When does Easter fall in the year? When is Easter

Easter in 2017, what date? Orthodox have Light Christ's Resurrection is one of the Great Holidays, according to Orthodox calendar 2017 April 16 is the date of Easter. On this day, all Christians of the Orthodox faith celebrate the most important church holiday- Easter. The date of the church holiday changes every year; the date of the celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ in 2017 among the Orthodox falls on April 16, but the date of Easter is transitory and not constant.

The holiday was established by the church in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. As follows from the Easter chant, this is a holiday and a celebration of celebrations that require special preparation from Christian believers, therefore, before Easter, Christians celebrate Lent.

Easter is the most important celebration for believers; the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ continues for forty days, exactly as long as the Risen Jesus Christ remained on earth. The length of celebration of this great holiday makes Easter different from the rest and surpasses other church celebrations in importance.

The end of Easter week does not end the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. With the words of greeting “Christ is Risen!” and “Truly He is Risen!” one should greet each other for forty days before the Ascension of Christ.
The Resurrection of Christ is associated with the salvation of people; the Christian holiday symbolizes the triumph of the spirit over the flesh, the victory of life over death. Easter is a church holiday, but this day is celebrated with Easter cakes and colored eggs by believers and atheists alone, who celebrate in church, while non-believers eat at home traditional dishes prepared for the Passover meal.

When is Easter celebrated?

Christian Easter is celebrated in the spring, when nature awakens, and the celebration always falls on a Sunday. On Sunday, according to the date established in the annual church calendar, Christians begin to celebrate the holiday, but every year the date of Easter changes.

The date of the holiday varies, but Sunday is considered a constant day; on Sunday Christ is Risen, having suffered martyrdom by being crucified on the cross. The dates for celebrating the Resurrection of Christ in Orthodoxy and Catholicism differ; Orthodox and Catholics celebrate the important event at different times, but every few years the date on the calendar coincides.

Orthodox Easter 2017 – date and traditions

Why is Easter celebrated on different dates? What date is Easter in 2017? Why does the number change and how to determine the date of Easter? The exact date is difficult to determine on your own; the date of the holiday is calculated according to lunar calendar, Easter does not come before the spring equinox.

In 2017, Orthodox Easter is celebrated on April 16. The holiday has centuries-old traditions, rituals and signs, which are significant for many Christian families. Great holiday With established traditions, it is preceded by Great Lent, during which it is recommended to fast, help others, and lead a righteous life. The last week is especially strict, during strict Lent, many foods are prohibited during Holy Week, and Saturday is considered the last day of Lent.

On Sunday comes Easter, Orthodox Christians celebrate Christ, kiss each other, congratulating each other with joyful greetings “Christ is Risen!” and in response to congratulations they say “Truly He is Risen!”

Easter is a celebration of life and renewal, symbols solemn day, which are obligatory Easter foods, are Easter cakes and painted eggs. The egg represents the Holy Sepulcher, the red color in which the eggs are painted symbolizes the shed blood of Jesus Christ crucified for human sins.

Christian believers, observing church traditions, paint eggs and bake Easter cakes on Maundy Thursday, the last week before the Great Celebration. On the eve of Easter, on Saturday Easter cakes, Easter cottage cheese, and colored eggs are blessed in the church.

On Sunday morning, after the night Easter service in the church, candles are lit in the church, and it is customary for Christian believers to break their fast at home. According to tradition, families set the table with holiday dishes that were prohibited during Lent; the meal begins with an egg, after which they taste Easter cake and move on to other holiday treats.

What not to do on Easter

What can and cannot be done for Easter? The Easter holiday is a bright, pure and great event; the meaning of the celebration is the cleansing of the human soul and body. On this day you cannot do household chores: wash, do laundry, clean your home.

You can clean the house on the eve of the celebration; usually housewives clean up their houses and apartments on Maundy Thursday - they wash windows, wash clothes, and distribute extra things to the poor.

On Easter, many people remember the dead and go to the cemetery, but according to church canons this cannot be done. You can and should rejoice; on this day you should visit living relatives and loved ones, gather together at the family table, and make plans for the future.

