Lunar haircut horoscope for February. List of favorable and unlucky dates of the month

February is a harsh month. Weather conditions often affect the condition of hair. In colder times, the structure of the curls and the type of scalp may change. In winter, strands become overdried, brittle, and lifeless. The ends split, and the roots, on the contrary, become oily. Here, it is important to choose the right caregivers cosmetics- on a natural basis, without synthetic additives. The lunar calendar for February 2020 allows you to get information on which days it is allowed to do your hair and on which days it is prohibited.

When to cut your hair in February 2020?

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar

It is recommended to cut your hair and do health procedures on days with positive energy. The strands will help strengthen the aura, fill a person with vitality, having a beneficial effect on the condition of the body.

3.02.2020 Trimming split ends will improve your appearance strands, growth will increase. It is allowed to do dyeing, tinting, coloring, as well as masking gray areas. To attract extra energy In your hairstyle, you should definitely focus on bangs.
5.02.2020 Shortening the length will accelerate growth and strengthen the hair follicle. Therapeutic masks and herbal rinses will make the strands manageable and silky. Additionally, they will compensate for the lack of nutrients and vitamins. If your emotional state is high, it’s a good time to visit a beauty salon. A cozy atmosphere and polite staff will help you get rid of depression and apathy.
12.02.2020 A haircut will have a beneficial effect on the structure and appearance of the strands. They will become stronger and hair loss will decrease. Today it is recommended to pay attention to gray areas, if any. A hairstyle complemented with accessories will bring success and charm. A positive day for transformation and changes in appearance.
14.02.2020 You are allowed to experiment with color and length. Different haircuts and new styles will significantly change your image and increase your self-esteem. When working with hair, the mood will be positive, allowing you to establish communication with others.
15.02.20 Shortening the length replenishes the lack of energy and increases performance. Styling or an unusual hairstyle will help to establish communication with the opposite sex. Bright accessories will protect you from envious eyes and unkind words.
17.02.2020 Success in the workplace is guaranteed if you dye your hair with natural dyes. An original hairstyle will increase self-confidence and give the body energy. Cutting your hair improves your financial condition.
19.02.2020 Shortening the length and styling will inspire creativity and energize you. To attract financial well-being, you should make your hair voluminous, using bright accessories. The main thing is not to overdo it. A visit to a professional will help you think about how to improve relationships with loved ones.
21.02.2020 To change your appearance, it is recommended to get a bright and unusual haircut. In addition, hair growth and structure will improve. Today you can disguise gray hair or update color using natural dyes. Procedures can be carried out at home or in a salon. A hairstyle and beautiful decor will increase the self-esteem of the owner.
26.02.2020 Cutting your curls improves your well-being and protects you from evil people. Renewing the shade of your strands with natural dyes will help resolve long-standing issues at work or in business affairs. The styling should be natural, then it will be much easier to process the information received.
27.02.2020 Shortening your hair or dyeing it a new color means improving your financial situation. A beautiful, bright hairstyle will attract the attention of the opposite sex and make acquaintance. Astrologers recommend putting off solving financial problems and devoting time to spiritual development.
28.02.2020 Haircut, styling, hairstyles, curling or straightening will be successful and will delight the owner with a beautiful appearance for a long time. Failures will go away, and positive energy will be in full swing.

Unfavorable days for hair

  • February 1 is the first day of the month. Cutting strands will disrupt the functioning of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Today the stars recommend rest. The calm atmosphere will inspire work and other new endeavors;

Curling hair at home
  • 2nd number. Shortening the length will bring changes in life. They can be happy and sad. Astrologers do not recommend doing hair today;
  • 4 prohibited day. Possible deterioration of health. Complicated hairstyles will bring sad news, but loose and combed strands will bring strength and inspiration. Visiting a beauty salon will negatively affect your emotional state. Astrologers warn that the risk of a conflict situation is high;
  • February 9. Stars prohibit visiting beauty salons, since today all important processes in the body are in slow motion. Cutting strands will negatively affect the structure, making them unruly and fluffy. Styling and perm will not please you for long. The mood on this day is changeable, and any unintentionally spoken word can hurt you or offend another person;
  • The 10th is an unfavorable time for working with hair. Shortening the length will negatively affect the strands and the psycho-emotional state. A decision made in haste will become fatal in fate. Today, astrologers recommend spending time with family and friends, giving them care and love;

  • 11 prohibited day for changes. Naturalness and naturalness will help to avoid troubles. A haircut will bring sad news, you may find yourself in the grip of a depressive and apathetic state;
  • February 16. Unfavorable period for hair. When you cut your hair, you injure your scalp. Curling and styling will damage the structure of the strands, making them thinner and brittle. The stars recommend avoiding visiting a salon specialist. Staying at home, do therapeutic and health procedures aimed at strengthening and restoring hair;
Volume hairstyle
  • 18th. You should avoid washing or cutting, otherwise you can seriously injure your scalp. Today is an unfavorable time to visit the hairdresser. Any styling, perm, or hairstyle will negatively affect the ends. The result of the procedure will not please you for long;
  • February 25. Working with hair will cause a lot of inconvenience. A haircut will affect your health, possibly exacerbating chronic diseases. Coloring strands will bring disagreement and quarrel to the family. Simple brushing will help replenish the lack of energy. Caring and therapeutic procedures will reveal creative potential.

Neutral days

IN lunar calendar in February 2020 there are days when certain procedures are allowed to be performed. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • Day 6 Unstable period for working with hair. It is forbidden to cut your hair, otherwise a quarrel with a loved one, as well as a violation of harmony in relations with the opposite sex, is possible. A light shade will attract new, profitable acquaintances. Metal accessories in the hairstyle will reveal creative potential;
  • February 7. Shortening the length will make the curls unruly, brittle and dull. Synthetic dyes will harm the structure and personal relationships with your loved one. The results of the procedures performed will not last long;

Caring procedures
  • 8th number. Troubles and troubles await those girls and women who cut off excess hair length. It’s worth postponing a visit to the hairdresser; it’s better to spend time with loved ones and recharge with positive emotions. Today, only health procedures are allowed;
  • Day 13 Neutral period for working with curls. It is not recommended to cut your hair; it can shorten your life and physical activity. Renewing the color of your strands means improving your financial condition. A calm hairstyle will attract influential people;
  • February 20. A haircut will strengthen your financial position and help get rid of health problems. Coloring today will lead to discord and quarrels in the family and at work. The hairstyle should be done natural, without bright decorations;
  • 22nd. Hair treatments will increase your authority and self-esteem. You are allowed to experiment with shade and type of haircut. You should refuse styling, as it will bring disappointment in its fragility;

  • Day 23 Shortening the length is a safety net against unkind looks and words. Any manipulation of the strands improves their growth. The styling is voluminous, elegant and strict. Light shades of natural dyes will help protect you from negativity from others. Today, all the issues that have been tormenting us for a long time will be resolved;
  • February 24. Neutral day for hair manipulation. It is allowed to trim the ends, thereby accelerating growth. When choosing a hairstyle, pay attention to lightweight options that use a minimum of decorative elements.

Using the lunar calendar in February 2020, you can find out when it is allowed to cut, curl and heal your hair. By adhering to the recommendations, the effectiveness of proper care behind the curls. More detailed information can be seen in the video. We also recommend it.

Useful tips

February is a good time to visit salons and hairdressers, especially if you want to get something doneclassic or time-tested .

