The game is my favorite toy. Class hour - My favorite toy

Cool hour-game “My Favorite Toy”, 1st grade.

Goals: give students the opportunity to remember their favorite toy; show the importance of toys in the life of an adult and a child; develop the ability to communicate, be sincere and honest.
Equipment: student drawings; rebus; Whatman paper, pencils, markers, crayons; toys; “seven-flowered flower” with tasks; cards with the names of toys; fairy-tale heroes.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Opening remarks:

Read on the board what is the name of our extracurricular activity? (Toys are our friends. My favorite toy.)

Today we will talk about your favorite toys, find out what they are used for, play, dance, imagine).

Guess the rebus on the board: “TOY”
- What do you think the word “toy” means?
- Why do children need toys? What about adults?

Toys exist not only for children, but also for adults. What kind of toys are these? (billiards, checkers, chess, cards, dominoes, lotto, etc.)

What toys are you playing with now? And when you were little?
- What toys did your parents and grandparents play with?

2. ^ A story about your favorite toy:

You drew pictures of your favorite toy. Now you need to go to the board, show your favorite toy and tell a fantastic story about it that you came up with at home.

3. ^ An unusual case with fairy-tale characters:

One day Luntik was walking along the path, and Little Bee was running towards him, in one hand he had a briefcase, and in the other hand a bear cub. Luntik asked Little Bee where is he going so smartly? The little bee answered him that he was going to school, because he was already big and at school he would read, draw, and study. - Do you take the bear with you? Luntik asked. To which Little Bee replied that he was old, dirty and that he would give it to someone, he didn’t need it. Luntik looked at Little Bee indignantly and said that he was a bad student. And Little Bee thought that Luntik was still very stupid because he didn’t go to school.

Answer, guys, who is right and who is wrong here?

4. ^ Let's fantasize!

Let's imagine that all the toys have disappeared, evaporated. What would happen on earth?

5. Poem by G. Ladonshchikov “On the Store Shelf”

Who knows how toys are made?
- Listen to the poem... (the guys recite the poem in roles)
- What a long journey a toy goes through before becoming beautiful, bright, loved.
- What needs to be done to make the toy last a long time?

6. ^ Game "Shop", on the table: (doll, motorcycle, skittles, ball, gun, cubes, glasses, spatula, apple, baby elephant, pig). - Go to the store, pull out a card with the name of the toy, and in order to take it for yourself, you need to talk about how you will play with it.

7. Riddles about toys:

    Small houses line the street.
    Boys and girls are being driven along the street.

    Whose house is this beautiful? What kind of bricks is it made of?

    The girlfriends are different in height, but they look alike, they all sit next to each other, and there is only one toy.

    He walks from one end to another, cutting a black loaf, while another walks behind him, pouring gold salt.

8. Dance with your favorite toys.

9. Game “Flower-seven-flowered”

Go to the board, tear off a piece of paper and complete the task with your toy. (Tasks are offered on different topics and areas, taking into account individual characteristics children).

10. Result:

How should you treat your toys? What should you do with toys you no longer play with?

11. Collective work in micro groups: draw a collective picture of your favorite toys on whatman paper. (Students are divided into micro groups).

Target: strengthen children’s understanding of the structural features, appearance various toys.

Material: diverse various toys, kits for cutting out flat geometric shapes, envelopes from Samodelkin.

Progress of the game

IN. Today the postman brought us a letter from Samodelkin. He lingers in another kindergarten repairing toys and asks us to help him. He sent drawings of toys and their parts - we need to assemble them.

Shall we try to do the repairs ourselves? And by the time Samodelkin arrives, we will have complete order! We will match all the pictures of the parts to the picture with the image of the whole toy.

For example, what parts does the drawing of this ball consist of? (The oval is large, the triangle is small, the line is curved.) Find (cut out) such parts and make the same ball out of them. Then we’ll make a rocket, a bear, etc. in the same way.

What has changed?

Target: develop visual memory, the ability to correctly designate spatial relationships, and carry out spatial movements.

Material: various toys, pieces of furniture.