Before the celebration and during the celebration, the church does not hold memorial services for the deceased; on Easter days you cannot get married in the church or be baptized. In the pre-holiday week, every housewife traditionally bakes Easter cakes, paints eggs, and prepares traditional Easter cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese Easter, classic recipe

According to the classic recipe, Easter curd is prepared without baking; the dish is prepared by infusing the curd mass in molds. Easter is made custard, raw or boiled, Royal; considered a classic Easter dish cottage cheese Easter no bake, we offer classic way preparing the obligatory Easter dish.

Ingredients: cottage cheese – 1.5 kg; chicken eggs – 8 pcs.; sour cream or cream 30% – 500 g; butter – 300 g; sugar – 600 g; seedless raisins – 300 g; nuts (any) – 200 g; vanillin - sachet.

How to cook:

  1. Grind eggs with sugar, vanilla and three tablespoons of sour cream. Heat the cream without bringing to a boil, cool.
  2. Pass dry cottage cheese through a meat grinder, add cooled cream, mix.
  3. Add washed and dried raisins, fried nut kernels, softened butter, remaining sour cream or cream to the cottage cheese. Stir until smooth.
  4. To form the Easter, you will need a collapsible mold made of wood or plastic. Instead of a mold, you can buy a flower pot with a hole in the bottom.
  5. Lay damp gauze inside the mold so that the ends hang out, put the curd mass into it, compact it and close the top with the ends of the gauze. Place a plate under the pan to catch the whey.
  6. Press down the Easter on top with a weight and place it in the refrigerator overnight.
  7. After this, take out the dessert, turn it over and decorate it with fondant and sprinkles, and you can put it in an Easter basket and go to church to bless it.

How to dye eggs for Easter in onion skins

Easter egg being painted different colors, but they were and remain traditional easter eggs, painted in onion skins, having a red color, as a reminder to people of the shed blood of the Almighty.

Paint eggs natural dyes, housewives buy whole kits for coloring eggs, but the most durable, indelible red color is obtained by dyeing them in onion skins. The rules for coloring with husks are simple, but not all housewives know how to paint eggs for Easter so that one of the main symbols of the holiday turns out beautiful.

Before coloring, eggs must be removed from the refrigerator and checked for cracks in the shell. Cracked ones should be set aside, they can be used later when preparing dough, and whole ones with a strong shell should be washed so that the paint applies more uniformly to them.

Wash the onion peels, pour hot water - the amount of water and peel is taken arbitrarily, but in such a way that the eggs are completely in the water during coloring and are not visible from under the peel. Boil the peel in a saucepan over low heat for 5 minutes, cool the broth. Place the eggs in the pan in a single row, placing them under the leaves.

You need to paint eggs in onion peels for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling, with water in a saucepan simmering gently. After this, the red eggs are taken out one by one, placed in cold water for a few minutes, and cooled. The cooled painted eggs are wiped dry and greased with vegetable oil so that the red paint on the eggs shines.

On April 16, 2017, all Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Holy Resurrection of Christ. We congratulate all readers on the holiday, we wish you peace and prosperity. Christ is Risen!

