Innovative technologies in environmental education of dows. Modern approaches to environmental education of preschool children

Speech on the topic "Innovative approaches to environmental education of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institution"



Hello, dear colleagues and guests!

Slide 1.

The topic of my speech is “Innovative approaches to environmental education of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution.”

Slide 2.

“For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppes, mountains.

But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland."

Mikhail Prishvin.

Nowadays, the problems of environmental education have come to the fore, and more and more attention is being paid to them.

Why did these problems become relevant? The reason is that human activity in nature is often illiterate and incorrect from an environmental point of view. Each of those who have caused and are causing harm to nature was once a child. This is why the role of preschool institutions in environmental education children starting from early age, because preschool childhood is the initial stage in the formation of a person’s personality. At the same time, a positive attitude towards nature, towards the “man-made world”, towards oneself and the people around them is formed.

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One of the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard says that the implementation of the environmental education program should take place, first of all, in the form of games, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures artistic and aesthetic development.

The main goal of environmental education is not just the formation of theoretical knowledge, but the formation of a certain attitude towards nature, environmental consciousness.

In the process of environmental education, children develop cognitive interest in the natural world, curiosity, creative activity, i.e., the child’s personal qualities, which are presented as targets in the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

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Work on environmental education should beproperly organized, systematically carried out in an educational institution under the guidance of a teacher with an ecological culture.

Kindergarten is a place where a child spends significant
part of your life, therefore one of the most important conditions for the implementation of the environmental education system is the organization of a subject-based spatial development environment in a group, on a site and territory kindergarten, which should contribute to the development of the child as a whole, as an individual.

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As you have already noticed, the territory of our kindergarten is 70% landscaped.

On the territory of the kindergarten and the site there are various trees and shrubs, flower beds and flower beds, which the children and I observe and care for.

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Two ecological trails have been created along which the children and I make playful trips to a pond, to flower beds, to a vegetable garden, to a meadow, to a phyto-garden, etc.

Working in the second junior group, I paid great attention to environmental education issues.

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Thus, the ecological and developmental environment in the group is presented in the form of a corner of nature, where indoor flowers, watering cans, a “garden on the window,” and a nature and weather calendar are located. In an accessible place are fiction, magazines, encyclopedias, illustrations of animals and plants, postcards about nature, drawings, calendars, CDs with sounds of nature, natural materials, various collections, models of vegetables and fruits, tabletop printed and didactic games.

In our work we use various forms of environmental education: excursions, search activities, environmental holidays, acquaintance with nature in everyday life and educational events that take place in game form and most often on the street. The aesthetic background for educational events is created by poems, riddles, and songs. They allow you to build work by alternating a variety of methodological techniques with artistic expression, which makes them memorable for children.

In order to make the work on environmental education effective and interesting for children, we have developed a comprehensive thematic planning of work on summer period and for the academic year, which is divided into theme weeks with elements of environmental orientation. You can see them on the slide.

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“Safe Summer”, “Domestic and wild animals and birds”, “Insects”, “Be healthy, baby!”, “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”, “Water Sorceress” and “Pebbles-shells”.

Each theme week has a goal and a final event.

We implemented such thematic weeks as “Water Sorceress” and “Pebbles and Shells” as a project.

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In the first project “The Sorceress - Voditsa” we introduced children to 2 junior group with the importance of water in the lives of people, animals and plants, with the properties of water through research activities, they cultivated a careful attitude towards water and their health.

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While implementing the project, I solved problems throughall educational areas.

The theme of the project ran through all types of children's activities.

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So solving problemsartistic and aesthetic development, the children and I drew with crayons, pencils, paints, sculpted using the plasticine technique, listened to the sound of rain, songs about rain, read poems, nursery rhymes, and fairy tales.

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Objectives of educationalfield of “Cognitive development”solved through educational events where they enriched vocabulary children, the guys asked questions that interested them: “Where does the water run from the tap?”, “How do flowers drink water?” etc.

We looked at illustrations depicting swimming in ponds, a pool, a bath, under a shower, various natural phenomena and bodies of water, thereby forming ideas about where water lives and what it is needed for. We watched the rain and the fish in the aquarium. We conducted experiments with water, in which the children felt like magicians and discovered a lot of interesting and unknown things for themselves. Through game situations “Let’s make compote”, “Let’s prepare soup”, “Bathing a doll”, etc., we practically became acquainted with the properties of water.

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By creating play situations through fun games, role-playing and didactic games, she taught how to play together, communicate, and share toys. The children happily carried out work tasks (bringing soap, a towel, a bath, carrying water for bathing the dolls, and watering the flowers in the flower beds). When the children washed their hands, I taught them to turn off the tap after washing, talking about being careful with water. Children paid attention to the sign “Close the tap so that the water does not drip in vain”

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Solving questions speech development, played speech, didactic and finger games, finger games in the water, talked, shared impressions, performed logorhythmic exercises and breathing exercises.

