What kind of selfie is fashionable now? How to take beautiful selfies

The concept of “selfie” has only recently entered the dictionary, but the concept of a self-portrait is not new. Artists created their self-portraits centuries before modern smartphones appeared, however, modern photographs do not at all pretend to be a work of art. But how do you still take the perfect photo? Check out some practical tips for taking great selfies!

Keep your chin down and your camera up

Love her or hate her, Kim Kardashian sure knows how to take a selfie. There is even a wax figure of Kim in the process of taking such a photo, it is on display at Madame Tussauds. In an interview, Kim admitted that she always tries to keep her chin lower and raise the camera higher. If you hold the camera too low, it looks like you have a double chin. If you lift your chin, your nostrils are visible, which doesn’t add much to the selfie. But remember that this angle works for Kim Kardashian because she has a fairly thin face. Your ideal angle depends on your face shape. Try different angles to find the best one.

Focus not only on the face

Remember that you are more than just your face. You can share other body parts too. Did you buy new shoes? Show off your legs! Walked twenty thousand steps? Show us the fitness tracker on your wrist! You can tell a story with your photo, even if your face isn't in it. If you're relaxing on the beach, sand-covered feet in a hammock make a better story than your face in the water. When you look at the camera, you are distracted from what is happening around you, so showing off your appearance is not the best way to show what is happening to you. A selfie is not just a face, a selfie is you. Try to notice small details too!

Create the right frame

If you want to convey your feelings through facial expressions, try to shoot with your smartphone closer. Get rid of distracting backgrounds and focus on your eyes. But don't get too close, as the camera focuses on the closest object and that will be your nose. Zoom in enough to be in the frame, but not too close to ruin the quality of the photo. A smartphone doesn't work like a good camera, so you need to frame your shot correctly. If you're self-conscious about your body, you can focus on your face and posture to look good.

Divide and conquer

If you place your face in the center of the frame, the photo looks like a passport photo. If this is not your goal, use the basic rule of thirds in photography. Divide the frame into three equal parts vertically and horizontally. Position your face to the left or right of the frame so that your eyes are a third below the screen and not in the very center. This composition allows you to show both your face and what surrounds you. The rule of thirds creates more attractive photos because it allows the eye to move across the photo and back to the subject.

Photo while taking photo

Sometimes the act of taking a selfie can tell a story. Have someone take your photo while you take your photo. Celebrities often publish photos of themselves with smartphones.

Crop your photo correctly

The background should be interesting, but not compromising. Always think about your surroundings. Nobody will be interested in you if you have a dumpster behind you. It is better to trim such fragments.

Should you stick out your lips?

The so-called “duckface” is only suitable for real ducks. The rest of us better pose naturally!

Add sound

Instead of struggling with trying to press the right button and maintain a pose, simply use the buttons to adjust the volume, this also allows you to take a photo.

Be careful with filters

There are plenty of filters and apps, but don't go overboard. If there are too many filters on a photo, it looks unnatural. Don't try to hide your natural look!

Good lighting

The right light is the key to good photography. Poor lighting can ruin your selfie. Always try to take photos in natural light, as fluorescent lights do not flatter your skin tone. However, direct rays of the sun are also not suitable. You need uniform light, not directed directly at you.

Should I use a selfie stick?

A selfie stick is a great way to take a photo of both your face and the nature around you. Use this device carefully without disturbing others, especially if you are in some tourist place.

Have fun taking photos

Selfie is a real art that has conquered the world and has become an ideal solution in situations where there is no one to take your photo. This is a type of self-portrait that involves capturing yourself on a camera (most often on a mobile phone camera).

It would seem that what is so difficult here? I took a camera and took a picture of my beloved self at arm's length! But after the first frame you realize that either you are far from perfect, or there is a problem with the camera.

In fact the secret to the perfect selfie simple

Here are the best life hacks to ensure that your selfie turns out perfect. Right now, take a photo of yourself as best you can, and after reading the tricks for the perfect selfie, take a second photo. Compare BEFORE and AFTER!

First of all, a couple of short tips:

  • Pay attention to the light! The most beneficial is continuous daylight. Point the light source AT yourself, slightly above eye level. This will soften your facial features and eliminate unnecessary shadows.
  • When photographing a face, do not use flash. This will distort your appearance, create an unpleasant shine on your forehead and, most likely, red eyes.
  • Use your phone's back camera. It has better resolution, and therefore the quality of the photos will be better.
  • Use filters to improve photo quality and remove imperfections in selfies.
  • Find out about the latest in fashion and art and stay on trend.
  • Surprise!