The date of celebration of Christian Easter is calculated according to the solar-lunar calendar. That is why every year it is celebrated in different numbers. However, the holiday always falls on a Sunday. Orthodox and Catholic Easter comes on different days, since their dates are calculated using different calendar systems. But this year, both Catholics and Orthodox believers will celebrate Easter on the same day - April 16, reports therussiantimes.com website. Passover in 2017: history of the holiday Five thousand years ago, the Jewish tribes celebrated Passover as a holiday for calving livestock and harvesting. Later they began to associate it with the liberation of the Jewish people and the exit from Egyptian slavery. Passover means “deliverance” and serves as a reminder of how Moses led the Jews out of Egypt and they found the Promised Land. The Old Testament Jewish Passover is celebrated before the New Testament Christian Passover. The fact is that Christ was crucified on the evening when Jews, according to tradition, slaughtered a lamb for Passover. And the Savior resurrected after the holiday. Celebrating Christian or New Testament Easter, believers rejoice at the resurrection of the Son of God and the victory of good over evil. Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on Sunday as a symbol of the fact that the Savior was resurrected on this day. Ha Russia Celebrating Orthodox Easter in Rus' began after baptism. In those days, the celebration was more like pagan festivities, since at the same time the Slavs were accustomed to honoring the Tsar Maiden. Easter in 2017: folk traditions Gradually, new rituals, beliefs and customs were born among the Orthodox Slavs. Many of them are associated with Holy Week, which precedes the Resurrection of Christ. So, on Maundy Thursday it was customary to plunge into an ice hole or take a bath before sunrise. On this day they took communion, cleaned the hut, whitewashed the stoves, and repaired wells. In the North and Central Russia, a tradition arose of fumigating houses and barns with juniper branches. According to beliefs, this ritual was supposed to protect people and livestock from diseases and the evil eye. Also on Maundy Thursday, salt was blessed, Easter cakes and gingerbread were baked, Easter baba and jelly were prepared, welcoming spring. The main symbols of Easter are painted eggs and Easter cakes (they symbolize life itself), Easter streams (water) and the Holy Fire. On Easter night, residents of all Russian cities and villages gathered in churches to listen to divine services and bless water, eggs and Easter cakes. Then the laity went home, covered festive table and could finally break their fast after a strict 48-day fast. According to tradition, the first thing to eat was an egg and a cake. After this, they were allowed to start other dishes. Another Russian tradition is the battle of eggs. The competitors took painted Easter eggs and smashed them against each other. The winner was the one whose egg remained intact or had fewer cracks. It was also customary at Easter to “confess Christ”: when believers met a friend, they kissed him three times and said, “Christ is Risen!” In response they always heard “He is risen indeed!” Easter in 2017: beliefs and rituals There are many signs, beliefs and rituals associated with Easter. For example, people were sure that on this holiday, with the ringing of bells, all demons and devils would fall through the ground. And at the same time, during the church service, believers hoped to see a sorcerer with horns and a witch with a tail. On Easter, one was allowed to ask God for anything: success in business, a good harvest, a good groom, and the like. On Easter night, in order to attract happiness and prosperity, believers took water from a spring or well, brought it home and sprinkled it on their huts and stables. Moreover, the ritual was required to be carried out in complete silence. It was believed that if you eat eggs on Easter that chickens laid on Maundy Thursday, you can protect yourself from illnesses. And in order to protect the livestock from death, it was necessary to bury the shells in the ground in the pasture. Since ancient times, the following Easter signs have been preserved: - whoever enters the house first after a church service will have good luck all year long; - to attract wealth and success, you need to dip gold jewelry in water with a blessed egg; - will protect small child you can roll an Easter egg across his face; - On Easter you can’t do things in the house so that happiness doesn’t fly out of it. In Russia, even non-believers like to celebrate Easter. After all, it's light family holiday, dedicated primarily to spring, life, love and forgiveness. In addition, Easter is an excellent occasion to gather with family and friends at the same table. Photo from therussiantimes.com

This is how people greet each other on this day, the day of the Resurrection of Christ, the day of Easter. Hundreds of believers, in clean and light clothes, flock to the Temples even before midnight. With bated breath they wait for the start of the great holiday. And now, the Easter fire is already sanctifying the gathered people, the bells are ringing with all their might, joyfully announcing to everyone the beginning of Easter - the great day!

For Christians, it is the celebration of the victory of Jesus Christ over death, who died for our sins but rose again. Deliverance from everything sinful. This is the most important church holiday. He is the most magnificent, light and elegant.

Easter does not have a specific, exact date of celebration, but it must be Sunday, the first Sunday after the spring full moon. The date is calculated using a special table - the Alexandrian Easter.

What date is Easter in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025:

Orthodox Easter is celebrated according to the Julian calendar. Catholic in Gregorian.

Easter in 2020 - April 19

Easter 2021 - May 2

Easter 2021 - May 2

Easter in 2022 - April 24

Easter in 2023 - April 16

Easter in 2024 - May 5

Easter in 2024 - May 5

Easter in 2025 - April 20

The celebration of Easter is unthinkable without the Easter fire. This fire symbolizes the Light of God, which sanctifies people, giving them enlightenment. In the main churches of the country they are waiting for the Holy Fire from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which descends on the eve before Easter. This is a real miracle! Fire is born out of nowhere and ignites, giving people happiness and strengthening their faith. From the Church of the Holy Sepulcher it is transported to us. Lamps and candles are lit from it, and this is how he travels around the country. Many people keep the fire in the lamp after the service and maintain it for a year.

