How blood types are combined. What is hemolytic disease? Can blood affect a person's character?

When a couple decides to have a child, the man and woman often have questions about whether their Rh blood is compatible. For quite some time now, doctors and scientists have been studying these indicators. This article will tell you about the Rh factor compatibility. You will find out in what cases you should not worry about the formation of antibodies in blood cells. It is also worth saying what the Rh factor conflict is during pregnancy.

What is Rh in human blood?

Blood rhesus is the presence or absence of a certain protein on the membrane of red blood cells. In most cases it is present. This is why approximately 80 percent of the population has positive Rh values. About 15-20 percent of people become owners negative blood. This is not some kind of pathology. In recent years, scientists have been talking about the fact that these people become special.

Rh factor: compatibility

Quite a long time ago, data became known that some blood goes well together, but other types do not. To calculate compatibility by Rh factor for conception or for other purposes, you need to refer to the tables. They are presented to your attention in this article. Depending on what you want to know, compatibility information may vary. Let's consider in what cases the compatibility of Rh factors is recognized and when it is not.


The Rh factor will be compatible in the case of blood donation in the following cases. A person with a positive value (when the so-called protein is present on red blood cells) can donate material for negative people. This blood is transfused to all recipients, regardless of whether they have Rh.

The Rh factor does not provide compatibility when a negative donor donates material for positive person. In this case, serious cell conflict may occur. It is worth recalling that during transfusion of material it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of the Rh factor. This is exactly what experienced specialists do within the walls of medical institutions.

Planning a pregnancy

The compatibility of the Rh factors of the parents of the unborn baby is of great importance. Many couples mistakenly believe that the likelihood of conception depends on these values. Thus, with long-term infertility of unknown origin, a man and a woman blame their blood type and Rh affiliation. This is completely false.

It does not matter at all whether there is protein on the red blood cells of sexual partners. This fact does not in any way affect the likelihood of fertilization. However, during fertilization and establishing the fact of pregnancy, the Rh factor (compatibility of its indicators between the father and mother) plays a big role. How do these values ​​affect the unborn child?

Compatible Rh factors

  • If a man does not have protein on his red blood cells, then most often there is no danger. In this case, a woman can be positive or negative. This fact is absolutely not important.
  • When a woman's Rh factor is positive, the man's blood data is not particularly important. The father of the future baby can have any analysis indicators.

Possibility of conflict

The compatibility of the Rh factors of the parents may be impaired when the woman is negative and the man is positive. In this case, a big role is played by whose indicators acquired future baby. Currently, there are certain tests of the mother's blood. Their result can determine the identity of the child’s blood with up to 90 percent accuracy. Also, during pregnancy, women are recommended to take a blood test to determine the presence of antibodies. This helps prevent conflict and prevent it in time.

during pregnancy

While carrying a child, many women face various problems. One of them is incompatibility in blood group and Rh factor. In fact, it doesn’t matter at all what blood (type) the expectant mother has. The presence or absence of protein on the red blood cells of a pregnant woman is much more important.

If the woman’s Rh factor is negative, and the man (the father of the unborn baby) is positive, then a conflict may develop. But this will only happen if the fetus has acquired the properties of its father’s blood.

How does the complication develop?

The blood of the baby is determined even at about 12 weeks, the fetus develops independently due to the action of progesterone. In the second half of pregnancy, a continuous connection and mutual exchange of substances occurs between the mother and the unborn baby. The blood of a woman and the fetus are in no way connected with each other. However, the baby receives all its nutrients and oxygen through the umbilical cord. It gives away components it does not need, with which red blood cells can be released. Thus, the protein found on the blood cells enters the body of the expectant mother. Her circulatory system does not know this element and perceives it as a foreign body.

As a result of this entire process, the pregnant woman’s body produces antibodies. They are aimed at destroying the unknown protein and neutralizing its effect. Since most substances from the mother pass to the fetus through the umbilical cord, antibodies enter the baby’s body using the same method.

What is the risk of Rh conflict?

If a woman has those same antibodies in her blood, they can soon reach the fetus. Next, the substances begin to destroy the unknown protein and destroy the baby’s normal red blood cells. The consequence of such exposure can be many congenital diseases or intrauterine complications.

