What date is New Year according to the Chinese calendar? When to celebrate New Year? When is new year calendar

Good afternoon, friends. Now, a few days before the New Year, many people in Rus' are asking the question: - When did they actually celebrate? New Year in Rus'? In general, there was no such thing as a year in Rus'. There was the word Summer. This concept has reached our times in different words: - Chronicler, chronicle, how old are you, etc.

Of course, when one person asks another how old you are, we are not talking about the modern concept of “Summer”. It would be more correct to ask: - How old are you? But such an expression hurts the ear. The word Year was adopted from the Germans by Peter the Great and meant God. Previously, chroniclers wrote: - In the summer, seven thousand four hundred, etc. The calendar began from the creation of the world.

In general, the Slavs had three seasons: spring, autumn and winter. The week consisted of 9 days. Echoes of this can be found in fairy tales. Read the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” It mentions words such as “Week” - the seventh day of the week. The eighth and ninth octagons were called “Week”. The remaining names of the days are similar to modern ones.

A month consisted of 40 and 41 days and they were called differently. There were 9 months. They did not coincide with modern months, and could not, if we take mathematics into account.

Many believe that the Ukrainian names of the months correspond to the Slavic ones. But this is a misconception. Since I already said that there were 9 months, therefore, in any case, three months are fictitious. In general, not three, but all the names of the months were invented after the arrival of the Byzantine reformers.

The months were called:Ramkhat, AyLet, BeyLet, GeyLet, DaiLet, Ele, VeyLet, HeyLet and TayLet. Almost every one is followed by a part Let- year. Well, are these month names similar to Ukrainian or Belarusian?

What date is Slavic New Year

As I already said, the Slavs had no such thing as New Year. There was a similar concept - New Years. It's not exactly the same thing. The New Year began on the night of September 21-22, i.e. on the astronomical day of the autumn equinox. At this time, it was believed that after spring labors a person could rest. In other words, a year has passed, a new one begins.

Usually, at this time the harvest was already harvested and extensive festivities took place. People gathered, lit fires and danced over them, and danced in circles (in several circles, usually three). Then, the young people had fun and praised Rule (the world of the gods).

At this time, many children were given names. Closer to midnight, common tables were set for a common meal. As already said, this is the time of dancing and singing. Many of the dances were with a bear, which was one of the totems of the Slavs (Foreigners will be happy when they find out! They will definitely think that bears walk along our streets and play balalaikas!).

There was no trace of alcohol. There was mead - this is an intoxicating leavened drink. People were a little tipsy, but not drunk! In other words, New Year’s Eve is a time of general fun among the Slavs! It was a time of magic, a fairy tale (this time is very reminiscent of the modern New Year)!

Of course, there were many Slavic tribes and each of them had their own characteristics of this holiday. Also, on such holidays, young people met, got to know each other better, couples were created and after a while weddings took place!

Alcohol, like other innovations, was brought by Peter I from “Civilized Europe”. Therefore, the fairy tale about the eternally drunk Russians turns out to be a fairy tale in the literal sense.

Also, the custom of decorating Christmas trees for the New Year came from these times. True, the trees were not cut down. They were decorated alive with various decorations, and not only Christmas trees, but also other trees.

With the advent of Christianity, the New Year began to be celebrated on September 1. I think that people are simply accustomed to celebrating the new summer around this time, so the Byzantine reformers decided not to move the holiday too much.

Slavic New Year when will it come

Other historians believe that the analogue of the New Year was another astronomical phenomenon, “The Day of the Vernal Equinox” - March 20. Everything here is similar, but with a different meaning. Finally, winter ended, spring came, and along with spring, the New Year came, i.e. - Summer.

This is also the time of celebrations, festivities, gifts, lighting fires, round dances, acquaintances, etc. before spring work (but weddings were not usually held at this time, there was no time for that. It was necessary to prepare for spring work).

In general, the Slavs had a fairly accurate calendar, and such astronomical phenomena as the spring equinox, the longest day of the year (on Ivan Kupala), the autumn equinox and the longest night were the main holidays for the Slavs with extensive festivities and fun!

What did our ancestors do at this time, before the modern New Year? The modern New Year is closest to the Slavic holiday Kalyada. That is, for the longest night, from December 21 – 22.

