Preschool education in modern Russia: problems and development prospects. "current problems of preschool pedagogy at the present stage" Problems of effective development of the sphere of preschool education

This essay is the personal opinion and position of the author.

When considering this topic, it first makes sense to provide definitions of a number of terms and concepts.

The education system in the Russian Federation is a set of interacting:

Continuing educational programs of various levels and orientations, federal state educational standards and federal state requirements (as amended by Federal Law No. 309-FZ of December 1, 2007);

Networks of educational institutions and scientific organizations implementing them

(as amended by Federal Law No. 308-FZ of December 1, 2007);

Bodies exercising management in the field of education, and institutions and organizations subordinate to them (as amended by Federal Law No. 258-FZ of December 29, 2006);

Associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations operating in the field of education (paragraph introduced by Federal Law of July 18, 2005 N 92-FZ).

An educational institution is an institution that carries out the educational process, that is, implementing one or more educational programs and (or) providing the maintenance and upbringing of students and pupils.

Educational institutions include the following types:


General education (primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education);

Institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and postgraduate vocational education;

Institutions of additional adult education;

Special (correctional) for students and pupils with disabilities (as amended by Federal Law No. 120-FZ of June 30, 2007);

Institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives);

Institutions of additional education for children;

Other institutions carrying out the educational process.

Based on Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated July 10, 1992, the concept of “preschool education” contains the following provisions:

Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality in early childhood;

To educate preschool children, protect and strengthen their physical and mental health, develop individual abilities and necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children, a network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family;

Local governments organize and coordinate methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance to families raising preschool children at home.

This paper proposes to consider another option for a network of preschool institutions.

Today, children of preschool age can attend GBDOU provided to them by the city (or other administrative unit). If there are no places in the preschool institution, the child “stands in line” until a place is released or a place is created in the preschool educational institution. At the same time, both children already attending kindergarten and those “standing in line” can attend additional educational institutions. It may happen that a child does not have time to get to kindergarten before entering school, then the fate of his preschool education falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents.

There is also an opinion that some parents, having sent their child to kindergarten, do not care about what kind of education he receives within the preschool educational institution, because they consider it to be unsatisfactory to the needs of the child, so they resort to additional education services, usually paid.

Many parents, although they are satisfied with the quality of teaching in preschool educational institutions, still “educate” their child additionally, since some disciplines are indeed not available in the kindergarten.

There are parents who believe that it is not necessary to take away their child’s childhood, and prefer not to burden their child with education before entering school, assuming that “he will go to school, and there they will teach him everything.”

In connection with the above, consider the following model of a network of preschool institutions.

Let's consider the diagram (Appendix 1, where the network of educational institutions is divided into institutions divided by types of education (first, second, third and additional education, the presence of educational functions and the payment system.

Institutions of the first type, so-called. care and supervision, are preschool institutions where the educational pedagogical process (VPP) is carried out, but there is no educational segment of the pedagogical process. During the day, children are looked after, routine moments are carried out (feeding, walking, sleeping, and otherwise the pupils demonstrate independent activity The equipment of the groups is minimal. Such institutions can be free for parents, since all the costs of maintaining institutions of the first type are borne by the city administration. Thus, the issue of providing free preschool education in our country can be closed.

The second type of institutions are institutions where the educational pedagogical process (EPP) is carried out with a minimum set of educational functions (for example, everything is left in the schedule of classes, but one per day and so on for a month (1st day - drawing, 2nd day - physical education , 3-ecology, 4-music, 5-reading, 6-sculpting, etc.).Payment is also observed - based on the cost of visiting per day, minus subsidies from the city budget. part of the educational load, and parents are provided with the minimum necessary set of services for a small fee.

The third type of institutions is pre-school educational institutions, which are currently functioning, where GPPP is organized with all regime aspects, educational activities are carried out in compliance with all federal state requirements for educational programs, the introduction of partial programs, and active work is carried out with parents and specialists. Accordingly, payment for visiting a preschool institution will be at full cost, most of which is now compensated from the city budget. Based on the above, we can conclude that the number of children in groups will decrease and, as a result, the level of education will increase; There is no need to spend budgetary funds on the maintenance of the kindergarten, the level of qualifications and salaries of employees will increase, and the attitude of parents will change in a positive direction.

The fourth type is institutions of additional education, which are institutions that provide the opportunity to receive a specific education with a narrow specialization.

1. By creating institutions of the first type, the issue of free education is resolved;

2. By creating institutions of the second type, the burden on the teacher is eased, and parents receive the necessary range of services at a minimal cost;

3. In institutions of the third type, parents and children are provided with the maximum range of educational programs and additional services, the number of children in the group is reduced, which entails an increase in the quality of education due to the opportunity to implement an individual approach. An increased fee for visiting a preschool educational institution solves 2 problems: the self-sufficiency of the organization and the moral attitude towards the services for which the parent pays, since a low level of payment leads to a deterioration in the attitude of the parents.

In this way, you can try to solve several pressing problems in modern preschool care and education.

Modern problems in the education system and ways to solve them

Modern problems in the education system and ways to solve them.

In recent years, fundamental changes have been taking place in the preschool education system; it is being improved and developed. The main indicator of innovation is a progressive beginning in the development of education, in comparison with established traditions and mass practice. It becomes clear that the requirements for teachers are also changing. A new task arises of revising the nature of interaction between a teacher and children in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions and primary schools. In this regard, a number of problems emerged. The way teachers presented and clearly demonstrated certain knowledge to the child. There is an exaggeration of the role of the intellectual dominant, and the rights of the child to comprehensive harmonious development are violated. This leads to the fact that a child comes to school who, as a rule, has a low threshold of “school maturity” and is generally not ready to learn. Today, in the 21st century, society places new demands on education. The idea of ​​self-development of the individual, his readiness for independent activity, comes to the fore. The functions of the teacher are changing. Now he is no longer an informant, but an organizer of intellectual search, emotional experience and practical action.

Development and education for not a single person

cannot be given or communicated. Any,

whoever wants to join them must

achieve this through your own activities,

with your own efforts, with your own efforts.

A. Diesterweg

That is why the central idea is: Formation of educational actions - the ability to learn. The new paradigm of education requires subject-subject relations. Formation of the intellectual activity of the individual, development of his creative potential. The development of learning takes a competency-based approach. Competence is understood as the readiness to apply, use knowledge, skills and general methods of action acquired in the learning process. Competence is knowledge in action.

The following are highlighted: - personal competence



General cultural


The foundations of these competencies in children are formed at different levels of education and are laid in preschool age and primary school, which forms children’s cognitive activity and creativity. And the teacher is required to be able to create problematic situations and awaken the child’s active position in the educational process.

The teacher must teach children to acquire knowledge. Every child must master universal educational activities.

Reconsidering the nature of interaction with children is an ambiguous, multifaceted task associated with the teacher’s attitudes and the need to change them, which presupposes an awareness of the modern goals of education.

Preschool education in these conditions is intended to ensure the creation of the basic foundation for the development of a child’s personality, which gives him the opportunity to successfully master different types of activities and the main methods of “acquiring” knowledge. The means of child development to achieve this important goal are pedagogical technologies, which must necessarily include such indicators as: the development of curiosity - the basis of the cognitive activity of a preschooler; developing the ability to independently solve creative (mental, artistic) and other tasks that allow one to be successful in various types of activities; development of creative imagination as a direction of the child’s intellectual and personal development; development of communication – the ability to communicate with adults and peers.

