Gift ideas for a girl's third birthday. What to give a 3 year old girl, gift choice Interesting gifts for a 3 year old girl

Hello, dear readers. Perhaps some of you have encountered the following situation: “it’s a birthday, the girl is 3 years old, but I don’t know what to give.” This article was created to help understand this issue. After reading all the information presented, it will be much easier for you to determine what kind of gift you want to give to the birthday girl.

Development of a three-year-old girl

Before deciding what gift to give, you need to take into account the age characteristics of the birthday girl:

  1. At this age, a girl already understands what a birthday is. At a minimum, she understands that she will have a meeting with guests and gifts. Therefore, they look forward to their holiday with great impatience.
  2. The games of such a girl become more complex, abstruse, she already knows how to worry, worry, regret and sympathize.
  3. At this age, babies can spend quite a long period of time independent play, they are especially fascinated by themed games.
  4. A three-year-old girl can already try on her mother’s shoes. For example, my niece, who will turn three in three months, is already doing this with all her might, and regularly.
  5. Some babies love to comb their hair and have a desire to use cosmetics. That is, already at this age young ladies are trying to take care of their appearance.

What can you give a 3 year old girl?

It’s good if you have a little daughter and you know approximately what gift you can give to a girl of that age. And there are situations when parents themselves find it difficult to choose a gift for their daughter.

Personally, I have never had to give a gift to a three-year-old girl. Since my niece’s birthday is only in three months, I have already begun to rack my brains over the question of what is the best gift to give her. She just decided that a tricycle or balance bike, perhaps a scooter, would be a good gift, but it turns out she already has a similar device. I wanted to give her a dollhouse, but she already has one, albeit a very small one. So I don’t know if it’s worth buying the larger option. So, now I’m thinking about it myself. It's probably best to find out in more detail what toys she acquired in the last month before buying a gift. But of course, I won’t put off buying a gift until the last day.

Let's look at gift options for a three-year-old girl to make the choice easier or coordinate guests in the right direction.

Of course, most of the games and toys remain the same as for girls aged one and two. However, they also become more complicated in their execution. So, the following gifts are suitable for a three-year-old birthday girl:

For creativity

Little princesses take great pleasure in spending a lot of their time sitting at the table, creating their first artwork. Therefore, such a gift will come in handy.

Gift for active leisure

  1. Jump rope. Give a non-standard option, for example, with a jump counter. Now is the time to teach your baby to do active exercises.
  2. Kite. The girl will be happy to control such a device. The main thing is that the weather is favorable.
  3. Badminton. Such a gift will not only contribute to physical development, it will also have a beneficial effect on improving the baby’s eye and dexterity.
  4. Dance mat. The girl may not immediately understand how to use it, but with the help of older friends or an older sister or mother, she will figure out what’s what. Then it will be very difficult to pull her away from this gift.
  5. A balance bike or tricycle for a young athlete. Don’t be surprised if the baby immediately sits on it and starts rolling around the apartment.

Girls still continue to imitate their mothers. According to psychologists, the use of thematic sets has a beneficial effect on the social development of the girl, helps to correctly feel the world around us, develop communication skills. Thematic games help develop feelings such as kindness, empathy, and solving different situations. In addition, there are cases where a girl who was afraid of going to the hospital overcame her fear thanks to the help of a young doctor.

In addition to this set, you can give the girl the following:

Gifts for a young princess

Evening dress for a little girl

  1. Beautiful elegant clothes, shoes. Since a three-year-old girl loves to dress up, such a gift will be pleasant not only to her parents, but also to herself. Don't be surprised if she immediately runs to try on new clothes.
  2. Box with children's jewelry. It may include elastic bands, bracelets, hairpins, beads, and clips. The little princess will be happy to try on most of the items in the set right away.
  3. Hygiene products. You can give the girl personal care items. This can be shampoo, bathing gel, bath foam, soap unusual shape and even eau de toilette. In addition, if the girl does not yet have a toothbrush, you can give such a gift, paired with toothpaste, a special stand for the brush.
  4. A handbag for little girls or a small backpack. The birthday girl will be so happy about such a gift that she will immediately put it on and will not take it off until the end of the evening.
  1. If possible, consult with the birthday girl’s parents about what gift would be successful. It’s even better to ask the hero of the upcoming celebration, the main thing is to do it unobtrusively, so that she doesn’t guess anything.
  2. When choosing a gift, always consider in which area the little birthday girl is most interested in developing. Let the gift be on topic.
  3. If you choose a toy, do not be guided by pricing. It is much more important to think about how it will benefit its future owner.
  4. When buying a gift, remember the age restrictions for using certain toys. You should not give too abstruse options, which will be perceived by the girl with bewilderment.
  5. And remember, don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. As a rule, this leads to the fact that the name day comes, and you still do not have a purchased present.

Now you know what gifts are acceptable for a girl at the age of three. Remember that they must be safe, made of high-quality materials and absolutely understandable to a three-year-old child. I wish that the gift you bring to the young princess will please the girl and her parents!

