When to cut your hair in October. Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for October

11th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius

Today you need to cut your hair carefully - there is a high risk of cuts. Discuss with the hairdresser before the procedure what exactly you want to get as a result, and supervise the work of the hairdresser during the cutting process: otherwise you may end up with much shorter hair than you planned. Hardware procedures are especially effective today in facial and body care. During the day, try not to put too much stress on your ankles, beware of subluxations.

12th lunar day. Moon in Pisces

Any self-care procedures on this day will not only be effective, but also enjoyable, relaxing, and relieve stress. Spa treatments are indispensable on this day: this is an excellent replacement for visiting a psychologist. Only pedicures and removal of corns on the feet are not recommended - due to the fact that this is the part of the body that is most vulnerable on this day. You can cleanse your colon without worry. It's a good day for a haircut.

13th lunar day. Moon in Pisces

Don't waste time if you want to improve and cleanse your skin. Give preference to natural remedies such as fruits, oatmeal, herbal infusions. Minimize the use of decorative cosmetics - the skin today should be saturated with oxygen, and for this there is no need to create obstacles. Spend more time outdoors, but try to walk less, preventing your legs from getting tired. And choose comfortable shoes.

14th lunar day. Moon in Pisces

On this day you can go to the hairdresser, especially if you want to start a hair strengthening course. Any haircut will only benefit your hair, but it’s better to postpone coloring for another day. This is a great time to do a colon cleanse and also start following the principles healthy eating. Watch the amount of fluid you drink - swelling is possible.

15th lunar day. Moon in Aries. Full moon

It is not recommended to get your hair cut on this day - both you and the person to whom you entrust your hair will be captivated by emotions. Impulsiveness in such an important matter as hairstyle is unacceptable. In addition, you may become infected negative emotions from the hairdresser. It’s worth taking care of your eyes today, so don’t burden them with painstaking work. Care for your face with extreme caution, choose only light, gentle procedures and care products.

16th lunar day. Moon in Aries

On this day, you will feel much better if you give up meat food. Don't schedule this time plastic surgery on the face, it is also better to reschedule a visit to the dentist, especially if you need to treat the teeth of the upper jaw. But it’s worth visiting an ophthalmologist - the state of vision is now very easy to diagnose. Kidney teas will be especially effective, and you don’t have to worry about allergic reactions.

17th and 18th lunar days. Moon in Taurus

On this day, beware of drafts; the cervical region is especially vulnerable, so try not to catch a cold. When exercising, you should remember that the vertebrae of the neck are now very fragile and vulnerable. So even the usual set of gymnastic exercises should be performed carefully or even neck exercises should be excluded from it for a couple of days. You can get your hair cut, and it’s better to prefer a female hairdresser.

18th and 19th lunar days. Moon in Taurus

You can schedule a visit to the gynecologist on this day, even if you need quite serious treatment, including surgery: the genitals today are less vulnerable. The same cannot be said about the neck and vocal cords, so you shouldn’t put too much strain on them. Cold drinks that you tolerate well on other days can today cause a sore throat or pharyngitis. You cannot treat the teeth of the lower jaw or remove papillomas from the neck.

19th and 20th lunar days. Moon in Gemini

In the first half of the day, take care of yourself, without trusting your face, body, or hair to someone else’s hands. And follow the rules of hygiene, monitor the quality of the water you use and the expiration date of cosmetics. If you are going to get your hair cut, go to the beauty salon in the afternoon. Avoid stuffy rooms where the smells of nail polish and hair are mixed. Fresh air has healing effects.

21st lunar day. Moon in Gemini

One of the better days months for hair cutting. It will really make your hair healthier and accelerate its growth, just like various strengthening masks. Take care of your hands, try not to carry heavy objects, so as not to provoke pain in your hands. Breathing exercises will have a healing effect on the entire body. You can safely carry out anti-cellulite massage in the thighs and buttocks.

22nd lunar day. Moon in Cancer

You can cut your hair just like you can dye your hair. Try to stick to vegetarianism on this day. Light food will gently cleanse the gallbladder and will not create digestive problems. A great time to expand your knowledge in the field of maintaining beauty and health. If you wanted to start doing exercises to strengthen your knees, use this time. Beware of drafts to avoid colds in your chest.

