How to get rid of toothache with a spell. Great protective book of health

A spell for toothache is a magical text that has long been repeated by ancestors and can cure illness. The power of the words is given by the energy of the speaker or the Higher powers to which the witch or sorcerer addresses. Anyone can cast a spell and get a healing effect, the main thing is to believe in your own strength.

Through magical texts, people have long been treating diseases and removing symptoms: itching, burning. Conspiracies will eliminate discomfort, remove the cause of unpleasant sensations in the tooth, and prevent further development of the disease and the appearance of gumboil. It is possible to relieve discomfort with the help of a spell. Doubts, fears, and an incorrectly presented picture lead to a deterioration in well-being.

It is permissible to cast a spell when the unpleasant sensation becomes unbearable and the process of decomposition and inflammation of the gums has begun. It is important to pronounce words alone, in complete silence. Talking about the magical ritual is prohibited. After you have cast the spell, forget about the ritual and go about your daily activities. Serious dental problems will require a series of rituals. The lunar phase, day of the week, time of day, if there are no specifications in the ritual, do not play a role.

Review of the strongest conspiracies for tooth pain

The effect of rituals for tooth pain is achieved through the personal powers of the practitioner, or the energy of the elements, demons, and gods. The effectiveness of the conspiracy depends on acquired skills, magical potential, and the ability to correctly communicate with Higher powers. When choosing a spell, listen to your intuition. If you have never had to perform magical rituals before, stop at spontaneous, neutral rituals. Summoning pagan gods and otherworldly entities will only work with established contact and requires additional offerings. This can cause more harm to a beginner, because the risk of error is high. It is allowed to read conspiracies if a child, parents, or loved one is sick. The tooth can be a baby tooth, a molar tooth, or a wisdom tooth.

To the moon

A folk plot for dental treatment can be read at any time. lunar phase. However, during the period of decline, the effect will be stronger, because the person wants to get rid of something (pain, poor health). Words are spoken at dusk, after sunset. Place boiled water in a deep glass bowl. Look at the sky, the moon that has appeared, lean as close to the liquid as possible and whisper the words of the spell 7 times:

“On an island called Buyan, across the sea, across the ocean, 33 dead people rest in a grave. The teeth of the dead do not rot, crumble, or deteriorate. They don’t feel pain, they don’t suffer. So my (name) teeth will become intact, healthy, the pain will go away forever. Key, tongue, lock!

Then rinse your mouth with water. Keep the liquid near the damaged area. You can pour the rest outside.

“The old outgoing month approached the young, new one and asked: “Take (name)’s sick tooth, and give him a new healthy one!” My word is stone!

Mentally express your gratitude to the Higher Powers for their help in the conspiracy, return to the house, and do normal things. The reaction will appear after 10-20 minutes.

On the water

Before casting a spell for tooth pain, pour water into a glass glass. It is recommended to take it from a well, but bottled is acceptable. Bring the vessel close to your mouth and whisper 3 times:

“Four sisters and brothers: Macarius, Zakhary, Marya and Daria, sister Ulyana, will make sure that (name)’s cheeks don’t get swollen and her teeth don’t feel pain. Do not interrupt the word, do not do it. I close it with the key and throw it into the water. Be that way!”

Drink all the water slowly. There is no need to perform additional rituals. If the toothache is very severe, acute, use a spontaneous ritual with melted water. Water from a source will do. Pour the liquid into a glass glass. You can use crystal for greater effect. Whisper a magic spell into the water:

“Water-sister, have pity, have mercy, bestow mercy. It burns, it causes suffering, it tears from the inside, painful pain, searing pain. Sister-voditsa, I trust in kindness, help me heal! As I said, it will be so - the pain will go away forever. So be it!”

Drink the contents of the glass to the bottom. Mentally thank water element for your help. You can read the spell on water for toothache several times a day, if the symptoms reappear or intensify.


Find an aspen tree, break off a sliver and say the words of a spell on it to strengthen, heal, and relieve discomfort:

“On the seas, oceans, on the island called Buyan, 3 strong trees grew. The first is Petrius, the other is Cunning, and the 3rd is called Cypress. A bunny lies on its side under the trees. Let the pain in the tooth go to the hare. Be that way!”

