How to tie a scarf around your head. How to tie a scarf on your head beautifully: tips and examples with photos

The most interesting and simple techniques for tying a headscarf, scarf and stole on your head. Ways to wear a headscarf under different types clothes for all seasons.

Today, a scarf, a scarf and a stole have become integral attributes of all fashionistas. With these accessories you can complement any look or create a completely new look. Thanks to the variety of scarves, scarves and stoles on the shelves of fashion boutiques, as well as regular stores, women who do not like hats have the opportunity to completely abandon this seemingly irreplaceable part of their wardrobe. But how to wear scarves at different times of the year? What are the techniques for wrapping and twisting them?

How fashionable, stylish and beautiful to tie a scarf on your head in spring and autumn?

In the autumn-spring period, girls can use several of the most popular ways of wearing a headscarf.

Hollywood style

Hollywood style

This style of wearing a scarf has been known since time immemorial. Some people associate it with a woman from the village who goes to the evening milking or vegetable garden. But for advanced fashionistas this image evokes true delight associated with such style icons as Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren, Renata Litvinova, etc. He immerses them in a sea of ​​fashion, beauty, glamor and, of course, Hollywood. This look is suitable for elegant women who prefer classic style and grace. The “Hollywood scarf” looks good with sunglasses.

  • We cover the head with the large edge of the scarf so that the edge of the hair peeks out from under it.
  • We bring the two free edges of the scarf under the chin and cross them.
  • We tie the edges at the back of the neck, wrapping them around the free edge of the scarf.

This method of tying a scarf has become popular in our country relatively recently. Most often it is chosen by eccentric people who are not afraid to experiment. A turban can be worn both in summer and in autumn-spring. There are many techniques for winding it. The simplest of them is done as follows:

  • We bend the scarf in half, giving it a triangular shape.
  • We apply the wide edge of the scarf to the forehead at random.
  • We place the loose triangles of the scarf behind the head and cross them.
  • We bring the ends forward and make a knot out of them or simply hide them under the fabric.

A-la Baba-la

A-la Baba-la

Grandma's style of wearing a headscarf will interest girls looking for something new. A great addition to this style would be fashionable glasses, a cashmere coat or a fur coat.

  • We fold the scarf so that most of it has the shape of a triangle, and the smaller part is simply tucked under.
  • We tie the scarf under the chin into a knot.
  • Leave the ends of the scarf hanging freely.

How fashionable, stylish and beautiful is it to tie a scarf on your head and wear it with a coat?

If we talk about a scarf, then under a coat it can be worn in the form of a turban, in the Hollywood or Grandmother style. In addition to the scarf, the stole is also very popular today. A stole is a knitted or woven product of an oblong shape. It can rather be classified as a scarf than a scarf. You can experiment very successfully with this type of accessory. Here are some ways to tie a stole under a coat:

Technique No. 1

Technique No. 1
  • We cover the head with a stole.
  • We tie its ends under the chin.
  • We throw both free ends over our shoulders back.

  • We throw the stole over the head.
  • We twist the ends of the stole into strands.
  • We tie the resulting strands around the head in a circle and secure it under a scarf or in an elegant knot.

  • We cover the head with a stole.
  • We cross the ends of the stole in front.
  • We fold one end of the scarf back, and leave the other in front.
  • We fix the place where the ends of the stole intertwine with a beautiful brooch or hairpin.

How fashionable, stylish and beautiful to wear a scarf on your head with a jacket?

  • If the weather outside allows it, you can use a scarf as a headband.
  • A jacket with a classic cut will harmonize well with a “Hollywood” or “Granny” scarf.
  • More modern and bold models of jackets (biker jackets, parkas) sometimes look very appropriate with a turban made from a scarf.

How to beautifully and stylishly tie a scarf or scarf on your head in the summer?

  • We fold the material into one strip.
  • We wrap a folded scarf around the head in the form of a bandage over the hair.
  • We tie the ends of the scarf at the back of the head into a beautiful knot.
  • We straighten the ends so that they hang unobtrusively.

