"Kusudama" - magic ball (origami). Children's gift making project: "Kusudama" Drawing up a thinking diagram

MBOU "Krasnoyasylskaya Secondary School"
Master class: Kusudama “Flower Ball” Prepared by: teacher of art, technology Batueva Taisya Mikhailovna

Goal: to teach how to fold origami modules to make a ball - kusudama
Objectives: Educational: teach paper folding techniques. talk about how to assemble a ball - kusudama. Educational: to cultivate a sense of beauty Developmental: to introduce the history of the origin of kusudama

History of the origin of kusudama
What are kusudama? These are a variety of balls consisting of paper flowers or other parts collected together. These individual parts are called modules. Kusudama means "medicine ball" in Japanese. Why is this so? In ancient times, the Japanese filled such balls (tama means ball in Japanese) with medicinal herbs (kusuri means medicine in Japanese) and believed that they emitted positive energy.

There is another legend about the origin of the word “kusudama”. In ancient times, the Japanese put the fruits of the camphor tree into paper figures - camphor balls, which have healing properties. Figurines with them were laid out or hung in the bedroom, exuded a pleasant aroma and had a beneficial effect on the health of the people in it. Thus, it turns out that the word “kusudama” comes from the Japanese “kusu”, which translates as camphor. Be that as it may, the essence remains the same.

Folding kusuda can be roughly divided into three parts. The first is folding modules. The better and neater your modules are, the better the kusudama will look. The modules will be easier to nest into each other, and there will be no gaps in the model. The second part is assembling a ball from modules. The third part is for those who want to hang kusudama from the ceiling or from a lamp. Then a lace, thread or thin colored rope is attached to it. You can attach a tassel of floss threads or colored beads to the bottom for decoration.

Kusudama is one of the most ancient and decorative traditional Japanese products using the origami technique. Now they are used for interior decoration or as great gifts. According to tradition, you can fill the ball with incense, herbs or flower petals.

For work you will need: - glue - square sheets of paper

Take a square sheet. Fold it diagonally. We get a triangle.

We bend the right and left corners to the top.

Now we bend it to the right edge and also repeat with the left side.

Open both pockets
We must bend down the corners that are peeking out.

Project: Kusudama

Completed by: Alina Bagapova, 4th grade

Head: Maksimova M.V.


1. Rationale for the project topic

This is fourth grade. Fun and alarming at the same time. Soon we will go to high school and leave our beloved teacher. I would like to leave something as a memory of our class to Valentina Nikolaevna. Something kind and sunny. We thought for a very long time, searched in books and magazines, on the Internet. We couldn't find anything suitable. We once read an article that in Japan it is customary to give flower balls made of paper. They bring health and happiness to the home. These balls are called (Japanese,薬玉 letters A medicine ball is a type of Japanese art that is hung anywhere in a room and filled with medicinal herbs. This is a paper model that is usually (but not always) formed by sewing together the ends of many identical pyramidal modules (usually stylized flowers folded from a square piece of paper) so that a spherical body is created. Alternatively, the individual components can be glued together. Sometimes, as a decoration, a tassel is attached to the bottom. Kusudama were used for healing infusions and incense.Making kusuda requires a little more time than figurines made from just one square - after all, some balls require dozens of modules to make.It’s faster to do this kind of work together. Having received such a work as a gift, Valentina Nikolaevna will inevitably perceive it as a symbol of the collective wish for happiness and health. That is, as a kind of sign of universal attention and care.Kusudama can simply serve as a wonderful decoration for any interior.

And so we settarget:

Execute teamwork using kusudama technique

To achieve the goal, the following were identifiedtasks:

    Get acquainted with the history of kusudama.

    Choose the type of kusudama.

    Select tools and material for work

    Get the job done

Project theme: Kusudama

2.Project planning


Questions to consider

Duration of stages

Result of work

1 .


Why did you start the project?

What specific steps should I take to achieve my goal?

Why, when choosing a technique for performing work, did you choose the kusudama technique?

How did the search for compositions go and color scheme?


She justified the choice of the project topic, set goals and objectives.

We studied the history of the appearance of kusudama. Basic techniques and variations in the kusudama technique.


Am I doing my job correctly?

Does it meet technological requirements?

What tools and materials did you use?



Selected the materials and tools needed

for work.

Drawing up technological maps.

Got the job done.


What is the consumption of materials, funds and time for work?

What is the cost and price of the work?

Will we be able to convince others of the merits of our project?

What technical means, presentation, visuals are best to use?


We made an economic calculation of our work.

Prepare the project beautifully, prepare a speech and presentation for defense.