Progress of the game

IN. Look and remember how and where the toys are located in our corner. You will all turn away, and the presenter will change the location of two or three toys. The most attentive of you will notice the changes and say, for example, like this: “The ball was on the table, and now it is under the chair; the bear was sitting in the cart, and now on the sofa,” etc.

Then the leader can put away one or two toys (in a bag, chest), and the children can guess what is missing in the corner.

The most attentive player wins.

Doll housewarming

Target: develop the ability to designate spatial relationships and carry out spatial movements.

Material: doll room, geometric shapes, flannelograph, forms different options doll room.

Progress of the game

IN. Our doll Tanya has a housewarming party today. She has a new toy room. Children, look at the doll's room. Tell us where the furniture is: “In the upper left corner there is a closet, in the lower left corner there is a sofa, in the upper right corner there is a TV, in the lower right corner there is a desk, in front of the TV there is an armchair, in the middle there is a round table.”

Do you want to help the doll make a rearrangement? Now together we will draw up a plan of the room on a flannelgraph, using geometric shapes instead of objects.

Great! Choose one room plan on the form. Look carefully and arrange the objects in our doll room according to your plan. Which plan do you think is the most convenient? Why? Which one will the doll like? Let's arrange her furniture just like that!

Who will dress the doll faster?

Target: develop coordination of movements, dexterity.

Material: dolls with clothes.

Progress of the game

IN. Guys, you are all big already, you learned a lot in kindergarten, and you are going to school. But our dolls never learned to dress themselves for a walk. Will you help them?

Each doll has the same amount of clothes. There are as many dolls as there are competing children. The rest are fans.

Children compete with each other, moving from round to round (depending on the number of dolls with clothes). As a result, the winner is revealed - the fastest and most dexterous.

Game corner

Target: stimulate the development of thinking; practice classifying toys by purpose and constructing a proof phrase.

Material: educational toys and other various items.

Progress of the game

The teacher will equip several play corners (for a boy, for a girl, for a toddler, for an older preschooler, for a child musician, for a child athlete, etc.).

IN. Guys, take a close look at these play corners and tell me who can play them and by what criteria you determined this.

For example, a baby from junior group, because there are rattles, squeaky toys, soft cubes, a tumbler, a large teddy bear, etc.

“Our girls will play in this corner, because they love such small dolls with different clothes, dishes and furniture.”

“And in this corner the one who knows letters and can read will play, because these are games with letters and words, they have few pictures, there are numbers that we have not yet taught.” Etc.

Q. Guys, which corner of you wants to go to play? Why do you choose these games? Why do you like them? Which of the children in our group do you want to play with?

Different balls

Target: enrich children's understanding of the variety of ball games, about sports games; practice word formation.

Material: different balls, pictures of athletes and sports balls.

Progress of the game

IN. Look, guys, what I brought you in this big bag. What kind of bag is this? (Sportswear.) What do they wear in it? (Sports uniform, sports equipment.)

Shall we open it? What do you see here? (These are balls.) There are a lot of them here. Are they all different? Find identical balls.

Do you know what these balls are for? I have pictures of players-athletes. Look carefully at the pictures and tell me what is the name of each sport, player? Let's get them their balls. What are these balls called? For example: “In this picture they are playing football. These players are football players. And their ball is called a soccer ball.”

Also: rugby, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, tennis, water polo, billiards, motorball, bandy.

Toy store

Target: develop dialogical speech of preschoolers; practice writing descriptive stories; automate the pronunciation of certain sounds in connected speech .

Material: toys whose names contain a given sound. For example, “m” - nesting dolls, car, bear; “p” - train, cannon, Parsley; “b” - drum, balalaika, Pinocchio, dog, squirrel, etc.

Progress of the game

The teacher places toys on the table and invites the children to play.

IN. Let's play shop. You will buy toys. Don't forget what polite words to say when doing this. “Please give me a toy (doll): elegant, new, beautiful, big, etc.”

“Please take the doll.” “Please give me a toy (bear): brown, furry, soft, big...” “Please give me a pyramid toy): bright, plastic, small...”

I'll be the salesman. Who will I be? (Seller.)

And you will be the buyers. Who will you be? (Buyers.)

What does the seller do? (Sells.)

