How to interest a guy: tips. How to interest a man by correspondence or in personal communication How to intrigue a man in a relationship

As you know, quite recently a master class was held in Moscow “My man is my best friend and partner”

For almost 7 hours, as they say, in one breath, we discussed how to interest a man, make him fall in love with you, how to maintain a relationship for many years

During breaks we drank tea and talked. Every now and then I was taken to the next classroom, which was empty at that time, pressed against the wall and demanded to explain this or that situation that arose between the ladies present and their men. After all, many were embarrassed to ask questions in front of everyone...

I called this “being taken to the dungeons”)) But, of course, I still tried not to refuse and, as far as time and the rules of decency allowed me, I tried to answer. In addition, many questions arose during the management process.

Traditionally, the block “How to save a relationship” aroused the greatest interest among those present, and the greatest excitement arose when I talked about how to intrigue a man.

The girls were slightly shocked that it turns out that it is very easy to intrigue men, and you can do it as much as you like. It was a lot of fun))

Would you like me to tell you how to do it?

First watch a very short (literally 3 minutes) excerpt from the master class:

As you can see, no need to think about how to please HIM. You need to arouse interest in YOURSELF on HIS side! And intrigue helps a lot with this.

It is important to know that you need to constantly intrigue a man, otherwise he will quickly lose interest in you.

There are 2 types of intrigue:

  • Intrigue related to your personality
  • Intrigue related to the man's personality

We will not analyze the first type now, although this is also very interesting and important. Let's dwell a little on the second

So, I always say: men are selfish! And most of all they are interested in what is happening to their loved ones... Therefore, the intrigue associated with us excites us very much.

If you can make a man think about something related to himself, he will think about it constantly. And accordingly, he will think about the one who planted this very intrigue in his wild little head. This means he will think ABOUT YOU.

What does this mean? And the fact that he will think about you even in your absence. That is, he will become addicted to you like a drug

How to intrigue? For example you say:

“You know, I realized something about you...”
He will naturally have a legitimate question: “What?”
And then you start to fuss: “Well... I’m not sure yet (I can’t say yet, etc.)... Somehow later...”

Don’t be afraid to play around - this is normal for a woman

He will be interested to know what it is and periodically he will ask you.

Someday he might even push you against the wall. And the moment will come when you need to answer something...

And then to his question: “Well, inject yourself! What???"
You say: “It seemed to me that you are very strong, you just have a special look...”
“Well... I’ll tell you sometime later...”

And you launch a new round of intrigue. And this, in principle, can be done ad infinitum.

And this is only one thousandth of what was at the Master Class... Here are the modules it consisted of:

  1. How to quickly interest a man
  2. How to increase interest
  3. How to intrigue a man
  4. How to make a man fall in love
  5. How to save your relationship for many years

We talked about betrayal, and how to avoid it, and about much, much more.

PS. Attached to the recording are text files with ready-made templates for the techniques and tricks discussed at MK

1. Three reasons that kill a man’s interest
2. How to start a conversation with a man so that he becomes interested?
3. How to arouse men's interest?
4. How to interest a man seriously and for a long time?
5. Conclusion. What do men need?

Modern men are spoiled creatures.

They were brought up by the example of Hollywood stars and supermodels, under the influence of men's magazines, which claim that beauties with two higher educations, incredible sexual abilities, culinary skills not inferior to Jamie Oliver, and a desire to create home comfort and order that even a brownie would envy, exist in nature.

This is, of course, a very exaggerated female image, but it is impossible to interest a man if:

1) Look terrible in appearance

Men love with their eyes, so if you are a beautiful and well-groomed woman, then your chances of attracting male attention increase significantly.

2) Be stupid like a duck

You may be a super-duper beauty, but if you are unable to put two words together, if you think that tolerance is some kind of disease, and Shakespeare is the name of a nightclub, then your image will significantly fade in men’s eyes.

3) Don't believe in yourself

If you don’t consider yourself worthy of male attention, then how are you going to interest someone else in your insecure, doubting persona?

2. How to start a conversation with a man so that he becomes interested?

I bring to your attention some useful tips on how to get men to listen to you carefully and participate in the conversation:

Get to the point quickly.

The brevity of your speech gives the other person the opportunity to speak. Skip all unimportant details. Otherwise, you risk losing the man’s attention at the very beginning of the conversation.

Don't focus on the negative aspects.

To reduce the amount of negative talk, practice self-discipline and a positive outlook on life. Once you start following this advice, people will be drawn to you and will be more willing to listen because they will see you as a happy and optimistic person.