Throw away the wood chips used in the spell in nature. The waxing and waning of the moon does not matter. The spoken words must remain a secret, so look around before the ceremony. An effective remedy for teething in infants.

On a piece of any tree there is a spell that makes the jaw beautiful:

“The teeth are intact, healthy, (name) will not recognize pain, from this moment until death. The mouth is the lock, the key is the tongue. Be that way!”

Place the sliver on the damaged area. Hold for 3-5 minutes, spit.

If you experience severe discomfort, find a nettle bush. Wrap your palm in a cloth, tilt the twig towards the earth and say the magic spell:

“Holy tree, nettle, mother. Worms are swarming in (name’s) teeth, tormenting them with pain, tormenting them with whining! Get them out. If you drive me away, after 3 days I will set you free!”

Press down and tie a sprig of nettle to the strawberry. Go away. After 3 days, be sure to fulfill your promise.

Witches and sorcerers use whispers for pain without any ritual part. The effect of words is weaker, but they will immediately help relieve the unpleasant sensation. Stay alone and say a spell:

“I send an angry, savage pain that stings, cuts, and burns the tooth with fire. Every moment she leaves, runs further and further. He forgets the way back. My nerves die, nothing torments me (name)! Amen!"

During the waning month, a complex ritual is performed to treat painful sensations in the teeth. Be sure to buy a watch, preferably a sand watch, a candle, a natural thread white. Place the dial in front of you, with a burning candle closer. Light only with matches. Squeeze the thread in your palms. When the wax is half melted, roll it into a ball and wrap it with white thread. Place the ball on the outside of your cheek near the damaged area and read the spell 42 times in 1 breath:

“I’ll tie it with a snow-white thread, I’ll lock the toothache in wax!”

Wrap a ball of wax with a thread in a piece of black fabric. Take it outside and bury it in the ground. Leave silently, don't look back.

What to do if the conspiracy did not help

A negative result in eliminating toothache may be due to an error in the text, doubts or fears. Magic - dangerous drug and can cause harm in the wrong hands. If you focus on unpleasant sensations, are afraid, imagine how the gumboil is growing and the crown is falling out, the effect will be negative. You need to think only in a positive way, casting aside doubts about treatment. You need to read the plot for toothache alone.

The reason for a failed ritual may be a loss of strength, closure of magical abilities, lost contact with Higher powers.

Blocking a conspiracy to treat dental pain is often provoked by damage, a curse, an insult to the gods, or unfulfilled obligations to the spirits. Make sure with the help of diagnostic castings, fortune telling on Tarot cards, and Elder Futhark runes that there is no negative magical effect. Then clean with salt, wax, fire.

A single spell rarely completely removes tooth disease or leads to a complete restoration of health. Often, beginners have enough strength to ease discomfort, slow down the process of decomposition, and inflammation. After calming the symptom, consult a doctor or dentist. For complete healing by magical means, serious rituals will be required. For example: a ritual in a cemetery with the transfer of unpleasant sensations to the deceased. It is impossible to practice complex magic without experience. Limit yourself to conspiracy, prayer and listen to the advice of traditional medicine. As a supplement, rinse your mouth with herbs, wormwood, thyme, and apply herbs to the sore tooth.

Dental problems often greatly ruin our lives, and medications do not always help. In this article you can read the most effective and powerful conspiracies for toothache. It is precisely in such cases that there is always a fallback option: traditional methods, proven over centuries and by previous generations.

Despite the fact that it is the 21st century, modern medicine is in some cases powerless against complex and strange diseases. read in the “Conspiracy” section

Every person who has experienced this unbearable and incomparable pain at least once in his life knows that there are no remedies that would immediately and 100% help get rid of pain. On the one hand, it is clear to anyone that if such a problem arises, you should immediately consult a doctor, because they know what and how to do. What if their methods don't help?

The only solution they see is tooth extraction. Will you agree with this? I think not. It is in such cases that people turn to less common methods for help. There are, for example, all sorts of herbs, decoctions that can help with diseases, or people who have psychic abilities. This article will talk about conspiracies for toothache.

