How to properly take amaranth oil internally. Amaranth oil instructions and benefits

Surely each of you has seen this extraordinary garden crop, but you hardly knew that amaranth oil, the benefits and harms of which have been studied since antiquity, has so many beneficial qualities.

Many people are accustomed to treating amaranth as a decorative decoration for flower beds and gardens, but many have not heard that amaranth is a source of healing oil.

Amaranth carries invaluable benefits for humans, because, not without reason, it received the name “culture of the 21st century.” Despite the fact that amaranth is becoming increasingly famous, the inhabitants of South America knew about its high medicinal qualities and its widespread use for medical and cosmetic purposes, as well as in the preparation of unusual dishes with a touch of exoticism.

The name of this annual is translated from Latin as “unfading flower.” Due to its rare properties, amaranth has a variety of uses: a medicinal product, a remedy for healing hair and skin, an indispensable medicine in the treatment of cancer tumors, a culinary seasoning - the “unfading flower” is used for all these purposes.

Amaranth oil is an inexhaustible source of beneficial microelements that rejuvenate the body, fill it with vital energy, promote longevity, and help in the fight against many, sometimes very serious, diseases and ailments.

Composition of amaranth oil

Amaranth oil consists of polyunsaturated acids, such as: linolenic, arachidonic, oleic, palmitoleic.

In addition to polyunsaturated acids, amaranth oil is famous for another important component that makes it almost unique, since it is not found in such a volume in any other plant - squalene.

Squalene, a special hydrocarbon that makes up 10% of the total composition of the plant, is an indispensable component in the fight against skin aging and for the prevention of this unpleasant phenomenon in women.

Squalene in amaranth oil functions as an antioxidant, saturating tissues with oxygen, making the skin soft, radiant with health, and also prevents pathogenic bacteria from entering the human body.

In addition, the anti-carcinogenic characteristics of squalene are known, thanks to which amaranth successfully fights the effects of radiation on the human body. Squalene is a powerful stimulator of metabolism in the body, which leads to improved absorption of food, so amaranth oil should be consumed by people suffering from excess weight.

In addition to the above components, the composition of amaranth oil contains vitamins. Vitamin E, which is included in the structure of amaranth oil in large quantities, has a protective effect on the body, preventing the development of cancer.

Vitamin E contained in amaranth prevents premature aging of the body, fighting the appearance of wrinkles, making the skin smoother and more elastic. Another remarkable quality is its ability to have a positive effect on human vision, so amaranth oil will be useful for those who have vision problems.

Vitamin A contained in this plant improves wound healing, improves immunity, and is an important component that helps maintain human eye health.

Women often call calcium the “mineral of beauty,” since the condition of teeth, hair, and nail plates largely depends on it. Dry hair or brittle nails are an unpleasant consequence of calcium deficiency. At any age, it is important to prevent the occurrence of calcium deficiency in time, because this mineral is useful for the full development of children, the normal course of pregnancy in women, and also for preventing problems with the spine in people of mature age.

Amaranth oil, saturated with calcium, will become one of the effective sources of this “beauty mineral” for your body, and will also help you look good and remain a healthy person for many years.

Another valuable component of amaranth oil is phospholipids, on which, without exaggeration, the health of the entire body depends. Phospholipids maintain the flexibility of cell membranes, help dissolve bad cholesterol, protect against cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, are responsible for the health of the nervous system and liver, and improve skin condition.

Amaranth oil styrene will be useful for people involved in sports, as they help the body cope with physical stress, stimulating performance during training.

Amaranth oil – medicinal uses

Amaranth oil has found extensive use in medicine due to its unique composition and healing properties.

  1. Amaranth oil has antiseptic properties, which are especially pronounced in the treatment of internal organs, so it is recommended for use by people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. The medicinal components of amaranth oil create a sheath on the internal organs, protecting them from the harmful effects of toxic compounds. That is why amaranth oil is used in medicine as a remedy to help fight diseases of internal organs such as pancreatitis, gastritis, liver cirrhosis, colitis, ulcers, cholecystitis.
  2. Amaranth oil is a reliable friend of medicine in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Amaranth oil has vasodilating and antiseptic characteristics, which have a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system. Polysaturated acids and minerals of amaranth oil give elasticity to the heart muscles and regulate the human heartbeat. Angina pectoris, hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, varicose veins - for all these diseases, medicine turns to the healing properties of amaranth and uses the oil of this excellent plant as one of the effective remedies.
  3. Amaranth oil is widely used to treat diseases of the nervous system. Lecithin is one of the most useful components of amaranth oil; it is responsible for the health of nerve cells, serves as their nutrition, improving their functioning. Lecithin restores damaged cells of the nervous system and improves the transmission of nerve impulses. Amaranth oil improves memory, has a positive effect on brain function, and is also used for sleep disorders. Amaranth oil has proven itself to be effective in relieving headaches, migraines and Alzheimer's disease.
  4. Amaranth oil has a wide range of beneficial properties and is used to treat various skin injuries and diseases such as cuts, burns, eczema, psoriasis, acne.
  5. In dentistry, amaranth oil is used as a remedy for the treatment of stomatitis, periodontal disease, and gum inflammation.
  6. Amaranth oil is a good fat burner, so it is advisable to use it when losing weight. Its effective effect in the treatment of diabetes has been studied, since its components help maintain acceptable blood sugar levels.
  7. One cannot do without amaranth oil in the field of male and female diseases of a gynecological nature and the genitourinary system, in the treatment of infertility.