If in preschool age these basic principles are not implemented and are replaced by forced education, the child becomes passive and incapable of self-development. To prevent this from happening, a kindergarten teacher needs to know well the characteristics of preschool children and teach them in specific types of activities that are close to their natural characteristics, such as play, visual arts, design, music, theater, etc., within the framework of which , subject to an integrated approach, the most effective development of all aspects of the preschooler’s personality occurs.

On October 17, 2013, Order 1155 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On approval of the federal preschool educational standard” was issued. Where new requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education are prescribed.

The program determines the content and organization of the educational process for preschool children and is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children, the correction of deficiencies in physical and (or ) mental development of children.

The program should:

comply with the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child;

combine the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (the content of the program must correspond to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy, and at the same time be able to be implemented in mass practice of preschool education);

meet the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (allow you to solve set goals and objectives only using necessary and sufficient material, get as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”);

ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education process for preschool children, in the process of implementation of which such knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children;

be built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas;

be based on a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process;

provide for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of adults and children and in the independent activities of children, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education;

assume the construction of the educational process on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The main form of work with preschool children and the leading activity for them is play.

The principle of variability in education proclaimed today gives us, educators, the opportunity to choose any programs and technologies, including proprietary ones. To organize the pedagogical process, which increases his responsibility for the effectiveness of his pedagogical influence on the child. Today, the “Harmony of Development” program, the author of which is the head of the Department of Childhood Pedagogy and Modern Educational Technologies at Leningrad State University. A. S. Pushkina Diana Ivanovna Vorobyova. This program is unique; it is distinguished by the concept of intellectual and artistic development of the individual, primarily through the means of fine art and visual activity.

Diana Ivanovna managed to develop a program for truly harmonious development of the personality of a preschooler, while avoiding the danger of fragmentation and excessive didacticism typical of personality development programs. The depth and integrity of the program is largely ensured by the fact that, based on L. S. Vygotsky’s theory of the cultural and historical development of the psyche, the author identifies artistic activity as the central link and leading means of mastering human culture. At the same time, the development of visual arts skills is by no means an end in itself and a criterion for development. Art activities are used, first of all, to develop a system of relationships to the world of nature, people, objects and phenomena surrounding the child, that is, precisely for the development of personality (which domestic psychology defines as a system of relationships of a person to the world around him, to people, to to oneself, to one’s activities).

I would especially like to emphasize: the program clearly shows that the child is not a passive object of influence and a product of the teacher’s activity, but an active subject of activity. The image of the child who is supposed to be developed using the program in question also determines the basic principle implemented in the program: show and explain less, encourage more active perception, reflection, and productive communication with adults and peers. The ideology, methodology and content of the program are aimed at developing in children a joyful sense of their growing capabilities for active cognition, creation and transformation of reality (including themselves - the child).


1. Program “Harmony of Development” by D. I. Vorobyov.

2. Pedagogy P. I. Pidkasisty, V. I. Zagvyazinsky, L. I. Malenkova, A. F. Menyaev, V. M. Polonsky.

3. Pedagogy Bordovskaya, A. Rean.

Preschool education in modern Russia: problems and development prospects

Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1993, guarantees citizens of the Russian Federation “public access and free preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions.” In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” as amended by Federal Law No. 12-FZ of January 13, 1996 (clause Z. Article 5), the state “guarantees to citizens universal access and free primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education and primary vocational education." For more than ten years, there has been an obvious contradiction between the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which is the basic law of Russia, and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” in terms of state guarantees of the rights of citizens in the field of education. Such a legal conflict gave rise to a corresponding attitude towards preschool education on the part of officials at all levels as an optional education (in contrast to general education, and optional not from the point of view that a preschool child has the right to receive education, as in the conditions of a preschool educational institution, and in a family setting, but from the point of view that authorities are not obliged to ensure the general availability of preschool educational services.

Thus, despite the change in the legislative framework, the situation in education in general, and in preschool education especially, can currently be described as a crisis. Any crisis creates an urgent need to reform something. According to the Federal Law “On Education”, as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004, solving strategic problems of education remains within the competence of the Russian Federation.

Preschool education, as the first stage of education, at which the foundations of a social personality and the most important institution of family support are laid, over the past 10 years has gone through a difficult path of fitting into new realities. The initial sharp decline in preschool enrollment had stabilized by 1995. Currently, about 55% of children attend kindergartens (for example, in Scandinavian countries, such children are about 90%).

As many years of research have shown, the full development of a child occurs subject to the presence of two components of his life - a full-fledged family and a kindergarten. The family provides the intimate and personal relationships necessary for the child, the formation of a sense of security, trust and openness to the world. At the same time, the family itself needs support, which the kindergarten is designed to provide to it - parents can work and study without feeling guilty that the child is abandoned at this time, they can be sure that the child is in comfortable conditions , eats normally, teachers work with him. In addition, the preschool education system has traditionally taken a differentiated approach to parental fees; low-income families received benefits, i.e., they received targeted support; today, unfortunately, this happens only in certain regions. It is obvious that in modern conditions the tradition of differentiated parental pay must be preserved.

What does kindergarten give to the child himself? The main advantage of a kindergarten is the presence of a children's community, thanks to which a space of social experience for the child is created. Only in the conditions of a children's community does a child get to know himself in comparison with others, adopt methods of communication and interaction that are adequate to various situations, and overcome his inherent egocentrism (focus on himself, perceiving the environment exclusively from his own.

Currently, the preschool education system itself has changed. A differentiation of preschool educational institutions by types and categories has been introduced. To the previously existing only type - “kindergarten”, new ones were added - a kindergarten with priority implementation of the intellectual or artistic-aesthetic, or physical development of pupils, a kindergarten for children with disabilities in physical and mental development, supervision and health improvement, a child development center, etc. On the one hand, this allows parents to choose an educational institution that meets their needs, on the other hand, most of these types (with the exception of correctional ones for children with serious health problems) do not meet the laws of child development.

Organization of work with young children in modern conditions places special demands on the professionalism and personal qualities of teachers. At the same time, today young specialists who have received an education practically do not go to work in kindergartens. The reason for this is not just small, but meager wages that do not reach the subsistence level. The work of a teacher in a kindergarten, responsible for the life and health of children, conducting multifaceted educational work, requires enormous expenditure of mental and physical strength. And only such teachers will be able to raise children with dignity. This leads to a short conclusion: worthy teachers get a decent salary.

In accordance with the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education, it is planned to introduce shared financing, which involves the state paying only a fixed volume of educational services of kindergartens. However, the specificity of education in a preschool institution is that, unlike school, it is carried out throughout the day and is not limited to educational activities (it is necessary to teach the child to wash his hands, eat correctly, behave politely in different situations, be neat, play and cooperate with other children and much more). Therefore, it is almost impossible to reduce the educational services of preschool institutions to 3-4 hours. Equally unacceptable is the separation of parental payment for child support (mainly food, which many children so need now) and budget funding for education.

The development of young children largely depends on the subject environment around them (toys, manuals, materials for drawing, modeling, design, books, musical instruments, physical education equipment, etc.). Solving the problems of organizing various forms of coverage of children with preschool education, decent wages for teachers, and the availability of quality kindergarten for all children requires separate budget funding at the federal and regional levels.