Defended in the House of Children's Creativity at a project competition.

3. Drawing up a thinking scheme

To avoid missing any execution questions creative project, I made up

“Thinking Scheme”, which reflected the main issues of implementing a creative project.



Economic calculation

Planning the Execution Sequence

Search for a plot and color scheme

What are the techniques for working with paper?


Selection of materials and tools

Selection of execution technique

4. Bank of ideas


Super ball

Spring flowers

Blooming thorns


There can be many options.

There are a huge variety of types of kusuda. Which one to choose?

Idea No. 1. Kusudama. Blooming thorns. Consists of 30 modules. Although the modules are easy to implement, assembly requires some skill.

Idea N 2 Cooler. Interesting kusudama. Very beautiful work.

Idea No. 3. This work is more suitable to our plan

Idea No. 4. This kusudama is found under different names: “Spring Flowers”, “Bride’s Bouquet”, “Purple Flowers”. We decided to go with the name “Spring Flowers”. We think our teacher will really like this kusudama.

Idea No. 5. Super ball. Very beautiful kusudama. But the modules take a very long time to assemble. And we need 40 of them!

Conclusion :

Having researched possible options, we decided to execute. Kusudama No. 3 and 4.5.

"IfWithfriendcame outVpath

Have fun on the road

Without friends I'm a little bit

And with friends a lot"

I think we can handle it and please our teacher.

5.Origin of the art of origami

Derived from an ancient Japanese tradition whenkusudama used for incense and a mixture of dry petals; perhaps these were the first real bouquets of flowers or herbs. The first kusudama were used during Shinto rituals "kagura", as symbols of the sun. These were very large red balls with sticking out different sides long poles located at the corners of a rectangular platform. The balls themselves were made of a huge number of scarlet paper carnations, and the “rays” of the poles were also decorated with paper flowers...

Psychologists have long found out that any activity that is so captivating that a person forgets about time and troubles is a great benefit for the body. It not only helps you cope with stress, lowers blood pressure and strengthens your immune system. It even helps... to survive.

And nowadays, many people believe that if you bring your palms to kusudama, you can “charge” with positive energy from it. Perhaps this is so! One thing is guaranteed: you will definitely receive a huge charge of positive emotions from contemplating this beauty! And even more so from the creation process.

6. Selection of materials, tools and devices.

To create kusudama, special origami paper is used.It is called “kami” (translation of “paper” in Japanese). Such paper is already cut into sheets of the desired shape, usually square. Size may vary. Usually one side of such a sheet is white, the other is colored, the set consists of several different colors. Occurs colored paper on both sides, as well as paper with ornaments.

But we don’t have such paper.

What paper to choose for origami. We searched the Internet and found these recommendations.

“It doesn’t matter what kind of paper you choose for making origami, the main thing is that it holds the fold well and is durable (does not tear during the folding process).”

6.1.Research work.

Let's make our observations: So, let's take several types of paper that we have and test them. Let's make a cooler module. What kind of paper will make it the best?

Type of paper



Magazine glossy

- the paint rubs off on the folds, the paper does not hold the fold.

From children's sets


Doesn't hold its shape well; there just aren't enough sheets of the same color.

From children's sets


The paint rubs off on the folds and the paper tears. Few sheets of the same color may simply not be enough.

Office paper

The bright, beautiful paper holds its shape well, but tears and frays on the folds.

Office paper(!)

Just what we need! Many shades, does not tear or turn white on the folds, holds its shape well

Paper for notes. Without glue.(!)

Just what we need!

Many shades, does not tear and does not turn white on the folds. The paper is immediately cut into squares of the required size

Conclusion: The best module was made from office paper and note paper. It follows from this that office paper is suitable for practicing origami and kusudama, since it is quite thick and not too smooth (such paper is also suitable for modular origami, since it is not slippery and holds its shape well). The paper is well colored on both sides and does not turn white on the folds. Small square pieces of paper are also good for notes.

6.2 Tools and accessories

To work, we may need scissors, a needle and thread. But you can use glue. Ribbons and beads for decoration.

7.Search for a plot and color scheme.

The most important thing left for us to do is choose a color.

Color influences play an important role in a person’s life: color can influence decision-making, change your reaction or cause it. Under the influence of a certain color, blood pressure may rise or your appetite may decrease/increase. We do not pay attention to color in life, and we understand the importance of its impact only in the absence of colors: for example, on a cloudy, rainy day we feel a decrease in mood, energy, depression, and the world around us seems unfriendly to us.

Bright red color increases heart rate, breathing, blood pressure and generally has a stimulating effect, energizes, has a revitalizing effect and warms up. It strengthens the heart and circulatory system.