1. Correct angle.

This the main rule and basis of all selfies. Choose the correct angle of rotation of the head, neck and posture in general. Keep an eye on this. From different angles you look completely different - from a cartoon to a supermodel.

Find your “working side” - this is the side of your face that looks best in a photo. To do this, take several photos with different head turns and determine which one you like best.

2. Show off beautifully.

If you want to show everyone your new earrings or, for example, the haircut you just got, make sure that the center of attention is exactly what you want to show off.

3. Only positive.

Make your selfies radiate positivity. As you know (and this is true!) your smile is 80% of your success!

As they say, feel the difference!

4. Focus is very important!

If you're going to take a photo of your face, highlight one of its strongest aspects. For example:

  • If you have a gorgeous smile that you are proud of, highlight it with bright lipstick without focusing on the rest.
  • If you have a stunning look, highlight it with mascara and bright shadows, leaving the rest of your makeup more invisible.

5. Facial expressions add variety to selfies.

Be sure to try different facial expressions. It catches attention and diversifies your feed.

Even a smile can be different. Try to catch yourself during times of strong emotions. Real ones. This the coolest kind of photo!

6. Take a full-length selfie.

  • For example, you want to show off your new outfit. To do this, you will need a mirror and, very preferably, a neutral background that will not distract attention from you.
  • And of course the poses. The pose must be selected and practiced. Don’t be lazy to take 1000 test selfies to find your pair or three ideal poses.

    Here are examples of great angles:

7. Naturalness.

Try not to apply too many filters to one photo to make your selfie look more natural. Posting your photo in a “natural form” will delight your subscribers, because naturalness is the main trend that will always be in fashion.

If your “just woke up” selfie looks like a face from a horror movie, it can still be corrected with very subtle, light makeup. This will be especially welcome if your subscribers are used to seeing you in full “war paint”. For example, apply a little highlighter to the middle of your face (forehead, nose, chin).

8. Background.

Pay close attention to the background against which you are taking photos. At a minimum, if it's a selfie in your home, clean it up.

And don't do it like this:

Today photography has become a way to present and promote yourself, your creativity or business. We take photographs to capture moments in life or develop our business, but in many situations it is easier and faster to photograph ourselves without outside help. Who knows better than you yourself how to take pictures of you, especially if you use all the tricks of a successful selfie. So, what are these secrets that will help you look beautiful in the photo?

1. Light

The right light is at least 60% of success. When there is good lighting, your face looks best and the quality of the photo is the best. The ideal light is moderately bright and diffused. It’s best to shoot at home with your face facing the window. If the sun is scorching on this day, you can curtain the window with light tulle, which will soften the rays. Outdoor photos work best on a bright but cloudy day. Clouds scatter light in the same way as tulle. In a room, it’s good when the light source is slightly to the side and above eye level, but electric lighting is inferior to natural lighting.

2. Angle

Of course, you need to build on your appearance. You've probably noticed a long time ago when you do your best work. If not, try filming yourself, changing the position of your face a little with each frame. In most cases, the most successful angles are considered to be turning your head 3/4 and shooting from above or slightly above, i.e. The phone should be above eye level. Be sure to catch the light and don't turn against it. Many studies on facial asymmetry have found that the left side tends to look fresher and younger. Check which side of your face is “working”. Better not film yourself from below. The risk of getting a double chin and a wide face is too great. You can get a very good shot by tilting the phone a little to one side. This way you will direct the viewer's eye in the photo a little differently, which can work into your favor.

3. Makeup

Be sure to mask minor skin imperfections and dark circles under the eyes. Usually the phone camera betrays them treacherously. Beautiful skin makes the best photo impression. Ideally, you can do a full makeover. It is good to highlight the skin with concealer or highlighter. To prevent your face from looking flat, you can highlight your cheekbones. Very impressive shots are obtained if you focus on your lips by choosing bright lipstick. Too lazy to put on makeup? Wear beautiful sunglasses that suit you and highlight your lips.

4. Image

It’s good if you are remembered by some detail. Earrings, necklaces, glasses and other accessories can make a very stylish selfie. Jessica Alba, for example, loves taking photos in hats.

5. Facial expression

It’s better to forget about duckface and smile pleasantly. Even when you're not smiling with your mouth, use the Tyra Banks trick and smile with your eyes. The emotion in the photo makes it very attractive. Take selfies whenever you're in the mood. This way the photos will turn out as natural as possible.