Since 2000, it has been possible to achieve an increase in spending on education and science that is faster than general economic indicators. This created the prerequisites for institutional restructuring in the field of education, primarily related to the modernization of the structure and content of general and vocational education, improving its quality, the effectiveness of management of the educational system, and the entry of the Russian Federation into the global educational space. In particular, the quality of implementation of the educational program is considered first. One of the significant factors in this indicator is the implementation of an experimental program in a preschool educational institution, subject to justification of the purpose and methods, as well as evidence of the productivity of the experiment.

The education sector in Russia is traditionally considered a costly area. At different periods of the city’s recent history, attempts were made to change the situation, to turn the education sector into an investment one. However, in essence, the economic foundation of education did not create sufficient infrastructure to attract investment.

On the other hand, attempts to directly transfer market economic regulatory mechanisms to the education sector were often unsuccessful due to the fact that the effect of investments was measured exclusively in monetary terms. An educational institution as a profitable project or a project that brings profit in monetary terms has not become a mass phenomenon.

Such disproportions were most clearly visible in preschool education in many Russian cities, including Irkutsk. In the context of demographic decline, a natural decline in preschool educational institutions occurred. Moreover, the number of preschool educational institutions available in the city today hardly corresponds to the real demand of the population for educational services for the education of preschool children.

The network of departmental kindergartens has practically disappeared, although in large cities, for example, in Moscow, many of them were transferred to municipal ownership and preserved for children. In general, across Russia there is a trend of repurposing former departmental kindergartens and selling their buildings.

Already today, a number of preschool education institutions in many other regions of Russia have made the transition to new organizational and legal forms. This transition became possible due to the objective fact of growing demand from parents to receive, in addition to budget services, additional educational services. The actual demand for individual educational programs and preferential conditions in preschool educational institutions is quite high today. Parents are ready to order and pay for preferential conditions and additional preschool education programs outside the budget service.

High quality of preschool education while increasing the enrollment of preschool children can be ensured by establishing horizontal connections between educational institutions of various levels and types. At the municipal level, preschool education resource centers are being created to provide methodological support to preschool educational institutions in the corresponding territory.

While variability is a requirement for the variety of services provided, accessibility of education is a requirement for the breadth of the network, its ability to reach the maximum number of children. Implementation of the principle of accessibility when building a network of institutions implementing preschool educational programs means the need to build the network in such a way as to optimally take into account both the educational needs of children and the spatial proximity of institutions to the place of residence of children. Educational services can be provided not only by traditional kindergartens, but also by other educational institutions that implement preschool educational programs. The task of developing a network of educational institutions that implement preschool education programs is to ensure that the range of services and their quality correspond to modern ideas about the quality of preschool education and are optimal.

Thus, building a network of preschool educational institutions involves the institutionalization, along with traditional kindergartens, of such forms of preschool educational institutions as

Groups of joint short-term stay of a child and a parent (“child-parent”, “nursery with mother”, “play support center”, “adaptation group”, etc., organized on the basis of kindergartens, at children’s creativity centers, in special centers for working with children of early age or at psychological and pedagogical centers;

Home-based education groups (“child and nanny”, “tutor’s groups”, “family groups”, “mini-kindergarten”, etc., organized by parents at home or in residential apartments specially rented for this purpose;

Groups for short-term stay of a child in a kindergarten, or in another educational institution, or an organization that implements a preschool education program;

Adaptation groups for children of refugees and internally displaced persons.

The optimal distribution of material resources within the preschool educational network is aimed at the rational use of those resources that exist in the network of current preschool educational institutions - equipment, premises, sports facilities, park areas, etc. At the regional level, it is necessary to develop regulatory documents regulating the use of these resources by preschool educational institutions of the network . At the municipal level, it is necessary to develop methodological recommendations for preparing these resources for use by the preschool educational network.

The optimal distribution of human resources within a preschool educational network involves the most effective use of the potential of methodologists, psychologists, speech therapists, foreign language teachers, experimental teachers, and senior educators to improve the quality of education in the network as a whole. The development of a preschool education network involves the emergence of small kindergartens, home-based groups, parent groups, etc.

The resource for network development is innovation. At the regional and municipal levels, it is expected to adopt regulatory documents and instructional materials aimed at developing innovative activities in the network of preschool educational institutions/organizations and its expert support.

The problem of universal accessibility of preschool education for all categories of citizens should also be solved today by using the internal reserves of the education system, including the development of various forms of preschool education, as well as a more flexible system of regimes for the stay of children in preschool educational institutions.

It should be noted that the network of short-term stay groups is developing not in spite of or instead of traditional full-day preschool institutions, but along with them. Along with the traditional modes of operation of preschool educational institutions (12-hour and round-the-clock modes of stay for children, since 2000, 10-hour and 14-hour modes have also been used (in many cases, the 14-hour mode is most preferable for parents and is less expensive than the round-the-clock mode) This makes it possible to increase the availability of preschool education for various categories of citizens.

In addition, at present, in parallel with the development of traditional forms of preschool education, new models are being tested: preschool groups on the basis of general education institutions, preschool groups on the basis of additional education institutions, as well as the systematic education of preschool children in the context of family education.

Thus, we can conclude that the effectiveness of the development of a network of educational institutions will be achieved only if there is a comprehensive approach to the development (modernization) process.

It is much more important to take into account the needs of the modern family in various forms of organizing the functioning of preschool institutions. It is necessary to increase the number of groups for young children (from 2 months to 3 years, groups with round-the-clock and evening stays for children, holidays and weekends, short-term groups (2-3 times a week for 3-4 hours), etc.

It is much more expedient for all state preschool institutions to correspond to one “good” category, ensuring the full upbringing and development of children. And parents who have special needs (although this is not a fact that this is useful for the child) could use the services of non-state preschool institutions. The only problem is that these institutions, as a rule, need special control from the state (this is evidenced by for example, the experience of France, where such control is the most important task of the inspectorate service in education).

Taking into account the above, as well as the fact that in the last 10-15 years there has been virtually a total “municipalization” of institutions

preschool education (mass transition of kindergartens from various departments to municipal ownership; solving issues of survival, functioning and development of the preschool education system currently depends mainly on local governments.

It is the local government bodies in the municipality (city, district) that must create certain organizational and pedagogical conditions that will allow the municipal preschool education system to emerge from a crisis state and move into a state of normal, stable functioning and development.

S. L. Shikina, M. I. Korchina

(ANO DO "Planet of Childhood "Lada" DS No. 63 "Vesnyanochka", Tolyatti)

The concept of preschool education was first mentioned when the Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko presented the Concept for the modernization of Russian education. The term, incomprehensible to most of the population, gave rise to confusion: some perceived pre-school education as a “zero” class, others thought that the minister was talking about pre-school education.

For the first time, detailed explanations about what preschool education is and how it will develop in Russia were given by Igor Remorenko, Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy and Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. According to him, pre-primary education is a term that is common throughout the world.

But for the Russian ear it is not entirely clear. The concept of education of children of senior preschool age is closer to our traditions.

Basically, preschool education is carried out in preschool institutions, that is, in kindergartens. At the same time, the so-called school preparation groups have recently become widely developed - short-term groups working at schools or additional education institutions.

Today in Russia, more than 55% of preschool children attend preschool educational institutions or preschool groups. About 45% of children do not receive preschool education for various reasons. Only half of the children attend preschool educational institutions.

