Children's New Year's dresses for girls 12 years old. New Year's dresses for girls of different ages

IN New Year's Eve little girls turn into their favorite fairy-tale heroines: fairies, princesses, snowflakes and young ladies. They love this holiday already because they have the opportunity to dress smartly and brightly. In this case, mothers are the best guides in the world of fashion and style. Therefore, it would be a good idea for mothers to find out what a New Year’s dress for a girl should be, depending on her age.

New Year's dresses for girls 3-5 years old, photo

The best option for this age would be a dress with a full skirt, as well as a corset or just a tight-fitting top. From such an outfit you can “create” the image of the Snow Queen, princess or snowflake. To do this, you just need to complement the children's New Year's look with appropriate accessories. Opt for the traditional winter colors of white, blue, and blue.

Of course, when choosing a dress, parents will be based on considerations of economy and practicality. You can hardly wear a fluffy dress anywhere else except on New Year and Birthday. It would be much more rational to choose a small elegant dress. Just don’t choose classic black; let the dress be in soft pastel colors. If the girl starts to protest, tell her in a fairy-tale form about Coco Chanel and that all adult fashionistas wear exactly these styles of dresses. This should work, because all children love to be like adults in everything.

New Year's dress for girls 6-9 years old, photo

A fluffy skirt in a dress can be left for this age, but the girl may no longer want to be “someone”. It’s much better to be yourself – a bright and irresistible beauty! That is why you can either completely avoid the usual winter shades, or dilute them with some rich color so as not to resemble a “snowflake”. By the way, the coming year will pass under the sign of the Fire Monkey, and therefore red, yellow, orange are exactly the colors with which you should greet the guest.

If you and your young fashionista are tired of the monotony of the winter landscape - bare branches outside the window and snow-covered streets, then it’s time to arrange your own summer mood! So what if the New Year is already around the corner? Dress up your beauty in New Year's dresses with bright floral or tropical prints. Everyone will be satisfied, including the Fire Monkey.

The best ideas for a New Year's image for a girl 10-12 years old

When girls enter adolescence, they consider themselves adults and independent. Therefore, they strive to dress appropriately and are reluctant to listen to your advice. Explain to your child that a too open neckline or back is too much, but a mini length is just what you need. The skirt can be fluffy, but not long. You should avoid corsets in a dress - they will look either vulgar or childish. A fitted top made of soft fabric is sufficient. Sewn on sequins, beads, and rhinestones will turn a girl’s New Year’s dress into a festive one, even if its style is quite simple.

Fashionistas of any age dream of looking beautiful. Therefore, even children's fashion, far from the world of an adult woman, offers a huge number of outfit options for girls.

So that your girl can choose what she wants to wear for the holiday, we bring to your attention photos of children's New Year's dresses - fashion trends this season. We will help you choose the most popular and fashionable styles of children's New Year's dresses 2018 for your princess.

High waist model has become a trend in 2018. It is worth paying attention to a dress with various fashionable accessories: a bright belt, rhinestones, sequins. The high waist looks stylish on curvy short models.

Cut-out dresses with lace, flounces, flowers

Dresses "a la" carnival costume have been chosen for several years now. This outfit will turn your baby into a fairy-tale character: Cinderella, Malvina, angel, fairy, snowflake or other fairy-tale heroines. A masquerade dress will give your daughter a festive and solemn look and create a New Year's mood for your family.

Fluffy ball gowns "Snow Queen". The most popular model among young ladies, you can pay attention to dresses with long sleeves white, pink flowers or other pastel shades. Dresses with a full skirt made of light multi-layered material are best suited as holiday dresses for girls aged 5 years and older. For girls over 10 years old, dresses with a corset and a chiffon skirt are often chosen.

Fluffy dresses Snow Queen with lace, with corset, with contrasting openwork bodice

A-line dress, perhaps the most comfortable among children's dresses. Beautiful dresses, although they resemble adult styles, do not restrict movement and are comfortable to play in. They can be short, light or made of dense fabrics.

Dresses in the style of "dudes". As a rule, they are bright colors and have a full skirt. medium length and ¾ or short sleeves. For such an outfit, the child must choose suitable accessories, for example, gloves. Pay attention to the elegant hairstyle and shoes, despite your young age, wear light makeup. Retro New Year's children's dresses look spectacular in the photo!

Red dudes dress with gold ribbon, polka dots and tulle skirt

How to choose a children's New Year's dress?

