A beefy guy is a boss and a subordinate. Psychology of a male leader

Work is where we spend almost half of our time. For some, the thought that tomorrow is Monday makes them sad, to put it mildly, but for others, the coming work week is a thrill. Building relationships with colleagues is not so easy, but over time, contact usually improves, but the relationship between a subordinate and a boss is a much more complex combination.


It is so customary in our society that a boss must be respected and, even more so, feared. But we are all human, and suddenly it happened that you began to suspect that the boss began to view you not only as a colleague, but also as a sexual object. We bet that first you will tell your friend about your guesses, and then one of your colleagues, who with a close look will be able to refute or confirm your guesses.

In the meantime, Ivetta offers to test the new boyfriend on several points.

1. Gives compliments often

Suddenly you became a beauty in his eyes, and at any convenient or not so convenient occasion, he does not forget to remind you of this. For example, “Your new hairstyle suits you very well” or “Red lipstick makes you look sexy.” Such phrases will certainly confuse each of us and pleasantly surprise, but if such compliments are given to you every day, or even several times a day, then don’t go to the fortune teller - the boss is definitely not indifferent.

2. “Runs up” for compliments

It is also possible that the manager will demand a soft compliment about his business or physical qualities, or he will lead you to the point where you “want” to praise him. Men, like us women, love it very much.

3. Wants to help out after hours

You, as a single girl, of course, could use some male power in the supermarket, household chores or at the dacha, and the boss understands this very well, so he decided to make a move in this way. But if he knows that you are not free, but still initiates his participation in being useful outside of work hours, then this is a statement that he clearly has serious plans for you.

4. Offers a ride

Of course, like a gallant gentleman, he wants to melt your heart by providing comfort. And while you're stuck in traffic jams during rush hour, you can get to know each other better.

5. Gives you extra tasks to keep you in the office late

There is a very fine line here between the fact that he overwhelms you with work because he decided to just exploit you, or he really wants to be alone during non-working hours. Perhaps for a ride later.

6. Sends messages whose content is not related to work

"Hi, how are you?" – when you see such a seemingly innocent SMS, you should tense up. There are two options: the first - he wants to offer to work and the second - he starts a conversation as if about nothing. If the second option came true, then he clearly planned to take your relationship to a less formal level.

7. Promotes career advancement

Of course, you dream of advancing in your career, maybe for this you even try to work more and develop as a professional. And of course, you deserve this promotion, but think about whether this is a bonus for the fact that the boss’s amorous feelings outweighed his prudence and business acumen.

8. Ignores mistakes

I was late for work, didn’t make a report, or forgot to make an important call. “Now I’m about to get screwed,” you think. But no, the boss didn’t seem to notice. If your mess went unnoticed, then don’t speculate on it, because maybe it’s just an accident.

9. Makes cute surprises

Sends flowers or candy as if incognito, but with a hint of his modest personality, or decides to act openly and gives it in person. This is a sure sign that you are hooked on him.

10. Treats

According to etiquette, a man should pay in a restaurant, but if the boss decided to take the initiative and at least treat him to coffee from the machine, then you can give yourself a plus.

11. Tries to find out more about you

This point is especially important. If you found out that the director looked into your personal file, which is kept in the personnel department, for no apparent reason, then he is either going to fire you, or promote you (and this is also a sign of sympathy, which we have already talked about), or he wants to influence your marital status. The option when he asks you about the details of your personal life is even more correct.

12. Shares information about yourself

Not everyone is ready to talk about their life to colleagues, much less subordinates. And if you find out, as if by chance, that the boss’s heart is free or that his mother still asks if he forgot to put on his hat while his adult son is in charge of hundreds of specialists, then this is a sure sign of sympathy.

13. Constantly looks at you

Do your boss's eyes often begin to focus on you? Well, you're in trouble. Get ready for the fact that soon all the above points will begin to appear in your life.

14. Tries to limit your communication with male colleagues

In this way, the male wants to protect himself from competitors who, despite the fact that they may be significantly lower in rank, are able to interest you much more than the boss.

15. Invites you on a date

This is the last criterion. What else do you need? Everything is visible here. It is unlikely that he decided to spend time with you in a non-work environment to discuss strategically important issues. The male instinct of the conqueror probably came into play here, thanks to which the boss will use all his charm and melt your heart.