The rest receive only the training that their parents offer them. Often such preparation comes down to forced teaching of reading and writing. As a result, children who can read and write more often begin to come to the first grade, but are lagging behind in general development: they do not know how to observe, compare, and have not developed social and communication skills.

The main task of the state in the field of preschool education – ensuring its universal accessibility – still remains unresolved in full. There are many reasons that give rise to this situation: a shortage of available places in preschool institutions, the desire of parents to raise a child at home, the parents’ inability to pay for kindergarten, the presence of dysfunctional families and educationally neglected children, the presence of children with poor health, with chronic diseases that are contraindicated preschool mode. As a result, children come to school with different levels of development of personality traits necessary for successful adaptation to school.

Preschool education is a system of measures aimed at helping children who do not have the opportunity to attend a preschool institution before school. The idea of ​​preschool education embodies a humane approach to the child in order to help him adapt to school more easily.

Preschool education cannot and should not replace preschool education.

“Preschool” is a system of working with unorganized children who do not attend preschool institutions for one reason or another.

The key solution to this problem is the introduction of “pre-school education” for children from 5 years 6 months to 7 years, in the so-called synactive period, when children can receive a certain development that cannot be obtained at another age. If this development is not achieved, then in the future the child is unlikely to be successful in his career, i.e. We are talking about the feasibility of creating conditions for mass education of children of senior preschool age, focused on the formation of the child’s success and the development of his individual abilities.

The introduction of preschool education is aimed at overcoming a number of problems of modern preschool education, among which the most significant are:

A unified regime, strict regulation of the lives of children and the activities of mass kindergarten teachers.

The child with his interests, emotionality, and cognitive activity is lost between observing routine moments. In such conditions, the child does not have the right to choose his activity;

Modern preschool education programs imply early intellectualization of children, which does not always have a beneficial effect on their health;

The lack of effective means and systems for supporting a child in the educational process creates a number of problems that give rise to deviant behavior of children, the fading of children's interest in the educational process, inconsistency between the actions of the family and the institution, conflict between adults and children, etc.;

When preparing preschoolers for school, the attention of parents and educators is drawn to knowledge preparation and the formation of certain skills in educational activities. This leads to widespread “over-schooling” when working with preschoolers, which negatively affects both the physical and mental well-being of children.

The lack of uniform rules for preparing children for school leads to the fact that children come with reading and counting skills, while 35-40% of them do not have developed fine motor skills, and 60% do not have oral speech. The social component of education, associated with the acquisition of skills of effective communication with different people, cooperation, constructive competition, the ability to regulate one’s condition, etc., remains unattended.

There is no coordination between preschool and school programs. Today there is an actual transfer of the 1st grade program to a preschool institution;

When a child enters school, there is a sharp change in social status, the demands placed on him by different adults increase, and there are no conditions for transition to new educational forms;

The daily routine changes, the physical and mental stress of yesterday's preschooler increases, and at the same time there are no opportunities for unloading in the school space;

There is a misunderstanding and rejection by school teachers of playful and spontaneous forms of behavior, which are still prevalent among children aged 6-7 years.

In this regard, many parents are dissatisfied with the preschool education system, which leads to deterioration of health; a low level of socialization gives rise to social infantilism and a lack of psychological readiness of the child for school;

There is a reduction in the number of kindergartens, incomplete involvement of children for one reason or another in the preschool education system, for example, in the Moscow region, 32% of future first-graders do not attend preschool educational institutions, and in the country as a whole - 57.6%.

Solving the problem of enrolling children in preschool education is of great importance, since the success of a child’s life depends on its level, because Pre-school education ranks third (after higher and primary) in terms of importance.

The introduction of a new form of education is due to public demand from the state:

The need to preserve the network of preschool educational institutions in modern socio-economic conditions;

Increasing the percentage of children enrolled in preschool education.

This will allow teachers to create conditions for ensuring continuity of preschool and primary education.

Parents will have the opportunity to satisfy the need for accessibility of preparing children for school for all social groups of the population, as well as to unite the efforts of preschool educational institutions and families in promoting the health, upbringing and education of children 5-6 years old.

The new model of preschool and preschool education should provide children from different social strata:

Equal starting educational opportunities;

Variability of programs and forms of stay for children in preschool educational institutions;

Children in kindergarten gain experience communicating with peers;

Preservation of the self-worth of preschool age, which should become the conceptual basis of preschool education, its enduring significance for the development of the person as a whole (A.V. Zaporozhets, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin).

The main goal of pre-school education is the formation of readiness to accept a new social position - the “position of a schoolchild”, who has a range of specific responsibilities and rights. This personal readiness is expressed in the child’s attitude towards school, educational activities, adults, and himself.

Formation of positive self-esteem and self-confidence;

Formation of a desire to learn new things, interest in the world around us;

Development of motivation to achieve success, an active, active position;

Formation of communication skills;

Formation of the foundations of the spiritual and moral image of the individual, definition and assimilation of universal human values;

Mastering the means and methods of cognitive activity (development of perception, memory, thinking, speech, imagination);

Formation of “children’s competence” in various spheres of human activity;

Physical development of the child, preservation and restoration of health.

Variation in education must be considered in its broadest sense:

Variety of types and types of preschool educational institutions;

A variety of educational programs providing personality-oriented training and education;

Various forms of children’s stay in preschool educational institutions, corresponding to the needs and capabilities of parents.

Various forms of children’s stay in preschool educational institutions are combined in a single model:

Full-day groups with full educational cycles;

Evening groups;

Development groups formed for specific educational orders (psychological and speech therapy, sports and valeological, aesthetic, etc.);

Groups with flexible stay for children. Children come to a certain time for a short period of time, for example, from 8 - 11, from 15-18 hours;

Adaptation groups;

The conditions for effective preschool education should be:

Taking into account the different tempos and different levels of development of each child;

Adequate medical and psychological support;

Providing a wide range of activities for the child and his family to choose from.

Ways to solve the problem:

Where to teach?

81% of respondents answered this question “In kindergarten”, arguing that children are calmer there and there is an opportunity for an individual approach, strengthening their health and nervous system.

However, in modern conditions, due to the acute shortage of places, it is impossible to solve this problem on the basis of kindergartens alone. For these purposes, it will be necessary to use other types of educational institutions, provided that they create the appropriate educational and material base, subject-development environment, play area, etc., approximate models of which are defined in the strategic plan for the transfer of children to pre-school education: Child Development Center, general education schools, clinics and child play support centers.

Who teaches? The proposed changes to the preschool education system should be carried out only if the teaching staff is fully prepared to work with children 5-6 years old, taking into account their age capabilities and needs. The proper quality of preschool education will be ensured by the advanced preparation of teachers for a new type of activity in the system of additional professional education or their specialization in the field of preschool education already at the stage of training in secondary specialized and higher pedagogical educational institutions.

Solving these problems requires the teacher to master technological approaches that allow a preschool child to become a full and interested participant in all types of activities. The teacher must have solid knowledge in the field of psychology of a preschooler, be familiar with modern concepts of education, master new technologies for organizing playful, creative, and cognitive activities of children, methods for developing the motivational sphere of a preschooler, and be able to build cooperative relationships with students and their parents.

How to teach? According to experts, in order to work with children of senior preschool age, it is necessary to develop a unified state general education program for upbringing and training, providing the basis for the development of children, at the same time providing the opportunity to use various variable pedagogical technologies. Along with literacy training, the program should include activities specific to a preschooler (playing, designing, drawing, modeling, etc.).