And now to what materials and colors should be selected:

  1. Sequins. Often for the New Year they choose a shiny outfit embroidered with sparkles and sequins. Embroidery is located along the corset, waistline, hem or all over the dress.
  2. Red. The most trendy ball gowns this season are red. This great option colors - you can choose a short fluffy dress for the matinee or a long one in the classic version - it looks beautiful at any New Year's party.
  3. Velvet. This fabric is ideal for holiday wear, and will become especially relevant in 2018. So choose velvet dresses both a classic silhouette and a more elegant one.
  4. Lace. Will create the image of a fairy-tale princess or snowflake on winter holidays. Openwork pattern on the sleeves will warm the baby if it is cool.
  5. Yellow. Don't forget that the coming year is the Year of the Yellow Dog. Pay attention to all shades of this color. It is not necessary to choose an expensive dress, the main thing is that the young princess likes it.
  6. Feathers. On this New Year's Eve, outfits with feather decor are in trend. That's why designers offer to buy beautiful dresses"Swan Princess" with feathers on the skirt, neck or sleeves. In addition, embroidery with a small fluff looks interesting.

Inexpensive children's New Year's dresses for girls

Here you can choose inexpensive New Year dresses for girls. New Year's children's dresses in the Berito online store - there are more than 4,710 models, prices from 499 to 43,990 rubles.

Festive dress trends in new collections:

  • Brand "Prestige" known for its voluminous princess dresses made of multi-layered tulle. The dresses are made using soft fabrics, satin ribbons and large bows. Prices from 2,840 to 29,990 rubles.
  • Brand "Kid's dream". A wide range of bright colors and high-quality fabrics are available. Price from 1,320 to 6,300 rubles.
  • "Miss Trendy" pays due attention to the highest quality. Fairytale dresses for girls with fluffy multi-layered skirts do not restrict the child’s movements. Price from 2,000 to 5,600 rubles.
  • "Sheened"– dresses in green, blue, white tones in the empire style and modern models. Decorated with sequins, rhinestones, bows and flowers. Price from 970 to 7,100 rubles.
  • "Cinderella"– evening, prom, stylish dresses for girls for every color and taste. Rhinestones, bows and lace make the style fashionable. Price from 2,800 to 6,397 rubles.

Choosing a dress for a girl of this age is a real problem due to the large number of different models, colors, and styles. Stores often offer dresses that are duplicated from the catwalks of famous world brands, but the age of the customers is not taken into account. What looks good on adults does not always suit children. Also, due to the huge number of dresses and their varieties, parents face a difficult choice when buying a dress for their little princess. So how do you choose the right one?


The main feature of choosing a dress for 12 year old girl this is that you must choose it directly with her. 12 years is already the age when a child wants to make decisions in choosing clothes, and taste is already formed. Under no circumstances should you put pressure on your child when choosing a dress, since even though the girl is already entering her teenage years, she is still sensitive to criticism from her mother, who is dissatisfied with her daughter’s choice. That is why it is most often worth avoiding rude language and offering a solution to such a problem, for example, choosing a different dress.

Despite the fact that every girl from the age of 12 strives to try on all possible images, such as boho, rock, hippie and others, a princess-style dress still remains a favorite at any age.

How to choose

As a rule, a child's figure is not yet formed at the age of 11-12 years and therefore all dresses are sewn to fit one type. There are no styles that may not suit a girl. Children's fashion completely copies adult fashion, and that is why choosing a dress, like for adults, is often difficult, with the only difference being that adults make most of the decisions.

When choosing any dress for a girl, you should take into account not only the wishes of the older generation, but also the wishes of the younger generation, since the girl should feel like a princess in such a dress.

When choosing any dress for a child, you must follow the rule that the fabrics should be natural, and the decorative elements should not interfere with the girl while moving.

Varieties and styles


Most of the wardrobe of a young lady aged 11-12 years consists of dresses. However, choosing a dress for a girl is not always easy. Dresses at this age should be more affordable and cost little, because young ladies growing quickly. What's the most important thing about casual dresses? Wearability and convenience. Most often, casual dresses include not only light, loose-fitting dresses, but also tunics and sundresses. All these dress options for an everyday look do not restrict a girl’s movement and allow her to feel as comfortable as possible even if she is constantly on the move or sitting at a desk.