Pink gives a feeling of lightness, happiness, tenderness. Often associated with olfactory sensations.

Orange evokes a feeling of joy and well-being, awakens the joy of life and fun. Helps with depression, apathy and loss of appetite.

Yellow – the most optimistic color, it creates a cheerful, upbeat mood and helps to concentrate attention. Improves mood, has a positive effect on nervous system and internal organs.

Green has a refreshing and calming effect. It has a powerful anti-stress effect, as it calms the nerves and eliminates overwork and fatigue.

Blue Andblue colors evoke a feeling of coolness and calm, more so than green. Blue reduces inflammation and helps with sleep disorders, as well as headaches.

Violet has a relaxing effect on the psyche. Violet tones promote better concentration and significantly reduce mental stress.

It seems that the human psyche, following a spectrum from red to violet, runs through the entire gamut of emotions.


We decided to use different colors, because human emotions are so changeable, we want to be sad, have fun, or relax after have a hard day. We think this is what Valentina Nikolaevna needs, because she gets so tired with the guys in the class.

8.Basic techniques

The process of creating a flower ball itself comes down to folding modules and assembling a ball from them. The modules are connected together in three ways: nested inside each other, glued or stitched. We will glue them together.

And so we have three kusudama “Lily”, “Purple Flowers” ​​and “Superball”. All these modules are assembled from basic form double square and double triangle...

Double square diagram: Appendix 1

Double triangle pattern:2

Module diagram « Spring flowers" : Appendix 3

Diagram of the module "Lily" Appendix 4

Module diagram "Superball" Appendix 5

9. Labor safety rules

Rules for safe work with scissors:1. Pass the scissors closed, rings first!2. Do not hold the scissors with the ends up!3. Do not leave scissors open on the table!Rules for safe work with glue.1. When working with glue, use a brush.2. If glue gets on your skin or eyes, rinse them with water. If necessary, consult a doctor.3. When finished, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

4. Cover the working surface with newspapers, wrapping paper or oilcloth - after work you will not have to wash the table from droplets of frozen glue.

Rules for working with paper

All fold lines are made clearly, ironing well. To prevent dirty spots from remaining on the paper, iron the folded area with closed scissors, or place a sheet of paper over the intended fold and iron it on top. Moreover, if there is a single fold, then it is convenient to position the sheet so that the fold is on the right or on top.

10.Technological sequence of assembling kusudama.


Sequence of operations


Tools and accessories

Complete the required number of modules according to the scheme

Paper for notes. Scheme.

Glue the modules together in a circle

Modules, glue.

Modules, glue

Form 2 hemispheres from the modules

Modules, glue

Modules, glue

Glue the tape between the hemispheres. Glue two hemispheres into a ball. Decorate with beads. Decorate as you wish.

Bead, tape glue.

11.Economic calculation

The cost of our kusuda collection can be calculated as follows:

A block of sheets for notes cost 200 rubles. There are 500 sheets in a block.

Cost of sheets: number of sheets = 200 rubles: 500 sheets = 0.4 rubles


12 modules, which consist of 3 sheets of orange, yellow and green.

12*3=36 sheets went to kusudama

36 * 0.4 rubles = 14 rubles 40 kopecks.

    Kusudama"Spring Flowers"

7 modules, which consist of 4 leaves = 28 leaves

7 modules which consist of 3 leaves = 21 leaves

28+21=49 leaves

49*0.4=20 rubles

    Kusudama "Superball"

    40modules = 40sheets

40*0.4= 16 rubles

    We also needed various ribbons and beads for decoration.

Ribbons - 50 rubles, beads - 50 rubles

Total 14+20+16+100=150 rubles


While doing this project, we learned how to make such beautiful kusudama crafts.

We also learned that this is one of the types of Japanese art that is hung somewhere in the room and filled with medicinal herbs. What kusudama is usually made from stylized flowers, folded from a square sheet of paper, so that a spherical body is obtained. We found out that to perform kusuda it is better to take office paper, but it is more convenient to do it from note paper.

Purpose of the lesson: To get acquainted with the art of “Kusudama”, learn about its magical properties and meaning. Objectives: Learn to fold classic model kusudama “bells”, work with diagrams, use conventional signs adopted in origami. Activate cognitive and mental processes in creative, fruitful work. Tell me - and I will hear, Show me - and I will remember, Let me do it myself - and I will understand! Japanese proverb.

The word “origami” means “folded paper”; in Japanese it is written using two characters: “ori” - folded and “kami” - paper. "Origins creativity and children's talents at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words: the more skill in a child’s palm, the smarter child" Sukhomlinsky V.