Pre-school education should provide optimal conditions for the child to maximize his or her age-related and individual capabilities.

Thus, the problem of a child’s readiness for school, which is relevant for parents and schools, is solved not at the usual level (the ability to count, write, think logically), but at the level of development of a complex of social, intellectual, personal, and physical qualities of the child.

The social effect of the preschool education model will be a change in the position of parents from observers to active helpers.

And, of course, the state and society must play a decisive role in solving pressing problems of preschool education.

Let us refer to the arguments of P. F. Kapterev about the role of the state and society in education:

“Society is interested, first of all, not in state plans for education, not in the construction of schools and their laws, but in their children, their development, their health, their cheerful and cheerful mood... The welfare of children is in the foreground. Therefore, society is a defender of the general humane education of children... Therefore, real scientific pedagogy is a requirement of society. The state is not actually involved in pedagogy; it creates schools and supervises them, but does not organize or manage them pedagogically. Society does all this... It outlines the paths in upbringing and education. The state uses ready-made results..."


P. F. Kapterev. Selected pedagogical works. – M., 1982.

“Modern problems of preschool education,
trends in its development and directions of reform"

in the discipline "Theoretical foundations of preschool education"

Ivanova Natalya Nikolaevna,
teacher of St. Petersburg State Pedagogical Educational Institution "Pedagogical College No. 8"

General professional discipline OP.05. “Theoretical foundations of preschool education” (Professional cycle of academic disciplines).

Section 1. Domestic experience in preschool education

Topic 1.3. Modern problems of preschool education, trends in its development and directions of reform.

Number of hours: 3

Lesson type: learning new material

Form of training organization: combined lesson

Technology“Development of critical thinking” (see Appendix 1)

Objective of the lesson: Understand modern problems of preschool education, navigate the trends in its development and directions of reform;



· To introduce the problems of preschool education in modern Russia;

· Show the trends of its development in the light of the Law on Education of the Russian Federation and the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education.


· Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it (GC 1).

· Carry out professional activities in conditions of updating its goals, content, and changing technologies (OK 9).

· Conduct professional activities in compliance with the legal norms governing them (OK 11).


· Use information and communication technologies to improve professional activities (OK 5).

· Search, analyze and evaluate information necessary to set and solve professional problems, professional and personal development (OK 4).

· Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, and consciously plan advanced training. (OK 8).

Learning Tools:

· A set of documents, including on electronic media. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” 2012; Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education 2013 (draft). Forms for reflection "PMI".

Technical training aids:

· Computers with licensed software;

· Multimedia installation.

Forms of work: frontal, steam room, individual.

Technological map of the lesson











Organizational stage

Mutual greetings between the teacher and students, identifying absentees, checking students’ preparedness for the lesson, organizing attention.

Phase I " Call"

Updating of reference knowledge

Lecturer draws students' attention to the name of the lesson topic (on the screen) and asks them to answer several questions.

. Why?

Answer questions


Goal setting

The teacher invites students to set their own lesson goals.

Aim for reflection using the “PMI” method - draws attention to the signs, suggests taking notes independently during the lesson.

Determine the purpose of the lesson. Together with the teacher. I formulate the objectives of the lesson.


II phase " Understanding the content" (receiving new information)

Learning new material:

Communication of new material - teacher's story: problems and development of the Federal State Educational Standard

Lecturer using a projector, demonstrates slides “Modern. Problems before”, gives an explanation.

Students make notes in a notebook. They “prompt” problems that they have encountered in practice or in life.

Support for active perception of new information; its comprehension; correlating the information received with one’s own knowledge.

Lecture with visualization


Organizes viewing of a presentation fragment from the Internet

View a fragment of a presentation at the RIA Novosti international multimedia press center


Familiarization of students with the text of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education 2013. Analysis of documents.

Offers to get acquainted with the educational material, on questions placed in the form of a table on the screen

Students read the material and, as they understand and comprehend new information, fill out the columns in the table.


III phase " Reflection"


PMI (Plus -Minus -Interesting)

Reporting required tasks. Offers to unite in pairs to design a common PMI sign.

Work in pairs. Announcement of results.

pair work

OK 6 tables


Visualization of the Federal State Educational Standard before: performing a presentation or in schematic drawings - clusters (on the screen - diagrams)


Information support:

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” published: December 1, 2012 (in “RG” - Federal Issue No. 5976)

2. Russian education Federal portalMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

3. Education Committee of St. Petersburg

Lesson notes

Phase I " Call"

(awakening existing knowledge and interest in obtaining new information)

Pay attention to the title of the lesson topic Modern problems of preschool education, trends in its development and directions for reform(on screen)

and answer the question:
. Is this question relevant for college graduates?
. Why?

Repetition of material:

Frontal conversation

1.When did a unified program for kindergartens appear in our country?

In the early 60s. XX century a single comprehensive program for raising children in kindergarten, one hundred which was a mandatory document in the work of preschool educational institutions of the USSR. The country's leading research institutes of preschool education and leading departments of preschool pedagogy worked on the content of this program.

2.What are the advantages of the Soviet preschool education system?

And although Soviet preschool education was focused on the needs of the system, it had its own advantages: systemic nature, general accessibility, government funding.

3.What changes occurred in the late 80s and early 90s of the last century?

At the threshold of the 21st century there arose The concept of preschool education, the authors of which were teachers Davydov V. and Petrovsky V..

This Concept contains the basic principles of preschool education in Russia:

· Humanization(nurturing the humanistic orientation of the preschooler’s personality, the fundamentals of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for family and nature).

· Developmental nature of education(focus on the child’s personality, preserving and strengthening his health, focus on mastering ways of thinking and acting, developing speech).

· Deideologization of preschool education(priority of universal human values, rejection of the ideological orientation of the content of kindergarten educational programs).

· Differentiation and individualization of education and training(development of the child in accordance with his inclinations, interests, abilities and capabilities).

- A variety of variable or alternative preschool education programs have emerged.

Today we will get acquainted with the issues that concern every preschool teacher, parents of preschool children, scientists, and officials who are directly related to preschool education. Modern problems of preschool education, trends in its development and directions of reform.

II phase " Understanding the content" (receiving new information)

Getting acquainted with a number of today's materials, try to analyze the information using the PMI method (plus-minus-interesting). (See Appendix 2)

It is used in the technology “Development of critical thinking”

We learn to work with information, analyze various aspects of phenomena.

Questions for familiarization with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education:

1. The main components of the educational standard, structure (use the abbreviations FSES DO, OOP DO).

2. Basic values ​​of Russian preschool education.

3. Principles of preschool education.

5. Tasks.

6. The standard is the basis for development…

7. Requirements established by the standard.

8. Educational areas.

9. Types of activities for preschool children.

10. Aspects of the educational environment for a preschool child.

11. Forms of organization of the educational process.

12. Requirements for psychological and pedagogical conditions of implementation
basic educational program of preschool education.

13. Requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment.

14. Targets of preschool education.

Introducing students to the text of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education 2013. Analysis of the document. - 45 minutes

III phase " Reflection" (comprehension, birth of new directions)

Offers to unite in pairs to design a common PMI sign.

Listening to student responses and correcting conclusions.

Assignment for independent work. Visualization of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education: making a presentation in PowerPoint, Prezi programs or in schematic drawings in a notebook. Due date: October 10, 2013

Appendix 1

Technology "Development of critical thinking"

The purpose of this technology is development of students’ thinking skills, necessary not only in studies, but also in everyday life (the ability to make informed decisions, work with information, analyze various aspects of phenomena, etc.).

