Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group on the topic: “Bread. "The Number Ten"

Elena Nikolaevna
Abstract of the GCD “Introduction to the number and number 10” in preparatory group


Form an idea about number 10: its formation, composition, records.



Introduce the number and number 10, teach to correlate the number of objects with number.


Develop thinking, auditory perception and attentiveness.


Cultivate friendly attitudes towards peers, the formation of independence.

Methodological equipment classes: Bullfinch (stuffed bird, teaching aids for individual assignments, illustrations of animals, handouts.

Progress of the lesson

Inflammation: Guys, now I’ll tell you a riddle. If you guess it, you will find out who came to our lesson today.

Arrived for the winter

Birds that are clever in the cold

Jumping on trees and branches

In red-fiery vests.

We cannot help but recognize them -

We love the bird...

Children: Bullfinch!

Inflammation: That’s right, a bullfinch came to visit us. (Shows an illustration of a bullfinch)

Finger gymnastics

Inflammation: Guys, let's feed our bullfinch.

Children pronounce words.

Bullfinch, bullfinch.

Eat our grains. (Circular movements with the index finger of one hand in the center of the palm of the other).

One rye

Second oatmeal

Third flaxseed

Fourth mustard,

Fifth wheat. (Pinch fingers one by one).

Peck, don't be shy!

And invite your friends! (Fist, rib, palm).

Inflammation: Guys, where do you think the bullfinch was before he came to our lesson? (Children's answers must be complete)

Guys, let's ask our magic book, it knows the answers to all questions. Repeat the magic with me words:

Book, we ask, tell me,

Yes, tell the whole truth.

Show us the bullfinch.

The teacher shows an illustration of a zoo.

Inflammation: Oh, guys, where are we? (Children: At the zoo).

Inflammation: Today you will find out what animals live in the zoo. Get to know the number 10. Let's count all the animals, and in order not to lose count, put one star on the table each time. (Picks up a stuffed bullfinch and reads a poem)

A flock of nimble bullfinches

In the zoo, among the animals.

The bullfinch visited first

Behind bars by the lion.

He stayed with the fox,

I drank some water at the walrus's.

I ate carrots from an elephant,

I ate millet with the crane.

Stayed with a rhinoceros

I ate a little bran.

He attended the feast

In tailed kangaroos.

I was at a festive dinner.

At the shaggy bear.

A toothy crocodile

Almost swallowed it. (As he reads, he shows illustrations of animals)

Inflammation: What animals did the bullfinch see? (Answers) How many animals are there in total? Did you count the bullfinch itself? What was he like? (Tenth)

Inflammation: How did we get number 10? (9+1)

Guys, look carefully at number 10. How number Is 10 different from other numbers? (Work in notebook “One is a step, two is a step”). Until today, we used one icon to write each number. Number ten is denoted by two numbers 1 and 0.

Inflammation: 1 consists of two "sticks", one of which is smaller than the other, 0 consists of one element - a large oval.

Number zero - empty space,

Or simply - nothing.

Zero swollen in protest sign,

To get noticed.

Nolik! Zero! No need to get angry!

Get behind the unit quickly.

It's the only way when you're together

There will be as many as ten at once! (Children work in notebooks)

Physical education minute "Fun in the Woods"

The hares got up early in the morning,

They played merrily in the forest. (Jumping in place.)

Jump-jump-jump along the paths!

Who is not used to charging? (Walk in place.)

Here is a fox walking through the forest.

Who's jumping there, I wonder? (Stretching - arms forward.)

To answer the question,

The little fox pulls his nose. (Jumping in place.)

But the bunnies jump quickly.

How could it be otherwise? (Running in place.)

Exercise helps!

And the bunnies run away. (Walk in place.)

Here's a hungry fox

Looks sadly at the heavens. (Stretching - arms up.)

Sighs heavily (Deep inhale and exhale.)

He sits down and rests. (Sits down and rests.)

Inflammation: Guys, now we Let's get acquainted with the composition of the number 10. Oh, it seemed to me that someone quickly jumped past us?

Jump - jump.

With a wallet on his thick belly.

Not rubles there, not coins.

Children stare from it.