Strive to express a thought, not to impress.

Focus on how to express yourself emotionally about a familiar topic. Listeners are more likely to judge your passion for the subject than the actual content of your statement.

Talk more about what interests a man.

When choosing a topic for conversation, always keep in mind the interests of the interlocutor. Also choose an appropriate communication style, taking into account the person’s character and the characteristics of the situation. Don't make the mistake of being a dispassionate thinker where you are expected to show emotion, but avoid emotion in the moment of dispassionate reflection.

Avoid overdramatization.

A wise interlocutor is as emotional as is appropriate.

No long stories!

Long, continuous stories usually bore others. A wise person eliminates unnecessary details and presents listeners with the shortest version of a story. Remember to interrupt your speech with pauses so that your interlocutors can express their opinions or ask questions.

Remember what not to talk about.

Avoid any unflattering statements when communicating with potential suitors for your heart. Do not insist on controversial statements, so as not to be considered too stubborn and complacent. When first communicating with strangers, it is safer to avoid sensitive issues such as politics, religion, money and sex. Once you have a solid foundation of good relationships, you will be able to freely express your opinions on any topic.

Monitor your listeners' reactions.

If your potential date begins to get impatient, yawn, or look away, you may want to steer the conversation in a different direction.

“Adjust” the volume and tone of your speech.

Sometimes it's not what you say, but how you say it that matters. Make sure the sounds of your voice are pleasant to listen to. Try to pronounce words clearly and vary the pitch of your voice and rate of speech to avoid sounding monotonous.

Find balance in your conversation.

Some people like to listen more than talk, others the opposite. At the initial stage of the relationship, try to find out what your interlocutor prefers.

3. How to arouse men's interest?

If you want to interest a man, learn to be sincerely interested in him.

The main rule of successful communication: if you want to be an interesting person, be interested in your opponent. Show sincere interest, try to find out what is important to him in life.

This is especially important in the psychology of relationships with men.

If a man understands that he is sincerely listened to and heard, then he himself will not notice how interesting you become to him. Although you didn’t talk much about yourself.

4. How to interest a man seriously and for a long time?

If a man begins to compliment a woman or invites her to sit somewhere, it means he is already hooked. And the woman can only behave correctly with the man, so that the object of the hunt does not fall off the hook, but swallows him along with the bait. And for this you must strictly adhere to certain rules.

Don't rush into sex.

You should never have sex on the first date. If a woman, wanting to please a man, ends up in bed with him at his first request, then, nine out of ten, that’s where the relationship will end. Most men quickly lose interest in easily accessible women, if only because they think: “If she immediately lay down with me, it means she behaves the same way with others.”

In order for a man to become seriously interested in a woman, she must make him woo her with beautiful courtship: flowers, walks, sweets, compliments. Well, if a man pretends to be insulted and offended by a woman’s refusal, then he is either an ordinary ladies’ man, or is not initially in the mood for a serious relationship.

In this case, it is up to the woman herself to decide. If a woman’s interest in a man is also purely sexual, and she won’t be very upset if after rough sex the man doesn’t call again, then you don’t have to think too much, but just have fun. If a woman dreams of a serious and long-term relationship, then she must show that she is a serious woman.

Show yourself as a super lover.

If a woman has already found herself in bed with a man, she should not pretend to be an inexperienced prude, fearing that the man might suspect her of depravity - this is a big mistake of many women. A sultry, passionate, temperamental lover is the dream of most men.

Moreover, many men can forgive a woman’s whims, bad character and much more just because she is an excellent lover. The ability to behave in bed is the key to a successful relationship with a man. If a woman behaves stiffly and constrained in bed, then she will never be able to interest a man for a long time, since he may decide that she either does not love him or does not like sex.

Even in those days when gentlemen decided everything and were considered the crown of civilization, and a lady’s lot was family and home, young ladies used tricks to attract the attention of an eligible groom.

Now, in the age of equality, any self-respecting woman should know how to interest a man.

And no matter what boring conservative women tell you that “only fallen women hang themselves on men’s necks,” the ability to attract a man’s attention is very useful.

What kind of woman can always interest a man?

Modern men are spoiled creatures.

They were brought up by the example of Hollywood stars and supermodels, under the influence of men's magazines, which claim that beauties with two higher educations, incredible sexual abilities, culinary skills not inferior to Jamie Oliver, and a desire to create home comfort and order that even a brownie would envy, exist in nature.