23rd lunar day. Moon in Cancer

On this day, it is better to take care of yourself, as the negative mood of another person will easily be transmitted to you through touch and speech. You cannot perform breast surgery, as well as remove pigment spots and papillomas in the chest and décolleté area. Only cleaning procedures are allowed. The causes of pain in the legs are well diagnosed, especially when it comes to the knee joints. Watch the quality of the foods you eat.

24th lunar day. Moon in Leo

A very good day to get a haircut, take care of your hair, making it thicker and healthier. Nourishing hair masks should be included in your care calendar and used regularly. Very effective today physical activity, however, you should still dose them so as not to overload the heart. You can and should train your blood vessels, for example, using a contrast shower.

25th lunar day. Moon in Leo

Today, hurry up slowly, don’t try to get as much done as possible. This will save you from injuries associated with awkward movements. Especially in the upper back. Try not to expose it to drafts, so as not to suffer from muscle pain later. You can and should treat your vision by drinking soothing teas. It’s a good day for a haircut, but you should go to the hairdresser, clearly knowing what kind of hairstyle you want to get.

26th lunar day. Moon in Virgo

On this day, hair is easy to style and tolerates chemicals well. Therefore, if you want to perm for a long time, choose this day for this purpose. Watch your diet: otherwise, digestive problems may arise. Among the self-care methods for today, it is better to plan a pedicure, cleansing the feet of calluses, corns, and ingrown toenails. All these procedures will be almost painless.

27th lunar day. Moon in Virgo

On this day, the preferred self-care options are: natural remedies. The main source of beauty today is hygiene procedures that allow you to achieve cleanliness. A visit to a bathhouse or sauna will have a beneficial effect on you. A good time to care for your fingernails and toenails, as well as for nail extensions. For cutting hair too. Dyed hair will retain its rich color for a long time. You can't do piercings in the navel area.

28th lunar day. Moon in Libra

On this day it is very good to take care of your face, and not only cleanse the skin, but also do more serious procedures: eyebrow architecture, permanent makeup eyebrows, eyes and lips, subject the skin to radical deep cleansing, remove scars and scars, spots and warts. You can plan plastic surgery on your face today. You can also exfoliate the scalp and use potent hair growth products.

29th lunar day. Moon in Libra

Today it is better to give the body a chance to take a break from carefully caring for it, and if you carry out any procedures, then do it yourself, without allowing other people’s energy to touch your skin and hair. Take time to study the latest products in the cosmetics industry - perhaps there is a product among them that will be indispensable for you. It will be very tempting to go to the perfume department of the store, but you can be deceived in choosing the scent that suits you. You can't get your hair cut.

30th lunar day. Moon in Libra. New moon

On this day, you can cut the ends of your hair, especially if you want to get rid of some unpleasant and annoying thoughts. You can try a new make-up on yourself. Decorative cosmetics should be on your face on this day, albeit in minimal quantities. Refuse outdated trends in the design of eyes and eyebrows, switch to what is fashionable and relevant this season. A good day to visit the dentist.

1st lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

Today, try to plan your self-care routine about a month in advance. It’s better to write them down on a sign - it will be easier to stick to the plan, and you will be able to meet the deadlines! You shouldn't visit the gynecologist today. IN intimate area Only purification is allowed. You can and should put your neck in order: do massage, exercises for the neck, get rid of age spots and papillomas. You can't get your hair cut.

2nd lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

On this day, you need to choose the products that suit you. This is done very simply: imagine a product and listen to the sensations. If internal rejection occurs, then the food is not suitable for you. And if you have a desire to eat it immediately, it means that it contains substances that you currently need. This way you can create a suitable and healthy diet for yourself for the whole month. It's not worth getting a haircut.

3rd lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

It's a very good day to cut your hair: after this procedure, it will grow quickly and take on a healthy, well-groomed appearance. You can also dye your hair. Choose this day to begin a long course of self-care. For example, if you want to use herbal infusions for a long time, you need to prepare them every day. Try not to walk too much: today your hip joints are vulnerable, you need to take care of them.

4th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

You may be faced with the problem of choosing: to use widely advertised (and quite expensive) products or to give preference to drugs that have been proven by your friends and relatives. This is the day when you should try to gain new information about the world around you, so it’s probably worth taking a risk and trying something you haven’t tried before. You can treat your hands, do a manicure.

