How quickly hickeys go away. How to remove a hickey: remedies for quick healing

In a love game it is impossible to control and restrain yourself. How to hide your intimate life from others and quickly remove this misunderstanding?

A hickey is a kind of bruise. It occurs after certain elements of erotic games: kissing, sucking, biting. If you don’t influence it in any way, it will go away in 7–10 days, which is not always convenient. There are a lot of options for how to quickly remove a hickey. Let's look at the safest and most effective ones.

History records a case when the presence of marks on the body, even a hickey, was important. Harold II Godwinson was identified by his wife by the hickeys she left on his chest.

  1. The faster you notice traces, the better, the faster you will try to remove them. A stale mark is more difficult to remove: you will have to systematically work on the affected area over a long period.
  2. Apply cold immediately. If the injured area is on the neck or chest, do not use ice or frozen objects. There is a high chance that you will catch a cold and get sick. In this case, use cutlery. Hold the spoon under running cold water, wrap it in a thin napkin and apply it to the bruise. This measure should be applied no later than 2 hours from the moment the hickey mark appears on the skin.
  3. Using gentle movements, knead the damaged area. It is better to start with patting, then in a circular motion from the center of the bruise to the edges. The impact should be as gentle as possible. Strong pressure and compression will lead to an increase in the subcutaneous hematoma.

Pharmacological drugs

When using products from this group, you should carefully read the instructions for use and contraindications. An allergic reaction may develop to some components.

  1. You can cover the hickey mark with a regular plaster. It is worth purchasing flesh-colored models, thin in texture. The patch is suitable for use on the arms, legs or body. The neck area, due to its mobility and openness, is much less camouflaged. This method only hides the bruise without providing any medicinal effect.
  2. Iodine. The best option in conditions where measures need to be taken quickly and there is no time to go to the pharmacy. Apply iodine mesh over the hematoma. The medicine acts locally, increasing the temperature of the skin. The effect will help remove the mark of a kiss on the body. The lines should not be too dense - this may cause a chemical burn. It is enough to update the markup once every 4 hours.
  3. Ointments and gels based on heparin and other active substances (troxerutin, lioton, escin). This anticoagulant very quickly acts on the blood accumulated under the skin, breaking up the resulting clots. Gels have a lighter structure, are absorbed faster and are less noticeable. Due to these properties, they are suitable for eliminating hickeys on the face. Ointments work for a long time, so it is recommended to use them at night.
  4. Another group of drugs uses various phytoextracts as active ingredients. The natural origin of the components has a gentler effect on damaged tissues. When using, keep in mind that natural remedies can cause severe allergies.

Popular pharmaceutical drugs for this problem

The listed medications will help remove a hickey at home. Read the instructions before use. To check for possible allergic reactions, test the drug on a small area of ​​skin.

  1. Heparin and hepatrombin ointment, "Lioton" gel. Heparin ointment makes it difficult for blood clots to form and attach to the walls. The combination with dexpanthenol and allantoin improves its absorption. These ointments should be used with caution on thin skin (eye area, neck, chest) due to the appearance of extensive redness and slight swelling during the first time after application.
  2. Gel "Venoruton", the active component is an organic compound of rutin. Vitamin P analogue. Topical application reduces swelling. Do not use in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
  3. Gel "Venitan" based on horse chestnut fruit extract. Using this gel is one of the ways to quickly remove a hickey on your neck. This natural substance reduces swelling and improves blood circulation at the site of application. The gel structure is invisible on the skin.
  4. "Aescin" gel. It contains several active components: heparin, escin, horse chestnut extract. This combination reduces swelling, tones blood circulation and reduces thrombosis.
  5. "Troxevasin" consists of rutin (troxerutin) and bioactive substances.
  6. Balm "Rescuer" has a wide spectrum of action. A combination of natural substances: oils, wax, a set of vitamins, removes hickey quickly and effectively.
  7. Badyaga. Sold both in dry form and as part of ointments. The action is similar to heparin ointments. Badyagi powder is mixed with regular cream or oil and applied like a regular ointment.

Non-standard techniques

Folk methods for removing hickeys on the body and neck are simple and effective. The necessary ingredients are found in any refrigerator and do not require special preparation techniques.

  1. Potato. Grate a small tuber on a fine grater. Without squeezing, wrap the resulting mass in a thin cloth and apply it to the bruise on the neck. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse off remaining starch with warm water.
  2. Cabbage leaf. From the juicy dense head of cabbage, separate the leaf located in the middle. Make several punctures with a fork and place in boiling water for 2 minutes. Cool and apply a compress to your neck.
  3. Using toothpaste is one of the simplest solutions to remove fresh bruises. Rub a small amount with your fingers and press lightly into the skin on your neck. Possible severe burning sensation. Rinse off the product after 15 minutes.