At this time, caroling was taking place. People dressed up (as various fairy-tale animals), went to visit, danced, and read carols. They were given gifts. In other words, they caroled. Children especially loved caroling (and still do). True, now they sing carols for the Old New Year, January 14th. In other words, the reformers also moved this holiday.

Some people like to make jokes at Christmas, which is wrong and for which they scold Father’s parishioners! At this time, fortune telling and other Slavic rituals took place. They also remain, and are called Christmas fortune-telling, and are also condemned by the church.

What conclusion can be drawn from all this? It offends me that, for example, the Chinese know exactly when the Chinese New Year will be and not only are they not ashamed of it, but they celebrate it extensively. More extensive than European.

We, the Slavs, were forced to forget our holidays, replaced them with strangers, and even managed to make us ashamed of them! Regarding Slavic paganism, I want to say that all the Slavic gods were good (except for one goddess), unlike, for example, the Greek ones. We didn’t even have a god of war until the arrival of the Germanic tribes.

Also, the Greeks are an Orthodox people and are not only not ashamed of their gods, but are also proud of them! Should we, Slavs, be ashamed of our own people for some reason? I think our Western “Friends” were already working on this at that time!

The most unpleasant thing is that it is now unknown exactly when the Slavic New Year was - on the day of the Autumn or Spring equinox. Therefore, I believe that we must revive the customs of our ancestors, our holidays and calendar! At least know what he looked like, and not study, for example, the Mayan calendar, which is alien to us!

Also, we should not only not be ashamed of the Slavic gods, but also be proud of them! At the same time, remaining Orthodox. I repeat, the Greeks are Orthodox, but not only are they proud of their pagan gods, but they also forced the whole world to learn their names and stories about them!

Why are the Slavs worse? I will say more, not only not worse, but also better! The Slavs were more cultured people than other peoples in Europe! We are being taught a greatly distorted history before the Christian era!

So let's try to remember our history as it really was, and not the one that Western “Partners” tell us about!

Video Slavic New Year

I think now you have an idea when the Slavic New Year begins and what it was like! Maybe some of you will decide to hold it (I know that many people are already celebrating the New Year holiday and others Slavic holidays)! Good luck to you in the new year!

It would seem that even the most small child will give the answer. But we should forget that many Western and Eastern traditions have appeared in our lives, causing confusion in the calendar. Surprisingly, some Russians believe that New Year's Eve is December 25th. Moreover, not all foreigners, of whom there are many in our country, know what date New Year is. Some people celebrate the New Year according to the Chinese calendar. What date is New Year's? New, old, Chinese, Celtic

In most countries, including Russia, the New Year is celebrated on the night from December 31 to January 1. Of course, looking at the weekend schedule, you might think that we celebrate this holiday for two weeks. IN New Year's Eve they light a decorated Christmas tree, drink champagne, give gifts, set off fireworks, and make wishes. Many New Year's traditions, are embodied immediately overnight, bestowing joyful emotions and a great mood. What date is New Year's? New, old, Chinese, Celtic

The long-awaited first of January

It is better for foreigners not to translate this phrase :) The fact is that during the Revolution, a different calendar was introduced, differing from the current one by 14 days. Consequently, previously the New Year came at night from January 13 to 14. Although a whole century has passed, our people still celebrate this day, even if not on such a grand scale as on the first of January. On this day they tell fortunes using dumplings and arrange carols and festive feasts. After this day, it is considered that the holidays are over and you can go to work. What date is New Year's? New, old, Chinese, Celtic

When is the old New Year?

Over the past twenty years, Eastern traditions have captured many areas of our lives. In the office and at home, many have various Feng Shui symbols, and also arrange furniture and entire rooms in accordance with this art. As for the New Year, according to the Chinese calendar, on this day one or another animal becomes the patron of the year: dragon, snake, dog, horse, goat, etc. What date is New Year's? New, old, Chinese, Celtic

New Year according to the Chinese calendar

Astrologers tell us what date the New Year begins according to the Chinese calendar. Typically, the date of Chinese New Year is from late January to mid-March. But on January 1, according to tradition, dishes are placed on the table that will please the owner of the year. In addition, many dress in outfits of certain colors and decorate the house with the corresponding color scheme. All this in order to win over the symbol of the year, which will bring good luck, luck, good health and happiness.