Also, on Easter, bells play, not only bell ringers, but anyone at this time can ring the bells, announcing the Resurrection of Christ. Easter treats are also required on this day. Of course, these are consecrated in the temple. The greatness of Easter is visible even here: Easter cake is essentially ordinary bread that we eat every day, but once a year, it becomes festive and solemn. Previously, every decent housewife had her own recipe for making Easter cake. And properly prepared Easter cake does not spoil within forty days. - an integral part of Easter, they are not only eaten, but also exchanged, and also given to someone.

When celebrating Easter in 2020 - 2025, do not forget that on this day everything bad and evil is abandoned. And the man, after prayer, with with a pure heart and with his soul he goes out to meet the good and the good. Just remember this as you celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his victory over death. Rejoice in everything, because Easter is a symbol of eternal life!

The Day of the Resurrection of Christ is one of the brightest Christian holidays and the most important in the liturgical year. Its “floating” dates from year to year prompt the question: what date is Easter in 2017 for the Orthodox.

Traditionally it is celebrated on Sunday, and before Easter in 2017 there is Holy Saturday. On this day, Lent, which lasted 48 days in 2017, comes to an end, and all preparations for the holiday come to an end. Its other name is Silent Saturday. A person must spend it abstaining from fun and entertainment, but also from quarrels - swearing and foul language on this day are equated with sin.

Also on Saturday they prepare paints, which is why it is also called Krasilnaya, and bake Easter cakes. However, it is not yet possible to eat dishes that are prepared for the table. Anyone who is fasting can only eat bread, vegetables and fruits raw, and drink only water.. We answer popular question When the Easter basket is collected for Easter - on Saturday. The family itself chooses which products it considers necessary to consecrate, but it must include dyes and Easter cakes. The history of the holiday and its symbolism of the rebirth of life also requires decorating the house with branches of young trees and flowers.

In the evening, believers go to the service, where the religious procession begins at midnight. Upon returning home, they can taste pasok and then go to bed. In 2017 in Russia, Easter begins only late on Sunday morning. The prohibitions associated with Holy Saturday in 2017 are directly related to its symbolism and the traditions that apply during the preparation or celebration of religious celebrations.

Full list of prohibitions on Holy Saturday in 2017:

  • thermally processed food;
  • alcoholic drinks, however, those who previously sat only on bread and water are allowed to sip a little red wine;
  • dancing and singing;
  • intimacy;
  • fishing and hunting;
  • cleaning, washing and ironing;
  • gardening and gardening work;
  • bathing;
  • needlework.

The date of Easter in 2017 and why it “floats” every year

The question of what date Orthodox Easter falls on does not lose relevance from year to year. In 2015 it was celebrated on April 12, in 2016 it moved to May 1, and The date of Easter in 2017 returned to April again, stopping at the 16th . We know that it is always celebrated on Sunday, but its date is calculated using a formula based on the solar-lunar calendar.

This was established in 325 at the first Ecumenical Council, when it was decided that Easter would be celebrated on the first Sunday that follows the full moon after March 21 (the day of the vernal equinox). Thus, its date follows the Jewish Passover, which falls from the 14th to the 15th of the first lunar month of Aviva, exactly on the full moon. The lunar and solar calendars do not coincide, which leads to the appearance of a “floating” Easter.

However, the coincidence of numbers does not occur often, since in the same 325 the Council of Nicaea chose its own system for calculating the Easter day. According to her algorithm, after the spring equinox - March 21, you need to wait for the full moon and the next Sunday after it will be Easter.

Easter basket

From March 22 to April 24 - on these dates the Resurrection of Christ is always celebrated, the discrepancy in days in 45% of cases is no more than seven, less often (in 30%) - the numbers coincide, as in 2017, and in about 20%, they are divided by five weeks and another 5% - for four.

