Children's fairy tales online. old father

Young lover of literature, we are firmly convinced that you will enjoy reading the fairy tale “The Old Father” and you will be able to learn a lesson and benefit from it. Of course, the idea of ​​the superiority of good over evil is not new, of course, many books have been written about it, but it’s still nice to be convinced of this every time. Probably due to the inviolability of human qualities over time, all moral teachings, morals and issues remain relevant at all times and eras. Having become familiar with the inner world and qualities of the main character, the young reader involuntarily experiences a feeling of nobility, responsibility and a high degree of morality. Everyday issues are an incredibly successful way, with the help of simple, ordinary examples, to convey to the reader the most valuable centuries-old experience. The works often use diminutive descriptions of nature, thereby making the picture presented even more intense. Charm, admiration and indescribable inner joy produce the pictures drawn by our imagination when reading such works. The fairy tale “The Old Father” is definitely worth reading for free online; there is a lot of kindness, love and chastity in it, which is useful for raising a young person.

In the old days it was like this: when a father gets old, his son will take him to a remote forest and abandon him there...
One day, the son took his father to Pushcha. He feels sorry for his father - he loved him very much, but what can you do! If you're unlucky, people will laugh, they'll say old customs don't hold up. They will also drive you out of the village...
He rides sadly, and his father says to him:
- Are you really going to leave me, old and sick, alone in the forest, son?
The son thought, wiped away a tear and said:
- No, dad, I won’t give up. But at least we need to do this for the people. At night I will come for you and I will keep you in a dark closet until your death, so that no one can see.
That's what the son did.
When night fell, he brought his father from the forest and hid him in a dark closet.
But a misfortune happened - the hail destroyed everything, and there was nothing new to sow.
A son came to his father in a dark closet and complained:
- What to do? If we don’t sow crops, we’ll be left without bread next year. Father says:
- No, son, as long as I live, we will not be without bread. Listen to me. When you were still little, I built a threshing floor. And there was a big harvest that year. So I covered the threshing floor with unthreshed grain. Take off the eaves, thresh it, and you will have grain to sow.
The son did just that. He removed the eaves from the threshing floor, threshed it and sowed it in the fall.
The neighbors marvel: where did he get the grain from? But the son is silent, because it’s impossible to admit that it was the old father who helped him.
Winter has come. There's nothing to eat. Again the son goes to his father in a dark closet.
- So, they say, and so. - he says, - you will have to die of hunger...
“No,” says the father, “we will not die of hunger.” Listen to what I tell you. Take a shovel and dig around in the hut under the bench. There, when I was still young, I buried some money for a rainy day. Life, son, to live is not a field to cross: anything can happen. That's what I thought and that's what I did.
The son was delighted, dug up his father’s money and bought grain.
And he eats with his family and also borrows money for the neighbors. So they ask him:
- Tell us, brother, where do you get your bread from? The son admitted:
“Father,” he says, “feeds me.”
- How so? - the neighbors are amazed. “You took your father to the forest, like all good sons!”
“No,” says the son, “I didn’t do what you do, but left my father to live out his life.” But when trouble came, my father helped me. Old people have more intelligence than young people.
From that time on, the sons of their fathers stopped taking them to the Pushcha, but began to respect and feed them in their old age.


In the old days it was like this: when a father gets old, his son will take him to a remote forest and abandon him there...

One day, the son took his father to Pushcha. He feels sorry for his father - he loved him very much, but what can you do! If you're unlucky, people will laugh, they'll say old customs don't hold up. They will also drive you out of the village...

He rides sadly, and his father says to him:

Are you really going to leave me, old and sick, alone in the forest, son?

The son thought, wiped away a tear and said:

No, dad, I won’t give up. But at least we need to do this for the people. At night I will come for you and I will keep you in a dark closet until your death, so that no one can see.

That's what the son did.

When night fell, he brought his father from the forest and hid him in a dark closet.

But a misfortune happened - the hail destroyed everything, and there was nothing to sow new seeds with.

A son came to his father in a dark closet and complained:

What to do? If we don’t sow crops, we will be left without bread next year. Father says:

No, son, as long as I live, we will not be without bread. Listen to me. When you were still little, I built a threshing floor. And there was a big harvest that year. So I covered the threshing floor with unthreshed grain. Take off the eaves, thresh it, and you will have grain to sow.

The son did just that. He removed the eaves from the threshing floor, threshed it and sowed it in the fall.

The neighbors marvel: where did he get the grain from? But the son is silent, because it’s impossible to admit that it was the old father who helped him.

Winter has come. There's nothing to eat. Again the son goes to his father in the dark closet.

So, they say, and so. - he says, - you will have to die of hunger...