Amaranth oil for oncology

Amaranth oil is widely used in the treatment of cancer, as well as during rehabilitation after chemotherapy. How does amaranth oil affect the human condition in the treatment of cancer? We have already mentioned that the main component identified in amaranth oil is squalene.

At first, scientists found this element in the fat, cartilage of the shark and its other organs, but later they found out that squalene is also contained in amaranth. Moreover, the percentage of this unique and useful component in amaranth is three times higher than “shark squalene”.

It is this component of amaranth oil that is recognized by scientists as a “fighter against tumors”, which is not only an ally in the battle against cancer, but also prevents their development.

Amaranth oil protects the body from radiation exposure during chemotherapy, accelerating the rehabilitation process after such a procedure, which is quite stressful for the body.

How to take

Amaranth oil is your reliable friend in resisting illnesses, ailments and cosmetic problems, and if you want it not to cause harm, consult your doctor before using this product. Only a doctor can evaluate your health and decide whether you should use this drug.

Amaranth oil is used externally and internally in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. For prevention purposes, you can consume one teaspoon of amaranth oil with meals. It is most effective to carry out disease prevention within one month in the off-season, when the immune system is weakened and the human body is especially vulnerable to diseases.

When treating a particular disease, before consuming amaranth oil, you must consult a doctor. In case of external use, you should treat the affected area of ​​skin with amaranth oil, lightly rubbing it in, and remove excess with a napkin.

The use of amaranth oil in cosmetology

Amaranth oil has become an integral part of modern cosmetology. The oil of this amazing plant, when used externally, has good rejuvenating, softening, moisturizing, and wound-healing properties.

The property of amaranth oil to protect from sun exposure is widely known, isolating the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. For the same reason, amaranth oil is used in solariums when they want to achieve a healthy and even tan.

Amaranth oil is used in beauty salons for procedures such as body wraps and anti-cellulite massage. Amaranth oil is increasingly being included in cosmetic products.

For skin

Constant use of amaranth oil for cosmetic purposes has a positive effect on the condition and health of facial skin. Using amaranth oil as an independent component of cosmetic procedures, or adding it to everyday cosmetic products, within a month you will feel its truly magical properties. Skin with signs of fatigue and aging is filled with energy, small wrinkles are smoothed out, its general condition improves, it glows with health.

There are quite a few home cosmetology recipes based on amaranth oil. We will present some of them so that you can use them to improve your facial skin.

  • Amaranth oil for healthy complexion.
    Amaranth oil and cosmetic clay, mixed in equal proportions, apply evenly to the skin of the face, after fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Amaranth oil for whitening facial skin and reducing enlarged pores.
    Mix amaranth oil and orange juice, following a 2:1 ratio, then pour in lemon juice (one teaspoon). Apply the resulting cosmetic mixture to clean facial skin. After fifteen minutes, the mask can be washed off.
  • Amaranth oil for intensive nutrition of dry skin
    If you want to avoid problems associated with dry skin, you can try a nourishing mask of amaranth oil by mixing cottage cheese (two tablespoons) and amaranth oil (one teaspoon).

For hair

Amaranth oil is a good product for hair because it contains components that have a positive effect on hair health. Its main component, which helps improve the condition of the hair, give it shine and strengthen the roots, is, of course, squalene.

Squalene saturates the scalp and hair follicles with oxygen. In addition, the antibacterial properties of squalene prevent the occurrence of fungal infections.

Amaranth oil will be a very effective remedy if you are faced with such unpleasant problems as dry hair, unsuccessful perm or hair coloring, hair loss and increased fragility.

All these problems can be solved in a simple way - add a few drops to your palm with regular shampoo and wash your hair, or rub 2 - 3 tablespoons of heated amaranth oil into the roots of your hair 15 minutes before washing your hair.

For stretch marks

Stretch marks are a rather unpleasant and common problem. This skin defect is associated with rupture of collagen fibers due to sudden weight loss or weight gain, poor environmental conditions, and in women as a result of pregnancy.

It is quite difficult to remove this skin defect, but amaranth oil will solve this kind of problem. Lipids contained in amaranth oil are able to penetrate deep into the epidermis and improve skin elasticity.

Constant massage procedures using amaranth oil very effectively combat stretch marks on the skin, preventing their further appearance.

