large enough.

Additional functions of scales

Electronic scales have additional capabilities depending on the brand and price. The most popular of them:

  • BMI calculation () – height and weight are correlated;
  • determination of the ratio of fat - muscle mass;
  • signal of a significant change in body weight.

There are also models of scales that analyze your parameters and provide dietary recommendations. It is clear that the cost of scales with additional functions is higher than the price without them, so when purchasing a device, think about whether you are willing to overpay for something that you can do without.

Scale design

When we are surrounded by beautiful things, we receive aesthetic pleasure. The issue of scale design is important to many women. The industry offers us a wide range of electronic scales: plastic, metal, wooden. Scales with a wooden surface are environmentally friendly and relieve static stress; plastic scales with rubber inserts protect against injuries associated with slipping. Choose what you like!

Today, electronic scales have become an integral part of human life. These devices are used both in the trade industry and in everyday life. In this article we will tell you how to set up electronic scales so that they show the most accurate weighing results.

Types of electronic scales

Before you begin setting up your measuring equipment, you should determine what categories of scales can be found in everyday life. So, most often we come across the use of the following types:

  • Tabletop commercial scales - most often we find such equipment in stores and small retail outlets. A distinctive feature of such weighing instruments is their small dimensions and limited weighing limit.
  • Floor warehouse scales - used in warehouses, vegetable warehouses and wholesale outlets. Basically, large loads are weighed on such scales, for example, a bag of potatoes or other vegetables.
  • Floor electronic scales for determining human weight. This equipment is available in almost every apartment where they care about their own health and weight loss.

Important! All types of weighing equipment require timely maintenance, which includes the setup procedure.

How do scales work?

The principle of operation of all scales is the same and consists in placing a load on the surface of the platform, which affects the elastic elements and provokes their deformation. It is the magnitude of the deformation produced that is recorded using strain gauges. After completing this procedure, a certain amount of electric current is supplied to the electronic unit, which is converted electronically into mass readings on the display.

How to set up commercial scales?

The principle of calibration of weighing equipment may differ slightly, depending on its functional purpose and type. If you are wondering how to set up tabletop scales for trading, then this procedure is carried out according to a fairly simple algorithm:

  1. On the built-in control panel, press a special key that will switch the electronics to the appropriate mode.
  2. A specialized calibration weight is installed on the platform, which has a certain reference mass.
  3. After a short period of time, the weight is removed from the platform surface.

Important! Setting the exact weight values ​​on the equipment is determined automatically. This procedure is controlled by software installed in the electronic device.

When purchasing commercial scales, the owner is required to receive accompanying documentation that specifies the specific frequency of weight checks.

Important! Unscrupulous sellers can configure electronic scales in their favor; usually, such adjustment is made through the initial programming of the packaging weight. Therefore, when going to the market for groceries, you should be extremely careful and give preference to large shopping centers and supermarkets that value their own reputation.

Setting up bathroom scales

Many women know firsthand the problem when, in an attempt to lose weight, you exhaust yourself with intense workouts for several days, don’t eat after 6 pm, refuse a variety of goodies and count calories, but the scales show weight gain. After disappointment, most users of electronic equipment begin to doubt the accuracy of weighing results and are looking for a way to set up electronic floor scales. But have the equipment settings really gone wrong, or have your efforts simply not brought the desired result?

How to check scales for accuracy?

Floor-standing weighing equipment has its own technical characteristics and their lower weighing limit is usually at least 5-7 kg. Therefore, you should not try to check the accuracy of the device using dumbbells, weight plates or three-liter jars filled with water. The devices are designed to determine the mass of a person, which means that all weighings with a different type of distribution of the weight load across the platform can provoke an error in the results.

To check the accuracy of a household appliance, you need to weigh yourself several times and record the results. To obtain optimal results, at least 5 weighings should be done.

Important! When checking the accuracy of the scales, you should not take significant breaks between weighings. Moreover, you should not have a snack, drink water, change clothes or perform other actions that may affect the result.

After a series of weighings, the difference between the largest and smallest weight obtained should be calculated. This way you will get a measurement error that should not exceed 0.4 kg. If your value exceeds this indicator, then we can conclude that the accuracy of the scales is impaired due to a malfunction of the sensors. The sensors can be replaced at a service center.

Some models of weighing equipment offer the possibility of self-adjustment in two stages:

  • setting the weighing limit;
  • setting the division price, which should not exceed 50 g.
  1. Sometimes, to adjust electronic scales, it is enough to change their location. The lack of accuracy of the sensors in this case may be due to surface irregularities that are invisible to the human eye, but noticeable to electronic equipment.
  2. If the scale suddenly begins to give a significant difference in the weighing results, then perhaps a foreign object has fallen under one of the legs of the equipment.