Experiments now will not be particularly successful, because Venus will be in the conservative sign of Capricorn for most of the month.

Read also:General astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for February 201 9

If you would like to speed up hair growth, we recommend going for haircuts on the days of the waxing moon -from 5 to 17 February 2019 . It is also better to dye your hair whenwaxing moonso that the paint retains its color saturation longer.

If you would like your hairstyle to retain its shape longer, it is better to cut your hair on dayswaning moon1-3 or from 20 to 28 February 2019.

At the end of the article you will find , which lists the mostlucky daysfor different hair treatments throughout the month.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for February 2019 section:

The best time to cut your hair is in February


♑ 1 FEBRUARY, Friday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 06:10.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 03:47

Moon without course from 01:33 to 03:46


Other procedures : Today you can’t use hot appliances on your hair: you can easily dry out your hair, so avoid using a hot hair dryer or straightening iron. Various hair masks are allowed, especially for cleansing and strengthening hair. You can make scalp scrubs based on salt.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth; strengthening hair, improving its structure and appearance.

: no special influences.

Best time : all day.

♑ 2 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 07:03.CAPRICORN

Haircut : Allowed, especially if you want to maintain the shape of your hairstyle. It's better not to do a thermal haircut.

Other procedures : The day is suitable for various home treatments aimed at cleansing the hair and scalp. It is better not to use hot styling tools, as on the previous day, or use gentle hair dryer modes. Also use heat protection products for your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth; strengthening hair, improving its structure and appearance;

Psychological impact of haircut : Can attract aggressive people into your life.

Best time : from 10:00.

♑♒ 3 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 07:46.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 16:03

Moon without course from 13:53 to 16:02

Haircut : Haircuts are acceptable, especially in the morning. You can do thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : It is better to postpone any complex procedures, especially their beginning, since this is the very end of the lunar month. This day is suitable for routine household chores: you can simply wash your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : average height; until 14:00 - strengthening hair, improving its structure and appearance; after 14:00 – no influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : before 14:00 - may attract sudden and unexpected situations and events that are difficult to predict; with the Moon without a course there are no influences; after 16:00 - will attract new acquaintances.

Best time : from 14:00.

♒ 4 FEBRUARY, Monday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 08:20.AQUARIUS

Moon without course until 00:46

Haircut : allowed only as a last resort, but it is better to postpone it until a more successful day.

Other procedures : This day is also not suitable for complex procedures. Only home routine procedures are acceptable. You can collect interesting information related to hair or try to choose a hairstyle using computer programs or applications.

The effect of cutting on hair : average height; There are no other special influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : May attract anxiety. anxiety and other unpleasant emotions.

Best time : No.

YOUNG MOON from 00:03

♒ 5 FEBRUARY, Tuesday,1st lunar day from 00:03, 2nd lunar day from 08:48.AQUARIUS

NEW MOON at 00:03

Moon without course from 21:46

Haircut : allowed, but it is better to cut your hair if you have normal hair without damage; You can do a thermal haircut, as well as any light airy haircuts with asymmetrical details.

Other procedures : When the Moon is growing, it is good to make hair-strengthening masks, but today masks for increasing hair volume will be more effective. You can use hot styling devices (curling irons, hair dryers, flat irons): the hair will not be damaged as much, but we still advise you not to forget about thermal protection.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : will attract new acquaintances, especially friendly ones.

Best time : all day.

Favorable days according to the moon for haircuts

♒♓ 6 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 09:10.AQUARIUS , FISH from 05:02

Moon without course from 02:59 to 05:02


Other procedures : Today it is better not to do your hair or even wash your hair, as the Moon moves into the sign of Pisces - an unlucky sign for working with hair. Can be deleted unwanted hair, but remember that with the waxing Moon they will grow again quite quickly.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : no special influences.

Best time : No.

♓ 7 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:28.FISH

Haircut : unlucky day, better choose another one.

Other procedures : another day, unsuitable for any manipulation with hair, it is especially unfavorable to do procedures associated with the use of chemicals. You can easily damage your hair!

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth; hair may become more brittle and weak, quickly begin to split, and dandruff will appear.

Psychological impact of haircut : Can attract failures in the professional sphere.

Best time : No.

♓♈ FEBRUARY 8, Friday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:44.FISH , ARIES from 17:34

Moon without course from 01:14 to 17:33

Haircut : unlucky day, better choose another one.

Other procedures : This day is also unlucky for working with hair: for most of the day the Moon will move through the sign of Pisces, and will also be without a course. In the evening, when the Moon is in the sign of Aries, it will be affected by a negative aspect with Venus, so any hair treatments done at this time may not be the most successful or will not bring the desired results. Hair coloring may not be what you expect, a haircut may not be to your liking, complex procedures instead of hair treatment will bring disappointment.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth; There are no other special influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : until 17:30 – no influences; after 17:30 - may bring failures in your personal life or in relationships with business partners.

Best time : No.

♈ 9 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:59.ARIES


Other procedures : today it’s good to make any masks to strengthen and nourish your hair, as well as stimulate its growth. Today it is important not to make quick decisions: if you would like to have some procedure done, it is better if you have already thought it through well in advance and found a good specialist.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth.

Psychological impact of haircut : before 12:00 – no influences; after 12:00 - can attract difficulties and obstacles on the way to goals.

Best time : until 12:00.

♈ 10 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:15.ARIES

Haircut : acceptable, but it is better to get a haircut for those who do not have problems with hair; It is better not to do a thermal haircut, as it is easy to dry out your hair.

Other procedures : It’s good to make nourishing masks based on vegetable oils. It is also important to remember your hair type when choosing a particular oil, because not all oils will suit everyone equally. For example, for thin and sparse hair, it is better not to use solid, heavy oils, such as coconut or shea butter. But it’s still better to start by trying different oils and choosing those that suit you personally.

Read also: Vegetable oils for hair care: benefits, harm, tips, masks

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth.

Psychological impact of haircut : before 11:40 will attract good luck in any of your endeavors, initiative will be rewarded.

Best time : until 11:40.

♈♉ 11 FEBRUARY, Monday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:31.ARIES , TAURUS from 04:29

Moon without course from 02:48 to 04:28

Haircut : allowed, a very good day, especially if you have a goal to speed up hair growth; It's good to do thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : one of better days months for various procedures aimed at improving the health and appearance of hair. Dyeing, highlighting, lamination and other procedures will be successful.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : Helps you become more attractive to the opposite sex.

Best time : all day.

♉ 12 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 06:02.TAURUS

Haircut : allowed, especially if you have a goal to speed up hair growth; It's good to do thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : good time for various procedures. Aimed at strengthening hair, but it is better to do all the procedures in the first half of the day, before the moon becomes weaker due to a change in phase. It is better to plan those procedures that provide long-term effects for hair. You can dye your hair, do highlights and other types of hair coloring and bleaching. It's best not to use hair styling devices that are too hot.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth; strengthening and improving the appearance of hair.

Psychological impact of haircut :

Best time : until 12:00.

What day should you cut your hair in January 2019?

WALKING MOON from 01:26

♉♊ 13 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 11:13.TAURUS , TWINS from 12:32

First quarter, Second phase of the moon from 01:26

Moon without course from 01:26 to 12:31

Haircut : acceptable, but it is better not to do a thermal haircut. On this day, it is better to get a haircut for those who do not have any problems with their hair.