Amaranth oil in cooking

Amaranth oil, in addition to good cosmetic and medical characteristics, also has valuable taste qualities, since baked goods and flour products made from amaranth flour are not only enriched with protein, but also have a nutty taste.

In general, amaranth oil is used for making salads, frying and baking. Using amaranth oil for all kinds of salads, cereals, when preparing omelettes and other culinary recipes, you not only get delicious dishes with a nutty flavor, but also bring great benefits to your health.

Amaranth oil - harm and contraindications

Much is known about the beneficial qualities of amaranth oil, but the question naturally arises: is amaranth oil harmful? Basically, amaranth oil benefits the human body, regardless of whether it is used in medicine, cooking or cosmetology.

However, it must be remembered that amaranth oil has contraindications and is harmful to some categories of people. An unpleasant phenomenon such as nausea, heartburn, dizziness and other symptoms can occur if there is an individual intolerance to any of the components of amaranth oil. Therefore, before using amaranth oil in any of its qualities, consult your doctor.

Amaranth oil – where to buy, price in pharmacies

You can purchase amaranth oil in pharmacies or order it online by following a link to websites that sell this type of product. The cost of amaranth oil varies from 340 to 3000 rubles. The price of amaranth oil depends on the volume of packaging and brand.

How to make amaranth oil yourself at home

Amaranth oil is easy to prepare. Therefore, without further hesitation, start making it.

  1. Take two hundred grams of amaranth seeds and dry them over low heat in the oven.
  2. Grind the dried seeds in a mortar or coffee grinder until they are slightly coarser than flour.
  3. Pour the seeds into a clean container, pour out the oil at room temperature.
  4. Gently stir the resulting mixture, cover and leave to infuse in a dimly lit room at room temperature.
  5. After a month, the oil is ready, now all you need to do is strain it and pour it into an easy-to-use bottle.
  6. It is better to store such a bottle in a dark place with a cool temperature for no more than a year.

Composition of amaranth oil

Scientists have already studied amaranth oil well, but all its beneficial properties have not yet been discovered; the methods of its production are being improved every year. During the examination it was found that Amaranth contains squalene, which has powerful antioxidant properties. And in this plant its level is higher than in any other. In addition, it contains a unique lysine amino acid, the level of which is twice as high as in wheat, which was previously considered the leader.

Amaranth oil also contains other beneficial substances, such as:

  • styrene;
  • phytosterols;
  • carotenoids;
  • fatty acids;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus and others.

How to choose amaranth oil?

The second name for amaranth in Russia is amaranth; it was considered a weed and was not given any importance. And only in recent years they began to grow it again in some regions of our country, such as Belgorod, Voronezh, the Volga region and the southern part of Siberia. Amaranth is considered a pseudocereal. To make oil from it, its small brown seeds are used. They are collected and dried for a long period of time, achieving a higher concentration of useful substances.

There are several ways to obtain oil:

  • Cold- when squeezed using this method, a 100% natural product is obtained that retains all the beneficial properties. But this method spends a large amount of money, which is reflected in the price of the final product. Only 27% of the used material remains in the end.
  • Hot- less expensive way. It has a lower price, but a certain percentage of the beneficial properties disappears when the grains are heated.

When choosing, keep in mind that there are three different types of amaranth oil. Cold pressing produces the purest possible product. The squalene content in it is up to 8%. This product helps with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and oncology.

When amaranth oil is combined with other oils, a blended mixture is obtained, the purpose of which is determined depending on the components added.

Amaranth oil extract contains up to 13% squalene and is often used to treat problems in the field of dermatology and for preventive purposes against oncology. When choosing a product, it is necessary to take into account the main condition - the person’s weight. It is on the basis of this indicator that the required amount of squalene is calculated. The greater the weight, the higher the concentration of this substance should be.

Products containing squalene are called elixirs of beauty and youth; even a small amount of it helps to rejuvenate the body, filling it with strength and energy.

The product should be stored in a cool, dark place where the temperature does not rise above 25°C.

Benefits of amaranth oil

Amaranth oil is used not only for medicinal purposes in official and folk medicine - its benefits are appreciated in culinary arts and cosmetology. When consumed systematically, body tissues absorb many beneficial substances, which helps overcome terrible diseases. A large number of active substances, minerals and vitamins help fight dermatitis, diabetes, and hypertension. And this is not the entire list of ailments for which it is used.

External use

The squalene, vitamin E, linoleic acid and magnesium present in the product have a wound-healing, antiviral, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect on injured skin. If you systematically use compresses with amaranth oil, you will very soon notice how skin regeneration will accelerate in case of skin lesions such as herpes, sun or radiation burn, cut or eczema.