A daughter's birthday is a big holiday for parents, friends and loved ones, so mom and dad begin to prepare for this event in advance. In addition to organization, fun and beautiful outfits, the main attributes of this important day of the year are gifts. And adults wonder: what to give a girl so that it is not only interesting, but also useful. Today, children's goods stores have a huge selection of gifts that the birthday girl will definitely like. Or, at the discretion of the guests, you can make a surprise yourself.

Gift ideas for a little birthday girl for three years

It is necessary to approach the choice of gifts with all responsibility, because at three years old the girl already looks like a little lady who understands a lot, knows how to think logically and knows what she wants and what she doesn’t like at all.

At three years old, many children already go to kindergarten, have excellent contact with other children and adults, speak well and clearly express their thoughts and desires. Therefore, when looking at the many toys on store shelves, you need to take into account the interests of the child himself. You can directly ask the parents or the girl what she wants as a birthday present.

There are many gift options. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the guests. For example, relatives, as a rule, give their granddaughter or niece more expensive things: jewelry, children's transport, furniture, etc. But this does not mean that only loved ones can pamper a girl with such surprises. If family friends have the opportunity to purchase an expensive present, parents and the baby will be very pleased to receive it.

Sport is good for health: gift options for physical development

The baby's health largely depends on his physical development, which is receiving a lot of attention today. And this is correct, because the girl’s body is growing every day, and strengthening the muscles contributes to the formation of beautiful posture, normal development musculoskeletal system. That's why excellent option Birthday presents will include surprises for active outdoor activities:

  • scooter. In stores you can find a huge selection of models for children. of different ages. A three-year-old girl will benefit from the option with a seat, which can be easily removed if necessary, and the gift can be transformed. Find out from your parents which cartoon characters the birthday girl likes and present a toy with the appropriate image - the child will definitely be delighted;
  • bike. Another one of the most popular gifts, which can be presented for the third anniversary. At this age, it is better to give preference to three-wheeled models. It can be equipped with a handle for parents to make it convenient to carry the baby on a walk. As they grow older, all additional parts are removed, which allows the child to ride independently;
  • rollers. Some parents are skeptical about this gift for a three-year-old girl. But there are models on four wheels in stores. It’s easy for small children to learn how to control such skates, and mom and dad will worry less;

    Included with roller skates, you can also give protection: a helmet, knee pads, and elements that fit on the elbows. If it is financially too expensive for one person to buy everything in a set, cooperate together. For example, godparents together present a complete skating kit.

  • inflatable pool. There are different models: in the form of animals, with a sun visor. But most of all, the birthday girl will appreciate a gift with a slide from which you can slide straight into the water;
  • swimming accessories. An inflatable ring, arm ruffles, an original swimsuit, a mattress and much more can be given to a girl, especially if she was born in summer period, and a trip to the sea is planned soon.

If there is enough space in the nursery, give a wall bars so that the baby can play sports without leaving home, for example, in bad weather. This is a rather expensive gift, so several invited guests or relatives can order a sports complex for a girl together. But before buying such a gift, you should consult with your parents. Perhaps the child has certain contraindications, and she simply will not be able to exercise.

Gallery: ideas for sports gifts for children

For kids there are scooters with a seat that can be removed if necessary. For girls three years it is better to buy models of roller skates with four wheels
A bicycle with a handle will not only please a girl, but will also become a convenient replacement for a stroller for parents. A swimming pool with a slide will be original and a great gift, but only if there is somewhere to place it. Sports complexes can be different in their configuration: the larger the model, the more expensive it is. Swimming accessories need to be chosen in bright colors so that the baby will be interested in swimming with them

Useful gifts: options for surprises for mental development

Early childhood development is very popular in modern society. Many parents begin to work with their babies on their own or go to developmental children's centers within a few months after birth. But at three years old, mom and dad must definitely pay attention to this. To make the process more interesting and effective, purchase and give various sets and games. IN game form training sessions will be more fun. Therefore, guests and relatives can present the following birthday gifts:

  • educational computer. There are a huge number of models for older children on sale. For your third birthday, you can buy a gadget with cards. During the game, the child will remember objects, actions and other information;
  • soft cubes. They are sold in sets. The principle of the game is for the baby to assemble a single image from several objects;

    You can also buy wooden sets with more parts, but the task is the same.

  • musical rug. Happy melodies and bright pictures with your favorite characters will help your child develop a sense of rhythm;
  • development center. They are completely different. For a girl of three years old, a wooden product is suitable, different sides which she will be able to complete tasks, develop creativity by drawing on an easel, learn to count, assemble a sorter and much more;
  • educational posters. They come in different themes and are equipped with sound and funny children's songs. At this age, you can already introduce your baby to numbers and letters, animals, seasons, weather phenomena;
  • soft puzzles. For development fine motor skills It is very important to teach your baby to work with small parts. Classic cardboard pictures The child won’t fold it yet, but soft and large elements are an excellent solution. You can buy magnetic puzzles that your little one can assemble on the refrigerator or educational board;
  • constructor. This is one of the most popular gifts that children love. For a three-year-old girl, you need to choose a set with large and light parts.