5th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

On this day, be attentive to yourself and to external circumstances. Don't fuss, don't plan to complete a lot of things. It is worth eating food that will not cause problems with the liver and gall bladder. But it is better to plan operations on these organs at another time. Cranberries and viburnum are very useful. Any warming procedures, such as massage or bath procedures, are effective. There is no need to fight cellulite today.

6th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn

A good time to visit a hairdresser, where you can not only cut or dye your hair, but also undergo procedures that strengthen it: especially pay attention to keratin masks. At this time, unfortunately, bones and ligaments, as well as joints, are very vulnerable. Therefore, walk carefully and be extremely attentive. Try not to overcool: you can catch a cold not only in the respiratory system, but also in the nerve endings, for example, in the teeth.

7th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn

On this day, your hair will respond with improvement to your care. Don’t be fixated on your opinion, listen to the advice of experts: in most cases, their opinion on how you should care for your hair and what hairstyle to choose will be correct. Today your knees are vulnerable, so avoid, for example, exercises that strengthen them. You can improve the shape of your breasts, including through plastic surgery.

8th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius

On this day, you should take care of the health of your legs, which means that prevention, for example, of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and erysipelas on the legs is indispensable. The main thing is not to let your legs get tired, don’t walk or stand for too long, and keep your legs elevated more often when sitting. You should also take care of the ankle joint and ankles - these parts of the body are currently most susceptible to dislocations and sprains. You can get a haircut.

8th and 9th lunar days. Moon in Aquarius

If you urgently need to seek the help of beauty specialists to improve your appearance, devote the first half of the day to this. You can accomplish a lot in a few hours. Both your face and hair will look perfect. But in the afternoon it is better not to visit beauty establishments. You can pick up some kind of infection there - both literally and figuratively - and become infected with bad thoughts for a long time. A contrast shower is good.

9th and 10th lunar days. Moon in Aquarius

In the first half of the day, take care of yourself if you don’t want to spoil your mood for several days. In the afternoon you will probably want to go to the pool or sauna. And your heart and cardiovascular system will thank you, as long as you don't overdo it with these treatments. You should not plan joint operations or surgical treatment of arthritis and arthrosis for today.

10th and 11th lunar days. Moon in Pisces

You can get a haircut on this day, the only thing is, try not to distract the hairdresser with conversations, let him concentrate on his work, so as not to injure you with the tools or burn you. It is very easy for the wound to become infected. Not a very good day for a perm and manicure, since we all now react sharply to odors, and in addition to a headache, someone may also have an allergy. Treat skin rashes immediately.

11th and 12th lunar days. Moon in Pisces

To ensure that your day goes well and no problems arise, go out into the fresh air more often. choose comfortable shoes that will make your feet feel comfortable and that will not chafe the skin on your feet. It is not recommended to do a pedicure, since the skin on the feet is now very vulnerable, and the wounds can take a long time to heal. Try to get by with a minimum of decorative cosmetics. Follow your medication dosage carefully.

October is a transition period from summer to winter, when both warm summer air temperatures and the first frosts are possible. At this time of year, self-care requires a special approach. To know which days are best to cut and dye your hair, do manicures and other beauty treatments, we recommend looking at the lunar calendar for October 2017.


In the lunar calendar for October 2017, for haircuts and, as well as manicures, pedicures, cosmetic procedures and operations, there are both favorable days, and those in which it is better to refuse the above procedures. With such a calendar, which is based on the phases of the moon, it is much easier to plan a trip to the hairdresser or manicurist and pedicurist. After all, it has been proven that how quickly hair or nails grow on our body depends on what position the Moon occupies in the sky. What to say about operations and others cosmetic procedures- write down which ones you don’t.

Hair cutting

If it is important for you to have your hair cut in October 2017, choose days when the Moon is waxing (from October 1 to October 4, from October 20 to October 31, 2017). If, on the contrary, you prefer to rarely visit the hairdressing salon, choose a favorable day when the Moon is in its waning phase (from October 6 to October 18, 2017).

To prevent your hair color from losing its brightness, it is better to dye your hair when the Moon is in its growth phase (October 1 to 4 and from October 20 to 31, 2017). A variety of hair care procedures (nourishing and moisturizing masks, reconstruction and treatment) are also best carried out during the period when the Moon is growing.

At the same time, it is better not to carry out any manipulations with hair when the Moon is in the signs of Capricorn (October 7, 8), Pisces (October 14, 15), Gemini (October 20, 21) and Cancer (October 22, 23).