6. Background

Avoid shots with clutter in the background, gloomy passers-by, and simply those who want to ruin your photo. If something like this happens, and there is no way to re-photograph it, treat it with humor and write something funny under the photo. It’s also good if your outstretched arm doesn’t get into the frame. In most cases it looks out of place.

7. Filters and retouching

The higher the quality of the image (see point 1), the more opportunities to process it. Very often, during the processing process, a photo loses quality and an initially weak frame does not improve after retouching. Filters are more efficient. You can highlight the face or add an interesting effect. With a high-quality photo, you can do everything in combination, successfully retouch and add a filter.

8. More views and likes

If you want to get more likes and views, the time of publication matters. Typically, bursts of activity occur around 7-9 am, when users wake up and check their phones, 11-1 pm, during work breaks and at 17-18, after the end of the working day. By posting photos at midnight our time, the target audience will be America. Popular hashtags will also attract the attention of fans of relevant topics.

How often do you take selfies? What do you do to look good in photos?

Some people consider selfies to be narcissism, others consider self-indulgence, but sometimes a selfie is the only opportunity to capture yourself against the backdrop of places and attractions. This is well understood by those who like to travel without the company of friends. It is not always possible to ask passers-by to take a photo of you against the backdrop of a majestic cathedral; in many countries and cities this is unsafe, because you can lose your smartphone or camera!

Therefore, you need to learn a few simple selfie rules in order to take beautiful selfie photos yourself anywhere at any time.

1. Camera position - don't shoot from below!

Never shoot from below, this will help avoid the appearance of a double chin in the photo, but will visually enlarge your eyes. The best selfies are taken if you hold your smartphone slightly above the bridge of your nose.

2. Good angle

The best angle for beautiful selfies is determined by trial and error, but in most cases a slight turn of the head works. Almost every star has a working side - the one with which they look beautiful in the photo. Through experimentation you will find your best side.

3. Don’t take photos of your reflection in the mirror with flash.

Such photos almost always turn out unsuccessful, because the glare from the flash spoils the frame in every possible way.

How to take selfies correctly using filters and Photoshop

4. Use proven Instagram filters

“Celebrity” makeup artist Patrick Ta said that many celebrities use a special filter on Instagram, which almost everyone avoids, since it is not in the main list of filters, but in the settings. Patrick and the celebrities use the red filter, which is found in the photo settings under Color. In his opinion, he makes the photos warmer and then the selfies seem even more beautiful.

5. Photoshop

Don't be shy about editing your photos! On Instagram, many accounts publish photos from professional DSLR cameras, and of course they use Photoshop. Working on yourself is not only about going to the gym and wearing the right makeup, you need to use all the means.

6. Clean camera lens

Many girls forget that they constantly touch the camera lens and leave marks on it. The lens gets dirty very quickly, and this affects the quality of the pictures. Sometimes, to get a beautiful selfie, you first need to wipe the camera.

7. Correct background

Does not support selfies at home, this is allowed, because everyone is interested in knowing what environment they live in. For ordinary girls, it is best to take selfies against the backdrop of beautiful places and interesting events. Never forget what is behind you, take into account all the details. At first it will seem difficult, but then you will automatically notice all the good and bad details, thereby developing attentiveness and good taste.

There is a selfie epidemic sweeping the world. This mania has gripped millions of people: from schoolchildren to show business stars, politicians and government officials.

Vladimir Savelyev

One gets the impression that the newborn absorbs this passion with the milk of the mother, who certainly wants to immortalize him in her arms in the first minutes after birth.

One of the reasons for this passion is the simplicity of the procedure itself. I picked up my smartphone, pointed it at my face, pressed the desired button - done. You can admire yourself beloved. However, so that the image of admiration does not disappoint you, you still need to get a little theoretical knowledge.

10 simple tips for those who want to look cute in photos*

*Nyasha is a word that comes from the word “nya”, which the Japanese use to imitate the meow of a cat. In Russian it has become synonymous with the adjectives “cute”, “pleasant”.

1. If you are very concerned about the quality of selfies, buy a smartphone with a good camera. Pay attention to more than just the number of pixels. It is also important what camera optics, flash, shooting speed, and how autofocus works. Advanced smartphones even allow you to set exposure and white balance, which turns them into full-fledged cameras. Reviews of smartphones and reviews of their owners, of which there are plenty on the Internet, will help you choose a suitable gadget.