Gallery: toys that will help a little girl - daughter, granddaughter, niece or goddaughter - develop

For a three-year-old girl, the ideal option would be a computer with cards. They play with cubes on the principle of puzzles: you need to assemble a single picture. The girl will definitely like a musical rug. Developmental centers are different, depending on the age of the child. It is better to buy an educational poster with sound accompaniment.
The child will be able to assemble magnetic puzzles not only on the table, but also hang them on the refrigerator
You can build various objects from construction elements

Just for girls: toys for a three-year-old lady

Children copy their parents' behavior. They like to repeat the actions of adults, so they feel independent. This is especially true for girls who strive to play with dishes in the kitchen, take a real vacuum cleaner and clean the room, or do makeup with their mother’s cosmetics.

At three years of age, a turning point occurs; psychologists call it the three-year crisis. At this time, the baby strives to do everything herself and learns the boundaries of what is permitted. Therefore, sets and gifts that will make you feel like an adult, like your mother, will come in handy:

  • interactive pet. Having bought such a toy for the birthday girl, you can be sure that she will definitely like it. Children are showing an increased interest in kittens, puppies and other animals, but it's not just a stuffed rabbit or dolphin. If you press a button, the animal will open and close its eyes, make sounds, ask for food, want to sleep, be happy and scared. Among other things, playing with such an animal teaches a girl to care and feel responsible for another creature, even if it is not a real one;
  • cleaning kit. All little ladies strive to clean up the house. But it’s better to let the baby play with children’s objects than to take a real broom or mop;
  • talking doll. She can answer questions, sing songs and tell stories. There are tall models who will walk hand in hand with a girl;
  • kitchen. The set includes not only dishes, but also a stove, sink and other parts. The baby will feel like a real hostess, and all guests will be happy to try tea and cake;
  • dressing table. There are many sold in stores different models. Some kits include a set of children's cosmetics. They also differ in price category. The ones that have sound are more expensive. For example, you can use the remote control to open and close a mirror.

Gallery: what you can give to interest a girl

With this set, the girl will help her mother clean up the house, as well as put away her toys after playing.
Interactive dolls are very popular among girls. With the help of such a gift, a child can be introduced to the names of dishes, vegetables, fruits and other items
Any little fashionista will appreciate her dressing table
Available for sale different options pets, you can buy the animal that the girl likes most

Video: review of the interactive doll

As a souvenir and with your own hands: birthday surprises

Handmade gifts are very popular. The donor can prepare a surprise himself or order from a master who will take into account all wishes and create an exclusive and original gift:

  • jewelry. Both the girl and her parents will definitely like them. At this age, the child already understands the meaning of such gifts; many babies themselves ask to have their ears pierced, because they want the same earrings as their mother;
  • interior doll. It differs from the usual one, because it is intended to decorate a child’s room. You can order a toy from a professional that will be very similar to the birthday girl in hair color, clothes, etc.;
  • personalized pillow. It is made in the form of one letter of a name or a whole word. Or you can sew, for example, a crown and embroider the girl’s name;
  • robe with embroidery. This gift is very popular and will always come in handy for a little lady. And on the back you can make the child’s name with threads;
  • photobook. Both the parents and the child will like this memorable gift, because children love to look at photographs. Can be done big book from birth to three years or include only one year of the baby’s life;
  • certificate for a photo shoot. Children grow so quickly, so the opportunity to capture a child's emotions in a photo is a great gift.

How to choose the right gift

It is worth understanding that not all sets, games and other things are suitable for a girl at a given age. Therefore, before purchasing a gift, follow a few basic rules:

  • consult with the parents of the birthday girl, because she already has a lot, and the second set will be completely unnecessary;
  • Always pay attention to age restrictions; for example, it is dangerous to give a construction set with small parts to a child of three years old. The same applies to other gifts: an educational computer for preschoolers will simply be incomprehensible to a three-year-old;
  • always take into account the interests of the child: if the baby likes to draw, you can give a set for creativity. But if she is not at all interested in paints and pencils, such a surprise will not bring her joy;
  • Find out what the baby can do and be guided by her skills. For example, many sets are designed for children from 2 to 6 years old. However, a girl may not be at all interested in, for example, letters. Then it is better to replace the educational poster with another present;
  • if the choice fell on buying a beautiful outfit, ball gown, be sure to ask parents about the size their daughter wears and style preferences. Some babies refuse to wear shorts, wearing only dresses and vice versa.

After analyzing the interests of the child, you can do right choice and choose a really useful, interesting and educational gift that will delight not only the birthday girl, but also the parents.

The choice of gifts is simply huge, but in some cases guests and relatives are at a loss, fearing that the little lady will not like the surprise. That's why the best option Before buying, she will talk with her parents, who know her daughter’s interests and will tell her what will definitely interest the girl. Don’t be upset if you don’t have money for a too expensive present, because the main thing is that it was made from pure heart. Today on store shelves you can choose the necessary and interesting toys, sets and sets of different price categories. The main rule is not to put off the purchase until the last day.

In many cases, adults have problems choosing gifts for young children. It is difficult for those who have already grown up to understand those who still have to grow up. However, solving this problem and deciding what to give a three-year-old child should not be difficult, no matter whether a gift is required for a birthday or for the New Year holidays.