No,” says the father, “we will not die of hunger.” Listen to what I tell you. Take a shovel and dig around in the hut under the bench. There, when I was still young, I buried some money for a rainy day. Life, son, to live is not a field to cross: anything can happen. That's what I thought and that's what I did.

The son was delighted, dug up his father’s money and bought grain.

And he eats with his family and also borrows money for the neighbors. So they ask him:

Tell us, brother, where do you get your bread from? The son admitted:

Father, he says, feeds me.

How so? - the neighbors are amazed. - You took your father to the forest, like all good sons!

No,” says the son, “I didn’t do what you do, but left my father to live out his life.” But when trouble came, my father helped me. Old people have more intelligence than young people.

From that time on, the sons of their fathers stopped taking them to the Pushcha, but began to respect and feed them in their old age.

In ancient times, the following custom was accepted among people: when a father grew old and did not have long to live, his son would take him to a remote forest and leave him there.
This happened one day. The son took his father to the Pushcha. Of course he felt sorry for his father - he loved him very much, but nothing could be done, such is the custom! And all life rests on customs. If you're unlucky, people will laugh and say that you can't respect old customs. They will also drive you out of the village...
The son rides sadly, and the father says to him:
- Are you really going to leave me, old and sick, alone in the forest, son?
The son thought, wiped away a tear and said:
- No, dad, I won’t give up. But so that people don’t find out, this is what I’ll do. At night I will come for you and I will keep you in a dark chamber until your death, so that no one can see.
That's what the son did.
When night came and the whole village was already asleep, he brought his father from the forest and hid him in a dark chamber.
But a misfortune happened - the hail destroyed everything, and there was nothing new to sow; famine threatened.
A sad son came to his father in a dark closet and complained:
- What to do? If we don’t sow crops, we’ll be left without bread next year.
His father tells him:
- No, son, as long as I live, we will not be without bread. Listen to me. When you were still little, I built a threshing floor. And there was a big harvest that year. So I covered the threshing floor with unthreshed grain. Take off the eaves, thresh it, and you will have grain to sow.
The son did just that. He removed the eaves from the threshing floor, threshed it and sowed it in the fall.
The neighbors wonder where he got the grain from? But the son is silent, because he can’t admit to him that it was the old father who helped.
Winter has come. There's nothing to eat. Again the son goes to his father in a dark closet and tells about his misfortune.
- So, they say, and so. - he says, - you will have to die of hunger...
“No,” the father answers, “we won’t die of hunger.” Listen to what I tell you. Take a shovel and dig around in the hut under the bench. There, when I was still young, I buried some money for a rainy day. Life, son, to live is not a field to cross: anything can happen. That's what I thought and that's what I did.
The son was delighted, found and dug up his father’s money, and bought grain.
And he eats with his family, and also provides food for his neighbors. One day they asked him:
- Tell us, brother, where do you get your bread from?
The son admitted:
“Father,” he says, “feeds me.”
- How so? - the neighbors are surprised. “You took your father to the forest, like all good sons!”
“No,” says the son, “I didn’t do like you.” I left my father to live out his life. And when trouble came, my father helped me sow bread and save my family from hunger. Old people have more intelligence than young people.
From that time on, the sons of their fathers stopped taking them to the Pushcha, and it was customary to respect and feed their fathers in their old age.


Belarusian folk audio fairy tale “The Old Father”: “In the old days it was like this: when a father gets old, his son will take him to a remote Pushcha and abandon him there... So one day the son took his father to the Pushcha. He felt sorry for his father - he loved him very much , what can you do! If you’re lucky, people will laugh at the old customs, they’ll say they won’t stick with it. They’ll drive you out of the village... The son thought, wiped away a tear and said: “No, dad, I won’t give up... I’ll come for you at night and I will keep you in a dark chamber until your death, so that no one can see." So the son did... A misfortune happened - the hail destroyed all the crops (rye), and there was nothing to sow new ones with. The son came to his father: "What should I do? If we don't sow, we'll be left without bread next year." The father says: "No, son... Listen to me. When you were still little, I built a threshing floor. And there was a big harvest that year. So I covered the threshing floor with unthreshed grain. Take off the fear, thresh it - and you will have grain for sowing." The son did just that... The neighbors marvel... But the son is silent... Winter has come. There is nothing to eat. Again the son goes to his father in the dark closet. "Listen, what will I tell you. Take a shovel and dig around in the hut under the bench. There, when I was still young, I buried some money for a rainy day. Life, son, to live is not a field to cross."
Old people have more intelligence than young people. From then on, the sons of their fathers stopped taking them to the Pushcha, but began to respect and feed them in their old age."