Internal use

Due to the content of a large number of anti-inflammatory substances, amaranth oil effectively affects the inflammatory processes of internal organs. The product is especially recommended for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. The microelements contained in it envelop the mucous membrane, providing a wound-healing effect and protecting human organs from the negative effects of toxic compounds.

Phospholipids, squalene and phytosterols present in the oil, improve lipid metabolism and normalize the amount of glucose in the blood in type 2 diabetes mellitus. It also has a positive effect on the patient’s cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of blood clots by dilating blood vessels. And minerals and amino acids regulate heart rhythm and give strength and elasticity to the heart muscles.

Prevention of male and female diseases

In gynecology, amaranth oil helps in eliminating cervical erosion, inflammation, vaginitis or cysts. When consumed orally, a product rich in phytosterols has a beneficial effect on a woman’s hormonal balance and helps improve reproductive functions.

Cancer prevention

In oncology, amaranth oil, which is a powerful antioxidant, helps protect human organs from free radicals and carcinogens that provoke the formation of a malignant tumor. It is also used after a course of chemotherapy so that the human body regains strength and the immune system returns to normal.

Other useful properties

Lecithin contained in amaranth oil improves brain function and normalizes blood circulation. Rich in useful substances, it has a beneficial effect on mental activity, improves sleep quality, and helps strengthen memory.

The product from this plant is also used in cooking. He has pleasant smell and nutty taste, therefore it is perfect as an addition to salad, porridge or legume dishes and goes well with other vegetable oils.

Contraindications for use

If you follow the basic rules of use, amaranth oil will not harm the body. However, you need to be wary of individual intolerance to any component in its composition. We also must not forget that its ingestion in excessively large quantities can lead to allergic rashes, itching and irritation.

When using oil for the first time, a person may experience the following side effects:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine.

They are caused by the fact that the product contains a large amount of squalene, which quickly saturates the blood with oxygen. Subsequently, these symptoms disappear without any intervention from doctors.

You should not drink amaranth oil for diseases such as cholecystitis, urolithiasis and ulcers..

If a person has one of these diseases, it should be used with caution. Properly selected treatment and doctor’s recommendations will protect the body from harmful consequences.

How to take amaranth oil?

Amaranth oil is used to treat and prevent a large number of diseases - both internally and externally. Before starting use, you should definitely consult with a specialist or your doctor so as not to cause harm to your body. It is important to adhere to the prescribed dosages and recommendations.

If there are no health concerns, you can use amaranth oil to prevent diseases. Enough for this drink one teaspoon of the product with meals. Before this, the bottle with the product must be shaken thoroughly.

The best time for a health course is the off-season; you should drink the oil for no more than a month. For treatment, the dosage and method of use are prescribed by the doctor. The oil can also be used to heal wounds. To do this, you need to apply it to the cut and gently rub it into the skin as far as the injury allows. After this, remove any remaining product with a napkin.

Amaranth oil as a miracle of cosmetology

Amaranth oil is also used in cosmetology, since it is an environmentally friendly and natural product. The product is very popular among cosmetics manufacturers. Most often it is used in the manufacture of various creams for the body and face. The unique microelements contained in amaranth oil prevent the rapid photoaging of the epidermis, retain moisture in its upper layer, prevent the skin from chapping and protect against dangerous external factors. Using this product for hair restoration will also be effective.

The unique substances of the amaranth-based cream have a delicate effect on the skin, cleanse and nourish it.

With regular use of this cream, the number of fine wrinkles noticeably decreases, the complexion becomes more even, the water-fat balance improves and the number of pimples and blackheads is reduced. In winter, they perfectly protect the skin from chapping and cold. And by lubricating your feet with it, you can get rid of corns.

Using the oil, you can prepare your own hair masks that will nourish the hair follicles with useful elements and make them beautiful and strong.


Among the wide variety of vegetable oils, amaranth oil stands out for its rich chemical composition and therapeutic and prophylactic properties. This is a unique natural remedy that can work wonders.

The history of the Amaranth plant goes back several thousand years, but in Russia it fell into oblivion during Peter's reforms. The second birth of amaranth in our country occurred in the 70s of the last century.

What lies behind such a beautiful name? What are the benefits and medicinal properties, are there any harms and contraindications for amaranth oil, how to take amaranth extract correctly?

What is it obtained from and how?

In Russia this plant grew for a long time as a weed called "schiritsa". Over the past few decades, it has been cultivated in the Voronezh and Belgorod regions, the Volga region and southern Siberia. It is considered a pseudo-cereal.

Small brown seeds are used to obtain oil., which are dried for a long time after collection to achieve maximum concentration of nutrients.