Concealing spots

While there is no effect from the use of ointments and lotions, the need arises to remove hickeys on open areas of the body. Clothes, cosmetics and beauty treatments will help hide marks.

Probably, many have encountered such a situation when, in a fit of passion, a partner, completely unwillingly, gave you a hickey. It’s one thing if the hematoma is on a part of the body that can be covered with clothing. But what to do if a hickey appears on your neck or face, and you need to go to work? How to quickly remove a hickey?

If you are a woman and the hickey is on your neck, you can hide it with a neckerchief, scarf or clothes with a high collar. You can cover the hickey with a flesh-colored adhesive plaster or disguise it with foundation. In this case, the color of the foundation should be slightly lighter than the one used daily. The easiest way for men to cover a hickey mark on their neck or face is with an adhesive plaster, as if it were a trivial cut while shaving.

To remove a hickey on the neck, as well as on other parts of the body, you can use creams containing heparin, for example, the well-known rescue cream. Anti-bruise cream “Antibruise”, gel “Troxevasin”, “Lioton-gel”, “Venotur” also help well. Alternatively, you can use bodyaga, which is a fine powder of plant origin. It is necessary to mix the powder with water or any cream, apply to the affected area and leave for 15-20 minutes. All of the above drugs have excellent absorbable, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects.

Folk remedies for getting rid of hickey

If you don’t have the above remedies at hand and don’t have time to go to the pharmacy, you can use folk remedies. As soon as a hickey is discovered, you should immediately apply ice to it or, for example, a spoon that has been previously cooled in the freezer.

You can quickly get rid of a hickey using onions. To do this, cut the onion into two halves, apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin and leave for a while. Onions can be replaced with garlic.

Potatoes are considered an excellent remedy for hematomas. It is necessary to apply freshly cut raw potatoes to the hickey mark and leave for 20-30 minutes. Potatoes can be grated on a fine grater and made into a compress. You can also make a compress from white cabbage. To do this, take a fresh cabbage leaf and mash it a little with a rolling pin. When juice appears on the surface of the leaf, the leaf should be applied to the injured area, wrapped in gauze and left for a long time.
To make the hickey go away faster, you can massage the sore spot. To do this, take a hard sponge, apply a little toothpaste to the hickey site and massage well. This procedure can be done several times with short breaks.

Baking soda also helps a lot. To do this, you need to mix it with water, apply the resulting mixture to the hickey site and leave for a long time.

You can get rid of a hickey using an iodine mesh. This method is effective only in case of a fresh bruise.

It is important to remember that a hickey, like any other hematoma, goes away in 3-4 days at best. The methods described above speed up the process of skin regeneration and help reduce the size of the hickey and the intensity of its color.

In a fit of passion, partners can quite accidentally expose each other to an unpleasant memory of themselves in the form of a hickey. The decline of modern moral principles still did not allow such a bruise on the neck to be excluded from the signs of bad taste. It is not always possible to disguise a hematoma; it is necessary to completely remove the hickey on the neck as soon as possible. There are several ways to do this, requiring compliance with certain rules.

What is a hickey?

The skin on the neck is very delicate; just a little pressure is enough to leave a bruise. A hickey is nothing more than an ordinary hematoma. When removing a hickey on the neck, you need to restore blood circulation in the damaged area. If you rub the bruise vigorously, you can speed up its “blooming”.

A traditional piece of ice, if it is necessary to remove a hickey from the neck, can lead to extremely undesirable consequences - hypothermia of the throat.

The main rule is that you need to remove a hickey on your neck immediately after it appears, otherwise you will have to be content with disguise until the telltale mark of a hot night goes away on its own.

Remove a hickey on the neck by camouflage

In the cold season, sweaters with a high neck help eliminate hickeys on the neck. It is important to remember that the texture of the fabric should be soft, even fluffy, so as not to irritate the skin. For the same purpose, when choosing a wardrobe for the next 4-5 days, they give preference to clothes with a wide neck rather than tight turtlenecks.

Women can remove a hickey on their neck from prying eyes with the help of a light scarf or handkerchief, but many professions do not allow this style of clothing during working hours.

Men, in turn, try to remove the hickey on their neck with a piece of plaster, but often the size of the dark spot is too large for the plaster to easily fulfill its mission.


Traditionally, people try to remove hickeys on the neck using foundation. Only a few manage to achieve the desired effect. It's all about applying the masking composition correctly.