Please note that the caramels range from light golden to rich light chestnut. It is especially worth paying attention to color transitions from dark to cold. This technique is used in everything from ombre to babylights. Favorable days for hair coloring in October 2017: October 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30.


The best time to do a manicure, cut your nails or when the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn (October 7, 8). Any manipulation of the nails and skin of the hands during this period will be high-quality and painless, and will strengthen the plate.

An unfavorable period for any nail procedures is when the Moon is in Gemini (October 19, 20, 21). The passage of the Moon in the sign of Virgo (October 25, 26, 27) is the time when cracks and any inflammation, as well as diseases of the nail plate, should be treated.

Please note that in shades of baked milk, cream and vanilla, as well as violet and emerald. Favorable days for manicure and pedicure in October 2017: October 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30.

Beauty treatments

The off-season is the most uncomfortable period for the skin, as sharp temperature fluctuations disrupt cell function, resulting in dull and tired skin, dryness and flaking. Therefore, autumn is a period of cleansing, nutrition and hydration.

For procedures for cleansing facial skin, various peelings and scrubs, as well as visiting baths and saunas, the period of the waning moon (from October 6 to October 18, 2017) is better suited. All nourishing and moisturizing procedures, for example, beauty injections, are best carried out during the days of the waxing Moon (from October 1 to October 4 and from October 20 to October 31, 2017).

Please note that for autumn care, cosmetologists recommend choosing cosmetics with effective and safe whitening ingredients. Vitamin masks for the face and body, massages, soothing herbal infusions, and body wraps will provide a noticeable effect. Favorable days for face and body care in October 2017: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 , 28, 29, 30, 31 October.


The most successful period for surgical intervention is considered to be the time of the waning moon (October 6 to October 18). At the same time, on October 11, Mars will approach a negative aspect with Saturn, so days 9, 10, 11 October are especially dangerous for operations, since there is a high risk of various obstacles to a successful recovery. In the period from October 3 to October 15, the Moon is in the sign of Leo, which means that the heart and back area, especially its middle part, become vulnerable. Also, according to the lunar calendar, October 18 is the time of the Moon in Libra, when you can perform operations in the head area.

Extremely unlucky days for operations in October 2017: 5, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 27.


It is generally accepted that according to the horoscope March special time. Firstly, this is practically the beginning of the season. In addition, holidays and a short (and for some, large) vacation await you.
In March 2020 enough different holidays, at the beginning of the month you will definitely need to get a trendy hairstyle.
Let’s say right away that each month, in accordance with the horoscope, requires a certain hairstyle. Today, everyone already knows that in April and March, hairstyles must be done in accordance with the haircut horoscope. Shortening curls done in " good days“will not only make your hair thicker, but will bring longevity and success in business.
Based on the above principles, it was compiled lunar horoscope haircuts for March and April 2020.

The fact that cutting your hair affects not only the quality of your hair, but also your destiny was discovered by the ancient inhabitants of Tibet. They have long known about the relationship between health and hair condition.
The people of Tibet were sure that our hair is a source of vital energy. To avoid damage to karma, all actions with hair can be carried out only on certain days, in accordance with the horoscope, which is compiled on the basis of the lunar calendar.

What does modern science think about hairstyles in April and especially March 2020?

And she thinks that you can visit the hairdresser in any month, and you can not only cut your hair, but also do hair removal and even mesotherapy.
But all this should be done on favorable days of the month in accordance with the haircut horoscope. However, the advice of the horoscope should be followed not only in March or April 2020.
Now everyone recognizes that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, when visiting a salon you should always follow the recommendations of the Moon and the Oracle.

How to cut your hair and do your hair in 2020.
According to the March horoscope, favorable days are 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 31.

In accordance with the horoscope:

  • In order for your curls to grow quickly, be healthy, and the dye on them to last longer, you need to get your hair cut and dyed while the moon is waxing. Then you should make masks.
  • And vice versa - cutting a haircut during the waning moon slows down the growth of strands.
  • If the waxing Moon is in Leo or Virgo, the effectiveness of creating a new hairstyle increases.
  • The full moon is a wonderful day for liberation from negativity (but not always, you need to take into account the constellation where the Moon is located).
    If you want to free yourself from negative energy, cut the ends of your hair. Along with the cut strands, not only will all the negativity go away, but your hair will also grow better, gain shine and strength.
  • But when the Moon is in the constellation Capricorn, Pisces Cancer and Scorpio, you can’t not only cut your hair, but also apply makeup and chemical fill.

Haircut horoscope for March 2020

March Day of the week Lunar day number Zodiac Phase Favorable and unfavorable days
1 Sun 7,8 Twins Waxing Moon According to the haircut oracle for March, this day is good for shortening or changing the color of your hair. It’s worth putting everything aside and planning a trip to the stylist
2 Mon 8,9 According to the haircut horoscope for March, this is an unfavorable day. Let's believe and not go to the hairdresser.
3 W 9,10 Today according to the horoscope, lucky or stylish haircut questionable. The “new” Moon is to blame for this. Let's stay home and wait for better days.
4 Wed 10,11 Cancer The horoscope for March guarantees a favorable day. You need to use it to cut your hair. Look at your love horoscope, go to the planetarium, but after the salon
5 Thu 11,12 The day, according to the haircut oracle, is not suitable for shortening or changing the color of your hair. If you postpone your planned trip to the stylist, it will be unsuccessful.
6 Fri 12,13 Leo The haircut oracle promises a favorable time for shortening your hair. We don't stay at home. And good days are ahead
7 Sat 13,14 According to the horoscope, the haircut will be successful. But there are not very good days ahead for going to the masters
8 Sun 14,15 Virgo The horoscope promises a favorable time for a haircut. We don’t wait for March, the oracle promises good luck after visiting the salon. We'll go, what about you??
9 Mon 15,16 Full moon All predictions are negative. And the oracle and the horoscope and even the lunar calendar are all against today's haircut. Let's believe and not go to the hairdresser.
10 W 16,17 Scales Waning Moon According to the haircut horoscope, a trip to the hairdresser will be very unsuccessful. A visit to a stylist will be remembered for a long time. But not the result.
11 Wed 17,18 According to the haircut horoscope, March is not the best time to cut your hair. The Oracle is silent. Let's stay at home.
12 Thu 18,19 Scorpion Auspicious day. According to the March horoscope, it should be spent visiting, at a lecture, at the cinema with children, but only after visiting the hairdresser
13 Fri 19 Dreaming of a new hairstyle? The time to cut your hair in March according to the oracle and the advice of the horoscope has already come.
14 Sat 20 Sagittarius Neutral day. There are many good days for haircuts this month. Today the horoscope gives the go-ahead or doesn’t.
15 Sun 20,21 According to the horoscope, today, a successful or stylish haircut is quite likely. We don’t wait for better days and go to salons
16 Mon 21,22 Capricorn Neutral day. It's up to you to decide; the horoscope doesn't help with haircuts. It's better to wait
17 W 22,23 The haircut oracle promises a successful trip to the stylist. We believe the horoscope and go get a haircut.
18 Wed 23,24 Didn't listen to the horoscope yesterday?? Today, the lunar calendar and horoscope provide an opportunity to correct your mistakes. Shorten your curls.
19 Thu 24,25 Aquarius The oracle does not recommend this day for cutting and dyeing hair. Wait and hope April is ahead.
20 Fri 25,26 Unfavorable day. The Oracle does not recommend going to the stylist
21 Sat 26,27 Fish A very auspicious day. The Oracle recommends not to abstain. From everything. And from having your hair cut at the barber. Let's go to the salon.
22 Sun 27,28 The oracle predicts a good time for cutting and coloring hair
23 Mon 28,29 Expect “better” days in March. It’s worth postponing your trip to the stylist. To a friend, for a massage, on social networks. Finally, go to the library after work, and only then everything else...
24 W 29,30,1 Aries New moon An unfavorable day according to the March horoscope, especially for cutting and coloring hair. Otherwise quite a good time
25 Wed 1,2 Waxing Moon The oracle considers this day extremely unlucky for cutting hair. We will believe and will not go to stand in line. Let's wait until tomorrow and make sure that the horoscope is always right.
26 Thu 2,3 Taurus According to the horoscope, a haircut in March is simply necessary today. We're all going to shorten our locks.
27 Fri 3,4 According to the haircut horoscope, this day of March is best spent at the hairdresser. Of course, not all...
28 Sat 4,5 In the morning, there are many people in salons who want to shorten their locks. We sit and wait patiently. The haircut horoscope promises a good day.
29 Sun 5,6 Twins On the advice of the oracle, on this day in March we avoid hairdressers. Let the masters wait, there are other delights of life: TV, clubs and shops
30 Mon 6,7 An extremely unfavorable day. The haircut oracle does not guarantee a successful haircut outcome. Do not injure your curls. Wait for April.
31 W 7,8 Cancer The March haircuts oracle gives you one last opportunity to get haircuts in the outgoing month. Don't miss it.

Lunar calendar haircuts for October 2017

October 1, Sunday, moon in Aquarius, 12th lunar day, begins at 16:39. Today, a new haircut will transform you into a discerning person. It is useful to listen to your intuition, it will not be wrong. After 16:39 it is better to cross the hairdresser out of your plans.

October 2, Monday, moon in the sign of Pisces, 13th lunar day, begins at 17:06. During the day, do not sit in the hairdresser's chair, and after 17:06 the Moon promises to strengthen our love magnetism for a new haircut.

October 3, Tuesday, moon in the sign of Pisces, 14th lunar day, starts at 17:30. Get your hair cut before 5:30 p.m. and become the center of attraction for the people around you! In the evening new hairstyle will help you get rich.

October 4, Wednesday, moon in the sign of Pisces, 15th lunar day, begins at 17:52. If you are having financial difficulties, go to the hairdresser! Until the evening, any haircut will be worth the money. After 17:52, the stars do not advise us to contact a stylist.

October 5, Thursday, moon in Aries, 16th lunar day, starts at 18:13. On this day you should not count on good result, give up your idea of ​​going to the salon.

October 6, Friday, moon in Aries, 17th lunar day, begins at 18:36. A visit to the hairdresser can negatively affect your inner state. Fear and suspiciousness will appear.

October 7, Saturday, moon in Taurus, 18th lunar day, starts at 19:00. Today we put things in order on our heads exclusively on our own.

October 8, Sunday, moon in Taurus, 19th lunar day, begins at 19:29. Hair manipulation is not recommended before 19:29, but in the evening a new haircut will strengthen your hair and get rid of dandruff.

October 9, Monday, moon in Gemini, 20th lunar day, starts at 20:03. With a new hairstyle, you will ensure healthy and strong growth for your hair. After 20:03, do other things.

October 10, Tuesday, moon in Gemini, 21 lunar day, begins at 20:46. All day, until 20:46, you should take care of your hair and not cut it, after which a positive period will begin.

October 11, Wednesday, moon in Cancer, 22 lunar day, begins at 21:40. Your new image will rejuvenate you. You will become more charming and begin to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

October 12, Thursday, moon in Cancer, 23 lunar day, begins at 22:43. Today the Moon gives out gifts and makes wishes come true! Ordering material items will be especially effective. Before getting a haircut, wish for, for example, a new phone and it will come into your life much faster.

October 13, Friday, moon in Leo, 24 lunar day, begins at 23:54. Good day for a haircut. Change and enjoy your new look. It will really suit you.

October 14, Saturday, moon in Leo, 24 lunar day lasts until 15:47. With a new hairstyle, uncertainty and even fear may come to you, wait a little.

October 15, Sunday, moon in Virgo, 25th lunar day, starts at 01:10. The influence of the Moon today leaves much to be desired, give preference to other things.

October 16, Monday, moon in Virgo, 26th lunar day, begins at 02:26. On this day, a new haircut will open up new opportunities for you and bring happiness and prosperity into your life.

October 17, Tuesday, moon in Libra, 27th lunar day, begins at 03:42. A meeting with a hairdresser today will set your life up for a wave of good fortune and luck. You will easily resolve problems (if any).

October 18, Wednesday, moon in Libra, 28th lunar day, begins at 04:57. Favorable period for a haircut. You will feel light, gain confidence in your abilities and have the opportunity for self-realization.

October 19, Thursday, moon in Libra, 29 and 1 lunar days, starting at 06:11 and 22:13. Under no circumstances should you cut your hair when the Moon begins to rise!

October 20, Friday, moon in Scorpio, 2nd lunar day, begins at 07:23. If you go to the salon today, you may feel heaviness, old grievances will be remembered, and worries will appear.

October 21, Saturday, moon in Scorpio, 3rd lunar day, starts at 08:34. On this day you should avoid visiting the hairdresser, otherwise you may end up in a very unpleasant situation.

October 22, Sunday, moon in Sagittarius, 4th lunar day, starts at 09:42. This day is absolutely not suitable for gatherings in the stylist's chair.