Two methods of extraction are used in production:

  1. Cold, which results in 100% natural oil that retains all biologically active substances. This method is expensive, which affects the cost of the product. The finished yield is only 27% of the total raw material.
  2. Hot pressing method, in which some of the beneficial substances are destroyed by heating. But the benefits of the substance still remain significant, and the price is an order of magnitude lower.
  3. 3 types of amaranth oil for different purposes:
    1. Clean product cold pressed. Squalene content – ​​up to 8%. Used to treat the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and oncology.
    2. Blended mixture– combining amaranth with other vegetable oils, depending on the requirements for the final product. When choosing a product, you need to take into account the main condition: the greater a person’s weight, the greater the amount of squalene he needs. Best suited for maintaining immunity and cleansing the body.
    3. Amaranth oil extract contains 12.5-13% squalene. Used for dermatological problems, alopecia, and for the prevention of cancer.

The main feature of shiritsa is a specific hydrocarbon called “squalene”. A product containing it is an elixir of youth and beauty, since even in very small quantities squalene rejuvenates the body, filling it with energy and strength.

Also included:

  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 fats;
  • amino acids;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • phospholipids;
  • vitamins A, E, D, group B;
  • sterols;
  • carotenoids.

Calorie content per 100 g of product – 736 kcal. For storage, you need a dark, cool place with a temperature of up to 25 ° C.

A video from the “Live Healthy!” program will tell you what kind of plant amaranth is and how amaranth oil is useful:

Selection criteria

To select a quality product you need rely on the following criteria: taste, color and smell.

In its pure form, the product tastes a little unpleasant. The flavor of the second component, such as corn or peanut oil, dominates the blend. Amaranth extract is practically odorless.

By color- from light to dark brown, depending on the method of preparation and dilution.

Smell when directly pressed, the taste is also unusual. There is practically no odor in the blend and extract.

What to look for when purchasing:

  • real cold-pressed oil is produced only in Russia, so the price will be quite high;
  • the product is poured into glass containers with a volume of up to 100 milliliters;
  • the color should be dark. A light color indicates dilution of the product;
  • You should personally familiarize yourself with the composition of the product on the label, since many sellers do not always work honestly;
  • the content of squalene in its pure form should be about 8% or less, which corresponds to the natural amount of the substance in the acorn grain;
  • a quality certificate of conformity will provide reliable information about the product. The consumer has every right to request a document from the seller.

Useful properties

Add salt, let stand for 5-10 minutes, season with amaranth oil or any other vegetable oil.

The benefits of amaranth are undeniable. Therefore, its wide distribution in our country is a matter of time. Its regular use in cooking and cosmetics will preserve health, youth and beauty for a long time.

Amaranth oil is considered a unique natural remedy that helps to qualitatively increase cellular respiration. Preventive and healing properties, which are manifested both externally and internally, distinguish this base from among the most active oils and serve as the basis for its status as a super-effective herbal “therapist”.

The oil extracted from amaranth is considered one of the most valuable and rare. This herbal base is unique both in its composition and in its range of properties, covering both general metabolism and partial problems. Amaranth oil is considered the only source of squalene among bases- a unique substance that is not only as close as possible to natural cellular compounds, but also provides high-quality activation of cellular respiration.

Amaranth oil is perhaps the only base oil that is always used in its pure form and is very rarely used as a vehicle to create compositions with essential oils and reveal their properties. Even in external methods, amaranth oil is applied independently. It is also practically the only base oil that is not used to enhance cosmetics.

It is believed that amaranth oil is the only base whose use is completely compatible with any type of traditional treatment and therapy.

How to choose amaranth oil

Amaranth oil is one of the most falsified oils, so for its use for aromatherapy purposes it is better to buy this base in stores and departments specializing in aromatherapy, or, in extreme cases, in pharmacies.

The use of amaranth oil in cooking, unlike many pleasant-tasting oils, is limited to its medicinal function and you should not experiment with gastronomic flavors, so do not risk buying amaranth oil in culinary shops and stores, in Asian shops: most likely, there you will find counterfeit in the form nut butter with a similar flavor.


There should be no confusion with the names of amaranth oil: this oil in aromatherapy is labeled with only two synonymous terms - as Amaranthus cruentus or Amaranthus oil. Any other Latin name makes it possible to judge a fake to the same extent as checking the methods of production and composition.

When choosing amaranth oil, be sure to look at the instructions. This oil should not contain preservatives, including liquid vitamin E, because it does not need to increase its shelf life. Any additional components in the composition of this base oil, including the presence of the words “concentrate” or “extract” and their analogues, are unacceptable.

Plant and regions of production

Amaranth oil, whose homeland is South America, was actively consumed by the local Incas and Aztecs, and the history of its use dates back several thousand years.

The oil is obtained from an annual plant that loves warmth and bright light, which in perennial cultivation grows only in the southern climate, and is also grown as an ornamental plant with bright light or red-purple leaves and large, drooping and dense spikelets of inflorescences. Amaranth seeds are very small, but numerous, as are the flowers in inflorescences.

Amaranth oils extracted from raw materials grown in South American countries are recognized as the best, but bases extracted in southern Europe, Russia, the Caucasus and Asia can also be considered of sufficient quality.