  • We fold the material in half so that we get a triangle or an incomplete triangle.
  • We cover the head with a scarf so that its front edge covers the entire forehead.
  • We bring the ends of the scarf together behind the head and tie it into a knot.
  • Straighten the ends of the scarf.
  • We tie the material in the middle, attracting the eye or, on the contrary, with an inconspicuous elastic band.
  • Place the scarf on your head so that the elastic is exactly in the center.
  • We bring the ends of the scarf together at the back of the head over the hair.
  • We tie the ends into a knot and lay them forward on the shoulders.
  • The same option can be used by wrapping a scarf around your head under your hair, hiding the knot.

  • We roll the material into a strip.
  • We wrap the cloth around the head so that its ends meet at the top of the head.
  • We create a beautiful knot from the ends of the scarf.

  • We roll the material into a strip.
  • We wrap the cloth around the head so that its ends meet above the forehead.
  • Twist both ends together once.
  • We return the ends of the scarf to the back of the head and tie them there.

How to tie a beach scarf on your head beautifully?

This technique is the simplest and most commonplace. However, when the right approach To the point, tied in a similar way, a scarf can be a wonderful addition to the whole look and protect your head from the sun.

  • We roll the material into a strip.
  • We wrap the fabric around the entire head and tie its ends at the back of the head.
  • If desired, you can weave a braid from the ends and lay it on your shoulder, or twist them into a rope and braid them around the perimeter of your head.
  • Also, when tied at the back, the ends can be brought back up and tied into a beautiful bow.

  • We fold the material in half.
  • We cover the entire head with the material.
  • We tie the ends of the material at the back in one or more knots.
  • We straighten the ends of the knots beautifully or hide them inside.

You can also make a turban or half-turban from a beach scarf on your head using various techniques and designs.

How beautiful and fashionable is it to tie a large Pavloposad scarf on your head?

For a long time, the Pavloposad shawl was one of the symbols of Russia. It was purchased as a souvenir and placed in the back of the closet. Only a few years ago this accessory was introduced into the ranks of fashionable clothing items. Today, such a scarf can complement or improve your image, emphasizing your individuality and spontaneity.

Wearing a Pavloposad scarf is quite simple. You can cover your head with it in “Granny” or “Hollywood” style. When using Hollywood style It is advisable to bring the ends of the scarf forward and make a knot out of them under the neck. By beautifully straightening the ends and fringe of the scarf, you can get an absolutely unique bow.

How to tie a scarf on your head in a beautiful, fashionable and stylish way in winter?

For the harsh winter period The following options for wearing a scarf are suitable:

  1. Turban
  2. Hollywood style
  3. Grandma's style

IN in this case The most important thing is the choice of the accessory itself. A winter scarf should be warm and thick to protect its owner from the piercing wind and frost.

How beautiful and fashionable is it to tie a scarf on your head?

  • We tie the hair on the top of the head into a ponytail.
  • We cover the head with a scarf/shawl from the back of the head, and bring the ends forward - the head should be completely covered with the scarf.
  • We cross the ends of the canvas at the top of the forehead.
  • We return the ends back behind the head and make several turns around the tail hidden under the scarf.
  • Having made the required number of turns, we hide the ends of the scarf.

  • Cover your head with a scarf.
  • We tie the ends of the scarf at the back of the head into a strong knot.
  • We begin to bandage the head alternately with each end of the scarf in a random direction.
  • Having bandaged the entire head in this way, we hide the small ends of the scarf under the “cap”.

How beautiful and fashionable is it to tie a down scarf on your head?

Obviously, a down scarf is intended to be worn only in the cold season. You can simply throw such a warm scarf over your head, crossing its ends under your chin and throwing them over your shoulders. It is advisable to secure the junction of the ends of the scarf with a beautiful brooch.

Also down scarf You can cover your head by securing it under the chin with a hairpin or brooch. The ends of the scarf can be laid out on the chest in a free form.

How beautiful and fashionable is it to tie a mink scarf on your head?

As a rule, a mink or other fur scarf has special ties made of fabric or fur. There is not a wide variety of ways to tie such an accessory. Typically, a mink scarf is tied with a light knot under the chin or around the neck. You can also simply throw a mink shawl over your head or shoulders. Hairstyle in greek style with a scarf

Which scarf to wear on your head with a mink coat and how to tie it and wear it?