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Activating the motor activity of children, they played outdoor games “Sunshine and Rain”, “Jump over a stream, a puddle”, etc.

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On preparatory stage I introduced my parents to the project and its objectives. Parents were active participants, brought photos to create a photo collage and, together with their children, completed a joint work on the theme “Aquarium”.

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The photo collage “What is water for” consolidated children’s knowledge about the importance of water for humans and wildlife.

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The final event of the project was the entertainment “The Sorceress - Voditsa”, where the children played, sang, danced, explored and experimented.

For a long time, these games, songs, and dances remained in the memory of the little researchers, and we, the educators, remembered their joyful, happy and curious faces.

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The second project “Pebbles, Shells” was also implemented in the summer.

You can see all the information about it on the slide.

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During this projectchildren got acquainted with objects of inanimate nature - stones, shells, their properties and external signs.

At the preparatory stage, a project implementation plan was drawn up (games, conversations, productive activity, experimentation), selected required material. Parents were also interested.

At the main stage, we held a series of conversations about stones and shells: “ Amazing stones", "Where the shells live", poems were read during the conversations.

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When examining, children named external features - color, shape, size, and found their similarities and differences.

We played with the children in the children’s game “What do they look like?”, “What disappeared?” And musical game, which caused a lot of emotions "Stone Orchestra".

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Of particular interest and the development of cognitive activity in children was the experimentation: experiments “Buoyancy” (sinking - does not sink), “Artist Stones” (painting with stones).

Also, as part of the project, we interacted with parents.

On family trips to the sea, they and their children pick up beautiful pebbles and shells for collections and crafts.

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Parents were also invited to engage in creative activities with their children. homework: drawing “Stone masterpieces”

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The result of joint productive activity was the collective panel “Amazing Stones” and the exhibition “ Amazing world stones and shells."

Participation in project activities became an interesting and exciting process for children. Joint project activities helped parents master some pedagogical techniques necessary in family education, to search for sources of information. Thus, I believe that project activity is a modern and innovative approach to teaching children, as well as an interesting form in the development of environmental ideas in preschoolers, which we will implement further.

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Everything good in people comes from childhood!
How to awaken the origins of goodness?
Touch nature with all your heart:
Be surprised, find out, love!
We want the earth to bloom
And the little ones grew like flowers,
So that for them ecology becomes

Not science, but part of the soul!

Slide 38 Thank you for your attention.

Pelipenko Anna
Innovative technologies of environmental education

Pelipenko Anna Vasilievna


MBDOU kindergarten No. 4 in Abinsk

“Innovative technologies of environmental education through a developing subject-spatial environment in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education”

If people do not learn to take care of nature in the near future, they will destroy themselves. To prevent this, it is necessary to cultivate environmental culture and responsibility, and environmental education must begin with preschool age, since the knowledge acquired during this period can later be transformed into strong beliefs.

I believe that the problem of environmental education of preschool children remains relevant and determines the choice of the topic of my experience: “Innovative technologies of environmental education through a developing spatial environment in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.”

Environmental education is, first of all, the education of humanity, goodwill, emotional responsiveness of children and their interest in the world around them.

Target teaching experience: increase the level of ecological culture of preschool children, raising from the first years of life a humane, socially active, creative personality, capable of understanding and loving the world around us, nature and treat them with care. Working on this topic, I put forward the following priority areas:

1. Creation of a subject-developmental environment in a group, on the territory of a kindergarten.

2. Widely used fiction, didactic games, interactive games.

3. Introduction to experimental activities.

I successfully implement these areas of environmental education through innovative educational technologies, such as:

Design methods, - ecological path, - social-game methods, - multimedia presentation, - use of computer technologies.

To successfully implement the assigned tasks, I developed and implemented the project “Formation of the ecological culture of preschool children through project activities.”

One of important conditions The implementation of the environmental education system is the correct organization and greening of the developing environment.

The centers in my group are organized and presented taking into account individual characteristics children, their sensory experience, information luggage, theoretical and conceptual awareness of the child. The visual didactic material I have selected gives children an idea of ​​a holistic picture of the world, the close relationships and interactions of all objects.

1. Ecology Center includes environmental activities. During the implementation of the “Little Gardeners” project, before the eyes of a child, a complete life cycle goes through the “garden on the window”: from seed to seed.

2. I developed panoramic models of natural areas. The children of our group always play with them with interest and enthusiasm. All components of the layout are mobile, i.e. in storage mode it consists of a panel and a box of materials.

3. Center for experimental experimental activities – where children explore everything!

4. Center "Young Artists"- artistically - creative activity- We draw everything we saw.

5. Eco Book Center– learn new interesting things: get acquainted with the Red Book Krasnodar region.

6. In the Dramatization Corner– together with the children we talk about everything we have learned about.

To enrich and replenish the subject-development environment in the group, together with the children, manual books were produced: “Ecological Calendar” and “Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory”. This manual supplemented the illustrative material in the “Nature Corner”. The choice of didactic aid was not accidental, because children’s acquaintance with their native land, with historical, cultural, national, geographical, and natural features forms in them character traits that will help them become patriots and citizens of their Motherland.