Unlike many plants, amaranth seeds do not require production to be located in close proximity to the place where the raw materials grow: falsification or low quality of the oil should not be judged by the discrepancy between the production location and the country of origin of the materials.

Receipt method

Their small, flattened and shiny seeds base is extracted using several methods that directly affect the quality of the oil itself.

Considered to be of the highest quality cold press method. In the composition of such oil, the concentration of healing properties is most pronounced; it has an active effect on general and cellular metabolism.

Amaranth oil is also extracted carbon dioxide extraction, which reduces the content of squalene and antioxidants, and oil extraction method, which leads to a decrease in the content of vitamins and active components.

But at the same time, all three oils are fully characterized by all the properties attributed to amaranth, and we are only talking about the more pronounced quality and activity of cold-pressed oil.

In addition to oil, which is obtained exclusively from seeds, amaranth oils obtained from a mixture of seeds and plant materials can also be found on sale. They have both characteristics in common with seed oil and special properties. The effect of such oil on health, body condition and skin must be judged by individual instructions: the properties of oils from different manufacturers may differ, so the instructions for each product must be carefully studied and strictly followed.



The composition of amaranth oil is absolutely unique; it has no analogues among all known vegetable oils. Pronounced properties and biochemical activity allow us to classify this oil as one of the most active bases in aromatherapy.

The main advantage of amaranth is considered almost 8% squalene content, a compound close to human cells that saturates cells and tissues with oxygen at the molecular level, capturing oxygen molecules from water particles. It is called perhaps the most valuable dietary supplement in the world, it is extracted from shark liver and is used in the most elite cosmetic products.

The squalene content, like the rest of the oil's composition, varies significantly depending on the method of obtaining the base and the responsibility of the manufacturer, so the quality of the oil is of great importance in determining its properties. In cold-pressed oil produced from seeds in full compliance with technology and control of the environmental friendliness of raw materials, the squalene content can increase up to 15%, and during extraction it decreases to 4% (this is still five times more than in the only base with traces of squalene - high-quality extra virgin olive oil).

Among the fatty acids in amaranth oil, the largest proportion is palmitic, oleic, arachidonic, linoleic (more than half the mass), stearic and linolenic acids.

Amaranth oil also contains bile acids, alcohols, organic phytosterols, steroids, vitamins D, B, A, chlorophyll and rare tocotrienol forms of vitamin E, which exhibit almost 50 times greater antioxidant activity than regular tocopherol.

Texture, color and aroma

The color of amaranth oil is bright and rich, most often radiant yellow, but variations of the oil within the yellow and brown palette are also acceptable. In fact, the color of the oil depends on the color of the plant itself and its inflorescences; when green is dominant, it is duller and brownish.

The oil is liquid, without obvious viscosity or obsessive oiliness.

Amaranth oil is one of the most pleasant in smell. Its subtle tints of herbaceous-woody palette with a slight bitter overtone and a soft play of nutty nuances are reminiscent of the aromas of dried medicinal herbs, enlighten emotions and thoughts, and bring calm and tranquility.

The taste of the oil is no less pleasant: soft, unobtrusive, but noticeably nutty, it is not distinguished by unpleasant notes or bitterness, so amaranth oil can be taken internally even by those who are sensitive to unpleasant tastes.

Behavior on skin

Amaranth oil is used in its pure form, without mixing with other base oils or esters. The only exception is internal use, for which amaranth oil is used as an active medicine in an amount of 10-15% in relation to a neutral base.

It has a rather specific effect on the skin: this vegetable oil is not completely absorbed, but is absorbed quickly and super-effectively; it is applied like an oil application, and then the remaining fat is removed.

Oil has a calming, softening, healing, regenerating effect, leaves visible greasy marks on the surface of the epidermis, but at the same time this base has a regulating effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands and does not contribute to either pollution or excessive oiliness of the skin itself.

One of the main features of amaranth oil, which manifests itself instantly upon contact with the skin, is relieving pain symptoms and discomfort. Containing no narcotic analgesics or harmful toxic substances, amaranth demonstrates amazing local analgesic abilities.

Medicinal properties

Being the best herbal cardioprotective agent, amaranth oil exhibits excellent anti-sclerotic properties, lowers cholesterol levels, regenerates and normalizes the hormonal system, local and general immunity, activates and stabilizes metabolism, promotes the elimination of toxins, heavy salts, waste and radionuclides.

When squalene enters the body, it not only activates metabolism, but at the cellular level stimulates the healing and restoration of damaged tissues and organs.

But this truly unique base oil has not only a general optimizing effect.

  • Amaranth has an excellent effect on the functioning and condition of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, restoring tissue, suppressing pathogenic microbes, regenerating epithelium, healing ulcers, inflammation, optimizing the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • The healing effect of amaranth oil enhances the effectiveness of any traditional treatment method - from oncology to the treatment of septic, toxic, infectious, purulent processes.
  • As an active restorative and regenerating agent, this oil is used for muscle dystrophies, anemia, gynecological problems, metabolic disorders, diabetes, viruses and infections.