What does the buyer do? (Buys.)

The teacher shows the toys that he is going to sell. The children call them. Then one child is invited to the table:

“What toy would you like to buy?” (The child does not name it, but describes it.) After which the seller gives the toy to the buyer: “What do you need this toy for?” (The child answers and sits down.)

The next one is invited to the store. Now the seller offers: “I can only sell toys that have the sound “m” in their names.

If the child correctly names the item, he is awarded a “purchase”.

And so on until all items are sold out.

IN. And now I will ask my future salespeople to arrange toys in the store. Listen carefully! I will give you instructions on where and how to place the toys: “Put the matryoshka doll on a small cube, put the doll on a chair.”

Place the doll in front of the ball. Put the doll in the car. Place the typewriter in front of the car. Etc.

Describe the toy

Target: enrich vocabulary children with adjectives on the topic “Toys”; develop a situational and business form of communication between peers.

Material: various toys, a diagram for selecting signs.

Progress of the game

Children are divided into subgroups of three or four people and choose a toy. Each team takes turns calling out the definition word for the toy they have chosen. The team that names the most definition words wins.

For example:

1st team. A doll is large, new, elegant, plastic, soft, beloved, expensive, cheerful, fair-haired, walking, talking, abandoned, etc.

2nd team. Car - small, small, metal, smooth, small, new, fast, special, blue, light, etc.

3rd team. Construction set – plastic, small, multi-colored, colorful, interesting, smooth, etc.

Thematic selection of games and exercises for young children, topic: “Toys”

(Material on the same topic is on our website in the form of lesson notes for children 1-2 and 2-3 years old. The games and exercises there are selected based on the age and skills of the children, and in this collection we have prepared and collected a large number of tasks and exercises in addition to those already contained in the notes).


Enrich children's active vocabulary with words-names of toys.
Form stable ideas about size, shape, color, quantity.
Continue to introduce children to geometric shapes.
Teach children to make a whole from parts.
Introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique - drawing cotton swabs.
Improve the ability to draw straight lines with a pencil, paste image details in the right place.
Develop thinking, fine and gross motor skills.
Practice onomatopoeia, the ability to navigate in space, and coordinate movements with words.
Improve concentration and attention span.
Bring up careful attitude to toys.


Toys: Cheburashka, small doll dolls, cubes, balls, cat, bear, flags, steering wheels.
A picture of Cheburashka without ears and a bib, these parts cut out of paper, glue pencils.
Boats made from soap dishes with the numbers “1” and “2” stuck on them.
A sheet of green cardboard with a river, narrow and wide bridges, bushes with three and many berries glued on.
Cotton swabs, red gouache, baskets cut out of paper.
Pictures with a silhouette image of a tumbler (made of circles), multi-colored circles corresponding to the size of the picture, multi-colored pebbles, a circle with the image of a tumbler’s face.
Picture blank for finger painting “Tumbler” (without eyes), ready-made plastic eyes, plasticine, finger paints, wet wipes.
Clothespins, colorful circles.
Drawing with empty spaces in the form of geometric shapes, geometric shapes of appropriate sizes and colors.
Cut-out pictures depicting toys.
Various toys in duplicate each, toy chest.
Buttons in two sizes different colors, a picture depicting multi-colored flags corresponding to the color and size of the buttons.
Toys: elephant, bull, bear, bed, box.
Cookie squares cut out of cardboard, pictures depicting a cat, dog, cow, mouse, crow, pig, goat, duck, chicken.
Colored pictures of toys cut out of paper and their black shadows drawn on cardboard.
Colored pencils, sheets of paper with painted flags without sticks, counting sticks.
A container with cereal in which small toys are buried.
Background picture with images of toys, cardboard squares-cubes of different colors.
Blank picture “Night sky”, yellow plasticine.
Audio recordings: “Cheburashka”, “Flag”, “Animal Toys”.

Surprise moment "Cheburashka"

Look who came to visit us today? Cheburashka. He is a toy himself and loves other toys. Today we will play with a variety of toys.

Application "Cheburashka"

To complete the portrait of Cheburashka, you need to glue on the missing parts: ears and bib.