There are a number of rules that must be followed when choosing a scarf for a fur coat:

  1. Scarves, both bright plain and multi-colored, variegated, will go well with a monochromatic fur coat.
  2. A white and black scarf will be relevant for any style and color of a mink coat.
  3. It is better to choose plain scarves for two and three-color fur coats.
  4. If the scarf is motley, multi-colored, then it is desirable that one of the tones of its pattern coincide with the color of the fur coat.
  5. Under mink coat You can wear scarves made from almost all types of fabric - silk, knitted, down, with edges.
  6. If the scarf has an edge, then its color should be in harmony with the fur of the fur coat.
  7. A Pavloposad shawl will look very harmonious and relevant this season with a mink coat.

There are several ways to tie your head with a scarf under a mink coat:

  • Hollywood
  • A la Bab-ulya

Girls wearing headscarves: photos

To see for yourself the beauty and originality of a scarf as a headdress, we invite you to look at the simplest, but no less attractive, images of girls in scarves.

How to tie a scarf on your head: Video

12 ways to tie a scarf on your head: Video

A woman should always surprise with extraordinary and stylish outfits, accessories and image ideas. Only such a woman will always be in the spotlight. In fact, there is nothing difficult about creating an interesting image from elementary things. Let's talk today about how to beautifully tie scarves and headscarves on your head.

I would like to immediately note that a scarf is a universal accessory, because it can be used for different purposes:

  • like a scarf
  • a head decoration that will replace a hat in the cold season
  • like a belt for some things
  • in the form of a cape
  • pareo
  • original blouse
  • poncho

So, simple and uncomplicated ways to decorate your head with a long, loose scarf:

  1. Knot front and back:
  • We take a scarf. We wrap it around the head so that the two ends are in front and tie a regular knot, tighten it well.
  • Now, our right end goes to left side, left, similarly - in the opposite direction.
  • We bring both ends behind the head and tie a knot at the back of the head.

Quite a simple and original option.

  1. Head scarf with beads:
  • Place the scarf over your head, like a towel after a shower, so that both ends are in front of your head.
  • We move the ends a little to the left to make it easier to work with them.
  • We begin to weave the ends together, bringing one end after the other, and so on until the end of the scarf.
  • Now, turn the scarf over so that the intertwined ends are at the back of your head, slightly to the left of center, holding them with one hand so that they do not unravel.
  • We adjust the scarf so that it does not interfere and does not fall on the eyes.
  • We take the resulting plexus from both ends and draw it around the neck to the opposite side, securing them to the right with a pin or elastic band.
  • We tuck it into a scarf so that the fastening is invisible.

  1. Two knots on the side. An elementary way to beautifully tie a scarf on your head:
  • put a scarf on your head
  • we make a scarf out of it so that the two ends are in front
  • turn the scarf a little to the right
  • tie one knot
  • tie a second knot

  1. Snail side view:
  • twist the scarf into a thin strip
  • twist it around your head so that the ends are on the right
  • tie the ends in a knot so that one of the ends is longer
  • twist the long end into a thin ribbon and braid it like a snail
  • tuck the end of the long side into the scarf
  • straighten the short end - the composition is ready

  1. Mohawk - stylish and very simple:
  • put the scarf on your head like a towel after a shower, so that the ends are on the top of your head
  • lower your head to make it easier to work with the scarf
  • twist the two ends together to create a tight braid
  • twist the scarf around your head so that the “pigtail” is at the back of your head
  • gently pull the braid to the forehead and tuck it into the scarf at the front

  1. Lush bow:
  • fold the scarf several times so that it is not too wide
  • We put it on like a pandan, so that the ends of the scarf are at the back
  • twist the ends together so that the right end goes to the left and vice versa
  • bring the ends forward and tie them into a knot in the forehead area
  • tuck excess fabric that hangs into a scarf
  • tie a bow from the ends
  • tuck the ends of the bow into the scarf

  1. Braid around the head:
  • without twisting the scarf, we put it on like a pandanu
  • turn the scarf over so its ends are on the right
  • twist them together until the end in the form of a pigtail
  • move the finished “braid” to the back of the head
  • wrap your head in a braid over the scarf
  • tuck it into the scarf at the back

  1. Stylish scarf:
  • put on the scarf like a scarf, ends in front
  • wrap the ends of the scarf around your neck
  • the right end goes to the left and vice versa
  • tie a knot at the back
  • straightening the scarf and its ends

Before how to tie a scarf on your head, decide on the purpose of such an accessory. If it's summer and you just want to decorate your head original accessory, then chiffon scarves and scarves from thin fabric. If it’s winter, then you should take a warm scarf, which will not only be a beautiful decoration for your head, but also a hat that will warm you up.