I would like to start with the fact that no conspiracies, even the most effective and powerful ones, can completely replace the professional treatment provided by doctors. That is, even if you managed to get rid of toothache for a while, you still need to visit a doctor and undergo a course of treatment, i.e. harmful bacteria themselves cannot dissolve and leave your oral cavity alone, chipped parts of the tooth cannot be re-formed grow. That is, all these conspiracies are only part of the overall treatment, just a way to alleviate your situation.

Ritual actions are often added to the conspiracy, which again help to shift a person’s attention from pain to something else.

What are these conspiracies, and how do they work?

The basis of all conspiracies is self-hypnosis and strong concentration on a specific subject. In ancient times, these conspiracies were written in Old Church Slavonic or in Latin. Now they evoke at least respect and some kind of faith in their effectiveness, even among people who are extremely skeptical.

There is an opinion that such people can also use conspiracies, because when distracted by moderate muttering, that is, the pronunciation of the conspiracy itself, a person is unconsciously distracted from pain and can go into a state of self-hypnosis.

Another interesting factor is the scientific explanation for the effectiveness of conspiracies. All of them are based on a system of influencing the patient’s consciousness and are equated to meditation. There is one that will help you get rid of this disease forever.

How to decide on a good and effective plot?

Find for real strong conspiracy quite difficult, because there are a great many of them. However, if you know the structure of a real conspiracy, you can make the selection process easier for yourself. Now let's move on to a short diagram:

  • Beginning (prayer opening)
  • The main part (the spell itself, which carries all the meaning)
  • Closing (prayerful ending)

A real conspiracy must begin directly with an appeal to some supernatural forces, be they spirits or patrons. Based on the fact that conspiracies appeared a long time ago, it is customary to turn to the Sun, the spirits of nature, and the Moon. Although in reality this is not so important, because the main thing is the presence in the conspiracy of an appeal to something higher.

  • At the beginning of the conspiracy, it is customary to mention such a fact as a person’s transition to the other world through all sorts of obstacles, for example mountains, forests, intricate paths, etc.
  • In the main part, it is necessary to name the name of the person who will be under the influence of the conspiracy, because mentioning the name gives power over the person.
  • At the end, the strengthening of the entire prayer is always mentioned, comparing it with something strong.

Well, at the end there is a prayer ending, although sometimes it may be absent if the conspiracy is pre-Christian.

There are a huge number of conspiracies that differ not only in the types of pain that are neutralized, but also in the technique of pronunciation.

How to pronounce a spell (prayer) correctly?

Some conspiracies, for example, need to be read without any action. And there are also those in which accompaniment with ritual actions is simply mandatory. Often, conspiracies must be read exactly, at the same pace, word for word, otherwise there will be no effect. In some conspiracies, it would not be superfluous to repeat the entire text several times to enhance the effect.

The most powerful folk conspiracies for toothache

There is an opinion that the most effective conspiracy will be one that has been passed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation and has managed to demonstrate its effect. But there are exceptions that have been able to help more than one person and will probably help you too. As I mentioned earlier, there are also rituals, such as a toothache spell using water, a wooden stick, wax, etc. Although all these rituals do not carry medicinal properties, but, as people claim, they help abstract and concentrate.

If you don’t have some object on hand on which you can cast a spell, then you can simply say it. Now a list of the most effective conspiracies:

Plot 1: “On the window”

Zoryushka-lightning, you are a beautiful girl,

There is a stone in the sea, a hare in the field, and Lymar at the bottom.

Cover, lightning, my sore teeth with your veil from Lymar;

Behind the white veil they will survive. Lymar, back down;

If you start to gnaw my white teeth,

I will overthrow you, Herod, into the abyss of the underworld. This word is strong!

Plot 2: “On the tooth”

It is necessary to pronounce the text monotonously, 7 times, pressing the gum with the sore tooth with the index finger of your right hand:

As the red sun falls below the horizon and is no longer visible, as the bright-faced moon disappears in the sky, so the pain would go away after the sun, after the month, and would not return.

The text must be said 3 times, and very close to the water itself, so that its surface ripples slightly

Plot 3: “On the water”

Should be read on the water. First, pour water (either spring water, melted water, or simply defrosted) into an ordinary glass or crystal glass. The text must be said 3 times, and very close to the water itself, so that its surface ripples slightly:

Four sistersZachary and Macarius,Sisters Daria and Maria,

Yes, sister Ulyana,They said

So that the servant of God has a name

Cheeks are not swollenMy teeth didn't hurt

Now and forever,In these words, key and lock,

The key is in the water, the lock is in the mountain.