Often babies who have had a Rh conflict with their mother suffer from jaundice. It is worth saying that such a complication becomes one of the most harmless. When red blood cells break down, bilirubin is formed in the baby's blood. It is this that causes the yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes.

After the birth of a child with Rh conflict, diseases of the liver, heart and spleen are often detected. The pathology can be easily corrected or quite serious. It all depends on the duration of the destructive effect of antibodies on the child’s body.

In rare cases, Rh conflict during pregnancy can lead to stillbirths or

What are the signs of complications?

Is it possible to somehow find out about the developing Rh conflict during pregnancy? In most cases, pathology is detected by a blood test. Every expectant mother who has negative Rh values ​​should regularly donate material from a vein for diagnosis. If the result shows the presence of antibodies in the body, then doctors take measures aimed at improving the baby’s condition.

Also, one can suspect Rh conflict during pregnancy by the usual ultrasound examination. If, during diagnosis, a specialist discovers increased sizes of organs such as the liver and spleen, then perhaps the complication is already developing in full force. Diagnostics may also show swelling of the child’s entire body. This outcome occurs in more severe cases.

Correction of Rh conflict during pregnancy

After detecting a pathology, you need to sensibly assess the condition of the unborn child. In many ways, the treatment regimen depends on the stage of pregnancy.

So, in the early stages (up to 32-34 weeks) it is used in women. It is introduced into her body new material, which does not have formed antibodies. Her blood, which is destructive for the child, is simply removed from the body. This regimen is usually carried out once a week until possible delivery.

On later pregnancy, a decision may be made to urgently caesarean section. After birth, the child’s condition is corrected. Most often, the treatment regimen includes the use of medications, physiotherapy, exposure to blue lamps, and so on. In more severe cases, a blood transfusion to the newborn is used.

Prevention of Rh conflict during pregnancy

Is it possible to somehow prevent the development of pathology? Absolutely yes. Currently, there is a medicine that fights the formed antibodies.

If this is your first pregnancy, then the likelihood of developing a Rh conflict is minimal. Most often, red blood cells do not mix. However, during childbirth, the inevitable formation of antibodies occurs. That is why it is necessary to administer the antidote within three days after the birth of a child with positive Rh in a negative mother. This effect will avoid complications in subsequent pregnancies.

What to do if time is lost and another conception occurs? Is there any way to protect your child from conflict? For the expectant mother in this case, it is recommended to regularly monitor the blood condition through routine tests. The above substance is introduced into the body of a pregnant woman at approximately 28 weeks. This allows you to carry your baby to term without complications.

Summing up

You now know what the compatibility table of blood groups and Rh factor looks like. If you do not have the same protein on your red blood cells, then you should definitely tell your doctor about it. During pregnancy, special monitoring will be carried out over your well-being and the behavior of the fetus. This will allow you to avoid the occurrence of Rh conflict or prevent it in a timely manner. Good health to you!

Today, more and more young families are faced with the problem of infertility. The reasons that spouses fail to achieve pregnancy may be different. In 30% of cases, the cause is problems in the female body, in another 30% - male diseases, but in 10-15% of all infertile couples, the influence is caused by incompatibility during conception.


If both participants in the conception process are healthy, have systematic sexual relations, do not use contraceptives, but the woman cannot become pregnant for a long time, then they should consult a doctor.

Incompatibility of partners during conception has the following signs:

  • Absence of pregnancy in a woman for a year or more, subject to regular sexual intercourse without the use of contraception.
  • Constant miscarriages, which usually occur in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the woman often does not even know about her situation.
  • Intrauterine death of a child or the birth of a non-viable infant.

Sexual contradiction during conception is influenced by immunological or genetic disorders. To find out the cause of this problem, you need to consult a doctor and do the necessary tests and analysis. After diagnostics and a series of examinations, a course of treatment will be prescribed.

Immunological incompatibility

This problem manifests itself in the fact that the woman’s body secretes antibodies to her husband’s sperm, which block them and prevent them from performing their function. This is a kind of allergy in a woman to a man’s ejaculate. In some cases, a man develops antibodies to his own sperm.

Doctors believe that the presence of antibodies to the sperm of a spouse in female representatives is directly related to sexually transmitted diseases and infections, as well as to the number of different sexual partners. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, a couple must take a compatibility test or analysis.

By blood type

A positive course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby often occurs in those parents who have favorable blood group compatibility for conceiving their first child. You can do a special test for this.