If you think how to tie a scarf on your head in winter, the above options are also suitable for the winter period; in this case, you just need to take a warm, but not too thick scarf.

Ways to tie a scarf on your head

A scarf is another practical and beautiful accessory that should be in every woman’s wardrobe. Let's look at some beautiful options for tying a scarf on your head:

  1. Neat bow without ears:
  • fold the scarf in half
  • put it on your head so that its ends are in front
  • tie a knot from the ends of the scarf
  • we pass one of the ends through the knot
  • tuck the remaining ends into a scarf

  1. Grandmother's method. Everything is coming back, and tying scarves the way our grandmothers once did has also become very fashionable:
  • fold the scarf in half to form a triangle
  • put it on your head
  • tie it in a knot

Many fashion houses showing their new collection, they prefer to use scarves as accessories on their heads, which are tied using the grandmother’s method.

  1. Parisian style:
  • fold the scarf into an even triangle
  • put it on your head
  • cross the ends of the scarf together
  • we lead the right edge to the left, the left, respectively, to the right
  • tie them at the back with two knots

Very simple and stylish option tie a scarf.

  1. Shawl with ends untucked:
  • fold the scarf into a strip of medium thickness
  • We put it on the head so that its ends are behind, slightly to the right
  • tie a knot from the stripes of a scarf
  • straighten the ends and place them on the shoulder
  • You can twist your hair into the ends of a scarf

A very simple way to decorate your head with a scarf. In addition, a scarf tied in this way can act as a hair hoop.

  1. For a walk
  • make a bun or tail
  • put an elastic band on your hair
  • fold the scarf into a thin strip
  • wrap the tail or bun with a scarf
  • secure the scarf with a bobby pin or tuck it under an elastic band

  1. Braiding:
  • tie a low ponytail at the back of the head
  • We put on a wide scarf like a pandana
  • tie a knot at the back from the two ends of the scarf
  • we weave a braid, weaving the ends of the scarf into it

  1. Long scarf around the head:
  • Fold the scarf into a ribbon
  • Wrap it around your head several times
  • carefully tuck the remaining ends into a scarf

There are a lot of different ways how to tie a scarf on your head, the main thing is the desire to create something interesting and extraordinary. Feel free to fantasize and then you will be the most fashionable and stylish.

Video: How to tie a stole on your head?

In the summer, every girl strives to ensure that her image is unique. It may seem that in the heat there is nothing better than a simple bun or braid, but this is not so. Hairstyle plays a key role in creating an image, and you can diversify it with the help of a regular light scarf.

How to tie scarves on your head in the summer so that it is both beautiful, practical, and not difficult? There are many options, which will be discussed below.


The first method for those who don’t know, in the summer, is the simplest and most familiar. Also, it will only take you exactly one minute. The scarf is simply tied on the head like a hoop, but serves more of a stylistic function than a practical one. The hair is located above the knot. This headband can remove hair from getting in your eyes, making the heat more bearable. A version of this method is very fashionable this season, when the knot is tied on top of the crown. It is suitable for both short and long hair. Experimenting with the colors of scarves will help you create a hairstyle for work, for going to the beach, and even for a celebration.


A very similar effect is achieved using a figure eight bandage. The scarf crosses above the forehead, but is tied at the bottom. This option was very popular this season, and many celebrities were spotted with scarves tied in this way. You can tie a scarf in a figure eight using a special decorative buckle. Here step by step instructions to how to do it:

  1. A scarf, laid in a strip, is placed around the neck, its ends falling onto the chest.
  2. The ends of the scarf are threaded through the hole in the buckle.
  3. The ends of the scarf are placed on the head, brought under the hair and tied in a knot.
  4. Folds are straightened out, and hair that is out of place is straightened or pinned with bobby pins.

Classic and peasant

How to tie a scarf in summer in the classic way? Very simple. This option can be safely called “peasant”, because this is how girls and women in the village tie their hair. It’s very easy to turn a “peasant” method into a trendy one! All you need is just to choose the right accessory, makeup and outfit. The scarf is folded diagonally. Next, you need to place the fold on the forehead, not far from the eyebrow line. The ends of the scarf are tied with one knot at the back of the head. If desired, you can make a double knot. The process is completed by laying out the folds beautifully. This option will decorate a woman of any age, but it is not considered original, but the ways to beautifully tie a scarf, described below, are a godsend for those who like to experiment!