The kindergarten has accumulated demonstration material taking into account the age of preschoolers to broaden the children's horizons. Presentations, audio books, videos, virtual excursions to museums around the world, to zoos - all this allows you to enrich children’s understanding of the sections of the environmental education program.

The team of our preschool educational institution planned ecological trail, which combines several functions: cognitive, health-improving, developmental and aesthetic. On the territory of the preschool educational institution, separate corners of landscape landscapes have been created: “Visiting Flamingos”, “Artificial pond with water lilies”, “Kuban courtyard”, “Visiting Kolobok”, which surprise and delight children with their unusual and original design.

For the full implementation of the ecological development of children, our system of work is combined with the work of the family in this direction, since it is the family that provides the first experience of interaction with nature. The recommendations I have developed for parents are aimed at creating conditions for children to become familiar with nature in the family. Systematic care of wintering birds has become a good tradition. In the ecological corner there are tips for parents: how to attract the attention of children, using material on the topics “Birds are near us”, “They stayed for the winter, we will help them”. An environmental campaign “Feed the Birds in Winter” is also held annually. The program of the event includes the competition “Best Bird Feeder”, “Best Birdhouse”; exhibition “Food for different birds", "Whose food tastes better." Parents draw posters, bring food for birds, and together with their children hang houses and feeders they have made on trees. Children are happy, and adults, by helping them and showing interest, raise their authority.

I try to find new ways of cooperation with parents. After all, we have one goal with them - to educate future creators of life. In my teaching practice I constantly use innovative technologies, as a result of which a positive development effect is achieved on all sides cognitive activity preschooler.

Many years of accumulation of theoretical and practical material allowed me to create a modular technology for the formation of the principles of ecological culture, which included:

“Ecological Calendar”, Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory, which help me introduce the child to the natural world, accumulate the child’s first baggage of bright, emotional, living impressions;

Card index of didactic games, interactive didactic games on ecology, which I developed myself;

Made models - panoramas

Compiled long-term plan and a series of classes on environmental education was developed


Children have formed a consciously correct attitude towards objects and natural phenomena, eco logical thinking;

Are developing mental abilities children in the process of environmental activities, which are manifested in the ability to experiment, analyze, and draw conclusions.

The experience of my work has shown that by creating an innovative developmental subject-spatial environment in a group, in a kindergarten using innovative technologies, in the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, I decide main goal environmental education – to form in children a holistic view of nature and man’s place in it, environmental literacy, the ability to love the world around them and treat it with care.

Thank you for your attention!

Article " Modern approaches in environmental education of preschool children"