What traditions are associated with the celebration of Easter in 2017

Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on April 16 in 2017, which coincides with its celebration by Catholics. We will tell you in more detail about the traditions that apply to both teachings

Orthodoxy in Russia has received great support and Easter is celebrated here on a scale befitting the most important holiday in the liturgical year. In the morning, it is customary to go to church to bless the pre-assembled Easter basket. Upon returning home, you need to set the table, starting the festive dinner, first of all, with an Easter egg, and then Easter cake. Only after completing the ritual can you begin other dishes.

It is customary to give each other eggs, and the battle of eggs is considered an old pastime. Also on this day, it is customary to make Christ - when meeting a friend, you need to kiss him, saying “Christ is Risen!”, and in response hearing “Truly He is Risen!” Orthodox Easter 2017 is pure and bright holiday, which should not be overshadowed by quarrels and work (with the exception of caring for the sick). It is not intended for memorial services for the deceased and visiting the cemetery - there is a separate day for this.

Features of celebrating Easter Sunday among Catholics in 2017

The traditions of Catholic Easter 2017 are similar to the Orthodox ones. The main thing here the symbol is also colored eggs– they are pre-decorated with various hand-drawn colored ornaments. A family dinner with pastries, meat dishes and decor typical for this day is an integral part of the holiday.

True, the Easter Bunny replaces the Easter cakes here - it is he, according to the old belief, who puts treats in Easter baskets around the houses. It appears both in the form of souvenirs made from clay, plastic, fabric, and as an edible image placed on sweets and baked goods.

Easter in 2017, what date? For the Orthodox, the Holy Resurrection of Christ is one of the Great Holidays, according to the Orthodox calendar 2017, April 16 is the date of Easter. On this day, all Christians of the Orthodox faith celebrate the most important church holiday - Easter. The date of the church holiday changes every year; the date of the celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ in 2017 among the Orthodox falls on April 16, but the date of Easter is transitory and not constant.

The holiday was established by the church in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. As follows from the Easter chant, this is a holiday and a celebration of celebrations that require special preparation from Christian believers, which is why Christians go through Great Lent before Easter.

Easter is the most important celebration for believers; the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ continues for forty days, exactly as long as the Risen Jesus Christ remained on earth. The length of celebration of this great holiday makes Easter different from the rest and surpasses other church celebrations in importance.

The Resurrection of Christ is associated with the salvation of people; the Christian holiday symbolizes the triumph of the spirit over the flesh, the victory of life over death. Easter is a church holiday, but this day is celebrated with Easter cakes and colored eggs by believers and atheists alone, who celebrate in church, while non-believers at home eat traditional dishes prepared for the Easter meal.

When is Easter celebrated?

Christian Easter is celebrated in the spring, when nature awakens, and the celebration always falls on a Sunday. On Sunday, according to the date established in the annual church calendar, Christians begin to celebrate the holiday, but every year the date of Easter changes.

The date of the holiday varies, but Sunday is considered a constant day; on Sunday Christ is Risen, having suffered martyrdom by being crucified on the cross. The dates for celebrating the Resurrection of Christ in Orthodoxy and Catholicism differ; Orthodox and Catholics celebrate the important event at different times, but every few years the date on the calendar coincides.

Orthodox Easter 2017 – date and traditions

Why is Easter celebrated on different dates? What date is Easter in 2017? Why does the number change and how to determine the date of Easter? The exact date is difficult to determine on your own; the date of the holiday is calculated according to the lunar calendar; Easter does not occur before the spring equinox.

In 2017, Orthodox Easter is celebrated on April 16. The holiday has centuries-old traditions, rituals and signs, which are significant for many Christian families. The great holiday with established traditions is preceded by Great Lent, during which it is recommended to fast, help others, and lead a righteous life. The last week is especially strict, during strict Lent, many foods are prohibited during Holy Week, and Saturday is considered the last day of Lent.

On Sunday comes Easter, Orthodox Christians celebrate Christ, kiss each other, congratulating each other with joyful greetings “Christ is Risen!” and in response to congratulations they say “Truly He is Risen!”

Easter is a celebration of life and renewal, symbols of the solemn day, which are obligatory Easter foods, are Easter cakes and colored eggs. The egg represents the Holy Sepulcher, the red color in which the eggs are painted symbolizes the shed blood of Jesus Christ crucified for human sins.