New Year's Eve different countries world Thai holiday - April 13, 2016 On this day, people douse themselves with water to cleanse themselves of sins and bad energy. Buddha figurines are displayed everywhere. The symbol of the holiday is water (sometimes with ice). Jewish New Year Israel celebrates four New Years. This tradition is associated with Jewish beliefs.

April 9 is the first New Year. This is the official date of the countdown of the reign of the kings. It is not publicly celebrated.

October 2-4 is the main New Year. From this date, chronology is calculated. On this day, celebrations are held, gifts are given, and wishes for good and prosperity are given.

Vietnam February 9, 2016. The holiday is called Tet. Vietnamese people decorate their houses flowering trees(apricot, peach, tangerine). They give gifts, arrange fireworks, and party until the morning.

Buddhist February 9. Determined by lunar calendar. Traditionally, spring begins from this moment. According to Buddhist beliefs, the new year itself comes to earth at dawn.
Slavic On March 22, the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year.

In the USA, England, Australia, the New Year is celebrated from December 31 to January 1, as in modern Russia. Muslim New Year October 2. The holiday is called: the night of Hijare. During this period they fast and pray. It is forbidden to fight or think about revenge. The first ten days are favorable for various endeavors. The story does not end there... For the Celts, for example, the New Year symbolized the onset of cold weather and the harvest. This holiday falls on the last day of October. Many recognized it as the famous Halloween.

In ancient times, there was another calendar that has survived to this day. This is the Avestan calendar, which preceded the time of the great prophet Zarathushtra. In it, as in our calendar, there are 12 months, only they are called differently, but correspond to the astrological signs of the zodiac (Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, etc.). According to the Avestan calendar, the New Year begins after March 21st. Many astrologers give information according to the Avestan horoscope. In general, it is not so important when to celebrate, the main thing is to remember that the coming year always brings new opportunities, beginnings and achievements that any of us can do. And you can make wishes even throughout January. What date is New Year's? New, old, Chinese, Celtic

On the night of January 1 Residents of the Russian Federation celebrate the New Year. This day is very popular to this day, but not many people know about the history of its origin. Let's look at how this holiday has reached our days.

History of the holiday

Not many people know that this holiday has ancient roots and was introduced by Julius. Even then, the New Year was celebrated on January 1. On this holiday, all the inhabitants of Rome presented gifts to the god Janus, who was greatly revered by the Romans.

Interesting fact there is also the fact that the neighboring Celtic tribes, who lived nearby, also had a ritual in which spruce and animal carcasses were used (later fruits and vegetables were used), which were hung on this spruce. Perhaps this is a coincidence, but the customs of these peoples are somewhat similar to our New Year, only instead of animal carcasses we now use New Year’s decorations.

During the times of paganism in Rus', it was customary to celebrate the New Year on March 22, because it was believed that if cold weather sets in, then the new year has already arrived. Since the time of the baptism of Rus', this holiday has been celebrated on March 1. Between the 14th and 15th centuries, the celebration of this day was again moved to September 1, according to the definitions of the Council of Nicaea.

During the reign of Peter I (1699), the date of the holiday was finally moved to January 1 due to the fact that the tsar wanted to transfer the calendar to the Gregorian calendar, which he was unable to do completely. It is also worth noting that during this period the New Year began to have features of a secular character and was accompanied by lush banquets and fun. From this moment on, the day on which the New Year will be celebrated will remain unchanged in our time.

During one year, different religions and different nations around the world celebrate the New Year on different days.

January 1 The New Year officially begins in most countries around the world that follow the Gregorian calendar.

January 14 The Old New Year is celebrated throughout the CIS; it is considered the beginning of the year in Greece. This is the day of St. Basil, who was once famous for his kindness and special love for children.

On the first new moon after January 21(V different years he will be met between January 21 and February 20) the New Year begins eastern calendar, which is followed by countries such as China, Vietnam, Singapore, Korea, Mongolia, Malaysia, etc.