Vera Nikolaevna Malyavina, teacher of the MKDOU Anninsky kindergarten No. 7 ORV.
Target: Formation of ideas about modern approaches in environmental education.
Description: The article is intended for kindergarten teachers. IN preschool institution it is possible to create optimal conditions for environmental education and upbringing. At the preschool educational institution there is an opportunity to return to the topic repeatedly throughout the day, and in different options.
"Ecology"- translated from Greek language- home science. "Oikos" - house, "logos" - science. In our time, ecology has become a science that should help people survive and make their habitat acceptable for existence. Unfortunately, society realized this when there were practically no corners of untouched nature left on the planet, when the state of the environment had already negatively affected the health of a huge number of people. And, despite this, the value system of most people is still focused on consumption, on instrumental activity, on the manipulation of objects of the material world.
In a preschool institution, you can create optimal conditions for environmental education. At the preschool educational institution, you have the opportunity to return to the topic repeatedly throughout the day, and in different ways: in games, observations, individual work, experiments and experiments, etc.
There are such concepts:
1. “Environmental education.”
2. “Environmental education.”
3. “Introducing preschoolers to nature.”
How are they different from each other?
« Environmental education"- a new direction in the pedagogy of preschool children.
The purpose of environmental education– formation in children of a scientific-cognitive, emotional-moral, practical-active attitude towards the environment and their health.
Man, animal, plant - we are all part of nature and form a single whole with it, despite our differences.
The difference between new approaches in environmental education and traditional ones:
Environmental education.
Man is part of nature.
1. Man is the measure of things - the uniqueness of life (ecocentrism).
2. Harmonization of human needs with environmental requirements.
3. Respect for all forms of life.
Traditional approach.
Peace for man.
1. Man is the measure of things (anthropocentrism).
2. Technocratic calculation of the benefits of nature, its utilitarian value.
3. Man is the “master”, “king” of nature.
Value judgments in relation to objects should be excluded (“harmful animals”, “ugly”). We call them “harmful” because they bring inconvenience to humans. And in nature they are a link in the ecological chain. Adults often allow themselves, in the presence of a child who has not yet formed his own attitude towards objects of nature, to express hostility and disgust: “ugh, what a disgusting thing, how unpleasant, throw him away” (frogs, earthworms). And children’s emotional aversion to these animals turns into a practical plane: a nasty worm - it needs to be crushed.
Conclusion: In the presence of children, you need to restrain your emotions.
From the point of view of environmental education, it is extremely important to form in a child a caring attitude towards all living beings, without exception, regardless of whether he likes it or not.
Our goal using the example of ecosystems (forest, meadow, pond, steppe, etc.) - show the child that any organism is included in a complex chain of natural relationships and its loss can cause unpredictable consequences.
Ecologists distinguish three groups of factors that determine the characteristics of the life of living beings:
1. Abiotic(climate, soil, chemical composition of water, air).
2. Biotic(plants, animals, microorganisms that influence the existence of organisms).
3.Anthropogenic(human impact on nature).
These factors never act in isolation, but are always inseparable from each other. This connection between the components of a natural community is called geobiocinosis - ecosystem.
Solar energy, phytosynthesis - plants - herbivores - animals, small predators - animals, large predators - bacteria, fungi, decomposing animal corpses - nutrients - plants.
Ecosystems (forest, meadow, steppe, pond...).
With children, connections and dependencies can be considered.
Wildlife lives according to its own laws, without human help.
“Well,” you ask, “shouldn’t we teach children to help nature?” We need to help the animals and plants that live next to us, take care of them. These are trees near the house, plants that live next to us, birds starving in winter, those who depend on us.
Nature from the point of view of an environmentally educated person should be considered as:
1. The habitat of all creatures, including humans.
2. Object of knowledge.
3.Object for satisfying aesthetic needs.
4. Object of human needs.
We must protect nature not because it gives us something, but because it is valuable in itself.
The “Concept of General Environmental Education” sets before us the following tasks of environmental education:
- developing in children an understanding of the intrinsic value of nature;
- the child’s awareness of himself as a part of nature;
- fostering a respectful attitude towards all species without exception, regardless of personal likes and dislikes;
- formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the world around us, the ability to see its beauty and uniqueness;
- understanding that everything in nature is interconnected and the violation of one of the relationships leads to other changes, a kind of chain reaction occurs;
- understanding that a person should not destroy what he cannot create;
- to form in children a desire to preserve the environment, their awareness of the relationship between their own actions and the state of the environment;
- mastering the basics of environmental safety;
- assimilation of initial information about the rational use of natural resources (water, electricity).
- formation of skills of environmentally-smart behavior in everyday life.
The turn to environmental education of children is two interrelated directions:
1. The problem of raising children.
2. The problem of developing environmental consciousness in adults raising children.
Adults are a decisive factor in environmental education.
Three aspects of a teacher's personality:
1. Understanding of environmental problems and the causes that give rise to them, desire and readiness to change them.
2. Professionalism and pedagogical skill (mastery of methodology, understanding of goals and objectives, implementation of specific technologies, creative search and perfection of one’s activities).
3. General orientation and application of the humanistic model of education.
Creation in DOW conditions for environmental education:
1. Subject-based development environment.
2. Methodological fund.
3. Visually illustrated material.
Subject development environment.
1. Group corners nature.
2. Use of free space in the premises of the preschool educational institution:
A) winter garden(corridors, hall, landing)
b) art gallery (corridor)
c) mini-garden on the window.
3. Artificial creation of mini-ecosystems (modeling, species composition, predominant phyto and zoocenoses of local forests, multi-tiered forest ecosystem, food chains, factors of human impact on the ecosystem. Rules of human behavior in the forest. Forest as a source of raw materials). Folders - clamshells. A body of water is like an ecosystem. Meadow - ecosystem, etc.
4. Landscape modeling:
a) desert
b) mountainous and flat terrain
c) the shore of the Arctic Ocean, Arctic
5. Collection and design of collections.
6. Didactic games.
7. Creation of mini-laboratories.
8. Organization and equipment of ecological space with a description of objects of observation, corners of untouched nature, vegetable garden, flower beds, planting of medicinal plants.
What does the development environment contribute to:
1. Cognitive development.
2. Ecological - aesthetic development.
3. Health improvement.
4. Formation of moral qualities.
5. Formation of environmentally correct behavior.
6. Greening various types of activities.
Forms of organization of activities:
Directly – educational activities.
- excursions;
- classes;
- observation of animals and plants (recognition - of one object, comparative - using handouts, observation of change and development);
- visual activity environmental topics;
-familiarization with the work of adults in nature;
- teaching children how to care for plants;
- speech development (composing stories about natural phenomena and objects, inventing environmental fairy tales, ethical conversations);
- formation of generalizing ideas about nature (conversations using models, classes in the form of didactic games);
Joint activities of teacher and children:
- observations in a corner of nature, on a walk, by the window;
- targeted walks into nature;
- games (didactic, intellectual, plot, active);
- teacher’s story, reading children’s fiction;
- conversations with children environmental themes according to their interests;
- collecting collections of seeds, stones, autumn leaves;
- experiments, search activities;
- work in a corner of nature and on the site;
- watching videos;
- working with models;
- maintaining nature calendars;
- creating homemade books;
- ecological leisure and holidays.
Independent activities of children:
Independent activity of children (different types of games); experimentation; caring for plants, working with literature, encyclopedias; collecting; production of models, books - homemade products, crafts from natural material, flower arrangements; theatrical activity.
Literature used:
I.A. Ryzhova “Our home is nature.”
Methodical work