Other procedures : Be careful on this day with any electrical appliances for drying and styling your hair, or better yet, don’t use them at all. A good time for masks aimed at strengthening, rapid growth or increasing hair volume. In the afternoon, it is good to curl your hair with curlers.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : May make you more nervous, irritable and aggressive.

Best time : after 12:30.

♊ 14 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 10th, 11th lunar day from 11:42.TWINS

Haircut : acceptable, you can do a thermal haircut. Light airy haircuts will work well. On this day, it is better to get a haircut for those who do not have any problems with their hair.

Other procedures : a good time for treatments that help increase hair volume, but it is best to use only natural remedies. Any chemicals can cause allergic reactions or have a bad effect on your hair. It’s good to curl your hair with curlers or make masks to increase hair volume.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth; there are no other special influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : can attract unpleasant situations, disagreements with people from your inner circle.

Best time : all day.

♊♋ 15 FEBRUARY, Friday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 12:22.TWINS , CANCER from 17:03

Moon without course from 15:48 to 17:02

Haircut : Haircut is allowed, but in the first half of the day, or better yet, in the morning. On this day, it is better to get a haircut for those who do not have any problems with their hair. You can do a thermal haircut. After 17:00 – it’s better not to get your hair cut.

Other procedures : a good time for washing your hair, drying, styling using hot appliances is before 11:00. It's also a good idea to do a hair mask in the morning, especially if you would like to speed up hair growth or increase volume. This day is not very suitable for complex procedures, especially after 17:00 it is better not to do your hair at all!

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth; until 17:00 – no other special influences; after 17:00 – the appearance and health of the hair may deteriorate, the hair will begin to split quickly.

Psychological impact of haircut : before 11:00 – will attract good luck and good mood; after 11:00 – there are no special influences.

Best time : until 11:00.

FEBRUARY 16, Saturday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 13:16.CANCER

Haircut : unlucky day, better choose another one.

Other procedures : It’s better not to do your hair on this day, not even to wash your hair: there is a risk of harming your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth; The appearance and health of the hair may deteriorate, and the hair will begin to split quickly.

Psychological impact of haircut : can attract serious difficulties and obstacles, difficulties in relationships with relatives.

Best time : No.

♋♌ FEBRUARY 17, Sunday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 14:25.CANCER , LION from 18:21

Moon without course from 17:17 to 18:20

Haircut : before 18:20 – bad time; It is better to postpone haircuts for the evening, or reschedule for another day.

Other procedures : Do not do your hair before 18:20: this is the time of the Moon in the sign of Cancer, when any hair treatments will not be very successful. After 18:20 the Moon will move into the sign of Leo - a good time for hair care. You can make different hair masks, especially if you want to increase the volume of your hair, make it thicker and shinier. It's best to put aside any hot styling tools today, but you can use a hairdryer on medium to low setting.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth; before 17:20, the appearance and health of the hair may deteriorate, the hair will begin to split quickly; from 17:20 to 18:20 – no influences; after 18:20 – hair will become more voluminous and shiny, and its appearance will improve.

Psychological impact of haircut : before 17:20 – may make you more nervous; with the Moon without a course - there are no special influences; after 18:20 can attract aggressive or irritable people into your life.

Best time : after 18:20.

FEBRUARY 18, Monday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 15:48.LION

Haircut : a good day for a haircut, especially if you have thin and sparse hair; It’s better not to do thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : a good day for hair care, you can do highlighting, coloring, dyeing, hair lamination, as well as small types of curls. Procedures aimed at improving the appearance of hair will be very effective. You can do salon or home treatments. You can do hair extensions.

The effect of cutting on hair : average height; hair will become more voluminous and shiny, and its appearance will improve.

Psychological impact of haircut :

Best time : all day.

WANING MOON from 18:54

♌♍ 19 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 17:17.LION , VIRGO from 17:47

FULL MOON at 18:54

Moon without course from 16:51 to 17:46

Haircut : allowed, but a better time is at the end of the day. Thermal haircuts are also allowed in the evening. An excellent time for those who have problems with their hair, because a haircut on this day can help solve them.

Other procedures : This is the day of the weak Moon, so if possible, exclude all complex procedures today. It’s good to make any hair masks, especially for strengthening and health.

The effect of cutting on hair : average height; until 16:50 - hair will become more voluminous and shiny, its appearance will improve; from 16:50 to 17:45 – no influences; after 17:45 – strengthening hair, improving its structure.

Psychological impact of haircut :

Best time : after 17:45.

The best lunar days for cutting hair

20 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 18:48.VIRGO

Haircut : allowed, one of the best days to cut problem hair. But it is better to get a haircut for those who do not grow their hair long; You can do thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : today you can do procedures to strengthen and improve the appearance of your hair, but it is better not to laminate or dye your hair, because this is the time of the waning moon. Also, whenever possible, use gentle hair products. If you are doing a perm, it is better to do bio-perm, without the use of harsh chemicals, since today the risk of allergic reactions is increased.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth; strengthening hair, improving its structure

Psychological impact of haircut : before 18:30 – can make you more sensitive and emotional; after 18:30 - will attract good luck in your personal life and good mood.

Best time : after 18:30.

♍♎ 21 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 20:18.VIRGO , SCALES from 17:17

Moon without course from 04:52 to 17:16

Haircut : allowed, neutral day; You can do thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : on this day it is better to continue any procedures, but not start anything new, since the Moon will be “idling” almost the entire day. After 17:15 You can remove unwanted hair at home or in salons. You should not start any procedures during the Moon without a course, as the results may not please you.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : no special influences.

Best time : from 17:20.

♎ 22 FEBRUARY, Friday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:45.SCALES

Haircut : allowed, but if you don’t have any special problems with your hair. Also remember that hair growth after a haircut on this day may be slower, since this is the time of the waning moon. Thermal haircuts are allowed.

Other procedures : a good time for cleansing hair masks, as well as for any masks aimed at increasing hair volume. You can also remove unwanted hair, especially on the face, but depilation or epilation of other parts of the body is also acceptable. If possible, begin any procedures in the morning.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth; there are no other special influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : may cause difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex.

Best time : until 13:00.

23 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 23:09.SCALES , SCORPION from 18:56

Moon without course from 18:11 to 18:55

Haircut : acceptable, but if you don’t have problems with your hair; if you want to get rid of dandruff, cut your hair when the Moon is in Scorpio - today after 19:00. It is better to refuse thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : today you can take up procedures aimed at removing dandruff. Also good for exfoliating the scalp to remove layers of dead cells and strengthen the hair roots. It is better not to plan especially complex procedures, such as perm. Also, do not dye your hair: the dye will quickly lose its saturation. Do not use hot styling tools.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth; until 19:00 - no other special influences; after 19:00 – getting rid of dandruff.

Psychological impact of haircut : Can attract surprises and unpredictable events.

Best time : before 18:00 or after 19:00.

Can you cut your hair today according to the lunar calendar?

24 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 20th lunar day.SCORPION


Other procedures : This day is suitable for various hair cleansing procedures, as well as any procedures aimed at getting rid of dandruff. You can still make scalp scrubs. There are products using other products for a scrubbing effect that do not dissolve in water, for example, crushed fruit seeds. But remember that some of them are very difficult to wash out of your head! Therefore, it is better to use scrubs based on salt or sugar.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : Can attract creative inspiration, vivid dreams.