Didactic game “Find the shadow of the toy”

The toys have lost their shadows. Find the shadow of each toy and apply colored toy from above on her black shadow.

Didactic exercise “Cut pictures”

But these toys were unlucky - the children played with them poorly and broke them. Let's fix these toys - connect the parts into a whole.

Didactic game “How many nesting dolls?”

Here are boats for nesting dolls, but you can put as many nesting dolls in a boat as the number you see on the boat. If the number “1” on the boat means that only one nesting doll can be placed in this boat. And if the number “2” is on the boat, then you can put two nesting dolls in such a boat.
Take the boats and place the nesting dolls.

Didactic game “Matryoshkas went to the forest”

Matryoshka dolls love to go for walks in the forest. Now take the matryoshka doll and take it for a walk. (Children manipulate a matryoshka toy on a sheet with glued bridges across a river, tree stumps, and berry bushes).

Here comes the nesting doll. And in front of her is a river. Are there bridges? How many bridges? Two bridges. Identical bridges? No. Various bridges. One bridge is narrow and the other is wide.
The nesting doll walked along the narrow bridge.
She got tired and sat down to rest on a narrow stump. Uncomfortable on a narrow stump, the nesting doll moved to a wide stump.
And here are the bushes with berries. There are many berries on one bush. And on the other there is little. The matryoshka approached a bush with few berries. She collected all the berries and counted them: one, two, three. Then the nesting doll went to a bush with a lot of berries.
It's time for the nesting doll to go home. She walked home along the wide bridge. Goodbye!

Drawing with cotton swabs “Berries for matryoshka”

The nesting dolls wanted to collect the berries in baskets and bring them home. Let's draw some berries. And we will draw berries with cotton swabs.

Musical educational game “Give cookies to the animals”

We have cookies for the animals. Now we will treat them to these cookies. Listen to the words of the song carefully - the song will tell you who to treat. (According to the words of the song “Animal Toys,” children find a picture depicting this character and place “cookies” next to it).

Construction "Tumbler"

Here is a drawing of Tumbler. Let's make it beautiful and bright with colorful circles. Select circles of the appropriate size and apply them to the drawing.

When the children have laid out an image of a tumbler out of circles, you can offer to decorate the body - the children decorate a large circle with multi-colored pebbles and put a circle-face on a circle-head.

Visual activity “Tumbler”

Let's make beautiful eyes for Tumbler: make two balls of plasticine, attach them to the picture, put the finished eyes on top of the plasticine and press them with your finger.
And now, using finger paints, we will make a beautiful red dress for Tumbler.

Outdoor game "Carousel"

Barely, barely, the carousel began to spin,
And then, then, then,
Everybody run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush,
Stop the carousel!
One and two, and one and two,
The game is over!

Game with clothespins “Rattles”

The stick holders of the rattle toys were broken. Make them from clothespins. (As the children complete the task, the teacher asks what color rattle sticks the children choose).

Finger gymnastics “Toys”

There are toys on my table
They hid in silence.
Five gifts on your birthday
The guys brought it to me.
(We stroke the open palm of the other with circular movements of the fingers of one hand)

Once - a furry, soft bear,
Two - green crocodile.
Three is a naughty bunny,
And four - one horse,
Five is a huge machine
With a large yellow body.
(With the index finger, we stroke each finger with the other hand in the direction from the base to the tip)

I put my gifts in it
I put it down early in the morning.
(Join your palms and rub them in a circular motion with little effort)

Didactic game “Find pairs for toys”

Children are given toys and asked to go to the “store” and buy another exactly the same toy.

Dynamic pause "Flag"

Guys, choose your flags. What color flag did you choose? And you? What color is your flag? Listen to the song and repeat the movements.

Game with buttons "Flags"

Place the buttons in the right places.

(In the archive with the lesson there are several versions of this game for children of different ages).

Drawing with pencils “Sticks for flags”

These are some beautiful multi-colored flags.

Use counting sticks to make holders for the flags. (Children put sticks to the flags vertically). Put away the chopsticks and take out the pencils. Now let’s draw sticks for the flags.

Didactic exercise “Find geometric shapes in the picture”

Look with this beautiful picture some figures ran away.