Find out the wishes of the birthday girl herself

Most children, starting from the age of three, fall under the influence of bright, spectacular advertising. When the next video is played on TV, informing about the appearance of a new doll or other exciting novelty, an annoying thought settles in the child’s head about how much he would like to own such a toy. Therefore, it is quite possible to simply ask the baby what she dreams of. A three-year-old girl will not make things up, but will simply say what she would like to receive as a gift.

Toys and other entertainment

Well, what girl, even the smallest one, doesn’t love dolls? Although at three years old a child can still be given an ordinary baby doll, at the same time, an elegant beauty, fashionably dressed and made up, will also arouse interest. And a big doll in a princess dress, with a change of clothes included, which, moreover, can blink and has long curly curls, is just a dream for a three-year-old child. You can even purchase an additional crib and stroller.

Fashionable now various types dolls: Bratz, Winx, Moxxi, Mia and the fairy doll will be quite capable of winning the heart of the baby, although, of course, the doll large size would still be preferable. Baby dolls are of great benefit to a girl’s development – expectant mother, and will teach you not only how to care for a baby, but also how to interact with other children in general. Most of these dolls can cry, make sounds like real newborns and write.

It would be great to give a three-year-old girl a whole dollhouse that can be rebuilt and furnished as she wishes. The kit usually includes sets of furniture, household items, additional characters and even other buildings. And from all this you can assemble a whole small town - the baby will be delighted!

Soft toys, although considered useless, can provide an invaluable service to a three-year-old child; for example, such animals can be used as patients or customers. And if you give an interactive animal that can bark or meow, run after a bone, give a paw and wash itself, this will cause tenderness and joy in anyone who meets such a fluffy animal.

Musical toys

What to give a 3-year-old girl from musical items?

At three years old, a child may be especially interested in objects that make different sounds. However, this interest can quickly disappear or become stronger - it depends on whether the girl has musical abilities. There can be many examples of such gifts:

  • drum;
  • guitar;
  • small piano;
  • musical rug;
  • pipe;
  • whistle;
  • tambourine;
  • xylophone;
  • microphone;
  • accordion;
  • castanets;
  • maracas;
  • synthesizer;
  • music book;
  • and even a whole musical set.

Children's household appliances

Girls from the age of three begin to imitate their parents and help them with housework, so household appliances would be an excellent gift option. Previously, such things could have been considered a pipe dream. Now in children's stores you can find absolutely exact copies of household items, without which modern humanity simply cannot imagine their lives.

A children's vacuum cleaner will be an excellent gift for a three-year-old girl, because now she can imitate her mother when she starts cleaning the house. And the most interesting thing is that most of these vacuum cleaners can make noise just like real devices and have lighting effects.

At the age of three, a child is not allowed to use a real kettle, but I would really like to know how it works! Why not give your little one a children's teapot, into which you can also pour water - the little one's delight will know no bounds.

In today's stores you can even find toy refrigerators. Such a gift will certainly not leave any little housewife indifferent! What will be attractive to a girl is that such a thing, unlike real equipment, can reproduce a variety of light and sound effects, and in addition, the food in such a refrigerator will never run out.

Educational toys

At the age of three, children, first of all, actively explore the world. Therefore, the child will like a gift that can be looked at, sorted through, touched, felt. Toys for a three-year-old girl should be varied, develop fantasy and imagination, teach some rules of life and introduce them to different social roles.

You can give a three-year-old baby a selection of finger or glove puppets. Such items will not only allow the child to act as an actress, but also to become a director and screenwriter. It is best to choose fairy tale characters familiar to the baby.

Construction sets are an ideal gift - they are suitable for any gender of the child. At the age of three, it is better for a girl to buy a construction set with a small number of parts, which will ensure the development of spatial thinking and imagination, and create standards of size and shape.

Although at the age of three the girl is not ready to create complex crafts, however, she will certainly appreciate simple creativity kits. You can purchase kits for appliqué and sculpting, stained glass painting, and painting kits. Moreover, the latter include not only banal felt-tip pens, but also finger paints, crayons, wax pencils, boards, mats and drawing tablets.

And finally, three years is a great time to introduce a girl to board games.

Of course, these should be simplified versions of lotto, dominoes, sets of cubes, or themed sets of cards made especially for little ones. The baby can also be interested in a selection of mosaics with bright large parts so that a three-year-old girl can comfortably hold them in her hand. You can combine business with pleasure by purchasing a mosaic with letters or numbers drawn on chips, which will be the first step to learning the alphabet and numbers.

What to give a 3-year-old girl for physical development? Various balls, jump ropes, children's horizontal bar, trampoline and other sports equipment.

Well, the most universal and desirable gift is a book. For a three-year-old child, of course, it should be large, colorful, bright and with many pictures.

With an eye on the future

Some psychologists are confident that children's hobbies lay the foundation for choosing a particular profession in the future. Someone plays school, store, and someone pretends to be a writer or artist. A girl of three years old can get carried away various games, the main thing is to take a closer look and, after analyzing, determine her inclinations, understand what the child’s soul is about.

You can give a three-year-old girl a hairdresser's kit, which will include all the items necessary to create a style, albeit smaller ones: several combs different types, hair dryer, hair clips and other accessories.