Best time : all day.

25 FEBRUARY, Monday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 00:30.SCORPION

Moon without course from 15:14

Haircut : Allowed, especially if you have dandruff. You can do thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : A good day for hair care treatments, especially if you have problems with dandruff. You can do any salon or home procedures. It is best to sign up for the procedure in the morning, before 15:00.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth; getting rid of dandruff.

Psychological impact of haircut : before 15:00 will attract the attention of the opposite sex and a good mood; after 15:00 – no special influences

Best time : until 15:00.

OLD MOON from 14:28

♐ 26 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:47. SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 00:20

Moon without course until 00:19

III quarter, Fourth phase of the Moon from 14:28


Other procedures : This is the time of the weak Moon, so do not plan complex procedures for today. In particular, you should not laminate or dye your hair: the dye will quickly lose its saturation, bleached hair will quickly turn yellow, and you will very soon have to undergo dyeing procedures again, which is additional stress for your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : May attract bad luck, increased anxiety and restlessness, especially before 2:30 p.m.

Best time : after 14:30.

♐ 27 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:59.SAGITTARIUS

Haircut : allowed, neutral day; It is better to get a haircut on this day for those who do not have any particular problems with their hair; It’s better to postpone thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : any masks for shine and cleansing of hair will be useful today. In general, the day is neutral; you can sign up for a salon or make masks at home. But still, you shouldn’t dye your hair on this day.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth; There are no other special influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : Can attract good opportunities, especially if you get your hair cut before 5:30 p.m.

Best time : until 17:30.

♑ 28 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 04:04.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 09:48

Moon without course from 09:17 to 09:48

Haircut : allowed, especially if you have problem hair; Thermal haircuts are acceptable.

Other procedures : It is still better to postpone complex procedures on this day; you should not put a lot of stress on your hair: the result may unpleasantly surprise you. Any masks aimed at strengthening and cleansing hair are allowed; you can make scrubs for the scalp.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth; before 10:00 – no influences; after 10:00 - strengthening hair, improving its structure and appearance.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help make you more active and purposeful.

Best time : after 10:00.

Table of the best days according to the lunar calendar for hair for February 2018

Haircuts for accelerated growth hair: 5, 9-15, 17
Haircuts to strengthen hair: 1-3, 11-13, 19. 20, 28
Thermal haircuts:3, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19-22, 24, 28
Men's haircuts: 1-3, 19-28
Hair cutting: 4, 5, 8-15, 17
Bangs cut:
Avoid styling with hot appliances: 1, 2, 10, 12, 13, 17, 23
Curlers:3-5, 13-15, 21-23
Head massage:13-15, 21-23
Coloring:11, 12
Highlighting, blonding, toning, coloring: 11, 12
Depilation, hair removal: 21-23
Curl:11, 18, 20
Hair straightening: 11, 20
Lamination, hair screening: 11, 12
Braiding:1-3, 11, 12, 20, 28
Hair extensions: 11, 18, 20
Glazing, nourishing masks: 5, 8-15, 17, 18
Masks for volume: 3-5, 13-15, 17-19, 21-23
Cleansing masks: 1-3, 20-28
Scalp peeling: 1, 2, 20-28
Getting rid of dandruff: 23-25
Hair treatment:1, 2, 11, 12, 20, 28
Herbal rinses: 11, 12, 26, 27
Consultation with a trichologist: 20
Computer selection of hairstyles: 3-5
Purchases:11, 12, 18, 20
The most favorable days for working with hair: 11, 18, 20, 21
Unfavorable days for complex procedures: 3, 4, 6-8, 15, 16, 19, 26

Useful tips

Want to speed up hair growth? Or, on the contrary, do you want fashionable haircut, which will be worn as long as possible? Depending on the desired result, you shouldchoose days for haircut taking into account the position of the Moon. For growth, it is better to choose the days of the waxing Moon -from 16 to 28 February 2018 , to maintain the shape of the hairstyle - days of the waning moon -from February 1 to February 15, 2018.

This month there are several not the best days for a haircut, the Moon will go through the signs of Pisces and Cancer: February 16, 17, 25 and 26 2018 . It is better to postpone complex procedures on days when the lunar phases change and on days when the Moon is afflicted: February 3, 7, 15, 18, 23 and 25, 2018.

From February 11, 2018 Venus will move through the sign of Pisces, which will contribute to the choice of a beautiful and very feminine image. The best days to cut your hair are: February 27 and 28, 2018. These days, the Moon will be in the sign of Leo, so your hairstyles will be voluminous, bright, noticeable, and will help you stand out from the crowd and attract attention.


♌♍ 1 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 18:21.LION , VIRGO from 22:13

Moon without course from 13:58 to 22:12

Haircut : allowed, not a bad day for a haircut if you don't grow it long long hair.

Other procedures : It’s better to start all hair treatments until 14:00, until the Moon turned out to be single. You can curl it, but remember that it will be very fine. Various cleansing masks, as well as masks to increase volume, will be beneficial.

The effect of cutting on hair : hair will become thicker and shinier, but will grow slowly; cutting can slow down hair growth.

: can bring pleasant surprises into life.

♍ 2 FEBRUARY, Friday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 19:46.VIRGO

Haircut : allowed if you do not grow long hair; you can cut your bangs; will be successful men's haircuts.

Other procedures : Today, if possible, do not do any procedures that use harsh materials. For example, it's better not to do perm: There is a high probability of allergic reactions. You can do a bio-perm. It is also good to do any cleansing masks or peelings for the scalp.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, strengthening hair, improving its structure.

Psychological impact of haircut : Can attract disappointments and emotional distress.

♍ 3 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:07.VIRGO

Moon without course from 10:07

Haircut : allowed, bangs can be cut; good for men's haircuts. But it’s better not to radically change your image: get classic haircuts.

Other procedures : start all procedures before 10:00. You can do hair treatment, but it is better to do simple procedures, including treatments at home.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, but the hair becomes stronger, falls out less, and its structure improves.

Psychological impact of haircut : no special influences.

♍♎ 4 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:26.VIRGO , SCALES from 00:47

Moon without course until 00:46

Haircut : acceptable, but better after 10:00.

Other procedures : it’s good to do any procedures for fine hair. For example, to improve their appearance or to increase volume. Plan to start any procedures after 10:00, otherwise you may not be too happy with the results. You can style it using curlers.

The effect of cutting on hair : May slow down hair growth, but will make hair fuller.

Psychological impact of haircut : before 10:00 it can attract obstacles and difficulties, after 10:00 it will make you more active, sociable, and attract new acquaintances and new interesting people into your life.

♎ 5 FEBRUARY, Monday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 23:42.SCALES

Moon without course from 21:46

Haircut : allowed, a good day for feminine and original haircuts for those who want to keep their hair in shape longer.

Other procedures : It’s good to do procedures aimed at improving the appearance of your hair, but it’s better not to dye your hair now: the dye will quickly wash off and lose its original color. It is better to wait for the days of the waxing moon. Great time to go shopping. It’s good to buy any cosmetics and hair accessories.

The effect of cutting on hair : Slower growth.

Psychological impact of haircut : will attract the attention of the opposite sex, but can also attract surprises and not pleasant surprises in relationships with partners.

Favorable days for haircuts according to the lunar calendar

6 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 21st lunar day.SCALES , SCORPION from 06:57

Moon without course until 06:56

Haircut : acceptable, except for those who grow long hair.