There is an opinion that those spouses whose blood type of the man is higher than that of the girl have a greater chance of becoming pregnant. For example, the father has the second blood group, and the expectant mother has the first. But such a theory has not been medically proven.

Also, a positive tendency towards successful fertilization occurs when the parents are carriers different groups, but at the same time the same Rh factor (positive or negative).

In cases where the blood type is the same, but the Rhesus numbers are different, difficulties may arise with conception. healthy child.

A man with a third negative and a woman with a second negative have every chance of giving birth to a healthy child. Moreover, he will have negative group blood.

Rh factor mismatch

At its core, the Rh factor is special proteins that are located on human red blood cells. The majority (about 80%) of people have these proteins, that is, they have a positive Rh factor. The remaining 20% ​​comes from negative Rh factor. It is known that the Rh factor is formed at 7–8 weeks of fetal development and does not change throughout life.

If a woman Rh negative, and the man is positive, complications may arise during pregnancy. Right up to miscarriage.

For a successful pregnancy, both spouses must have the same Rh blood factor: either negative, or positive, or positive in the woman and either in the father. If the Rhesus numbers do not match, this can cause various problems to arise both during the birth of a new life, and during pregnancy, as well as immediately after childbirth. Therefore, a blood Rh test is a must when planning a pregnancy.

Genetic incompatibility

This type of mismatch between a couple can lead to the birth of a child with genetic abnormalities or various types of diseases. The reasons for genetic incompatibility in parents may be:

  • The presence of any genetic diseases in one of the spouses that are inherited.
  • If the age of the future parents is more than 35 years.
  • Partners are blood relatives.
  • The unfavorable ecology of the area and other reasons also affect it.

Fortunately, complete genetic incompatibility is extremely rare, and modern medicine has successfully learned to deal with partial incompatibility. Such couples are under special medical control and are carefully monitored from the first days of pregnancy. They undergo a special test and analysis, the results of which are entered into a special table.


If a couple turns to doctors for help in time, then the right treatment can help them soon become happy parents. To overcome the problem of immunological inconsistency of spouses, doctors most often give the following recommendations for action:

  • It is necessary to use contraceptives for some time to reduce the severity of the female body’s reaction to male sperm.
  • It is necessary to undergo treatment with antihistamines.
  • It is also necessary to take immunostimulants.
  • Sometimes an immunological mismatch can be circumvented by intrauterine sperm injection.

Immunological inconsistency is not a death sentence. Even in this situation, there is still a chance to get pregnant and bear a healthy child, but there may be problems with subsequent attempts at pregnancy.

Compatibility tests

Couples who are unable to conceive for a long time should consult a doctor and undergo a compatibility test to conceive. They need to take a blood test and undergo a diagnostic examination. You also need to take a post-coital test. It is recommended to do this study within 6-8 hours after unprotected intercourse, since male sperm must be present in laboratory materials from a woman’s cervical mucus. The best time to take the test is during ovulation.

So, to conceive and give birth to a healthy child, you need to prepare in advance. Necessary:

  • Get examined and diagnosed.
  • Pass all required analyzes and tests.
  • Determine the Rh factor of the parents (negative or positive).
  • Find out the presence or absence of blood compatibility for conception.
  • Be examined for the presence of antibodies in the woman’s body.
  • Get tested for genetic diseases in both partners.

Even if the test shows that parents are inconsistent in at least one indicator, do not despair. It must be remembered that the main factor successful pregnancy is the sincere love of partners, as well as a great desire to have a child.

Doctors keep records of couples who are found to be incompatible. A special table is compiled into which the data of analyzes and tests is entered. It is constantly checked and monitored. If necessary, the couple is assigned drug treatment, which gives a chance to conceive and bear a healthy child.

One of the significant reasons why difficulties may arise in conceiving a child is blood type incompatibility among those wishing to become parents. Is this really so and what to do if such a problem arises, we will try to find out in our article today.

What matters?

According to gynecologists and the results of numerous studies, the incompatibility of blood group parameters between partners when planning pregnancy is not particularly important. This is rather a myth that is actively spreading among young couples and has no medical confirmation.

But the difference in Rh factors really matters in the process of pregnancy planning. Ideally, it should be the same for future parents.