Origami Introducing a child to universal human values ​​Introduces children to basic geometric concepts and diagrams. Develops spatial imagination, eye, attention and memory. Teaches children various techniques for working with paper Development of speech, composing and telling fairy tales, creating game situations. Artistic aesthetic development child Stimulating self-education

“Kusudama” (Japanese, can be translated as “healing ball”, since this word consists of two words: “kusuri” - medicine and “tama” - ball. Kusudama is a camphor ball, the aroma of which is medicinal properties. “Kusudama” is a type of volumetric origami and is related to modular origami.

Kusudama “Bells” This beautiful and simple model In Japan, they are often collected on holidays and used to decorate their interiors. The author of the model is Mio Tsugawa. This version of the decorative ball is assembled from sixty modules. All modules for assembly must be the same. During the assembly process, they are grouped by 5 pieces into an “inflorescence” (12 flowers).

The magician who came up with colored paper, red, yellow and blue, probably believed that the guys could make figures from different squares. Only Japanese children knew these figures all over the world. The white crane has become a symbol of peace, a symbol of happiness - paper boat. Fairytale butterflies, pink hares You can do it with your fingers. I propose to try with you to learn the origami technique.

Viki.rdf.ruviki.rdf.ru ​​Artemov A.V. “Decorative and Applied Art”, ed., M., 1990 -Afonkin S.Yu. Origami lessons at school and at home. Experimental tutorial for primary school. M, “Akim”, Afonkin S.Yu., Afonkina E.Yu. All about origami. Directory. St. Petersburg: “Crystal”, M: “Onyx”, Baranov N.V. “The Art of Countries and Peoples of the World”, ed., M., 1989 - Origami Bank - the art of folding money, “Central Bank of Russia” - Vygonov V.V. “Workshop on labor training” “Academa” ed., M., 1999. -Gagarin B.G. “Paper Design”, ed., Tashkent, 1988. Sources of information

The origami technique is multifaceted, it includes not only addition various models from a sheet of paper, but also modular figures, which involve the production of identical elements and their subsequent combination into one whole. It is by this principle that kusudama is made, which is the name given to flower balls created from individual elements.

The Japanese word "kusudama" translates to "medicine ball". Previously, the Japanese placed various medicinal herbs inside kusudama and stirred it over the patient’s bed. And these days these magic balls are used simply for decoration and decoration of rooms.

Kusudama - photos and diagrams of how to make

In this master class I will show 5 options - how to make kusudama from paper with step by step photos with your own hands.

Openwork paper ball

These paper balls with a brush can be used to decorate rooms or hang on a Christmas tree. It all depends on your imagination. The openwork ball turns out to be very original and beautiful.

To create it you will need the following materials:

  • stripes white– 30 pieces (size 4.5x9 cm);
  • blue stripes - 30 pieces (size 4.5x9 cm);
  • PVA glue;
  • strong knitting thread.

Stages of work:

Take a blue strip of paper and fold it in half from left to right.

Then return to the starting position. Thus, the middle of the strip is visible.

Bend the upper left corner of the strip up to the middle.

Do the same with the second corner, that is, the right one. You just need to bend it from top to bottom.

Now bend the upper left corner down and the right corner up to the center line.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 again.

Now carefully unfold everything to the initial position of the leaf.

Take a white piece of paper and fold it in half.

Then step back about 0.5 - 0.7 mm down and bend again.

Carefully fold the leaf to the middle like an accordion.

At the end, there is no need to bend the corrugation one last time; there should be a protrusion.

Do the same with the second side of the workpiece. In the end it should look like this.

Now you need to bend the lower left and upper right corner.

WITH reverse side the workpiece looks like this.

Then bend on both sides along the marked lines.

We bend the entire part along the lines of the blue blank. In the end it comes out like this.

The white center must be glued using PVA glue.

There should be 30 such blanks.

Now assembling the ball. Take one module and coat the pocket near the corrugation with glue.

Glue the second module in the same way as in the photo.

So glue 5 blanks together.

Continue gluing the side modules in a circle until a ball is formed.

At the end, make a brush and attach it to the ball.

It turns out so beautiful and original openwork ball from paper. It can be used simply for interior decoration.

In addition, this craft can be done with children and involve them in creativity.

Sonobe ball

This kusudama is perfect for a beginner. It consists of only 30 modules, which are very easy to fold.

To work, you will need 30 paper squares with a side of 8 to 10 cm. It is very convenient to use leaves from writing blocks, but you can cut squares from colored paper. In this version, 8.5 cm squares are taken in five different colors.

Let's start folding the module. Take a square of paper and fold it in half.