Foundation should be applied to the entire face and neck, and not just over the damaged area. Girls are recommended to additionally use regular powder when applying makeup to their face.

It is also important to take into account the color characteristics of the concealer. To remove a hickey on your neck, you will need to use two shades of concealer. A normal tone is used for the entire skin, a lighter one at the site of the bruise to achieve evenness of color.

The fat content of the foundation is also important when it is necessary to remove a hickey on the neck. For the cold season, a dense composition is suitable.

In summer, you will need a product with a light texture that allows the skin to breathe, otherwise the skin will begin to sweat, and unsightly streaks or stains will appear at the treatment site.

Ordinary powder, even in combination with rich creams, is not able to hide a bruise; it will only draw additional attention to the problem area. You should not use it over foundation to remove a hickey on your neck.

Appeal to modern medicine

Removing a hickey on the neck with the help of drugs purchased at a pharmacy is possible by improving blood circulation in the problem area. All these remedies are used topically. Their main task is to quickly penetrate damaged capillaries and prevent blood stagnation, which is why they are traditionally produced in the form of ointments or gels.

Ointments Spasatel, Lyoton, Heparin ointment and the like show a good effect of rapid resorption of hematomas.

It is important to take action immediately. They should be regularly applied to the skin for 2-3 days. With the help of these drugs, it is possible to remove a hickey on the neck in a day, but you cannot interrupt the course.

The visible part disappears first, but the main damage has not yet been repaired.

Another good remedy for removing hickeys on the neck is bodyagi powder. It is thoroughly mixed with your regular daily skin care cream and used as an ointment for bruises.

An iodine mesh is considered a legendary way to restore blood circulation in a certain area of ​​the skin. A simple and affordable way to remove a hickey on the neck or any other bruise is most effective if you resort to it immediately after the appearance of an unpleasant dark spot.

Traditional medicine against hickeys on the neck

Traditional medicine against this misunderstanding should also be considered.

Cabbage and potatoes allow you to remove a hickey on your neck

A juicy leaf of white cabbage is scalded with boiling water and beaten a little to extract the juice. Then the fleshiest part is selected and applied to the neck. You will need to change the sheet every hour throughout the day to quickly get rid of a hickey on your neck.

Raw potatoes are good for removing hickeys from the neck. A small root vegetable is cut and the juicy part is applied to the bruise. It is important that only treating the skin with the juicy surface of the potato brings benefit, so every half hour you will need to cut off a thin layer of the root vegetable.

Traditional medicine also allows the use of compresses based on these vegetables for those who need to remove a hickey on their neck. Cabbage leaves are pre-chopped using a blender.

The resulting pulp is placed on a clean gauze or cotton pad and fixed over the bruise. The compress needs to be changed once an hour.

The potato base for the compress when removing a hickey on the neck is rubbed on a fine grater. Pre-peeled and washed potatoes are used. The finished mixture is applied according to the same principle as cabbage compresses. The crushed mass should be stored in a tightly closed non-metallic container. Before taking the next portion, the pulp must be thoroughly mixed.

Juicy leaves will help with removing a hickey on the neck

To remove a hickey on your neck using this method, you can take a small piece of leaf, scald it with boiling water, and then peel it off the thick skin. Secure the juicy pulp over the bruise with a plaster for 1.5-2 hours.

You can cool a thick, medium-length leaf, then grind it with a blender, add a teaspoon of medical alcohol and mix thoroughly. This mixture is generously placed on a cotton pad and applied to the affected area to remove hickey on the neck. Change the compress every 1-2 hours.

Plantain is effective not only against minor bleeding

Plantain leaves are cut into large strips 5-7 mm wide, then they are scalded with boiling water and blotted with a napkin to get rid of excess moisture. After this, the green mass is pounded until the juice comes out. In small portions, it is placed on a bandage and fixed to the skin using a plaster, removing the hickey on the neck.

Lightening compounds

It is convenient to remove a hickey on the neck if it is faintly colored and small in size using lightening compounds. No aggressive agents like hydrogen peroxide are suitable in this case. You can use lemon juice to remove a hickey on your neck. Using a cotton swab, carefully apply it directly to the hickey every 4-5 hours. It is important to remember that lemon juice can cause irritation, so it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test first. Otherwise, you will not be able to remove the hickey on your neck, but will attract increased attention to it.

Another interesting way to remove a hickey from your neck is to apply white toothpaste or baking soda to the bruise. They are applied with light massaging movements using a soft toothbrush. A sensitivity test is also necessary. If you rub the hickey too hard, you are likely to increase the intensity of its color.