Jumping and jumping around the yard

Mom is with them (Kangaroo) (The play shows an illustration of a kangaroo)

Inflammation: These unusual animals live in an amazing country called Australia. Kangaroo is a very interesting animal. It feeds on grass, fruits, and roots, extracting them from the ground with its strong forelimbs. The hind limbs are several times longer than the front ones, so that the kangaroo cannot walk or run, but only jumps, and greatly helps itself with its strong tail.

Inflammation: Guys, now let’s see what animal lives in enclosure No. 2.

Stretched among the ice floes

Thick-skinned gentleman.

In the cold, brothers,

He goes for a swim.

Important, menacing, thick-skinned

Mister mustache... (Walrus) (The play shows an illustration of a walrus)

Inflammation: The walrus is a sea animal of a rather unusual appearance, with strong tusks. Characteristic sign The distinctive feature of the walrus is its long, developed tusks. These are the elongated fangs that walruses are proud of. (both male and female). Walruses feed mainly on mollusks and crustaceans. They do not hesitate to snack on fish, and some walrus predators prefer birds and seals for lunch.

Inflammation: Oh, guys, look, a bird flew past us!

They purr loudly, high,

They fly long, far,

They soar beautifully in the sky,

And what do you call them?

Children: Cranes. (The play shows an illustration of a crane)


It's been lying in the water for a long time

All green log;

Loves African Nile

Our toothy one (Crocodile). (The play shows an illustration of a crocodile)

Inflammation: Only sometimes crocodiles can swim into sea water; usually they settle along the banks of rivers and lakes in areas with warm and hot climates. Crocodiles are much more comfortable and calm in the water than on land. They swim with the help of their paws and tail; Large individuals can spend about an hour under water. A crocodile does not need teeth for chewing food, but only to grab prey and tear off pieces of meat from it.

Inflammation: Guys, the crocodile scared everyone numbers, they forgot their places and got confused. Help everyone number take your place. Place them in order from smallest to largest. (Each child individually lays out numerical row using cards with numbers from 1 to 10)

Inflammation: Guys, let's play a game "Neighbors in number series» (Example: which the number you placed between the numbers 8 and 10? etc.)

Inflammation: And now the game "More or less"(Name number, which is greater numbers 6 by 4 etc. d.)

Well done, you did a great job with the 1st task. Now every number stands in its place in number series.


The funny beast is made from plush:

There are paws, there are ears.

Give some honey to the beast

And make him a den!

Children: Bear. (The play shows an illustration of a bear)

Inflammation: The bear is a formidable forest dweller who will not let anyone down if he is not in the mood. The bear is a predatory mammal that swims well and climbs trees. IN winter period the bear does not disturb the silence of the forest; it sleeps peacefully until spring. At the end of winter, cubs appear in bear dens. Bear cubs are big fans of sweet honey, blueberries, and raspberries.

Inflammation: The bear has prepared a task for us. Each of you has ten red and blue stars. The stars must be selected so that number red and blue were different for everyone. (Children take turns displaying their options on the demonstration board.)


At the zoo, in a blue cage

Dexterously jumps on the net,

Makes faces, eats bananas

Who? Certainly…

Children: Monkey (The play shows an illustration of a monkey)

Inflammation: Monkeys are attracted by their resemblance to humans and their mobility. People can stand at the cages for a long time and look at the restless animals that quickly swing on the trapeze, fight with each other, and then play together again. The monkey's body is covered with fur and only the front of the head, palms and soles of the feet are bare. Monkeys live in warm countries and eat mainly plant matter. food: nuts, fruits, corn, bamboo shoots, bananas, but sometimes they also eat meat.


It is the largest on land.

He has big ears.

He has a wonderful hose-nose

He can pick coconuts from palm trees.

He makes a trumpet sound.

You've met him more than once

At the circus or zoo.

And he lives in hot countries

And on the island of Ceylon.

Did you guess it? This…

Children: Elephant! (The play shows an illustration of an elephant)

Inflammation: The elephant is the largest animal on earth. But people are not afraid of this giant and look with interest at its thick, log-like legs, heavy and long fangs - tusks on both sides of the trunk. The trunk is the elephant's nose, at the end of which there are visible holes - nostrils. The trunk is very mobile and is also a grasping organ. The elephant takes their food and puts it in their mouth. The elephant feeds on tree branches and fruits, which it easily picks from trees with its trunk, grass, and vegetables. Taking water with its trunk, it waters itself in the heat. The elephant has small eyes, poor vision, but excellent hearing. With its flat, wide ears alert, the elephant hears the slightest rustle.