Speech at the teachers' meeting. March 2017

(Slide № 1 .) Topic of the speech.

(№2 .) Ecology is what surrounds each of us. Never before has the threat of an environmental crisis been as acute as it is today. Various species of unique plants and animals have been rapidly disappearing on the planet lately. The environment is becoming more and more polluted every day.

To prevent such a barbaric attitude towards the surrounding nature, it is worth starting from a very young age to cultivate an ecological culture.

(№3) . Preschool age is the best time to form the foundations of a child’s perception of the world. Children at an early age are very emotional, responsive and compassionate and perceive nature as a living organism.

(№4) .Environmental education of preschool children is, first of all, aimed at developing a child’s positive attitude towards the environment - earth, water, flora, fauna. Teaching children to love and protect nature, to carefully use natural resources are the main tasks of environmental education. ( №5) . An ecological culture of behavior is formed on the basis of knowledge, practical skills, aesthetic experiences. A preschooler must learn to empathize, preserve, and love all living things. Not to destroy, but to create the world around us. We need to instill in children's minds a sense of the world around them, like a huge house in which we all live.

(No. 6). The importance of environmental education for preschoolers is very great.

  • develops responsibility for preserving nature;
  • develops a sense of beauty - the ability to see natural beauty;
  • gives an understanding of the close relationship of all life on the planet;
  • prevents aggressive, destructive actions towards nature;
  • directs children's activity in a positive direction and broadens their horizons.

(№7) . The purpose of environmental education is:

- Formation from the first years of life of a humane, socially active, creative personality, capable of understanding and loving the world around us, nature and treating them with care.


  • develop cognitive interest in the natural world.
  • direct the active activity of the preschooler towards the conscious conservation of nature.
  • to cultivate environmental consciousness, a moral and humane attitude towards the natural world.
  • to form in children environmental knowledge and a cultural attitude towards nature.

(No. 8). There are many forms of work on environmental education and training:

  • Organizing environmental holidays
  • Observations on walks
  • Classes
  • Nature calendars
  • Working with parents
  • Play activity
  • Musical activities
  • Search and research work.
  • Excursions into nature
  • Artistic activity
  • environmental tales;
  • practical activities in nature;
  • environmental actions;
  • exhibitions;
  • methods:
  • conversations;
  • observations;
  • viewing objects;
  • surprise moment;
  • artistic word;
  • dynamic pauses;
  • Finger gymnastics;
  • Problem situations;
  • Story games;
  • Modeling;
  • Meditation games;
  • method of projects, game learning situations.

Methods of environmental education of preschoolers today differ in many ways from outdated stereotypes; they are designed to combine the learning process and direct contact of the preschooler with natural objects into one whole.

When working with children, various forms and methods of environmental education and training are used; they have already become traditional.

But today we will pay attention to the use of innovative forms and methods of working with preschoolers.

(№9) . Gaining increasing popularity Computer technologies and multimedia presentations

Information and computer technologies are firmly integrated into the preschool education system and are widely used to improve and update the forms and methods of working with children.

Unlike an adult, for whom it is enough to listen to an oral explanation, subsequently using logical thinking, to understand the meaning of the information, for children, the saying “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times” fits perfectly. A child, with his visual-imaginative thinking, understands only what can be simultaneously viewed, heard, acted upon, or evaluated the action of an object. This is why it is so important when teaching preschoolers to access the channels of information available to them.

In the process of introducing children to nature, we use a variety of materials: didactic pictures, reproductions of art paintings, photographs, videos, sound recordings. At the same time, children become active, rather than passive, objects of pedagogical influence.

We use the following types of illustrative and visual materials on electronic media:

  1. sound materials are recordings of the voices of birds, mammals, the noise of the forest, surf, rain, wind, etc.;
  2. screen materials are slides, i.e. a series of individual frames dedicated to a specific topic;
  3. presentations are educational screensavers with beautiful, bright pictures that help teach children about the world around them. The presentation combines dynamics, sound, colorful images, which significantly improves the perception of information;
  4. media classes that we conduct in group room using a laptop or music hall equipped with a computer, projector and screen;
  5. during the modeling process;
  6. in case it is necessary to provide some kind of virtual cognitive information.