Dresses can be different colors, have different options decoration and have a different skirt, ranging from A-line to sun silhouette. That is why it is worth taking into account that the dress should be suitable for both walking and studying.

For a wedding

A wedding is a magical moment and every girl, like the bride, wants to look as beautiful.

When choosing a dress, you should take into account the child’s opinion and choose the dress very carefully. But this is not the only thing you should pay attention to. The dress must be comfortable and not restrict movement. It is best to dress the girl in a magnificent dress for such a celebration. ball gown and make her the charming star of such a holiday.

When planning a wedding, pay attention to pastel colors and shades, such as soft blue, soft pink, lemon or ivory. If the child often gets dirty, then it is better to choose emerald green, aquamarine and other similar colors.

For a wedding, it is best to avoid tight dresses for girls. What models can be considered successful for going to a wedding?

  • Best for girls over 12 years old culotte dress. In this style, instead of a skirt, trousers or shorts are usually used. This outfit is ideal for those who cannot sit still.

  • Shirt-cut dress. A classic collar and cuffs will add a little rigor to the look, and a bell or straight skirt will give a little femininity and grace.

  • It will also be an indispensable style for any age. dress with a skirt “sun” and “half-sun”. This dress looks elegant, but not pompous or pompous for a fragile little girl. It does not restrict movement and the child will feel much more comfortable.

With a train

A dress with a train is a separate issue. It is these dresses that inspire us with fairy tales and thoughts of handsome princes or balls. How can a girl refuse to feel like the heroine of a Walt Disney fairy tale?

The train is a rather attractive detail of the dress, but very difficult to use. Such dresses are appropriate precisely if the celebration takes place in a huge hall, but it is absolutely not appropriate in kindergarten or at a birthday party. Why is it not appropriate? Most children's parties do not involve sitting still, but have a large number of competitions and various activities in which the child may not be comfortable in such a dress. While playing, children will obviously step on the tail of the dress, which will cause discomfort to the little lady.

It is best to choose a dress with a not very long train. It is also worth considering the possibility of removing the train, so as not to risk it and God forbid the girl falls if she is stepped on the train. The best option to solve this problem may be a dress with a removable train, or there is the option of wearing a train on your arm.

Dresses with a train can be of different lengths, different styles, but a fluffy dress with a long train remains unchanged. An interesting option is asymmetrical dresses with a train, in which the front hem reaches the knees, and the back reaches the floor due to the train. In such an outfit, there is little chance that someone will step on the train and it will fall off.


It would seem like children can wear cocktail dresses, but they also have a similar option for evening wear. Usually these are dresses of short straight models. They do not have sleeves and the bodice in such dresses is as simple as possible. The skirt in such models is made either fluffy and short, or straight and just below the knee.

Cocktail dresses Can be of different styles and styles. It could be a retro style dress, a dress in greek style or empire style or just a sheath dress.

Current colors


For any girl, a snow-white airy dress is already a reference to princesses. They look just like adults wedding dresses and there are absolutely different lengths. In this case, it is better to choose the length to the knee or slightly below. In such a dress, any girl will feel not only like the heroine of a fairy tale, but will also be able to feel like a real little princess.

The snow-white image of such a princess can be diluted with accessories different colors, which will dilute the image and allow you to focus attention on your child. Or you can dilute the look with a headband with bright and beautiful flowers, or shoes with small heels.


Tender pink dresses Girls also associate them with princess dresses. They can also be decorated with bright ribbons, but it is worth noting that the choice of color satin ribbon should come from the color of the dress. For delicate tones, something brighter is suitable. It can be dark blue, turquoise, menthol and other colors. If the girl’s dress is bright in color, then it is best to add a snow-white ribbon; it will correct the figure and separate the top and bottom.


Red is known to be the color of passion. Dresses of these colors will be too flashy and provocative. It doesn’t matter what fabric the dress is made of, it will always be the center of attention and this color is more suitable for dresses that are made to order for ballroom dancing competitions. This is where the brightness of the image is welcomed.

No one will forbid you to dress your child in bright colors, but children of this age most often wear pastel-colored dresses, rather than provocative and flashy ones.

So you should give up the idea of ​​buying a red dress. It is worth noting that in any other dress, a bright red element, such as a belt, or a headband will look appropriate if the image is made up of delicate tones.