Protects the fluffy tail

And he guards the animals:

They know the redhead in the forest -

Very cunning...

Children: Fox! (The play shows an illustration of a fox)

Inflammation: Lisa is a big fashionista. She has two coats - winter and summer. Moreover, winter - much warmer: Her fur is thicker and longer than that of the summer one. This animal's hearing is excellent. In winter, the fox listens carefully to various sounds and accurately determines where the mouse is fiddling around under the snow. The fox is a typical predator. In the summer, the fox's diet consists of frogs, small birds, and animals.


He's not bloodthirsty at all

Because herbivore

He just looks sternly.

There are two horns on the nose,

On the legs there are hooves -

Protection from enemies.

Only an elephant can't be knocked down


Children: Rhinoceros! (The play shows an illustration of a rhinoceros)


Get to know each other soon:

In the jungle this is the king of beasts!

Having defeated everyone in the world,

Got a little better.

Children: Leo! (The play shows an illustration of a lion)

Inflammation: Leo prefers open spaces, where he finds coolness in the shade of rare trees. For hunting, it is better to have a wide view in order to notice herds of grazing herbivores from afar and approach them unnoticed. Feature lions - males have a thick mane, which other representatives of the cat family do not have. A lioness usually gives birth to two cubs.

Inflammation: The king of beasts has prepared for you exercise: You need to color all the triangles red and all the quadrilaterals blue. (Children work in notebooks.)

Inflammation: Guys, the bullfinch says that our journey has come to an end. Let's calculate together how many houses the animals we saw at the zoo today will need.

Inflammation: Guys, you learned so much today about the inhabitants of the zoo and will be able to tell your friends and parents about them.

Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group on the topic: “Bread”
consolidate ideas about the composition of a proposal
improve vocabulary on the topic; improve skills in writing stories based on pictures; improve skills in forming related words; improve the skills of sound-letter analysis, sentence analysis, its scheme
1. Organizational moment
Speech therapist. There are pictures in front of you. What do you see in the pictures?
Children. Bagels, dryers, loaf, bread.
Speech therapist. Today, we will talk about bread, about these wonderful products, and about the people who prepare them. Who knows what these products are called: bun, gingerbread, bagel?
Children. Bakery.
Speech therapist. Right.
2. Game “Which one?”
The speech therapist places a tray in front of the children, and on it are cakes and gingerbread cookies. Offers to try them
Speech therapist. Sasha, what did you try?
Child. Gingerbread.
Speech therapist. Tell us what kind of gingerbread it is.
Child. Firm, tasty, white inside, round, small.
Speech therapist. Guys, does gingerbread make you hungry?
Children. Yes.
Speech therapist. This means that the gingerbread is also delicious!
Speech therapist. Pasha, what about you?
Child. I have a dryer, hard, round, with a hole, looks like a hoop, delicious.
3. Looking at the picture and talking about it.
Speech therapist. How does bread get to our table?
Children. They bake it.
Speech therapist. Here in this picture you can see a field of rye. The rye is ripe, it is yellow, it seems golden. What else can you say about the field?
Children. The field can be called razdolnoe, large, wide, free.
Speech therapist. Also, what is in the picture?
Children. People.
Speech therapist. People are harvesting bread. They are called
Children. Grain growers.
Speech therapist. And there is also special equipment, what kind?
Children. Combine.
Speech therapist. Who operates the combine?
Children. Combiner.
Speech therapist. That's right, the combine operator controls a large machine - a combine harvester. A combine operator has a hard and difficult job.
Speech therapist. Did you like the picture? Why?
Children. The picture shows beautiful nature. She also has a large combine harvester that works well.
4. Collective compilation of a story according to the teacher’s plan
Speech therapist. Now listen to what plan you will have to compose the story.
Plan: Description of nature – field, forest, sky Special equipment. Why did you like the picture?
5. Finger gymnastics “Porridge”
The porridge grew in the field, They raise their hands up, move their fingers. It came to our plate. They squat, “walk” with their fingers on the carpet. We’ll treat all our friends. We’ll give them a plate. They stand up, interfere with the index finger of their right hand in the palm of their left. For a small bird, for a hare and a fox, for a cat and a matryoshka - we’ll give everyone a spoon. Bend one finger on both hands for each name.
6. “Family of Words”
Speech therapist. So today we are talking about bread. What is the affectionate name for bread? Children. Bread. Speech therapist. What is the name of the store that sells bread? Children. Bread. Speech therapist. What is the name of the bread storage box? Children. Breadbox. Speech therapist. What is a hospitable person called? Children. Hospitable. Speech therapist. All these words are related, they have one common part - bread.
7. Drawing up a sound-letter diagram of the word “Bread”
8. Analysis of the proposal.
Speech therapist. Name the action word for the word bread. What do they do with the bread?
Children are baking bread. They eat bread. The bread is removed.
Speech therapist. You have got sentences, write them down, remembering that the word-object is indicated by one line, the word-action - by two.9. Bottom line. Assessment of children's activities.