Multimedia environmental games can be included both in the content of classes to get acquainted with the outside world, and in free activities: travel games, riddle games, didactic games, quizzes, physical education, finger games.

In our activities, we used presentations in our classes:

“Trees of our forest”, “How we raised tadpoles” (about the stages of development of a frog, created through personal observation) - for older preschoolers. In the first junior group, during classes on familiarization with pets, there was a presentation “From the Life of Cats”, “Who Said Meow” - with audio dubbing of animal voices.

(№10). Another new form of work on environmental education is Environmental Actions. They recently entered our lives and have successfully established themselves.

Environmental actions- these are socially significant events aimed at preserving natural objects. They are carried out jointly with parents, with the involvement of the general public.

During the events, preschoolers receive natural history knowledge, develop environmental culture skills, and an active life position. The promotions serve as good environmental propaganda among the parent community. Children see their parents’ attitude to environmental issues. After all, children of preschool age are very impressionable and receptive, they copy the behavior of adults, learn from their parents how to relate to the environment, and what they see they embody in life. Therefore, environmental actions help parents themselves learn how to treat nature correctly and set the right example for their children. Children and adults participate together in various environmental activities and gain an unforgettable experience.

And most importantly, during environmental actions, children are shown and given the opportunity to improve and correct the consequences of people’s environmentally illiterate actions, since the result of any action is the productive activity of children.

(№11) . Our children and parents participated in the following events:

"Feed the birds in winter"

Environmental cleanup “Green Spring 2015”

"Spring Week of Kindness"

"Clean Coast"

"Decade of collection of secondary material resources"

"Blossom the Earth"

(№12). Our vegetable garden on the window for children of the first junior group is a whole action. They studied the properties of the earth, that it can be dry and wet. They planted the first seed in their lives, watered it, watched it grow, protected it and did not spoil it, and admired the beauty. We got our first experience. The children planted beans, onions, wheat, cucumbers, parsley, and peppers. And our garden is made from waste material: sour cream cups - bowls, beds of containers for cakes and pastries. The lawn is made of cardboard box, the lake is cottage cheese boxes, a swan was cut out of a plastic bottle, a wattle fence is newspaper tubes, the tree was made from a cling film sleeve.

(№13) . Conclusion.

Environmental education must begin from a very early age, because at this age the impressions are the most vivid. Children easily learn rules and regulations, learn kindness and caring. And what we put into a child’s soul now, how we raise our children, this will be our future.

Speech at the Moscow Region on the topic:

“Innovative technologies for environmental education of preschool children”


(SLIDE 2) Our task is to teach the child to treat every living organism as a valuable, unique entity that has the right to life. Most best result can be achieved if we begin to form the foundations of environmental culture in preschool age.

In my work, I set the goal and objectives of environmental education of children:

Goal: the formation of a new type of person with a new ecological thinking, capable of realizing the consequences of his actions in relation to the environment and able to live in relative harmony with nature.


1. Development and correction emotional sphere children through the organization of direct communication with wildlife and the widespread use of psychological and pedagogical games-trainings with natural history content in various types activities of preschool children.

2. Formation of the basic foundations of environmental culture in children:

Mastering basic ecological knowledge about nature native land, reflecting the connection of living organisms with their habitat;

Obtaining initial understanding and practical skills in the field of environmental management (economic impacts on nature), nature conservation;

Obtaining initial ideas about man as a living organism, about human ecology (understanding of individual manifestations of the dependence of the health of children and adults on the environmental conditions in which they live);

Fostering in children a positive, active attitude towards objects and natural phenomena with which they come into contact.

3. Disclosure and development of the creative, spiritual and moral potential of each child in the process of communicating with the nature of their native land.

(SLIDE 3) The problem of environmental education is sufficiently covered in various methodological recommendations. The goals, objectives, principles, means, forms and methods, as well as the content of environmental education are determined. All this is familiar to you.

(SLIDE 4) I would like to draw attention to the use of innovative forms and methods of working with preschoolers.

To make every day of children's stay in kindergarten interesting and eventful, I try to implement the tasks of environmental education through an integrated approach to teaching.

Children acquire environmental knowledge and skills not only in specially organized classes, but also during walks, excursions, play and research activities, reading books, and in fine arts and music lessons.

(SLIDE 5, 6) Play activity

Role play- a method in which children act out life situation(really occurring or simulated). The game scenario is not described, but only the situation is given. Children model their own behavior and build relationships. In role-playing games, the child’s social competencies are actively formed. Role-playing turns learning into a creative laboratory for self-education.

Games for children are a way of understanding the environment, a path to understanding the world in which they live and which they can change and transform.