Here is a triangle, a circle, a square, a rectangle, and you return these shapes to their places in the picture.

Reading the poem “Elephant” by A. Barto

It's time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
Lay down in the box on its side.
The sleepy bear lay down in bed,
Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.
The elephant nods its head
He bows to the elephant.

Modeling “Night outside the window”

Night has fallen. The moon appeared in the sky.

And you and I will make the stars ourselves. Tear off pieces of plasticine, apply them to the night sky and press them with your finger.

Exercise “Find toys in cereals”

Children dig out small toys from a container filled with cereal.

Didactic game “Build a tower of cubes”

Build a tower from square cubes. Name the color of each cube.

Relay race “Put the toys in their place”

Children run one after another from one end of the room to the other, take a toy, return and put it in the chest.

  • Hall with stage
  • Stand for exhibition of drawings
  • Showcases for the exhibition of toys made during classes at the Central Educational Center
  • Music center with karaoke function
  • Progress of the event

    Host: Hello, dear guys! Today we invited you to the Festival of Your Favorite Toy. Guys, you all love to play. You play active games where you need to run a lot and quickly: football, hockey; you play board games: checkers, chess, but there are also your favorite toys that you brought here today. We asked you to bring your favorite toys.

    I see you are great! They came to our holiday with toys.

    Let's take a look at them.

    (fun music sounds. Children raise toys above their heads and show their toys to the presenter)

    I see here we have a variety of toys: dolls, cars, and soft animals.

    (Children come out and read the poem “Toys”)

    1. What are our toys made of?
    Dolls, bears and firecrackers?
    From faux fur,
    Fabrics and rubbers,

    2. Made of plastic and metal,
    Wood and clay.
    From talent and patience,
    From folk skill.

    3. Not bakers, shoemakers,
    And the master artists
    Toys were created
    They sculpted and painted.

    4. Bright, elegant -
    We are very happy with the toys.
    Here is parsley in a cap,
    In a bright blue sash,
    In pink boots
    And in his hands there is an accordion.

    5. Doll Nina, like Malvina,
    With blue hair
    With turquoise eyes,
    And the legs are new
    The shoes are burgundy.

    6. Here is a fluffy white bunny,
    What is it made of? Guess what!
    It is made of fur and cotton wool.
    All the guys love the bunny.

    Host: Now let's remember what fairy tales we know with doll heroes.

    (Answers are heard from the audience: “Pinocchio”, “Malvina”, etc. They can call Artemon, Papa Carlo in this case should correct the children and say that these are living heroes.)

    Host: And what other fairy tales have doll heroes ("The Wizard of the Emerald City", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "Shepherdess")

    Host: Guys! Do you know what your favorite toys are made of?

    (Children show toys and say what they are made of. Clay, plastic, fabric, thread, wood)

    The poem "Straw Doll" sounds

    golden straw,
    Without a doubt, everyone is familiar with it.
    Like fairy fairies
    We'll do some magic on her:
    Let's collect it in a bun
    And we'll tie a belt,
    silk ribbon,
    Pink, new.
    A piece of chintz
    This will also come in handy.
    From all our efforts
    The result is a Masha doll!

    Host: And now it’s time for the riddles. Some of you prepared them for us.

    (Riddles performed by the children are heard)

    My outfit is colorful,
    My cap is sharp
    My jokes and laughter
    They make everyone happy.

    Take a quick look -
    The cheeks are turning pink,
    A colorful handkerchief,
    Floral dress.
    Just a little scared
    Everyone runs into a circle,
    Hiding in each other
    Smart girlfriends.

    Girlfriends walked along the path,
    There were a few of them:
    Two Matryonas, three Matryoshkas
    And one Matryoshka.
    What a stubborn man!
    You won't make me lie down forever!
    He doesn't want to sleep at all
    I'll put it down - it gets up again
    And it stands and sways,
    What is it called?

    Gray flannelette animal,
    Cross-eyed long-eared.
    Come on, who is he? Guess
    And give him a carrot.

    What does all this mean?
    Daughter, she’s not crying,
    If you put him to bed, he will sleep
    A day, and two, and even five!