2. The main thing in photography is light. In good lighting, almost any camera can produce a picture of decent quality, the subject will be brighter, and the color rendition will be better. Conversely, if there is not enough light, the image may turn out dim. A flash will help here, but you need to use it correctly: position the camera not too close to the subject so as not to overexpose, and not too far away so that the frame is not underexposed.

To take a good photo, pay attention to which side the sun is on. Stand so that it is opposite you or to the side, and wait until the clouds cover the sun. If the sky is cloudless, find shade. The light in these cases will be diffused, and you won’t have to squint. You will get a voluminous light-and-shadow pattern on your face.

If you're taking a selfie indoors, stand to the side of a window, facing it.

3. If the frame gets into horizon, make sure it is at the level of your neck or chest. It is also important that it is not overwhelmed and does not divide the frame in half.

4. Try to find some framing for your portrait - a window, a door, an arch. This compositional technique will add depth to the image.

5. Think over your image. Do fashionable hair and makeup, work on your outfit. There is huge scope for imagination here. The location against which you want to capture yourself also works to create your image. It can be any extraordinary place: the interior of a fashionable restaurant, an old manor, a palace, the roof of a tall building, a sunset horizon, a beautiful natural landscape, and so on.

6. The overwhelming level of narcissism, narcissism and stupidity that often characterizes many selfies of the fairer sex can cause allergies in critical men and a desire to parody such photos. There are plenty of examples on the Internet. The best way to avoid ridicule is sense of proportion and self-irony in relation to your image. Add humor to your portrait.

7. Following the selfie comes into fashion gruffy. This concept was invented and put into use by the Chinese company Huawei, which is marketing its smartphone that allows you to take such photographs. A grufi is a group photo that is taken in the same way as a selfie.

If you have a different brand of smartphone, purchase a telescopic monopod that you can attach your smartphone to. With the help of this stick, as if lengthening your arm, you increase the shooting angle. This will allow you to fit a large company into the frame. Another advantage of a monopod is the ability to take pictures from an unusual angle, from below or from above. Most monopod models are equipped with a camera control button, which is built into the handle of the device. The smartphone is controlled via Bluetooth. This greatly simplifies the process of taking selfies. There are also monopods with a separate remote control.

In some models, communication with the smartphone is carried out not via Bluetooth, but through a special cord that must be inserted into the headphone jack of the smartphone. And the cheapest selfie stick has neither a cord nor a button. In this model, in order to take a photo, you need to use a timer.

8. Take care of the lens. Before shooting, wipe it with a soft cloth. To avoid scratching the optics, carry your smartphone in a case.

9. To improve the quality of selfies, use editors or special programs, which allow you to quickly process images and add various visual effects. Among them there are both paid and free. Many smartphone models have built-in photo editors.

Here are a few free programs that have gained the most popularity among smartphone owners:

- Instagram (for iOS, Android, Windows Phone).In addition to the social network functions, Instagram has a built-in photo editor. This program offers 17 built-in photo processing effects.

- Snapseed (for iOS 5.1, and Android 4.0 and later)- a universal and quite powerful program for processing, viewing and cataloging photos. Has a fairly extensive set of tools. It can create the effect of blurring the background around the subject, highlight individual plans by depth of field, and includes a variety of filters that give the photo a vintage character.

- VSCO Cam (for iOS 5.0, and Android 4.0 and later)- one of the best photo editors for processing pictures on smartphones and tablets running iOS and Android. There are tools for retouching and fine-tuning the image, beautiful and high-quality filters.

- Fhotoroom (for iOS, Windows Phone).The developers offer many features in this editor. For example, setting individual frame parameters, using photo filters and various frames, creating collages. For smartphones running Windows Phone - the best photo editor.

- Cymera (for Android)- a photo editor, “tailored” for shooting and processing portraits. Equipped with advanced capabilities for face and hair retouching. Along with manual editing modes, there are automatic effects based on facial recognition technology. Cymera is the only photo editor in which you can transform a portrait using a template that simulates a photo taken with professional-level portrait lenses.

- PicsArt (for Android)- one of the most advanced and powerful photo editors in terms of functionality. At least among free apps. Its tools include not only filters and correction effects, but also opportunities for drawing, photomontage, full-fledged work in layers, and creating high-quality collages.

10. The most important rule: remember safety. If taking the most amazing and mind-blowing selfie means taking a risk and putting your life in danger, use your mind and think about the consequences. It may happen that there will be no one left to admire your own cool photo.