The use of lightening compounds to remove hickeys from the neck is strictly prohibited for people with white skin, skin prone to allergic reactions or hypersensitivity.

Hickey is one of the side effects of lovemaking. This feature occurs quite often when it comes to passionate couples. The main feature of hickeys is that they can remain on the body from 5 days to 2 weeks. Agree, such prospects are not very bright. Therefore, the question becomes how to get rid of the hematoma or disguise it. Let's talk about everything in more detail.

How to cover up a hickey on your neck

  1. You cannot come to work or school with such marks on your neck. For 5-15 days, while the hickey is still there, use effective ways to disguise it.
  2. Choose a foundation that will harmonize with the skin tone on your neck. Apply it not only to the hickey, but also to some area around the hematoma.
  3. If the consequences of a hectic pastime occurred during the cold season, wear clothes with a collar or a scarf. A turtleneck, a sweatshirt, or a shirt with a stand-up collar will do.
  4. If you have no contraindications to visiting a solarium or sunbathing, take advantage of this. On a tanned body, the hickey will not appear so clearly.
  5. Those with long or medium hair are advised to wear their locks loose. Do hairstyles that highlight your face and at the same time cover your neck.
  6. You can resort to tricks and use a transfer tattoo, mehendi or other services of this type. Apply the design over the hematoma.

Medicines for removing hickeys

  1. Currently, many medications have been developed that can remove a hickey in a short time. Such formulations should contain vitamin K and heparin.
  2. This ointment affects the skin, constricting blood vessels. As a result, redness is significantly reduced. It is important to apply the composition according to the instructions, otherwise you may harm the skin.
  3. As an alternative remedy, you can use iodine solution. The composition perfectly activates blood circulation, eliminating the damaged area. Apply the product with a classic mesh.

Folk remedies to combat hickey

The means at hand are no worse than ointments in coping with the consequences of a stormy night. You will find all the products listed in your kitchen.

  1. If you find a hickey almost immediately, use any product from the freezer.
  2. Arm yourself with ice cubes and wrap them in plastic wrap. Apply to the damaged area of ​​skin and wait until you feel cold.
  3. This will prevent bruising or make it less noticeable. Cosmetic ice works in a similar way, only it does not need to be wrapped in film.


  1. This method is similar to the previous one. It is suitable for cases where the hickey could be identified immediately.
  2. Prepare the slurry: sift the baking soda, mix it with filtered water at room temperature.
  3. Apply a thick paste to the site of the suspected hickey and wait 5 minutes. A bruise may appear, but it will be less pronounced.


  1. To carry out the procedure, you will need medium-sized young potatoes. Wash the root vegetable and pass through a grater. Apply to the hickey site and secure with gauze. Wait half an hour.
  2. You can also try adding half the potatoes without using any paste. Do the manipulations 3 times. Apply fresh compound each time.
  3. There is another way to get rid of a hickey. Squeeze the juice out of the potatoes. Soak a bandage folded several times in the mixture. Treat the affected area with patting movements. After drying, repeat the procedure 3 times.


  1. Some claim that you can get rid of a hickey in a short time using classic white toothpaste.
  2. To do this, simply apply a thin layer of product to the skin and wait until it dries completely. After this, wash off the paste.

Aloe vera

  1. In the fight against such situations, aloe extract has proven itself well. To do this you will need a fresh plant stem.
  2. Squeeze out the gel. Mix the pulp with a small amount of alcohol. Blot with gauze and apply to the hickey site as a compress. The procedure must be done several times.


  1. A piece of raw beef will help in the fight against a fresh hickey. The method has worked well and is worth a try.
  2. Cut a piece of cool meat and apply it to the hickey. Wait about 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure every hour.


  1. Table 6% vinegar will help you get rid of a fresh hickey.
  2. Rub onto damaged skin. Repeat the procedure periodically.

Cosmetic methods for removing hickeys


  1. To hide a hickey on your neck, you will need foundation in two tones: one to match your skin color, the other lighter. Treat your skin with your usual lotion to remove oily shine.
  2. The foundation must be distributed over the entire neck and décolleté area. In the area where the hickey remains, use a product with a light shade. Powder the final result.
  3. Keep in mind that to achieve maximum effect you will need a foundation with a thick and oily base.


  1. Some experiments have shown that rubbing and massage can help get rid of a hickey. To do this, you can use your fingertips or a soft toothbrush.
  2. It is important to understand that manipulation must be carried out with extreme caution. Otherwise, you risk only aggravating the situation and expanding the lesion.
  3. An alternative is a contrast compress. To do this, you need to alternately apply hot and cold wet cloth to the hickey site. The effect should appear after a few tries.