This technology is based on a three-phase lesson structure

Technological stages

Objectives of each stage of technology:

1.Update students' existing knowledge and meanings in connection with the material being studied

Awaken cognitive interest in the material being studied

Help students themselves determine the direction in studying the topic

2.Help actively perceive the material being studied

Help relate old knowledge to new knowledge

3. Help students to independently summarize the material being studied

Help independently determine directions for further study of the material

Forms and means:

· data collection

· text analysis

· comparison of alternative points of view

· group discussion

· different types of pair and group work

· discussions

directs students' efforts in a certain direction

· confronts different judgments

Creates conditions that encourage independent decision-making

Gives students the opportunity to draw their own conclusions

· prepares new cognitive situations within existing ones

Appendix 2

Edward de Bono(English) Edward de Bono; genus. 19 May, Malta) - British psychologist and writer, expert in the field of creative thinking, doctor of medicine. Creator of the concept " non-standard thinking».

1. "Plus"(+) We write down those facts that can answer the question “What is good?”

2. "Minus" (-) We write down all those facts and thoughts that can answer the question “What’s wrong with this?”

3. “What's so interesting about this?” (?) recording various facts and thoughts of interest to a person.

Appendix 3

Clarification of concepts

* Road map- this is a visual representation of a step-by-step scenario for the development of a certain object. In American culture, the term “Road map” in one of the figurative senses means “a plan on how to move forward”, plans for the future, for the future; visual representation of the development scenario.

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  • Updated: 09.29.2019 22:03

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    Mayra Kuzhabaeva
    Current problems of modern preschool education

    Relevance of the problem:

    Nowadays the system modern preschool education is very important and relevant. I would like to note that it is in preschool At a child's age, all the basic personality traits are formed and the quality of his further physical and mental development is determined. Currently there are problems of modern education. If you do not pay due attention to the developmental characteristics of a child at this age, this may adversely affect his future life.

    One of the main problems is communication - the ability to hear and listen, the ability to come into contact with peers and adults, the ability to express one’s thoughts, and understand speech.

    But full communication is impossible without communication skills, which must be developed from childhood in the process of role-playing games. But despite all the advantages of role-playing games, not all educators devote adequate time to this type of activity. And it often happens that the teacher conducts a role-playing game only at the request of the children.

    We also need to talk about family. Today there are a large number of single-parent families where children are raised. This leads to various difficult situations when a parent has no time to take care of his child, he is left to the mercy of fate. Majority modern Parents have a hard time making contact with preschool educational institutions, citing employment reasons. The teacher’s task is to interest parents and encourage them to interact.

    collective - parental meetings(both group meetings are held 3–4 times a year, as well as general ones with all parents of pupils at the beginning and end of the year, group consultations, conferences;

    individual – individual consultations, conversations;

    visual – folders, stands, screens, exhibitions, photos, open days.

    Classification of non-traditional forms. These include four groups: information and analytical, leisure; educational; visual information forms.

    If we take the place of our parents, we will see just as much problems that concern them. Preschool education has some specific features. For example, this area is affected by the lack of independence of the end consumer of services (child) in choosing an institution that will provide these services. Since in receiving by a child preschool education interested, first of all, parents, they are the ones who most often face problems in preschool education face to face.

    From the parents' side actual problem is the lack of places in preschool educational institutions and the queue that arises for this reason. Parents try to enroll their child in kindergarten in advance, from the moment they receive a birth certificate, many enroll in 5-10 kindergartens, stand in huge queues, offer bribes to the managers, and arrange various conflict situations.

    The problem of financing preschool educational institutions is also quite noticeable for parents. Many people complain about exorbitantly huge fees, about what kind of free education comes at a cost, the fact that financing a kindergarten falls almost entirely on the shoulders of parents, and for many families such a financial burden is unbearable.

    It turns out that kindergarten is no longer a necessity, but a luxury that wealthy or well-connected people can afford. Of course, in a normally functioning system preschool education This situation is absolutely unacceptable.

    There are others problems in modern education, you can list them very many: problems development of voluntary memory, speech development of children, problems of teaching GCD. And everything depends on new techniques. Implementation required modern technologies and techniques that meet the new times.

    Listing education problems, I want to find out what it should be like modern education. Teachers and adults independently organize their work with children. Before school, a child absorbs information like "sponge", the child is often active in learning new things and is interested in new things. Hence, adults have a desire to take advantage of this period and slightly shift the time when the child goes to school, a year or a couple of years earlier or later. Two options may arise. In the first case, the adult wants to leave the child in kindergarten for a longer period of time. In the second case, the parent insists that the child needs to go to school earlier, reversing attention only to his physiological readiness for school and completely forgetting about his psychological readiness for school. This shows that the practice of early education of children can lead to the disappearance of learning motivation. And it can often happen that a child studies the first grade program twice.

    Negative effects arise, such as children losing interest in learning, problems with continuity in the system education between the preschool educational institution and the elementary school. I would like to add that the child’s knowledge does not determine the success of learning; it is much more important that the child independently obtains and applies it.

    This is also confirmed by many studies teachers: "In the system preschool education A strict orientation of kindergartens arose towards preparing children for school, which usually means only learning to read, count and write, although the most important thing is the child’s motivation and interest in learning at school. The practice of compulsory education of children too early inevitably leads to the disappearance of educational motivation, and as a consequence, to the emergence of school maladjustment and school neuroses.”

    Let's pay attention to that, What education is based on the interests of the child himself and the interests of his family, i.e. his legal representatives. The person-centered approach is aimed at the developmental type education. Age and individual characteristics must be taken into account; it is necessary to focus on the interests of each child. The teacher must set a goal - to ensure development with the help of this knowledge and skills. If the child is active and inquisitive, it can be assumed that a development process is underway.


    So, we can say that problems in education, and in particular in modern education is, and they are obvious. Without communication, it is impossible to develop the communicative side of a child’s personality. Without the cooperation of parents and preschool educational institutions, the full development of the child is impossible. It is necessary to influence parents in this way way so that they try to be with the child throughout preschool age, helped him. Of course, more effective learning is one that occurs in a student-centered style, but it all depends on the teacher and his goals. And it depends on adults whether they will decide problems in modern education or not

    Publications on the topic:

    The quality of modern education and ways to achieve it: experience, problems, prospects The main advantage of a kindergarten is the presence of a children's community, thanks to which a space of social experience for the child is created. Only.

    Current problems of professional activity of a preschool teacher in modern conditions I, Yulia Sergeevna Ankudinova, carry out my teaching activities at the MDOU IRMO “Kindergarten of a combined type in the Lugovoe residential complex.”

    Current problems of speech development in preschool children Speech is the main means of human communication. Without it, a person would not be able to receive and transmit large quantities.

    Current problems in modern speech therapy and an integrated approach to the education of children with speech pathology Current problems in modern speech therapy and an integrated approach to the education of children with speech pathology The article is devoted to issues that are relevant today.

    Integration as a leading idea in the implementation of the content of modern preschool education Integration as the leading idea in the implementation of the content of modern preschool education Pedagogical system of each historical era.

    Irina Morozova
    Preschool education in the field of social problems in Russia

    From September 1, 2013 preschool education becomes a separate level of the training system, and, accordingly, from the quality education a lot depends on a preschool educational institution, so it is considered as the most important socio-forming factor.

