Is Maya Dontsova leaving the project? Maya Dontsova biography personal life.

Maya Dontsova was born on May 20, 1992 in the city of Rostov. Zodiac sign: Taurus.
Maya's natural hair color is light brown, her eye color is brown. She was a very active child. At the age of 14, the girl moved to the capital. In her youth she was either a bright blonde or a burning brunette, constantly experimenting with her image.

Education and career

In 2014, Maya graduated from the Russian Customs Academy University with a degree in jurisprudence. In parallel with my studies, in my third year at the academy I went to work for the Investigative Committee. I worked there for a whole year. According to her, after working on the committee she became tougher, she can calmly go into the morgue and see a corpse. After the committee, I decided to look for myself in a different direction.

During my studies I played in KVN for four years. Until now, she is invited to KVN at her home university as a jury. After the academy, she worked as a lawyer in a Moscow international firm. The work was related to international agreements between Russian and foreign companies, so Maya lived in America and Europe for about six months.
Now the girl works as an event organizer in Moscow and fully supports herself. Spends a lot of time at work.

Hobbies and interests

Maya leads a very active lifestyle. The girl loves to travel and has visited countries such as Italy, Cyprus, Tunisia, Germany, USA, Switzerland and many others. He loves his hometown very much and tries to visit it whenever possible. She cannot imagine her life without friends and spends a lot of time with them, and is also very close to her mother. He is actively involved in sports, loves to cook and does yoga. Maya also has pages on social networks such as Instagram and VKontakte, so all her fans can watch her life in photographs.

Relationships before the DOM-2 project

Before the project, there was a serious relationship that lasted two years. But they did not work out, since the young man was constantly trying to pay off Maya with money and did not respond to her requests to spend more time together and travel with her for company.

Now Maya wants to have a real, sincere relationship based on love and common interests. She came to the Dom-2 project on July 8, 2016. According to her, she came to Denis Kozlovich, whom she liked in appearance and character. She was attracted to Denis by his masculinity and strong character. Upon arrival at the project, everyone immediately liked Maya, she easily began communicating with other participants, and Denis, whom she came to, admitted half an hour after meeting her that he was interested in her.

Maya Dontsova is a famous participant in the television project House 2 with a wonderful spring name. At such a young age, the girl’s extensive biography is very interesting to viewers of the show. From the very first day of her participation in the television production, the young lady won the hearts of both her colleagues on the set and a large audience. The blond, pretty beauty initially gave the impression of a frivolous girl, but soon interesting facts about her biography were revealed.

Biography of Maya Dontsova

This cutie celebrates her birthday, oddly enough, on May 20, 1992. Maya was born in Rostov, and from birth the little girl was pretty: with dark brown eyes and light brown curls. When the Rostovite was a teenager, her family moved to Moscow, where her mother organized a jewelry business. The girl graduated from a regular Moscow school, she actively participated in the school’s extracurricular activities: she sang, danced, and was a cheerful and active teenager.

Even at school, the girl loved to experiment with her appearance. The photo of Maya Dontsova shows that her hair color varied from a burning brunette to an aggressively bleached blonde. With a miniature height of 162 centimeters, she won among her classmates thanks to her natural charm and open smile.

Education of a bright participant of House 2

Without much difficulty, the beauty entered the Russian Customs Academy, which she successfully graduated in 2014. But the young student’s mind was not only occupied with her studies; since her third year, a spectacular lady with a detective’s surname worked part-time in the investigative committee.

The work turned out to be tough and not very easy, so she only managed to work for a year, after which the young lady decided that this work was not to her liking. In her free time from studying, the student participated in the club of cheerful and resourceful people (KVN). For four whole years, the young comedian entertained the audience with bright, enchanting performances. Until now, the former KVN player is invited as a jury member to the student league of the KVN Academy.

Where did Maya work?

Upon completion of her education at the academy, our heroine’s work activity was related to the conclusion of international contracts, so she spent about six months working in the countries of Europe and America.

In recent years, the blonde has changed her specialization, and she began to work in the field of organizing entertainment events in Moscow, from which she makes good money.

According to her, she completely provides for her needs. Also, in the whirlwind of a vibrant life, she loves to attend parties in Moscow with many friends.

Participation in House 2

Before filming began, the beauty had an unsuccessful relationship. She dated a guy for about a couple of years. After the breakup, the girl complained that the young man was very financially oriented. I always tried to compensate for my shortcomings with money and replace my attention with green bills.

  • Arrival at Dom-2 took place on July 8, 2016. The future participant showed up at the site with a rose intended for Denis Kozlovich. The beauty really liked the male character, seriousness and unusual appearance of the participant. Denis did not immediately show attention to the newly-made housewife, but over time he began to cook her breakfasts and wear luxurious bouquets. The relationship did not last long, because Denis became jealous of his beloved, and at that moment he was offered participation in a dance show. The offended guy left both his beloved and the project.

  • Next on the list of constantly falling in love beauty was Ivan Barzikov. The obstacle was the guy’s already existing girlfriend, who also happens to be Maya’s friend, Daria Sukhoruchenko. At first, loyal Daria did not want to quarrel with her friend, because the latter behaved with restraint, but soon moved on to active action. Then Ivan’s passion started a fight with Dontsova.
As a result of the fight between Maya Dontsova and Sukhoruchenko, only torn out tufts of hair, bumps and bruises were left. After the incident, the ardor of the homewrecker significantly moderated.

  • For some time the girl was alone, but soon she tried to build a relationship with Zakhar Salenko. Mexican passions were in full swing between the partners: loud showdowns, behind-the-scenes intrigues, sentimental reconciliations and again loud scandals. As a result, the couple also broke up.

  • The list of heartbreakers included Ilya Green and Denis Baranov. But the relationship with Alexey Kupin brought the Muscovite to the Seychelles, where Zakhar Salenko and. There was a fight between the girls there, because Zakhar was after both participants.

  • One cannot ignore Maya’s relationship not with young people, but with her own mother. It seemed that the walls of House 2 had seen everything: the affair of the young Irina Agibalova with the macho Samsonov, the fight between Gobozov’s mother and her daughter-in-law and her “epic” attempt to commit suicide, and even the demonstration of her mother’s bare bottom.

But the next project maman outdid everyone. She and her daughter got into a fight, not sharing the beau Maxim Lokotkov. Let us remember that Irina Mikhailovna Dontsova came to the project because her daughter was nicknamed the “black widow” due to a series of unsuccessful relationships.

Plastic surgery by Maya Dontsova

We cannot close our eyes to the fact that the girl’s appearance has changed from the moment she joined the project until today. Studying the Instagram of the House 2 participant, fans concluded that the photo shows Maya Dontsova before and after plastic surgery.

Indeed, if you look closely at the photographs of the reality TV star, you will notice differences in appearance, but you cannot make a 100% conclusion about the nature of their origin.

  • Lip augmentation. Before plastic surgery, Maya Dontsova looked quite attractive, but rather rustic. The lips were not distinguished by volume and richness, although the girl tried to emphasize them with rich colors of lipsticks.

On a television set, where there is an unspoken “arms race” with silicone, Botox and implants, it is difficult to surprise anyone with enlarged lips. This procedure has long ceased to be rare. It cannot be said that Maya Dontsova has changed dramatically after plastic surgery, but her lips have plumped up and received additional volume.

  • There are rumors that the participant had blepharoplasty, but it cannot be said with certainty that the early photos show Maya Dontsova before plastic surgery. The eyes have changed, but most likely this is a consequence of the reality show participant growing up and her current bright makeup.

  • Plastic surgery of cheekbones. If we compare early and current photographs of the Muscovite, we can come to the conclusion that they show Maya Dontsova before and after cheekbone surgery. However, this is only at first glance.

The girl has lost a lot of weight, which explains the sharpening of her cheekbones. According to specialists, there was no surgical intervention.

  • The prospect of breast augmentation. It so happened that at the forehead the issue of Maya’s lack of breasts was discussed. Fans argued when they would see how Maya Dontsova had changed after plastic surgery to enlarge her bust, but mother Irina Mikhailovna spoke out against the changes. While the famous blonde is in doubt whether she should follow the lead of the public, who tease her about her small breast size, or leave everything as it is.

The bright blonde loves to bask in the glory, and Maya can go to great lengths for this. The Muscovite does not disdain either fleeting romances, or fights with rivals, or even fights and bullying of her own mother. Time will tell whether plastic surgery will be added to the list of ways to maintain fame.

Video: Maya Dontsova and Alexey Kupin answer questions from viewers

Maya Dontsova, like most of the participants in the notorious television project “Dom-2”, boasts a chiseled figure and a pretty face. And this has always been the case, because the girl never had any particular problems with weight.

From the first day of her participation in “House-2”, Maya was remembered both by her colleagues on the set and by the many thousands of audience of the reality show. She made an ambiguous impression - a kind of flighty girl with a bad character. However, for several years in a row the girl has been in the spotlight of the tabloids - she is an active participant in the show and a famous Insta blogger.

The network often asks questions about Dontsova’s figure. In particular, how does she manage to keep herself in such great shape or is there any special technique?

According to Maya herself, she was never complete. True, about seven years ago she gained a little weight, as a result of which plump cheeks and a small tummy appeared. However, she never tires of repeating that she did not suffer from excess weight, and as soon as she gained a few extra pounds, she immediately tried to lose them, as she felt uncomfortable.

How does Maya Dontsova get in shape?

Recently, many viewers have noticed how the girl has changed in appearance. If a few months ago Maya’s lover Alexei Kupin mercilessly criticized his other half for indiscriminate eating and even tried to introduce her to heavy sports activities, now Dontsova is showing amazing external changes.

As far as we know, the participant in the “TV set” listened to her “colleague” on the set, Ruslan Minakov, who worked as a fitness trainer outside the project. The guy drew up a special diet and workout schedule for Maya, thanks to which the girl regained her ideal shape in a short time. Dontsova does not name the exact number on the scales, but she admits that the volume of her waist and hips has decreased by as much as 6 centimeters!

Nutrition principles of Maya Dontsova

According to Maya, the technique of “drying” the body helped her get her figure in order. The main goal of the diet is to burn many more calories than you absorb. At the first stage, the girl had to limit her carbohydrate intake as much as possible; later, she introduced them to the menu, but consumed them only in the first half of the day.

Basic diet rules:​

  • significant reduction in calorie intake- it is necessary to completely exclude unhealthy high-calorie foods from the diet (fried and fatty foods, as well as sweets, baked goods and all kinds of “food waste”);
  • careful adherence to a proper diet - It is forbidden to limit yourself in foods that are healthy for the body or indulge in unhealthy foods;
  • fractional meals- you need to eat 4-5 times a day, and the portions should be minimal (the size of your own fist), only in this case metabolic processes will accelerate in the body and active fat burning will begin;
  • water compliance-drinking regime: Every day you need to drink at least two to three liters of purified non-carbonated water; herbal teas are also allowed, but without sugar or sweeteners.

Approximate diet of Maya Dontsova on “drying”:

  • lean meats (boiled chicken breasts are best);
  • fish and seafood;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • complex carbohydrates (whole grain porridge, bread);
  • vegetables in unlimited quantities, especially green ones;
  • fruits (sour, not starchy).

Dontsova repeated more than once that sometimes she manages to sit the whole day on cucumbers and water, so the specified diet, on the contrary, seemed too plentiful to her. But she followed all of Ruslan’s recommendations and this only benefited Maya!

Sports and skincare procedures have not been canceled!

A chiseled figure is the fruit of tireless work on one’s own body. Maya Dontsova firmly took charge of herself, so she systematically went in for sports. Light cardio, feasible strength training, swimming, running and gymnastics did their job - there is not a single gram of excess fat on the girl’s body.

In addition, the body also requires cosmetic care. Maya takes good care of herself, visiting spas and physiotherapy treatments. Rumor has it that she has resorted to the services of plastic surgeons more than once, but the celebrity herself does not comment on this fact.

What does Maya Dontsova look like today?

Nutritionists say that “drying” is a very difficult process for the female body, so before using this diet on yourself, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. Moreover, “drying out” for a long time is also fraught with health risks; a month of following the regime will be enough to acquire relief shapes and the desired parameters.

For a short period of following the regime, Maya, with a height of 162 cm, returned to her ideal parameters - 52 kilograms. But, as it turned out, the girl decided that there was no limit to perfection and continued to follow a proven dietary nutrition plan.

"on the TNT channel.

Maya Dontsova. Biography

MayanDontsova born on May 20, 1992 in Rostov. Maya is a lawyer by profession. In 2014 she graduated RTA ( Russian Customs Academy). She served on the investigative committee, but a year later she quit. Then the girl worked in America and Europe, where she specialized in concluding international contracts.

Maya took part in the games of the KVN team from her university. She performed in KVN for four years, and then they began to invite her to her native academy as a jury member. Maya Dontsova was also involved in organizingholidays and various events.

Likes to travel: visited Italy, Tunisia, America, and Germany Switzerland. Engaged in yoga, loves to cook and loves shopping. Before coming to " House 2"Maya Dontsova had a relationship that lasted two years, however the couple broke up due to the young man’s frequent business trips, which he tried to compensate with money.

Maya Dontsova in the show House 2

Mayan Dontsova came to the reality show on July 8, 2016 and showed sympathy for Denis Kozlovich, but the relationship did not last long. Then the girl switched to Ivana Barzikova, but even here there was no love story, but the young people remained good friends. Then the girl was paired with Zakhar Salenko until the guy was sent a summons toarmy. Without waiting for Zakhar to return, Maya hastened to end the relationship ondistance. But after a while, Zakhar returned to the project, but moreI didn’t want to build a relationship with the “traitor.”

As a result, Maya began to build relationships with Alexey Kupin. However, the couple faced a test. In September, Alexei’s ex-girlfriend came to the project, and Maya, for obvious reasons, did not like it.

Maya Dontsova: “Not only did Lesha’s ex come to the project, but he also keeps in touch with her. And it is more than friendly! I don’t consider Karina a rival, but I’m worried that their feelings may flare up again.”

In November 2017 they went on Love Island. According to the girl, upon arrival on the island, a large number of problems were revealed between them as a couple. And one of the global problems is that they have never learned to give in to each other. Also, Maya's mom Irina Dontsova was unhappy with her daughter's choice. The woman repeatedly came to the perimeter and quarreled with Kupin, insisting that Lesha was not a good match for Maya. However, soon the young man was able to come to a peaceful agreement with his future mother-in-law, and together they prepared for the celebration. “Moms help us prepare for the wedding. Every day there are more worries, and there is less time before the wedding,” admitted Kupin.

Dontsova and Kupin wanted to get married back in 2018. However, due to inflammation of the appendix, Kupin was hospitalized and the event was canceled.

August 8, 2019 Alexey Kupin And Maya Dontsova got married in the Vernadsky registry office in Moscow. Alexey and Maya did not invite anyone to the ceremony itself - only the two of them were present at the painting. They planned the main celebration for August 19. Kupin and Dontsova explained their decision by the fact that the premises they wanted to rent in order to celebrate such an important event with family and friends was only available from the 18th to the 21st. The lovers organized the holiday itself in the style of modern Hollywood: the decorations were made in silver and white colors with the addition of dark red and gold, and the guests were greeted by a red carpet, ice cream, mimes and an outdoor bar.

For the wedding itself, Maya and Lesha spent a million rubles, which they won in the “Wedding for a Million” competition, as well as part of their savings. The couple decided not to save, so... In addition, the bride wanted to do without fresh flowers, not counting the bouquet.