A small doctor's set, in addition to being able to attract the child's attention for a long time, will help get rid of the fear of doctors that is inherent in many children. The small suitcase contains everything a young doctor might need to conduct the necessary research, make a diagnosis and prescribe the right medications.

A kitchen play set will help instill in a three-year-old girl thriftiness and homeliness from the very beginning. early age. Such sets usually contain a small copy of a real stove, oven, cutting table, or hood. And in extended sets you can find all kinds of dishes: pots, pans, teapots, mugs, plates and miniature cutlery.

Childhood - great time. It seems that the kids enjoy every little thing. Nevertheless, buying a gift for a child confuses many, because modern children are quite spoiled and experienced in all kinds of entertainment from early childhood. This means that you won’t be able to buy a present on the go – you’ll have to do some planning ahead of time. In this case, it is not so much the cost of the gift that is important, but attention to the interests and personality of a particular child.


And this is indeed a real little personality with his own needs and intellectual demands. Give one a talking doll, and the other is interested in construction toys. Adolescence is not easy not only for the child himself, but also for the adults around him. You should be as tactful and patient as possible. Don't be upset if your child doesn't like the gift. He already has his own expectations, and he might not immediately appreciate all its merits. Interests at this age change very quickly, so the baby’s hands will most likely reach even the most forgotten toy. Three years is an interesting and at the same time difficult period in the development of a child. This is a period of active knowledge of the world.

Memory and thinking develop very quickly, so the child already knows the following things:

  • knows 5 colors well;
  • can play independently;
  • constantly uses his favorite phrase: “I myself!” (which is often accompanied by stubbornness);
  • speaks full words and large sentences;
  • distinguishes objects by shape, color, size;
  • is aware of his gender.

Rules for choosing a gift

It is best to choose a gift based on individual and age characteristics child. Who else, if not the parents, knows their baby better than anyone else?

Therefore, if you have any difficulty with a choice, it makes sense to consult with them.

In any case, it is worth considering at least 1 or 2 of the following criteria when choosing a gift:

  • it must be something amazingemotional sphere very developed in three-year-olds;
  • utility– it’s good if the child can play for a long time and not only alone, if it is an educational game or something that imitates the activities of adults in a playful way;
  • more complex than before– the toy should not be too simple, it is required new level mastering some skill;
  • colorfulness– children are attracted to everything bright, rustling, loud, multi-colored;
  • age appropriate- a toy and should not be too complicated.

As for who will give the gift, the identity of the giver is not particularly important.

But a three-year-old will receive a gift from close people with greater joy than from those whom she rarely sees (this is a feature of age). But that doesn't mean you shouldn't attend the birthday parties of children you don't see often. Just be prepared that your child may not be delighted with your present at first. The main thing is to choose a gift that the hero of the occasion will like, and its cost does not matter.

The best birthday gifts for a three year old daughter

When choosing, take into account not your desires or maximum practical benefit, but your daughter’s dreams and hobbies. In order not to make a mistake, you need to take into account the character and interests of the birthday girl. Gifts for a three-year-old daughter can be different.


At the age of three years, the child develops quite quickly. Important foundations for future knowledge and skills are laid. You can start working with concepts and study according to the program early development. 3 years is the period when a three-year-old is interested in everything, and the question is constantly heard: “Why?”

The gift should be moderately complex, training attention, thinking and logic.

It is worth paying attention to the following options:

  • constructors– you can choose any, but Lego is considered the best;
  • books– coloring books, books with elements that can be moved, books with audio;
  • cubes, with the help of which you can get acquainted with letters and numbers - Zaitsev or Chaplygin cubes will be a good gift for a young student; methodological recommendations will help you organize the process correctly;
  • logic games– “Fold the pattern”, “Unicube”, “Clock”;
  • developments according to the Montessori system- will help you get to know each other geometric shapes and develop fine motor skills, coordination and imagination;
  • posters with talking buttons– little miss will be able to get acquainted with letters, numbers, animals, birds, different plants;
  • magnetic boards, which will help you master counting;
  • children's phone, tablet, computer– such gifts will not only entertain, but will also be beneficial in mastering foreign languages;
  • smart globe– in the form of a game, it will help you get acquainted with countries, oceans, landmarks and basic geographical concepts;
  • lacing;
  • mosaic(especially if there are diagrams);
  • puzzles– it is worth choosing large elements; their number is 20–25 elements;

For a young athlete

At the age of three or four, parents begin to send their children to their first sports sections according to the preferences and abilities of the kids.

If your little one is a tireless energizer, then she will be delighted with gifts such as:

  • bike– you can choose a three-wheeled or two-wheeled (with additional wheels) model;
  • hoop;
  • sports corner with rings, climbing ladders, a rope and a swing, and always a mat on the floor for safety;
  • skates;
  • sled– a gift for both the child and the parents;
  • scooter– it’s better to choose one with a handle that can be adjusted;
  • pool kit(swimsuit, hat, rubber slippers);
  • boomerang;
  • jump ropes;
  • tennis or badminton rackets;
  • net for catching beautiful butterflies;
  • trampoline.

For creativity

Creativity is an important part of any person’s life and a child’s development. There is still a lot that is physically inaccessible to the baby, but there are a lot of desires and ideas that any adult could envy.