Turban and twisted turban

How to tie scarves on your head in summer using these methods? A turban is one of the most interesting options. It will cover your head from the sun's rays, highlight your face and its advantages, giving appearance oriental charm and originality. This option is chosen by many movie and pop stars, such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Salma Hayek, Rihanna and many others. It suits dark-skinned representatives of the fair sex, lovers of massive gold jewelry, rich makeup and chic floor-length outfits.

In order to tie a turban, you will need a light, but sufficiently long and wide scarf. It folds into a long scarf that goes behind the head. The ends rise up to the forehead and cross each other twice. It is important that the crossed ends are initially the same length. The turban version will look more original when its center is not placed clearly in the middle of the forehead, but a little to the right and to the left. Next, the corners of the scarf are lowered behind the head and crossed again at the back of the head. Then you need to return to the forehead and tie a knot. The ends are tucked under the scarf from above. Experienced stylists claim that with the help of a turban you can visually correct the lines of the forehead, eyebrows and even the shape of the face if placed at the correct height.

A very interesting variation of this method is a twisted turban. This summer he was at the peak of his popularity. Its essence is that the head is not completely covered with a scarf, and the hair is directly involved in creating such a hairstyle. Note that it is suitable exclusively for girls with long hair of the same length. Step by step instructions:

  1. The hair is divided into two equal parts.
  2. The same is done with the scarf: it needs to be roughly divided in half.
  3. Starting from the center of the scarf, one part is wrapped around the left half of the hair, and the other around the right. You get two bundles.
  4. The strands rise to the forehead and are thrown over each other, crossed at the back of the head and again rise to the forehead. The number of such crossings depends on how long your hair is.
  5. The ends of the scarf are tied into a knot at the back of the head and the resulting result is adjusted according to how you want to look.

How to tie scarves on your head in the summer using a braid?

Weaving a scarf into a braid is a solution for girls who adore braids, but want to somehow diversify them and make them even thicker and more attractive. Quite a lot of options for such a hairstyle have already been invented. Initially, it is recommended to collect your hair in a ponytail. This is done in order to tuck the scarf into the elastic band. Then it will hold better, and weaving it will be easy and simple. However, simply weaving a scarf into a braid is not interesting. An alternative option is to tie it around the head (similar to the “bandage” option) and then not tie it at the back, but braid it into a braid. If the scarf turns out to be shorter than your hair, you can tie a large bow at its end and continue braiding. This way you get a bright hairstyle with a bow in the middle of the braid. What could be better and more original in the summer heat?

Summer buns with a scarf

How to tie scarves on your head in the summer so that it is as comfortable and familiar as possible? The answer is simple: use a scarf to create a familiar summer hairstyle - a bun.

First option. Gather your hair and twist it into a rope. Secure the latter with bobby pins. When your usual hairstyle is ready, find a suitable scarf and simply tie it around the structure. This hairstyle will look very stylish if it is done a little carelessly, hastily.

Second option. It will look good in combination with the “bandage” method described above. In this case, a scarf with an oriental print will be perfectly complemented by voluminous earrings and bright summer makeup.

Third option. Tie the ponytail at the back of your head. If you have heavy hair, then, accordingly, the tail will turn out a little lower, if you have light hair, on the contrary, it will be slightly higher than the back of the head. Tuck the scarf under the elastic and wrap it in a spiral around the ponytail. The result is a colorful rope, which must be twisted with a snail and secured with bobby pins. These ways to tie a scarf on your head seem to be forever popular!

Let's go to the beach

How to tie a scarf on the beach? Unfortunately, there is no mirror there, so the beautiful hairstyles described above may not turn out very well. We recommend choosing more for the beach simple ways tie a scarf: in the form of a bandana, a careless bun, a headband, in the peasant way.

The scarf is very simply woven into a braid, so this method is also suitable for spending time on the beach. The ideal option is one that will expose your shoulders and allow them to tan evenly and beautifully. We must not forget that hair can fade on the beach, so a scarf here plays the role of protection from the unwanted effects of sunlight. In this case, it is better to tie a scarf so that it covers the hair completely.