Rh factor is special kind a protein that is located on the surface layer of red blood cells. If this protein is present in a person, then the Rh factor is considered positive. In the absence of protein, the indicator is negative. As for statistical data, 85% has a positive value, and the remaining 15% has a negative value.

Therefore, during conception, incompatibility of blood group indicators is not as important as matching the Rh factor. For successful planning of the future baby, the indicator of both parents must be the same.

If it is different, then not only the successful conception and carrying of a baby is jeopardized, but also the possibility of problems for the baby after birth. So, in the case when a child inherits his father’s Rh factor, which does not coincide with his mother’s, then he is very likely to have health problems in the future.

If the Rh factor is different

If future parents are not very lucky and their Rh factor is different, then you should not despair, since there is a way out. For conception to be successful, they will need to undergo an appropriate course of therapy. Thus, the fetus will not be perceived by the mother’s body as foreign, and the pregnancy will proceed within normal limits.

Therefore, if you do not know your Rh factor and that of your partner, then before planning a pregnancy, doctors recommend getting tested to determine these values.

After all, if a conflict occurs during conception, then the incompatibility of blood type and Rh factor during pregnancy can adversely affect the normal development of the fetus and even cause intrauterine death of the child or miscarriages at various stages of gestation.

As a rule, incompatibility of the blood type and Rh factors of the parents may not appear during the first pregnancy. This is due to the production of a conflict antigen, which harms the health of the unborn baby. But during the second and subsequent pregnancies, the development of the antigen is more likely and its harmful effects increase several times.

Also, the development of conflict antibodies can be provoked by blood transfusions, which are carried out without taking into account the Rh factor, or when ectopic pregnancy and induced abortions.

Also, as statistics show, in couples in which the father’s blood type is higher than that of the mother, the likelihood of having a healthier baby is much greater.

How to avoid negative consequences

If you are part of the 15% of the population with a negative Rh factor, and your partner is positive, and you are thinking about planning a baby, then it would be a good idea to contact a specialist for advice and additional examinations.

In fact, serious consequences of Rh conflicts, as a rule, occur in only 3% of couples. In most cases, incompatibility of partners in terms of blood type and Rh is not dangerous to the life and health of the unborn baby. The main thing is to be under the close supervision of a specialist and take timely measures if the situation changes.

A pregnant woman should systematically undergo tests that can detect the presence of Rh antibodies. If they are absent, you don’t have to worry about a possible miscarriage or other serious problems for the fetus. But time plays a very important role here, so you need to seek help from specialists as early as possible.

This is the key to the success of having a healthy baby. After all, you can miss time and medicine will not be able to help. In some cases, it is even necessary to resort to artificial termination of pregnancy in order to avoid the birth of a child with pathologies.

Blood type of the unborn child

As for blood type, there is an interesting pattern. The baby can inherit the indicator of one of the parents, and also have a blood type different from both of them. A special table recommended by doctors for study will help you find out which group your baby may have.

According to the table showing the dependence of incompatibility by blood group, we see that if mom and dad have blood group I, then the child is guaranteed to have the same indicator. And if, for example, the mother has group III, and the father has group II, then the child can receive any group from I to IV.

The same situation is observed if the mother has blood group II, and the father has blood group III. If both parents have blood type III, then the baby can receive both I and III values.

Now you are familiar with the basic relationship between blood group matches and the Rh factors of future parents. But remember that the main task is to love and respect each other, and then all the unpleasant gifts of fate will bypass you!

Planning pregnancy is an important stage. This period determines the success of conception, the course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn baby. The first step is to check the blood compatibility of the parents for conception. With an ideal combination of blood groups and Rh factors, there is a greater chance of carrying a child to full term. A combination of identical indicators is considered the most favorable, but this rarely happens.

Planning makes it possible to prevent many complications and defects. At this stage, the compatibility of the parents, their medical history, and the likelihood of transmitting a hereditary disease are checked. The test results allow us to determine a list of measures that will help avoid problems.

Today, significantly fewer pregnancies end badly. This became possible thanks to tests that are carried out during the period of preparation for conception. This way, parents learn in advance about the risks of pregnancy and can prevent pathologies of fetal development. At this stage, you need to pay attention to the blood of your partners.

