How to distinguish mink from fake and from other fur. How to distinguish a good mink coat from a fake (rabbit, marmot, beaver) How to distinguish mink from other fur

- this is cool, and you should definitely choose one that will stand out from all the other fur coats on the street. And although the vast majority will not be able to distinguish a mink from a rabbit even close up, the owner of such wealth needs to know that she is wearing 1000 euros, not 100. Sellers at the market take advantage of this ignorance and the desire to look like a million in a minibus. There, without blinking, they will slip you a fur coat made from a shorn rabbit, which in fact differs from mink only in price. But if you really want to tell all your girlfriends that you are wearing a mink, then you need to know tips on how to distinguish it from a rabbit.

How to distinguish mink fur from rabbit fur

There are several basic rules, following which you will definitely not buy a rabbit for the price of a mink.

  • Coloring

Since in nature rabbits do not have the same color as mink, the fur is always dyed. This can be seen on the reverse side of the fur coat. If you are not buying a market samopal, the lining will not be sewn on so that the buyer can distinguish mink from rabbit or any other fur. A rabbit will always be painted, while a mink will never have traces of paint (which is unnecessary) and will be grayish or white on the wrong side. Also, white hairs remain on the mink on the underside, which the rabbit does not have.

  • Piece size

The mink is small in size, slightly larger than a squirrel. While rabbits are not only valuable fur, but also 3-4 kilograms of dietary, easily digestible meat© In other words, the size of a rabbit is immediately visible upon careful examination of the fur coat.

Some market traders sew a fur coat from a rabbit without even bothering to cut the fur into pieces. If your sheepskin coat is made from large single pieces, and the seller assures that it is “real Siberian mink,” ask him to show a mink of that size. Although there are also cunning sellers who sell exclusively sewn fur coats in pieces, and the pieces are cut in the shape of mink backs. In this case, you can check and distinguish a mink from a rabbit only by the underside color of the fur; it should not be dyed.

How to distinguish a sheared mink from a rabbit

Mink fur is good for everyone, except for one flaw - its undercoat, or awn, is very brittle. If a mink coat falls off, it means it is of low quality, so the fur is cut or plucked. This is where the term “shorn” or “plucked” mink comes from.

This cannot be done with rabbit fur; its fur is very soft and does not have a sharp undercoat. Run your hand over the product against the growth of the villi: if you feel a tingling sensation from the sheared hair, this is 100% mink.

How to distinguish a mink from a rabbit - video for buyers

To go with a mink coat, you should definitely buy shoes for the winter.

And it costs a lot of money, so the purchase must be treated with special care. After all, a thing will last more than ten years, and it’s a shame when a fake is purchased at a high cost. To avoid this, let’s figure out how to choose natural fur.

Where to buy a mink coat?

Perhaps the main question. It is better to purchase the product in specialized stores. There you will receive a warranty card, care instructions and a quality certificate.

If the purchase is made via the Internet, the situation is much more complicated, because the fur coat cannot be touched, examined and, most importantly, tried on. It remains to rely on the integrity of the chosen seller.

Where are you less likely to buy a fake?

Of course, even in a store you can buy low-quality goods, but still less likely than at a market counter. It's worth buying a mink coat:

  1. In large chain stores. The seller will value his reputation and will not allow the sale of counterfeits.
  2. In factory stores. The manufacturer will not neglect the trust of customers; moreover, the products will have reasonable prices.
  3. Outside the country. Fur products purchased in Europe, China and Latin American countries are famous for their high quality.

The seller will provide a guarantee and So, we have decided on the place of purchase. Let's start discussing the main question: how to distinguish a fake mink coat?

The first sign of a fake

Low cost. High-quality fur will not be cheap. An exception may be low-paid physical work, but this is unlikely. But for bad quality and tailoring of the product may be discounted. Therefore, if you do not want to freeze in severe frosts and shed tears while watching your fur coat come apart at the seams, you will have to shell out a considerable amount of money to purchase a quality product. And yet, how to distinguish a fake mink coat?

The mink will shimmer and shine. If this effect does not exist, and the fibers still stick together, it means that the production technology was not followed. We figure out how to distinguish mink coat from counterfeiting, but first let’s consider possible defects:

  • If a fur coat is unevenly colored, has scuffs and faded spots, this indicates that it was made from old, unsuitable material.
  • The presence of red spots that cannot be gotten rid of (present on fur coats due to the fact that minks are kept in iron cages).
  • Uneven fibers. The picture looks like a sloppy haircut.
  • If the fur feels like parchment to the touch, it means the fur is dry and will soon crack and fall apart.

If at least one of these defects is detected, you should not buy the product. Before we get down to the question of how to distinguish a real mink coat from a fake, let's talk about ways to check fur for quality.

How to do this and is it worth it?

Of course, yes, even if you do not find any visible defects, this does not mean that they are absent. Unscrupulous manufacturers use any methods to hide defects by dyeing faded spots or covering the hairs with a special varnish to add shine and shine.

So, on to the tips:

  • Use your hand to lift the hairs against their growth. The villi should return to their original position without creases or depressions. And there will be no hairs or fluff left on your palms.
  • Part the fur. A quality product has a light core. A dark base means the fur has been dyed or the skins have not been stored properly.
  • No joints should be visible. Determine the quality of seams that need to be made with strong threads, it is possible in the area of ​​the shoulder line and the collar area of ​​the product, pulling the joints to the sides.
  • Pierce the inside of the product with a needle and pull the hole; if it does not enlarge, the fur is of high quality.
  • The undercoat should be soft to the touch, not scratchy and thick.
  • Go over the fur with a damp piece of cloth. Remaining traces of paint indicate that the product is of poor quality.
  • Uneven pile indicates that the fur has been trimmed.
  • Smell the fur coat; there should be no animal odor or chemical impurities; an unobtrusive scent of the cleaning composition is acceptable.

To begin with, we note that mink coats are sewn from pieces no more than fifteen centimeters in length. They will be light. The fur is silky and soft and will not shimmer blue in the sun. So, let's figure out how to distinguish a natural mink coat from a fake.

Often the seller passes off a rabbit or marmot as a natural mink. An untrained buyer will not be able to discern the difference, because the pile has similar characteristics, soft and fluffy. And at the same time, mink fur is thicker, while that of a rabbit is sparse, has almost no down, and if you squeeze it between your fingers, it becomes intangible.

Difference between mink and marmot

How to distinguish a mink coat from a fake? The products have similar appearance, but a different texture to the touch. The marmot has hairs of varying lengths; this is easily visible when stroking the fur against the growth of the fur. The marmot's pile will not return to its original position and will become shaggy. The difference is easy to notice: a colored marmot is characterized by a blue or purple tint.

How to distinguish an honorik from a mink?

The first was obtained by crossing a ferret and a mink, larger in size than the parents, similar to a sable. The first thing that distinguishes them is color. The honorik's fur color is dark and the fluff is much lighter, while the mink, as we already know, has the same fur color. And don’t forget about the size of the sewn pieces; for mink it is much smaller. This is if the product is not sewn from small shreds. Let's look at the photo to see how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake.

Something else to watch out for faux fur, which looks natural. And in this case, how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake? Everything is very simple here, fake fur is sewn onto a fabric base. Just look at inner side products. How can you determine the quality of mink lining?

It deserves no less attention when purchasing than the fur itself:

  1. The lining must be of high strength and quality. As a rule, natural silk is used.
  2. Is a “second skin” outerwear, when moving, the fur does not bristle.
  3. At the bottom, the lining is not sewn to the fur coat itself, which gives access to the underside of the skins. Natural fur is white, and a yellowish tint indicates that the fur is old.
  4. The seams are made smoothly and with high quality, well processed and durable.
  5. And along the edge there is a finishing in the form of a cord.

So, we have found out what you should pay attention to when buying a mink coat, and now we will look in more detail at tips to avoid buying a fake.

Let's sum it up

How to distinguish a fake from an original mink coat:

  1. The first thing to start with is to feel the product. Remember that the fur should be dry and uniform, pleasant and soft to the touch, you will no longer want to let it out of your hands.
  2. Pull the hairs. They must sit tight.
  3. Mink fur always shines; if it is not dyed, there are white fibers.
  4. The guard hairs should be even and equal in length.
  5. The mink has an underfur.
  6. High-quality fur does not make any sounds when moving.
  7. Pay attention to the tailoring. The fur coat must be sewn with line seams, which are checked from the back of the product. Make sure there are no traces of glue.
  8. The flesh should be thin and elastic.
  9. A product made from natural mink is light, but not quite.
  10. The lining on the bottom is never sewn to the fur coat.

And also look at the labeling, which indicates full information about the manufacturer and operating instructions. So, we figured out how to distinguish a fake mink coat. These simple recommendations will help you choose a quality product.

Nowadays, finding high-quality mink skin is very problematic, not to mention the product itself from the cute animal. Unscrupulous manufacturers of mink products offer their cheap analogues. It’s so easy to confuse the fur of a marmot or beaver, after a little processing, with the fur of everyone’s favorite predator. But, as the famous proverb says: “Forewarned is forearmed!” Which we will discuss below.

How to distinguish mink from fake

Experts say that it won’t be difficult to distinguish a first-class mink from, say, a third-class mink, because you won’t want to let go of high-quality natural fur. But, all the same, it is better to know about some nuances, thanks to which you yourself can become an expert in choosing this product:

  • Run your fingers through the mink fur

When carried out, as they say, “with the grain and against the grain,” you should feel soft and silky. If you can feel two layers of fur that are different from each other (guard hairs and undercoat) and each hair is approximately the same length, then the quality speaks for itself and is rated 5 points.

The pile does not recover on its own after being attacked, which means that the storage conditions have been violated. This may be a consequence of being folded for a long time.

  • Check the direction of the pile

When held up to the light, the fur should shimmer and shine. Also, the direction should be in one direction and uniform. You can also blow on the mink, thereby checking whether the hairs stick together or not. In the original fur, the fibers should not stick together, but in the analogue, yes.

  • Look at the color of the fur product.

The color of the mink should not be too deep black. Manufacturers, trying to disguise fur as mink, dye it in different shades. This is checked with a white or light rag; if after rubbing the skin the material remains clean, then no dyes were used.

  • Feel the flesh

The bottom layer of mink skin is always soft, one might even say velvety, but not thin. Natural color The flesh is cream or white, without traces of paint.

Thus, tactile sensations are a guarantor in determining the authenticity of a mink. By following the advice written above, you can independently expose the fake to clean water.

How to distinguish Chinese mink

It is known that the cost of Chinese mink coats is much less than European ones. Although China has learned to produce high-quality products from the mink industry, there are still a huge number of fakes. But there are also plenty of fakes among them.

In materials from the cheaper segment, the mink is tinted or tinted to be sold as black. Below are some aspects by which Chinese mink is identified:

  • A tall and pronounced awn, which seems to lie on the undercoat and seems prickly. Shade of dark brown color.
  • Glass shine always gives away Chinese mink, not even shine, but a matte tint. Usually the fur shimmers with a diamond or beautiful metallic light.
  • Dense undercoat with long guard. In fact, this shouldn’t happen, so in China they dye it, trying to pass it off as black mink; accordingly, the flesh is also dyed. But the flesh of a natural black mink cannot be dyed.

These signs make it clear that the animal was raised in the Republic of China. It is known that it differs from the Chinese in the thickness and longness of the pile, while the U has a short but thick pile. A huge percentage of mink products are black skins with a defect called “unproduced awn,” which to amateurs may resemble North American mink skins.

Video: Fur coats: how not to buy a fake that you’ve been saving for for so long

How to distinguish mink from other fur

In order to warm not only the body, but also the soul in the winter cold, you should know the difference between expensive and cheap fur. This can be done easily if you remember the following signs:

  1. Mink can be distinguished from other colored fur by the stiffness of the hair. Mink fur is tough, but not itchy. The service of the product directly depends on this.
  2. The direction of the mink pile is one directional. When carried out, they should return to their original position.
  3. The shine of a fur product is of great importance. Mink fur has a uniform, dim sheen, and the presence of white stripes on undyed material is also allowed.
  4. The quality of the seams on a mink product must be impeccable, the stitches are thin and even, without the presence of glue. Glued fur is of lower quality than sewn fur. Each skin must have a stamp on it - this is the main difference between a certified product.
  5. The smell of mink cannot be sharp and unpleasant.

Today they have gained popularity in fashion trends mink coats. They received their status due to their solidity and investment nature. Unlike down jackets and fur coats of other animals, mink coats are durable.

How to recognize good mink fur

Initially, it is worth finding out the gender of the mink animal, as this is reflected in the texture of the fur. Fur made from the skins of a female is considered to be of the best quality; the products are soft and light. In males, the fur is tougher and denser, so the skins are heavy and are cut more often.

How to distinguish sheared mink from other fur

Initially, what you need to pay attention to when choosing a mink is the weight of the product. Mink is much lighter than any other fur. Very often, manufacturers camouflage themselves with the fur of a rabbit, beaver, ferret or marmot. Therefore, it is so important to know their main differences in order to avoid counterfeiting.

  1. The marmot is often passed off as a mink. But it is distinguished by its prickly fur and hairs, which different lengths. The marmot's spine is elastic, but plastic, so it does not return to its original shape. When used, the fur turns blue.
  2. Rabbit fur is softer than mink and has a non-uniform color. When you pinch the undercoat, lint remains.
  3. The ferret has a high awn and sparse undercoat. Also, the color of the ferret's fur is peculiar (light below and dark above).
  4. The beaver has tough fur and thick flesh.

When choosing mink fur, you should not rush; now you know simple methods; you should use all your senses to find the right model. After all, in order to make a profitable purchase, you need to be attentive to the details.

Mink coats are widely considered a standard of beauty and grace, as well as an indicator of status. Today, manufacturers offer customers a large number of modern models of complex cut made from dyed, sheared fur, with decorative patterns and original details. Nowadays, mink coats have become not only very beautiful and elegant, but also affordable. The main thing is to choose the right product. But if everything is more or less clear with the style and length, then how to determine the quality of a mink coat?

Common Mink Fur Defects
Experts note several fairly common defects that are often found in products from unscrupulous manufacturers. These include:
  • uneven fur color, fading, abrasions - all this indicates that the fur coat is made from old fur;
  • the presence of rusty spots on the pile indicates that the animals were kept in iron cages; it is physically impossible to remove such stains from fur;
  • stuck together fur that lacks shine indicates that the manufacturing technology of the product was violated;
  • an uneven surface of the fur, outwardly similar to the consequences of an improper haircut, indicates that the fur has been damaged by the animal’s teeth; it is also impossible to correct such a defect;
  • if the fur coat feels like parchment paper, it means the skin is too dry; such a fur coat will quickly crack and fall apart.
If you encounter one of these defects, you should not purchase it.

Professional tips for buying a mink coat
A high-quality mink coat not only looks good, but is also not afraid of moisture, and also has an excellent ability to retain heat. Yes, and properly processed fur can be worn for a long time - up to eight seasons. But when purchasing such an expensive item (mink coats, of course, have become more accessible, but are still quite expensive), it is important to comply with several conditions:

  1. It is better to buy a mink coat in a store, but the most correct option- manufacturer's branded boutique. Unlike markets, in stores you not only have the opportunity to try on a product under normal conditions and examine yourself in the mirror from all sides, but also receive a certificate for the fur coat, a manufacturer’s warranty and a receipt. These documents will be useful if you decide to return the fur coat after discovering hidden defects or sue the seller. By the way, if the product is truly branded, you will be provided with both a certificate and a warranty card without any questions asked.
  2. It is worth choosing the manufacturer carefully. Mink coats good quality As a rule, they are produced by European manufacturers and you need to buy them in large chain fur stores. But you will have to pay more for such a product. And the purchase of domestically produced mink coats should be made only in the manufacturer’s company store. This is the only way to avoid fakes.
  3. You should not pay too much attention to branded labels, because according to statistics, most fakes on the fur market are sold with tags from the world leaders in the production of fur products.
  4. And, of course, you definitely need to pay attention to the price: a fur coat made from whole skins cannot be cheap, but a product made from pieces should differ significantly both in price (such a fur coat is cheaper) and in weight (it is much heavier).
How to determine the quality of fur?
When buying a mink fur coat, you must take a good look at the product, try it on, touch the fur, evaluate the lining, and only then make a decision. Correct and careful inspection will determine the quality of the mink coat. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the following points:
  • Properly processed mink fur should be smooth, silky and soft with a thick undercoat, which provides the main protection from the cold.
  • If the color of the item is black or simply too dark, there is a chance that the fur is old. In this case, you need to look at the fur: in good fur it is very soft and has a light color with a slight sheen.
  • High-quality mink fur should shimmer in the light.
  • Check the fur coat for crunch: to do this, you need to crush the fur in your hands; if the fur makes a slight characteristic sound, it means that it is overdried, and you should not buy such a product. Such a fur coat will very quickly begin to tear and literally fall apart at the seams.
  • Run a damp hand over the fur and carefully inspect it: if not a single hair has fallen out, good. In addition, the correct fur fabric does not break when folding the product, and the outer fur does not stick out.
  • The smell of fur is of great importance: it should not smell like an animal, chemical or musty.
  • The quality of dyeing can be checked using a damp cloth. After you run it over the surface of the fur, there should be no paint streaks left on the scarf.
  • Particular attention should be paid to products made from blue and white mink. Proper storage and compliance with temperature conditions in the warehouse is of great importance for them. Otherwise, such a fur coat will turn yellow very quickly.
  • To check the quality of the fur coat, you can stick a regular needle into the product under the collar and lightly pull the fur coat different sides. Ideally, the needle should sit tightly in the fur coat and not move, and the fur coat should stretch evenly, but slightly. But other options are also possible, for example, the appearance of tears and cracks.
  • You can determine the quality of a mink coat by its lining: the lining of the coat should be made of expensive fabric and not sewn along the hem. This is the only way to examine the reverse side of the fur and evaluate the quality of processing of the fur, which must have the same thickness and light color. If the lining is tightly sewn, it means that the manufacturer is hiding fur defects or you are dealing with a fake, and there is no need to buy such a product.
  • Slightly rough, soft flesh is an indicator of proper fur processing. In addition, you must definitely pay attention to the seams on back side fur - the stitching should be neat and almost invisible at a distance of five centimeters. As for the pieces of fur from which the fur coat is sewn, it is better if they are approximately the same size (unless we are talking about a product made from pieces or tails).
  • The best option for lining a mink coat is silk. The fabric should be expensive, without defects, the seams should be even, and a decorative cord should be passed along the edge.
By putting these into practice simple tips, you can buy a high-quality and elegant mink coat that will delight you for more than one season.

Mink coats rank first in popularity among Russian women. This fur is beautiful, durable, and has good thermal characteristics. But the cost of such a fur coat is not always affordable for women. Many people save for it for several years, purchasing it for more than one year. But some cunning sellers have learned to pass off fake mink as mink. It is very disappointing to purchase the fur coat of your dreams, which turns out to be not made from mink at all, but, for example, from a ferret or marmot. How to distinguish high quality from counterfeit goods and make a purchase that will last for many years?

Basic rules for purchasing high quality fur products

When planning to purchase a fur coat made of natural fur, you should go to a store that has proven itself well and provides the appropriate certificates and guarantees. In pursuit of savings, you should not look for options in the market. You can find fakes there most often, but then it will be difficult to find the ends.

Now we’ll tell you how to distinguish a high-quality mink coat.

  • Mink fur is elastic. Run your hand along the pile in the opposite direction. It should return to its original position. Despite its elasticity and rigidity, the fur does not prick.
  • Smooth undercoat, awns of the same length. To disguise a fake, sellers often cut the guard hair so that the length is the same. But in this case, the fur will prick.
  • When pinching, there should be no hair left on the hand.
  • Mink skin has a shine. Single white hairs are sometimes visible on undyed pile.
  • Run a white cloth over the fur. There should be no traces of paint left on it.
  • The height of the pile on the entire product should be the same. There should be no bald spots, bald spots, or bumps.
  • Good manufacturers do not hem the lining, giving the opportunity to inspect the quality of the flesh. It should be light or creamy, elastic.
  • When shaking, the fur coat should not rattle.
  • Check for stamps on each skin. She confirms that this is mink and indicates the size of the piece (at least 15*15 cm).
  • Look carefully at the seams. They should be thin, rolled out and even. Skin is sometimes sewn between fragments of skins. The fewer such areas, the more expensive the product. If you notice the glue, it is better to refuse the purchase. The technology in which the skins are glued together rather than stitched will not allow the product to last a long time.

Country of origin

Depending on the country in which they are produced, mink coats have several types. Canadian and Scandinavian minks are considered one of the most expensive. They are distinguished by abundant fluff and very thick pile. medium length. The Ukrainian mink is slightly inferior to them. Its underfur is not so thick, and its awn is longer.

Greek fur coats are very popular among Russian women. There is also an opinion that the cost of fur coats is lower in Greece. Some even go on special tours to buy furs. But in any country there are both high-level and less conscientious manufacturers. A high-quality mink fur product will not be cheap. Therefore, it is better not to take risks by making expensive purchases in resort areas.

Russian and Chinese mink coats are much cheaper. Currently, some Chinese manufacturers have also learned to make good quality fur products. But there are also plenty of fakes among them. Therefore, it would be a shame to buy a Chinese fur coat at the price of a Canadian or Greek one. Here are a few signs by which you can distinguish a Chinese fur coat from a European one:

  • Ost. Pronounced and very high. Outwardly it seems prickly. It's like she's lying on the pillow. But sometimes the spine does not differ in height. In this case, the skin can be passed off as Scandinavian.
  • Shine. Chinese skins do not have a smooth sheen; they seem to shine in areas. They can be recognized by their characteristic glassy sheen. If you compare Chinese and Scandinavian fur coats, even a non-specialist will immediately notice the difference. Scandinavian furs are distinguished by a beautiful diamond shine that seems to shimmer in the sun.
  • Undercoat. Depends on the length of the spine. With a long guard, the undercoat is not dense. Sometimes a mink with short hair and long black fur is passed off as a black mink. But natural black mink has a light inner core, which after dyeing takes on a dark or gray tint.

Based on these indicators, you can understand where the animal was raised. The place where the fur coat was produced is determined by the sewing technology. In most cases, Greek and Italian fur coats are made from Finnish and Scandinavian skins. Russian mink differs from Chinese mink in having thick and long pile, while Scandinavian mink has thick but short pile.

Sometimes the Chinese use Greek furs for tailoring. In this case, quality should be determined by sewing technology.

Mink fakes

The first sign you need to pay attention to is weight. A mink coat is much lighter than any other fur. Often, the manufacturer skillfully disguises a rabbit, marmot, beaver or ferret under an expensive skin. Therefore, you need to know how to distinguish a real mink coat from a fake.

  • Rabbit. Unlike mink, rabbit fur is very soft and has a non-uniform shade. The mink skin shines evenly. Rabbits have different hair colors. The rabbit's undercoat leaves hair in the hand when pinched.
  • Marmot. The groundhog is often passed off as a mink. Their difference is that the marmot has prickly fur and hairs of different lengths. Marmot hair is also elastic, but does not have plasticity and can become shaggy when stroked. Mink fur, unlike marmot fur, does not give off a bluish tint in the sun.
  • Beaver. Beaver and marmot fur can be confused with each other in terms of their stiffness. But both of them are much tougher than mink. Beaver skins are larger in size than mink. The beaver's flesh is twice as thick as mink.
  • Ferret. The ferret, compared to the mink, has a higher spine and sparse underfur. It has a peculiar color: the underfur is light, and the awn is dark at the ends. On the sides, light areas are visible, and on the back, a dark-colored spine completely covers the underfur. By the way, ferret skins are valued not much less than mink. They are less wearable, but warmer. Products are not sewn from ferret skins “unraveled”, because the seams will be visible through the fur due to the sparse fluff. Therefore, models made from this fur are mostly straight cut.
  • Honorik. This animal is the result of crossing a mink and a ferret. It is quite difficult to distinguish this fur from real mink. It is distinguished by its black color, shine and thick brown undercoat.

When you go shopping for a fur coat, you shouldn’t rush into making a choice. To find a suitable model, you may have to visit more than one specialized store and try on several options. There is no need to be shy about being meticulous in your questions and doubts. Do not refuse consultations from sellers. Try to be attentive to detail. Vigilance will help you make a profitable purchase that you won’t regret.