October 23, Monday, moon in Sagittarius, 5th lunar day, starts at 10:47. Today after 10:47 you can easily attract money to yourself with a haircut.

October 24, Tuesday, moon in Sagittarius, 6th lunar day, begins at 11:47. In the first half of the day, feel free to go to the salon and become richer, and after 11:47 a new haircut will lead to difficulties and obstacles.

October 25, Wednesday, moon in Capricorn, 7th lunar day, begins at 12:41. Dedicate the entire current day to work, beauty salons will wait.

October 26, Thursday, moon in Capricorn, 8th lunar day, begins at 13:27. From morning until lunch we do business, and after 13:27 a haircut will give us unforgettable adventures and positive emotions! It is especially effective to combine the process of cutting your hair with dreams of a place you would like to travel to.

October 27, Friday, moon in Aquarius, 9th lunar day, begins at 14:07. Until 14:07 you can still get a haircut and attract travel, then Luna does not recommend even going close to a beauty salon.

October 28, Saturday, moon in Aquarius, 10th lunar day, starts at 14:40. In the first half of the day, it’s better to take a walk, work or visit friends, but starting from 14:40, a new hairstyle will make you a lucky person!

October 29, Sunday, moon in Aquarius, 11th lunar day, starts at 15:08. Today you can stay at least the whole day without leaving the hairdresser. A very good period, because in addition to a chic hairstyle, you will receive the favor of Lady Luck herself.

October 30, Monday, moon in the sign of Pisces, 12th lunar day, starts at 15:32. Until 15:32, success and luck await you at the hairdresser, and after that there will be only difficulties.

October 31, Tuesday, moon in the sign of Pisces, 13th lunar day, begins at 15:54. Your business comes first! Complete them before 15:54, and only then can you allow yourself to relax in the stylist's chair. Moreover, during this period, a haircut helps to attract love and mutual understanding!

*Time in the lunar calendar is Moscow.

Haircuts for October 2017 were prepared by Anastasia Volkova

Our natural satellite - the Moon - has a huge influence on all processes occurring on our planet. These processes also include hair growth. That’s why many women, before visiting a barber, get acquainted with lunar phases in order to have the most positive effect on the outcome of hair cutting or coloring.

Remember that for all those representatives of the fair sex who dream of growing long and strong curls, a haircut should be planned on days with the waxing phase of the moon (see. lunar haircut calendar below). And those who want to influence the strength and health of their hair should plan a trip to the hairdresser during the waning phase.

Favorable days for haircuts in October 2017

October 2 (Mon) – waxing moon in Pisces. A haircut on Monday helps reduce inner depression and improve your overall mood.

October 10 (Tue) – waning moon in Gemini. A haircut should be done on this day because this zodiac sign has a beneficial effect on hair thickness. Everyone who manages to get a haircut on this day is doomed to enjoy thick and shiny hair.
October 16 (Mon) – waning moon in Virgo. Coloring and curling on this day will go especially well. Even strong chemicals applied to hair today will not be able to harm it much.

October 23 (Mon) – waxing moon in Sagittarius. This sign is very ambiguous (see October 2017). It’s best not to plan complex hair manipulations for today. The haircut should be limited to trimming the ends.

October 26 (Thu) – waxing moon in Capricorn. An extremely positive period in which it is best to schedule a trip to the barber. On this day, any activities with hair will be positive and will bring satisfaction from the result.

October 31 (Tue) – waxing moon in Pisces. Perm today - not best idea. But the new haircut today will definitely be a success.

In addition to the above listed favorable (successful) days for a haircut, also in October 2017. favorable days, in order to visit the hairdresser the following days will be: 3,11,17,18, 28 and 29.

Lunar hair cutting calendar for October 2017

Unfavorable days for cutting hair

October 6, 2017 (Fri) – waning moon in Aries. This zodiac sign has an extremely adverse effect on hair growth and health. Try to avoid any manipulation of your hair on this day.

October 22, 2017 (Sun) – waxing moon in Sagittarius. A haircut today will attract negativity, can ruin your mood and even have a negative impact on your health. But all caring procedures will now be extremely successful. Painting should also be postponed. Better use strengthening masks or oils for the beauty and health of your hair.

In addition, this month the following days will be unfavorable for visiting the hairdresser: 1,2,5,7,9,12-15,19-21,24,25,27 and 30.