The individuality of each organism depends on the set of proteins and antigens contained in the tissues. In the blood, specificity is determined by antigenic complexes on the surface of red blood cells. One of these antigenic complexes is the Rh factor. Rh factor is a protein found in red blood cells. A person can be a carrier of the antigen ( Rh positive) or have no antigen (Rh negative). It is noteworthy that 85% of the world's population positive Rh factor.

When mixing human blood, Rh compatibility must be taken into account. In order not to disturb the blood structure, you need to select blood identical in Rh factor. Such blood will be perceived by the body as its own, so the immune system will not produce antibodies to destroy foreign elements.

The Rh factor can be determined through a blood test from a vein. You need to take the biomaterial on an empty stomach and in the morning. Similar services are provided by laboratories (independent and public). You can find out your Rh factor for free if you participate in the donor program.

When transfusing blood of different Rhesus levels, complications may arise (the patient may even die). To prevent complications, many people get medical tattoos on their arms or shoulders. They carry information about important indicators of human health, which will help doctors promptly carry out treatment if the patient is unconscious and does not have documents with him. Such tattoos may include blood type and Rh factor, information about allergies to medicines or serious heart disease.

This blood indicator is stable and does not change throughout life. There is an opinion that Rhesus can change, but this is a myth. It arose due to the existence of a weakly positive Rh factor, which is present in 1% of Europeans. This is a special type of rhesus, which can be determined positive and negative at different times.

The fetus's Rh status is determined in the first trimester. If the sex of the child depends on the chromosome carried by the sperm that fertilized the egg, then the Rh factor of the child does not depend on the man. The formation of this indicator is determined by many factors.

Why is blood compatibility important for conception?

Determining the compatibility of Rh factors is one of the first tests that is carried out in the antenatal clinic. Blood characteristics can seriously affect the mother's health during pregnancy.

Pregnancy proceeds normally only if the mother's body produces antibodies that do not mistake fetal cells for foreign elements. Thus, women with type 1 blood always give birth without complications. In most cases, they have healthy and strong children, even from men with inappropriate blood type and Rh factor.

If the mother has a positive Rh factor and the father has a negative Rh factor, the chances of having a baby with a positive Rh factor are higher. However, at the moment of conception, blood incompatibility occurs: during gestation, the woman’s body produces antibodies that attack the baby’s cells. The fight against fetal cells is carried out because the woman’s body recognizes them as foreign due to their protein content.

Constant attacks put the child in serious danger. Often the struggle ends in the death of the fetus. If the baby survives, this effect on the mother’s immunity does not go away without a trace. Pregnancy with blood incompatibility is fraught with such complications (toxicosis, fatigue, weakness, etc.).

If there is a conflict of Rhesus in mother and child, infections should be avoided in every possible way and colds, less nervous and worried. The combination of Rh factors is shown in the table.

A (II group)B (III group)AB (IV group)0 (I group)
A+ +
IN+ +
AB+ + + +
0 +

Immunological infertility and Rh incompatibility

It is worth remembering that immunological incompatibility and conflict of Rh factors are different concepts. When the immune system comes into contact with germ cells, which does not occur in a healthy man’s body, but in a woman’s body is subject to a natural process. If there is blood incompatibility, conception occurs normally, but problems arise during the development of the fetus.

Principles of partner compatibility

  1. In infertility, incompatibility is said to exist if the man and woman are immunologically incompatible. Blood type and Rh factor do not play a role in the process of conception. With immunological infertility, the female body produces antibodies to sperm.
  2. A woman with negative Rh is able to bear and give birth to a child with positive Rh. Complications during pregnancy and abnormalities in the child after birth are possible, but this phenomenon should not be mistaken for incompatibility for conception.
  3. A couple in which the Rh factors are different can have healthy children. In such a situation, the mother’s Rh will be key, and the child may well have the same Rh as her, which will not lead to conflict.
  4. If your partners are incompatible, follow all the doctors’ recommendations. It is often possible to compensate for the harm and deliver a healthy baby.
  5. A successful pregnancy with incompatible partners does not guarantee subsequent success. Each subsequent pregnancy increases the risk of incompatibility between mother and child. Often, during the first pregnancy, incompatibility does not appear. The next attempts may turn into a problem, because the woman’s body already has antibodies.
  6. With negative Rh in the mother and positive in the father, the probability of conflict during pregnancy is 50% (when the antigen is encoded on each of the chromosomes in the pair) and 25% (when the antigen is encoded on one of the chromosomes in the pair).
  7. Women with positive Rhesus never have a conflict with the blood of the fetus.
  8. Conflict can only happen if the mother is Rhesus negative. The maximum probability is 50%.
  9. The formation of the Rh factor in the fetus depends on the Rhesus of the parents and genes that were passed on but never manifested.