Reciprocating or rejecting advances is your personal choice. But, before you get scared of excessive attention, think about what if this is your betrothed, and you will begin to see each other more often not in the office, but in the living room of your apartment.

Watch your boss's behavior or someone else's career could be at risk.

Is your boss complimenting you more and more often? Texting on the weekends? Does he laugh at all your jokes, even the bad ones? If yes, then perhaps he is not indifferent to you.

Sometimes it's unclear whether a person is really into you or just trying to be friendly, so it's best to tread carefully in such a sensitive situation. Otherwise, you risk getting into an awkward position, and in the worst case, someone's career will be at risk. So, here are 17 signs of a boss who is in love.

1. The inner voice whispers

Usually people tend to brush aside suspicions about management, but sometimes it’s worth trusting your feelings.

Intuition is not nonsense. This is the voice of our subconscious. This is an unconscious analysis of many factors, which results in emotions or physical sensations - in this case, discomfort and irritation. And, if you are unhappy or angry about this situation, you are right.

2. Flirt

Before jumping to any conclusions, take a close look at how your boss interacts with other colleagues. Perhaps he behaves this way with everyone - he is simply pleased to be liked by others. And, even if your boss flirts with you from time to time, if he interacts with other colleagues in the same way, it may be harmless flirting.

It is also worth analyzing your own actions. Maybe he's flirting with you because you're flirty with him? When trying to understand the intentions behind someone else's actions, you have to be very careful.

But if it becomes clear that he is only flirting with you, and that this is not happening in response to your behavior, this is a serious sign.

3. Meet alone or in the evenings

If you are occasionally asked to stay after work to finish something, and there is a clear reason for this in the form of a joint project, this can be quite harmless.

But if you feel like you're being singled out and that meetings are scheduled for the evening regularly (or the number of meetings is clearly excessive), your boss may be trying to overstep professional boundaries.

It is worth keeping in mind that if you, despite your own discomfort, go along with it, the situation will only get worse.

4. Calls or SMS for no specific reason

Most managers are swamped with work, so if a person takes the time to call you and chat, then it seems that you are occupying their thoughts a little more than you should.

5. Playful or sensual body language

Pay attention to body language and gaze. If he glances at you frequently or tries to hold eye contact longer than necessary, this could be one of the signs.

6. Indulgences

It may just be a sign of respect and trust, of course, but if you start to feel like you're being favored—for example, being offered opportunities that you honestly don't deserve—he might like you.

7. Trust

Does it happen that your boss shares work or private information with you that he doesn’t tell anyone else in the company?

It is possible that they simply trust you as a person and a specialist. But it is quite possible that this is just a way to deepen the relationship.

8. Exaggerated promises

If your boss shows romantic interest in you, he may be promising you some exaggerated role in the company.

If the leader is ready to encourage and support everyone, that’s one thing. But, if the prospects begin to seem suspiciously rosy, it is worth paying attention to other signs and understanding the motivation of the authorities.

9. Spending time outside of work

There may be nothing behind the invitation to coffee after work, but in combination with other signs it is an alarming signal.

10. Sudden change of image

11. Your opinion is valued above others

12. Compliments not related to work

If you get compliments all the time, and even if they are not work-related or cross the line, there is obviously something there.

Compliments on your appearance, dress sense, or excellent personal qualities can be especially telling. If he says something like: “Your chosen one will be lucky,” this is hardly a purely working relationship.

If these types of comments make you uncomfortable, it’s best to talk to HR right away.

13. Gifts

They can be a form of flirting.

Humor in the workplace is necessary, but there are some boundaries, and perhaps the boss is mainly joking with you - this should be alarming.

A bully boss who teases you and makes unwanted advances is a serious matter, and it may be worth taking strong steps immediately to stop this behavior.

17. Blush in your presence

Does his face change the moment you enter the room? Is he blushing or is there sweat on his forehead? Perhaps this is a sign of physical attraction.

One of the hardest things to do at work is building relationships with your boss. And, despite the equality of the sexes recognized by the Constitution, this issue turns out to be especially difficult for representatives of the fairer sex. The thing is that human psychology interferes in the relationship between a boss and a subordinate: men often treat female employees either condescendingly or arrogantly, and women on a subconscious level perceive their subordinates as potential rivals.