When choosing a dress for a girl, you cannot know exactly what color your child will like and why. However, no one excludes that a child might like a dress in blue tones. It doesn't matter whether you're going to a wedding or going to a children's party this dress can also become good option However, it is best to buy such dresses for those children who are prone to getting them dirty. The stains will not be as noticeable.

Blue colors are best suited for everyday wear and are basic, although depending on the shade.

You can also wear a blue dress to a wedding, but a dress of this color will need to be diluted with a light belt, shoes or a headband, which will add tenderness and lightness to the image. In festive looks, it is better to stick to light blue shades or rich ones, but avoid dark blue shades, since they are most often associated with school uniforms in children.



Floor length is most often used for holidays or special occasions. However, when wearing such a dress, you need to think not only about whether your daughter will look beautiful, but also about comfort. It is always important for a child that their movements are not constrained.

When buying such a dress, you must think through all the options for what your girl will do at the holiday and only then purchase a floor-length dress.

This especially applies to dresses with a full skirt and a train, which can make it difficult for a child to move.


Dresses of this length, namely medium and minimal, are suitable for everyday wear, but no one will ever tell you anything if you decide to dress a girl in such a dress for a holiday. This version of the dress is possible and will be more comfortable for the child, since the hem of the dress will not interfere with the girl’s movement.

A fluffy skirt or flounced skirt is more suitable for special occasions, such as a wedding. Short and straight for everyday wear.


Asymmetrical outfits have become popular not only among adult fashion, but also among children's fashion. They are comfortable, unusual and you can safely experiment with them.

Asymmetrical dresses have always been around interesting option and looked quite unusual. They stand out among other dresses and most often they are the ones that attract a lot of attention. This dress will be the center of attention.



For several seasons now, there has been a real boom in chiffon dresses on the world catwalk. They can be for both adults and children. The peak of chiffon dresses occurs in the summer season, since such fabric is not suitable for cold weather.

Everyone is looking forward to the New Year, but little representatives of the fair sex especially love this holiday, because the celebration is an excellent opportunity to wear a new beautiful dress.

Any girl, even if everyday life she wears exclusively jeans and sneakers; on such a magical holiday she still dreams of being a real princess. Do not deny your baby this pleasure by choosing the most beautiful New Year's outfit for her.

Selection rules

  1. Choose a dress without haste, do not take the first option that catches your eye, be sure to try it on, make sure that your daughter is comfortable and comfortable in it.
  2. Even if she is still a baby, this does not mean that her opinion can be ignored. Surely she also has an idea of ​​what her holiday dress will look like, so be sure to ask her opinion.
  3. When choosing a dress, consider the character of your daughter. Not everyone is delighted at the sight of a lush dress made of tulle and chiffon. If the girl is a real fidget, you should choose for her a not very fluffy dress of medium length, in which she will be very comfortable.
  4. At a young age, there is no need to choose an outfit according to your body type. All little girls wear dresses that flare out at the waist. No matter how thin or plump she is, a tight outfit will look out of place on her.


The length can be arbitrary, but the dress should not be either very short or very long. All children love to spend time in motion, and such a length can cause some discomfort.

It is ideal to choose a dress to the knee or slightly lower, especially if the girl has plump legs. The only exception is the situation if the daughter was invited to a masquerade ball. Then it's worth choosing long dress appropriate length, while explaining how to behave in such an image.


Most children's holiday dresses They have a similar style - a skirt cut off at the waist, which diverges towards the bottom. It is often decorated with ruffles, frills or lace. The sleeve can be either short or long; puffed sleeves are popular.

Also suitable for girls is the baby-doll style, which implies a high waist and a full skirt or an A-line silhouette with a flared A-line skirt.

Empire style dresses look interesting. Many people think that this style is more suitable for older girls, but babies also look good with a high waist with a flowing hem.

If you prefer a calm, laconic bottom, the top can be beautifully decorated with beads or beads, ribbons, bows, lace, feathers, and sparkles. Whatever your heart desires, because on New Year’s Day you don’t have to be afraid to overdo it.

Trends by age

The styles and designs of children's dresses have their own characteristics depending on the age for which the outfit is intended. Be sure to take this into account when choosing a dress for your daughter.

0-2 years

Designers offer little ones to wear not only ordinary dresses, but also cute suits that can turn your little one into a funny caterpillar or bee.

Little ones who have already learned to walk can dress up as a Christmas tree, a butterfly, or Rudolph the reindeer's girlfriend. The most important thing is the scope of the mother’s imagination, which should not go beyond the convenience and comfort of the baby.