If you don’t have the time and energy to remove the hickey, try to hide it using improvised means. The duration of this type of hematoma depends on the degree of damage and other aspects. Even in the most successful scenario, the hickey will remain on the neck for at least three days.

  1. Sweater. In the summer, this option will not be relevant. But it’s just right for winter. If you don't already have a turtleneck sweater, it's time to get one. A knitted attribute will not only hide the consequences of violent pleasures, but will also complement your image.
  2. Decorative cosmetics. There are cosmetics called concealers. They are designed to disguise skin defects, such as purple spots after acne, dark circles under the eyes, etc. To hide a hickey on the neck, choose a green-colored concealer. Apply it only to the damaged area of ​​skin and rub well. You can apply foundation on top. The method is not suitable for long-term masking, because after 4-5 hours the cosmetics begin to wear off.
  3. Shawl/scarf. We have already talked about these camouflage methods a little higher, but it makes sense to dwell on them in more detail. The scarf is suitable for girls; it can be worn on the head or tied around the neck. Men are advised to wear a scarf. It looks great in the cold season and emphasizes the jawline. Don't forget the main thing - these attributes hide hickeys on the neck well.
  4. Band-Aid. Not only women, but also men are concerned about the issue of masking a hickey in the most visible place. A regular adhesive plaster will help you. Stick it on and tell everyone that you cut yourself with a razor during the corresponding procedure. Girls will have to use their imagination. Refer to the area of ​​skin burned by the curling iron or iron.
  5. Shants collar. If you are ready for drastic camouflage measures, use a collar that is designed to treat the neck. It is sold online and in medical stores. Of course, you will have to shell out a tidy sum and come up with a plot that will make those around you believe that you really injured your neck.

To get rid of a hickey, try the method that suits you best. It is strongly not recommended to use all methods at once. Otherwise, you can significantly damage the skin and increase the affected area. If you do not take any measures, the hickey will go away in 5-15 days. It all depends on the degree of tissue damage. Try not to let this happen in the future.

Video: how to quickly get rid of a hickey

How to remove a hickey using improvised means

You can quickly remove a hickey using ice or something cold. A hickey has been placed - no need to waste time. Ice from the freezer, wrapped in plastic, is applied to the redness. The bruise that will definitely appear later will not be bright and will quickly disappear.

A paste of baking soda and water applied to the hickey site in the first minutes will help prevent bruising. Everything will be limited to redness, which will quickly disappear.

Fresh onion juice can quickly remove a hickey. To do this, you need to cut the onion in half and rub a fresh cut over the place of the passionate kiss. After some time, refresh the cut and treat the hickey site again. This can be repeated several times, as long as as much fresh onion juice as possible gets to the damaged area. A slight tingling sensation at the kissing site will have to be tolerated.

A cut piece of raw beef is considered a good remedy for resolving a hickey. You need to apply a fresh cut of meat to the kissed area and leave for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure every hour.

A newly created hickey can be quickly removed by rubbing vinegar on the damaged area. The fresher the hickey, the greater the likelihood of its complete disappearance.

How to remove a hickey with medication

There are medications that can quickly remove a hickey. These are various ointments containing heparin and creams with vitamin K. After their use, the blood vessels narrow and redness decreases. You can use “bodyaga” with caution and strictly according to the instructions, as it causes burns on the skin.

It is known that iodine activates blood circulation. Therefore, an iodine mesh at the site of the hickey accelerates its resorption. To avoid burns, you should not draw cells on areas with thin skin, such as the neck.

Remove a hickey with a compress and massage

To quickly remove a hickey, it is recommended to regularly rub the damaged area with your fingers or a soft toothbrush wrapped in nylon. Such a massage should be carried out carefully, with gentle movements, without any effort, so that the reverse process does not begin - an increase in the hematoma.

You can alternate hot and cold compresses for half an hour. This temperature contrast is effective immediately after redness. You should do this procedure several times during the day.

Other ways to remove a hickey

The easiest way is to smear the hickey with toothpaste and let it dry completely. As a result, the dried paste will disappear; the remains should be carefully washed off with water. Substances in toothpaste accelerate the healing process of hematoma.

Lotions with aloe extract will help you quickly remove a hickey. To do this you will need alcohol and fresh leaves of the plant. The main thing here is methodicality and persistence in the desire to get rid of traces of love.

Don't forget about decorative cosmetics. You can disguise a hickey using foundation or lipstick. A man can simply put a band-aid on the place of a passionate kiss and blame it all on a bad shave. Stand-up collars or turtlenecks will help cover your neck from prying eyes.