Rhesus conflict

Pregnancy with a blood group conflict (without monitoring and support of the body) inevitably occurs with complications. If a mother with a negative group tries to carry a baby with a positive one, her body perceives the fetus as a foreign entity. The immune system begins to actively produce antibodies that protect the woman’s body, trying to destroy the “threat”.

Antibodies penetrate the placenta and destroy the fetal red blood cells. Such a phenomenon is fraught with the following consequences:

  • loss of a child (miscarriage);
  • pathologies of the spleen and liver of the fetus (in defense, these organs work beyond measure);
  • anemia;
  • problems with hearing and speech.

What to do if you have Rh conflict

Blood conflict does not affect the success of conception. Fertilization is possible in a couple with incompatible Rh factors. A pregnant woman with a conflict should be specially registered with a gynecologist and undergo regular examinations.

Measures to prevent complications due to blood conflict in a pregnant woman:

  • if incompatibility between the parents' blood is detected, a chorionic villus biopsy must be taken (a procedure that will help determine the child's Rh factor and the presence of a conflict with the mother);
  • administration of immunoglobulin (anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin vaccine prevents Rh conflict by binding and removing antibodies from the body);
  • if there is a threat to the life of the mother, it is necessary to reserve artificial stimulation of labor;
  • performing cordocentesis.

Table for determining the blood type of the unborn baby

In women with a negative group, pregnancy proceeds normally only if the father has a negative group. If the mother is negative, and the man is positive, then the child will most likely receive a negative group and the conflict will not occur.

Women with a positive blood group usually do not have problems with bearing and giving birth to a child. Mother and child are compatible in any case, even if the father has a negative blood type. There is no conflict in the womb; antibodies do not try to attack the baby. The child has protein in his red blood cells even if the mother is positive and the father is negative.

Mother\Father І (0) II (A) III (B) IV (AB)
I (0) І (0) II (A)III (B)II (A)
IV (AB) II (A)II (A)II (A)II (A)

Mother's Rh positive

If the mother has a positive Rh factor, then the negative Rh factor of the man does not affect the development of the fetus. When a child inherits a negative Rhesus, a conflict does not arise, because there is no protein in the child’s blood that is unfamiliar immune system women.

Rhesus compatibility:

  1. Rh positive mother and positive father, the child inherits Rh positive. There will be no complications.
  2. Positive mother and positive father, the child inherits negative. There will be no complications; the mother’s body does not react to the elements of the child’s blood.
  3. Positive mother and negative father, the child inherits a positive one. The protein in the mother’s blood is “familiar” to the immune system, so the protein in the child’s blood is not perceived as foreign.
  4. Positive mother and negative father, the child inherits the negative one. There is no protein in the child’s blood, no reaction occurs.

In all cases, the child’s body will not contain elements that are unfamiliar to the mother’s immune system.

Rh negative in mother

Rh negative in the mother can lead to complications during pregnancy, but not always. The key to successful pregnancy is the same negative Rh in mother and baby.

Rhesus compatibility:

  1. Negative mother and negative father, the child inherits the negative one. The absence of protein in the child’s blood does not cause a conflict, because it is not in the mother’s blood either. The immune system simply does not know what to react to.
  2. Negative mother and positive father, the child inherits negative. The protein is absent in the blood of both, so conflict does not occur.
  3. Negative in the mother and positive in the father, the child inherits the positive. The fetal blood contains a protein unknown to the mother's body. Since there is no such substance in the mother’s body, the immune system begins to defend itself. Antibodies penetrate the child’s blood and destroy red blood cells.

Treatment of incompatibility

If there is a Rh conflict after birth, the newborn is transfused with blood with the maternal group and the Rh group. This avoids exposure to the mother's antibodies that have entered the baby's body. Upon contact with familiar blood, the antibodies are neutralized.