How to tie scarves on your head in cool weather in summer

For cooler summer days, a turban is perfect. Many girls wear it even in autumn and winter instead winter hat, in view of the advantages that have been described (correction of the face shape and special charm).

In autumn, scarves are simply thrown over the head, and their ends are thrown over the shoulder. It is very fashionable to wear a scarf this way when the sun is still shining brightly, but the breeze is already autumn. This option is complemented by sunglasses. This season, according to stylists and fashion experts, this combination will be at the peak of popularity.


As you can see, the ways to tie a scarf on your head are numerous and very diverse.

A scarf as part of a hairstyle is considered the highlight of the season, and therefore every fashionista wants to learn how to use it to her advantage. Never be afraid to try new options, change scarves, choose an option from different materials And various colors. It is very important to do right choice depending on the purpose of the hairstyle and the place you are going to. We hope the answer to the question of how to tie a scarf beautifully is no longer a problem for you!

Welcome, dear readers of our blog! Today we will talk about various options using a regular headscarf. How to tie a scarf on your head beautifully and stylishly? Sometimes a simple attribute can change a person beyond recognition, and female image will add extraordinary mystery and a certain charm. Did you know that a regular scarf tied on your head will not only be valuable for going out on a stuffy afternoon or evening, but will look chic and exclusive?

How to do this correctly?

The shawl goes especially well with long curls and strands medium length. This look looks elegant and flirty. And if you know how to use this correctly universal part and know how to tie a shawl on your head in different ways, you can completely change your appearance and style.

So, let's look at what methods should be used. But first you need to understand why a scarf is needed and what goals a young woman pursues when she covers it with a scarf. Here are some of them:

  • functional use;
  • as decoration;
  • spiritual and religious meaning;
  • following fashion trends.

All these options are undoubtedly good, but you need to tie a scarf differently in each case. Functionally, the scarf protects the head from weather incidents. Therefore, it must be warm or very dense, otherwise its purpose in this case loses all meaning.

Interesting options tying a scarf

But if a thin, airy accessory is used, then it can serve as a bandage that protects the eyes from drops of sweat when jogging or walking.

Advice. To look interesting and seductive, you need to choose a scarf with a fashionable material that matches the tone and tie it according to the chosen image. Such a combination, made in different ways, will certainly become successful and emphasize irresistibility and femininity.

Spiritual education, depending on the chosen religion, will allow you to use the headscarf in different forms. For example, a Christian woman can wear a headscarf tied in a simple way, but Muslim customs force women to observe a whole ritual for wearing an accessory.

How to tie a scarf simply

The following rules should be followed:

  1. If you spray your hair with hairspray before putting on the shawl, it will not slide down.
  2. Good helpers There will be two mirrors at once, one of which will play the role of a large one, where we most often look, and when looking into a small one, you can easily tie a beautiful knot behind.
  3. The tails of the scarf can be woven into your hair.
  4. To prevent the scarf from falling off your curls, you can secure it with bobby pins.
  5. If a scarf or bandana serves as a scarf, then regular hair ties help to secure it.
  6. In cold weather, for a better fit to the head, the scarf is folded in a special way.

How to tie a scarf beautifully

Just recently I was given a shawl. I tried for a long time to figure out how to wear it and therefore I wanted to know how to tie scarves. I want the scarf to look impressive on my hair and to harmonize well in color and style with my chosen wardrobe. In addition, hair covered with a scarf looks mysterious and incomprehensible.

So, the elementary method involves folding the scarf so that it turns into a triangle. The far ends of the triangle should be crossed under the chin and wrapped around the neck, tied behind with a regular knot. If you don't want the ends to stick out different sides, you can twist them into a bundle and tuck them under the fabric.

Advice. Young women who long hair, may release small strands near the face. If the curls are short or medium length, then it is better to hide them under the fabric.

Majestic Pavloposad shawls look good in the winter or autumn seasons, casually thrown over the hair or shoulders. This style of wearing a headdress is available in villages and villages.

Stylish method - Hollywood chic

This method is no less famous among Russian and European fashionistas. Our grandmothers and mothers did not even suspect that this style of wearing a headscarf is now the most trendy and advanced. It is possible to successfully combine a scarf with a fur coat or jacket at any time of the year: autumn, winter or spring.

The art of fastening is not complicated and is described just above. I’ll just add to add some flirtatiousness, the knot is tied not only at the back, but also at the side.