    I'm a good toy
    I'll be the girls' friend
    I can sit in a stroller
    I can close my eyes.

    Friends of different heights
    But they look alike.
    They all sit next to each other,
    And just one toy.

    In this young lady
    The sisters are hiding.
    Every sister
    For the smaller one - a dungeon.

    They beat him, but he doesn't cry,
    It's just more fun when he jumps.

    Small in stature, but brave,
    He galloped away from me.
    Although he is always inflated -
    It's never boring with him.

    This fat toy
    You can't put it on the pillow.
    You know, I took the example from the horse
    Sleep standing up, not in a crib!

    He is with a bell in his hand,
    In a blue and red cap.
    He is a funny toy
    And his name is:

    On the post
    Colored drying.
    All together -
    Children's toy.

    The metal itself
    The brain is electric.

    Spinning on one leg
    Carefree, cheerful,
    A dancer in a colorful skirt,


    What a cutie
    Tumbler doll:
    pink face,
    Strawberry sponges,
    Cornflower eyes,
    There are lights in the eyes,
    Spins, doesn't fall,
    The kids are happy.

    Presenter: Our celebration continues; car racing participants are invited to the stage.

    (On the stage there are “races” in one or several races, depending on the number of children with cars at the festival. Fun music sounds, and car racing takes place on the stage until the winner is determined.)

    Host: Well, the auto racing is over. The dolls will perform a dance for both the winners and all spectators, but of course not alone, but with their mistresses.

    (A song or cheerful music sounds. Girls with dolls perform a dance. This can be a prepared dance or you can hold an additional “Dancers” competition)

    Host: Guys! When you went to our holiday, you of course saw an exhibition of toys made by the hands of the children of our center. What do you think? Can you make toys yourself?

    (from the audience it sounds - yes, yes, yes)

    Of course you can. And the leaders of our Center’s circles will help you with this.

    Let's listen to a poem about a handicraft girl

    (The poem “Knitted Doll” sounds)

    Knitted doll

    In the evening I knitted.
    Not a handkerchief, not a scarf, not a hat
    A bright red knitted paw,
    Ring tail, snub nose
    And the cheerful dog barked,
    Mischievous, ears on top -
    These are the toys we have!

    Host: It's time to play. The game is called "Find Me". Five people from each team are invited with their toys.

    You must remember which of the guys has which toy. Then we’ll sit the toys down to rest, and we’ll walk around the stage. (children make two circles to cheerful music). Now each of you takes one toy from the other team and gives it to the owner. Whichever team completes the task most correctly, that team will be the winner.

    (The game can take place in several stages, it depends on the number of teams and participants)

    Host: Here comes another game.

    Several people are invited to the stage. It is advisable to blindfold. Whoever inflates the largest balloon or inflatable toy in one minute wins.

    (The game can be played several times; in the end, each participant in the game receives an inflatable ball or toy as a gift.)

    Host: We had fun, played and were just a little tired. And it's time for us to rest.

    Let's cradle our toys.

    (Children lull the dolls to a lullaby. Girls who wish can go on stage)

    We all had a great time,
    And the winners by right
    worthy of praise and rewards,
    And we are happy to give you prizes!

    (Well, our holiday is coming to an end. All that remains is to award the winners of the “My Favorite Toy” drawing competition.)

    (Children are being awarded)

    Now the moment of farewell has come,
    Our speech will be brief:
    We tell you: goodbye!
    Until happy new meetings.


    1. V.S. Goricheva. Dolls. "Academy of Development", Yaroslavl, 1999.
    2. O. Uzorova, E. Nefedova. Big book riddles "Planet of Childhood", Moscow, 2003.
    3. A holiday with the family. "The World of Books". Moscow, 2001.


    • Development of children's cognitive interests, musical and intellectual development children.
    • Enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Toys”.
    • Develop creative independence in creating artistic images.
    • Arouse positive emotions in children.

    Progress of entertainment

    Children enter the hall to cheerful music, toys in their hands.

    Leading: Hello, dear guests! Today we invited you to the Celebration of our children's favorite toy. The week of games and toys is over. We are convinced that our students love to play Russian folk games, outdoor games and board games. With great desire they participate in making toys with their own hands. So, the guys brought their favorite toys with them, welcome them.