It’s worth giving the little naughty girl such gifts for creativity as:

  • finger paints;
  • water painting mat;
  • sand paintings;
  • a cardboard or ceramic toy that can be painted to your liking;
  • applications with stickers;
  • light tablet for drawing;
  • applications on buttons;
  • musical toys, for example, a synthesizer with a microphone - the young singer will be delighted;
  • kinetic sand is a pleasure for both the child and the mother, since the creative process will not disturb the cleanliness of the house;
  • face painting - the main thing is to make sure that the girl does not have allergies;
  • set of stamps.


If you decide to give a pet, you need to be prepared for additional responsibility, because your young zoologist cannot yet care for the animal on his own.

If you are satisfied with everything, then give an animal such as:

  • cat;
  • dog;
  • guinea pig;
  • parrot;
  • turtle;
  • big snail;
  • fish;
  • rat.


It is especially pleasant to give gifts with meaning and great value (material and intangible) to a child, because this is not a present for a few weeks, but an investment for years. A three-year-old baby will not immediately appreciate such a gift, but in a few years she will enjoy it.

These include the following:

  • photoshoot– a difficult task that requires patience, but then it will be interesting to look at the photographs;
  • deposit– in the future the money can be spent on studies;
  • precious jewelry.


Such gifts should be chosen especially carefully.

A gift should remain a gift and carry a feeling of novelty, surprise, celebration, and not be an ordinary purchase of everyday necessary things.

These include the following:

  • high-quality bed linen, towels;
  • shoes or clothing;
  • dishes;
  • hygienic cosmetics.

It would be better to choose a gift such as:

  • unusual lamp for the nursery;
  • preparation of a children's party;
  • gift card to a children's store.


These gifts must be complemented by something else that you can touch and play with.

Impression gifts for a three-year-old girl can be as follows:

  • going to the entertainment center, where you can jump on a trampoline, play with animators and have fun on various attractions;
  • visit zoo, cinema or circus.
  • master class, where you can cook pizza or make a toy out of clay;
  • climbing wall for brave little ladies - it is important to remember safety (a good instructor and age-appropriate equipment);
  • video greeting from your favorite hero.

Important! You can give your baby sweets or cookies, originally packaged in the form of a bouquet.

What toy can you give to your goddaughter?

A godmother is like a second mother who also wants to pamper her daughter.

An ideal gift would be a toy such as:

  • a doll with a speaking function and the ability to move, or maybe it will be Moxie or Winx, Baby Born or Barbie;
  • talking fashionable interactive plush animal;
  • dollhouse with furniture;
  • furry talking robot toy Ferby;
  • children's kitchen and a set of beautiful toy dishes;
  • a stroller for a doll (especially the pink one will delight you);
  • children's equipment (to feel like a mother) - glowing kettle, iron, washing machine, humming vacuum cleaner, sewing machine;
  • recruitment of a young stylist, cook, pastry chef or doctor;
  • finger theater;
  • heating toy for sleeping.

What to choose for your sister?

If the cute three-year-old is your little sister, then it is better to make a gift with your own hands.

These include the following:

  • soft dolls;
  • interestingly designed pencil holders;
  • a T-shirt or dress with a photo of the birthday girl;
  • large heart made of isothreads;
  • felt toys (fruits, vegetables, bouquet, animals, bag);
  • kitchen made of cardboard boxes;
  • knitted toys;
  • homemade postcard.

Grandparents want to give not only useful, but also unusual gift.

These may be the following options:

  • home sandbox– you can put it on the table and enjoy creating Easter cakes; psychologists say that working with sand has a calming effect on the child;
  • glowing stickers;
  • cardboard doll with a set of clothes for her - this is good job for the development of fine motor skills;
  • kite;
  • surprise box “Stork Box”– what’s in the box can only be found out after opening it;
  • transforming toys– it can be a blanket that turns into an animal, a pillow toy, sleeping bag for the baby;
  • soft puzzle mat;
  • electric car;
  • dance mat for a future visitor to discos;
  • designer-burdock– the main thing is to keep it away from your hair;
  • toy for creative girls Bilibo;
  • children's soft room, consisting of special blocks - you can build whatever you want - a castle, a house for yourself or toys;
  • dry pool;
  • personalized fairy tale book, Where main character- your granddaughter.

Important! In any case, a gift from grandparents will be appreciated, as it was given with love.

How to please your niece?

The little fashionista's aunt can give gifts such as:

  • a fashionable dress, shoes or hat;
  • original comb(for example, Tangle Teezer), a set of unusual elastic bands and hair clips;
  • children's cosmetic table with a bunch of drawers where you can store all your wealth;
  • shower gift set– soap in the shape of an animal, delicious toothpaste, which is not scary to swallow, an unusual but comfortable toothbrush, shampoo that does not sting the eyes;
  • children's jewelry– colored rings, bracelets, beads; in addition to it - a box where all this will be stored;
  • cosmetics for girls;
  • backpack.

Don't be shy about giving something inexpensive. The main thing is your concern for the child’s feelings and attention to his needs.

You can choose one of the proposed options or come up with something to suit your taste. The greatest joy is to see the happiness in the eyes of a child and his surprise when you bought what you need. From a practical point of view, it is good to discuss future gift with other guests birthday party or the child’s parents, so as not to buy 3 identical dolls or not to purchase something to which the child may be allergic or have an ambiguous reaction.