This is, of course, a very exaggerated female image, but it is impossible to interest a man if:

    Looks terrible on the outside.

    Men love with their eyes, so if you are beautiful and beautiful, then your chances of attracting male attention increase significantly.

    Be stupid like a duck.

    You may be a super-duper beauty, but if you are unable to put two words together, if you think that tolerance is some kind of disease, and Shakespeare is the name of a nightclub, then your image will significantly fade in men’s eyes.

    Don't believe in yourself.

    If you don’t consider yourself worthy of male attention, then how are you going to interest someone else in your insecure, doubting persona?

How can you interest a man?

Imagine that you, for example, are an electrician.

To change the wiring, you must use a certain set of tools: pliers, pliers, voltage indicator, screwdriver, etc.

Trying to interest a man is a complex and time-consuming process that requires the use of tools.

Naturally, you must learn to use these tools flawlessly so as not to look ridiculous.

You can interest a man with:

    There is no need to stare at a man without blinking, or bat your eyelashes like Scarlett O'Hara.

    Learn to send a signal with your eyes: “I am interested in you. Come and meet me."

    Then two or three short glances will be enough.

    If you smile at a man you want to interest, then your smile should be beautiful, sincere, light and slightly flirty.


    Tucking a strand of hair behind the ear, throwing hair over the shoulder to expose the neck, playing with a glass, biting the lower lip, squinting the eyes, etc.


    We need to talk about this tool in more detail.

How to interest a man during a conversation?

Let's say you struck a man with your unearthly beauty, encouraged him with your gaze and smile, he, having caught your signals, rushed as fast as he could to get acquainted.

And now it’s important not to ruin everything, but to interest the man even more by presenting yourself as an interesting interlocutor.

Many women, and men too, lack the ability to conduct a conversation.

Pauses that arise, interjections “uh-uh”, “well”, “that’s it”, difficulties in choosing a topic, inability to formulate your thoughts - all this can alienate a gentleman from you, especially if he himself is smart enough and does not suffer from such problems.

For women trying to interest a man during a conversation, it is important to remember that:

  1. Speech must be beautiful and correct: surzhik, obscenities, speech errors, slang - all this does not adorn a woman.
  2. Proper formulation of thoughts is the key to a successful conversation.
  3. You should select topics that may be of interest to your interlocutor of the opposite sex.

    What you talk about with your girlfriends will not be interesting to a man.

    You can’t start broadcasting on personal topics: complaining about your exes, your boss-satrap, digestive problems, talking about all your relatives or children’s complexes.

    There will still be time for such topics.

    You need to not only be able to speak, but also listen to your interlocutor.

    A conversation is a dialogue between two people, not your monologue.

Is it possible to interest a man you are meeting for the first time?

Just yesterday I came across an article by Irina Khakamada about relationships with the opposite sex.

Some of the advice was devoted to how to attract male attention at parties.

Irina claims that a woman must turn into a hunter, then the signals she sends will definitely be heard by a man.

As an example, the behavior of the heroine Nicole Kidman (the film “Eyes Wide Open”) at a party was given: she takes a glass of alcohol, leans on the bar counter and begins to scan the room with her eyes, and a second later a gentleman hungry for attention materializes nearby.

Irina Khakamada claims that she once did everything exactly like Nicole Kidman’s heroine, and in the blink of an eye she managed to interest not one, but several men at once.

Try this tactic too.

Here are 2 more tips for you on how you can interest a stranger:

    Without inventing anything.

    Come over, introduce yourself and start chatting.

    And during the conversation, try to charm your interlocutor.

    Cunning tricks.

    For example, approach an object of interest with the phrase:

    “That guy in the corner is bothering me with his advances. Maybe you can save me from them? or “I took this cocktail for my friend, but for some reason I can’t find her. Won't you join me?"

A few more tips to interest a stranger in conversation:

you will find in the video:

What not to do to interest a man?

All women's magazines and Internet resources are filled with advice on how to win a man.

Books, blogs, radio and television programs, trainings and much more are devoted to this topic.

There are so many of these recommendations that you can get confused in them, although some advice wanders from material to material (and mine is no exception) not because the authors lack imagination, but because they are really effective.

What upset me is that it is not often possible to come across information about what women who want to win a man should not do.

And in my opinion, this is important, because often ladies are overly zealous in their desire to attract male attention, turning themselves into an object of ridicule.

So, even if you really want to win a man, you don’t need to:

    Behave stupidly and unnaturally.