    At the present stage of system development preschool education significant change: preschool the institution acquires a new status, its functions change (it becomes a priority based on economic and social situation, the function of protecting the life and health of children is set, since the number of general morbidity among children is growing, the number of children born with pathologies is increasing, and evidence of accidents with preschoolers. Traditional function preschool institutions - preparing children for school - is relegated to the background). The structure of the system is changing preschool education: different types, types are created preschool institutions; the number of children who attend has changed preschool institutions; a different view of the state and society on the processes of education and training, socialization children with mental and physical developmental disabilities.

    As a rule, any changes in any issue do not go smoothly, without encountering certain obstacles and difficulties, modern development preschool education is no exception.

    Despite the fact that each subject of the Russian Federation forms its own policy preschool education, due to a number of local social, cultural, economic and natural factors, let's talk about those problems relating to almost everyone preschool educational institutions in Russia.

    In the 90s, kindergartens were closed en masse and their buildings were rented out to commercial structures and organizations. On January 1, 2007, a law on a new form of state support for families with children - maternal or family capital - comes into force in the Russian Federation. The combination of these factors leads to problem #1: insufficient number of kindergartens and their overload.

    Russian The authorities speak with enthusiasm about the increase in the birth rate in the country. But at the same time, the state does not think too much about the upcoming problems of young parents, which they will face in a few years. The lack of kindergartens is so great that the sad joke that it is already too late to enroll a child in kindergarten immediately after birth is real. Data from the Ministry of Health and Social Development show that more than one million families do not have the opportunity to place their children in public kindergartens. preschool institutions because there are not enough places. Parents can only discuss private kindergartens, but most families do not have enough money to pay for a place for their child in a private one preschool educational institution.

    In the meantime, attending kindergarten is essential socializing factor for the child, and preschool education should cover as many children as possible. Due to the fact that groups in kindergartens are overloaded, preschool educational institutions cannot fully meet the necessary pedagogical, material, technical and sanitary standards.

    Problem #2.

    Insufficient funding.

    This includes:

    Insufficient equipment of kindergartens;

    Obsolescence of the material and technical base;

    Inability to provide in some preschool institutions have a decent level of educational and methodological base;

    Lack of computers and Internet connections in some preschool educational institutions.

    The problem of financing preschool educational institutions is also quite noticeable for parents. Many people complain about exorbitantly huge fees, about what kind of free education comes at a cost, the fact that financing a kindergarten falls almost entirely on the shoulders of parents, and for many families such a financial burden is unbearable.

    It turns out that kindergarten is no longer a necessity, but a luxury that wealthy or well-connected people can afford. Of course, in a normally functioning system preschool education This situation is absolutely unacceptable.

    Problem #3.

    Lack of early development groups.

    Not all kindergartens provide groups for children from 2 months. At a time when the number of divorces is growing, the number of single mothers is forced to go to work as early as possible. The early departure of mothers to work is determined not only by material necessity, but often also by the terms of the employment contract.

    Problem #4.

    Family crisis.

    Many researchers today state the crisis of the family, note its inability to provide the necessary conditions for education, socialization of children. Acuity problems family education

    associated with a decline in the value of parenthood, the predominance of single-parent families, an increase in the number of families,

    experiencing financial difficulties, classified as social risk. Modern parents often have a reluctance to delve into child problems, inharmonious parenting style, transfer of one’s own personal and psychological problems for children.

    Almost a third of small Russians- more than 400 thousand - are born out of wedlock every year, every seventh baby

    brought up in a single-parent family. Russia has become a country of working grandmothers, so they, too, cannot properly

    least involved in raising grandchildren.

    As a result, the family does not fulfill its main functions as an institution socialization of preschoolers:

    Caring for the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of children;

    Ensuring compliance with their rights and interests; education based on unconditional parental love, recognition of the child as a valuable person, etc.

    Against the backdrop of progressive family dysfunction, the role of educational institution, personality of the teacher.

    Problem #5.

    Lack of teaching staff, low wages and lack of proper education from teachers.

    The difficult work along with the low salary makes the profession absolutely unprestigious and unattractive.

    The shortage of personnel leads to the hiring of unqualified specialists who have neither a diploma nor basic communication skills with children. This has an extremely negative impact on the development of children, because the foundation of the psyche is laid between the ages of 2 and 5 years.

    Problem #6.

    Unavailability preschool education for children with disabilities.

    Lack of complete objective information about the need for educational services for children with disabilities;

    Network insufficiency preschool institutions(specialized institutions and groups based on existing kindergartens capable of providing services for children with disabilities, special educational needs;

    Lack of training among all workers preschool educational institutions with special treatment for children with disabilities, lack of special training and qualifications for teachers to work with this category of children;

    Parents' reluctance to take their child to a special correctional institution (group);

    Lack of specialists (medical workers, speech pathologists, etc.) required profile and qualifications;

    Lack of well-established regulatory, legal and financial mechanisms to ensure the work of specialized groups;

    Lack of partnerships with health authorities and social protection.

    The most priority and logical direction of solution problems of accessibility of preschool education conditioned by children’s health, is an integrated (inclusive) education. It's a collaborative process education healthy children and children with disabilities, the establishment between children of different groups, categories of closer relationships in the process of their training and upbringing in the same group (kindergarten). But this decision problems cannot always be realized due to the presence of unprofessional and untrained teachers, lack of proper funding and equipment for kindergartens.

    So way, there remains a contradiction between the real status, capabilities, purpose preschool education and requirements from the state (expectations from society, demand and opportunities from the family).


    1. State report of the Ministry of Health and social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2011 "On the situation of children in Russian Federation» (2008-2009).

    2. Derkunskaya V. A. Cultivating a culture of children’s health preschool age // Increasing the professional competence of a preschool teacher. Issue 4 / ed. L. L. Timofeeva. - M.: Pedagogical Society Russia, 2013.

    3. Mayer A. A., Timofeeva L. L. "Growing Pains" modern preschool education: system crisis or systemic crisis // Quality management preschool education: theory and practice / ed. N.V. Miklyaeva. Collective monograph. - M.: MGPU, 2013.

    4. Maslow A. Motivation and personality. - St. Petersburg: Eurasia, 1999.

    5. Order of the Ministry education and science of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2011 No. 2151 “On approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main general education program

    preschool education».

    LLC Forensic Laboratory "Information and Control Bureau"
    In some regions of the country, there is still an acute problem of lack of places in kindergartens. Moreover, according to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273, which came into force on September 1, 2013, children aged 3 to 7 years can count on studying in a preschool institution! The result: most mothers cannot leave maternity leave early in order to financially help the family during these economically difficult times.

    It turned out that the nursery groups were not cancelled, they simply stopped enrolling children. This happened after amendments were made to the Law “On Education”, according to which kindergartens received a single organizational and legal form - a preschool educational organization.

    According to the amendments made, the term “preschool education for children from 2 months to 3 years”, in other words, “nursery”, was replaced by “preschool development”. Previously, kindergartens were divided into nurseries and kindergartens and were required to provide preschool education to children from the age of two months. Since November 2, 2013, all kindergartens in Russia, regardless of their organizational and legal form, operate according to the same rules. According to the new order, kindergartens will not provide preschool education to children under three years of age, but will only provide child development.