Prevention with immunoglobulins is also carried out after abortions, miscarriages, prolonged labor, and ectopic pregnancy. Today, Rh conflict can be controlled with medications. Parents with incompatibility have every chance of bearing a healthy child.
(votes: 1, average: 5.00 out of 5)

So, there have been changes in your life, and you are starting to think about becoming parents. You know very well how serious this step is, however, planning a pregnancy is an even more serious aspect family life than even the birth of a child itself. And the first thing you need to do when you start preparing for replenishment is to check yourself and your passion for biological compatibility.

Compatibility for conceiving a child

All the world's gynecologists always warn future parents that before conceiving a child, it is very important to take a blood test of both the potential father and the potential mother to check their compatibility. First of all, this is a comparison Rh factor results blood, as well as the compatibility of their blood groups.

In modern medicine, in which, as some people think, it is already difficult to surprise with anything, there are completely unique cases associated with genetic disorders that occur against the background of blood transfusions when planning pregnancy.

Thus, the question of blood compatibility/incompatibility different people is still more than relevant in modern medical practice.

What is Rh factor

Each living organism is unique in its own way, due to the diversity of the internal components of the structure of any tissue. This is primarily a sequence of protein molecules that also determine the human Rh factor. A person's blood type is determined as Rh positive, if the notorious protein compounds are present in the red blood cells, but if they are not, then the blood of such people is called Rh-negative.

Thus, the most important aspect of the compatibility of the blood groups of two individual people for modern medicine is the compatibility of their Rh factors; it is this detail that is considered the most important and relevant when preparing for conception.

Parents' blood types

So, let’s say that sexual partners, planning a replenishment and preparing for the pregnancy period, discovered that their blood is detected differently: the woman’s blood is positive, and the man’s blood is negative. What consequences could conceiving a child with such incompatibility have?

Firstly, with such incompatibility, the possibility of having a child with Rh-positive blood increases. In itself, this does not mean anything negative for human health, however, the likelihood of a Rh conflict during pregnancy increases very significantly, when the body of a woman carrying antigens identifies the developing fetus as a threat and secretes antibodies that attack the fetal red blood cells, which have protein in its structure.

Thus, the mother’s body rejects the foreign body and destroys numerous small blood cells ( red blood cells) fruit. After such attacks, most red blood cells in the child’s body is destroyed, which leads to the development of anemia. In this case, there is a serious danger of fetal death, since red blood cells, when destroyed, release substances that are toxic to the developing fetus.

The most likely results of such conflicts:

  • Development anemia, as a result of the loss of most of the red blood cells in the fetal blood.
  • Excessive tension of the spleen and liver of the fetus, trying to protect itself from the attack of maternal antibodies, and a subsequent increase in liver size, leading to hepatomegaly.
  • As one of the most likely outcomes - miscarriage, that is, the death of the fetus.

Blood of parents and children

Most of all, caution should be exercised when married couples, which, when checked for Rh compatibility, one of two situations emerged:

  • During the analysis, the blood type of the potential father is determined as positive, and the mother’s blood is determined as negative. In such a situation, there is the highest possibility of complications during pregnancy, while the risk of Rh conflict reaches more than fifty percent if one of the partners has a homozygous Rh genotype. If the partner has a heterozygous genotype, then the risk of conflict is only about twenty-five percent, which, however, is also very significant.
  • If clinical examination confirms a high probability Rhesus conflict from future parents. Moreover, what is most typical is that if the partners have already had experience of successful childbirth with a normal pregnancy, then the likelihood of the mother’s body forming antibodies that prevent normal development fetus increases significantly.

Thus, only when the mother’s body independently produces antibodies that do not perceive the child as a threat, pregnancy will proceed without complications. Mothers who first blood group, usually do not have complications related to blood, even when Rh incompatibility with their partners is detected.

Rh group of the child's mother Rh group of the child's father Potential probability of transmitting the factor to the child Potential conflict during fetal formation
+ + Parents with a homozygous Rh genotype = the result is one hundred percent positive Heterozygous genotype = the result is fifty percent positive If the first spouse has a homozygous Rh genotype and the second has a heterozygous genotype = the result is seventy-five percent positive There is absolutely no chance of conflict
+ - If the male partner Rh positive group blood, or a female partner with a homozygous Rh genotype = the result is fifty+ percent positive Heterozygous genotype = the result is twenty-five percent positive The probability of a conflict developing is less than 50%
- +
- - There is a 100% chance that the child's blood type will be Rh negative. There is no conflict pregnancy

As a result, what can be said unequivocally:

Rh positive women, as a rule, do not experience any difficulties with bearing a fetus, and the influence of the Rh-negative factor in the child’s father usually does not affect the child’s health in any way and does not lead to an Rh conflict.