Puzzle games, experimental games, exploration games, meditation games(“I am the Sun”, “I am the Rain”, “I am the Wind”, “Sun and Cloud” and others) give new impressions about the life and work of people, about the state of nature and its changes; awaken interest in nature and develop a value-based attitude towards it; form motives and practical skills for environmentally appropriate activities; provide opportunities for independence, initiative, cooperation, responsibility and the ability to make good decisions. In these games, children use their life experience and reflect what interests, excites, and pleases them.

An interesting game technique in working with children is receiving letters of complaints from residents of a living area, residents of a forest, garden, or vegetable garden. When children receive such a letter, they think about its contents, discuss various environmental situations, decide how they can help this or that living creature, how they need to protect and protect the nature of their land and the entire planet.

Nowadays everyone widely uses design methods. I won't dwell on them.

(SLIDE 7) Case technologies

Case - technology- this is an analysis of a situation or a specific case, a business game. Its main purpose is to develop the ability to analyze various problems and find their solutions, as well as the ability to work with information.

Technology ideas:

Designed to develop communicative competencies in technical educational fields, where there is no unambiguous answer to the question posed, but there are several answers that can compete in terms of truth;

Child development in joint activities child-adult on equal terms. For example, a case photo or case illustration “Does a child behave correctly in nature?”

Discussion method “Good-bad”, “Why did the leaf turn yellow?” or “Why do poplars have big buds, but birches have small ones?” etc. - the purpose of such a case is to work together with a mini-group of children to analyze the situation, find a way out, the correct version.

(SLIDE 8) Computer technologies and multimedia presentations

Information and computer technologies are firmly integrated into the preschool education system and are widely used to improve and update the forms and methods of working with children.

Unlike an adult, for whom it is enough to listen to an oral explanation, subsequently using logical thinking, to understand the meaning of the information, for children, the saying “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times” fits perfectly. A child, with his visual-imaginative thinking, understands only what can be simultaneously viewed, heard, acted upon, or evaluated the action of an object. This is why it is so important when teaching preschoolers to access the channels of information available to them.

In my work practice, introducing children to nature, I use a variety of materials: didactic pictures, reproductions of art paintings, photographs, videos, sound recordings; in which children become active rather than passive objects of pedagogical influence.

I use the following types of illustrative and visual materials on electronic media:

  1. sound materials are recordings of the voices of birds, mammals, the noise of the forest, surf, rain, wind, etc.;
  2. screen materials are slides, i.e. a series of individual frames dedicated to a specific topic;
  3. multimedia presentations are educational screensavers with beautiful, bright pictures that help teach children about the world around them. The presentation combines dynamics, sound, colorful images, which significantly improves the perception of information;
  4. media classes, which I conduct in a group room using a laptop or in a music room equipped with a computer, projector and screen;
  5. during the modeling process;
  6. in case it is necessary to provide some kind of virtual cognitive information.

I include multimedia environmental games both in the content of classes to get acquainted with the outside world, and in free activities: travel games, riddle games, didactic games, quizzes, physical exercises, finger games.

(SLIDE 9) Ecological theater, the use of folk wisdom (fairy tales, legends on environmental themes)

An effective method of expanding knowledge on ecology isusing pearls of folk wisdom - fairy tales, legends, sayings, riddleson environmental topics, the purpose of which is to enrich the mind and excite the soul, and not so much to provide ready-made answers to the questions posed, but to develop the child’s ability to think independently, using his experience and previous observations: “Do not destroy a lot of forest, take care of a little forest, if there is no forest, plant it,” “Don’t put your hand on nature, so will your grandson,” and so on.

One of the forms of non-traditional environmental education for preschool children isecological theater,which promotes the development of a sense of collectivism, responsibility, forms the experience of moral behavior, and influences the spiritual and moral development of the individual. This is one of the innovative forms of environmental education and upbringing of children. Innovative, because children reveal environmental problems through costumed theatrical performances including songs, dances, and propaganda ditties that promote environmental protection.

Parents of students are involved in the organization of environmental theater. But here they not only write poems and ditties for performances, help in creating costumes and scenery, but become assistants in working with society (posting propaganda leaflets, distributing leaflets to the population, cleaning the territory).

I would like to emphasize once again that ecological theater is a new direction in the work of a kindergarten, opening up wide opportunities for creative search, the result of which is not only new productions, but, above all, new knowledge about our common home, about our neighbors on the planet, about interdependence man and nature.

Ecological theater classes provide an opportunity not only to study and understand the world around us, but also to live in harmony with it.

(SLIDE 10) Competitions, quizzes, brain rings, entertainment, holidays, environmental issues

Carrying out competitions, quizzes, brain rings, entertainment and environmental events,such as “Bird Festival”, “We are friends of nature”, “Earth Day”, “Forest Birthday”, “Autumn Kaleidoscope”,It also helps children feel like they are part of nature, children enjoy rehearsals, they enjoy performing not only in front of each other, but also in front of their parents, who are not only frequent guests, but also participants at our holidays.