How to tie a scarf in the form of a hoop

The following rules must be observed:

  • a square thin shawl is folded into a rope;
  • place the scarf tightened in this way, pressing it tightly to your head;
  • Pick up strands of hair from the side and pass them under the tourniquet;
  • Gather the remaining curls into a bun and dissolve.

We tie a scarf on our head in Greek:

  • combed curls, tie them with a thin ribbon at the very ends;
  • Twist the resulting ponytail around the scarf and slowly twist it upward;
  • Only after all the strands have been collected can you tie the ends of the scarf on your head to the front or to the side.

Oriental style - an original way of fastening a scarf

Unlike Christians, Eastern girls follow the rules of wearing headscarves. The so-called turban not only protects the head from the scorching sun in summer, but also determines the attitude towards the Muslim religion. At first glance, it seems that it is impossible to twist a turban. But if you understand how this is done, you can easily learn how to build this complex structure on your head.

And so, oriental style:

  1. Long or medium curls should be collected in a ponytail or bun on the top of the head.
  2. Tie a large shawl around your hair.
  3. Cross the tails of the scarf at the back and bring them to the front.
  4. Intertwine them on top of your head along the line of the upper edge of the forehead, or a little higher, after which you wrap the same ends a little below the middle of the shawl.
  5. Fasten the ends of the scarf tightly at the back and tuck it inside.

The volume of the turban will be given by the intertwined ends of the plait among themselves and laid on the top of the head.

How to make a twisted turban from a scarf

To do this, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Make a parting in the hair.
  2. Between them put a handkerchief, which must first be rolled into a ribbon.
  3. The curls are wrapped with a cord around the scarf on both sides.
  4. The ends of the shawl are brought to the forehead, pulled back with a cross and tied at the back of the head.

The type of turban that looks good is a low knot. Girls who prefer long hair will rejoice at the next opportunity to beautifully tie a headscarf using various techniques.

  1. The strands are gathered into a ponytail at the back of the head and tied with a ribbon.
  2. The shawl is folded into a triangle.
  3. The scarf is located on the head so that the middle of the length of the side is closer to the middle of the forehead.
  4. Wrap your head tightly with a scarf and fasten the ends tightly under the ponytail.
  5. The strands are then wrapped in fabric and tied into a knot.

Weave a braid into a shawl

Another version that allows you to style your hair beautifully using a headscarf is braiding. There are many ways to twist a braid around your head: wrap it around your head, braid it from the side or from the back. The choice is yours.

Headscarf tied with a bow or figure eight

A skillfully executed combination of one or two scarves in the form of a bow will not leave any woman unnoticed. And the right fabric with a bright and catchy print will make you the queen of any event. To do this you need to complete the following steps:

  1. You need to tie the scarf so that the long ends are in front of the head.
  2. Make an elegant bow or knot.
  3. If the scarf is long, you can twist the ends with a rope and tie them at the back.
  4. Tie a scarf in gypsy style.
  5. Fold the material into a triangle.
  6. Place the shawl on the forehead along the fold line.
  7. Tie the remaining ends at the side with a knot or a bow.

Beautiful headband made from a scarf

Let's try this type tying in various ways:

  1. The scarf is gathered along the length into a ribbon, in several turns. The width is chosen arbitrarily.
  2. A folded scarf wraps around the curls and is tied underneath or on top.
  3. Hair gathered in a bun will visually ennoble a scarf located in the front and tied with a bow.

Fashionable bandana: how to make

IN everyday life, the headscarf is considered a classic and therefore appears very often in the image due to its ease of execution. Let's take a step-by-step look at how you can construct a bandana from a scarf:

  1. Make a trigon from a scarf folded in half.
  2. The middle of the fold of the fabric when put on the head should be slightly above the eyebrows.
  3. The loose ends of the fabric are pulled back and secured with a knot.
  4. You need to secure the ends at the front as well.
  5. Tie the scarf in a knot.
  6. Make a lush knot from your hair at the back of your head.
  7. Roll the fabric with ribbon.
  8. The bun and part of the head should be wrapped several times with a scarf, and the ends should be tied at the front or back with a bow.

After reading the methods presented, you probably found the answer to the question: how to tie a scarf on your head? Combining a variety of hairstyles with a scarf, dilute the popular look with a touch of elegance and uniqueness.

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