Subject: Number 10

Goals: introduce the number 10; show the composition of the number 10; teach counting to ten; strengthen the ability to solve examples.

Material: card with number 10, geometric shapes.

Progress of the lesson

1. Introducing the number 10

The mouse often goes to the mouse room kindergarten. There he helps the teachers. So today he came to help. It's time to feed the babies. The mouse sets the table. How many plates did he put down? (Nine.) But the kids were missing one plate. The mouse brought it. How many plates are there now? (Ten.) How can you get the number 10? (Add one to nine.)

Bring the kids ten cookies. Place ten squares. And ten more cutlets. Place ten ovals. (Children complete tasks.)

The number 10 is written using the number 10. (The teacher shows a card with this number.) What two numbers are it made up of that are already familiar to us? (Children's answers.)

2. Work in a notebook

Task 1. How many mice are in the group? Do the math. That's right, ten. What numbers should you use to write this number?

Let's write the number 10. (Children do task 4.) Task 2. Show ten fingers. How many fingers?

on one hand? If you add the fingers of the other hand to the fingers of one hand, how many will it be? So ten is what and how much? That's right, five and five.

3. Physical education minute

No, we won't sit

No movement at all.

Let's do it together today

Ten exercises.

Once, let's bend over,

Two - let's jump,

Three - let's shake our hands,

And four - let's smile

And then we’ll close our eyes.

Five - let's clap our hands loudly,

Six - we stamp our feet loudly,

Seven - let's sit down,

Eight - we wave,

Nine - together we will dance,

Well, ten - let's rest

And let's start all over again.

4. Work in a notebook

Task 3. The mice have breakfast. Count the little mice in front of each plate. Enter the required numbers in the boxes. Fill out the table correctly. Remember which two numbers can be used to make the number 10.

Task 4. Solve examples using the number tape.

5. Game "Ten Fingers"

The teacher explains to the children that he will read a poem, and they must show the required number of fingers - as many as are called in the poem each time. Children put their hands forward, clenched into fists. While the poem is being played, they extend their fingers one by one. Having heard about “one cheerful finger,” children straighten the thumb of their right hand. When calling the number 2, they extend the thumb of their left hand (now two fingers are pointed forward). With the number 3, you need to straighten the index finger of your right hand, with the number 4 - the index finger of your left hand, etc.

One cheerful little finger went out for a walk.

The sun began to shine in the sky.

Two cheerful little fingers went out for a walk.

The sun began to shine in the sky.

Three cheerful little fingers went out for a walk.

The sun began to shine in the sky.

Four friendly little fingers went out for a walk.

The sun began to shine in the sky.

Five cheerful little fingers went out for a walk.

The sun hid behind a cloud again.

Six cheerful little fingers went for a walk in the park.

The sun behind the cloud can get bored.

Seven cheerful fingers will be waiting for him.

The sun wants to run away from the cloud.

Eight nimble fingers will imitate.

The sun began to shine in the sky.

Nine quick fingers went for a walk again.

The sun began to shine in the sky.

Ten friendly little fingers went out for a walk.

Tatiana Miroshnikova
"The number ten." Lesson summary for the preparatory group

Program content: consolidate ideas about number 10, education, composition, recording; consolidate knowledge number series: definition of neighbors and the principle of formation of subsequent and previous numbers; develop skills in seriation and classification, considering: color, shape, size; develop counting skills within 10 with or without visual support, develop logical thinking, attention, memory; cultivate independence, the ability to objectively evaluate one’s work, act according to the teacher’s instructions, the ability to listen to each other, perseverance.