    It seems that nothing has changed; the child, as before, can be sent to kindergarten. But in accordance with paragraph 29 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2011 No. 2562 “On approval of the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution,” “the number and ratio of age groups of children in a preschool educational institution is determined by the founder.” This means that the founder, represented by the municipality (city authorities), has the right to decide who to take to the kindergarten and nursery and who not to take. Despite the fact that the document does not say anywhere that nursery places need to be reduced, nursery groups are being reduced locally. At first they simply stopped being staffed, and then they gradually disappeared.

    While on parental leave, parents receive a meager allowance, which can be a nice addition to something, but is hardly an independent income that allows them to provide themselves and their child with everything they need. So it turns out that placing a child in kindergarten is sometimes the only real opportunity for mothers to continue their careers and contribute to the family budget. For most average parents, this income is an absolute necessity. With the entry into force of the law, about 2 million families are doomed to struggle to make ends meet.

    However, representatives of various departments advise seriously thinking about a nanny if the child is not yet three years old. But again the question comes down to money. Where can I get them from, since babysitting services cost an average of 200 rubles per hour. With an 8-hour working day, even not counting travel time, the cost per day is already 1,600 rubles, and per month more than 30,000 rubles. Of course, depending on the region and the age of the children, prices may be different, but the essence does not change.

    In the Russian Empire, nurseries appeared soon after the opening of the first kindergartens. The name itself, “Kindergarten,” came from Germany and was invented in 1837 by the teacher Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel. He came up with the name “Kindergarten” from the consideration that children are the flowers of life, requiring skillful and careful care and they should be raised by gardeners.

    In 1837, daytime children's rooms were opened in Kolomna - the first kindergarten. Initially, 6 boys and 11 girls received guardianship here; a year later the number of children increased to 112. This was done at the request of working mothers in order to “provide poor free women with ways to produce handicrafts, through which they could honestly and usefully in a way to earn support for themselves and their families.” In Russia, the education of minors for a long time was carried out only in private and parochial primary schools and in certain charitable institutions.

    The popularity of the first kindergarten in Russian history was so great that a year after its opening, in 1838, the government established a special Committee for the Main Guardianship of Children's Shelters. The committee was led by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna herself. The Committee prepared a special Regulation on the work of children's shelters. On December 27, 1839 it was approved by the highest. According to this Regulation, shelters in Russia were to be created mainly with funds from public and private charity. The state only monitored the educational process and moral education of children in them. The committee appealed to provincial authorities to help poor children and their parents.

    The system of preschool educational institutions was actively developing, and after three decades several dozen kindergartens appeared in Russia: paid and free, for nobles and intelligentsia, workers, as well as orphanages.

    At this time, educational courses for educators began to be organized, lectures and “trainings” were held, and relevant literature was published.

    In the 1890-1900s, kindergartens of various types, as well as nurseries (sometimes these concepts were not separated), became widespread in St. Petersburg. They operated at gymnasiums with pedagogical classes, in parishes of Orthodox and non-Orthodox churches, and were often set up by factory workers at industrial enterprises.

    In 1898, a free public kindergarten was opened on Golodai Island, and with it an “Agricultural Shelter”. The orphanage-nursery was the most popular institution among those run by city trustees for the poor classes. The purpose of creating such shelters was to provide assistance to young children who were left all day without proper supervision with their mothers - factory workers or day laborers, who were absent from home from morning to evening due to work. Such nursery shelters were open from 6-7 am to 7-8 pm every day, except holidays. In addition to the shelter itself, the children also received food and clothing there; the children were under the constant supervision of the employees on duty, and sometimes a special caretaker. In addition, the goal was to isolate children at least during the day from the harmful influences of their environment and their religious and moral education. In some city guardianships there were two departments: one for younger children under six years old, and the other for children from six to nine years old. In other guardianships, these departments were independent institutions: nurseries and day care (kindergarten).

    Of course, you can’t compare the first kindergartens with today’s ones. And the point is not only that today we live in a century of fast technologies, informatization and computerization of society, “advanced” children. The fact is that today one of the main functions of kindergartens is preparing children for school, whereas previously the focus was on the child’s creative abilities, his interests and himself. Children were raised in the spirit of patriotism and moral values ​​were instilled in them from childhood.

    Over the past quarter century, the number of preschool institutions has almost halved - from 76 thousand to 45 thousand. The lack of kindergartens creates conditions under which parents are happy to go anywhere, which affects the quality of services provided. Thus, the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education in its annual rating of kindergartens for several years in a row has not given the mark “excellent” to any region of Russia; the general conclusion of the rating is that preschool education is best in the rich oil regions of Siberia and the South of the country, and in in many other regions it does not even reach the minimum standards.

    Another problem is the teaching staff. In modern education, based on variability and diversity, the figure of the teacher becomes central. But in order to realize his right to academic freedom, he must have the appropriate competencies and must understand exactly how to build the educational process in conditions of variability. And in our kindergartens, the report notes, “usually people work who are trained according to an outdated model or who have no professional training at all. The social status of the profession is still low. And the level of salaries of preschool teachers, which are the lowest in education, in no way corresponds to the highest responsibility for the fate of the child.”

    In 2017, in the villages of the country, the average salary of a teacher does not exceed 10,000 rubles. The salary of an assistant teacher is lower. In particular, in the Moscow kindergarten it ranges from 5,500 to 18,000 rubles. A nanny in the Kirov region receives 5,500 rubles.

    According to statistics, in 2016 the salary of university teachers was 55 thousand rubles, and general education teachers now receive more than 33 thousand rubles. At least that's what the statistics say.

    It turns out that the people to whom we entrust our children at a helpless age, who should become an example for them and monitor their safety, the development of abilities, and interests, receive the smallest wages. But the future of the child largely depends on them, since it is at this age that the character of children and their future personality are formed. It is probably no coincidence that they say that a teacher is not a profession, but a state of mind, because otherwise it is very difficult to understand how people can give their all and enjoy their work for a few pennies.

    2018−2027 will become the Decade of Childhood in Russia. This project will be a natural continuation of the National Strategy for Action for Children, which is being completed this year.

    Child protection is a priority for any state, not only from a humanitarian point of view, but also from the point of view of investment in the future: sooner or later, today's children will become the support of the economic growth, the sources of which the Russian authorities are now looking for.

    We really hope that the data below will soon begin to change for the better:

    In Russia, at least 4.5 million children live below the poverty line, and the economic crisis continues to increase this number.

    54.2% of Russian older children do not have the opportunity to leave home on vacation for a week for a year or more. The most common reason is the difficult financial situation of the parents.

    31% of children do not have equipment for outdoor activities (bicycles, roller skates, etc.).

    According to the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin, “60%, or even 70% of the poor are families with children.”

    There are two thousand orphanages in Russia and 67,000 of their children. 90-95% of orphans have living parents, another 27 thousand children study in 150 boarding schools. Ten percent of orphanages and boarding schools do not have basic conditions, 48% require major repairs, 5 are in disrepair. 40% of orphanage graduates become alcoholics, 40% end up in prison, 10% commit suicide and only 10% are able to get settled in life.

    Children in early childhood are defenseless, susceptible and innocent. At this age, they need care, attention, love, and guardianship more than ever. A child's environment greatly influences his future. He remembers and subsequently copies adult behavior patterns. Therefore, it is so important that the child has loving parents at home, professionals in their field in kindergarten, and the state, in turn, should provide an opportunity for the decent development of children. After all, the main thing is that the children are happy!