Of course, all this is relevant only at the initial stage of communication. As time passes, the rough edges are smoothed out - the employee begins to be valued for her professional qualities and personal abilities. But, as soon as you arrive at work, it can be difficult to properly build relationships without letting them take their course.

I propose to consider two situations in more detail: yours is a woman and your manager is a man.

Your manager is a woman

Unfortunately, in the interaction between two people, emotions, and sometimes instincts, often prevail over reason. This is especially true if we are talking about representatives of the fair sex.

Have no doubt - over time, the relationship will develop into the most productive, and the manager will be interested in your professional abilities, and not your feminine qualities.

The main thing is not to forget about respect for your leader, be it a woman or a man, and step by step prove that you, too, deserve the most respectful attitude, since you are a talented and valuable employee.

Distance learning (DL) is a set of technologies that ensure delivery of the main volume of studied material to students, interactive interaction between students and teachers during the learning process, providing students with the opportunity to independently work on mastering the material being studied, as well as during the learning process.

Types of distance lessons

A lesson is a fundamental component of the educational system. The basis for constructing a lesson is a set of components that determine its content, logic, techniques and methods of work. A modern lesson should be effective, socially oriented, directly related to the student’s interests, be focused on their practical activities (current and future), and develop the student’s thinking and practical skills.

A distance lesson is a form of organizing a distance lesson, conducted within a certain time frame, in which the teacher directs the individual and group activities of students to create their own educational product, with the goal of students mastering the basics of the material being studied, education and development of creative abilities (E.V. Kharunzhaeva) .

The conditions for conducting a distance lesson may vary in the mode of interaction between the teacher and students:

  • online with a student who is simultaneously at the automated workstation;
  • offline. In this case, the location and time factor is not significant, since all interaction is organized in a deferred mode.

A systematic approach to the construction of educational material for online training courses contributes to the development of the student’s self-education skills, effective and productive activity, as well as the emergence of sustainable motivation for cognitive activity in many areas, which contributes to the versatility and improvement of the quality of the student’s education.

Distance learning activities are varied:

1. Announcing the lesson. The goal is to attract the student’s attention and provide motivation for active learning activities. It can be recorded on a CD and posted in its original and archived form on the website for free access and forwarding.

2. Introductory lesson. The purpose is an introduction to the problem, an overview of upcoming classes. It can be conducted on material from the history of the topic and rely on the student’s personal experience. Can be recorded as a video lecture, for example in AVI format.

3. Individual consultation. Differs in preliminary preparation of questions. Problems and ways to find solutions are proposed. The individual characteristics of the student are taken into account. Can be conducted individually via email or i-chat technology.

4. Remote testing and self-assessment of knowledge.

5. Performing virtual laboratory work.

6. Chat classes - training sessions carried out using chat technologies. Chat classes are conducted synchronously, that is, participants in the educational process have simultaneous access to the chat. To conduct chat classes, a schedule of stages and questions and problems are drawn up in advance.

7. Synchronous teleconference. Conducted using email. Characterized by structure and regulations. It is modeled in advance, the teacher makes preparations and thinks through the possible reactions of students to them. Synchronous classes can be conducted using television video conferencing and computer forums. In the pedagogical aspect, conducting a group lesson via videoconference is no different from the traditional one, since the participants in the process see each other on computer monitors or TV screens. A compromise option for synchronous group classes and seminars is a text forum; on the one hand, it allows for discussion with a maximum degree of interactivity, on the other hand, it requires minimal resources.

8. Asynchronous teleconference. Speeches by participants are published on the Internet in the form of detailed, pre-edited texts as they are received over a long period of time.

9. Web lesson. It can be presented in the form of laboratory work, etc. Computer programs that simulate web-based classes are used. During a web lesson, information is exchanged via, for example, chat or ICQ.

10. Olympics. Characterized by creative, open-ended tasks. A very effective form of control with elements of training. Conducted via email or in real time via chat or ICQ.

11. Webquest. A webquest in pedagogy is a problematic task with elements of a role-playing game, for the implementation of which information resources of the Internet are used. Students independently search for information on the Internet or on recommended electronic media, fulfilling the teacher’s assignment or under the influence of personal motivation.

12. Webinar (comes from two words: web - “network” and “seminar”) ─ is a seminar that takes place over the network. Webinars are divided into webinars themselves, which involve two-way participation of the teacher and students, and webcasts, web conferences, where the interaction is one-way: one person gives a report, the rest listen (watch, read) to it.