    Ladies, having read advice about being mysterious, flirtatious, playful, sexy, begin to grimace and grimace, so instead of interest they cause fits of laughter in the stronger sex.

    Hang on his neck.

    You did everything you could: you smiled, rolled your eyes, started a conversation first, but the cruel gentleman remained indifferent to your charms?

    Get over it and leave him alone.

    There are still plenty of fish in the sea.

    Jumping into his bed the day you met him.

    Such easy prey becomes uninteresting to most men.

    There are too few happy endings for love stories that involve sex on the first date.

I hope the advice helps you, how to interest a man.

Moreover, you will take into account not only what needs to be done, but also remember what not to do, even if you really want to attract his attention.

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Hello! In this article we will talk about how to interest a man through external behavior and in the process of communication, about how to understand that a man is attractive to you.

It is common for a man to win the woman he likes, seeking her favor. This behavioral ritual is inherent by nature in the subconscious of the stronger sex. But if a woman is the first to show activity, then such behavior often causes a certain dissonance in men. How to maintain boundaries and what actions to take so that the young man you like has an independent desire to win a girl?

How to attract a man's attention

To begin with, it is important to understand what female images attract men. "Men love with their eyes." There is a certain set of externally attractive features, the combination of which makes the image alluring and desirable.

  • Neatness and neatness.

Two important components of human attractiveness. Unwashed, uncombed hair, lack of manicure or peeling nail polish, stale clothes in pills, dirty shoes always look repulsive. It even causes disgust and hostility in many people.

A woman should always look clean and fresh. Neatness is one of the forms of respect not only for yourself, but also for the people around you.

A girl who respects herself and her body is always attractive.

  • Well-groomed.

Always fresh hair, good makeup, velvety moisturized skin indicate that a woman “invests” time and money in herself and loves herself. Girls who love themselves always arouse the interest of others. Any male representative would like to gain permission to approach and touch such a pleasant person.

  • Athletic body.

Some prefer exclusively thin girls, others prefer curvaceous ones. Some people like miniature ones, others like tall ones. Taste is always individual. But! A strong, healthy, toned female body with elastic buttocks attracts the eye for a long time and makes you turn around. Many modern women have long moved away from exhausting endless diets and took up fitness. Regular physical activity makes a woman's body firm, sexy and youthful.

  • Aroma.

The pleasant, delicate smell of perfume and clean body is always seductive and attractive. You want to approach a woman who smells good and enjoy the enchanting aroma.

  • Cloth.

Elegance, sense of style, harmony, femininity and appropriateness to the environment make the image attractive. Vulgarity, pretentiousness and extravagance often repel men. A large number of accessories, bright contrasting colors in clothes, many open parts of the body make the appearance aggressive and intimidating. It is preferable to choose clothes from light, flowing fabrics in light shades. Neat shoes with small thin heels will make the look more feminine.

  • Smile and look.

A radiant, cheerful look adds lightness and intrigue to a woman’s image. A tired and sad person with dull eyes is associated with a lot of problems. Starting a relationship with a problematic woman, tired of life, does not seem interesting to a modern man. Everyone wants lightness, joy and carefreeness. The prospect of just such a relationship captivates and makes you desirable. Sometimes one friendly smile and an interested look is enough for the desired response.

  • Self-confidence.

G They say that a woman should not take the initiative. This is partly true, because every man is a hunter by nature. But on the other hand, this does not mean at all that you need to humbly sit and wait for attention to be paid to you. A wise woman always knows how to interest a man. Today these secrets will be revealed to you too.

How to attract attention?

Contrary to popular belief, it is the woman who chooses the man. However, she does this unobtrusively and imperceptibly. By giving nonverbal signals, she thereby attracts attention and makes herself stand out from the crowd.

Very rarely does the stronger sex take the initiative themselves. It is important for a man to understand that he will not be denied acquaintance or communication. Yes, yes, embarrassment and timidity are not limited to women.

So, what do you need to do to get a man to pay attention to you:

1) Make eye contact. Look at the desired object, holding your gaze for 2-7 seconds. As soon as he notices you, smile. Then turn away and repeat the trick again (after about 10 minutes). It is very important that the eyes express warmth and goodwill. A cold, contemptuous look will only push a man away.

2) Smile, or better yet, laugh. Cheerful people always attract attention. It’s much easier to get to know them and it’s easy to start a conversation. And vice versa, you don’t want to communicate with a sad, withdrawn person. An important point is that the smile should not be feigned or forced, as in American films. Make jokes, laugh heartily, this is one of a woman’s main weapons in the art of seduction.