Selection original ideas For a gift for a 3 year old girl, see the video below.

A daughter's birthday is a big holiday for parents, friends and loved ones, so mom and dad begin to prepare for this event in advance. In addition to organization, fun and beautiful outfits, the main attributes of this important day of the year are gifts. And adults wonder: what to give a girl so that it is not only interesting, but also useful. Today, children's goods stores have a huge selection of gifts that the birthday girl will definitely like. Or, at the discretion of the guests, you can make a surprise yourself.

Gift ideas for a little birthday girl for three years

It is necessary to approach the choice of gifts with all responsibility, because at three years old the girl already looks like a little lady who understands a lot, knows how to think logically and knows what she wants and what she doesn’t like at all.

At three years old, many children already go to kindergarten, have excellent contact with other children and adults, speak well and clearly express their thoughts and desires. Therefore, when looking at the many toys on store shelves, you need to take into account the interests of the child himself. You can directly ask the parents or the girl what she wants as a birthday present.

There are many gift options. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the guests. For example, relatives, as a rule, give their granddaughter or niece more expensive things: jewelry, children's transport, furniture, etc. But this does not mean that only relatives can pamper a girl with such surprises. If family friends have the opportunity to purchase an expensive present, parents and the baby will be very pleased to receive it.

Sport is good for health: gift options for physical development

The baby’s health largely depends on his physical development, which is given much attention today. And this is correct, because the girl’s body is growing every day, and strengthening the muscles contributes to the formation of beautiful posture and the normal development of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, surprises for active outdoor activities would be an excellent option for a birthday present:

  • scooter. In stores you can find a huge selection of models for children of different ages. A three-year-old girl will benefit from the option with a seat, which can be easily removed if necessary, and the gift can be transformed. Find out from your parents which cartoon characters the birthday girl likes and present a toy with the appropriate image - the child will definitely be delighted;
  • bike. Another one of the most popular gifts that can be given for a third anniversary. At this age, it is better to give preference to three-wheeled models. It can be equipped with a handle for parents to make it convenient to carry the baby on a walk. As they grow older, all additional parts are removed, which allows the child to ride independently;
  • rollers. Some parents are skeptical about this gift for a three-year-old girl. But there are models on four wheels in stores. It’s easy for small children to learn how to control such skates, and mom and dad will worry less;

    Included with roller skates, you can also give protection: a helmet, knee pads, and elements that fit on the elbows. If it is financially too expensive for one person to buy everything in a set, cooperate together. For example, godparents together present a complete skating kit.

  • inflatable pool. There are different models: in the form of animals, with a sun visor. But most of all, the birthday girl will appreciate a gift with a slide from which you can slide straight into the water;
  • swimming accessories. An inflatable ring, armbands, an original swimsuit, a mattress and much more can be given to a girl, especially if she was born in the summer and is planning a trip to the sea soon.

If there is enough space in the nursery, give a wall bars so that the baby can play sports without leaving home, for example, in bad weather. This is a rather expensive gift, so several invited guests or relatives can order a sports complex for a girl together. But before buying such a gift, you should consult with your parents. Perhaps the child has certain contraindications, and she simply will not be able to exercise.

Gallery: ideas for sports gifts for children

For children, there are scooters with a seat that can be removed if necessary. For a three-year-old girl, it is better to buy roller skate models with four wheels.
A bicycle with a handle will not only appeal to a girl, but will also become a convenient replacement for a stroller for parents. A swimming pool with a slide will be an original and excellent gift, but only if there is somewhere to place it. Sports complexes can be different in their equipment: the larger the model, the better it will be. more expensive Swimming accessories need to be chosen in bright colors so that the baby would be interested in swimming with them

Useful gifts: options for surprises for mental development

Early childhood development is very popular in modern society. Many parents begin to work with their babies on their own or go to developmental children's centers within a few months after birth. But at three years old, mom and dad must definitely pay attention to this. To make the process more interesting and effective, purchase and give various sets and games. In a playful way, training sessions will be more fun. Therefore, guests and relatives can present the following birthday gifts:

  • educational computer. There are a huge number of models for older children on sale. For your third birthday, you can buy a gadget with cards. During the game, the child will remember objects, actions and other information;
  • soft cubes. They are sold in sets. The principle of the game is for the baby to assemble a single image from several objects;

    You can also buy wooden sets with more parts, but the task is the same.

  • musical rug. Funny melodies and bright pictures with your favorite characters will help your child develop a sense of rhythm;
  • development center. They are completely different. For a three-year-old girl, a wooden product is suitable, on different sides of which she can perform tasks, develop creativity by drawing on an easel, learn to count, assemble a sorter, and much more;
  • educational posters. They come in different themes and are equipped with sound and funny children's songs. At this age, you can already introduce your baby to numbers and letters, animals, seasons, weather phenomena;
  • soft puzzles. For the development of fine motor skills, it is very important to teach the baby to work with small parts. The child has not yet put together classic cardboard pictures, but soft and large elements are an excellent solution. You can buy magnetic puzzles that your little one can assemble on the refrigerator or educational board;
  • constructor. This is one of the most popular gifts that children love. For a three-year-old girl, you need to choose a set with large and light parts.