13. Lesson using video conferencing. This type of lesson is no different from the traditional one. The lesson takes place in real time.

Structure of a distance lesson. Lesson script

The distance lesson structure model includes the following elements:

  • Motivational block. Motivation is a necessary component of a distance lesson, which must be maintained throughout the entire learning process. A clearly defined goal that is set for the student is of great importance. Motivation quickly decreases if the level of assigned tasks does not correspond to the level of training of the student.
  • Instructional block (instructions and recommendations for completing a task, lesson).
  • Information block (information content system).
  • Control unit (testing and control system).
  • Communication and advisory block (a system of interactive interaction between participants in a distance lesson with the teacher and among themselves).

Teaching aids for distance learning

Network educational resources, being a means of distance learning process, due to their didactic properties, actively influence all components of the educational system (goals, content, methods and organizational forms of training) and allow setting and solving complex pedagogical problems in the process of teaching disabled children in need of education at home.

When designing a distance lesson, the isolation of students should be taken into account. Training materials must be accompanied by the necessary explanations and instructions. There should be a consultation area that allows the student to ask questions.

The use of high-quality graphic files equipped with sound and animation increases the assimilation of the material by up to 65% (for comparison: during a regular explanation of the material, only 5% is assimilated).

Educational tools within the distance lesson include:

1) educational books (hard copies on paper and electronic versions of textbooks, teaching aids, reference books, etc.);

2) online teaching aids;

3) computer training systems in regular and multimedia versions;

4) audio educational and information materials;

5) video educational and information materials;

6) laboratory distance workshops;

7) training simulators with remote access;

8) databases and knowledge with remote access;

9) electronic libraries with remote access, etc.

Ways to provide access to learning materials

There are two types of access to educational materials:

  • limited access (requires registration in the learning environment);
  • unlimited access (learning materials are freely available).

Currently, in the practice of conducting distance lessons, there are several ways to deliver educational materials to the student:

1. Using email or i-chat technology to deliver educational materials to the student. Most often, such access is used when using the case method. Typically, training materials are presented in DOC or HTML format. Students receive educational cases with recommendations for studying educational material and completing assignments. Students send completed assignments to the teacher.


When providing a case in DOC format, it is necessary that students have a specialized text editor that allows them to open the document and edit it (MS Word, OpenOffice). The HTML format is an open standard, can be edited with any text editor, and easily integrates with any web application.

Restrictions when using this method: all students must have a personal email. Difficulty in sending large files and files with graphic images. Sending out cases can take a long time.

Posting educational materials and lesson assignments in .DOC or .HTML format online on a Web page. To study the materials, students need to download the document to their personal computer; students send completed assignments to the teacher by email. This delivery method requires that the student has access to the Internet. With this delivery method, an important factor is the high-quality and uninterrupted operation of the server on which the materials are stored, as well as the volume of educational materials and Internet speed.

Presentation of the lesson as a separate Web site. The progress of the student’s cognitive activity is controlled through cross-links. This method of delivering educational materials allows for the most effective organization of interactive interaction between teacher and student.

Algorithm for developing a distance lesson

1. Determining the topic of a distance lesson.

2. Determining the type of distance lesson (studying a new topic, repetition, deepening, control, closing gaps in knowledge and skills, self-tests, etc.).

3. Goals of the lesson (relating to the student, teacher, their joint activities).

4. Selection of the most optimal model and form of distance learning in terms of technical and technological features.

5. Selecting methods for delivering educational material and informational training materials.

6. Structuring educational elements, choosing the form for presenting them to the student (text, graphic, media, drawings, tables, slides, etc.). A brief lesson plan indicating the time for each point of the plan.

7. Preparation of a glossary on the topics of the distance lesson.

8. Preparation of a list of materials or the materials themselves necessary for the lesson: links to websites on this topic, electronic library websites, own web-quests, texts of “paper” manuals, necessary laboratory materials, CD-ROM, etc. (selection for each module hyperlinks to internal and external sources of information on the Internet)

9. Development of control tasks for each educational element of the lesson. Selecting an assessment system and forming a scale and criteria for assessing student responses.

10. Determining the time and duration of a distance lesson based on the age category of students. It is necessary to observe the duration of continuous work at the computer for students:

· 1st grade - 10 min,

· 2-5th grades - 15 min,

· 6-7th grades - 20 min,

· 8-9th grades - 25 min,

· 10-11th grades - 30 min.