3) There are other ways to attract a man's attention. For example, you can, as if by accident, drop your scarf, handkerchief or other unbreakable object in front of him. Surely he will help pick up the fallen thing. Thank him, noting how attentive and gallant he is. You can also ask for help, such as opening a water bottle. Yes, just ask the time or find out how to get to a famous cafe or theater.

Advice. If a man doesn't show his interest in any way, don't be upset. Perhaps he is very busy right now or simply lost in his thoughts. However, just in case, try to find out if he is married. If his heart is already occupied, any attempts to get closer will be in vain.

The art of seduction

So, your chosen one has already noticed you, but is still in no hurry to take the initiative. It happens. Sometimes a man doubts whether he needs to make a new acquaintance at all.

If you want to finally conquer him, it is important not to sit idly by. You can interest him even more with your appearance, conversation, and various “feminine things.”

First things first.


Many women, having become interested in a man, rush from one extreme to another. Either she is too fat or thin, and her whole body needs to be carefully hidden, or her figure is the height of perfection, which, of course, needs to be exposed to the maximum. No, no, no, you can't do that. In the first case, the man most likely will not pay attention to you at all, but in the second he will take you for a vulgar, accessible woman. It is necessary to observe the golden mean:

Dress femininely, avoid men's clothes in your wardrobe.

Emphasize only one of your advantages - gorgeous breasts, long legs, elastic hips.

Give preference to light, flowing fabrics in light or bright colors.

Choose shoes with small, comfortable heels.

Wear light makeup and leave your hair loose or tied up not too tightly.

Play sports. Absolutely everyone likes a toned body.

Advice. Forget about your complexes. A man would rather sense your insecurities than notice any flaws. In addition, a well-groomed woman is always beautiful, so everything is in your hands. Choose the right clothes, experiment with makeup and hairstyles, and that's it, half the success is in your pocket.


You need to be able to talk to a man. Conversing with the opposite sex and communicating with women are completely different things, at least at first.

To interest your chosen one, it is important to pay special attention to intonation, voice timbre, and of course, choose the right topic for conversation.

Just follow these rules:

- speak slowly and clearly;

- do not resort to squealing or screaming;

— touch only on positive topics;

- don’t complain, gossip or tell sob stories;

— communicate about art, share experiences, ideas, feelings;

- joke;

- ask a lot of questions;

- listen carefully;

- periodically demonstrate your interest (“Are you serious?” “Is this really true?” “Wow, I didn’t know!”);

- read more - well-read people find it easier to carry on a conversation;

— try not to use slang when communicating with a man.

Body language

Man is a rational being, this is indisputable. However, animal habits and instincts are not alien to him. As in the animal world, there are specific postures of dominance or submission among humans.

A woman who wants to interest a man must show vulnerability with her body.

How to do it:

1) Show off your neck. You can tilt your head to your shoulder or throw it up. And if you keep eye contact at the same time, this will be perceived on an unconscious level as a call.

2) Play with your feet. Rock your foot or shoe slightly. If the dress is short enough, bring your legs together and sit half-sided towards the man, showing off their entire length. Another technique is throwing one leg over the other. In this case, it is important that the skirt or dress is not too short, otherwise the man will consider you frivolous.

3) When talking to a man, lean your body slightly forward. This way you will demonstrate your most vulnerable places - your chest and neck.

4) Part your lips. You can occasionally bite or lick them. A too tense, pinched mouth indicates nervousness, impatience and even aggression. Open lips show readiness for dialogue.

5) Touch yourself with your hands. As if by chance, touch your lips, neck, shoulders. Movements should be smooth and easy. There is no need to stroke yourself, it will look provocative. You can put your hands behind your head or stretch. This will make your figure look even more flattering.

6) Straighten your hair. Playing with hair is the most ancient secret of seduction. It’s especially good if they are well-groomed and long. You can throw your curls to one side, straighten them by throwing your head back, or simply release them at a certain moment.

Advice from the author. To interest a man, you just need to be yourself. It is important to be able to show your individuality and uniqueness. If you are a wonderful housewife, then you should not pretend to be a businesswoman or socialite. Perhaps most people like this, but sooner or later the mask will have to be removed. It’s better to be open and direct, then the right men will be attracted. And the wrong ones...why do you need them?

So, how can you interest a man? First of all, you should not be afraid to show interest. This does not mean that you need to throw yourself on your chosen one’s neck with the words “I am all yours.” Just a warm look, an inviting smile, an interesting conversation. And then it’s up to him.