(SLIDE 11) Environmental actions

In our preschoolenvironmental actionstake place throughout the academic year. During the events, preschoolers receive natural history knowledge, develop environmental culture skills, and an active life position. The promotions serve as good environmental propaganda among the parent community. Children see the attitude of their parents, the organization of the event and participate in it themselves.

And most importantly, during environmental actions, children are shown and given the opportunity to improve and correct the consequences of people’s environmentally illiterate actions, since the result of any action is the productive activity of children.

Each action is held under its own motto and has visual propaganda (leaflets, posters, memos).

(SLIDE 12) Types of shares:


  • “A seed and a grain in reserve!” (collecting seeds for the future harvest, flower seeds, seeds for feeding birds).
  • “Good winter for birds” (feeding wintering birds).


  • “The Christmas tree is a green needle.”
  • “Vitamins on the windowsill” (growing onions for yourself,

monitoring the growth of onions in different conditions, maintaining a general and individual observation calendar).


  • “Close the tap tightly so the ocean doesn’t leak out!” (March 22 is International Water Day).
  • “My favorite is a clean city!” (this city campaign “Clean City” is held traditionally, and we are actively involved, parents + children + employees: we clean the territory, improve it and plant it with landscaping).
  • “A palace for every singer!” (together with parents, making and attaching birdhouses).
  • “Let's decorate the planet with flowers” ​​(the campaign starts in April, on Earth Day, when children sow flower seeds).


  • “Let's decorate the planet with flowers” ​​(laying out flower beds, lawns from grown seedlings, caring for plantings).
  • “Protect the forest and its inhabitants from fire!” (call on how to behave in the forest).

(SLIDE 13) Ecological trail

When working with natural objects, it is important to develop in children the need for independent study of nature. This task can be accomplished by creating a pedagogical developmental environment of an ecological direction, in which a child could explore the world around him, independently identify connections and dependencies that exist in nature, observing objects and phenomena of inanimate and living nature and actively interacting with them.

One of the most important components of the ecological development environment isecological trail,which we used as an innovative form of environmental education.

An ecological path allows you to more productively use regular walks with children for environmental activities and at the same time for children’s health in the fresh air. The same objects can be visited many times, especially in different seasons of the year. If it's an introductory walk, you can visit different points; if we are pursuing a specific goal (for example, finding out who lives on a stump), then we will limit ourselves to only one object. On the path we conduct observations, games, theatrical activities, and excursions. It is very important to remember the integrated approach: on the path I observe with the children, examine, discuss, analyze, etc., but the children express their impressions of what they saw, the acquired knowledge about nature, in different types activities: visual, musical, which helps to consolidate this knowledge in the child’s memory.

(SLIDE 14) Club work

In the conditions of rapidly changing life, a person is required not only to possess knowledge, but also, first of all, to be able to obtain this knowledge himself and operate with it, to think independently and creatively.

It is preschool children, with their desire to understand the world around them, who present great opportunities for developing a moral position in relation to their native land.

Therefore, what I can consider innovative in my work is the creation of a circle for experimental activities “Lyuboznayki”, where the child is given complete freedom to demonstrate cognitive, emotional, social and motor activity in the process of experimentation.

The main content of the research is:

About a person;

About materials (sand, clay, paper, fabric, wood, etc.);

About natural phenomena (wind, snowfall, sun, water, etc.);

About the plant world (methods of growing from seeds, bulbs, leaves);

About the objective world.

(SLIDE 15) Active forms of working with families

We solve the problem of developing an environmental culture with the help of parents. Parents are invited to classes and celebrations environmental content, where they were not just spectators, but also active participants. Events such as the environmental duel “Children vs. Parents” and KVN “Nature Experts” were held. They also gave homework, joint care of animals and plants; collecting collections of natural and other materials; assistance in creating a development environment; improvement of areas on the territory of the kindergarten; writing environmental fairy tales and designing books; participation in environmental actions (which were described above).

For several years now, I have been publishing a monthly environmentally oriented newspaper, “Kapitoshka,” from which parents learn about the work of our group in this direction, and also learn many interesting and funny stories about living and inanimate nature; and also thematic booklets are published: “All about flowers”, “All about proper nutrition children”, “Winter walks”, “Outdoor games during a walk”, “A clean city is our city”, etc.

(SLIDE 16) Conclusion:

During the work, the following changes were noticed:

Children have noticeably expanded their ecological ideas and their ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Interest in objects and phenomena of the natural world has increased, as well as emotional reactions to “disorders” in their use and value judgments about them;

There is a desire to comply with the norms and rules of behavior in the environment, aimed at preserving the values ​​of the natural world.

And in conclusion, I would like to play a game with you using one of the methods of environmental education: “Computer technologies and multimedia presentations.”

  • The game is called “Find out by advert”.

From the screen, children make an announcement on behalf of some animal, and you will have to guess which animal the announcement came from?


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