Lesson time distribution (for online mode):

  • Reading the instructions – 5 minutes;
  • Work according to the script – 20 minutes;
  • Completing individual tasks as desired – 10 minutes;
  • Discussion of the lesson results – 10 minutes.

11. Preparation of a technological lesson map, a detailed scenario for a remote lesson.

12. Based on the analysis of the results of the student’s level of ICT competence, prepare instructions for them on learning and completing tasks.

13. Programming the educational elements of the lesson for presentation on the Internet, if the lesson is posted on a website.

14. Testing the lesson, including on different screen resolutions and in different browsers.

15. Experimental use of the lesson.

16. Modernization of the lesson based on the results of trial operation.

17. Conducting a lesson.

18. Lesson analysis. Was it possible to achieve the set goals, what difficulties arose both on the part of the students and the distance teacher.

The remote lesson scenario can be presented in the form of a technological map, which specifies the main tasks, requirements for answers and criteria for evaluating answers, time for completing tasks, etc.

A technological lesson map is a way of graphically designing a lesson, a table that allows you to structure a lesson according to parameters chosen by the teacher. Such parameters can be the stages of the lesson, its goals, the content of the educational material, methods and techniques for organizing the educational activities of students, the activities of the teacher and the activities of students.

For example:

Scenario for conducting a didactic model of a self-test lesson using distance learning technologies (preparation for a thematic test)

Explanatory note

This lesson is designed for 10th grade students at the Distance Education Center...

Lesson topic: ______________________________

Program: _______________________ Number of hours per week ______________

Lesson No. _____

Material and technical support for the lesson: a set of computer equipment that meets the requirements of the distance learning program

Methods and techniques of teaching used in the lesson: partially search (analysis of difficulties in studying the topic of control); control and self-control (consolidation of knowledge, testing).

Lesson type: _________________________

Integrating didactic goal: to expand and systematize the student’s knowledge about _________

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational:

2. Developmental:

3. Educational:

This lesson allows you to develop the following key competencies of the student:

Study (the ability to organize the relationships of one’s knowledge and organize them);

Search (the ability to obtain information and use Internet resources);

Thinking (ability to establish relationships);

Collaborate (ability to make decisions, listen to another point of view);

Technical skills (ability to organize educational work, use auxiliary equipment, technology (scanner, printer);

Adapt (the ability to find a new solution).

Lesson format: OFF – LINE mode, ON-LINE – mode

Form of organization of activity – individual

Accounting for results - electronic journal


Information and educational resources used:

When self-analyzing a lesson, the teacher often simply retells its progress and finds it difficult to justify the choice of content, methods used and organizational forms of teaching. In the traditional plan, mainly the content side of the lesson is described, which does not allow for a systematic pedagogical analysis of it. The form of recording a lesson in the form of a technological map makes it possible to maximally detail it even at the preparation stage, to evaluate the rationality and potential effectiveness of the selected content, methods, means and types of educational activities at each stage of the lesson. The next step is to evaluate each stage, the correctness of the selection of content, the adequacy of the methods used and forms of work in their totality.

Using a technological map, you can conduct not only a systemic, but also an aspect analysis of a lesson (tracing the map vertically):

teacher’s implementation of lesson goals;

the use of developmental methods, ways to enhance the cognitive activity of students;

implementation of assessment and control.

Experience shows that at first it is difficult for a teacher to create a technological lesson map (it can be considered as a teacher’s mini-project). The greatest difficulties are caused by decomposing the objectives of the lesson into tasks of the stages, specifying the content of the stages of one’s activities and the activities of students at each stage.

Evaluation criteria and requirements for conducting a distance lesson

External order of the lesson. The simplest and most elementary thing is the exact beginning and the exact end of the lesson. This requirement for a distance lesson may be decisive, because based on the financial discipline of the educational institution. External order includes not only its exact beginning and end, but also the forethought of all emergency situations that may arise during the lesson.

Internal order of the lesson (its structure). The internal order of the lesson includes the appropriate distribution of the lesson into stages, i.e. The lesson is divided into clear time periods. A properly planned lesson contains in each of its stages a goal that mobilizes students, stimulates the learning process, encourages motivation, i.e. Students must know what is required of them, what they must firmly grasp. A structurally well-prepared lesson takes into account the level of preparedness of students, is characterized by a clear distribution of educational material, and allows students to consistently move from one particular lesson goal to another.