Materials. Calendar "Days of the Week"(7 gnomes in rainbow colors on a special stand, gaming desks "Wonderflights", a set of numbers from 1 to 10 for each child, counting sticks, "Digital Animals" by number of children, card - "noisy" transport images, set geometric shapes different sizes and shapes for each child, a magnetic board, 2 easels, envelopes with zeros in them, simple pencils in a glass, number line, magnetic numbers, wooden numbers from the set.

Methodical techniques:

1. Conversation about the days of the week.

2. Mathematical exercises.

3. Physical exercise.

4. Final part.

Vocabulary work: digital computers, remote control.

Progress of the lesson.

Part I. Children in group stand along the edge of the carpet.

(Numbers from 1 to 9 and 1 are pre-laid out on the tables according to the number of children in a disorderly position).

V. - I’m glad to see you who came to study with me. Guys, what day of the week is it today? What color is the gnome visiting us today? D. - green.

V. - What day of the week was yesterday? Will it be tomorrow? What day of the week is today? Yesterday, what was the count? What will it be like tomorrow?

And so, as you may have guessed, we will now do mathematics. Do you agree with me?

Part II. Then let's put the numbers in order. Go to the tables and take your seats.

Make your own numerical row in direct order, and then make your own numerical row in reverse order (from 1 to 9). (Two people work at the board).

Name your neighbors numbers 2, 4, 6, 8.

A).- Name number is 1 more than 2, 5, 8.

B).- Name number is 1 less than 3, 6, 9.

V. - Guys, don’t you want to tell me anything? WITH number series are out of order!

D. - In every numerical the row is missing the number 0. V. - You probably didn’t look for the numbers well. Sit down nicely and listen. Far, far beyond the seas and mountains there is such a country "Tsifiriya". They live there very honest residents: mathematical signs and numbers. They lived well, very often went to visit each other's children in kindergartens. They liked making new friends. They loved numbers when children recognized them and named them correctly.

Lived nearby "Digital Hedgehog", she did her best to prevent the children from getting to know each other numbers. So she visited us, look what she did, but our nanny S.I. managed to photograph her. That's what she is like (show image of figure). Look at her trunk, could she only snatch away zeros? D. - They are oval, that’s why they rolled away.

V. - Show, with your lips, the shape of the zeros, show with your right hand which zero, with your left hand. What about without zero? After all ten consists, from which two icons? D. - one and zero.

V. - And she invited the figures to us, what should we do? D. - We need to return zero.

V. - I suggest you visit this fabulous country. How! Look at the hint.

(Draws the children's attention to different types transport).

What kind of transport do you think you can choose? D. - plane, car, ship, locomotive.

V. - But this is a fairy-tale country, you can’t get there using these types of transport. Therefore, I propose to build a fabulous "Miracle", which we will control using the remote control.

Come and take each of you a sheet of paper, this will be the remote control on which we will place the buttons, prepare each of you a plate with geometric shapes - these will be our buttons that we will place on the remote control.

And so, let's listen carefully.

In the upper right corner, place two large triangular buttons of different colors;

In the lower left corner, place two large buttons of different colors;

There are two small buttons in the lower right different shapes and different colors;

In the top left are two small triangular buttons of the same color;

In the middle of the remote control there is a small round one.

Count how many buttons there are in total? How to do it ten? D. - We need to add one more button.

V. - Add another button in the middle, any (the teacher turns the magnetic board with a picture of the remote control).

Look at the board and check yourself.

Which groups buttons can be divided.

D. - By shape, by size.

V. - Show this using counting sticks. How many buttons are there in total? (children lay out 10 sticks)

V. - Let's divide the whole into parts, divide the number of buttons by shape. (One child works at the board). Which geometric shapes you can separate all these buttons. D. - polygons and circles.

V. - Determine how many polygons we have on the console and mark it with a number on your table (the one who works at the board lays it out on the board, now determine how many round shapes and also indicate with a number.

What 2 numbers can be used to make number 10(similar work is done with buttons in size).

Our remote control is ready, you can go to fairyland. Let's calculate the flight altitude speed and the time spent in flight.

Everything is ready. All that remains is to check whether everything can withstand weightlessness. Stand up straight, arms along your body, take a deep breath through your nose Raise your arms to shoulder level, hold your breath Bend your leg, close your eyes (children took position on command) V. - It’s very difficult to stand like that, hold your arms to the sides and not fall, not sway, not be distracted by anyone. I see that everyone can be taken on this flight.