After the entire text has been repeated quietly 3 times, you need to empty the glass in small sips and wait for the effect.

Miraculous conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova

There is a belief that a healer from Siberia, Stepanova Natalya, knows very effective conspiracies for toothache, which she told the people. The advantages of her conspiracies are their ease of memorization and effectiveness, tested by many people. Most of her texts are actually pronounced like poetry, which is why they help people temporarily get rid of unbearable pain:

Moon in the sky, sun in the oak tree.

Freeze, worm, in your tooth.


All of her texts are based on biblical themes.

It seems quite simple, but, according to people’s reviews, it is effective.

Here is another example, this time more meaningful. It must be pronounced, looking

for the new month:

The month is young, you have a brother Filat,

His teeth don’t ache and his gums don’t hurt.

So that the servant of God also has a name

My teeth didn’t ache and my gums didn’t hurt.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


So why do these spells work?

From a psychological point of view, the effect of these conspiracies is explained by nothing more than banal self-hypnosis and the ability to concentrate attention. In other words, a person himself tries to control his brain, forcing it to react weaker to pain signals coming from nerve endings. This is exactly the principle used in yoga.

According to another opinion, the effect is produced by a combination of sounds, rhythm and vibrations of the vocal cords. I must say right away that this idea has not been scientifically confirmed.

As religious people say, the conspiracy involves calling spirits from a parallel world and contacting them. It is for this reason that this method of treatment is highly discouraged among them.

As a result, I would like to say that none of these theories has found scientific confirmation, but, nevertheless, there are constantly cases where these methods help people get rid of health problems. But before you visit a healer or local witch, think about it: maybe you should first get a consultation with a doctor?

Comments from site visitors

    I remember as a child, my grandmother often spoke to me and the pain went away for a while. And now, while reading the article, I saw Natalia Stepanova’s conspiracy and remembered my grandmother’s conspiracies. I still use the spell on my children))

    Thank you very much for this most interesting and incredible useful material. Teeth, sometimes. It hurts, both for me and for the kids, but for my husband most of all. And conspiracies help a lot, real ones help a lot effective remedy, proven over centuries and many generations. If you don’t believe it, just remember the antiquity of this method and everything should fall away by itself - all doubts and uncertainty. This actually works. And better than any pills, don’t poison yourself.

    Yes, this material can be useful, you just need to copy it onto paper - everything is easier to read and works better. I’ve never used dental spells, but in general I’ve used fortune telling and spells in my life and I can say, without lying at all, that it works and makes sense. Anfisa, you are absolutely right, pills only poison, you need to treat with the soul, with the light coming into it through the Universe.

    As a child, every summer I went to visit my grandparents in the village. My grandfather has been smoking a lot for a long time, so his teeth often hurt. But there is no dentist in the village and you can’t go to the city for treatment. So, when a tooth seized, he wailed like this: “The painful pain from the tooth goes away, the tooth doesn’t hurt, the pain goes away,” he laments like this for ten to fifteen minutes and smiles. That’s it, he says, the tooth obeyed me. Still, I think it’s like meditation.

    Here I agree one hundred percent with Elvira. In the same way, my grandmother told me about toothache when I was a child. I really believed in her because she treated lichens and all sorts of terrible ulcers and wounds. And she helped people a lot. Therefore, I recommend that those who have toothaches turn to those conspiracies that the author and Elvira and I recommend.

    Thanks for the information. I myself am terribly afraid of dentists; this toothache itself is also not very pleasant. Plus, the baby is teething, but I won’t rush it yet. The use of conspiracies, in my opinion, is a serious step. If you have the opportunity to influence the course of the matter yourself, then it is better to do so. The more you resort to conspiracies, the more likely it won’t last long. But it's still worth listening

    I usually turn on my favorite music and sing my favorite songs, or also read a prayer when my tooth hurts. In fact, I am very afraid of this pain. Because if you can still take a pill for your stomach, you can’t do anything about your teeth, especially if the case is advanced.
    Interesting article! Thanks to the author!