A problem-based approach to learning, in which students must perform essentially the same mental operations that are characteristic of the process of scientific knowledge:

Understanding the problem situation and understanding the problem;

Establishing specific questions or problems, searching for prerequisites for a solution, putting forward hypotheses, assumptions, possible solutions or solutions themselves;
- problem solving, solution evaluation.

Compliance of the lesson with didactic principles: clarity and accuracy in developing ideas and concepts, reliance on the material studied, compliance of exercises and tests with the given lesson, etc.

Requirements for trainees and direct participants in a distance lesson, - have computer user skills: be able to type text and create drawings, save them in external computer memory, archive and unarchive files, be able to use e-mail, a web page viewer, guest book and chat technologies. If the direct participants of a distance lesson are unprepared for the listed parameters, most of the work falls on the local coordinator.

Student activity. How to achieve it? First of all, create conditions under which students will involuntarily enter into the learning process and will be participants in the tasks being solved until the end of the lesson. To do this, it is advisable to distribute the lesson into stages that allow students to move from one goal to another, in accordance with the goals of the entire lesson. In other words, throughout the lesson it is necessary to maintain students’ interest in the lesson and create motives for intensifying their activities.

Motivation for student activities

Even A. Disterweg understood that “development and education cannot be given or communicated to any person. Anyone who wants to join them must achieve this through his own activity, his own strength, his own tension. From the outside he can only receive excitement... Therefore, amateur performance is a means and at the same time a result of education.” Skillful motivation stimulates internal contradictions in students and releases strong dynamic tendencies that cause activity.

Motivation is achieved by students’ real goals, which consist in creating problematic situations, which can be “strange stories”, unexpected facts, etc. Skillful motivation allows students to be included in the conscious process of learning. For example, connecting cognition with the experience of students, encouraging students to learn and solve problems, taking into account the emotional and rational in relationship, etc. The processes of repetition and consolidation must be closely connected with this. Among all the motives of educational activity, the most effective is cognitive interest. The primary form of cognitive interest is curiosity, then curiosity and passion appear...

The nature of the lesson should be partially search-based, heuristic methods with a problematic presentation of the material, as well as research methods that allow students to independently solve new cognitive problems for them, find new solutions to already known problems, proofs of theorems, etc. The contradictions generated by a problem situation necessarily give rise to the process of thinking.

Homework can perform various functions: consolidating the knowledge and skills acquired in the lesson, generalizing, systematizing or applying knowledge and skills in practice in the lesson, providing the initial level of the subsequent lesson, as well as for independently studying new material, eliminating gaps in knowledge, preparing for exams or to work on new material, etc. When preparing materials for homework, multi-level preparation of students is provided (differentiated, individual approach).

Control and assessment of knowledge should be carried out at each lesson. Domestic and foreign experience in the use of distance learning indicates the effectiveness of strict reporting for each studied educational element.

Reflection, which provides a general analysis of the lesson, its positive and negative aspects, problems encountered and ways to overcome them. Oral or written review of completed work.

The use of online educational resources in the daily practice of a teacher makes it possible to diversify the educational materials used, organize the educational activities of students taking into account their individual characteristics, which significantly leads to increased efficiency of the educational process as a whole. The principles of flexibility, modularity and interactivity, which form the basis for constructing a distance lesson, make it possible to organize the educational process based on an individual educational trajectory, to implement a differentiated approach to students with different levels of readiness for learning, thereby creating an adaptive learning system.


1. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://www.consultant.ru/popular/edu/

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3. On ensuring the successful adaptation of a child during the transition from the level of primary general education to basic education: Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 21, 2004 No. 14-51-140/13 [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://www.businesspravo.ru/Docum/DocumShow_ DocumID_91309.html

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5. Anisimov A.M. Working in the MODLE distance learning system. – Kharkov, Kharkov City Academy of Municipal Economy.

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8. Russian Association of Moodle Users [Electronic resource] Access mode: http://www.infoco.ru/course/

9. Distance course. Wikipedia [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/

10. Website of the Eidos distance learning center [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://www.eidos.ru /

11. Library of materials on DL and Moodle [Electronic resource]. Access mode: