Clay face mask with honey. Rejuvenating face masks made of clay at home: the best recipes Clay mask of honey and oil

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


It is difficult to find a more versatile material than clay. This “dirt” is used in construction, arts and crafts, industry, and medicine. The miracle remedy is also used in cosmetology. Clay face mask – who doesn’t know about its benefits? But what makes it good is whether its quality depends on the color.

What are the benefits of clay for the face?

Historians are sure that the benefits of clay were known in ancient times. But even now you won’t find a beauty salon that doesn’t make a clay mask. Her fans believe that nature has not come up with anything better. The mineral material contains silicon (makes the face cleaner, younger), aluminum (dries, refreshes the skin, destroys microbes), and other representatives of the periodic table. The magical properties of clay depend on the color and depth of “ripening”:

  • red – removes peeling, fights irritation on the face;
  • yellow – saturates the skin with oxygen, makes it elastic;
  • black – cleanses facial pores, relieves inflammation, removes harmful substances from the epidermis;
  • white – suitable even for hypersensitive skin, moisturizes;
  • green – fights unsightly rashes on the face, deeply cleansing the skin and restoring its cells;
  • gray - will moisturize the skin, increase its tone, remove dangerous microelements and other “nasties” from the body, defeat acne, heal small wounds and cracks;
  • blue/blue – removes the unpleasant oily glow of the skin, softens it, treats acne and removes other blemishes from the face;
  • pink - an interesting mix of white and red clay, indispensable for ladies with age-related skin changes - it copes with wrinkles and even tightens the contour.

Clay masks

Cosmetic clay for the face, like any other product, has its own nuances. Before studying recipes, read this information, otherwise you will harm yourself! So:

  1. The mask cannot be made ahead of time; the ingredients are mixed only in glass or plastic containers; metal destroys most important substances.
  2. Before the procedure, prepare your face: clean it of makeup, and if you have oily skin, take a steam bath.
  3. No facial expressions during exposure to the clay composition! That rare case when conversations and laughter go against beauty.
  4. The maximum operating time is 30 minutes; after loss of moisture, the mass does not nourish the face, but dries it out.
  5. Moisten the discolored areas with warm water or herbal decoction. The mask always dries unevenly. To avoid drying out the skin in some areas, cover your face with a “blanket” of cling film (do not cover your nose, eyes or mouth).
  6. Do not wash off the clay mask with store-bought cosmetics (tonic, foam or soap). Only water, cotton wool or a sponge can help you.
  7. The final stage of the whole action is not washing, but applying cream to the face.

For acne

Take blue clay - 2 tbsp. l., talc – 2 tsp. (both ingredients are in powder form), add 1 tsp. glycerin and the same amount of alcohol. Blue will get rid of acne faster if it is only an addition to complex therapy. White and green clay also helps with rashes. After washing off the treatment mask, spray your face with miramistin (the drug is sold in a bottle, there is a special dispenser) - be sure to cover your eyes, for example, with cotton pads.

For problem skin

  • Peeling

Take 3 tbsp. l. clay (the recipe says that blue, but it doesn’t matter which one to take, any one is a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals; additional ingredients direct the healing effect in one direction or another). Mix with alcohol, the same volume, add 1 tsp. lemon juice. The resulting mass is relatively liquid, spreads effortlessly over the face and does not run off. If the mixture is too thick, dilute it with warm water.

From blackheads

  • Black clay mask

2 tbsp. Fill spoons of black clay (has a dark gray color) with infusion of calendula purchased at the pharmacy, knead “sour cream”, which then smear it over your face. Avoid the eye area! After the third use, comedones disappear, and the skin becomes prettier, clean, elastic and fresh. Apply any cream to your face.

  • From badyagi

2 tbsp. Mix spoons of clay (any kind you have at home) with 1 tsp. badyagi, known as a drug for bruises, should be in the form of a powder, not a cream, 2 tbsp. hot water. While you stir the mixture, it will cool down. Apply the unpresentable-looking but very useful mixture to your face and wash it off as soon as it dries. After the procedure, be sure to apply cream.

For dry skin

  • Against dull skin

Take 2 tbsp. l. clay powder, decoction of linden flowers (buy dried flowers at the pharmacy if you haven’t prepared them in advance), 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn or linseed oil, mix. Smear the resulting mixture over your face, avoiding the area under the eyes, and leave for 15 minutes.

  • Mask for “tired” dry skin

Need to quickly tighten your skin? For home cosmetology it is more difficult to come up with something better. Mix clay with honey and cow (goat) milk in equal quantities, for example, 2 tbsp. l.. If you want to put on a real fight for your wrinkles, then replace the milk with a decoction (pharmacy chamomile, lavender and linden flowers, sage are suitable), add 5 drops of sea dew oil, as rosemary is also called.

For oily skin

  • From agave

For oily skin, an agave mask will be the best skin care product. Stir 2 tbsp. spoons of green or blue clay powder, 1 tsp. Agave juice (aloe), 7-10 drops of lavender, hazelnut or grapefruit oil. If the mixture is too thick, add warm water. Apply a malachite-colored mask to your face, rinse immediately after drying.

  • With tea tree oil

Pour 2 tbsp into a bowl. spoons of green clay, add three drops of tea tree oil (replaced with jojoba, lavender or hazelnut oil), 1 teaspoon each of lemon juice and honey. Apply the resulting mixture for a maximum of 20 minutes, rinse. Before the procedure, you need to prepare your face: remove any remaining makeup, wash your face and steam your skin with steam from hot water.

For whitening

  • "Geisha"

One of the secrets of timeless beauty is pink clay, a mix of red and white, which are good in themselves, but when mixed they give a unique mineral composition that has a beneficial effect on the skin. Mix pink clay and water in equal quantities, for example, 3 tbsp. l. Add lemon juice to the resulting mass - 2 tsp. Apply the mixture for a maximum of a quarter of an hour, rinse and smile! In addition to whitening, this mask will help your face become smooth and beautiful.

  • Nourishing mask for normal skin

Pour 3 tbsp into a bowl. spoons of red, white or green clay, add chicken or quail yolk, 1 tsp. linseed oil and 1 tbsp. l. water, honey (preferably liquid), lemon juice. Mix very well with a plastic or wooden spoon. The resulting mass should have a creamy consistency. Apply it for 15 minutes, after drying, rinse with warm water.

How often can you make clay masks?

Self-care is like fitness: you quickly get used to certain patterns and “loads.” Maximalism and overdoing are a common mistake of women who have embarked on the path of loving themselves and their beauty. Masks cannot be used daily! For everyday care, do miracle remedies a couple of times a week - that's the maximum. The skin will receive the necessary care and reciprocate. The second option is a daily course for 2-3 weeks, after which take a break.

Once visiting a pharmacy or cosmetics store, a woman who wants to “rejuvenate” will pay attention to bags of multi-colored clay. Even after carefully studying the composition and properties, it is impossible to immediately determine which clay is suitable. In order to avoid unnecessary expenses and possible troubles for the skin, it is important to know the general properties of all types of clay, as well as their main differences.

General properties of all types of clay

Properties of clay in cosmetology

Classic clay always means kaolin - aluminum silicate, that is, a substance containing silicon (silicon) and aluminum. The color depends on the chemical properties of the iron in the impurities: from red to violet-lilac.

All types of clay cleanse fat, remove bacteria, remove the stratum corneum and saturate the skin with oxygen, which produces a tonic effect: pale skin becomes flushed, and excess pigmentation disappears. It is very important to note that in its pure form, without negative consequences, clay can be used only for oily and combination (oily-normal) types.

Contraindications for use clay masks may be individual intolerance to the components, for which they do a test on a small area of ​​skin in advance. For girls with aging skin of any type, as well as dry, normal and combined (normal-dry) types, the use of pure clay is contraindicated, since the low moisture level becomes critically low after using a clay mask.

The only exception is black clay, which contains sodium, magnesium and calcium, which, on the contrary, help moisturize the skin.

Gift of the gods

In search of a panacea, humanity goes to extremes, using all the materials of the surrounding world. Clay is the first material tamed by a woman at a burning hearth. It made it possible to preserve food and drink in edible form for a long time. Clay became indispensable because dishes, houses, fine art - everything was made from it in ancient times. Clay was identified with deities: illness was cured, and a woman’s lost youth was restored by eating it or applying it to the skin in the form of ointments.

Over many thousands of years of use, humanity has acquired knowledge about the real beneficial properties of clay, which still allows it to be considered a gift from the gods. Even today it is used in pharmacology and cosmetology. For example, in remedies for heartburn and, along with activated carbon, in means of cleansing the body of toxins and allergens. Scrubs, powders, gomages, foundations, and paints are decorative cosmetics containing clay of one type or another.

Clay masks for oily skin

Cosmetics from the counter often use kaolin as a lifting agent for oily skin, since it has a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect. If there are a lot of inflammations on the skin, then it is better to use pink clay, which is obtained by mixing kaolin and red clay. The latter is directly indicated for allergic rashes and sensitive skin.

Oily skin is a gift to a woman, because with age it does not fade and retains a fresh appearance, giving the owner the same appearance even a couple of decades after her youth. But at the same time, the young owner of such skin faces numerous troubles such as acne and. In this case, there are several recipes with clay that will help reduce visible problems, or even eliminate them if used regularly.

Recipe for a mask with clay for blackheads

Girls who have tried this recipe note a noticeable evening of skin tone. A reduction in rashes and blackheads occurs within three weeks. To do this, mix kaolin and a decoction of St. John's wort or sage (2 tablespoons each), half a teaspoon of lemon juice, a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil (increasing the antiseptic effect) and a couple of drops of citrus essential oil in equal proportions.

The result will be a paste with the consistency of thick sour cream, which must be applied to all areas of the face, excluding the “ski mask” area (around the eyes) and the upper lip. The mask is washed off after complete drying with warm water and then a light moisturizer is applied to the skin to protect the renewed delicate skin. While the mask is in effect, it is recommended to remain at rest, since any movements of the facial muscles will negate the “efforts” of the mask.

Clay masks for dry, normal and combination skin

Dry, normal and non-oily combination skin produces a small amount of a protective layer, so clay, regardless of the type, washes it off, which only worsens the condition. But there are types of clay with which you can make masks with additives. Normal skin will respond well to gray and black clay with fermented milk products: cottage cheese, sour cream or kefir. Sensitive, and also dry, skin does not like lactic acid. The most pleasant, relaxing and soothing for reactive skin would be red (Moroccan) clay or yellow clay with the addition of nourishing grape or pomegranate seed oils.

Lifting mask for normal to dry skin

Egg yolk is ground with liquid tocopherol (vitamin E in oily form) 10 ml, 1 tablespoon of heavy cream and 1 tablespoon of black clay are added. This mask should be applied for 20 minutes, but no more. If it dries out, individual areas can be moistened with cream using a cotton swab.

Preparation and procedure for applying a clay mask at home

Masks from the counter already contain moisturizing components that prevent the skin tightening effect when the mask dries out. In a salon setting, a cosmetologist always knows the exact proportions for any skin type, exposure time, etc. You can also create a miracle mask at home and it is quite simple, but it is important to remember the precautions, as well as basic cosmetic rules that will prevent harm to the delicate skin of the face.

A 1:1 ratio of clay powder to liquid (herbal infusion or other ingredients) is golden. If you make the mask more liquid, it will dry out quickly, and if it is too thick, it will not bring the desired effect, since mineral exchange only occurs if the layer is thin enough. If the mask is too dense, then all the beneficial substances will remain in it without penetrating the skin.

Before applying to the entire area, you need to mix a small amount of the mask and apply to a small area at least an hour before the procedure to test the skin's reaction to the clay and other components.

The “purer” the clay, the better the skin tightening effect. But the more “garbage” there is, the more beneficial substances for dull skin. This means that white clay is the best for tightening, black clay for toning and exfoliating.

Mixing all the components of the mask, as well as applying it, is best done with a natural brush, which will allow you to rub out the lumps as much as possible and apply the mask to the skin in an even layer.

Application should be in circular massaging movements to better prepare the pores.

The ingredients should be warm so that there is no stress on the skin, just like the water for washing.

Clay dries and removes the top layer of the epidermis; as a result, after the procedure, the skin of the face is especially susceptible to the outside world, so it is immediately necessary to moisturize it with a cream or hydro-gel suitable for this skin type.

Regularity of use - no more than once every 6 days. More frequent use, especially for dry skin, will have the opposite effect.

Inventing mask recipes yourself

Any clay is an environmentally friendly and neutral product, which, when mixed with acidic and alkaline ingredients, does not react, forming neither toxic nor heavy substances. Therefore, knowing your skin type and reactivity to a particular product, you can create your own recipes for beauty and youth at home.

For example, knowing that the skin is very sensitive and reacts even to a light touch, even to the point of itching, then Moroccan red clay is "must have"(must have - necessary to have, English) product of a home cosmetics bag. If you like to wash your face with a decoction of sage or chamomile, or your skin blossoms from soda-salt baths - add it to a mask, if you like the smell of lavender or pine ether - add it, and so on.

It is important to remember that you should not add more than five ingredients, including clay, as there may be oversaturation of any element. And even if there was no allergy to it, a rash may appear. If you still want to try combinations of many products, then it is better to divide them into several different masks.

An excellent example is a black clay mask with hydrogen peroxide. These are two excellent products used in cosmetology to whiten skin and eliminate various types of pigmentation: from acne to blackheads. If you combine them, the effect will not be as aggressive as that of each product separately, but softer and more sustainable.

For young skin, to get rid of acne and pimples without alcohol and expensive drugs, it is enough to acquire blue clay (and we already know that blue and green are the best for oily skin) and dilute it with various decoctions, for example chamomile or sage - natural antiseptics and relaxants.

By following simple rules and taking care of your body with love and inspiration, you can remain charming no matter what. After all, all the means are given by nature and are available to everyone, but not everyone knows how to use them. Staying in harmony with yourself, and therefore with nature, is a great gift that allows you to always remain beautiful in body and soul.

A face mask with honey and clay is a universal cosmetic product that can successfully cope with many problems of the skin of the face and body. Thanks to the unique healing and cosmetic properties of two natural products, the mask is indispensable in the beauty industry; it is widely used both in salons and at home.

A significant advantage of a face mask made from clay and honey, prepared at home, is that it is made from natural fresh products and includes only those components that are necessary to achieve the desired result.

Since ancient times, people have known that clay does not contain microbes, it is capable of absorbing liquid and gaseous toxins, and kills pathogenic bacteria. This completely unique product has found use in absolutely all areas of human life. Clay was used for storing food, washing clothes, repelling rodents, brushing teeth, and even instead of toilet paper, but clay powder found its most extensive use in skin and hair care.

One of the advantages of clay is its ability to heal. The medicinal properties of this substance were used by our ancestors in the treatment of quite a few diseases and ailments. For cosmetic purposes, she was treated for pimples, acne, and pustules on the skin of the face and body. In tsarist times, clay was even purchased for gold and taken to other countries.

An amazing fact from the life of wildlife: It is interesting that clay baths are very readily accepted by animals. They smear themselves with clay and roll around in a clay mash if they are wounded or sick. Wild animals intuitively sense medicines in the environment; instinct leads them to them.

Cosmetic properties of the main components of masks

There are different types of clay, which differ slightly in the composition of minerals and nutrients. Each type has very specific medicinal and cosmetic properties and is actively used in home masks for specific purposes.

The color of a substance is determined by the presence of various salts and minerals:

  • red clay contains iron and potassium.
    Recommended for particularly sensitive and irritated skin. It significantly promotes cell regeneration and simultaneously stimulates metabolic processes.
  • green - copper and ferrous iron.
    This clay is ideal for women with problem skin and for women over 40 years old.
    The main cosmetic effects of green clay: cleansing, whitening, rejuvenation, significant improvement of blood circulation, elimination of excess subcutaneous fat;
  • blue - cobalt, cadmium.
    Typically recommended for sagging, problematic skin prone to acne, pimples and age spots. Its key actions: cleansing, brightening and tightening;
  • dark brown and black - carbon, iron.
    These types of clay are excellent natural scrubs. Masks based on black or dark brown clay thoroughly cleanse and tone the skin;
  • yellow - sodium, ferric iron, sulfur and its salts.
    Perfectly suitable for tired skin with the first signs of aging, prone to puffiness. Yellow clay can make flabby skin elastic, localize inflammatory processes, and remove swelling;
  • white - zinc and magnesium.
    Perfect for sensitive and irritated skin, promotes cell regeneration, actively stimulates metabolic processes in the dermis;
  • pink - iron, potassium, zinc and magnesium.
    Pink clay does not exist in nature; it is created artificially by mixing red and white. Cosmetics based on pink clay act very gently, saturate cells with oxygen, and eliminate puffiness.

Bee products are by no means the last in this union. Its unique natural properties significantly enhance the healing and cosmetic effects of absolutely any cosmetic product.

Nectar is rich in various vitamins and microelements, which quickly saturate the dermis and improve its condition. The beekeeping product perfectly cleanses, moisturizes and tones the skin. One of its main properties is that it is able to neutralize the aggressive elements of any mask, soften its effect as much as possible and achieve the best results.

Traditional recipes for homemade cosmetics

Cosmetic clay can be found in stores and on pharmacy shelves. Its cost is not very high and does not break your pocket. It is better to buy a beekeeping product without chemical treatment; the cost of natural nectar will be slightly more than store-bought nectar, but the benefits from it are much greater.

Classic mask

This recipe is also called the Cleopatra mask. It is believed that there are several masks with this name, but this particular one is known for its absolutely fantastic rejuvenating effect.


  • white clay - 20 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp.

Mix all the necessary ingredients until smooth and apply to your face in an even layer. The duration of the procedure directly depends on the skin type. With dry skin, it is usually recommended to keep the mask on the face for 5, maximum 10 minutes; for oily skin, the average session duration is 15 minutes.

To achieve maximum effect, the procedure should be done 7-8 times, once a week.

Mask against dryness and flaking


  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • green or white clay - 1 tablespoon;
  • cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon;
  • milk - 3 tablespoons;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon.

To prepare the mask, bring the milk to a boil. Pour hot milk over the clay powder and stir until mushy. Add cottage cheese mixed with sour cream to a moderately warm mush, and lastly honey. Mix the product thoroughly again until the mass is homogeneous without lumps, apply to the face for 15 minutes. After the session, the remnants of the mask should be washed off with warm water.

The cosmetic product soothes, nourishes, moisturizes the skin, quickly eliminates itching and flaking.

Yellow clay mask for acne


  • clay - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • apple cider vinegar - tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Combine all ingredients, mix until a uniform paste without lumps is achieved. Apply to your face for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water, and finish the procedure by moisturizing your skin with a nourishing cream.

The mask has an anti-inflammatory effect and is indicated for acne and pimples. The cosmetic product should not be used for preventive purposes, but should be used only when inflammatory processes occur, 1–2 times a week until the problem is completely resolved.

Rejuvenating pink clay mask


  • pink clay - 1 tablespoon;
  • honey 1 teaspoon;
  • milk - 2 tablespoons.

To prepare the mask, pour warm milk into the clay powder, stir, the mixture should be the consistency of sour cream, add nectar, stir again. Apply the mask to the face and décolleté and leave until completely dry. The frozen mask should be washed off first with warm water, then with cool water or cold green tea.

The cosmetic product perfectly cleanses, tones the skin, smoothes out shallow wrinkles, and prevents the appearance of new ones. The mask should be done once a week for 1–2 months.

Anti-aging black clay mask


  • black clay - 1 teaspoon;
  • milk - 1 tablespoon;
  • corn flour - 1 teaspoon;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon.

Mix corn flour with bee product heated in a water bath. Combine the honey mixture with clay powder diluted with warm milk. Mix the mixture thoroughly until smooth and apply to your face for 15–20 minutes, then wash with warm water that does not contain chlorine.

The mask is recommended for women over 40 years of age. The product is able to cleanse, tone and tighten the skin of the face, restore its firmness and elasticity, helps restore the natural oval of the face, and significantly slows down the process of withering and premature aging of the skin.

Before using mask recipes, be sure to make sure there are no contraindications or allergies to each component of the cosmetic product.

Before you start preparing a homemade mask from clay and honey, decide: what effect you want to get from the procedure, what problem you need to remove. The answers to these questions directly determine what type of clay and what mask are ideal for you. Once you have finally decided, feel free to begin the process of creating beauty. After all, being well-groomed, attractive and charming is so great!


Clay is an excellent skin care product. Today, millions of people perform procedures using this rock. But no less is known about the healing properties of honey. The advantage of these products is their natural ingredients, which are included in the list of many skin care products.

Clay and honey face masks will help restore beauty and youth to your skin in a short time.


Honey is considered an excellent nutritious product that will help remove toxins and excess water from tissues, improve blood circulation, soften and moisturize the epidermis, make it smooth, elastic and restore tone.

Clay perfectly cleanses the face, tightens pores and effectively tightens the skin. For problematic facial skin, masks with the addition of clay are well suited, as it is considered a good absorbent and has antiseptic properties.

In this case, clay copes well with inflammatory processes, prevents bacteria from multiplying, tightens pores, removes the shine of oil and redness, making the skin matte.

It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the rules for preparing and using honey face masks with the addition of clay. They are quite simple:

  • You cannot use metal utensils to prepare these masks.
  • Ready-made products should be applied in an even and thin layer.
  • The mask should not be left on the skin for more than twenty minutes.
  • Those with oily facial skin can do a clay mask with the addition of honey twice a week, and those with dry and normal skin can do it once a week.
  • It is best to wash off the composition applied to the face with warm water after a wellness session.
  • After the procedure, you can apply moisturizer.

Properties of clay and honey in masks

There are various types of clay, depending on the composition of the minerals it contains. Each has its own special characteristics and is used for different purposes, and honey can be added to almost all clay masks, but in different proportions.

Blue clay contains all trace elements within itself. This is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Cleanses and disinfects the skin, is used as a powerful remedy in the fight against wrinkles. It is recommended to use blue clay masks for problematic facial skin, and if you add honey, you will get a wonderful lifting effect.

The greenish rock taken from the quarry is a green, wet mass. Thanks to its good absorbent properties, it restores hydrobalance, softens the skin, relieves irritation, improves capillary circulation, and tightens the skin.

White clay is a homogeneous snow-white powder, oily to the touch, with a pleasant lemon scent. It has a bactericidal, drying and whitening effect, and perfectly cleanses pores. A snow-white clay mask is perfect for oily skin.

Red contains large amounts of potassium and iron. Removes toxins during various inflammatory processes, saturates the skin with oxygen. Many face mask recipes include this clay.

Gray clay moisturizes the skin well, so it is ideal for dehydrated, dry skin, and honey added to the mask will enhance the property and give the face freshness and elasticity.

Yellow - will have a good tightening effect on the skin and cleanse it of acne. One of the advantages is that this clay will not dry out, but rather moisturize the face and body.

Compared to other types, black clay has the most controversial effect. For some, it is the most soft and moisturizing, but for others, on the contrary, it is very tight and drying. All this depends individually on the type of skin and on the quality of the clay itself.

Useful recipes for facial skin care

Before applying the mask to your face, you must first steam it, this way you will achieve greater results and become one step closer to clean and healthy skin. Any mask or scrub should never be rubbed with great force, thus you can only harm your skin.

For aging and deprived skin

The recipe for this clay face mask is very simple and suitable for everyone.

  • Clay – 2 tsp.
  • Milk – 100 ml.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.

Pour warm milk into the clay until it reaches the consistency of sour cream and add honey. Mix well and apply the composition to the face and neck area for thirty minutes. You can wash it off with warm water, or for the best effect, with mineral water.

Excellent product for oily skin

It is good to add dairy products and citrus fruits to a clay mask for oily skin. To prepare you will need:

  • Yogurt or kefir – 100 ml.
  • Dill or parsley, or maybe celery - 1 bunch (you can use all the greens).
  • White or red clay – 3 tsp.
  • Lemon juice – 0.5 tsp.

All ingredients are delicately mixed and applied to the face for twenty minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Remedy for dryness and flaking

Required ingredients:

  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cottage cheese – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Milk – 50 ml.
  • Green or white clay – 1 tbsp. l.

Pour hot milk into the clay until a slurry forms and add cottage cheese, previously mixed with sour cream. Apply to the face and leave for fifteen to twenty minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Attention! After washing off the mask, you can rinse your face with mineral water, or better yet, milk. The effect will be amazing.

Acne mask

  • Clay blue, red, yellow or white (can be mixed) - 3 tbsp. l.
  • White wine – 100 gr.
  • Aloe juice – 0.5 tsp.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.

We heat the wine and pour it into the clay. Add the remaining ingredients and apply to problem areas for fifteen minutes. Rinse off with cool water. This clay mask is perfect for problematic facial skin and will help you quickly get rid of acne. Instead of wine, you can add vodka diluted one to one with water.

Gently whiten the skin

  • Any clay – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Egg (white) – 1 pc.
  • Fine salt – 0.5 tsp.
  • Lemon (juice) – 0.5 tsp.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the face and neck area for ten minutes. You can wash it off with milk, the effect will be amazing.

Indications and contraindications

To make the mask more effective, choose clay according to your skin type. Recipes for clay face masks can be varied, with juices, fruit and vegetables, eggs and other products. Clay combines well and has no contraindications.

As for aging skin, you can’t do without honey masks, because there are no other products that will so perfectly tighten the skin and return it to its former elasticity and firmness. As mentioned earlier, honey has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can be considered a great help when dealing with acne or inflammation. But sometimes there is an allergic reaction to face masks made from honey and clay due to the body’s intolerance to sucrose and glucose contained in honey.

Please note that before using any prepared face and body care product, you must test the ingredients on the area in the neck area and if redness does not occur, then the composition can be safely used.

Video: Cleopatra mask made from cosmetic clay


In the fight for healthy and beautiful skin, all products are good. Homemade masks are an excellent method of skin care, and most importantly - the composition. It is desirable that they include as many natural and fresh ingredients as possible. And if you use clay and honey masks at least once a week, your facial skin will become bright, clean and toned.

Silky and elastic skin to the touch is not genetics, but a reward for your work and care for it.

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The benefits of clay masks for the face cannot be overestimated, because even cosmetologists recommend giving preference to this product over ready-made cosmetics.

Cosmetic clay is the main component of many products intended for face and body care. This product contains all the substances necessary for healthy skin.

What do clay masks provide for the face: cosmetic and health benefits

Clay face masks come in a variety of varieties; each type of this product is endowed with unique properties. Almost every type of cosmetic product has a bactericidal, cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, and tightening effect on the skin.

In nature, this natural product has different colors, which is explained by its different chemical and mineral composition.

Due to its unique composition, each type of clay has a cosmetic and healing effect on the skin and is designed to solve specific problems.

Cosmetics containing this natural component deeply cleanse the skin and exfoliate the stratum corneum of skin cells. The composition of some types of clay is dominated by silicon, in others - aluminum, in others - manganese. If you use a product with a high silicon content, the surface of the skin is smoothed, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, hair growth is enhanced, and the formation of collagen and bone tissue is accelerated. Cosmetic procedures using clay can reduce the appearance of cellulite. A microelement such as aluminum has the property of drying out the skin, and manganese has a deodorizing and antiseptic effect, so such components are ideal for caring for oily skin types.

What else is a clay face mask useful for? This is a common question among women and girls who want to take care of their skin at home. Such cosmetic procedures are especially useful for oily skin; care is recommended for people suffering from excess sebum production. Applying a clay mask to the skin helps remove impurities, cleanse pores and eliminate oily shine.

The only contraindication to the use of this natural product is the occurrence of allergic reactions to its components.

The following types of clay are known: white, blue, black, yellow, red, pink, green, gray. In order to properly care for the skin of the face and body, it is important to choose the best option for a natural cosmetic product, and for this you need to familiarize yourself with the composition and properties of each type of product.

Recipes for white and blue-white clay face masks

A white clay face mask has a drying and bactericidal effect; cosmetologists recommend using it to care for oily skin. During this procedure, the pores are well cleaned and narrowed, excess sebum is removed, resulting in the face looking fresh and toned.

In addition, this natural product has a slight whitening effect on the skin, especially if you make this clay and lemon face mask: 1 tbsp. l. dilute white clay with warm water to a thick consistency, add a spoonful of lemon juice. What does a face mask made of clay and lemon provide, besides a whitening effect? This home procedure disinfects the skin, makes it smooth and velvety, however, such care is contraindicated for people with any skin damage. White clay is also known as “kaolin”, since its main component is this substance.

The following recipes for clay face masks are popular:

1. Prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers, dissolve white clay in it, taking these components in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply the homemade cosmetic product to the skin in a thin layer, gently rubbing in a circular motion for 3 minutes, rinse off the product after 15 minutes.

2.Dilute a spoonful of kaolin powder with warm water, apply to the face, leave for the same time and rinse.

3.If you want to slightly whiten your facial skin, dilute a tablespoon of kaolin not with water, but with cucumber juice. It can be replaced with parsley juice; for these purposes, cosmetologists also recommend using strawberry or strawberry juice, which also has a good whitening effect. These masks are suitable for people who have age spots or freckles on their faces.

4.To reduce oily skin, combine a spoonful of kaolin with 3 tablespoons of low-fat kefir or yogurt. Add a little parsley and lemon juice to this mixture, apply to your face, remove after 15 minutes.

5.For dry skin, this homemade mask is suitable: take kaolin powder, cottage cheese, sour cream in equal quantities. Apply the prepared product to the skin, rinse with warm water after 10 minutes. This clay mask for skin prone to dryness will make it smooth and well-hydrated, the usual dryness will immediately disappear.

6.Kaolin– a well-known remedy against early signs of skin aging. To tighten your facial skin and get rid of age-related changes, take a tablespoon of kaolin, dilute it with milk to a paste, add a spoonful of honey. Regular use of the procedure eliminates signs of aging on the skin, making it soft and velvety.

7. A face mask made of blue and white clay allows you to deeply cleanse and tighten pores. To carry out the procedure, you need to mix ½ tbsp. l. white and blue clay, add a teaspoon of olive oil and the same amount of lemon juice. Leave the product on your face for 20 minutes.

Homemade kaolin masks are suitable for any skin type, however, it must be taken into account when choosing other components in the process of preparing a cosmetic product.

Face masks made from blue (blue) clay: the best recipes

In the process of producing cosmetics, white and blue clay are most often used. A blue clay face mask has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect; such cosmetic procedures help fight acne and pimples, promoting their rapid healing. With regular use of a homemade clay mask, your complexion improves, your skin looks young and toned, and freckles, age spots and facial wrinkles become less noticeable.

There are many recipes for face masks made from blue clay, the best among them are the following:

1.For oily skin, which is also prone to pimples and acne, this recipe for a clay face mask is suitable: Take a spoonful of blue clay, add 5 drops of natural undiluted apple cider vinegar and a little warm water. Apply the prepared product to a dry face, after 15 minutes remove any remaining makeup.

2. Prepare a decoction of chamomile, calendula and mint flowers, take a tablespoon of this liquid and dilute blue clay in it. Instead of a decoction of medicinal herbs, you can use green tea. Apply a thin layer to the skin, rinse after 15 minutes with water at room temperature.

3.For dry skin The following cosmetic clay mask for the face and neck is ideal. To prepare it, you will need a spoon of olive oil or jojoba oil, egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l. blue clay. Apply the prepared cosmetic product to the skin and leave until completely dry. After this cosmetic procedure, the skin becomes so moisturized that there is no need to apply a nourishing cream.

What other clay masks can be made for faces with problem skin? The following is a well-known recipe for a tonic, soothing homemade clay mask. Combine half a tablespoon of blue clay with the same amount of low-fat sour cream, add a teaspoon each of fresh watermelon and grape pulp. Mix everything thoroughly, apply to the face with gentle circular movements, leave for ten minutes and remove any remaining cosmetic product with warm water. Cosmetologists do not recommend using it for facial care for those with dry skin.

Blue clay is also called blue clay in cosmetology. A blue clay face mask is contraindicated: for diseases of the thyroid gland and varicose veins.

How to make a face mask from black clay

A black clay face mask has high cleansing properties. This product contains strontium, quartz, iron, magnesium and calcium, which deeply cleanse the pores, removing all impurities from them and absorbing toxins.

This natural product is suitable for absolutely all skin types, however, it must be mixed with different components. For oily skin, it is better to mix black powder with protein, kefir, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar; for too dry skin, with sour cream or cream. If you have normal or combination skin, just dilute the black powder with a small amount of water and apply it to your face.

Face masks made of red and pink clay

Red and pink cosmetic clay is another common component often found in skincare products. Face masks made from red clay saturate the skin with such a microelement as iron, because it is what gives such a bright color to this natural product.

Red clay is excellent for regular care of sensitive skin prone to irritation and allergic reactions.

Cosmetics prepared at home based on red clay have the following complex effect on the skin:

help relieve irritation;

eliminate and prevent the appearance of redness on the face;

exfoliate the keratinized layer of skin cells;

relieve itching.

Red clay is also suitable for dry, aging, dehydrated skin, increasing its tone and restoring firmness and elasticity. The procedure improves blood circulation, saturating the skin cells with oxygen.

How to make a face mask from red clay?

You can use several simple recipes:

1.Dilute cosmetic red clay with a small amount of warm water, apply to face and rinse after 10 minutes.

2.To relieve irritation from dry facial skin, mix red powder with heavy cream until a homogeneous thick mass is formed. Add two teaspoons of squeezed aloe juice to this mixture, mix and apply a thin layer on your face, rinse after 10 minutes.

3.The following clay mask is also suitable for caring for dry skin: combine a spoonful of red clay with the same amount of fat sour cream, add a couple of drops of any vegetable oil. Instead of sour cream, you can use egg yolk. Leave the product on the skin for 10 minutes, remove with warm water.

A pink clay face mask is ideal for caring for any skin type. This remedy is obtained by combining white and red clay, so it is endowed with the properties of these two natural products. Pink clay helps smooth out fine wrinkles, improve facial contours, moisturize, tighten and rejuvenate the skin. The product has a nourishing, moisturizing, cleansing and tightening effect.

Many girls and women want to know how to make a face mask from pink clay. In fact, the process of preparing a cosmetic product and carrying out the procedure is traditional: Pink powder simply needs to be mixed with a small amount of water or herbal infusion to obtain a homogeneous mass of medium consistency. As additional components of such home remedies for dry skin, you can use sour cream, cottage cheese, vegetable and essential oils, egg yolk, milk and cream. If you have oily skin, pink clay can be combined with kefir, yogurt, egg white, and yogurt.

How to make a face mask from yellow clay, lemon, honey and vinegar

This type of natural product, widely used in cosmetology, is more suitable for oily, combination, aging and dull skin. A yellow clay face mask is recommended for acne, increased sebum production, the formation of pimples and other inflammatory elements. This yellow powder tones the skin well and improves complexion. To perform facial care with this product, just dilute it with water and apply to the skin.

If your skin is excessively oily, it is better to use the following clay mask recipe: 2 tsp. Mix yellow clay with 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, the same amount of honey and lemon juice. To prevent the mass from being too thick, it can be diluted a little with warm water, apply the prepared product to the face, and remove after 10 minutes.

Cosmetic procedures using lemon or apple cider vinegar should not be performed on irritated skin.

Cosmetic green clay face masks

Green clay contains iron oxide, which is why it has this color. In addition to this substance, it contains magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potash, zinc, aluminum, and copper. At the same time, experts say that the darker the green clay, the more beneficial it is for the face.

A green clay face mask deeply cleanses pores, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, and eliminates oily shine. It is useful to apply not only to the face, but also to the scalp to eliminate dandruff. Cosmetologists warn that green clay should not be used for rosacea.

Most often, green clay is mixed with white clay. To carry out a cosmetic procedure, you need to take a teaspoon of these natural products, add the same amount of grape seed oil and peach oil. Dilute this mixture with a small amount of mineral water to the consistency of thick sour cream. This homemade clay mask is well suited for normal and combination skin.

There is another recipe for preparing a cosmetic product based on green clay, it is intended for aging skin:

  • Take a fresh leaf of white cabbage and place it at the bottom of the container in which you will prepare the mask. Place ½ cup of milk or low-fat cream on the fire, bring to a boil and pour over the cabbage leaf. When the leaf becomes soft, mash it into a paste, add half a teaspoon of green clay and 1 egg white. Stir everything until smooth, apply and rinse after 10 minutes with cool water.

What kind of face and hair masks can be made from gray clay?

Gray clay, widely used in cosmetology, is mined from the seabed, and therefore has a rich and healthy composition. A gray clay face mask is recommended for dry skin to nourish and moisturize it. This product can provide good detoxification of the skin and the entire body as a whole.

Gray clay masks are suitable for dehydrated and aging skin; they give it youth, elasticity and firmness. During the procedure, pores are narrowed and small wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, regularly applying a mask to the skin allows you to get rid of such cosmetic problems as acne and pimples.

Rub gray clay into the scalp to get rid of dandruff, itching, and strengthen hair follicles, preventing hair loss. Gray clay can be diluted with warm water; to care for oily skin, you can use yogurt or low-fat kefir to dilute clay powder. Gray clay combines well with vegetable oils, but they are recommended for use on normal to dry skin.

To fight acne, gray clay should be mixed with turmeric, and to cleanse pores - with oatmeal, dilute with water and apply to the skin, rinse after 15 minutes. For a deeper cleansing of pores, before washing off this homemade cosmetic product, you can rub it into the skin with light massage movements.

How long should you keep a clay face mask on?

Having chosen the appropriate product for your skin type, you should learn how to prepare a face mask from clay so that the procedure brings only benefits. First of all, you should know that the cosmetic product can be applied to dry, pre-cleaned skin without affecting the area around the eyes. Before applying to the skin, the clay is diluted to the consistency of thick sour cream; its condition should be homogeneous, without lumps.

How long to keep a clay face mask on is an important point that you need to familiarize yourself with even before organizing the procedure.

The duration of its implementation is determined by the skin type:

  • when dry The product should be washed off the skin after 5 minutes from the moment of application;
  • with normal – after 10;
  • for fatty – in 15–20.

For oily skin, the procedure can be performed twice a week; for dry skin, once is enough. Absolutely any type of cosmetic clay is suitable for carrying out the procedure at home.

Having familiarized yourself with the properties of each type of this cosmetic product, there is no doubt whether clay masks are useful for the face. You can apply the cosmetic product not only to the face, but also to the whole body. For this purpose, wraps are carried out, they are especially effective in the fight against cellulite.