    I want to say about myself. When I was still a teenager, we sold the books “Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer,” but now they are difficult to find. So my mother bought herself two books, the first and second edition. Of course, I didn’t know this until a certain moment. One day my tooth hurt so bad that I couldn’t even sleep properly for two days, and I was afraid to go to the doctor. So my mother took one spell from the book and whispered it into the water, I rinsed my tooth with this water and drank the rest. I don’t know what worked then, but the tooth stopped hurting instantly. Since then, I believe in the power of words, and now Buddhist philosophy is close to my spirit.

    I'll tell you my story. A couple of months ago I was on a work trip when my wisdom tooth started to hurt. It was time to remove it a long time ago, but I kept putting it off. And my insurance, of course, did not cover dentistry. Then, in the hope of somehow helping me alleviate my pain, my wife found this conspiracy. Of course, I didn’t believe it, but it was better than doing nothing. And you know what? It worked!! The pain went away and a couple of days later, when I returned home, I immediately ran to the dentist. But I want to experience that feeling again. But now I know one of the medicines!

    I am very afraid of going to the dentist, so I always put off the visit until the last minute, when I can no longer endure it. And of course, I always suffer in the doctor’s office. So I decided to try using spells when my tooth ached again. So that at least you don’t have to suffer from pain. I read several described here, and the pain subsided! I don’t know, however, how long this effect will last, but it’s already very pleasing! I hope that the pain will not return soon.

    Toothache.. brrrrr This is the most disgusting thing! It’s not for nothing that annoying events are also called toothaches. I talk teeth to my own and other people's children. Helps. I read short ones. It especially helps the baby, they can’t really say anything, they just kick their legs. Now you press your finger on the future tooth and whisper. The baby calms down almost immediately. Children are calm - parents are happy.

    I rarely go to the dentist. I’m afraid of them to the point of toothache in the literal sense) That’s probably why I’m suffering. As soon as I eat ice cream, it hurts terribly. I'm saving myself from a conspiracy. When there is sharp pain, I speak using this: Moon in the sky, sun in the oak tree.
    And when it really hurts and for a long time, then a water spell helps me.

    I usually don’t use spells, I always thought that visiting a doctor was timely the best remedy. But it happened that we found ourselves in a remote place, 15 kilometers from the doctor. Naturally, where should I go? A local granny, like a herbalist, helped. She whispered something on the tooth and the pain subsided. It didn’t completely go away, but it gave me the strength to survive for two more days until I got to the doctor. I didn’t listen to what the herbalist whispered verbatim, I just heard the name Natalya Stepanova from her. Now I’ve found it myself, I’ll arm myself just in case.

    I don’t have a grandmother in the village or any acquaintances in the field of alternative medicine. I figure it all out on my own. I made myself a little book with spells that help me and that I like. I use them occasionally. I believe they help. I use two of those described in this article. On the water and with a window. Both are good and time-tested. In any business, the approach is important. Conspire with faith and an open heart and everything will work out. Good health to you!

    The basis of any conspiracy is self-hypnosis. Therefore, approach the utterance of absolutely any conspiracy with faith and everything will work out! Add to this a targeted effect, as in a plot with pressing a finger, or a distraction from the object of pain, in the end everything will definitely work out! Believe in your strength and the pain will go away.
    In fact, you can say any words of healing with faith! Thanks to the author for choosing readable lines.

    I am interested in the ancient tradition of witchcraft. I have read a lot of materials on this topic. I tried a lot on my own skin. In my hobbies, conspiracies have a special place, I believe in them undeniably. Toothache can become sudden and very intrusive. Pressing your finger and “magic” words in most cases do their job properly!

    I generally use spells. In particular, I knew about conspiracies against toothache, but I couldn’t use it. I don’t have it at hand, and when it grabs you, either there’s no Internet or they don’t come to mind or you climb on the wall) I liked the support presented here. Not difficult to remember and simple. I printed out the texts and will put them in a visible place. Now I won't forget that I have them!

    Good conspiracies. I tried it on a window on myself and on a tooth for my son. Actually, my acquaintance with conspiracies began with the birth of my son. And when the teeth come in, dear mother!!! I found a spell by heart and my son felt better. The first time I thought it might just be a coincidence. The repeated roar a day later and its silence after reading the plot made me believe that it works! And when the conspiracy helped me. The song is simple!