    (Children come in with their favorite toys to the music.)

    Leading: I see here we have a variety of toys: dolls, cars and various animals.

    (Matryoshka enters the hall, dancing. She is wearing a scarf, a sundress, with a hoop sewn into the skirt, attached to the skirt satin ribbons, (there are as many of them as there are children in the group.)

    Matryoshka: Hello, adults and children! Do you know who I am?

    I, Matryoshka, I am a toy, I get up quickly in the morning, it’s very fun, guys, I dance and sing.

    Matryoshka performs ditties

    I was born in Russia

    And I live in Russia

    I am a rosy Matryoshka

    I sing very cheerfully

    I am Russian Matryoshka

    Elegant, beautiful

    And I came to you for the holiday,

    My dear children

    You're more fun with me

    Stomp your feet

    You're more fun with me

    Clap everyone together

    How many toys I see you have! ( Indicates a toy exhibition). How interesting and beautiful they are. Do you like them? Who made them? Let's play a game. I will name the toy, and you will call it affectionately.

    (Matryoshka takes toys made by her parents’ hands from the exhibition and shows them to the children.)

    Children: Mishenka. ( Etc..)

    Matryoshka: Remember that toys are very loved by children, who affectionately call them.

    (Toys appear from behind the screen: a bunny, a bear, a doll. The toys read B. Zakhoder’s poem “The Song of Toys.”)

    1. Children love toys -

    That's what everyone says.

    Well, what about toys?

    Don't like guys?

    They dote on souls!

    It's a shame that not everyone notices this.

    2. We are silent, we do not cry,

    When we are abandoned -

    We know

    That tears don't save you from troubles.

    3. You won’t notice the offense

    According to us.

    We forgive the guys any offense.

    4. Because, probably,

    Not everyone notices

    How toys suffer

    They are sad, bored.

    5. That’s why they don’t know

    (And they don't want to know)

    How faithfully and faithfully we are

    We love the guys.

    Toys (in unison): Children, take care of us!

    Doll: Don't grab my hair.

    Bunny: Don't get my white fur coat dirty.

    Bear: Don't throw me on the floor.

    Matryoshka: Dolls from the store came to visit us, welcome them.

    Song "Dolls"

    1. I'm standing in a box

    And I’m holding a basket.

    I'm a cute toy

    The doll is beautiful.

    2. They sewed a dress for me,

    I dressed up in a dress.

    I'm a cute toy

    The doll is beautiful.

    3. I will show my legs,

    To show off the shoes.

    I'm a cute toy

    The doll is beautiful.

    4. I'll wave my hand to you.

    "Goodbye!" I'll tell you.

    I'm a cute toy

    The doll is beautiful.

    Matryoshka: And now I will tell you riddles, and you must guess them. So, attention:

    Riddles :

    1.I jump on the asphalt

    I fly across the yard into the grass.

    Don't hide me from your friends

    Let's play with them...( ball).

    "Ball Game"

    2nd riddle:

    Hiding from you and me

    One doll into another.

    There are polka dots on the scarves.

    What kind of dolls? (Matryoshka dolls).

    3.peas are ringing in it,

    The little ones are having fun.

    That's the first toy

    Under the name...( beanbag).

    "Dance with Rattles"

    3rd riddle:

    Drinks gasoline like milk

    He goes fast and far.

    Carries goods and people

    You are familiar with her, of course.

    Children: (car)

    Matryoshka takes out a car and plays with the cars.

    "Game with cars"

    Matryoshka: Do you want to ride the carousel? Sit down, that is, grab the ribbons on command: one, two, three - take the ribbon.

    (Matryoshka invites parents to take part with their children)


    Barely, barely, barely, barely,

    The carousel started spinning.

    And then, then, then,

    Everybody run, run, run.

    Hush, hush, don't rush,

    Stop the carousel

    One-two, one-two,

    The game is over!

    Matryoshka: Our holiday has come to an end. Your toys are tired, take them in your arms, rock them, put them to bed.

    A lullaby for toys sounds. Children take them with them to the group.