Cosmetological properties of the base

The range of cosmetic properties of amaranth oil includes protection, moisturizing, nutrition, detoxification and softening. This oil is not used for daily and cosmetic care, but used exclusively as a means to solve serious skin problems.

Thanks to squalene, which is unique to bases, amaranth exhibits active wound-healing abilities, allowing you to cope with all types of ulcerative skin lesions and inflammatory skin diseases, including trophic ulcers, psoriasis and eczema. In addition to local rapid restoration and tightening of lesions, it stimulates internal restoration, promoting complete renewal of skin cells and organs.

The healing abilities are also manifested in the acceleration of the recovery process of burns, cuts and scratches, bruises, contusions and hematomas several times, while the local analgesic effect appears instantly after the first application of amaranth oil.

With this article, the Medmaster company will try to answer questions that customers have regarding amaranth oil, and to sort out some misconceptions about it. He will also introduce his new product to customers - Natural amaranth oil (i.e. pure or 100% amaranth oil).

1. What is amaranth oil - a commercial move, another attempt to sell you an “ascorbic acid tablet” under a different name and for crazy money? Or real medicine? And if it really helps, then why is it only now gaining popularity?

Probably, many have heard about drugs based on substances obtained from the liver of a deep-sea shark. The main value of shark liver oil is squalene (up to 40%) - a powerful immunostimulant used as an antitumor factor in the prevention of cancer, which has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Amaranth is an alternative source of squalene, which amaranth grains contain up to 9%. In addition, amaranth oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for humans (linoleic acid, for example, necessary for proper metabolism, is not reproduced by the body at all, and is considered absolutely irreplaceable), vitamin E in a particularly active tocotrienol form. In addition, the oil itself is much better for absorption in the human body than tablets or capsules, and allows for external use.

Clinical trials have confirmed the therapeutic effect of using amaranth oil. With internal use of the oil, significant improvement was observed in patients with atherosclerotic lesions of the lower extremities, severe poisoning with psychopharmacological drugs, and burns of the gastric mucosa. In addition, patients experienced normalization of the biochemical composition of the blood and increased immunity.

And when used externally in the treatment of certain types of psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases, according to the results of clinical trials, amaranth oil can even be used as the main medicine! In some subjects, a positive result was achieved even where other methods of therapy did not bring results.

Why was nothing known about amaranth oil before, and why is it becoming popular only now?

In our latitudes, amaranth is poorly distributed and is represented only by some weed and ornamental species. For a long time, amaranth was bred only in Central and South America as a cultivated grain plant. Porridge, bakery, pasta, sausage, as well as confectionery and drinks are prepared from amaranth seeds. They are also fried and eaten as flakes, similar to corn flakes.

The idea of ​​using amaranth oil as a medicine due to the large amount of squalene it contains arose much later. Squalene itself (from the Latin word Squalus - “shark”) was first isolated from the liver of a deep-sea shark by Japanese scientists only in the 30s of the last century. In addition, the technology for extracting oil from amaranth grains is quite complex, because amaranth oil should not be subjected to heat treatment. As a result, the growth in popularity of amaranth oil consumption began in the USA and Canada only in 1998.

2. On the Internet, prices for amaranth oil fluctuate quite a bit. What is its real cost?

First of all, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between 2 categories of amaranth seed oil.

(1) is a regular edible vegetable oil obtained using the technology used in the production of sunflower oil, using amaranth grains without special processing of the latter. This type of oil is widely available in wholesale markets. The cost of such oil cannot be high in principle.

(2) is amaranth oil with a high content of squalene (C30H50). This oil is obtained using a certain type of amaranth grain and using special technology. It is this type of amaranth oil that is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for various diseases. And it is this oil that has undergone (and is undergoing) special tests and clinical trials in order to study its effects on the human body and the possibility of its use as a medicinal drug for skin and cancer diseases.

Despite the fact that amaranth is much more accessible than shark liver, the technology for producing oil is quite expensive. From 100 kg of raw materials (the amaranth grain is comparable in size to poppy seed), 1-1.5 liters of pure 100% amaranth oil are obtained. It is also important to note that during production it is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime, because when the oil is heated above 60°C, it begins to lose its unique healing properties.

As already mentioned, amaranth oil is valued primarily for its percentage of squalene. Amaranth oil with a squalene content of no more than 8-12% is sold on international markets and exchanges. The retail price of such oil will be about 20,000 rubles per 1 liter.

Thus, you can easily estimate how much a 0.5 liter bottle of pure 100% amaranth oil should cost at retail – 9-10 thousand rubles. When they give you a price of 1 thousand rubles and say that this is 100% amaranth oil, this is at least alarming!