On the first day of the holy month of Muharram in Islamic countries, the Hijri New Year begins (starting from July 16, 622 according to the Gregoran calendar, each subsequent Hijri New Year begins 11 days earlier than the previous one). The 1st Mukharam is not included in the list of Islamic holidays and, accordingly, in most Muslim countries, the New Year is not celebrated as a holiday in the secular sense. On this day, a sermon is read in mosques dedicated to the move of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina.

February 24 Indian New Year holiday Holi. (In India, New Year is celebrated several times on different days).

March 10 The people of Kashmir begin to celebrate the New Year in India and continue to celebrate it until the end of the New Year celebrations in all Indian states.

On the night of March 21-22 New Year comes to countries living according to the Persian calendar: Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Pakistan, Azerbaijan. March 22 is called “Novruz” - the first day of the New Year.

On the first day of the waxing moon of the month of Chaitra according to the Hindu calendar (late March - early April according to Gregorian), the Indian New Year Gudi Padwa is celebrated.

From 12 to 17 April New Year is celebrated in Burma. It falls on the hottest and hottest days there. The exact day of the celebration is announced by the Ministry of Culture by a special decree, and the celebrations last three days.

April 13 The Thai New Year is celebrated, Songkran. On the same day, residents of West Bengal celebrate the New Year in India.

April 14 New Year comes to Laos. This is the eve of the long-awaited rainy season. On the same day, Hindus from the state of Tamil Nadu celebrate the arrival of the New Year, and this day coincides with the official onset of spring.

1st and 2nd of the month of Tishri according to the Jewish calendar(usually in September Gregorian) New Year is celebrated in Israel, where it is called Rosh Hashanah.

September 11 The Ethiopian New Year is coming, which marks the end of the rainy season in Ethiopia.

October 7 new year holidays come to Gambia and Indonesia. For local residents, this is a special date - you can put on your best clothes, preen yourself, ask each other for forgiveness for all offenses and enter the New Year with a clear conscience.

Night from October 31 to November 1, known in Catholic countries as "Halloween", is considered the beginning of the New Year among the Celtic peoples, and it is called "Samhain". This date is especially important in Scotland, Ireland and the Isle of Man, where descendants of the ancient Celts still live and preserve centuries-old customs.

November 18 one year follows another in the Hawaiian Islands, Oceania and Yemen. In these regions, the New Year is celebrated later than everyone else, when other countries are already preparing to celebrate the next year.

Chinese New Year is celebrated every time different numbers, and there are reasons for this. However, this state of affairs does not affect the festive mood of people, and the celebrations become brighter and more varied from time to time.

The history of the holiday

The Chinese New Year in China is called differently - “Spring Festival”. After all, it was at this time that the tradition developed to say goodbye to winter and look forward to warm days. It is customary to celebrate the onset of spring from 15 to 30 days. This holiday is considered the longest and grandest event in China.

In the homeland of the holiday, China, there are fascinating stories about the origins of this event. According to one legend, in ancient times, during this period, a monster came to earth and ate anyone who got in its way. Therefore, all the people took refuge in their houses, locked their doors and windows in order to escape from the terrible beast. People stocked up on provisions for several days, and at night they prayed to the Higher Powers to protect their families.

One fine day, one of the wise men said that he had unraveled the secret of the monster and found its weak points. The fact is that it was terribly afraid of noise and sunlight. This is how the tradition arose to celebrate this holiday in bright clothes and walk until dawn. Later, fireworks were invented, which also scared away the uninvited guest.

What date is Chinese New Year?

This event is celebrated on different dates every year. This is related to . The fact is that this period begins with the winter new moon. It turns out that after the solstice, which falls at the end of December, a full lunar cycle, and only the beginning of the next one means the onset of the New Year. In 2016, the Chinese holiday falls on February 8th. As a rule, the festivities last for 15 days, but in some cities in China it is customary to celebrate this event for a whole month.

The custom of celebrating the New Year in bright clothes has survived to this day, and New Year's fireworks have become traditional not only in China, but also in other countries. Well, if you want to celebrate this event in a cozy family circle, be sure to light incense sticks, lamps and candles.

During the celebration of the Chinese New Year, it is also customary to make your most cherished wishes. One of the traditions is the launching of sky lanterns, during which you need to whisper your dream, and it will certainly come true. Spend this holiday brightly and cheerfully, voice your goals, believe in success and, of course, do not forget to press the buttons and

07.02.2016 00:50

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