Other procedures : It’s good to do any procedures aimed at eliminating dandruff. First, find out the cause of this disease, eliminate it, and then you can begin to treat the consequences. Remember that sometimes dandruff can be a signal of more serious health problems. It is also good to do computer selection of hairstyles today.

The effect of cutting on hair : May help get rid of dandruff, but hair growth will be slower.

Psychological impact of haircut : Can bring good luck in your professional life - until 17:00.

7 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 00:55.SCORPION

III quarter, Fourth phase of the Moon from 18:56

Haircut : acceptable, but it is not the best day of the month. Choose it only as a last resort; it is better to choose this day for cutting your hair. who has problems with dandruff.

Other procedures : It is better not to plan any complex hair treatments on this day: there is a risk that you will be dissatisfied with the result. Acceptable home care hair care, anti-dandruff masks, hair washing.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, getting rid of dandruff.

Psychological impact of haircut : can bring unpleasant events and problems into life that will unsettle you.

FEBRUARY 8, Thursday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:05.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 16:54

Moon without course from 10:16 to 16:53

Haircut : allowed, but it's not the luckiest day of the month. You can get a haircut for those who don’t have any problems with their hair; you can cut your bangs.

Other procedures : This day is not suitable for starting any procedures aimed at improving the appearance of hair and its health. If you have already started some procedures in the past, you can continue today. In the evening you can make masks based on oils. Also after 17:00 you can do hair treatment.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : before 10:16 can attract failures in your personal and intimate life; from 10:16 - no influences.

9 FEBRUARY, Friday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:12.SAGITTARIUS

Haircut : acceptable, but it is not the luckiest day of the month.

Other procedures : This day is not suitable for any complex procedures, especially if they require the use of chemicals. It is highly undesirable to perm or dye your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, no other significant influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : can attract misunderstanding and confusing situations into everyday life; can make you more aggressive and impatient.

Read also:The most fashionable men's hairstyles of 2018 (photo)

10 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:15.SAGITTARIUS

Moon without course from 19:38

Haircut : acceptable, especially if you don’t grow long hair and don’t have problems with your hair; Men's haircuts are allowed.

Other procedures : It is good to treat and restore hair, improve its appearance using various procedures. At home, you can make cleansing masks and masks for hair shine or rinsing with infusions of medicinal herbs.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, no other influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help attract new interesting people into your life, especially from abroad or from afar.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring

♑ 11 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 05:12.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 05:21

Moon without course until 05:20

Haircut : allowed, especially for those who need to strengthen their hair.

Other procedures : all complex hair treatments should be planned after 17:30, but you can make any masks to strengthen your hair at home. It's good to do a light scalp scrub to remove the dead layer of cells. Exfoliation will also improve blood circulation and help strengthen your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : before 17:30 it can attract obstacles in business, after 17:30 it will help strengthen intuition.

♑ 12 FEBRUARY, Monday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 06:02.CAPRICORN

Haircut : allowed, you can have men's haircuts or cut bangs (they won't grow back too quickly). You can do thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : Today, various procedures are allowed to treat hair and get rid of various problems, such as hair loss. There is no point in dyeing your hair yet, wait until the days of the waxing moon. Also, do not laminate your hair. Masks for restoring and cleansing hair will be effective. You can straighten your hair using special straightening products.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, but strengthening hair, improving its structure.

Psychological impact of haircut : will strengthen your desire to achieve your goals, attract good luck in business and endeavors.

♑♒ 13 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 06:45.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 18:12

Moon without course from 08:43 to 18:11

Haircut : allowed, but it is better to do standard classic haircuts, which you have already done more than once with a trusted hairdresser; you can shorten your bangs; Men's haircuts are allowed.

Other procedures : There is no point in starting new procedures today, but you can continue what you started in the past. You can do repeated procedures, for example, continue hair treatment. It is good to rinse your hair with herbal infusions. Choose an herb that suits your hair color and type. For example, nettle decoction is good for strengthening hair and preventing hair loss, but it makes the hair color darker. Also pay attention to personal tolerance and any allergic reactions. If they exist, then the use of such decoctions is undesirable.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth; from 08:43 – no influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : before 08:43 – may attract unpleasant surprises and experiences; after 08:43 - no special influences.

♒ 14 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 07:21.AQUARIUS


Other procedures : Today is an unlucky day for complex procedures: the end of the lunar month. It's better not to try any experiments! You can try to choose a hairstyle using smartphone applications or computer programs.

The effect of cutting on hair : average height, no other influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : may cause difficulties in communicating with friends and like-minded people. Loss of common ground.

♒ 15 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 07:51.AQUARIUS


Haircut : better to postpone: bad day.

Other procedures : better to postpone: bad day.

The effect of cutting on hair : There are no influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : may make you more restless, nervous, anxious.

Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar


♒♓ FEBRUARY 16, Friday,1st lunar day from 00:07, 2nd lunar day from 08:16.AQUARIUS , FISH from 05:42

NEW MOON at 00:07

Moon without course from 00:05 to 05:41

Haircut : better to postpone: bad day.

Other procedures : Today you cannot work with hair, but you can remove unwanted hair. Especially in the arms, armpits or bikini area. Remember that with the waxing Moon, hair will grow again quite quickly.

The effect of cutting on hair : average height; hair will grow thin and weak, and dandruff will appear.

Psychological impact of haircut

FEBRUARY 17, Saturday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 08:38.FISH

Haircut : better to postpone: bad day.

Other procedures : Today it is also better not to deal with hair, but it is allowed to remove unwanted hair, but it will quickly begin to grow again. This mainly applies to a procedure such as depilation, as a result of which the follicle (hair root) is not destroyed, but only its visible part is cut off.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth; hair will grow thin and weak, and dandruff will appear.

Psychological impact of haircut : May make you more irritable and nervous.

♓♈ FEBRUARY 18, Sunday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:57.FISH , ARIES from 15:04

Moon without course from 01:14 to 15:03

Haircut : it is better to postpone until 15:00; after 15:00 is acceptable, but this is not the best day of the month.

Other procedures : In the first half of the day, postpone any procedures. You should also not remove your hair, but after 15:00 you can do any masks to strengthen your hair and restore its shine. It is better not to use hot hair dryers, curling irons or flat irons on this day - you can easily dry out your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : until 15:00 – no influences; after 15:00 - rapid growth.

Psychological impact of haircut : until 15:00 – no influences; after 15:00 - can attract difficulties and obstacles on the path to success.

19 FEBRUARY, Monday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:16.ARIES

Haircut : acceptable, especially for those who grow long hair. It's dangerous to make quick decisions regarding haircuts! It is better to go to the master with a clear goal and do not change your decisions. It is better to refrain from thermal haircuts. You can cut the ends of your hair to speed up growth.

Other procedures : It’s good to dye your hair, especially in lighter shades; you can do highlighting, blonding, etc. Massaging your head with a comb-brush or using your fingers will be beneficial.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth; there are no other influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : Helps you gain self-confidence and determination.

♈♉ 20 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:35.ARIES , TAURUS from 22:11

Moon without course from 14:11 to 22:10

Haircut : acceptable, but this is not the best day of the month for this. The best time for a haircut is after 22:10, when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus.

Other procedures : hair coloring procedures are also allowed today, but be careful: it’s better not to experiment, use those colors that you know well and that have proven themselves, as there is a risk of unpleasant surprises.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth; from 14:11 to 22:10 – no influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : before 14:11 – may attract anxiety, aggressiveness; from 14:11 - no influences.

Lunar calendar of haircuts 2017

♉ 21 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 09:56.TAURUS

Haircut : allowed; a great day for haircuts to speed up hair growth, you can cut the ends of your hair, do thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : one of the most successful days for working with hair. You can dye your hair, do extensions, straightening, hair lamination, curling. It’s good to do various hairstyles, African braids, etc. Masks for strengthening hair will also be very effective.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, strengthening hair, improving its structure.

Psychological impact of haircut : improves mood, gives self-confidence, attracts financial success.

♉ 22 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:20.TAURUS

Moon without course from 14:46

Haircut : allowed, it is good to cut the ends of the hair to speed up growth, you can do thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : The first half of the day is still a good time to work on your hair. You can dye your hair, perm it, laminate it. However, use any new products with caution. It’s good to make masks based on natural ingredients to strengthen your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, up to 14:46 - strengthening hair, improving its structure; after 14:46 – no influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : until 14:46 - can make you more wasteful, generous.

♉♊ 23 FEBRUARY, Friday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 10:50.TAURUS , TWINS from 03:08

Moon without course until 03:07

First quarter, Second phase of the Moon from 11:09

Haircut : acceptable, but it is not the luckiest day of the month. Choose this day for a haircut only as a last resort.

Other procedures : It is better to skip any complex procedures on this day. Also, if possible, avoid styling using hot tools. You can use “cold methods” for this purpose, for example, curlers. It's good to massage your head to increase blood circulation. Volume masks are allowed in the evening.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : can attract various troubles, problems in relationships with brothers/sisters or people from your inner circle.

♊ 24 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 11:57.TWINS

Moon without course from 22:58

Haircut : Allowed, you can cut the ends of your hair to speed up growth. Today it is better to get a haircut for those who have normal hair.

Other procedures : It is best to schedule any procedures after 09:00. You can style your hair using hot tools or curlers. Before 9:00 it is better not to use hair dryers and straighteners, as you can easily burn your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, no other influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : before 09:00 – can make you more impulsive, nervous and aggressive; after 09:00 - will bring pleasant surprises to life and make it more diverse.

♊♋ 25 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 10th, 11th lunar day from 12:15.TWINS , CANCER from 06:06

Moon without course until 06:06

Haircut : Better to postpone.

Other procedures : postpone any hair treatments on this day; it is better not to wash your hair at all. You can remove unwanted hair, especially in the face or legs, but since the Moon is now waxing, hair growth will accelerate, but it will be thinner and weaker.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : Can attract obstacles and unpleasant situations related to close relatives or home.

Haircut days according to the lunar calendar

♋ 26 FEBRUARY, Monday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 13:16.CANCER

Haircut : Better to postpone.

Other procedures : Today it is better to postpone any procedures, with the exception of depilation. This is a bad day for working with hair: the result may not please you too much, despite the fact that Venus and the Moon will now be in a favorable aspect.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, but the hair will split faster, become thinner and sparse, quickly begin to lose its appearance and become oily faster.

Psychological impact of haircut : can bring unexpected and unpleasant surprises into life, especially related to relatives or real estate.

♋♌ 27 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 14:29.CANCER , LION from 07:42

Moon without course from 00:51 to 07:41

Haircut : Allowed after 08:00: It’s good to cut the ends of your hair to speed up growth. One of the best days to go to the hairdresser!

Other procedures : A great day for various hair manipulations, but wait until the Moon is in Leo! Today you can do lamination and hair coloring. Fine curling is allowed. Hair or eyelash extensions will work well.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth; hair quality will improve; a healthy shine will appear; hair will look thicker.

Psychological impact of haircut : will bring favorable changes in your personal life.

Lunar haircut calendar February 2020

The strength of hair largely depends not only on the regularity of care, but also on the time when we come to the hairdresser and ask the hairdresser to do a haircut. If we take into account the readings of the 2020 lunar calendar for February, then on favorable days the hair will be healthy, shiny, its strength will increase, and it will grow very quickly. Each month has its own lunar calendar - see which days will be favorable for hair care and hair cutting in February. Having learned to follow the lunar hair cutting calendar 2020 in your everyday life, you will save your body from unnecessary expenditure of energy, make natural rhythms your assistants and improve the quality of your hair.

The lunar calendar of haircuts for the city of Moscow is compiled taking into account the influence of lunar days, phases of the Moon, the position of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac, solar and lunar eclipses, the influence of the day of the week, as well as other planets and houses of the horoscope. The overall assessment of the event and day is divided into favorable, unfavorable and neutral days for hair cutting.

The calendar is divided into two parts. The first is the tabular part, which describes events for each day and their overall time estimate - positive or negative. In the second - it seems detailed description each event for the day, to do this you need to follow the link (by day of the week) in the tabular section or scroll down the page.

The selection of a favorable time depends on the method; the more complex the method, the less time we have for action. Available for the current calendar the following types selection

Accounting for lunar days. The choice of time using this method is carried out taking into account the influence of lunar days, the phase of the Moon, its location in the Zodiac sign, lunar and solar eclipses, the Moon without a course, and also in some calendars the day of the week and month of the year are taken into account. The main selection criterion for this method is lunar days.

Accounting for all planets in the horoscope. The choice of time using this method is carried out taking into account the influence of the phase of the Moon, its location in the Zodiac sign, lunar and solar eclipses, the Moon without a course, aspects and retrograde of planets, with the exception of lunar days, months of the year and days of the week.

Taking into account the influence of planets on houses. The choice of time using this method is carried out taking into account the influence of the phase of the Moon, its location in the Zodiac sign, lunar and solar eclipses, the Moon without a course, aspects and retrogrades of the planets, the houses of the horoscope, namely the position of the cusps of the houses, the influence of the rulers and co-rulers of the houses, the location of the planets in houses of the horoscope, aspects of planets to the cusps of houses. In this method, the necessary houses of the horoscope are also “strengthened”, i.e. The position of the rulers and co-rulers of certain houses in the Zodiac sign, retrograde and aspects to other planets are considered.

Navigation by day: Calendar of good days for hair cutting from February 1 to February 7, 2020
overall rating
Events/event evaluation
from 03:27
1) ☽ Moon enters the sign of ♉ Taurus - excellent
1) The 8th lunar day continues
(from 01.02 00:00) - excellent
2) The new moon phase continues 🌒
(from 01.02 00:00) - good
3) Day of the week is Saturday
(from 01.02 00:00) - excellent
from 11:12
1) Beginning of the 9th lunar day- Badly
1) The new moon phase continues 🌒
(from 01.02 00:00) - good
2) Day of the week is Saturday
(from 01.02 00:00) - excellent
(from 01.02 03:27) - excellent
from 11:46
1) The beginning of the 11th lunar day is excellent