Rh negative women, as already mentioned, have a significantly higher likelihood of Rh conflict. However, if the father of the child also has Rh negative group blood - the problem completely disappears, and conflict becomes impossible.


The possibility of a child inheriting the mother's Rh factor is determined by the Rhesus (and their compatibility) of both parents, and the natural genetic set that the child inherits from them.

The danger of Rh conflict

However, one should not panic and destroy the relationship at the first suspicion of the possibility of incompatibility of the blood of the partners. In fact, most parents different Rh factors has completely healthy children and generally does not experience any physiological problems when carrying and giving birth to a child.

At the same time, constant prevention of Rh conflict is necessary and recommended by gynecologists all over the world. There are several stages that a mother will follow from the very beginning of pregnancy planning:

  • Before you decide to conceive a child, determine the Rh factor of your blood group: both yours and your sexual partner. This will allow you to prepare in advance for potential complications during pregnancy.
  • If the blood type of a potential mother is identified as Rh-negative, then it is necessary to register with a special registry, where preventive monitoring of the blood behavior of the potential mother will be carried out.
  • During preventive registration, the woman will be examined for the presence of antigens in red blood cells. If they are not detected, then the group is clearly Rh-negative, and at a certain stage, anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin serum will be injected into the mother’s blood - a substance that prevents the mother’s body from forming antibodies that destroy the fetus’s red blood cells.

If the formation of antibodies still cannot be avoided, then the mother will need to undergo a full examination in a private clinic that conducts research on problems with Rh conflicts. If the release of antibodies is not detected, then the woman is sent for regular examination to a regular gynecology, where she is monitored as usual for the entire subsequent period of pregnancy.

Blood transfusion compatibility

Another phenomenon that is extremely important for modern medicine is blood transfusion, or blood transfusion. This is still a rather risky and not always predictable event, however, like many decades earlier, there are a huge number of problems in which it is impossible to cope without blood transfusion or without its individual components.

The most important aspect of preparing for blood transfusion from one person to another is the timely analysis of the blood of both patients for compatibility. Properly selected and compatible blood can even help if Rh conflict occurs during pregnancy. This procedure is called “ cordocentesis” and helps to restrain the mother’s immune system, and accordingly, prevent the process of attacking the child’s body with antibodies produced by the mother’s body. However, the procedure must be carried out with full confidence that the patients' blood groups are compatible in all respects.

Determining donor compatibility implies preliminary preparation blood product is mainly red blood cells, but in special cases, at the highest risks, washed, thawed, irradiated red blood cells are used. Whole blood is not transfused, except in the most urgent cases, when timely blood transfusions human life depends.

To avoid hemolytic post-transfusion reactions (i.e., negative body reactions after a transfusion, such as fever, tachycardia, trembling and chills, arterial hypotension and other immediate reactions, and even possible death of the patient), the transfusion specialist must accurately know about the compatibility of blood groups and Rhesus of the donor and recipient.

At the same time, in medical practice there are situations in which it is necessary to urgent transfusion a large amount of blood, or its replenishment, and there is not enough time to determine the compatibility of the blood groups of the donor and recipient. In such cases, as a rule, whole blood is transfused based on a hypothetical compatibility table:

Recipient O(I)Rh-
(Group 1, Rh negative)
(group 1, half rhesus)
(group 2, negative rhesus)
(group 2, half rhesus)
(group 3, negative rhesus)
(group 3, half rhesus)
(group 4, negative rhesus)
(Group 1, Rh negative)
+ - - - - - - -
(group 1, half rhesus)
+ + - - - - - -
(group 2, negative rhesus)
+ - + - - - - -
(group 2, half rhesus)
+ + + + - - - -
(group 3, negative rhesus)
+ - - - + - - -
B(III) Rh+(group 3, half rhesus) + + - - + + - -
(group 4, negative rhesus)
+ - + - + - + -
AB(IV) Rh+(group 4, half rhesus) + + + + + + + +