Let's get ready. Press the red buttons with your index fingers and count in twos to 10. Count from ten back. Start! We closed our eyes and set off.

You have a passion for heights

I am the dispatcher, I give you the direction One, two, three, four, five It’s time for us to open our eyes. Show flight direction, (children move onto the carpet).

Part IV. We're about to land. We sat down.

Look they are greeting us "Digital Animals"(children find images on the carpet "digitals", the mouth is drawn in the shape of a zero).

They hid the zeros, find where?

Shade the zero with lines from top to bottom. Let's see who made it. And so "numbers" return zero.

Part V You can finish yours number series. Which of you will remind me once again what numbers it consists of? number ten?

What a great time we had today. No matter how much I would like to interfere with the joke on us "digital dog", we still found a way out and found the number zero and finished our number series.

Number and figure 10. Ordinal counting.


    Learn to solve a math riddle.

    Introduce the number 10.

    Learn to write the number 10,compare, add and subtract numbers within 10.

    Promote the development of mathematical speech, working memory, voluntary attention, visual and effective thinking.

    Foster a culture of behavior during front-line work and individual work.

Equipment: Drawing “Pinocchio”; tokens with a picture of Pinocchio; 3 envelopes with numbers 3, 4, 5; examples, for reflection, sunshine and a drop for each child.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you! Today we are waiting for fairy tales, exciting games and much more interesting things. I want you to succeed and have a whole day good mood! Guys, Buratino came to our lesson today, but he is very sad. While he was walking towards us, Karabas Barabas took the ABC from him and said that he would give it back only when he solved all his tasks. Shall we help him guys? (Children's answers).

2. Updating knowledge.

1 task . (On the board there are 3 envelopes with the numbers 3, 4, 5, the guys have one example on their tables).

Here is the first task from Karabas Barabas. You have examples on your tables. You need to solve them and put them in an envelope, the number on which is the answer to your example.

5-2, 8-4, 9-5, 3+2, 1+4, 7-3, 2+2, 7-2, 9-6.

Well done, guys! We completed the first task.

3. Main part.

Task 2.

Guess the riddle:

I found it in a squirrel's hollow

Nine pieces of small nuts.

Here's another one lying

Carefully covered with moss.

Well, the squirrel is the mistress!

Count all the nuts!

How many nuts does a squirrel have in its hollow? (10)

How did you get the number 10? (Added one to nine, it turned out to be ten.)

Let's write down the condition of the riddle: (9+1=10).

Well done!!! So we solved the riddle.

What number do you think we will get acquainted with today? (10).

Physical education minute. Grasshoppers.

Guys, are you probably a little tired? I suggest you rest.

Raise your shoulders

Jump, grasshoppers,

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Sit down and eat some grass,

Let's listen to the silence.

Hush, hush, high,

Jump on your toes easily.

3 task. Introducing the number ten.

I. Blyumkin.

Nothing is simpler

Write the number 10.

Only needed to one

Draw a zero on the right.

(There are numbers scattered on the board, you need to find the number 10 and indicate)

Find the number 10 among other numbers.

Let's try to write the number 10 in the air. Repeat after me.

Work in a notebook.

Circle the number 10 at the dots, write it according to the model to the end of the line.

There's one last task left, guys. We need to help Pinocchio solve the examples.

4 task. Problem solving.
1. There were ten trees in the garden,
Two of them were cut down last year.
Guys, I can't find the answer.
How many trees are left in the garden?
2. The apples in the garden are ripe.
We managed to taste them:
5 rosy, liquid,
5 with sourness. How many are there?
3. Here are 8 bunnies walking along the path,
Two people run after them.
So how much is there along the forest path?
Hurrying to school bunnies in the spring?
4. How many little geese?
They want to swim and dive!
Seven sailed far away
Three dived deep.
How many are there in total in the pond?
I can't count.
5. Marina tore into the mug
9 raspberries
and 1 was given by a friend.
How many berries are there in the mug?

How quickly did you solve all the problems?

4. Final part.

Guys, you completed all the tasks. Karabas Barabas had to return the alphabet. Buratino is very happy and thanks you. I asked you to give out these tokens with his photograph as a souvenir.

You have the sun and a drop on your tables. If you were able to solve all the tasks today, then raise the sun, if you experienced difficulties, then a little bit.

This concludes our lesson.