If the cost of the oil is even lower (200-300 rubles per bottle), most likely this oil is for frying, for salad dressing and does not have any medicinal effect.

3. What should be the concentration of squalene in amaranth oil? What should you pay attention to when choosing it?

First of all, it should be noted that pure 100% amaranth oil is used mainly for the production of medical preparations based on it for burn centers, rehabilitation centers for cancer patients, pharmacies and some other medical institutions.

Internal use of pure amaranth oil is not recommended due to its very high biological activity, which is regulated by Methodological Recommendations MP2.31.1915-04 “Recommended levels of consumption of food and biologically active substances”, developed within the framework of state sanitary and epidemiological regulation of the Russian Federation.

Edible amaranth oil is made by blending pure amaranth oil with corn oil in a certain proportion (due to their similar fatty acid composition).

The dose of blended amaranth oil is determined by the manufacturer in accordance with clinical trials.

But let's return to the concentration of squalene in amaranth oil. The AMAFOR company conducted a number of experiments to obtain amaranth oil with different percentages of squalene - 250, 300, 350, 400, 500, 1000 and 1250 mg%. Clinical trials were conducted with different types of oils and different concentrations of squalene. At the same time, one important circumstance was revealed - the higher the squalene content, the more effectively the oil works, the stronger its effect on the body. For example, in the treatment of skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis), the maximum therapeutic effect was achieved with combined treatment, i.e. At the same time, the oil was applied to the affected areas of the skin and taken orally in courses of 2-3 weeks.

For external use in such cases, unblended amaranth oil is used (i.e., having the maximum percentage of squalene). At the same time, blended amaranth oil with a small content of squalene (Amafor-250 with a squalene content of 250 mg%) is taken orally.

For the prevention of oncology, as well as during rehabilitation in the postoperative period, when you want to achieve a therapeutic effect, the best result is achieved by taking amaranth oil with a high content of squalene (Amafor-1000 with a squalene content of 1000 mg%, Amafor-1250 with a high content of squalene 1250 mg%).

4. Many drug manufacturing companies present squalene as almost a panacea. But what exactly does it do in the body?

Squalene is an intermediate product of cholesterol metabolism. And a number of studies confirm the positive effect of squalene on the normalization of cholesterol metabolism and restoration of the normal biochemical composition of the blood. It captures oxygen and saturates tissues with it, thereby preventing the destructive effects of free radicals on cells. Those. has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

As foreign studies have shown, squalene is an integral part of human subcutaneous fat. Its content in the blood of an adult healthy person increases sharply in the presence of skin damage, which indirectly confirms its immunostimulating role.

Relatively recently, the University of Kansas Medical Center published the results of an interesting study. A group of mice was divided into three parts: the first, control, received regular food, the other two received squalene along with food in an amount of 2% of the total volume, one for 14 days, the other for 30 days. The mice were then irradiated with a lethal dose of gamma radiation (6-8 Gy of Cesium-137). Thirty days later, the mortality rate in the control group was 100%, and in the third group (2% squalene in food for a month) - zero percent! In other words, mice fed squalene survived a lethal dose of radiation!

Based on other foreign studies, amaranth oil is now successfully used in radiotherapy. If you lubricate the area of ​​skin under which the tumor is located with amaranth oil, the radiation dose can be significantly increased, without the risk of getting a radiation burn. Eating amaranth oil before and after radiotherapy or chemotherapy significantly speeds up the recovery of patients’ bodies.

5. Natural amaranth oil from the Medmaster company.

In 2011, together with the AMAFOR company, Medmaster released a new product - >Natural amaranth oil - pure 100% amaranth oil for external use. In terms of squalene content - 12.5% ​​- this is the strongest amaranth oil on the Russian market today.

This product is a concentrate of 100% amaranth oil with a very high squalene content. A similar concentration of the active substance (up to 12.5% ​​by volume) is achieved using a unique method of supercritical CO2 extraction in oil production. The amaranth obtained in this way is significantly superior in its quality characteristics to similar products on the Russian market.

The high biological activity of this oil, as well as the optimal concentration of squalene in this product, allow it to be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases.

In addition, amaranth oil with a high content of squalene has pronounced wound-healing properties and can be used in the treatment of burns, ulcers and other skin damage.

It is also possible to use amaranth oil in radiotherapy. If you lubricate the irradiated area of ​​skin with amaranth oil, the radiation dose can be significantly increased without the risk of getting a radiation burn.

Methods of using amaranth oil of this type are indicated in the accompanying documents for each bottle (insert leaflet).

Natural amaranth oil is bottled in dark glass pharmacy bottles. The packaging contains a security hologram and a barcode of the supplier company.

The Medmaster company expresses gratitude to the management of AMAFOR for the provided materials of scientific work and clinical trials.

You can obtain additional information on amaranth oil on the website of the AMAFOR company.