Gallery: toys that will help a little girl - daughter, granddaughter, niece or goddaughter - develop

For a three-year-old girl, the ideal option would be a computer with cards. They play with cubes on the principle of puzzles: you need to assemble a single picture. The girl will definitely like a musical rug. Developmental centers are different, depending on the age of the child. It is better to buy an educational poster with sound accompaniment.
The child will be able to assemble magnetic puzzles not only on the table, but also hang them on the refrigerator
You can build various objects from construction elements

Just for girls: toys for a three-year-old lady

Children copy their parents' behavior. They like to repeat the actions of adults, so they feel independent. This is especially true for girls who strive to play with dishes in the kitchen, take a real vacuum cleaner and clean the room, or do makeup with their mother’s cosmetics.

At three years of age, a turning point occurs; psychologists call it the three-year crisis. At this time, the baby strives to do everything herself and learns the boundaries of what is permitted. Therefore, sets and gifts that will make you feel like an adult, like your mother, will come in handy:

  • interactive pet. Having bought such a toy for the birthday girl, you can be sure that she will definitely like it. Children are showing an increased interest in kittens, puppies and other animals, but it's not just a stuffed rabbit or dolphin. If you press a button, the animal will open and close its eyes, make sounds, ask for food, want to sleep, be happy and scared. Among other things, playing with such an animal teaches a girl to care and feel responsible for another creature, even if it is not a real one;
  • cleaning kit. All little ladies strive to clean up the house. But it’s better to let the baby play with children’s objects than to take a real broom or mop;
  • talking doll. She can answer questions, sing songs and tell stories. There are tall models who will walk hand in hand with a girl;
  • kitchen. The set includes not only dishes, but also a stove, sink and other parts. The baby will feel like a real hostess, and all guests will be happy to try tea and cake;
  • dressing table. There are many different models sold in stores. Some kits include a set of children's cosmetics. They also differ in price category. The ones that have sound are more expensive. For example, you can use the remote control to open and close a mirror.

Gallery: what you can give to interest a girl

With this set, the girl will help her mother clean up the house, as well as put away her toys after playing.
Interactive dolls are very popular among girls. With the help of such a gift, a child can be introduced to the names of dishes, vegetables, fruits and other items
Any little fashionista will appreciate her dressing table
There are different options for pets on sale, you can buy the animal that the girl likes most

Video: review of the interactive doll

As a souvenir and with your own hands: birthday surprises

Handmade gifts are very popular. The donor can prepare a surprise himself or order from a master who will take into account all wishes and create an exclusive and original gift:

  • jewelry. Both the girl and her parents will definitely like them. At this age, the child already understands the meaning of such gifts; many babies themselves ask to have their ears pierced, because they want the same earrings as their mother;
  • interior doll. It differs from the usual one, because it is intended to decorate a child’s room. You can order a toy from a professional that will be very similar to the birthday girl in hair color, clothes, etc.;
  • personalized pillow. It is made in the form of one letter of a name or a whole word. Or you can sew, for example, a crown and embroider the girl’s name;
  • robe with embroidery. This gift is very popular and will always come in handy for a little lady. And on the back you can make the child’s name with threads;
  • photobook. Both the parents and the child will like this memorable gift, because children love to look at photographs. You can make a large book from birth to three years, or include only one year from the baby’s life;
  • certificate for a photo shoot. Children grow so quickly, so the opportunity to capture a child's emotions in a photo is a great gift.

How to choose the right gift

It is worth understanding that not all sets, games and other things are suitable for a girl at a given age. Therefore, before purchasing a gift, follow a few basic rules:

  • consult with the parents of the birthday girl, because she already has a lot, and the second set will be completely unnecessary;
  • Always pay attention to age restrictions; for example, it is dangerous to give a construction set with small parts to a child of three years old. The same applies to other gifts: an educational computer for preschoolers will simply be incomprehensible to a three-year-old;
  • always take into account the interests of the child: if the baby likes to draw, you can give a set for creativity. But if she is not at all interested in paints and pencils, such a surprise will not bring her joy;
  • Find out what the baby can do and be guided by her skills. For example, many sets are designed for children from 2 to 6 years old. However, a girl may not be at all interested in, for example, letters. Then it is better to replace the educational poster with another present;
  • If the choice fell on buying a beautiful outfit, a ball gown, be sure to ask the parents about the size their daughter wears and style preferences. Some babies refuse to wear shorts, wearing only dresses and vice versa.

After analyzing the interests of the child, you can make the right choice and choose a truly useful, interesting and educational gift that will please not only the birthday girl, but also the parents.

The choice of gifts is simply huge, but in some cases guests and relatives are at a loss, fearing that the little lady will not like the surprise. Therefore, the best option before buying would be to talk with parents who know their daughter’s interests and will tell you what will definitely interest the girl. Don’t be upset if you don’t have money for a too expensive present, because the main thing is that it was made from the heart. Today on store shelves you can choose the necessary and interesting toys, sets and sets of different price categories. The main rule is not to put off the purchase until the last day.