(from 02.02 04:41) - good
2) Day of the week is Monday
(from 03.02 00:00) - excellent
3) ☽ Moon moves into the sign of ♉ Taurus
(from 01.02 03:27) - excellent
from 12:12
1) The beginning of the 12th lunar day is bad
1) Beginning of the growing 1st quarter phase 🌓
(from 02.02 04:41) - good
2) Day of the week is Tuesday
(from 04.02 00:00) - excellent
(from 03.02 14:28) - excellent
from 12:46
1) The beginning of the 13th lunar day is excellent
1) Beginning of the growing 1st quarter phase 🌓
(from 02.02 04:41) - good
2) Day of week Wednesday
(from 05.02 00:00) - excellent
3) ☽ Moon moves into the sign of ♊ Gemini
(from 03.02 14:28) - excellent
from 00:48
1) The beginning of the waxing moon phase 🌔 - excellent
1) Beginning of the 13th lunar day
(from 05.02 12:46) - excellent
2) Day of the week is Thursday
(from 06.02 00:00) - excellent
(from 05.02 22:02) - excellent
from 00:00
1) Day of week Friday - good
1) Beginning of the 14th lunar day
(from 06.02 13:34) - excellent
2) Beginning of the waxing moon phase 🌔
(from 06.02 00:48) - excellent
3) ☽ Moon moves into the sign of ♋ Cancer
(from 05.02 22:02) - excellent
from 14:37
1) The beginning of the 15th lunar day is bad
1) Beginning of the waxing moon phase 🌔
(from 06.02 00:48) - excellent
2) Day of the week is Friday
(from 02/07 00:00) - good
3) ☽ Moon moves into the sign of ♋ Cancer
(from 05.02 22:02) - excellent
Navigation by day:

Full lunar calendar of haircuts from February 1 to February 7, 2020

from 01.02.2020 - Saturday from 03:27 - good ☽ Moon moves into the sign of ♉ Taurus- Great

The moon in Taurus is considered one of the most favorable times to visit a hairdresser. Hair grows well, gains strength, and splits less after cutting.

1) The 8th lunar day continues (from 01.02 00:00) - excellent
2) The new moon phase continues 🌒 (from 01.02 00:00) - good
3) Day of week Saturday (from 01.02 00:00) - excellent
from 11:12 - bad Beginning of the 9th lunar day- Badly

Haircut will cause a painful condition.

1) The new moon phase continues 🌒 (from 01.02 00:00) - good
2) Day of week Saturday (from 01.02 00:00) - excellent
from 02/03/2020 - Monday from 11:46 - good Beginning of the 11th lunar day- Great

This is a good lunar day for cutting your hair if you want to become more insightful and develop your intuition. In rare cases, the gift of clairvoyance even opens.

2) Day of week Monday (from 03.02 00:00) - excellent
3) ☽ Moon enters the sign of ♉ Taurus (from 01.02 03:27) - excellent
from 02/04/2020 - Tuesday from 12:12 - bad Beginning of the 12th lunar day- Badly

One of the most unfavorable lunar days, as a haircut will cause trouble, injury, and life-threatening situations.

1) Beginning of the growing phase of the 1st quarter 🌓 (from 02.02 04:41) - good
2) Day of the week Tuesday (from 02/04 00:00) - excellent
from 02/05/2020 - Wednesday from 12:46 - good Beginning of the 13th lunar day- Great

Despite the number 13, this is a very good lunar day, on which a haircut will be successful, it will refresh your appearance, give beauty and happiness.

1) Beginning of the growing phase of the 1st quarter 🌓 (from 02.02 04:41) - good
2) Day of week Wednesday (from 02/05 00:00) - excellent
3) ☽ Moon moves into the sign ♊ of Gemini (from 03.02 14:28) - excellent
from 02/06/2020 - Thursday from 00:48 - excellent Beginning of the waxing moon phase 🌔- Great

When cutting your hair during a waxing moon, your hair will grow faster than during a waning moon.

1) Beginning of the 13th lunar day (from 02/05 12:46) - excellent
2) Day of week Thursday (from 02/06 00:00) - excellent
3) ☽ Moon moves into the sign ♋ Cancer (from 05.02 22:02) - excellent
from 02/07/2020 - Friday from 00:00 - good Day of week Friday- Fine

Friday is the day of Venus. If you strive to meet new men, or you need new acquaintances (which, moreover, can greatly influence your destiny), get your hair cut on Friday. But if everything is fine with you, it’s better not to change anything. Otherwise, getting a haircut on this day can deprive you of your inner balance. And don't get your hair cut if you were born on Tuesday.

Note- if suddenly everything around you turns black, you can try to leave the black streak by cutting your hair on the day that is called the antagonist of your birthday. The antagonist for Friday is Tuesday. But do not forget that you can only get a haircut on antagonistic days if you are suddenly haunted by failures in all areas. Then life will most likely take a sharp turn and take you to a bright spot. Otherwise, you will just attract negative energies to yourself.

Recommendations and tips on the Lunar calendar for hair cutting, curling, coloring, depilation and hair removal in February 2019

The lunar hair cutting calendar for February 2019 provides a description of each day - which lunar day and in which zodiac sign the Moon is located on a given day. Favorable days for cutting hair in February and the favorable location of the Moon in the Zodiac sign are indicated in red.


The calendar is compiled for 12 noon Moscow time. Adjust for your location. Calculate Lunar dayon another date in another city and seethe beginning and end of the lunar day in February 2019.

for hair cutting in February 2019

27th lunar day. Positive day. It does not bring any life-changing changes, but the haircut or styling will turn out to be surprisingly pleasing to your eye, which will lead to an amazingly good mood.

Moon in Capricorn

28th lunar day. The appearance acquired as a result of visiting the hairdresser will serve you well in attracting acquaintances and charming the right people.

Favorable day for hair cutting

Moon in Capricorn . A good time to visit the hairdresser. The overall condition of the hair will only improve from a haircut at this time.
29th lunar day . 30th lunar day Moon in Capricorn . A good time to visit the hairdresser. The overall condition of the hair will only improve from a haircut at this time.
29th lunar day . 30th lunar day It is better to postpone hair cutting for a more favorable period. Moon in Aquarius .
2nd lunar day. Unfavorable day for a haircut. Cutting hair can lead to quarrels and litigation. Moon in Aquarius . Aquarius has a rather negative effect on hair. Increased likelihood of hair loss and baldness
3rd lunar day. Unfavorable day for a haircut. Cutting your hair will lead to material waste and poor health. Moon in Pisces

4th lunar day. Getting a haircut on this day is associated with feelings of discomfort and melancholy caused by the fear of losing loved ones. Exacerbations of diseases of the throat or oral cavity are possible. Unfavorable day for cutting hair.

Moon in Pisces . At this time, it is better to forget about visiting the hairdresser. Haircut leads to dandruff, which will not be easy to eliminate. Even just washing your hair and hair should be done as little as possible. An unfavorable sign for hair cutting.

5th lunar day. A haircut will lead to an improvement in your financial condition and overall well-being. A good day to cut your hair.

Moon in Pisces . At this time, it is better to forget about visiting the hairdresser. Haircut leads to dandruff, which will not be easy to eliminate. Even just washing your hair and hair should be done as little as possible. An unfavorable sign for hair cutting.
6th lunar day . It is better to avoid cutting your hair on this day. You can catch a cold. Unfavorable day for cutting hair Moon in Aries .

7th lunar day . A day when cutting your hair can lead to conflicts and quarrels with your close circle or senior management. Various types of exacerbations of diseases are possible. Unfavorable day for cutting hair.

Moon in Aries . A rather unfavorable period for getting a haircut, leading to a weakening of the body’s general immunity, which increases the likelihood of various types of diseases.

8th lunar day . Perfect day to cut your hair. It promises good health and a comfortable life until old age.

Favorable day for hair cutting

Moon in Taurus
From 12 hours 06 minutes 9th lunar day Moon in Taurus . The most ideal time to visit the hairdresser. When cut during this period, the hair grows well, becomes stronger and becomes resistant to external influences, and has less split ends.
Up to 12 hours 24 minutes 9th lunar day. Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Diseases and all kinds of problems overtake a person who has the habit of cutting his hair on this day. Moon in Taurus . The most ideal time to visit the hairdresser. When cut during this period, the hair grows well, becomes stronger and becomes resistant to external influences, and has less split ends.
February 14 10th lunar day. It is better to refrain from visiting the hairdresser. According to Tibetan traditions, the “burning day” threatens deterioration of health. Moon in Gemini .

11th lunar day. A haircut on this day develops the acuity of the senses and improves the insight of the mind. A good day to cut your hair.

Favorable day for hair cutting

Moon in Gemini . The Moon in Gemini and Libra allows you to create airy hairstyles. After a haircut on such days, the hair grows quickly, but its structure and condition do not change.
12th lunar day. It is better to postpone the haircut to a more favorable period, since on this day you can attract misfortunes and the likelihood of injury, even death, increases. Moon in Cancer

13th lunar day. Good time for a haircut. On this day you will not only gain a beautiful appearance, but also attract good luck and happiness into your life.

Moon in Cancer . After a haircut on such days, the hairstyle does not hold its shape at all, the hair becomes unruly and cannot be styled. During this period, it is not recommended to wash your hair. You should refrain from cutting your hair while the Moon is in the constellation Cancer.

14th lunar day. Improvement in all areas of life (from position in society to financial status) awaits a person who schedules a haircut on the fourteenth lunar day.

Favorable day for hair cutting

Moon in Leo
15th lunar day. Unfavorable day for visiting the hairdresser. A haircut on this day is fraught with serious negative consequences in almost all areas (from disturbances in the general condition of the body to mental processes). Moon in Leo . A haircut on such days makes your hair beautiful, fluffy and silky. This position of the Moon in the sky is considered favorable if you want to change the way or rhythm of your life.
16th lunar day. Unfavorable day for cutting hair. By getting a haircut on this day, you expose yourself to the possibility of personal mistakes and subsequent accidents. It also becomes much more difficult to keep your passions and negative habits under control. Moon in Virgo
17th lunar day. A haircut creates all sorts of obstacles in business and leads to deterioration in health (from an increased likelihood of injury to mental disorders). According to Eastern traditions, the most harmful spirits are attracted when cutting hair on this day. Moon in Virgo . Time to visit the hairdresser. Hair grows well, becomes stronger and improves its structure, and splits less. For the use of chemicals (all types of hair coloring, perms), the best days are when the Moon is located in Virgo.
18th lunar day. Having a haircut on this day increases the likelihood of theft or robbery directed against you, which can lead not only to the loss of property and belongings, but also to subsequent deterioration in health. Moon in Libra

19th lunar day. On this day, it is better to put things aside and make time to visit the hairdresser, as a haircut on this day prolongs life.

Favorable day for hair cutting

Moon in Libra. The Moon in Libra allows you to create airy hairstyles. After a haircut on such days, the hair grows quickly, but its structure and condition do not change.
20th lunar day. A haircut on this day changes your attitude towards life. Even the most inveterate optimist will begin to look closely at the negativity of life, to the point of developing a persistent feeling of disgust for life in general and the environment in particular. Moon in Scorpio

21st lunar day. For external and internal beauty and, as a consequence, well-being and good position The one who cuts his hair on this day is doomed. The day is favorable for cutting hair.

Moon in Scorpio. The position of the Moon is extremely risky for a haircut, since it can either improve or worsen your personal life and, in general, relationships with the opposite sex.
22nd lunar day. On the one hand, cutting your hair on this day makes it possible to acquire property, and on the other hand, it can lead to an increase in excess weight, which cannot but affect the overall health. Moon in Sagittarius

23rd lunar day. Gives a healthy complexion and improves well-being.

Favorable day for hair cutting

Moon in Sagittarius. A haircut performed these days will become a talisman for your realization and recognition in business circles. An excellent period for a haircut that will promote favorable changes in your career and relationships with colleagues.
24th lunar day. It's a very unfavorable day for a haircut. Threatens deterioration of health, especially if there are already chronic or hidden diseases Moon in Capricorn . A good time to visit the hairdresser. The overall condition of the hair will only improve from a haircut at this time.

Recommendations and tips for cutting, curling, depilating, hair removal and hair coloring

While visiting a hairdresser, have you noticed that hair cutting, made by the same master, can be ideal and do not require styling, but can cause a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes, after a haircut, the hair lies well, but sometimes it is impossible to cope with it. Sometimes they grow back quickly, sometimes they grow back very slowly. To be satisfied with your haircut, visit your hairdresser on days when The Moon is in the signs of Leo or Virgo. Haircut these days it's good to do both on a growing, so on the waning moon, but better - on a growing one. If you cut your hair during Leo days, your hair will look thick. If get a haircut on Virgo days, they will grow faster and keep their shape perfectly. You can get your hair cut on other days of the waxing Moon, with the exception of the signs of Pisces and Cancer. A haircut during the waning moon will keep your hair in good condition, but it will grow slowly.

Bad for hair haircut on the waning moon in Capricorn, as well as haircuts in the days of Cancer and Pisces in any phase. If you get a haircut on a bad day, your hair will lie poorly, grow for a long time, may begin to fall out, dandruff may appear in it, split faster and become thinner. It is very harmful to cut your hair during the waning Moon in Aries - it will fall out quickly and heavily! It is also harmful to cut your hair during Gemini days.

Hair curling successfully passes during any phase in the days of Virgo. Any days of any phase are also suitable, except for the days of Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. If you curl your hair during Leo days, the curl will be too strong because the hair curls itself on these days. In the days of Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, at any phase, you should not curl your hair, as it will look lifeless, dull, and begin to split and break.

Hair coloring It’s better to do it when the moon is waxing, the paint will last longer. If you dye your hair during the waning moon, the color will wash off faster. If you want to check whether a particular color really suits you, use a coloring shampoo rather than dye. It will wash off after a few times, and you will see whether the color suits you or not.

Depilation and hair removal

There are many methods of hair removal and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Laser and photoepilation, hot waxeffective way but painful, the razor has more advantages. When choosing a hair removal method, keep in mind that hair removed during the waxing Moon grows back faster. You can shave them in the morning, and by evening they will have grown back quite a bit. If you remove them while the Moon is waxing in Leo or Virgo, not only will they grow back faster, but they will also become even thicker and denser. It is best to remove hair during the waning Moon in Capricorn. And also on any other days of the waning moon, except for the signs of Virgo and Leo.

We present to your attention:

Conception (pregnancy) calendar. The conception calendar will help calculate the probability of conception, the nature of the pregnancy and the predicted gender of the unborn child, depending on the date and time of intimacy.

Wedding calendar. Personal wedding calendar - the reliability and durability of the marriage, the well-being and psychological climate in the family largely depend on the wedding date. In marriage, the initial astrological situation affects the further course of life. Therefore, use the wedding calendar and choose the most suitable date and time for this. Regardless of the position of the Moon in the Zodiac Signs and the favorableness of the lunar day, marriage is unacceptable during all fasts, on the eve or during church holidays, Christmastide, Maslenitsa, etc.