Christian believers, observing church traditions, paint eggs and bake Easter cakes on Maundy Thursday, the last week before the Great Celebration. On the eve of Easter, on Saturday Easter cakes, Easter cottage cheese, and colored eggs are blessed in the church.

On Sunday morning, after the night Easter service in the church, candles are lit in the church, and it is customary for Christian believers to break their fast at home. According to tradition, families set the table with holiday dishes that were prohibited during Lent; the meal begins with an egg, after which they taste Easter cake and move on to other holiday treats.

What not to do on Easter

What can and cannot be done for Easter? The Easter holiday is a bright, pure and great event; the meaning of the celebration is the cleansing of the human soul and body. On this day you cannot do household chores: wash, do laundry, clean your home.

You can clean the house on the eve of the celebration; usually housewives clean up their houses and apartments on Maundy Thursday - they wash windows, wash clothes, and distribute extra things to the poor.

On Easter, many people remember the dead and go to the cemetery, but according to church canons this cannot be done. You can and should rejoice; on this day you should visit living relatives and loved ones, gather together at the family table, and make plans for the future.

Before the celebration and during the celebration, the church does not hold memorial services for the deceased; on Easter days you cannot get married in the church or be baptized. In the pre-holiday week, every housewife traditionally bakes Easter cakes, paints eggs, and prepares traditional Easter cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese Easter, classic recipe

Cottage cheese Easter

According to the classic recipe, Easter curd is prepared without baking; the dish is prepared by infusing the curd mass in molds. Easter is made custard, raw or boiled, Royal; A classic Easter dish is considered to be cottage cheese Easter without baking, we offer a classic way of preparing a mandatory Easter dish.

Ingredients: cottage cheese – 1.5 kg; chicken eggs – 8 pcs.; sour cream or cream 30% – 500 g; butter – 300 g; sugar – 600 g; seedless raisins – 300 g; nuts (any) – 200 g; vanillin - sachet.

How to cook:

  • Grind eggs with sugar, vanilla and three tablespoons of sour cream. Heat the cream without bringing to a boil, cool.
  • Pass dry cottage cheese through a meat grinder, add cooled cream, mix.
  • Add washed and dried raisins, fried nut kernels, softened butter, remaining sour cream or cream to the cottage cheese. Stir until smooth.
  • To form the Easter, you will need a collapsible mold made of wood or plastic. Instead of a mold, you can buy a flower pot with a hole in the bottom.
  • Lay damp gauze inside the mold so that the ends hang out, put the curd mass into it, compact it and close the top with the ends of the gauze. Place a plate under the pan to catch the whey.
  • Press down the Easter on top with a weight and place it in the refrigerator overnight.
  • After this, take out the dessert, turn it over and decorate it with fondant and sprinkles, and you can put it in an Easter basket and go to church to bless it.

How to dye eggs for Easter in onion skins

An Easter egg is painted in various colors, but Easter eggs painted in onion skins and red in color were and remain traditional, as a reminder to people of the shed blood of the Almighty.

Eggs are dyed with natural dyes; housewives buy entire sets for coloring eggs, but the most durable, indelible red color is obtained by dyeing them in onion skins. The rules for coloring with husks are simple, but not all housewives know how to paint eggs for Easter so that one of the main symbols of the holiday turns out beautiful.

Before coloring, eggs must be removed from the refrigerator and checked for cracks in the shell. Cracked ones should be set aside, they can be used later when preparing dough, and whole ones with a strong shell should be washed so that the paint applies more uniformly to them.

Wash the onion peels, pour hot water - the amount of water and peel is taken arbitrarily, but in such a way that the eggs are completely in the water during coloring and are not visible from under the peel. Boil the peel in a saucepan over low heat for 5 minutes, cool the broth. Place the eggs in the pan in a single row, placing them under the leaves.

You need to paint eggs in onion peels for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling, with water in a saucepan simmering gently. After this, the red eggs are taken out one by one, placed in cold water for a few minutes, and cooled. The cooled painted eggs are wiped dry and greased with vegetable oil so that the red paint on the eggs shines.

Eggs and onion skins

On April 16, 2017, all Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Holy Resurrection of Christ. We congratulate all our readers on this holiday and wish them peace and prosperity. Christ is Risen!