Unfold and fold the edges again towards the midline.

From opposite sides we bend the corners to the first horizontal line.

Bend the corners again.

Fold the sides towards the center of the square.

Make two diagonal folds.

We repeat the action in the other direction to get this pattern of lines.

We turn over one side of the workpiece and put a corner there.

We return the bend to its place.

On the other side, we tuck the edge of the paper into the resulting pocket to create a diamond shape.

Fold the rhombus in half.

We fold the triangle towards the center of the module.

We do the same with the other edge. The module is ready.

When all 30 pieces have been collected, we begin assembling the kusudama. We push the corner of one part into the pocket of another.

We form a pyramid of three modules.

In the future, when assembling, we focus on the “star” of five pyramids. This is what the correctly assembled side of the kusudama should look like.

We continue to collect. If the modules were made carefully, then everything will turn out smoothly and without glue. The last 2-3 modules are difficult to insert. Make sure your creation doesn't fall apart.

Our kusudama is ready.

You can decorate it with a ribbon or tassel and attach a loop for hanging. Or you can leave it like that.

Kusudama flower ball "Bells"

Bells are very beautiful flowers. They can be easily made from paper and shaped like a ball. A little-known technique called kusudama will help with this. At first glance, it may seem that the craft is very complicated, but it is not so. If you strictly follow the instructions, you can make such a ball quickly and easily.

Required materials:

  • paper squares measuring 8x8 cm - 60 pcs.;
  • PVA glue;
  • paper clips;
  • knitting thread;
  • big bead.

Step-by-step diagram for making a kusudama ball

01. Take one piece, that is, a square and place it with an acute angle upward to form a rhombus.

2. Now bend the workpiece from bottom to top horizontally.

4. Then bend the left half in half from top to bottom.

5. Bend the right half of the workpiece down. Then bend it in half.

6. Now fold the left corner of the module towards the right so that they do not overlap each other, but simply touch.

7. Hide the right corner of the module as shown in the photo.

8. Bend the upper triangle, which extends beyond the workpiece lines, down.

10. It is necessary to make 60 such blanks.

11. Each flower consists of five modules. They need to be glued in a circle. In order for them to be fixed, they must be fastened with paper clips.

12. There should be 12 flowers in total.

13. All bell blanks also need to be glued together with glue and secured with paper clips.

14. Glue the remaining flowers in a circle and form a ball.

15. Make a brush from knitting thread.

16. After the ball has dried and the parts are holding tightly, remove the paper clips and pull a brush through any hole in the ball and secure with a large bead. Kusudama ball “Bells” is ready.

This is the kind of beauty you can make with your own hands. This ball can be hung on a window or on a wall in a room. They can also be used to decorate Christmas tree. It all depends on your imagination and preferences.

Master class on making such a bright kusudama flower from paper.

To work, you will need a colored sheet of paper, some object for drawing circles, a pencil, scissors, and PVA glue.

Draw six identical circles on paper and cut them out.

Fold one of the circles in half.

Let's unfold it, after which you need to make a fold in the middle on one of the halves.

Turn the workpiece over to the other side and form small indentations in the upper part.

Apply a little PVA glue to one fourth of the circle from the edge.

Let's connect this part of the circle, and then apply glue to the other quarter of the circle.

Let's glue it together, our workpiece takes on the following form.

This is what one of the petals looks like from the front side.

Using the same principle, we make 5 more petals.

We begin to glue these elements together. Apply a strip of glue to one of them.

Let's connect this petal to another.

Let's continue gluing them together, and in the end we get a flower.

The flower using the kusudama technique is ready!

Video lesson “Kusudama superball”

The origami technique is becoming more and more popular every day. And this is not surprising. After all, with its help you can create masterpieces from paper. This process is so exciting that it cannot even be put into words. Of course, creating crafts requires a lot of time and materials. But such work brings pleasure, including aesthetic pleasure.

Galina Zemlyanskaya

Today I will tell you how to fold a beautiful and quite easy to assemble kusudama.

Kusudama or balls of happiness - this is one of the sections in the art of origami, which all beginning origami artists are trying to master in one way or another.

Kusudama or medicinal ball is a paper model, usually spherical in shape, which was used for incense and medicinal infusions in ancient Japan. Initially kusudama obtained by stitching or gluing identical elements. Exactly kusudama became the predecessors of modular origami. However, traditional origami models, as we know, do not accept the intervention of glue, scissors and other additional tools. Our today kusudama fully complies with all the canons of origami art - it is made of modules, but they are fastened together only by intricate folds of paper.

To create crafts we will be needed:

colored paper of different colors;


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