    I'm allergic to dentists, literally. I can’t have my teeth treated by doctors. The most I can do is get a professional examination. Thank God my teeth are intact and I don’t need any treatment. But still, sometimes pain occurs and usually at the most inopportune moment. Is it easier to press your finger to your gum and quietly whisper the necessary words? This is available even in a crowded place and it helps!

    Toothache is easy to attack. She has a bad habit of coming suddenly and at the wrong moment! Yesterday at work, it was necessary to give a presentation, I became terribly nervous and a nagging toothache did not take long to occur. There was absolutely no time to run to the doctor! I stand at the projector, show slides, and in between I whisper, Freeze, worm, in your tooth. I performed well without a microphone) In general, the pain went away before the presentation.

    It is difficult not to believe in such conspiracies if in childhood you were faced with a situation where a mother or grandmother began to talk about a bruised or wounded place, everyone was in pain, but the daughter was not in pain. And it really helped, the pain wasn’t that bad. And then it turns out that some kind of self-hypnosis and the pain recedes, even such strong and nasty pain as a toothache.

    The miraculous cure for toothache is easy to explain from a psychological point of view: we make a suggestion, and then switch the focus of attention to another object and everything works out, the pain goes away. BUT I still think that, despite the positive result, you shouldn’t forget about the doctor and going to him.

    Thanks for such a wonderful collection. I am allergic to painkillers and therefore have to treat my teeth without anesthesia. In such cases, there is only one salvation - such conspiracies. So this site is a godsend for me, what would I do without you?

Toothache is one of the most severe and unpleasant. To reduce it, in the old days, healers and healers made special conspiracies. Some of them have survived to this day.

When talking about dental conspiracies, you can do without a long introduction. It is enough to experience these unpleasant sensations from pain in your teeth or gums at least once, and you can believe in any miraculous powers, especially if you have to wait until the morning or the end of the working day before visiting the dentist.

When resorting to folk remedies, remember that the disease should not be neglected. Don't delay going to the hospital. And conspiracies against toothache will help both you and the doctor in his work, and then the pain will go away, the treatment will end in success and will also not be painful.

Natalia Stepanova's conspiracy for toothache

This conspiracy is well known: it is recommended to be used by the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova. It sounds simple enough to remember and pronounce confidently. Do this as clearly as possible, without doubting the power of the words spoken:

Moon in the sky, sun in the oak, freeze, worm in the tooth. Amen.

Of course, the worm here is only a metaphor. This image conveys both illness and pain at the same time. It's like you're putting a block on it. But it is important to understand that despite the pain subsiding, your tooth is not being treated at this time, it simply does not bother you. You should not use the spell instead of painkillers all the time. Take measures to have the diseased tooth examined by a specialist.

Strong dental spell for 40 repetitions

Before this conspiracy, you need to read “Our Father”. We have provided its text separately, and you can always.

After the prayer, read the spell for a bad tooth 40 times in a row:

The moon is in the sky, a worm in the earth, a fish in the water, and when the three come together, only then will my (your name or the name of the patient you are speaking) teeth hurt.

Quick conspiracy against toothache

Tap your cheek with your finger on the side where your painful tooth is located and say:

Strong as a stone, healthy and white, but illness is not my lot.

After this, try to drink a glass of clean water.

Folk remedies for toothache

If the pain is completely unbearable, spells can be strengthened with other folk remedies. For example, an unexpected remedy works against toothache - massage. Just not a tooth or gum, but a palm. The space between thumb and the index finger during massage reduces pain. Read about other secrets of self-massage and try this technique in action.

The power of nature can also help you. For example, oak is known for its strength and vitality. Rinse your mouth with a decoction of its bark, and the illness will recede.

Finally, the last thing. Sometimes toothache is caused as punishment for words spoken. Remember if you could have accidentally dropped an offensive word to someone, slandered the person, or gotten them into trouble with your words. If so, then perhaps this is why your teeth hurt. In this case, first, mentally and sincerely ask the person for forgiveness. And then say:

What is removed from the tongue is long gone, and you go away, dental disease.

We wish you a beautiful smile. Remember that in any situation there will be folk remedies that will help you. Smile more often and don't forget to press the buttons and

There is probably no person in the world who has not had a toothache at least once in their life. Everyone knows this piercing, debilitating pain when you can’t think about anything else but a bad tooth.

Yes, you can take a handful of painkillers and somehow make it to a visit to the dentist, but what if you can’t take the pills or you simply don’t have them at hand? Take advantage traditional methods, one of which is conspiracy.

There are a dozen rituals for toothache, since in past centuries this problem was extremely acute, because it was not possible to turn to a specialist, as well as the specialists themselves. It is from this problem that the legs of the phrase “don’t put your teeth on me” grow, what does “don’t distract me” mean? Do you want to distract yourself from the pain? Read the conspiracies!

Ritual with water for the moon

This spell is very strong, so it helps with equally severe pain. It is better to read it in the evening, facing the Moon and holding a vessel of water (not boiled) in your hands. Repeat the following words seven times without interruption:

“Guardian of heaven and traditions, Lord and Owner of the Ezens, Zayans and Tengris. Grant me permission to perform my ritual! Help me and make your direct intervention in my affairs! Fill my body with vital energy. Fill my mind with the healing light of consciousness. Fill my soul with your invisible presence. Be kind and generous to me, saving me from terrible pain. Now and forever and ever, take the pain from my teeth.”

Ritual with the door

Wash your hands and the door bracket with water alone, and then pour it over the threshold. Drawing crosses on the cheek behind which the bad tooth is located, read the following plot:

“Dawn-lightning, a beautiful maiden, a midnight owl, a hare in the field, a stone in the sea, a limar at the bottom. Cover, lightning, with your veil my sorrowful teeth from the damned limar; under your cover they will remain safe. Enemy Limar, leave me alone; and if you continue to gnaw my white teeth, I will hide you in the abyss of the underworld. My word is strong!”

Conspiracy for the new month

Read for the new month:

“A month, a month, silver horns, golden legs. Come down, month, from heaven and take away my toothache, taking it with you. My pain is neither small nor severe, but your strength is great. I cannot bear the pain, but your strength can bear it. Here is my tooth, here are two teeth, three - they are all yours, and with them the pain. One month, one month, hide your toothache from me.”

Try to observe the phase of the moon

Spell with nettles

“Mother Nettle, holy tree! I know a servant of God (name) who has worms on his teeth, which you remove; and if you don’t bring me out, I will dry you up; and if you bring me out, on the third day I will let you go.”

After reading it, go outside, find a nettle, bend it to the ground and tie it. After three days, untie it.

Ritual with radish

This spell against toothache is read on a radish, a pine or spruce branch, which is then placed on the cheek opposite the sore tooth.

“On the sea-ocean, on the quiet island of Buyan, there is a cathedral church, and in it the Most Holy Theotokos and the dental healer Antipius. They ask the saints of God for the servant of God (name): “As you, pleasing ones of God, don’t have teeth that hurt, let the servant of God (name) don’t hurt either.” In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This method is from an old village practice

A quick ritual without preparation

"Cain! Cain! Cain! Ask your dear brother Abel: do his white teeth hurt? No. So let God’s servant (name) not get sick. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen."

Second rite for the new month

At 24:00 on a clear cloudless night, seeing the new moon, say:

“Young fellow, you have a golden horn. For you to stand, and for me, God’s servant (name), to be healthy. -Have you been to the next world?

Have you seen the dead?

Do their teeth hurt?

They don't hurt.

God grant that I, God’s servant (name), don’t have toothache.”

Repeat the spell three times, after each time spitting three times, looking at the month.

Ritual with strawberries

Take three strawberry roots, put them in water and say three times:

“As these strawberries dry up and wither, so let the teeth of God’s servant (name) become silent and numb to this day and to this hour.”

You only need a little bit of rowan bark

Then place the charmed roots on the sore tooth and drink the water.

Rowan plot

Go to the rowan tree, gnaw its bark, saying:

“Rowan, rowan, heal my teeth, if you don’t, I’ll gnaw you all off.”

Repeat the spell three times, take a piece of paper with words pre-written on it and go to bed, putting the paper behind your cheek with a sore tooth. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, do nothing, first burn the paper.

Conspiracy with 40 repetitions

Read the “Our Father” prayer, and after it the conspiracy:

“A moon in the sky, a worm in the earth, a fish in the water. When these brothers come together, then the servant of God (name) will have a toothache. Amen, amen, amen"

Read 40 times.

We remind you that ice should be applied with caution. Since in some cases, for example, improperly growing wisdom teeth, it will only make things worse and increase inflammation.

The occurrence of toothache is a clear signal that it is time to make a visit to the dentist. However, it often happens that an immediate visit to the dental office for some reason is not possible. In this case, various prayers and conspiracies for toothache can come to the rescue.

Special words that spell bad teeth have been used by the population since ancient times and often served as the only way to alleviate their condition when this trouble arose. And this is not surprising, because the level of medicine in ancient times left much to be desired, and dentists were in short supply. So the unfortunate people had no choice but to turn to the help of conspiracies.

Skeptics will probably question the effectiveness of conspiracies for relieving toothache and will say that they have long come up with all sorts of painkillers that work better than any magic words. What if the necessary pills were not at hand, or they did not give the desired result, or the person should not take them at all? It is at such a moment that rituals and prayers aimed at eliminating toothache can help out. Many people have tested their effectiveness.

Conspiracies are used in different cases: they can be read for the purpose of prevention or when the pain is already pronounced and cannot be tolerated. The more a person focuses on pain, the more intense it manifests itself.

The secret of the effect of conspiracies lies in the fact that a certain order of words and ritual allow a person to escape from painful sensations, and the pain gradually subsides. Everyone who uses the ritual believes in its effect, and thus a placebo effect is created - due to the pain-eliminating signal sent by the brain.

There are no contraindications to the use of such conspiracies. They can be used by even inexperienced people who have never had to deal with magic before.

Full-fledged treatment with a spell cannot be replaced, since magic words only relieve toothache and do not treat the cause of its occurrence. The latter is done by professional dentists, so a visit to them should be an indispensable condition. It is important not to neglect the disease, but to treat it in a timely manner, even if dentists are the biggest fear in your life.

5 ways

For prevention

This plot can be read from for preventive purposes. It can also be used with healing, provided that it is pronounced on a new moon. Saying it monthly during the waxing moon will help you forget about sore teeth for a long time.

The ritual is performed outdoors when the growing moon is clearly visible in the sky. The plot is read for 3 days in a row. Before pronouncing it, three fingers draw a circle around the jaw, moving clockwise. After this the text is pronounced:

“The holy month flies across the skies, watching the children of Adam. Those children do not have pain in their lips, bones, or teeth. It would be the same for me, God’s servant (God’s servant) (your name) , neither lips, nor bones, nor teeth would hurt. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Ritual with the door

Pour water into a container and wash your hands in it. Then wash the front door bracket with the same water, and then pour it over the threshold. On the cheek, on the side where the diseased tooth is located, draw crosses and say the magic words:

“Dawn-lightning, red maiden, midnight owl, hare - in the field, stone - in the sea, at the bottom - limar. Zarnitsa, with your veil cover my sorrowful teeth from the damned limar: they will remain safe under your cover. Leave me alone, enemy Limar; and if you continue to gnaw my white teeth, I will hide you in the abyss of the underworld. My word is strong!”

To water for tooth pain

The plot is read using water from a spring (spring) or melted water (you can first freeze it in the freezer and, if necessary, defrost it). Pour water into a glass made of cut glass or crystal, speak into it 3 times, touching the surface of the water with your lips:

“4 sisters, Zachary and Macarius, sister and Marya, and sister said that God’s servant (God’s servant) (your name) My teeth didn’t hurt and my cheeks didn’t swell - century after century, from now on and forever. Amen!"

Take a few sips of the charmed water and you will soon feel relief.

For sudden toothache

If a toothache suddenly makes itself known, read the plot below. Say until the pain subsides. Text:

“I drive away the pain that is dull, pulling, astringent, stabbing, aching. Gradually the pain decreases and decreases. The tooth calms down, calms down, the nerve dies, dies and doesn’t torment me, doesn’t torment me. Amen" (3 times) .

Another conspiracy can be heard in this video:

Quick plot

“Cain, Cain, Cain! Ask Abel, your brother: do his white teeth hurt? No? So let God's servant (God's servant) (your name) they don't hurt. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"(3 times) .