3-5 years

At this age, the daughter is already becoming a little lady who herself wants to look beautiful and impressive. Therefore, you can dress her up in a fluffy princess dress, with a luxurious skirt and a long train.

But remember that a dress with a corset and a full skirt is completely impractical, and given that your daughter is constantly growing, you may not have time to wear it anymore.

Therefore, if your budget is limited, you should choose more practical option. For example, a small delicate dress that can be worn to other events, such as your beloved grandmother’s birthday or a trip to the circus.

6-9 years

At this age, a girl no longer becomes just a child, but a full-fledged person and may even be a real fashionista. Outfits fairy-tale heroes are a thing of the past, they have been replaced by elegant dresses that can emphasize the femininity and youth of a girl.

The choice of colors changes, in addition to pink and blue, the girl begins to like yellow, orange, red, green.

These colors will be very relevant if she is going to a costume party.

You should not suggest that she dress up as a butterfly or snowflake. She can choose the costume of an oriental dancer, Catwoman from her favorite comics, or a rocker's girlfriend, if your baby is more of a daddy's girl who prefers men's fun.

10-12 years

You can safely choose a long dress, if your daughter likes it, embroidered with sequins. When else can she shine, if not on this holiday? She will no longer run and jump in a beautiful outfit, so she will not have the risk of falling.

The bravest ones can afford a short fluffy skirt in the baby-doll style.


New Year is a reason to wear not just a dress, but an opportunity to try on an outfit main character from your favorite cartoon. Perhaps your daughter dreams of being Cinderella, Snow White or the Winx fairy. Today, choosing an outfit that matches the image of your favorite heroine is not so difficult.

You can try to build it yourself, for example, in the case of Cinderella, a fluffy blue dress, shoes and a beautifully styled hairstyle will be enough.

If the outfit is too complicated, you can probably rent it at the costume rental department. Just think about this in advance, before the reckless parents of other girls take everything apart.


This outfit is good in terms of savings. You don’t need to buy a special dress for him; a regular white, blue or pink one will do; it’s better that it’s not very fluffy. To instantly turn into a real angel, just attach a couple of wings to the back, which you can rent.


Classic New Year's costume for girls. Every mother was a snowflake at least once in her childhood. For this outfit, a white or blue dress decorated with rhinestones and sparkles is suitable.

It can be lined with rain or fur to create the effect of needles. Put a headband with a snowflake on your head, and the outfit is ready.


Cinderella's costume can be different. It could be Cinderella cleaning the house, wearing a brown dress and patched apron, or Disney's Cinderella in a blue fluffy dress and high hairstyle.

In any case, the dress should be lush and elegant, but most importantly, do not forget about the silver shoes that will imitate crystal slippers.


Typically, princess dresses always consist of a beautiful corset and full skirt. It can be decorated with beautiful lace or flounces. Give preference to pink, red or lilac, leaving the choice to your daughter. Perhaps she likes yellow or green.


Malvina's dress, without a doubt, should be blue. Short models look beautiful on little girls, with lace pantaloons peeking out from under the hem. You can put a blue wig on your head or dye your hair with blue hair chalks.


The imagination in choosing this costume is unlimited. Usually Barbie's color is considered to be pink, she is blonde with long hair. But you don’t have to go exactly this way; the dress can be any color that your daughter likes. Moreover, its style is limited only by your imagination and capabilities.

Retro style

Retro style outfits will never go out of style. Therefore, when choosing a carnival outfit for your baby, you should pay attention to them. A dress with a high waist, a round neck and a small collar is suitable. Puffed sleeves and a full midi skirt are welcome.

The dress can be made of shiny satin and complemented with elegant lace. A contrasting ribbon tied at the waist or on the head will help complete the look. The highlight of the look will be an elegant flower attached to a ribbon or in the neckline.

For mother and daughter

Rarely are people gifted with a sense of style by nature; usually such people become great couturiers, their names ring loudly in the fashion world. Everyone else should not despair, because taste can be instilled, and it is better to do this from birth.

If you want your daughter to grow up to be a real fashionista, set an example for her with your successful looks and outfits. Thanks to the family look trend that is popular today, buying identical dresses for mother and daughter is not a problem. Matching outfits will look super cute and will definitely help you stand out from the crowd. At the same time, you will teach your child to dress properly from childhood.